My Gay Harem of Hot Brothers Pt. 03

A gay story: My Gay Harem of Hot Brothers Pt. 03 Back by popular demand! Comments inspire and motivate me, so thank you!!

All characters are above the age of 18.

Character key is at the end of the chapter.


One early morning, I was woken up with water dripping on my face. “Guyssss. Avery. Asher. Stop.”

The drops turned to a steady stream, and something fell on my stomach. What kind of prank were the twins up to?

I peeled my eyes open to see there was water leaking from the ceiling! I rolled out of bed, just as what seemed like buckets of water and parts of the paint and whatever the ceiling was made out of fell where I was laying seconds ago!

“AAHHH!!” I ran out of my room, slapping the doors of the guys’ rooms. “Wake up, wake up!! The house is collapsing!!!”

Everyone ran out into the hallway quickly. Caleb hugged me tight to his chest, smooshing me. The twins stood on either side of me as Jordan and Reese immediately started looking around.

“What happened?” Reese asked.

I struggled and mumbled into Caleb’s chest. No one understood me. He finally relaxed his grip enough for me to speak.

“The ceiling in my room fell down! We need to get out of here, before the whole house collapses!”

They started laughing at me, relaxing.

“Seriously!! Look!”

“Oh, damn!” Reese reacted when he saw my room.

Jordan gasped. “Are you okay, Oliver?” He ran his hands across my body.

“Yeah, I rolled out of bed just in time. I’m fine! But it was a little scary, to be honest.”

The twins took their turn hugging me, as if to block out the world.

Caleb said he’d go back in with me to grab what I needed for school today. I shook my head and clutched onto the twins tighter.

He snuck to my side and gave me a loud, smacking kiss on the cheek!

I giggled. “What was that for?”

He winked at me. “Payment for going into dangerous territory for you.” Caleb brought me clothes for the day and my school backpack from my room.

The twins held me tight the rest of the morning until I completely calmed down. I guess I was bit of a scaredy cat. And I was very comfortable in their arms. Jordan made breakfast, giving me a bigger portion than usual. Meanwhile, Reese called whoever needed to be to start addressing the probably burst water pipe.


That night, there were large drying fans in my room. We were told those needed to dry out everything for the next 24 to 48 hours.

To take my mind off of it, the guys recommended a movie night.

Everyone except Reese was home. The twins took the love seat and invited me to join them with no space between them. I’d practically have to sit on them, which wasn’t a negative. I thought about it, but Caleb had the popcorn! Hehe. I cuddled next to him.

“Hey! No bribing Liv!”

“I know what he likes, right Ollie?” He fed me a piece of popcorn as I cuddled up next to his side.

I replied “mhm hmm” with my mouth full of buttery goodness. The guys laughed.

We only watched one movie before Jordan shut off the tv and told us it’s a school night, so time for bed.

I pouted, and he hesitated but settled on the idea of bed as it was best for all of us. Jordan promised us many more family movie nights ahead.

Since Reese was out for the night, the other brothers thought he’d probably crash at a friend’s house. I was told to sleep in his room. It felt weird sleeping in someone else’s room, so it took me a while to fall asleep, but when I did, I had a really good dream…

An arm slipped under my sleep shirt, gliding against my warm skin. The hand pet my chest. He fondled my pec, his palm rubbing over my nipple. He focused his attentions on my now peaked nipple. Hmmpmh!

“Baby, your little nipples are perfect. They’ll be my undoing,” a gruff voice muttered, wrapped around me from behind. He lightly twisted.

I whimpered.

“Yeah, you like that?” He growled behind me.

His hips mercilessly rolled against my perky butt.

I peeled my eyes open. I wasn’t dreaming! I was now fully awake, and omg- Reese’s teeth scraped my ear.


He paused, “Little one?”

I froze. What was I supposed to say?

He pinched my nipple again, and I yelped! He asked, “What are you doing in my bed, little one? I thought you were some hot, flat chested chick I brought back.”

“I… the guys said you wouldn’t be home and told me to sleep here.”

He pulled back quickly.

“It’s a normal physiologic reaction! You don’t need to have a gay freak out.” I tried to calm him, but my own heart was racing.

Reese laughed. “I live with 4 brothers who are into guys. And the stuff I’ve had to deal with from the twins? It’d take a lot more than your cute body for me to have a gay freak out.”

“I guess that’s true,” I laughed as he tapped my booty playfully before rolling out of bed.

That was close. I didn’t want to get on anyone’s bad side.

But I also ached! After being teased and fondled… I wish he would’ve continued…

I ran to the bathroom to relieve myself. I was in such a hurry, I didn’t lock the door. My sleep pants and underwear were around my ankles, and I was rubbing myself furiously with one hand on the counter to steady myself, when Caleb walked in!

“Well, hello there.”

He didn’t even hesitate before locking the door behind him, flipping me around, and taking over rubbing my eager member.

“Oohh Caleb, you, um, don’t, um, maybe shouldn’t, uuuhoooohh!” My arms looped around his neck of their own accord. We shared breathes.

“Ahh!!” He thumbed my slit.

“Ask me to come,” he demanded. “Remember details.”

“Caleb…” It was mortifying, and kind of hot, when he made me say embarrassing things!

He slowed down to a tantalizing pace, keeping me on the edge without pushing me over it. Noooo.

“Please rub my horny dick until I… spill my sweet juice.” I bit my lip.

“Sweet, huh?”

I blushed harder.

He crashed our mouths together, and his lips sucked mine between them, as he picked up the pace and tightened his grip around me.

I yelled out into his mouth as I exploded between us!

He brought his come covered hand to his mouth and licked it.

“Hmmm, very sweet,” he teased me!

He pulled my pants back up and pushed me out of the bathroom saying he needed to shower and I needed to dress if we didn’t want to be late to school.

While I was dazed in the hallway, Reese seemed to materialize out of nowhere. “Seems like Caleb helped you with the erection… I gave you.” He licked my ear, sending tingles down my spine, and walked back to his room.



The following day, I came home directly after school. I knew the 3 youngest had sports practice and the 2 oldest had work, so I was expecting to get home to an empty house, when I found Jordan seated in an armchair in the office looking morose.

“Are you okay?”

His head snapped up, giving me a half hearted smile. “Welcome home. How was your day?”

“Good, the usual. How was yours?”

“Fine, the usual.” He gave me a genuine smile this time.

“Are you sure? I thought you’d be home late, because of the big trial you were prepping for.”

“Yeah… it didn’t quite go as planned.”

I sat on the arm of the armchair he was sitting in. He pulled my legs across his lap.

“What happened?”

He exhaled. “You don’t want to hear about boring stuff like that.”

“I do! Of course I want to hear about your day and your life and your thoughts and your hardships and your wins and your losses, Jordie.” I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and ran my other hand through his thick hair. I’ve wanted to do that for so long.

“Really?” He seemed to relax into my touch. I kept petting his hair. It felt like petting a lion that had relaxed its guard.

I gave him what I thought was a gentle smile. “Yes.” I could get lost in his eyes all day.

“Can I get a hug first? It was a tiring day.”

I obliged. It was kind of an awkward hug, sitting higher than him. He pulled me into his lap and gave me a tight embrace.

“Mhmm, you’re like a battery that just super charged me. I might need this more often.”

“Okay.” I giggled. Ugh, I sounded like a teenage girl with a crush.

I kept my arm looped around his neck and listened to his day. I played with his hair where my hand rested on his nape.

Wow, he dealt with a lot of crazy stuff! It was super interesting to hear about, and Jordan’s voice was so calming.

As I asked questions, he seemed to slightly push me farther down his legs.

“Sorry, am I getting heavy?”

“No.” He kept talking but then scooted me farther down again.

“Should we sit on the couch?”

His hands tightened. “No, I like you in my arms.”

“Then why do you keep pushing me away?”

“Oh, Oliver. That’s not what I meant to do. It’s just that I’m…” He seemed almost nervous.


He pulled me back against him.

I gasped! My bottom was settled right over his hard cock. “Oh!”

He tried pushing me back off, but I held firm. “No! I mean, it’s okay.”

His eyes flashed. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I didn’t ask for a hug for this.”

I laughed. “You’re silly. I know that! So, you were saying opposing counsel withdrew that argument.”

He seemed surprised but re-tightened his grip around me and continued where he had left off. His hands slipped under my shirt to tease the skin underneath. My breath caught. With his bulge digging into me and his hands on my bare skin, it was harder to focus on what he was saying. His deep voice washed over me.

We ended up doing this every few days. I’d find Jordan in his office, and he’d move to the armchair, where I’d lounge in his lap. We talked about our days and anything else on our minds. I learned a lot of lawyer jargon. It also gave me free rain to touch him as much as I wanted.

I looooved running my hands through his hair. I caressed his corded neck, sometimes feeling his pulse flutter. I traced his eyebrows and his nose. One time, I traced his lips between conversation topics, and his breath stilled. One evening, I found myself palming his pecs, practically groping him, but he didn’t complain or make a move to redirect me, so I greedily continued.

And he was hard every time. It got to the point where as soon as I entered his office, I’d see his bulge start to grow as he moved to the armchair. Hmmm. So tempting! But I also didn’t want to lose our time together, so I didn’t purposefully rub against him… well, not as often as I wanted.

One night, I asked for a good night kiss. Jordan kissed the edge of my mouth. I’m pretty sure I made a small, embarrassing sound. I leaned in to kiss his cheek good night too, and he turned his head at the last second, so I landed on his lips! He pressed firmly against me then pulled back.

“Was that okay?” He asked.

“You know it is, Jordie.”

He hummed in approval.


The days seemed to fly by. Classes at school were good, too. I had a challenging but doable schedule. Everything was so good in my life right now. I had a great place to live, yummy food… and yummy men. I blushed thinking about it.

“Ollie, I’ve missed you,” said a gruff voice behind me. Caleb sucked on my neck.

“Caleb! We’re at school!”

He hugged me from behind. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“It’s been two days!”

“Two days of agony.”

“I’ve… missed you too.”


I nodded my head.

He squeezed me tighter.

“Caleb! Caleb, I can’t breath!”

He let me go and sheepishly said, “Don’t know my own strength sometimes.”

I finally was able to turn around to look at him, and he looked delicious. “Yeah, you’re really strong.”

“If you keep looking at me like that… I’ll do something you don’t want me to in public.”

“Huh? Oh, sorry…” I felt my cheeks heating further.

“Don’t apologize.” He grinned wickedly. “By the way, come to my football game this Friday.”

“Uuhhh isn’t it spring? I thought football season is fall?”

“It’s an off season scrimmage to raise money for the school. But it’s with our rival school, so it’s just as big, if not bigger, than any fall game. Go with the twins. They’ll keep you company in the stands. I’ve always wanted… you to come to one of my games.”

“I can’t wait to watch you, Caleb.” I was excited.


My room was still under construction. I had mostly been sleeping in Reese’s room, as he stayed out most nights, or he was comfortable with sharing his large bed with me. Though, it sort of made me feel guilty every time I felt his erection, because… I liked it.

As a change of pace, that evening, Jordan asked if I wanted to sleep in his bed. I gave an enthusiastic yes, but as the night approached, I got more and more nervous.

I dressed in my pjs and brushed my teeth and waited on his bed. He was still showering, and I was getting tired, so I cuddled up on his pillows. They smelled like him. I inhaled deeply. He smelled naturally very manly, and he usually wore this light intoxicating cologne. I rubbed my face against his pillow. I could almost taste him.

Jordan was the only one with an attached bathroom of his own. He finally emerged from the shower fog, damp hair, shirtless, a towel around his shoulders and a towel around his waist. Drops of water rolled down his defined chest and abs. I could see the outline of his not entirely soft cock under the towel.

“I could get used to this,” he said, looking at me on his bed.

“Me too,” I echoed as I ran my eyes over his body.

He smiled. “I’ll join you in just a sec.” He turned around to his wardrobe and dropped the towel! I gasped at his defined legs and backside. His muscular shoulder bunched with his movements.

The blood rushed to my dick so quickly, I felt lightheaded. “Jordie,” I whined quietly. I didn’t blink as he slid on boxer briefs, pj bottoms, and a matching shirt. I’d burned the image of his toned, naked backside into my mind forever. Wow!

I reeeeaaally wanted to see his front soon, too. I was disappointed he’d covered up.

He strode over to the bed with a “Good night,” tilted my head up, and kissed me. It was over way too quickly.

“Which side of the bed do you want?” he asked, ever thoughtful.

“I don’t have a preference.”


“Yeah, as long as you cuddle me.” I peeked up at him.

He smiled.

We settled into bed. Jordan flipped me so my back was to him. Ugh, was he going to do that back to back thing he did when we were camping? I pouted to myself. But he molded his body right to mine. Oh! He was spooning me! His arms came around me tightly, and his hips pressed right against mine.

I wiggled back against him. His fingers dug into my skin, and he grunted against my hair.

“Oliver,” he warned.

It took me a while to fall asleep because of the distraction, but when I did, I slept happy and warm. His cock was nestled between my ass cheeks all night.

When I woke up, Jordan was already up. I could hear him in the kitchen, but his side of the bed was warm. I flipped over, burying my nose in his pillow until he came to wake me up for breakfast.

“Oliver, sweetie, time to get up.”

“Noooo, I like it in your bed.” I looked up at him. “It’d be better with you in it.”

He laughed and scooped me up in his arms! He carried me to the kitchen, plopped me down on the counter, and fed me breakfast. These guys were the best.


Friday night, the twins, Jordan, even Reese joined, and I went to Caleb’s football game. We dressed in the school colors and sat close to the field.

Caleb, number 22, was on fire! And the crowd loved him! He had a great relationship with his teammates. The coach pushed him to do even better but with encouragement.

I actually hadn’t been to a football game at our school before. The crowd’s energy was awesome. The food stand snacks were super unhealthy but oh so yummy. It was a cool time.

Every time Caleb ran an awesome play, he looked back at his family. It was so cute!

The twins had sandwiched me on either side, but Reese came up behind me and leaned down to my ear. “Wow, he’s really showing off for you tonight.”


“Don’t you see him looking at you after every play? Like a cave man saying ‘look what I did?'”

“Oh… I thought he was looking at you guys.”

“You’re way too naive. At least some of us are at all of his games. He doesn’t look back at us throughout the game like a love sick puppy.”

“Oh! That’s… awesome.”

Reese kissed the top of my head and went back to his seat on the other side of Avery, who narrowed his eyes and asked, “What was that?”

“What was what?”

Asher rubbed my head where Reese kissed and kissed over it himself, then pushed my head to Avery, who also kissed the same spot.

“You guysss!” They were being silly.

The crowd cheered, drawing our attention back to the game. There were just a few seconds left, and we were ahead by a lot.

The guys started descending the bleachers towards the field to congratulate Caleb. We reached the outer part of the field behind where the team sat, just separated by the little fence thing.

The timer went off. Everyone hooted and hollered for our team. Caleb ran directly towards us, threw off his helmet, and jumped over the fence.

He lifted me up against his dirty, powerful uniform and kissed me for everyone to see!!! The crowd paused, then a road of cheers went off, like the sparks behind my eyes at his passionate kiss.

After that, everyone at school thought I was Caleb’s boyfriend. I was unfortunately no longer invisible, but with just a few months until the end of the school year, there were only a few teasing comments thrown my way. It was bearable.

We talked about it at home as a… I almost thought ‘family’ in my head just now. As a group… and decided that me being Caleb’s boyfriend was probably for the best at school anyways.

I thought Asher and Avery might be upset about it, but it turned out they didn’t care one iota.

The twins ambushed me at my locker and simultaneously kissed my cheeks with big plopping sounds! In the hallway! In front of everyone!

“Guys!” I whisper hissed. “I’m supposed to be Caleb’s boyfriend at school, remember?”

“Yeah, so?” Avery laughed.

“Soooo it’s going to raise suspicion if you do things like that!”

“Nah, it’ll be fine!” Asher waved off.

True to their lack of concern, absolutely none of our classmates walking by batted an eye at their behavior. Everyone was so weird! Or was I the weird one? Had the twins established such an unpredictable reputation that whatever they did was considered normal? I laughed to myself.

They were in their lacrosse jerseys.

“I have a debate today, but I’ll come to your next lacrosse game. Also, why did you switch jerseys? Isn’t 12 for Asher and 21 for Avery? You guys were wearing the correct ones this morning.”

They looked at me suspiciously. “You saw us change at lunch, didn’t you?”

“Um, no.”

They looked at each other speaking to each other without speaking, then stuck their tongues out at me and left.


A couple nights later, Caleb asked if I wanted to sleep with him. I agreed. Close to bedtime, I entered his room.

“Hey, boyfriend,” he teased me.

I flushed. “Hi… boyfriend.”

“Damn you’re cute. And all mine tonight.”

I was already in pjs and crawled into bed next to him. We talked about our day, but Caleb kept shifting and adjusting himself, only in his boxers, with a grimace.

“I can go if it’s bothersome,” I said. Maybe Caleb regretted asking me to stay the night.

“No!” He grabbed my arm, slightly too hard. “Sorry.”

I gave him a reassuring smile.

“It’s just… I should just jerk one out, so I don’t do anything to you.” His eyes roamed my body.

His heated gaze caused my body to stir. Oh? That was the problem? I felt myself getting hard, too, in reaction to his need. I flushed. “I should, too!”

“Want to together?”

I think my jaw dropped. “H-how?”

“Come on, let’s watch something together.”

He sat closer to me, both of us leaning against the headboard. He pulled his laptop between us.

He opened a website and started scrolling. A porn website!! He started scrolling through a bunch of different video clips with previews.

“You want this one?” He snapped me out of my thoughts. He grinned wide.

I broke my gaze away from a hot video clip to meet his gorgeous eyes. “Oh, umm…” I hadn’t noticed I was staring at that video until he pointed it out.

It was titled “Football jock roughly fucks twink,” and the snippets showed a muscular guy with a leaner guy.

Caleb clicked on the video and made it full screen.

We were both already hard. He rubbed himself over his one layer of cloth. It was so hot!

“Come on, don’t be shy.” Caleb waved to my bulge then pulled his huge cock out of his boxers!

Oh wow… His cut cock had pulsing, prominent vessels and a big, red mushroom head. He was thick. I wanted to touch him so badly, I almost hyperventilated.

He stroked himself bottom to tip and back down leisurely.

I followed his lead, pushing my sleep pants off. My dick was much smaller in comparison but no less excited. It pointed straight up, throbbing.

I looked at Caleb, whose eyes snapped back to the screen. Was he watching me, too?

The jock on screen cornered the smaller guy on screen and started roughly undressing him.

“You’re prettier,” he stated matter of factly.

“Thank you…”

“Would you want me to find you in a locker room, Ollie?”

“Uhhmmm…” I closed my eyes imaging it.

He leaned closer to me. I could feel the warmth of his breath against the side of my face. “I’d rip off your school clothes and crush you against the lockers,” he continued. Moans started from the screen, but I wasn’t paying attention to the video. “You’d wrap your slender legs around my hips, as I bruised your perfect skin, so everyone knows you’re taken.”

I stroked myself faster. “Th-then what would you do?”

He groaned, “Ollie, you’re going to be the death of me. I’d bend you over a bench and pound you until you shot your sweet load all over and clenched your tight ass around my monster cock.”

I was panting. I know we were jerking off together, but I… really needed to play with my hole. Would that be weird?

My heavy lidded eyes made their way down his buff chest and perfectly shaped abs to his huge cock engulfed in his huge, rough hand. He stuttered at my gaze then continued. His darkened eyes looked directly at me. His hand went all the way down and all the way up, twisting at the mushroom head. He was even more red and seemed even thicker. It was the biggest I’d ever seen. I wanted to lick him.

I couldn’t stand it. I bent one of my legs and held my dick and balls out of the way for my other hand to find and rub my hole.

“Fuck, Ollie!” His hand sped up on his steel rod. “Rub your hole, like I would.”

I gasped. “I- I want to put a finger in.”

He groaned, “Not yet. Rub around and around the rim.”

I did what he said and whined.

He grabbed lube off his bedside table and squeezed some on his cock then leaned over and squeezed generously on my hand and hole, some landing on my balls as his hand was unsteady.

“Okay, stick a finger in. Yeah, that’s a good, Ollie. Make circular motions until you find your prostate.”

“Uh!” It was obvious when I did.

“Good, now rub on it. Rub on it hard like I would.”

Fluid built and leaked from my dick on my stomach.

“Add a second finger in your rosebud, but now don’t touch your prostate.”


“Pump your two little fingers in and out. Ugh! Yeah! Finger fuck yourself. You’re beautiful.” He got up, pushing the laptop to the side. Obscene sounds continued in the background. He sat between my legs and stretched them out to better fit. He continued to rub himself deliciously as his other hand gripped my thigh, stretching it and holding it out to the side to get a better direct view of me finger fucking myself. I thrust my hips up to meet my fingers.

“Yeah, Ollie. Your hole is so pretty, like the rest of you. It’s a work of art, tempting and seductive. Work yourself. Pleasure your pretty hole for me.”

“Caleb! Caleb! Can I, pleeease, rub my button? My… pretty hole really wants it.”

Caleb growled. “Yeah, push your button! Push it hard!” Caleb moved over me, pushing my thigh up almost to my shoulder, bending me in half, and hovering above me, as he pointed his giant cock at my hole and fingers.

His hand blurred over his cock as I yelled out at finally rubbing my prostate with multiple fingers. I tried to do it as hard as I could, like I knew Caleb would with his big fingers.

Caleb stuttered over me, and his come fountained on my fingers. As I kept thrusting inside myself, some of his come also shoved in my hole. We moaned together when it did.

That triggered my orgasm. I arched up in a shout, continuing to press on my swollen prostate through wave after wave of pleasure crashing through my body.

Caleb hovered over me and kissed me through my orgasm and afterwards. I couldn’t breathe. He owned my breath. He settled his body slowly over me, our naked bodies rubbing together, our come between us.

After a good while, Caleb finally pulled away with a last peck and grabbed a cloth to wipe us down. We redressed, me in my briefs and him in his boxers.

He pulled me on top of him. I laid my head on his big chest, he pulled my body half on top of his. Hmmm, so comfy.

“I can’t wait to sleep naked with you one day.”

“I wouldn’t mind that now…”

He growled. “Ollie, I would, but I don’t want to accidentally shove my big cock into your tiny, tight, warm, ugh,” he palmed my ass cheeks, “hole.”

“I might not mind that either…”

“Fuck, Ollie! Don’t tempt me, fuck.” He wrapped and arm around my waist and his other hand pet my hair.

I shifted my thigh and felt his erection. “You’re already hard again?” I giggled.

“I don’t think it’ll ever go down when you’re around. Okay, time for sleep now or Jordan will get mad at me. Good night, Ollie.”

“Good night, Caleb.”

He held on tight to me all night. I was barely able to extract myself from him in the morning. It was perfect.


Character Key:


– Age 18.

– Gay.

– Junior in high school. Repeating a grade due to family stuff.

– Nicknames: Ollie, Olive, Liv.

Asher and Avery

– Age 18.

– Bisexual, prefer guys.

– Juniors in high school. Started a grade behind so wouldn’t be in same grade as older brother Caleb.

– Both mischievous, Avery slightly more so.

– Avery calls Oliver Liv.

– Asher calls Oliver Olive.

– They play Lacrose. Jersey numbers 12 Asher and 21 Avery.

– They prefer sharing their sexual partners.


– Age 19.

– Gay.

– Senior in high school. Summer birthday.

– Caleb calls Oliver Ollie.

– He plays football. Jersey number 22.


– Age 22.

– Straight. Enjoying having Oliver around and teasing him.

– College student majoring in accounting.

– Reese calls Oliver little one.

– Hobbies include boxing and building stuff.

– Womanizer.


– Age 25.

– Gay.

– Works as an attorney.

– Jordan calls Oliver Oliver. Oliver calls Jordan Jordie.

– In serial relationships but always breaks it off because he feels guys end up being too clingy and that he would rather take care of his brothers. On the other hand, very sweet on Oliver and wants to take care of him as much as his brothers.

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