My Own Journey

A gay sex stories: My Own Journey This story is very loosely based on some of my own experiences. The names of the characters have been changed for the protection of all.

It’s worth also noting that all characters are over 18 and were consenting adults.


I guess I should start by letting you know a little about myself. I’m a 20 year old guy who works as a junior in a boring office job. The company themselves seem to be on the way to greater things, but I’m so far down the chain that all I do is work with the IT team on software changes. I moved away from home just after my 18th and since moving from a small dormitory town to one of the larger cities about 50 miles from my home. I’ve realised that you need to grab life with both hands, or it slips by.

Although I was kind of known as “the young guy who doesn’t know what he wants”, there was no real LBGT scene where I lived. I was lucky enough to be accepted by most of my home community as the person I am without too much negativity. However, coming from a small town meant that any realistic chances of meeting someone properly compatible were almost nil.

Moving to the city was a step up and I kept my bisexuality quiet so that I could quietly find my own space. This was all the more important with my job as I was very aware that conservatism was paramount for the company’s image.

I have been working hard to make sure that I pass my probationary period, but over the last few months I had started to notice one of the more senior managers in the firm.

Peter is a section head in another department. We meet professionally about once a month at work but often cross paths in my local pub too as I live near to him. He is a genial sort and seems to stick with his own cohort of similarly aged guys in the pub, however he has acknowledged me, and we have exchanged pleasantries.

He is a broadly built man with greying hair. His appearance both inside and outside of work would be considered more formal as he tends to wear suits or blazers. In some ways he reminds me of my old headmaster from secondary school. Overall, it’s the immaculate attention to detail that initially caught my eye. He has never, ever hinted that he wasn’t anything other than straight but, after chatting one evening to one of the regular the barmen, Peter is single.

I should start at the beginning, I guess. I had been working hard for the week and decided that I deserved a cool beer or two. With any luck I would meet up with someone incredibly sexy and have a fabulous weekend in bed. Or, more likely, go for a drink in town and come home alone, again!

I got home from work and showered, making sure that I was looking as presentable as possible. I changed into skinny white jeans and a close-fitting tee before wandering off to my local bar. My plan was to have a drink or two there, before meandering into town and finding somewhere a bit livelier for a Friday night out.

As it was early, the bar was relatively quiet, although my colleague from work, Peter, was there. He nodded to me as I waked in and continued drinking with his mates. I ordered a cool lager and went to sit outside and enjoyed the warm summer sunshine. About 1/2 an hour later I went in to refill my pint and happened to be standing beside Peter as I stood waiting my turn.

“How’s it going?” he asked. “I’ve not seen much of you at work this week.”

“I’ve been busy with the IT upgrade, so I haven’t been to any meetings this week. How’s everything going with your project?” I asked.

“Its going ok, thanks. I thought I would see you in the meeting on Wednesday though.” Peter responded. “It seemed strange without you in the meeting.”

I looked at him, there was a definite glint in his eyes. Did he really mean what he said, or was he teasing me?

“Oh, what did I miss” I asked.

Peter smiled and looked directly into my eyes. “It wasn’t that you missed anything, more a case that you were missed.”

A slow smile crept across his face. “Why don’t I buy you a drink and we can sit and have a chat?” he continued. “What would you like?” As he asked, one of the bar girls came over and started to pour a pint for Peter, so without hesitating I asked for a lager.

We walked back out into the beer garden and sat in the warm evening sunshine.

“Thanks!” I said to Peter as I raised my glass for a sip.

He smiled and took a drink from his glass. “So how are you settling in? I know that you moved away from home to get this job.” He asked.

“I’m doing ok thanks. I’ve got a decent enough bedsit and there’s a shop and laundrette nearby, so I’ve been feeding myself and keeping presentable. My mum seems OK with me being here, and as long as I call her about once a week, she says that she’ll leave me to get on with things.”

“That’s good.” He answered. “So, have you got to make any friends while being here?”

“Not really.” I said. “I know a few people from work, but most have families of their own and have things they need to do outside of work. I just come home and have something to eat before going out for a walk or go out to the cinema or pub most of the time.”

“So, no girlfriend then?” he asked.

“I don’t have anyone special at the moment” I replied trying to avoid the specifics of his question.

We sat and sipped our drinks for the moment.

“Without sounding corny,” I asked “do you come to this pub on a regular basis? Only I seem to see you almost every time I come in here.”

Peter chuckled. “I’ve been drinking here almost nightly for nearly 30 years. I’ve made some good friends here and now that we are older, us old codgers meet up most evenings to put the world to rights. It doesn’t change anything, but it beats sitting in-font of a TV alone all night.”

I smiled and nodded my head. I wasn’t really one for TV either, so being single and living on my own I appreciated his situation. “I don’t actually have a TV,” I replied, “but even if I did I think I would prefer to get out and be with people instead of sitting in a bedsit.”

Peter finished his pint as one of the staff walked close by. He allowed his empty glass to be taken and asked the young woman to bring two more pints to our table. “I hope you are ok having another?” he asked. “Unless of course, you need to dash.”

“That’s very kind of you Peter, I’ll have to buy the next round though! I answered.

“So you live in a bedsit, is it far from here?” He asked

“No, I’m only just down the road near the old tennis courts.” I replied. The tennis courts were open to the public but used more often by teenagers to hang out in rather than pay any games in. There was a sports centre not too far from where I lived that had superior indoor facilities which had effectively made the outside courts redundant, even though they were free to use.

“You’re not too far from me then. I live just off the main road by the post office.” Peter remarked.

Our fresh beers arrived, and our conversation meandered as the evening drew on until we decided to move inside into the bar as the air became cooler after sunset.

I stepped up to the bar and asked Peter what he wanted to drink, insisting that I get at least one round in during the evening. I had already drunk several cool pints and was beginning to feel a buzz from the lager, but the volume of liquid made me need to use the Gents. Peter accepted my offer of a beer and let me pay. After finding a vacant table I left Peter and stood at the urinal, sighing with relief as I discharged what let like several pints.

I became aware of someone next to me and was surprised at how close to me he stood. Etiquette prevented me from immediate eye contact, but a furtive glance was enough to see that he was not shy in displaying his cock.

“So this is where all the pricks hang out,” the man said. I chuckled and glanced across to see that I was Peter standing next to me. “And I see that some are bigger pricks than others!”

I glanced down at his cock and noticed that he was perhaps not as long as me when soft, but he had a girth that made me wish that I was lying in his bed.

I shyly giggled and finished up, putting my own cock swiftly away before the surge of excitement started to stiffen my shaft. Then I quickly washed my hands and returned to our table. Two of Peters older companions had joined us and were in animated conversation about a scandal in the local council. They gestured for me to join them as I must have looked a little uncomfortable. “Peter said he’d be back in a minute, so Tom and I said we’d guard your pints. Theres no knowing what the students would do if they saw an unattended beer!”

John laughed. “Probably the same as you Gerry, drink it down in one!”

We all laughed as Peter rejoined us and gave us a quizzical look.

The conversation flowed freely and so did the beers. I realised that I was quite drunk and any plans I had of going into town were rapidly diminishing.

Time was called in the bar and the clientele started to disperse. I made my excuses and left the old boys nattering so that I could visit the Gents again before leaving to go home. As I walked from the lavatories into the bar, Peter stood and said his farewells to his friends and walked with me to the door. The cool air was a relief, but my head was swimming a bit with the excess alcohol. I swayed a little as we stepped into the cool night air.

“Are you ok?” Peter asked with concern in his voice.

“Yeah, ‘m fine, just a liddle too mush to jrink” I slurred.

Peter steadied me with a hand on my shoulder. “Are you going to be ok getting home?”

I giggled. “Yeah! Whatstheworse …” I swayed and fell forward into his broad shoulder “sorry. ‘m gunnabefine.” I stood up sharply and overbPeterced into the brickwork of the wall behind me, luckily close enough to prop me up and avoid an embarrassing fall.

Peter put his arm around my waist and held me close. “Come on young man, let’s get some coffee into you.” He then guided me along the pavements, ensuring I got safely back to his flat.

The steps up to his shared front doorway proved a challenge for me, but Peter persevered and got me to stand quietly by the doorway to his own flat while he found the right keys. Eventually I stumbled into his small home, and he guided me to a sofa in his lounge.

“Take a seat and I’ll get you a coffee.” He said.

I mumbled an apology to him that was dismissed out of hand. Then I was left alone while he made me a strong coffee.

When he returned, I was already half asleep, so he gently shook me by the shoulder.

“Here’s your coffee Tom. I’ll put it on the table beside you while I get myself a nightcap.”

He placed the hot drink down on a coaster and opened a bottle of Scotch and poured out a generous dram for himself before sitting in the easy chair across from me.

“I think we may have given you too much to drink. I don’t want you going home alone in the state you’re in so you can stay here until you’ve sobered up a bit or if you want, until the morning. I haven’t got a spare bed, but you’re more than welcome to sleep on the sofa.”

I apologised again and started to sip at the hot coffee. “‘s nice coffee. Thanks Al, for getting me here safe.”

Peter smiled and again dismissed my apology. “We all have one to many on occasion. At least you weren’t in town alone, otherwise who knows what would have happened to you! I feel responsible for getting you into this state anyway, so it’s me that should be apologising.”

I was starting to feel a little better as I drank my coffee. Peters kind words helped me feel a little better about myself too.

“Thanks Peter. I know that my mum would be worried sick if she knew that I was in such a state.”

Peter smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll look after you.”

I looked across to him and noticed that he was staring at me quite intently, studying me. Somehow it wasn’t off-putting, instead I felt protected.

I needed to pee again. “Umm, sorry Peter, could I use your bathroom please?”

Peter nodded. “Come with me, lets get you sorted.” He offered.

“I should, be ok now, thanks. If you could just point me in the right direction?”

Peter laughed, “OK, its your choice. Just go past the kitchenette and it’s the first door on the left. Just don’t lock the door in-case I have to come in and get you off the floor!”

I stood up carefully and slowly walked to the lavatory. Once inside I decided that I was probably safer sitting than standing, so I dropped my jeans and underwear to my knees and sat on the seat.

In what seemed like seconds later I was disturbed by a knocking on the door. “Are you ok in there Tom?” Peter asked from the other side of the door. I quickly realised that I must have dropped off to sleep.

“Umm, yes I’m ok!” I started to stand and as I did so, the door opened. Peter stood in the doorway looking directly at me as I stood up naked from the waist down with my jeans tangled around my ankles.

“Sorry,” I apologised. “I’ll just be a second.”

Peter closed the door to and left me to straighten up.

I quickly washed my hands and walked back to the lounge. Peter was now sat on the sofa, and as I entered the room, he patted the seat beside him. I sat down and apologised again.

“Now stop that.” He softly spoke. It’s as much my fault as it is anyone’s. I feel responsible for getting you into this state and I won’t be happy until I know that you are OK.

I looked into his brown eyes. The skin around them was criss-crossed with fine lines as the age had weathered his skin. Is cologne mixed with the scent of his Whisky was deep and spicy. The warm aroma was comforting to me.

“I’m feeling much better now Peter. Thank you for looking after me.”

I felt his hand rest on my thigh. “You know that I’ll always be here for you Tom.” His gaze was fixed on mine.

I felt a rush as he touched me. My cock made an involuntary jump as blood started to pump and firm up an erection.

“I don’t know if you already know Tom, but I’m gay.”

My throat tightened. I was at a crossroads, should I run away now and stay in my self-imposed closet, or should I allow him to seduce me. I decided to be cool but open to his advances.

“Umm, that’s ok Peter. I don’t mind, but I don’t know if I like boys or girls more yet.”

Peters hand moved slowly up my thigh. “Have you ever been with a girl?”

“No” I whispered. Feeling ashamed of myself.

“Oh, dear Tom. What about with another boy?”

“No.” I whispered again.

“Would you like me to touch your cock?”

I was shaking with nervous anticipation.

“II saw it just now Tom, and it is beautiful.”

I shuddered as adrenaline coursed through my body.

“Yes.” I squeaked

Peters hand caressed my upper thigh and crossed over to unfasten my belt. He then undid the top button of my jeans an slid the zipper down. I heard him hum as he touched my body, though my eyes were closed I knew exactly where his hands were.

I felt him move from the couch and then his hands were on my hips, pulling the skinny fitted jeans down. Instinctively I raised my hips to allow him to complete his task. As they were slid down my shoes and socks were taken off too. I opened my eyes to see him kneeling between my thighs, gazing at my full erection which was standing straight up like a flagpole.

Peter glanced up at me. “You’re beautiful Tom. Let’s take your shirt off.”

I leaned forward slightly as Peter pulled my t-shirt off over my head. I was sitting naked in front of him. Being fair skinned I had little hair on my body, with only the slightest trimmed fuzz around the base of my erection, Peter traced his thick thumbs across my smooth chest, before tracing a line with his forefinger down my torso. His large hand encircled my erection, and he gently squeezed my shaft, before moving his mouth down to almost brush the tip of my penis. He breathed in deeply.

“Mmm, you smell good.” He remarked before tracing the tip of his tongue across the top of my foreskin. The sensation was so different to my own touch. He then lowered his mouth to surround my cock and gently sucked down.

“Uuuhhhhh!” I groaned as a wave of intense pleasure swept through me. His tongue flickered as he swallowed me deep into his mouth. I felt his hand cup my scrotum as he sucked me, very gently clasping my nuts.

I placed a hand on the top of his head as he started to slowly bob and suck me.

“Oooohhhh!” I cried as he sucked hard for a second. I felt my arse pucker with the intensity of his short swift suck.

“MMmmmm!” Peter mumbled in reply, as he started to devour my virgin penis.

He continued sucking, sometimes deep and slow sometimes just covering the head of my cock, all the while his tongue was working away, slathering at my hard cock. I felt myself begin to fill as my sperm surged from my testicles.

“Oh god! I’m cumming!” I cried out.

Peter swallowed down on me, ensuring I wasn’t going to let any spunk miss his willing mouth, then my cock surged as a jet of ejaculate shot deep into his mouth. He sucked and swallowed all that I had, until I started to pull back. Hypersensitivity was coursing through my penis as my orgasm rushed through me.

He sat up, and smiled at me, licking his lips. “How was that?” he asked.

My chest was heaving as I struggled to control my breathing. “That was so good!” I looked at him and smiled. “I never thought that it would be as good as that!”

I realised that his hand was still cupping my scrotum. His index finger was extended, and he pressed into my perineum.

“There’s plenty more to experience.” He said softly, “but there’s no need to rush.”

He pulled his hand from under my scrotum and gently played with my softening erection. Then with a smile he started to unbutton his shirt. I looked up into his eyes and watched him as he removed his shirt, revealing a chest coated in silver grey hair. His rounded bely sagged slightly as he undid his belt and he dropped his trousers to the floor. Next his y-fronts followed revealing a thick stout erection. I slid off the chair and kneeled before him, remembering how he had recently cupped my balls, I reciprocated and leaned in to take him into my mouth. His manly scent was intense as I opened my mouth as wide as I could. As he filled my mouth, I heard him groan with pleasure.

It felt so natural to have him in my mouth, and even though I had never experienced anything like this I tried to do the best I could for him.

Peter encouraged me and was patient with me as my teeth scraped accidentally against his glans. The occasional sharp intake of breath giving away the discomfort he must have felt. I was initially worried that he would forcibly fuck my throat, but he was calm and allowed me to take my time.

Eventually, I felt like my jaw was going to lock up as I carried on sucking his thick cock. Peter guided my hand from under his balls back to his anal entrance and pressed the tip of my forefinger. “Mmm, go on, slide it in.” he said, and as he pressed my finder slid slowly into him.

“Oh yes,” he cried out. “just there!”

My finger was pressed against something inside him and as I pressed it tensed. Peter quickly said, “I’m going to cum now Tom. It’s up to you if you want it in your mouth or not”

Worried a little that I wouldn’t like it, I disengaged just in time. His cock shot a jet of thick fluid onto my chin and neck. It felt so hot, as it splattered on my skin, before dribbling down my front.

Peter looked down at me. “You are good at this.” He bent down and kissed the crown of my head. Then he reached down and pulled gently under my arms to get me to stand. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a strong hug. “My beautiful boy.” He said softly.

I looked into his eyes, I felt safe with him. His head moved slightly closer to mine. Acknowledging his intent, I leaned forward and let him kiss me for the first time. The stubble of his chin scraping gently across my own smooth skin.

“Come to bed with me Tom.” He asked. I nodded and followed him as he padded down the corridor.

We climbed onto his king-sized bed and I laid back allowing Peter to take control of the situation. I had no idea where things were going, but I wanted to let him explore my body however he wanted. Peter lay beside me, and we kissed again, before he started to move down me. He kissed my neck and then searched out each nipple, sucking and gently biting on them as the tips became sturdy little nubs. I enjoyed the sucking, but not so much the biting, Peter noticed this and softened his approach. He then kissed down my belly and sucked on my semi hard cock, before asking me to roll over. His strong hands then took each of my arse cheeks and spread them as he buried his face in-between. The sensation and thought of having someone so close to my arsehole caused my cock to become instantly stiff again. This was so intense ad far beyond my expectations. Was I really going to be fucked?

Peter’s tongue explored my arse crack and teased around my expectant arsehole for what seemed like an eternity, before finally I could feel him pushing the tip of his tongue inside me. I moaned with extasy as I allowed myself to be taken.

As he licked me, I could feel him massaging the area with his fingertips. Eventually I felt a finger slip into me followed by another. The gentleness of his approach helped me cope with the anxious thoughts that he was going to rip me in two.

He rolled me onto my back again, although I found that my hips were sightly raised as I rolled onto a strategically placed pillow.

“Can I fill you with my cock?” Peter asked. “I think that you’re ready.”

“Please take me, Peter. I want to feel you inside me.”

He parted my legs a little and slowly pushed the tip of his now lubricated thick penis against me. “Just relax,” he said. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

I breathed out and tried to relax as much as I could. All the while I felt an increasing pressure as his cock head pressed into me. Then, with a sharp intake of breath, I felt him enter me. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but Peter took his time. He let me adjust to his size before moving in any further, and then gently moved in a little more. I was becoming accustomed to the feeling of fullness as his thick cock pushed deeper into me, until with a satisfied sigh Peter stopped.

“How does that feel?” he asked.

“It’s so good.” I replied.

Then Peter gently started to rock back and forth letting me feel him as he gently started to build rhythm.

I watched his face as he slowly built-up momentum and smiled as I saw the pleasure cross his face. I was giving him this, as much as he was giving me pleasure.

I was beginning to find it difficult to breathe as his weight began to bear down on me. His thick body was almost lying directly on-top of me as his hips drove him into me. Then he rose on his forearms and cried out. I felt a wave of warmth inside and knew that he had filled me. Then he laid on-top of me for a few moments as he gathered his strength so that he could climb off me.

We lay side by side and I allowed him to hold me in his arms as he kissed me. I was his.

I awoke sometime later, still in his arms, but now facing away as a small spoon would. Peter was lying behind me, with a heavy arm draped across me. I could feel his stomach rhythmically pressing into me with his breathing His now limp cock was nestled against my arse. My body, that was his to use.

I closed my eyes and drifted off again, wondering what the morning would bring.

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