My Gay Harem of Hot Brothers Pt. 08


My Gay Harem of Hot Brothers Pt. 08 by SummerSammy,SummerSammy Wow, thank you everyone for your uplifting and kind encouragement! It really means a lot. I’ll keep going for now and tried to write and publish this chapter faster as a thanks. I’ve been wanting to write the last scene for a while. It may be a bit much, but I hope you enjoy it 😛

All characters are above the age of 18.

Character key at the end.


A small rolled up piece of paper hit my arm. Did people even throw paper wads at school anymore? Flicking it off my desk, I looked up first to make sure the teacher wasn’t looking my way, then glanced at where it had come from.

Asher stuck his tongue out and wiggled it suggestively. A zing of desire swept through me.

My phone buzzed. I discreetly read the text.

Avery: Your face matches our hair.

I’m sure I blushed a deeper red.

Asher in the group chat: Oy, follow the sweet trail after class.


But they didn’t reply.

When class ended, I found a row of Hershey kisses lining the pathway from my first class of the day to my locker, which when I opened, spilled out what seemed like hundreds more Hershey kisses. I turned to find Caleb had materialized with a silly home made sign reading: ‘Now that I have kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to senior prom with me?’

I laughed in delight and jumped in his arms. He lifted me off my tip toes and spun me around.

“Is that a yes?”

Still hugging tightly around his neck and giggling, I replied, “Yes, of course!”

A few onlookers cheered and some playfully shouted for us to get a room when we started kissing.

I know it was a cheesy way to ask, but I know Caleb meant it genuinely, and… no one had ever done something like that for me before. I had a big, goofy smile the rest of the day.

The sweetness didn’t end there.

When I arrived home, I almost tripped over… a bouquet of lollipops?

The twins jumped out, scaring me!

“Ahh!! How’d you guys get home so fast?”

Each pulled out a sign, when together, read: ‘Will you be a smartie and go to junior prom with these dum dums?”

“Aaawww you guys aren’t dummies! Don’t say that!!”

“Relax, it’s just to match the candy theme!” Asher soothed.

“Oh! You talked and planned this out with Caleb? That’s sooooo cute! And I didn’t know there’s a junior prom.”

“Not every school has one, but ours does!” Asher said excitedly.

Avery unwrapped a dum dum and held it out for me to suck on. I did, but he pulled it back, licked it thoroughly, then stuck it back in my mouth. The gesture kind of made me hot. He smiled at me knowingly.

That night, Caleb helped me apply for my driving permit. Avery gave me a driving practice lesson later that week. I realized it was one of the few times I spent alone with one of the twins. I made a note to make more of a habit of it. Next time, I went with Asher alone. We usually got ice cream or stopped at a park briefly after one of my driving lessons. I was learning, having fun, and got to spend quality time with each of the brothers.

When those brothers’ schedules got busy, Reese offered to take me out for more practice.

One of the days, we were just getting ready, when he got called into his part time job at the car garage.

“Want to come along?” He asked.

“Ok! I’ll get dressed real quick!”

After, I ran back down the stairs and threw my sandals on.

Reese laughed. “You’re dressing like that? Summer on the bottom, winter on top?”

I looked down. I had flip flops and shorts on but also a big sweatshirt. “Spring is unpredictable,” I reasoned.

He pet my hair then ruffled it!

I immediately went to fix my hair.

“Come on,” he threw his muscular arm around my shoulders and lead me to the car.

We arrived at a car garage not 15 minutes away. I followed Reese inside.

“Hey, boss! How’s it going?” Reese greeted an older man.

“Good, good. Who’s this you’ve got there?”

I smiled and introduced myself.

Reese added, “He’s my boyfriend.”

I froze.

Reese’s boss laughed heartily. “Yeah, right. Well, any friend of Reese’s is a friend of mine. Come on, I’ll show you some of the fancy cars, while Reese finishes his work.”

I wasn’t much of a car guy, but I appreciated the expensive looking, old collectables.

It was getting dark by the time Reese finished and helped me practice driving on the highway.

The exit he had me take wasn’t our usual one, though.

“Aren’t we going home?”

“It’s a surprise.”

He kept giving me directions as we were somewhere I’d never been before.

“Here we are.” He smiled wide and rolled down his window to pay at a drive up kiosk.

“Oh cool! It’s a drive in movie, right? Like the 1950s or whatever decade those were?”

“Yeah. They started earlier, but became popular in the 50s. I thought it’d be fun, since, you know, movies are kind of our thing.” He looked at me meaningfully.

My mouth dried up. “Yeah.”

We parked on the outskirts under a tree but could still see the huge screen. A classic old timer’s movie I didn’t know the name of was just starting.

I was nervous. Was Reese going to make a move? Was this a date?

In the small car, even with the windows down, a mix of his cologne and that scent that was just him surrounded me. I inhaled deeper to smell more of him.

I peaked over. He seemed to intently be watching the movie. Maybe I should, too…

Reese’s hand landed on my bare thigh. Oh! He gently squeezed. Hhmm…

My eyes flitted between his hand on my skin and his gorgeous face, which was trained forward, still supposedly watching the movie.

I squirmed. He started caressing my soft skin up and down. I squirmed more.

He pushed a button on the side, and the windows pulled up, muffling the sound of the movie. Slowly, he leaned over the console and kissed my cheek.


“Little one?” He kissed my neck and sucked on my sensitive skin lightly.

“Oh, Reese.” I turned, brushing our lips together.

Reese captured my mouth. I moaned into him. He swallowed my sounds with relish.

Next thing I knew, I was straddling him in the driver’s seat.

Reese ran his hands up and down my bare legs. My shorts had ridden up to my groin creases. “I love your legs,” he growled. His rough, calloused hands continued to drive me crazy.

“I love that you love my legs. You can… touch me any time, um, you want,” I breathed out in equal shyness and excitement.

“Yeah?” His warm breath tickled my ear.

“Yeahhh.” He sucked my lobe. Oh gosh, he could do anything he wanted! But I didn’t have the air in my lungs to tell him.

He briefly tweaked my nipples and fondled me at the front of my shorts. The shorts were stretchy, so Reese was able to pull them off by lifting me easily. But my underwear was tighter. He gripped them on either side and pulled.

He ripped my underwear straight down the middle!!

“Eeep! Reese!!”

That was so hot.

Still, I went to reflexively cover myself, but he swatted my hands away.

He had lotion in his car – of course – that he used to lather up my plump balls then generously slicked my dick.

“Oohhhmm,” I kissed and sucked his lips. I hugged his beautiful face with my hands, appreciating his sharp jaw line and fine stubble. When Reese started talking, I veered off to kiss his cheek, all down the side of his face, and nipped his hot jaw.

“Do you like your dicked played with, my little one?”

“Hmm mhm!”

“Something gripping it strong.” He squeezed tighter.

“So mu-uch!”

“Wet and warm?” He added more lotion. The movements filled our small space with squelching sounds that pushed my senses into overdrive.


He quickened his pace, rubbing my member perfectly. His face pulled back incrimentally to look me in the eyes. My vision was dazed, just looking at this model-like face surrounded by cloudiness.

Reese’s lips seemed to move in slow motion, and his voice felt like it reached me late. “…like Asher’s ass?”

I don’t know what incoherent sound I made and what type of movement felt like both jerking and freezing.

Reese sharp canines’ stuck out more in the glare of the movie’s light. It made his smile all the more devilish and naughty as he stared into my soul triumphantly and continued his unrelenting enthusiasm on my happy dick.

I inhaled a stuttered breath. “They- uh! They.. um…”

“They told me all about it. Every sordid detail.”


“I couldn’t help myself and jacked off to the image of you naked and being fucked from two sides.”

Fire blazed through my dick, enveloping my whole body.

“But I… was the one in…”

“Even if it was your dick in Asher, you were most definitely being fucked all the same, little one.”

He thumbed my slit. I gasped.

“Did you like it?”

Our mouths were so close, we were breathing as one.

I whispered, “Yes.”

He thumbed me again.

“Reese,” I whined.

His smile only widened. His eyes were so hooded, he practically had to tip his head back to see me. His Adam’s apple bobbed deliciously as he swallowed. I followed it with my tongue. He groaned.

“Tell me what it felt like.” He slowed his ministrations, so I could respond semi-coherently.

“It was like a vacuum sucking me in like I’d never… Um, overwhelmingly slick… and warm, so warm, like hot. And it was smooth, but there were grooves and ridges that rubbed really good and made me want him to move more, I couldn’t help it sometimes, to… to get rubbed more, and oohhh my hole was filled so good! I was stretched and full and-”

“Do you like pleasure on your dick or in your ass more?” He cut in.

“My hole!”

“You sure? Thats was a quick answer.” He moved from my dick to massaging my balls.

“Yeaahh, so sure. I like my hole full the most. But I like you touching me everywhere. Anywhere.”

Reese was making me crazy. So many questions. So many thoughts. So many seering touches.

He rubbed behind my balls and across my perineum. I lifted and canted my hips forward for better access.

“You mean… here?” He rubbed and pushed against my hole.

“Yes, yes! Yes!”

My dick drooled between our stomachs.

Two lotioned fingers slowly entered me. There was a slight burn, but I was too far gone to care at all. He eased it by gliding over my prostate as soon as he could reach.

Reese leaned into my ear. “You’re not the only one with new experiences. Do you want to take my virginity little one? Take my thick cock up your boy pussy.. where it’s never gone before?”

A bright light flashed before my eyes, and my dick sputtered and ejected globs of come over both of us. I couldn’t breath. I was caught in his tantilizing words and had one of the sharpest orgasms of my life with my mouth open in a silent shout.

His still clothed hips humped up. He continued pumping my hole with his fingers.

“Take me out.”

I fumbled, incrimentally regaining control of my muscles.

“Move your hands down when I go in you. Up when I go out.”

I did as told, still in a haze but wanting him to feel just as good. When he sped up, he told me to keep pace. It was like… it was like he was simulating fucking me!! “Oohhhh,” I groaned at the hot realization and his fingers rubbing my sensitive ridges and nub.

“I’d fuck you so good, little one. I’d make you see stars.”

Ooohhh! I wanted that so badly!!

I thumbed his slit like he had mine.

His fingers increased in speed as if he was really in me and was chasing his O. I tried to continue to match him. His hips pistoned up into my hands that got us there. His head fell back.

“Squeeze me.”

I did. I squeezed and twisted and squeezed some more, using both my hands.

Reese roared. His hips arched back, his fingers falling out of me. I barely stayed on him. His come made it to my face and hair. He bucked again, pushing me into the steering wheel, which gave a blistering honk. He let loose a half laugh, half groan and hugged me forward to pull me away and bucked up into me again. He came like a stallion! My entire front was wet from his fountain of come.

We cleaned up with a sweatshirt he had in the backseat. We… cuddled while watching the rest of the movie. I didn’t think Reese would be into that, but it felt so natural.

Reese teased my body intermittently while watching. I think he liked eliciting reactions from me. Just being close to him was enough to get me going, not to mention his occasional affectionate words, his bright, sly smile, and caresses all over me.

We got home late. Reese went to shower and I headed to the kitchen for a snack.

Caleb was already there drinking a glass of water. “Ollie, are you free-balling right now? You naughty boy!”

I immediately covered the front of my shorts. “H-how could you tell?”

“Your sexy dick is outlined nicely. Hmm hmm hmmm!” He comically exagerated like a chef admiring a good meal. He stepped closer.

I also stepped closer to be able to tell him quietly. “I, um, my underwear ripped.” The memory of Reese ripping it and what he did after caused me to get harder. I was already turned on from Reese’s teasings, too.

He chuckled. Ugh, Caleb had such a deep gravely voice. That alone caused shivers to run down my body and my dick to twitch and fill more.

Caleb gripped me through the shorts. His large hand firmly gripping me caused my now fully hard dick to jerk. The vibrations of his groan rumbled from his chest to mine.

“Tell me.” His voice was even deeper. I couldn’t look away from his demanding eyes.

“My sexy dick likes when you grip it in your big, strong hand.” It kicked again with my words!

Caleb squeezed it lightly. I was completely hard. Would I ever not get instantly excited around these brothers?

He briefly let go to enter under my shorts and regrip me- skin on skin.

“Oohhh,” I moaned. “Caleb, please.” I had just had an amazing time with Reese, but I was already so full and throbbing from the barest of touches from Caleb.

“Fuck my hand.” He created a sleeve with his hand and waited.

I gripped his upper arms for balance and moved my hips experimentally. He squeezed around me perfectly on the withdraw and incrimentally loosed when I entered his fingers again.

“How many thrusts can you last?” He twisted slightly on my next entrance.

“Uh, probably not much,” I admitted. I was pretty much ready to go.



“One.” He started.

“Um, two?”

Caleb nodded his head and tightened his grip on the next one.

I sucked in a breath. “Th-three.”

He gripped and massaged my balls, lightly scraping my perineum, too.

“Come on, Ollie baby. You can make it to ten, right?”

“Four!” He did that twisting motion. My skin was buzzing. “M-maybe… Five. Six – uh!!” He was making this really difficult. “S-sev-Oohh.” Gosh, don’t come, don’t come. How embarassing! I couldn’t even make it… “Sevennn…” I paused. My body was shaking.

“Come on,” Caleb rubbed and squeezed my dickhead.

“Oh!” My knees buckled. I tried to do them quickly, almost there! “Eight! Nine!!! Aahh!!!!” Come squirted out of me before I reached the last thrust!

Caleb held me as I jerked and twisted my release in my shorts. He purposefully let my shorts snap back into place when removing his hand. He wanted me to feel the mess I’d made in my shorts.

Caleb pushed his sweatpants down to reveal his hard, flushed cock. I wrapped my hand around it, but my one hand didn’t even cover half. I used both hands, but the angle was difficult. I dropped to my knees, twisting his velvety skin in my hands. His nose flared. I opened my mouth and leaned close. Caleb growled in appreciation and let loose a stream of come aimed for my mouth and also covered my neck and chest.

Now, I was covered in the semen of two brothers. I flushed and shivered.

A few days later, I came home to find a present on my bed. Oh! This was the same wrapped gift I had found in the twins’ drawer a while ago!

I gently unwrapped it to find two small pieces of cloth: a red thong and a white crop top.

I quickly stripped and tried them on.

My dick plumped up, outlined well in the silky thong, as I looked at myself in the mirror. I’d never thought of myself that way before, but I looked… really sexy.

I did a twirl. I shook my butt in the mirror. My cheeks jiggled enticingly. I could see why the guys… seemed… into me. My legs were more toned from running, since I started training to be able to keep up with them. The crop top perfectly highlighted my slender waist.

The twins called out. I jumped. They wanted me leave my room like this? In front of others? I gulped.

They crashed open my door and dragged me into the living room, where all the brothers were lounging around.

Caleb saw me first. “You look hot- I mean, cute!”

Avery chastized. “Don’t just call him cute.”

Reese’s neck looked like it was going to snap with the speed he turned his neck to take me in. “Hot as fuck!”

“Sexy,” Asher added.

“You’re beautiful,” Jordan shared.

Avery asked, “What adjective do you prefer, Liv?”

“Um… yes.”

Caleb teased, “You like all of them?”

I nodded my head bashfully.

“Hmm,” Reese’s eyes held that same mischief as the twins. “Seems to be a pattern… you liking it all.”

I didn’t know what to say to that and didn’t have the ability to reply anyways, because what seemed like out of no where, Avery appeared and shoved his hand down the front of my thong. Instinctively, I reached for my front to cover, but Asher saddled up behind me to grip both my wrists and hold them out of the way.

Avery coaxed my dick to full hardness with his seductive hands. My head fell back against Asher’s shoulder.

I was panting when Avery moved to the side, the twins framing me, and ran their hands up and down my bare legs and torso as they slowly turned me around and showed me off to the rest of the brothers.

“We have a new family drinking game,” Asher announced.

He gathered us all in a circle and had me sit in the middle. The game was to tease me?

“…whoever makes him orgasm loses,” Avery explained. “The point of the game is to bring Liv so much pleasure that as soon as it’s the next person’s turn, he orgasms and that person loses. Winner gets Liv tonight.”

My jaw dropped open. Was I okay with this? My dick certainly was. It stretched the silk to capacity. I felt sexy in my outfit. I kept moving around and loved feeling the guys’ eyes on me constantly. Now, they were competing for me, too? I was barely dressed but felt very warm.

Reese pointed to Caleb who had brought a 12 pack of beer and asked Jordan, “You’re going to allow this?”

“I’d rather them drink at home…” he trailed off, distracted by… me. I giggled, and Jordan smiled back at me.

“You’re sticking around for this?” Caleb shot back at Reese, who just elbowed his way between Jordan and Caleb.

“Do I leave when you all do your gay movie marathons?”

He narrowed his eyes but said, “Fair enough.”

The circle order was: Jordan then Avery then Asher then Caleb then Reese, back to Jordan. It was decided that the twins counted together, so they couldn’t throw the game for each other.

This was insane. We all started with a cheers and sips of our first drinks.

“To our hot twink!” Asher made the toast.

“Hear, hear!” The others joked.

I felt my face heat. I hoped one day I wouldn’t be so obviously affected by their teasing.

“I’ll start!” Avery pulled me into his lap sideways and kissed me deliciously.

Some time later, Asher pulled me on his lap – I was straddling him – and kissed me also. Hmmm. I liked this game already.

Avery took a swig of beer after finishing with me, as did Asher.

“New rule!” Caleb announced. “You guys take too long. 30 seconds per person per round.”

He pulled me off Asher and looked at Reese as he teased my nipples through the short top.

Reese’s eyes blazed. When Caleb’s turn ended with him popping open a new beer bottle and swallowing the cool liquid, Reese’s hands attached to my peaked nipples like magnets. He pinched until they were prominent through the fabric.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment On the next round, Reese slipped under my top, skin to skin, and rubbed and twisted and played until they were puffy.

On every few rounds, he would just spend his turn sucking my nipples. “Ooohhoohh!” I hiccuped at the repeated and intensifying sensations, and the beer I drank at the end of each round when Jordan finished with me.

On the next round, Jordan took a sip of his drink and kissed me, letting the beer flow from his mouth to mine.

The guys added appreciative comments as they watched each other play with me. My skin tingled as I started to get buzzed. Sometimes, being passed around, I wasn’t exactly sure who was doing what, but I loved all of them, and I loved what all of them did to me.

Asher noticed my skin increase in sensitivity the more alcohol I drank and just ran the tips of his fingers across my abdomen. I shivered and moaned at the light touch.

Avery sucked a harsh bruise into my neck. When he pulled away, I pulled his head back to keep him sucking. It felt soooo good there. The guys laughed. Avery had to finish a bottle as a penalty for going over his alotted 30 seconds. Oops.

Caleb pulled my leg open and sucked a matching bruise on my inner thigh. Laying on my back, I grabbed for the closest man I could reach, clawing at his skin in pleasure. They didn’t seem to mind.

Reese righted me and ran his fingers up and down between my cheeks, tracing the thong’s thin fabric. He pressed incrimentally more on the part over my hole. “Hmm!” I squirmed under his touch.

“Straight boy rubbing a hole?” Asher teased.

“I’m better than you at all forms of sex.”

Avery howled. “Let’s see it.” Though, his turn was over.

Jordan moved the string of my thong to the side and rubbed and squeezed my cheeks. His gaze on my small, pink hole was potent.

He leaned over me and whispered, “Are you doing okay, Oliver?” His voice was gruff, like he struggled to even get that full question out. I felt his prominent cock against my thigh.

Caleb’s face leaned down towards mine. “You’re better than okay, aren’t you Ollie? It’s obvious on your gorgeous face.” I nodded my head and kissed him.

“Penalty! Out of turn.”

Caleb was pulled from me and emptied another bottle. He did a quick run to the kitchen to get another pack of beer for the group.

It was my turn again to take a few more sips. I couldn’t tell if my head swam more from the alcohol or the horny haze the guys had induced me. Likely the latter.

Avery materialized some lube. Finally, someone breached me. He slipped one long finger in me. As each knuckle invaded me, I shuddered.

The guys seemed to pause with this first intrusion, all raptly watching.

Asher maneuvered me by the hips so my backside was facing the rest of the group. He inserted his finger next to his brother’s!! In alternating directions, they pumped in and out me. The sensations were totally different, and the knowledge that two hot red heads were pumping me at the same time the other red headed brothers watched had my dick leaking, dampening the thong’s fabric.

“Oh fuck,” someone from our small audience said in appreciation. I could hear their harsh breathing.

With their sly pumps, each added a second finger. More lube. I couldn’t hold still myself, so each of their other hands grounded me by the hips.

They synched up and thrust. “Ugh!!” The air escaped my lungs as four fingers stretched me.

Then, they each pulled the rim of my hole in either direction, showing how much they had stretched me and a peak into my hole.

All the men behind me groaned.

I felt naughty and exposed but appreciated.

“My turn,” I heard Caleb say. I went to get up, but he pushed down on my shoulders. “Stay.”

I did as told, the air teasing my slightly gaping hole.

He pulled my underwear down my thighs, catching at my spread knees, freeing my dick and balls.

He kissed down my back reverently and shoved his thick tongue into me! I mewled!

I felt drops of precome fly from my dick swinging below me from Caleb’s aggression against my hole. He moved my hips back and forth on his strong tongue, spearing me.

He gripped my cheeks tight. He fingers dug into my soft flesh there. He spread them as wide as possible to reach inside me as deep as he could with his athletic tongue.

“Time,” Jordan croaked. He reached for me, but Reese intercepted.

“My turn.”

He replaced Caleb and tentatively licked my pliant hole.

“Duuude, you’re licking a guy’s ass!” I couldn’t tell who said that.

Reese replied, “Obviously,” and quickly returned to me.

I pushed back against him for more. He circled my hole with his lips and sucked. “Oh!! Oh, oh!”

Reese was pushed away. Jordan’s arms circled me and pulled my back to his lap. He had removed his pants, so my bare cheeks hugged his metal pole with just the one piece of his underwear’s fabric between us. He swiveled my hips to grind against him. He moaned against my neck.

“Time!” Avery yelled.

Jordan cut in, “He has to drink first.” He kept grinding into me as he held up an open bottle for me to drink.

Just as some of it spilled down my neck, Avery licked it up. He then pulled me to the middle of the circle, placing me on my hands and knees. He briefly rubbed my nipples under my shirt and moved to massaging my balls. Even when he moved from one spot on my body to another, I felt his hands as if they were still against me.

Asher used his turn to fondle my dick and kiss my back as he rubbed himself against my achy hole. His naked self! I blearily opened my eyes. The guys were in varying states of undress, mostly naked or about to be with just their underwear and maybe a tshirt left on them.

Watching them fondle themselves as they fondled me in turns made me feel like I was burning from the inside out.

Caleb had me suck his thick fingers. They caressed my tongue as I sucked sloppily. He was preparing to play with my hole more, but I couldn’t help looking at his cock stretching his plain white underwear.

“Damn, you want this instead?” No sooner did he pull himself out did I attach my lips around his cockhead and suck like I needed it to live. I tongued his slit, trying to suck out as much juice as possible.

“Time,” someone said.

“Fuuuuckk! I’ll take the penalty.” He pushed my head farther down his length and pistoned in and out of me as quickly as he could.

He left my suctioning mouth with a pop and downed another bottle after gruffly putting his pulsing cock back in his underwear.

“Eep!” Someone bit my ass cheek!

“Penalty. Out of turn!” Avery tattled on his twin!

Asher drank another bottle.

The turns started to blur. Someone pumped my dick. Another squeezed my balls.

Oh! Finally, someone entered me again with multiple fingers.

A slow, steady stroke. My dick kicked. Another slow, firm stroke over my prostate. My dick jerked again. My shallow breaths were bordering on hyperventilating.

I reached behind me to feel my puffy hole. Oohhh the tingles! I rubbed again. I tried to slip in, but one of the brothers pulled my hand away. I whined. I went for my dick with the same result. I whined even more. Though, the brothers just seemed more excited! Ugh!

All their eyes were alight with desire and bright with the naughty thoughts of what they would do to me all nigjt long without any relief!

“His greedy hole is too sensitive,” Caleb observed as Avery took my dick in his mouth and slurped.

“Ahh!” I bucked my hips. He stopped. I was so close!

I can’t take much more. I think any of them would cave if I really asked, but they were so competitive…

There was one who wouldn’t mind…

It was torture waiting for his turn again. But I finally I made it.

“Jordie, please.”


I crawled over to him, straddling him. “I neeeeeed…”

His arms wrapped around my waist and his eyes found mine like I was the only person in the world. “Whatever you need, Oliver.”

I pulled his underwear down. We both shuddered when I took hold of his heated cock.

I lifted up, guided him to my entrance, and sat down. Once I was seated on him, he lifted me easily, still deep within me, and moved us to the couch. My knees and his hands on me held me up as he fucked up into me. His hips moved with a strong purpose.

Very shortly, we both came. Omg YES!

The others were in rapture watching while rubbing themselves. Either Caleb had come, or he had just produced a lot of precome.

“You break so easily, Jordan,” Reese teased, but he was just as hard as the others and his hands were itching to do something.

“Liv sleeps with us tonight.”

“No, me!” Caleb interjected.

Reese grinned wide, “Actually, since Jordan here made Oliver come, that makes me the winner.”

“But, you’re straight-” Asher started.

“He’s mine fair and square.” Reese gave a devilish smile.

Asher and Avery exchanged a glance.

During their conversation, Jordan’s softening cock slipped out of me. I instantly missed it. He pulled up the messy thong up my legs.

Reese kept eye contact with Asher as he approached me and shoved his tongue down my throat. They looked dumbstruck. Caleb’s eyes were wide in shock. Avery and Asher’s mouths were gaping.



They looked at Jordan, who was not surprised in the slightest and gave a small, confirmatory, knowing smile.

“You boys sure are slow,” Reese said as he lifted me into his arms and carried me to his room.

Entering his room, he asked, “Do you know how hard it was to resist to win a night with you, little one?”


“I knew Jordan would break first as usual, so I sat on his left, waiting. Damn, was the waiting hard. And so is my cock.” He rubbed against me. I was already all out, my thong askew. The harsh fabric of his underwear rubbed my bare flesh. I didn’t want him to stop.

“Undress me,” he demanded.

My hands were a little shaky from excitement as I lifted his shirt off him and pulled his boxers down. The pop of his cock out of the elastic was extremely satisfying to watch.

When I went to remove my clothes next, Reese stopped me. “No, I’m going to fuck you in the outfit I chose.”

“You got me this? I thought Asher and Avery…”

“I might have guided them to the choice. I thought they’d especially like you like this, too. Do you like it?”

I answered bashfully, “I never thought I’d wear something like this. I love it- Mhmph!”

Reese tilted up my face to kiss me thoroughly.

“Good. I have many more I want to see you in.”

As Reese kissed me, I felt Jordie’s come dripping out of me. Wow, that was erotic.

He kissed me languidly like he wanted to savor me, but he was also tense with desire.

He pulled back to look at me. Reese smeared his finger with the precome dripping from my dick and sucked it in his mouth relishingly. Oh wow. Oh wow!

He lifted my legs to hook over his shoulders. I was embarrassingly stretched open fully for him.

He shoved a pillow under my hips to cant me up more. He gripped his cock and tantalisingly rubbed it over my opening. He rubbed and rubbed and rubbed. I wiggled, trying to impale myself. His cockhead indented me. Yes!

He continued to tease my entrance as one hand rubbed my balls and dick. I was going to burst from the anticipation if he didn’t enter me soon!

He must have sensed my desperation, because he grinned his signature wolfish grin and entered me.

“Oohhh fuck!” He groaned. “You’re so tight!” He leaned down to kiss me as he continued entering me. By the time he seated fully, we were simply breathing into each other’s mouths. He pressed his forehead against me.

“You’re amazing, little one. You know that?”

“I think you’re amazing,” I replied.

“Are you sure?” He pulled back and slammed into me.

“Aahhh! Yes!”

“Lately, you only sleep in my room when I’m out.” He pounded his hips into me punishingly. “I’m left with the smell of you on my sheets teasing me night after night.” His face shoved into my neck, smelling me. “Do you do that on purpose to drive me crazy?”

“N-no! S-sorry… Ah! Ah!” His hips changed angles.

“I want to ruin all men for you, like you’ve ruined women for me. I never want to go back. I just want you you you.” He enunciated with stabs against my prostate. If this was his first time, how was he so good and finding that spot??

My moans of pleasure ran together. I was going to come hmm soon. I squeezed my walls around him and clawed at his back.

“Uh! Uhh!!” His eyes widened.

I wanted to feel is hot sperm gush into me. I squeezed again, then started spasming as my orgasm took over.

Reese shouted, his cock twitched, and yeessss he filled me up!

We panted against each other. Before I fully caught my breath, Reese attacked my mouth as if we hadn’t just done what we did.

He kissed me until his half hard cock filled again, still inside me. “Squeeze me again.” I did. “Again.” He really liked that! “Aga- ugh!”

He fucked me all night long then fell asleep spooning me with his cock still buried deep in me. I could get used to that.


Character Key:


– Age 18.

– Gay. A bottom through and through.

– Junior in high school. Repeating a grade due to family stuff.

– Nicknames: Ollie, Olive, Liv.

Asher and Avery

– Age 18.

– Hair color: both bright red.

– Bisexual, prefer guys. They prefer sharing their sexual partners.

– Juniors in high school. Started a grade behind so wouldn’t be in same grade as older brother Caleb.

– Both mischievous, Avery slightly more so.

– Avery calls Oliver Liv.

– Asher calls Oliver Olive.

– They play Lacrose. Jersey numbers 12 Asher and 21 Avery.

– Took Oliver’s dick virginity.

– Have shared they love Oliver.


– Age 19.

– Hair color: orange.

– Gay. Loves dirty talk.

– Senior in high school. Summer birthday.

– Caleb calls Oliver Ollie.

– He plays football. Jersey number 22.

– Publically Oliver’s boyfriend at school. They have made love.

– Has shared he loves Oliver.


– Age 22.

– Hair color: copper.

– Used to be straight. Now Oliver-sexual. Attracted to Oliver’s reactions and cuteness. Currently can’t get enough.

– College student majoring in accounting.

– Reese calls Oliver little one.

– Hobbies include boxing and building stuff. Works at a car garage part time.

– Former womanizer.

– They have made love.


– Age 25.

– Hair color: strawberry blond.

– Gay.

– Works as an attorney.

– Jordan calls Oliver Oliver. Oliver calls Jordan Jordie.

– In serial relationships but always breaks it off because he feels guys end up being too clingy and that he would rather take care of his brothers. On the other hand, very sweet on Oliver and wants to take care of him as much as his brothers, but definitely doesn’t see Oliver as a brother.

– While usually the stricter one of the brothers, he can’t say no to Oliver.

– Took Oliver’s ass virginity.

– Has shared he loves Oliver.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment


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