A gay story: My Housemate the Wrestler Clearing up my brother’s bedroom on a Saturday afternoon was not my idea of fun. It had to be ready for our new guest when he arrived, and I guess I was the one who had to do it. Since I’d been staying at home for the last year to save up money while I worked, my parents seemed to feel that I’d become their personal maid. Any chores they needed doing, Miles could do it instead. Maybe it was their way of making me take responsibility since I wasn’t paying them rent. But it was still irritating.
My brother had always been a bit of a slob, and his room definitely reflected that. He was away in another state at medical school, so he didn’t come home very often and the mess he’d left had stayed. I picked up the discarded clothes and items on the floor and put them away best I could. I didn’t know where everything went. Why would I? If Nate had a problem with it, he could clear up his own room. A few shirts into this drawer, some shoes back in his closet. I wiped some dust off the desk and saw it puff up into the air, lit up by the afternoon sun streaming in. It wasn’t hard work, but it just kept going without end.
Nonetheless, as I worked the room definitely got better. With so little warning I couldn’t do a lot more; I’d only been told that morning that our guest was coming. It would have to do.
This mysterious guest was apparently the son of a family friend who was studying at the college nearby. I’d never met him, but my mom said he was a junior, so probably a couple of years older than me. The whole situation had gotten decided so last minute because the house he was living in with his friends had flooded and he needed somewhere else to stay fast. His dad had called my dad wondering if there was anything we could do. My dad said he could have Nate’s room since he was never here. And that was it. Decided. I had no idea if they’d asked Nate about it, they certainly didn’t ask me before it was all agreed.
“He’s here Miles! Come on down!” I heard my mom call from downstairs.
I threw the last bits in a laundry basket intending to do it later and washed my hands before heading down. I really had no idea what to expect about who he was or how it was going to work. He was probably just some typical college student who was going to stay for like a week. I could probably just ignore him mostly and carry on as before. As I went down the stairs
I was definitely wrong.
In the doorway stood a giant. Now my parents and I stood at around a mighty 5 foot 5, but this guy must have been at least 6 feet tall. Very short brown hair. Wearing a tank top and shorts. His shoulders and biceps bulged out making him ridiculously wide. Even the veins on his arms bulged in an outrageous way. Everything about him made him tower over the three of us.
“Miles, be a dear and help bring in Aaron’s bags.”
I smiled and nodded to him as I squeezed past him. There were only a few bags, but they were pretty big. I went to pick up the nearest one and about tore my arm off. It was so heavy. The clank of metal sounded as something shifted around inside.
“Oh, that’s my weights. I should probably take that.”
The deep voice that came out of this hunk shouldn’t have surprised me. Of course, he would sound like that too. I backed up as he grabbed the bag that had basically injured me and swung it up onto his shoulder. He made it look like a bag of groceries.
I stared after him as my mom ushered him in and up in the stairs. Even his ass was obviously built with the way it flexed with every step. I shook my head. This was not what I’d thought at all.
I just about managed to bring in the other bags and struggle them up the stairs to this guy’s new room. I heaved them in and onto the floor beside his other bag. Aaron clapped me on the shoulder and thanked me. Luckily he seemed to know his own strength and didn’t send me flying into a wall with that gesture.
I snuck away as mom started explaining where things were. I didn’t want to hang around. My room was next door to his so I could hear as he was moving things around and unpacking, and he stayed in there for a while doing that.
Usually dinners were a very quiet affair, but that night was mostly my parents quizzing Aaron on everything. They started off getting the story of how some old pipes in the house had apparently burst and ruined a chunk of the house. How all of the five guys living there had scattered to different places they’d managed to secure for themselves.
Then it moved onto him. He was a junior like I’d been told; 21 now so 2 years older as I’d guessed. He was studying economics, but a lot of his time was taken up by wrestling. He had a wrestling scholarship. Of course. One look at him and you knew it was true. Not only was he built, but he had that self-assured confidence that said he could handle himself. He was calm, easy-going, masculine, and seemed good with people. Was there anything wrong with this man?
Eventually my parents finished interrogating, and Aaron seemed pretty tired. He excused himself and trudged back upstairs. I followed up a few minutes later and saw that his door was open and could hear the shower running in the bathroom next door. I imagined for a second what he must look like standing in that shower naked, like some kind of Greek statue.
I shook the thought out of my head and glanced into what had been my brother’s room. Aaron had taken over pretty quickly. Various piles of clothes around the room, the weights I felt before stacked in a corner. It still looked like Nate’s room, but it had a different feel now. Even the smell seemed a bit different, like it was taking on Aaron’s scent. I went back to my room.
After Aaron finished, I took my turn in the shower and once my clothes were off I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I was a fairly slim guy with little fat, but I’d never trained hard, so I wasn’t bulky at all. I held up my arm and tensed, comparing it to what I’d seen on Aaron, and it was so different. Thinking about what our guest had looked like with his tank top, I guessed he was pretty much hairless though. That was one thing I had on him I guess; I had a good covering of chest hair that made me look a bit more manly. Admittedly, there was also some shoulder and back hair that I didn’t like and shaved off, but it was something.
During the evening I relaxed playing some games. Something caught my attention, and I muted it. What was that? Was it grunting? I went over to my bed that was against the wall dividing my room from Aaron’s.
I’d been able to hear noises from Nate sometimes over the years. But now I could hear rumbles on the other side. Every couple of seconds a grunt, coming in sets. Aaron must be working out next door. He must be pumping the weights, getting hot and sweaty. Probably shirtless, muscles gleaming. Fuck what was I thinking about?
I shook my head of these weird thoughts and went back to my games. A few hours of that cleansed my mind and relaxed me enough to get ready for bed. I must have dozed off pretty quickly but woke up in darkness. I grabbed my phone: 1am. I sighed. I had work in the morning, and I needed sleep. I lay there staring at the ceiling.
A grunt next door. Was Aaron still working out? Mental. Another grunt. But then some moaning. What was going on?
I pressed my ear to the wall curious. A grunt, a moan, and a light rhythmic thud-thud against the wall. Aaron was jerking off next door. No mistake. Just inches from me across this wall, he was beating hard enough to thud the bedframe against the wall.
I heard his deep, warm voice like it was in my ear. This was wrong, I shouldn’t be listening. But I stayed there. My hand even drifted down to my own bulge. I hadn’t had a girlfriend in a while now and this was too damn erotic. I tried to think of some girls, but my head imagined the scene next door. Aaron on his bed, his hands rubbing across his muscular pecs and abs, maybe tweaking his nipples. Flexing and bucking… The sounds stopped and were replaced by a single long moan. He was finished. I tried to put it out of my mind and get back to sleep. That took a while.
The sun streamed into my room as my eyes slowly opened and adjusted. I rubbed the crud out of my eyes and looked out at a beautiful blue Sunday morning. It was warm. It was sunny.
And I had to work.
I grumbled as I rolled out of bed and unwillingly pulled some clothes on. Still half-asleep I went through the process of getting ready. As I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I noticed a new toothbrush had appeared; more of Aaron’s stuff taking over everywhere. Well, it was 7am on a Sunday morning so he wouldn’t be up, and I could just avoid him for a bit at least. I always had the kitchen to myself this early to just sit and eat some breakfast and slowly perk up for what was —
There he was. Standing in the kitchen cooking food. Interrupting my tranquil morning. Aaron. In a different tank top and shorts to the day before, he was frying up some bacon and eggs. I sighed and went in.
“Hey.” I mumbled.
“Oh hey! Miles right?”
He was very lively for this time of morning.
“Yeah that’s right.”
“Sorry we didn’t get to chat yesterday much, seems like your parents monopolized me! Anyway, I made some breakfast if you want some?”
His warm voice and the offer of food was maybe a nice change of pace. Usually, I just had some cereal. Well, maybe this was a change I could get behind. I nodded and sat down. Aaron brought over a couple of plates heaped with a lot of bacon, eggs, toast, mushrooms.
“Where did all this come from?” I was shocked, we didn’t usually keep stuff like this in the house.
“I brought a bit of food with me left over from the house, no big deal. Eat up man.”
He tore through his while I started mine. I barely got through half before he stood up again.
“Right, gym’s calling. Gotta go dude.”
And he was gone. The kitchen was quiet again, and I just sat and finished up.
About a 20 minute walk from the house was a shopping complex that had a bowling alley, various shops, couple banks and gyms, and a big supermarket that I worked in. It wasn’t great. The managers were annoying and petty, and the customers could be weird. But at least it got me out of the house and paid a bit of money while I figured out what I wanted to do with my life.
I could go to college. I could get a better job. I could run away and change my name, start a new life. There were so many options. I knew I wanted a new life, to change myself for the better. But, what exactly that looked like I didn’t know.
My job that morning was just stacking some shelves and so I was well and truly checked out, daydreaming about what I could do with my life. Maybe go and work on a cruise ship and sail around the world? Travel to Europe and go sight-seeing?
But for the second time this weekend, something caught my attention and interrupted my quiet morning. Aaron was strolling down the aisles. His hair and tank top looked to be damp with sweat, as if he’d just finished working out. There was a gym across the parking lot after all. His pecs and biceps bulged even more noticeably today as he purposefully made his way around the store. I saw a few other people checking him out as he passed and that honestly made me feel a bit better about how much I was leering at him.
I didn’t wave him over, but I also didn’t hide from him. If he saw me that was fine, but otherwise I’d just leave him be. As he disappeared into the dairy section I just tried to focus back on what I was doing. But a few moments later-
“Dude!” His confident voice sounded behind me, and I turned as he clapped me on the shoulder again. “You work here, Miles?”
“Damn wish I’d known man; we could’ve walked over together!” He laughed. “Just got done at the gym so I’m gonna replace that stuff we ate this morning and grab some bits. I’ll see you back at the house right?”
“Yeah sure.”
He was gone like a flash again. Just leaving behind his lingering scent that I’d caught from his room before. Not bad, just a bit musky and manly.
It wasn’t until late afternoon that I got back to the house. One of the cars had gone so I guess my parents had gone somewhere. They often just vanish for a while without telling me, off to do something boring like shopping or something. It generally meant that I had the house to myself, but not today.
As I walked in the door I could hear the music coming from upstairs. I trudged up the stairs and glanced in towards my older brother’s old room. The door was open and rock music pounded out. I stuck my head in intending to tell Aaron to turn it down. But I stopped moving instantly.
There in front of me was a crazy sight. The tank top and shorts were gone. Aaron stood in that room almost entirely naked except for a bright, red jockstrap to cover himself. He was facing away towards the tall mirror on the other wall and so I was greeted by his uncovered muscular butt. No hair anywhere, just plump muscle. He was pushing out some bicep curls with a dumbbell as he watched himself in the mirror.
“That’s it Aaron. Couple more. Pump that out.”
He was talking to himself, and I could hear it over the music. He was so focused on himself that he obviously hadn’t heard me come back. Last couple of curls and he bent over putting the weight down. For a moment his ass was pushed out to me, and my mouth hung open in shock.
“Good boy. Gonna make Coach fucking proud aren’t you? That’s right. Real fucking stud.”
He faced himself in the mirror and posed, his arms up flexing his biceps. They were huge and swollen, veins popping out. Like hard balls right under his skin. He turned to the side slightly and puffed his chest out, now flexing his chest hard as he could.
The sheer masculine power of this guy’s body was incredible. Meaty ass, big biceps and pecs. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I couldn’t speak. I just watched. I was rock hard watching this show. My eyes traced down his body, past the abs, and found the front of his jockstrap. There was an enormous bulge there. It barely fit inside. And there was a wet spot right at the head. He was definitely enjoying himself.
“Yeah look at that big chest. Good work.”
But then, as I kept watching from the doorway, Aaron grasped the waistband of his jockstrap and pulled it down. That enormous bulge I’d seen leapt out and I saw in that mirror what could only have been an 8″ monster. Thick and veiny like the rest of him.
“Damn you’re getting so big Aaron. Look at you. No-one can take their eyes off.”
He was right. I’d never felt this horny before in my life, even with my past girlfriends. He was an amazing specimen of a man. His heavy pecs jumping with every movement. Even his back rippled and flexed with his breathing. He pinched his nipples.
“It’s time. Fuck. Fuck!”
As he said that, his hands shot down to his cock and grasped the thick shaft. He only pumped a few times before his body all tightened up and convulsed. It seemed like every muscle flexed at the same time as he shot his load straight onto his reflection. Shot after shot, his body twitched and jerked. I wondered what a climax of that strength must feel like. What it felt like to hold that throbbing shaft…
I’d been standing here too long. I was breathing heavy. I slipped away before Aaron came down off of his high and sneaked into my room and closed the door. My pants came straight off, and I lay on my bed and started pounding my own hard dick. I’d never been horny over a guy before, but it was like my hands had a mind of their own. I couldn’t stop. In seconds I felt it well up and my load erupted out. The biggest load I could remember, and it just flew out onto myself. That image of Aaron flexing, posing, and jerking was burned into my mind and it pushed me right over the edge into an awesome orgasm.
I lay there and heard the music stop and some noises of him probably cleaning up. But without meaning to, I drifted off still covered in my own load.