My Protector

A gay story: My Protector As I rode my bike down the quiet street leading to my house, my progress was unsteady. My left eye was already swelling shut, and my cut bottom lip leaked blood into my mouth. Though I was anxious to get home, I couldn’t manage to pedal fast, and in my distress, it was difficult for me to keep the bike from swerving wildly.

It was the summer of 1978, and I’d turned 21 only a month before, but this wasn’t the first time I’d been beaten. I figured it probably wouldn’t be the last, either.

Normally I would have been driving my car, but it had broken down last week, and I didn’t have the money to fix it, so I’d been riding my bike to my job in town. Now as I heard a vehicle approaching from behind me, I desperately wished I could hide.

Keeping my head down, I tried to conceal my battered face behind my blond curls, which I wore a little long. I was dressed in a pale blue polo shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and I noticed there were bloodstains on the front of my clothes.

Maybe my struggle in keeping the bike moving in a straight line caused the vehicle to slow down as it approached, but I still refused to look up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it was a black truck, and I immediately recognized it as belonging to my neighbor Miles. He lived at the end of the street, while my house was about two-thirds of the way down, so we were fairly close neighbors, but we’d never done more than exchange a friendly wave or a hello in passing.

“Hey,” he called to me through the rolled-down passenger window. “You okay?”

Finally I forced myself to acknowledge him. Lifting my head, I glanced his way and said, “I’m fine.”

Before I averted my eyes once more, I saw concern darkening his expression. “No, I don’t think you are,” he responded.

When the truck came to a stop, I brought the bike to a halt as well. Miles got out and approached me. The sun was hot on us, and I could actually feel my pulse in the wound on my lip as it throbbed. I was lightheaded and close to tears by this point.

“Let me give you a ride home,” Miles said gently.

I raised my head slowly, no longer trying to hide from him. His hazel eyes were kind as he studied my face. “My house is just a little ways down the road,” I told him. “I can make it there okay.”

“I know where you live.” He nodded toward his truck. “Get in, and I’ll put your bike in the back.”

Standing beside him, I realized I felt protected, though he was practically a stranger to me. No one would mess with me while I was with this man. I was barely five feet, seven inches tall and just shy of 120 pounds, while Miles was over six feet in height and very muscular. I’d heard enough talk about him in town to know that he worked in construction, and his skin was tan, a sharp contrast to my fair complexion.

I guessed he was around 35 years old, maybe closer to 40. He had thick dark hair, along with a mustache. I also knew from local gossip that he’d never married and had always lived alone, but no one dared to say anything about that to his face, because he was quick to use his fists when provoked.

Now as he waited for me to accept his offer, I managed to meet his eyes. “Thank you,” I said, my voice just above a whisper. Miles nodded, and I hurried to climb off the bike. He lifted it as if it weighed nothing at all, and as he put it in the truck bed, I opened the passenger door and slid onto the bench seat.

Moments later, Miles got into the truck, but he didn’t start driving again. I sensed him turn toward me a little. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and work boots, and while sitting close to him, I found that he smelled like summer itself, like sun and sweat. I couldn’t resist drawing in a deep breath to inhale more of his scent.

“Thanks again for helping me,” I said. “I’m Dylan, by the way.”

“Dylan, I’m Miles,” he replied. “Nice to finally meet you.”

I didn’t reveal that I already knew his name; I worried he would think that was a little weird. Before I could speak again, he asked, “Who did this to you?”

I swallowed hard, looking out the window. “A guy I went to school with,” I replied.

John had caught me after I left work and was about to get on my bike. I vividly remembered the way he’d grabbed my arm and dragged me into a nearby alley, and how no one dared to interfere. Not when John had called me a queer and a dirty cocksucker, and not when he’d punched me in the face. “I guess he’s back in town for the summer,” I went on now. “I try to steer clear of him, since he attacked me like this a couple of years go. Maybe now that he’s hurt me, he’ll leave me alone for a while.”

“Oh, he’s going to leave you alone, all right,” Miles said in a dangerously low voice, and I looked at him with wide eyes. He didn’t elaborate on what he meant. Instead, he began driving once more, moving at a low speed.

When I realized I was blatantly staring at him, I quickly looked away and focused my attention on the 8-track player in his truck. He’d been listening to some mellow folk song I didn’t recognize. “I like this music,” I told him, just to have something to say.

“Do you now?” he asked with a faint smile, and I quickly nodded.

As Miles drew closer to my house, my heart sank when I spotted Mom’s car in the driveway. She was working first shift at the factory, and she was normally home between three and four each afternoon. Turning toward Miles, I couldn’t hide my sudden anxiety. “I’m sorry, but can you just drive me to the end of the road and let me out there? My mom’s home, and I… I want to pull myself together before she sees me.” My voice was thick with unshed tears.

He looked over at me, and his gaze filled with something like tenderness. “Tell you what. We’ll go to my house for a little while, okay? You can get cleaned up there.”

My surprise was obvious. “Are you sure?” I asked.

“Of course.”

We soon reached his house, and my stare swept over the ranch dwelling. It looked like it had a fresh coat of paint, and the lawn was neatly kept. After Miles cut the engine and we got out of the truck, I followed him to the front door. He unlocked it and then gestured for me to go inside.

“Thanks,” I murmured, slipping past him. The living room was surprisingly tidy for a man who lived alone. One of the windows had an air conditioning unit, and Miles went to turn it on before focusing his attention on me once more.

“Come on into the kitchen,” he said, leading me into the adjoining room. I watched as he withdrew a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and wrapped it in a thin dishtowel. “Put this on your eye,” he instructed, and I quickly moved to do as he said, wincing as the cold seeped into my bruised skin. Then he nodded toward the table. “Have a seat.”

I made my way to the table and sank into a chair, releasing my breath in a heavy sigh. Though the room was warm, I was still trembling from all that had happened. Sneaking glances at Miles, I saw him preparing an ice pack for my busted lip, and after he gave it to me, I stared up at him with something like bewilderment. Why was this man being so kind to me? “Thank you,” I finally managed to say.

“It’s no problem. You want a drink? I have tea, soda…”

“Tea would be great, thanks.”

He poured glasses for us both, and I momentarily put down the ice pack so I could take several gulps of the tea. I hadn’t realized just how thirsty I was until now. Miles sat down next to me at the table, sipping from his own glass.

“I know your life isn’t an easy one,” he suddenly told me.

I raised my eyebrows, choosing my next words carefully. “Do you?” I dared to ask.

He nodded. “Absolutely, and I know it’s difficult for you to defend yourself.”

“More like impossible,” I muttered.

Miles leaned closer to me. “So if someone’s giving you a hard time, I want you to come to me, and I’ll take care of it,” he said firmly.

My eye that wasn’t covered by the bag of frozen peas widened. “I couldn’t do that,” I protested. “I don’t want to make trouble for you…”

“You won’t,” he assured me in that low, deep voice of his. “If someone decides to start some shit, well, I’ll finish it.”

If I had to pinpoint the moment I began to fall in love with Miles, it would have been right then. Every part of my body responded to him as my pulse quickened and my dick began stirring to hardness.

I set down the ice pack, freeing up one hand so I could reach out and very slowly graze my fingertips over his forearm. He looked down at me touching him, but he didn’t pull away. “No one’s ever offered to help me before,” I said. “I want you to know how much I appreciate it.”

Miles lifted his head to meet my eyes. I made no effort to hide my desire for him, though I hoped I didn’t look completely ridiculous with my messed-up face. Was I only imagining the heat in his stare? I wondered. I didn’t think I was. I’d seen that hungry look on other men’s faces.

Yet Miles pushed back his chair, moving out of my reach. “It’s nothing,” he said. “Now I’d better get you home.”

I tried to hide my crestfallen expression as I climbed to my feet. Had I moved too fast? Was I completely misreading him? Neither of us spoke while leaving the house and then walking to his truck. Already I was wishing I could have the last few minutes back to live over again, to do things differently.

“You don’t have to give me a ride,” I told him. “I’m fine, and my house is so close…”

Miles gave me a look that showed he would tolerate no argument. “I want to,” he said, emphasizing each word, and I ducked my head to hide a smile.

We arrived at my house in no time, and I was at a loss as to what to say before I left the truck. Running a hand through my hair, I smiled and thanked him again.

Miles closely watched my movements, and I knew then that I hadn’t misread him at all. “Have a good evening, Dylan,” he finally spoke. “And remember what I said. You don’t have to take shit from anyone around here, and if you give me the name of the asshole who did this to you, I’ll deal with him.”

I only shook my head, for I worried that Miles would get into trouble if he went after John. “I just want to forget about it,” I told him. Then, before I could stop myself, I leaned to plant a quick kiss on Miles’s cheek. I didn’t wait to find out his reaction. Instead, I darted out of the truck and hurried toward my house.

He didn’t start to drive away until I opened the door and let myself inside, giving him a wave. The house was quiet, and when I saw Mom’s bedroom door closed, I knew she was lying down. Sometimes, after a particularly grueling shift, she did that as soon as she got home.

I was relieved that I’d be able to clean myself up before she saw me. I immediately headed for the bathroom, where I took one look at my reflection in the mirror and winced. I was going to have one hell of a shiner, and my fat lip looked as bad as it felt.

Once I was in the shower, I closed my eyes and stood beneath the spray of hot water. The tension began slowly seeping from my muscles, and as I washed myself clean, I found that I wasn’t dwelling on the violent attack I’d endured. No, I was thinking only of Miles. As I pictured him in my mind, remembering what he’d said, and the sound of his voice, I began growing aroused, and I had to fight the urge to stroke myself. Our small house had only one bathroom, and Mom might wake up at any time and need to use it, so I didn’t want to start something I couldn’t finish.

After I got out of the shower, I dried off and then wrapped the towel around my waist so I could go to my room and put on a clean t-shirt and pair of jeans. Once I was dressed, I headed to the kitchen, where I started heating up leftovers for dinner.

It was then that I heard Mom’s bedroom door open, and when she appeared in the kitchen doorway, I forced myself to look at her.

“Hey, Dylan, how was…” she began, but as soon as she saw my face, her smile vanished, and she cupped a hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, what happened?” she asked, hurrying over to me.

I needed to say only one word in response: “John.”

In her eyes, I saw the helpless fury she felt, followed by a profound sadness. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” she said, reaching to touch my face before thinking better of it and letting her hand drop back to her side.

“I’m okay,” I tried to assure her, but she looked like she was about to cry, and that hurt me far more than anything John had done. “Are you hungry?” I went on, desperate to change the subject. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

As we ate at the table that evening, I noticed Mom’s sidelong glances. She was studying the damage to my face, and I knew it was killing her to see me in pain. I tried to keep the conversation light, asking her about her day. Then I recounted a funny story that Violet, my boss, had told me, and I was relieved to see Mom laugh. Violet owned the bookshop where I worked; she’d hired me when many others wouldn’t. I was fiercely loyal to her, and I loved the long conversations we had about books and art. Violet also let me dress casually for work, so I didn’t have to spend money on a lot of fancy clothes.

Once Mom and I finished eating, we stood at the kitchen sink where she washed the dishes, then handed them to me so I could dry them. I kept my stare fixed on the window as I began speaking. “Um, I think I’m going to make some cookies to take to our neighbor,” I told her. “He gave me a ride home, after this…” I vaguely gestured to my black eye. “And I’d like to thank him.”

Mom was quiet for several moments. “Which neighbor?” she finally asked.

“Miles,” I replied, looking over at her. “He lives at the end of the road.”

“I know who he is.” She frowned a little while studying me. “And he’s a nice man, Dylan? You’re sure about that?”

I quickly nodded, unable to hide my smile. “Really nice, Mom.”

Her expression softened in understanding. Then she smiled a little as well before refocusing her attention on the glass she was washing. “Well, okay then. You need any help making the cookies?”

I shook my head. “No, you just relax tonight, okay? Put your feet up and watch some TV.”

Once Mom was settled on the living room couch, eating a small bowl of ice cream, I set about making a batch of chocolate chip cookies. It didn’t take long, and after I was finished and had placed them on the counter to cool, I went to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth and tried to avoid looking at my face in the mirror. There was little I could do to conceal my injuries, but I told myself that Miles had seen me at my absolute worst, and I looked better than I had when he first picked me up that afternoon.

I spent a little more time in the bathroom preparing myself for the evening ahead, then headed to my bedroom so I could change into a button-down shirt and flared pants, along with a pair of loafers. As I ran a comb through my hair, which was shiny from being freshly washed, I decided I looked okay. Certainly not my best, but presentable enough to pay Miles a visit. I tried to ignore the way my hands were shaking, and I resisted the urge to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants.

Returning to the kitchen, I covered the plate of cookies with some plastic wrap, then headed for the front door before I could lose my nerve. Glancing over at Mom, I gave her a smile. “Have a good night, Mom. Love you.”

I could tell she was still a little nervous about me leaving, but she smiled back and said, “Love you too, sweetheart. Have a nice time!”

Stepping outside, I found that the night air was cooler, and a nearby streetlight provided illumination as I walked the short distance to Miles’s house. When I reached his driveway, I saw a light on in the living room. I took a deep breath to calm the nervous butterflies in my stomach, then strode to the front door so I could ring the bell.

Miles answered the door a few moments later, and I tried not to stare. He wore nothing but a pair of navy blue shorts, and he looked fresh from the shower. I immediately felt self-conscious, wishing I’d worn something more casual, but I’d wanted to look nice for him.

It took a lot of effort not to ogle his body. Now that he was shirtless, his well-defined muscles were even more evident, and I saw that his chest was covered with dark hair. My gaze swept over him, studying the way that hair tapered to a line down his belly and even lower before it was concealed by his shorts.

“I wanted to bring you these,” I finally managed to speak, though I sounded a little out of breath. I held the plate of cookies out to him. “To thank you for helping me earlier today.”

Miles took the plate from my hands, but I found I couldn’t read his expression as he stepped aside so I could enter his house. “Come on in, Dylan,” he said. I walked into the living room and then turned to him. “These look delicious,” he went on, nodding toward the plate he held, “but you didn’t need to go to the trouble.”

I looked around the living room, trying to stop my nerves from getting the best of me. “I hope I’m not disturbing you,” I said.

“Not at all. Just watching a little of the game,” Miles replied, nodding toward the television. Following his stare, I struggled to keep my smile in place. I knew almost nothing about baseball, so I certainly wouldn’t be able to hold a discussion with him about the sport.

It turned out that I didn’t need to worry, for after Miles took the plate of cookies to the kitchen, he returned and moved to turn off the television so he could give me his full attention. “Have a seat,” he said. “Can I get you a drink?”

“I’m fine, thanks.” Instead of sitting down in one of the chairs, I took a seat on the couch, hoping Miles would sit next to me. When he did, I felt a rush of nervous excitement. His leg was only inches from mine, and I had to clasp my hands together to keep from touching him.

Glancing around the living room, I saw that one of the windows was open to let in the night air. The air conditioning unit was off, and while the room was a comfortable temperature, I was still sweating a little.

“You look nice,” Miles suddenly said.

As I looked back at him, I saw his stare moving down my body, and then slowly back up to my face, and I practically beamed at his compliment. I knew he was being generous, overlooking my injuries, but I was glad he liked my outfit.

“Thank you,” I said. My voice was soft; people were always asking me to speak up. But Miles listened closely, so I didn’t have to repeat myself.

“Sorry if I’m underdressed,” he said. “After working all day, I like to come home and relax, and that means wearing as little clothing as possible.”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” I quickly told him, then hurried on. “I mean, I want you to be comfortable, and you look really…” I felt a blush heating my face, and I struggled to finish the sentence without sounding like an idiot.

A grin played at Miles’s lips. “I look really…?” he prompted, wanting me to continue.

I swallowed hard and finally said, “Really sexy.” Then I averted my eyes.

“I’m glad you think so,” Miles responded, and I noticed he moved even closer to me. “So, does your mother know you’re here?”

The question surprised me, but as our eyes locked, I understood his meaning. What he really wanted to know was, did my mom realize that I was attracted to men? And if so, did she accept that?

“She knows,” I said, and the smile returned to my face. I had to be careful not to smile too wide or my split lip would start bleeding again. “She even offered to help me bake the cookies.”

He raised his eyebrows. “She sounds like a great mom. And it’s just you and her at home?”

I nodded. “My dad’s long gone; we haven’t heard from him in years. Mom works at the factory, and I have a job at the bookshop in town. It’s not easy for us, but together, we manage to get by.”

“Why were you riding your bike today?” Miles asked. “I’ve seen you in your car plenty of times.”

Again I felt that pleasurable warmth spread inside my chest as I realized he’d paid attention to me when we’d encountered each other in passing. “I can’t get it to start,” I said, “and I don’t have the money to pay a mechanic right now.”

“I know a little about cars,” Miles told me. “I can take a look at it tomorrow, see if I can get it running.”

My eyes lit up at his offer. “That would be wonderful! Thank you!” I placed a hand on his arm, then fell silent as I waited to see if he would pull away. When he didn’t, I slowly slid my palm upward, toward his shoulder.

I saw his stare grow hot as I touched him. Already I felt myself growing hard; simply being close to him, feeling his warm skin and sensing his desire for me, made me aroused.

It was then that Miles placed a hand against my cheek. I closed my eyes, nestling into his gentle touch, and a pleasured sigh escaped my lips when he ran his fingers through my hair.

“My god, you’re beautiful,” I heard him whisper, and I quickly opened my eyes. Most people never would have meant those words as a compliment when speaking of me, but I knew from the expression on Miles’s face, so full of longing, that he definitely did.

He cupped his hand against the back of my head and drew me closer. My heart was pounding so furiously, it was hard to believe he couldn’t hear it, and when his lips met mine, I couldn’t suppress a faint moan. Our first kiss began so gently, for Miles was careful not to put too much pressure on my swollen lower lip.

As the kiss went on, I was the one who grew more eager, my mouth demanding, and he rewarded me by slipping his tongue between my lips. I was now almost painfully erect, and I wanted so much to feel what kind of effect the kiss was having on Miles, but I held back, afraid of moving too fast.

Finally Miles broke the kiss, and the sound of my heavier breathing filled the room. Looking down, I couldn’t hide a delighted smile. By the way Miles’s growing erection was tenting his shorts, I was almost certain he wasn’t wearing underwear. I was also sure that his dick was quite large, and I was dying to find out just how big. Knowing how excited he was made me brave enough to slip off my loafers and then ease myself onto his lap.

Miles leaned his head back against the couch so he could gaze up at me. My smile widened a bit, though I felt my face grow warm under the intensity of his stare. I took his large hands in my own, and as I examined them, I noticed his nails were cut short and filed down.

“Not very soft, are they?” he said.

I slid my thumbs over his palms. “But they’re so strong,” I whispered. “They could crush someone like me.”

“I’d never hurt you, Dylan,” he whispered back.

I moved to kiss his neck, daring to lick at his skin, and he wove his fingers through my hair again. His touch was tender, even soothing, and I realized no man had ever been so gentle with me before.

When I leaned back once more, Miles pulled my shirt from my pants and began unbuttoning it, revealing more of my skin to his view. Unlike him, my body hair was sparse, but he didn’t seem to mind as he slid his hands over my chest, and then lower to my belly, which caused me to tremble beneath his touch.

I hurried to remove the shirt altogether, and after I did, Miles placed his palms against my back and drew me closer so he could take my right nipple between his lips. Burying my hands in his hair, I closed my eyes and began gently rocking my hips. He moaned at my touch, at the excited movements my body made. Then he lowered his hand to my hard cock, rubbing it through my pants, and I released an eager cry. When he lifted his head to stare up at me, I sought out his mouth for another kiss.

I’d reached the point where I was desperate to see and feel and smell and taste Miles’s cock, so after carefully sliding off of him, I moved to kneel on the carpeted floor between his spread legs. He was breathing a little faster by this point, too, and when I tugged at the waistband of his shorts, he quickly lifted himself off the couch so I could begin pulling them down.

My guess about him not having on any underwear proved to be correct, and when his hard, uncircumcised cock first sprang into view, I made a sound like a yearning whimper. It was bigger than any I’d sucked before. My own wasn’t even six inches, and I guessed Miles was around eight inches in length. The foreskin was retracted, revealing that shiny glistening tip that I ached to lick. He had lots of pubic hair surrounding his prominent erection, and I noticed that his sack was nice and hairy as well.

Miles lifted his feet so I could remove his shorts. Looking up at him, I saw the clear desire in his stare as he eagerly waited for what I would do next. After giving him a smile, I lowered my head and nuzzled my lips against the underside of his shaft. Though he’d recently showered, I could still detect a masculine, faintly musky scent that made my mouth water.

I used the saliva which had pooled on my tongue to get the length of him good and wet, and by the way he groaned, I knew he was definitely enjoying my licking and gentle kissing. Already I loved his cock, I realized; I loved its prominent veins, and the way it pulsed. Though I knew it would be more of a challenge to take such a big dick, I so wanted to feel it in my mouth, and in my ass.

I knew from past experience that the head of an uncut cock tended to be more sensitive, and the frenulum was almost exquisitely so. Instead of sucking the tip, I gently took it in my mouth, keeping my lips circled loosely around it while using my tongue to massage the underside.

“Ah, yes!” Miles said in a guttural voice. “That feels really good, Dylan!”

I enjoyed him talking a little, letting me know what he liked. A lot of men were almost completely silent until they came, but not Miles. I loved each of his sighs and faint groans. His cockhead was so smooth beneath my tongue, and I licked at his slit, coaxing forth some sweet pre-cum.

As I pleasured him with my mouth, I used my hand to fondle his heavy balls. His groans were louder now, and when I gazed up at him, keeping my lips wrapped around his dick, he drew in an uneven breath before stroking my cheek. The tender gesture surprised me, and it only increased my determination to make him feel amazing.

With my tongue, I continued licking and probing, working the tip of it just underneath his foreskin. “Fuck, I love that!” he murmured. Seeing his growing excitement made my own cock throb harder. This was the first time I hadn’t had to rush while doing this, and I would have gladly spent the entire evening on my knees before his gorgeous dick.

I gently slid Miles’s foreskin up and down his shaft, and as I stroked him, I moved my lips to his hairy sack to enjoy his balls. I was so eager in kissing and licking them before drawing each one into my mouth to tenderly suckle it.

Miles moaned my name. “That mouth of yours is driving me crazy!”

I smiled at his praise, thrilled that I could make him feel so good. While holding his cock, I slid the tip over my lips, coating them with his pre-cum. Then I licked my lips clean, moaning with my own pleasure. As Miles watched me so clearly delighting in his dick, his breaths came faster, and he thrust his hips upward a little, driving his erection through my grasp.

When I took his cock in my mouth once more, I felt its hardness against the wound on my lip, but I was too excited to care. Instead, I was eager to take as many inches of his impressive length as I could. As my mouth moved lower, Miles wasn’t at all rough; he didn’t grab me by the hair and force his cock so far in my throat that it choked me. I was already well aware that I didn’t have much of a gag reflex, and that certainly helped me now that I was desperate to take him deep.

Bobbing my head up and down, and sucking while using plenty of spit, I reveled in the messy blowjob, working my way farther down his shaft. I felt him pulse and harden even more between my lips, and only when his pubic hair tickled my nose did I pause to hold his dick in my throat.

“Ah, yes!” Miles groaned, his hand gentle on my head. He was almost panting now, and I realized it wouldn’t be long before I had him right on the edge. Bringing my lips back up toward his tip, I licked at that sensitive head, taking a moment to draw in a breath. When I looked up at Miles, I saw something like pleading in his eyes, and I knew then how much he wanted to come.

Again and again and again I took him in my mouth, my lips reaching the base of his cock. I discovered how much easier this was, and how much more enjoyable, when I was allowed to move at my own pace instead of being forced. Soon I could feel Miles trembling, and he said in that deep, sexy voice of his, “I’m close.”

I made what I hoped sounded like an encouraging moan, my lips wrapped around his shaft as I continued pleasuring every inch of his cock. I felt his fingers tighten in my hair ever so slightly, betraying his excitement, and then I heard his sharp gasp just as his dick pulsed fiercely in my mouth. Almost immediately afterward, I got my reward when the first hot spurt of cum struck my throat. More soon followed, and I eagerly gulped it down until I finally had to pull back.

Circling my fingers around Miles’s still-hard cock, I swirled my tongue over the head, gathering up the cum that remained on it. Soon I could tell his tip was too sensitive for any more stimulation, and I stopped my languid licking so I could look up at him with a smile. Miles was still breathing a little fast, but he quickly returned my smile, then reached for me. I slowly rose, moving between his legs, then braced myself against the couch so that my mouth was just inches from his.

“Let me see your tongue,” Miles whispered.

I was a little surprised at his request, but I would have been willing to do anything he asked of me. I could still taste his semen on my tongue, and when I extended it, Miles leaned forward and gently took it between his lips, sucking it a little before he set about sliding his own tongue against mine in a passionate open-mouthed kiss. Seeing how eager he was to taste his own cum sent a pleasurable tremor through me.

Miles slowly withdrew from me, and I knew my face was flushed from being so turned on. His gaze swept over my body before settling on my crotch. “Your turn now, baby,” he murmured.

I raised my eyebrows, unable to hide my astonishment. “You mean, you want to…?”

His stare met mine again, and I saw that he appeared amused at my disbelief. “I want to suck your cock, yes,” he said.

“No one’s ever wanted to do that to me,” I revealed.

His smile faded at my words. “Then you’ve been spending time with the wrong men,” he said softly.

Of course I was fully aware of that now that I was with Miles. Climbing to my feet, I hurried to take off the rest of my clothes, tugging down my white briefs along with my pants. Then I stood before Miles and let him have a good look at my naked body.

Unlike him, I was circumcised, and even while fully erect, my cock wasn’t nearly as impressive as his. But he seemed plenty happy with it, for the smile returned to his lips, and he whispered, “Come here, Dylan.”

When I closed the distance between us, Miles took my hand and drew me to him. At his urging, I lay back so that my head rested on the arm of the couch, and he moved to kneel between my legs. Then he leaned forward, lowering his mouth to mine so he could give me a deep kiss. I eagerly returned it, my entire body responding as his lips moved over my neck and down my chest, and then lower still, traveling over my belly until hovering just above my hard, straining dick.

That first feel of his mouth made me release a loud moan, and though his lips and tongue had only begun to explore the head of my cock, I was already shaking a little with anticipation. While grasping my erection in his large hand, he licked along the underside, all the way from base to tip, and then, oh god, then he took me between his lips, and I felt that warm, wet mouth all around my cock.

“Miles!” I spoke his name on a breathy sigh, and when our eyes met, he made no attempt to hide how much he enjoyed this. His tongue was relentless, stimulating the tip of my dick, working against the underside of it while he used his hand to stroke my shaft.

The sight of this strong, powerful man doing everything he could to give me pleasure sent a surge of abject lust throughout my entire body. My moans grew louder, and seeing how this was the very first blowjob I’d received, and it was being performed by someone who definitely had experience and skill, I feared I wouldn’t last long at all.

I struggled to hold my hips still as my chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. Then Miles wrapped his lips firmly around my shaft and started moving his mouth downward. My eyes widened to see how much he managed to take, and how easily his throat accepted my cock. I clearly wasn’t the only one with a weak gag reflex.

I wove my fingers through his thick hair, and he moaned at my touch. When he had to pull back for a breath, he immediately turned his attention to my balls so he could nuzzle and lick and kiss them. His mustache tickled just a little, providing a stimulation I found I enjoyed.

Miles managed to take my entire sack in his mouth. “Yes, yes please!” I cried out, and it was then that I started shaking harder, getting close. While suckling my balls, Miles continued to stroke my cock, and throughout it all, he made contented little moans from deep in his throat, as if nothing else made him happier than bringing me right to the edge of an orgasm.

When Miles let my balls slip from his lips and then moved his mouth even lower, I hurried to drape one leg over the back of the couch so I could lift my body up a little. A sound like a faint wail escaped me as I felt his tongue sliding over my skin, making its way to my puckered hole. I couldn’t believe he was willing to do this; a blowjob was one thing, but licking my asshole was something else entirely!

Our eyes met, and I saw the wild lust in his stare. If he’d moved to fuck me right then, I would have offered up my ass in an instant. Yet he licked at my sensitive hole until I was arching my back, my body revealing how much I wanted to fuck.

Miles returned to sucking my cock with even more enthusiasm, and in only seconds I cried out, “I’m close now! Really close!”

He lifted his head to gaze up at me. “If this is as far as you want to take things this evening, Dylan, I’m more than happy to make you come with my mouth. But if you want to go further…” His voice trailed off, and he let his suggestion hang in the air.

“I want to go with the second option, please!” I panted, and Miles chuckled, obviously delighted by my eagerness. “I’m dying for you to fuck me!”

“Alright then,” he said, his grin widening. “I’ll be right back.” As he got up from the couch, I noticed that he was hard once again.

While he was gone, I sat up and brushed my hair back from my face, trying to slow down my breathing. My whole body felt like one continual throb of need, and the head of my cock was flushed an almost purple shade by this point.

Miles soon returned, and I saw that he carried a small jar of petroleum jelly. “Oh,” was all I could say as understanding dawned on me. During the few occasions when I’d been fucked in the past, the only lubrication available had been my partner’s spit.

He looked from me to the jar in his hand, and then back to me again. “Have you ever done this before?” he asked.

I hesitated before answering him. Sometimes on Saturday nights, I’d ride with my cousin into the city, where we’d often go dancing. She was a little older and accepted me for who I was, always encouraging me to have fun. We’d go our separate ways, agreeing to meet back at the car at a certain time.

During those nights in the city, I must have looked hungry for affection, for men inevitably approached me. Some of them didn’t bother to remove their wedding ring beforehand. We’d end up in the backseat of a car, or in the restroom of a club. Sometimes they were nice, though hurried in their eagerness to come, but more often than not, their touch was rough as they used me for their pleasure.

Now I met Miles’s stare. “I’ve been fucked a few times,” I revealed. “I’ve sucked cock a lot more, though.”

“Oh, I know you are very skilled at that!” he said before coming to sit beside me on the couch. I watched as he opened the jar and then dipped his fingers into it, gathering up the jelly so he could use it to get his cock nice and slick. As soon as he was finished, I moved toward him, but he only smiled and murmured, “Wait a second, baby. Let’s get you taken care of, too.”

Following his instructions, I got on my hands and knees, facing away from him. Then I felt his finger at my hole. “Fuck, yes!” I groaned when Miles worked his slick finger inside. My ass accepted it effortlessly, and I actually found myself rocking back a little to take more.

“You like that?” I heard him whisper.

“I love it!”

Gently, so gently, Miles added another finger, and I began whimpering with need. “I think you’re ready for even more,” he said, and I knew he was grinning.

“Please, yes, oh my god!” I shamelessly begged.

“My cock’s yours any time you want it, Dylan.” His voice was low and husky as he slowly withdrew his fingers from me, and I didn’t hesitate to straddle him. By the almost feral look on his face, I knew he was more than ready for me, too.

Reaching to take hold of his cock, I positioned myself so that the head was right at my hole. Miles rested his hands on my hips, and I gazed into his eyes while I started to lower myself onto him.

I was used to sex being painful; I honestly couldn’t imagine it being otherwise, yet I still craved it. But now, with my ass and Miles’s cock properly lubricated, my body yielded to him with only an initial twinge of pain. I couldn’t believe how easily my tight hole accepted his big dick, and as I took more and more, I discovered that sex didn’t have to hurt. No, it felt really fucking good now that Miles had taken the time to prepare me for it, and to get me so worked up that all I wanted was to have his cock buried in my ass.

Miles drew in a shuddering breath, letting me know just how incredible it felt for him to be inside me. “Ah, fuck!” he said in a guttural voice. “Dylan, you feel so goddamn good!”

I grinned and whispered, “So do you.” When I had taken every inch of his dick, I held still for a moment, losing myself in the sensation of being stretched and filled, completely claimed. Then I began moving, riding his cock at a leisurely pace while the sounds of our quickened breathing and low moans filled the room.

Feeling more confident, I leaned back a little, bracing my hands against Miles’s lower thighs so I could easily roll my hips forward as I rode him. I was achingly hard, and I released a soft cry when he wrapped his hand around my dick and began stroking it.

It wasn’t long before we were both sweating, and as Miles pumped my erection with a steady rhythm, his eyes locked with mine. His cock was right up against that exquisite spot inside me, and the stimulation made me shake. “Ooh, I love having your big dick inside me!” I moaned, moving my hips at a more fervent speed.

“You want to come, don’t you, baby?” Miles panted, and I knew he was right there with me, trying to hold back. I nodded, my whimper desperate, and he only had to give my cock a few more strokes with a firm grip before my body tensed.

“Oh god, I’m about to come!” I wailed.

“Fuck yes, come for me!” Miles urged.

I shuddered and totally lost my rhythm while the orgasm gripped me. My lustful cries echoed throughout the room as semen shot forth from my cock, landing on Miles’s chest and neck. His own cry mingled with mine when my muscles spasmed around his dick still deep inside me. I started to swoon forward, and he moved to hold me steady, his hands sliding over my skin before cupping my ass. Then he began thrusting upward, grunting as he sought his own release.

“Yes, yes, fuck me!” I moaned, holding onto his shoulders. I wanted Miles to come hard, to empty his balls in me. Gazing down at him, I saw his lips drawn back, his jaw set in a tight line as he drove himself closer and closer to orgasm.

And then he came with a roar, the sound reverberating against the walls. I threw my head back and smiled while he filled me with his cum. Each twitch and throb of his cock was so wildly satisfying, and when he was finally spent, I leaned to give him a hungry kiss.

“Oh baby,” Miles murmured against my lips, his palms caressing my back, “you are incredible.”

I rested my forehead against his, closing my eyes as I trembled in his embrace. “I never knew it could feel so good,” I revealed.

“I’m glad I was able to show you just how good it can be,” he whispered.

For several long moments, we simply held each other, relaxing after our intense orgasms. When I finally moved to lift myself off of him, and his cock slipped out of me, I clenched my stretched hole, knowing I’d soon be longing for him again.

I didn’t want to make a mess on his couch, so I rushed to stand and pull on my briefs. Taking a deep breath, I inhaled the scent of cum and sweat that still clung to me.

Miles told me I could use the main bathroom, while he would wash up in the half bath that adjoined his bedroom. A short time later, we both returned to the living room, and Miles slowly approached me. I stared at him expectantly, my pulse beginning to race once more. He cupped my face in his hands and gazed down at me. “I want to be with you, Dylan,” he said.

I’d been hoping, more than anything, to hear those words, but I hadn’t allowed myself to imagine that I actually would; I’d prepared myself to accept that this was a one-time thing, the way it had been with other men. Now I felt my face light up with a huge smile, and immediately I told Miles, “I want to be with you, too.”

“But I’m not going to share you,” he went on. “As long as we’re together, you’re mine alone, all right?”

I placed a hand against his chest. “How could you think I’d ever want anyone else when I have you?” I said softly.

Miles grinned, clearly pleased by my words. “Just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.”

I wove my fingers through his hair, guiding his mouth down to mine so I could give him a deep kiss. “We are,” I assured him. “And I’m yours, Miles.”


I visited Miles every evening, staying later and later. When I returned home, I was always careful not to wake Mom, and in the mornings, she smiled and asked me, “Did you have a good night?” To which I quickly, and a little coyly, replied, “A very good night.”

Miles also managed to fix my car so I didn’t have to ride my bike to work anymore. It was a relief to be able to drive into town, and while I hadn’t seen John since the day he’d attacked me, I still felt far less vulnerable being in a vehicle. The last thing I wanted was to leave myself open to another beating, when I knew Miles would demand to know who my bully was in order to extract his own brutal vengeance.

One weekend shortly after we began seeing each other, Miles invited me to have lunch with him at a restaurant in town. “But people might talk,” I told him quietly.

“People aren’t going to say shit,” Miles replied in a firm voice, “because you’re with me.”

Finally I agreed to go. I did want to be with him, more than anything, and I knew we couldn’t stay at his house all the time, but I still felt a little nervous when he opened the passenger door of his truck so I could climb inside.

Unlike me, Miles was completely relaxed as we drove toward town. He even sang along to the music playing, and I discovered he had a beautiful voice.

We hadn’t yet reached the main streets of town but were still on one of the side roads when I spotted John walking alone. Immediately I tensed and drew in a startled breath.

Miles was quick to notice my reaction. “Is that the sonofabitch who hit you?” he demanded.

I looked down at my hands clasped tightly in my lap. Though I didn’t speak, Miles knew the answer, and he abruptly pulled the truck over.

“Miles, wait!” I cried, reaching for him, but he was out of the truck in an instant, striding toward the man who had beaten me.

John didn’t have a chance to flee before Miles was upon him. I released a startled yelp as Miles punched John in the face, sending my tormentor sprawling on the ground. From where I sat in the truck, I could see the blood gushing from John’s nose.

Miles straddled John on the ground, delivering several more violent blows before he finally climbed to his feet. “You touch Dylan again and your nose won’t be the only thing I break, motherfucker!” Miles shouted at John. “Do you hear me?”

John remained on the ground, seemingly dazed as he moaned in pain, but he was quick to nod, making it clear he heard Miles perfectly.

Miles glared down at John for a moment longer, his expression so full of rage that he was almost unrecognizable to me. But when he turned and started toward the truck, his eyes met mine, and all his fury immediately vanished.

As Miles got back into the truck, I stared at him, wide-eyed with shock, and though I tried to speak, no words came out. He turned toward me then, and I noticed that his knuckles were covered with John’s blood. When he spoke, his voice was low and soft. “I told you that if you have a problem, I’m gonna take care of it, and I meant what I said, Dylan.”

I gave up on finding a way to adequately thank him. Instead, I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him close. Miles gave me a tender smile, full of affection, and as we headed into town, I knew that with him by my side, I was finally safe.

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