National Nude Day Cancelled Ch. 02

A gay story: National Nude Day Cancelled Ch. 02

I watched as the crowd began to gather, a sea of naked bodies surrounding us. There was a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air, as people embraced their freedom and celebrated National Nude Day. As we looked around at the throng of people, suddenly the television crews arrived, bursting out of their mobile cocoons and pushing and shoving their way through the crowd, trampling on couples who were otherwise engaged on the ground.

The reporters clamored for my attention, all speaking over each other as they fired questions at me. “What have you done?” “Who are you?” “What is your next plan?” I could barely hear myself think over the chaos.

“Are you going to be arrested?” A blonde reporter blurted out, thrusting a microphone in my face.

I cleared my throat and replied calmly, “No, we were granted a permit to march.”

But she wasn’t finished yet. “What about all the nudity and debauchery? Will the police allow this to continue?” she pressed.

I scanned the crowd, taking in the various sexual activities taking place around us before responding, “Well, if you look around, you’ll see that the police have joined in on the fun too. So I believe it’s safe to say that they won’t be interrupting our celebration.”

The reporter, clearly disappointed that her questions weren’t eliciting the scandalous responses she had hoped for, tried a different angle. “Will National Nude Day become a permanent event?” she inquired.

“I certainly hope so,” I replied, gesturing towards my own naked body. “And my name is Simon, in case you were wondering.”

I noticed that her gaze lingered a little too long on my body and before I could say anything, my friend Nathan stepped forward, placing a possessive hand on my penis. His message was loud and clear – I was his, and he was not going to let any woman lay a finger on me.

Undeterred, the reporter turned to Nathan and asked, “Will you be speaking with city hall officials?”

Nathan’s expression was stern as he answered, “Yes, we will talk to them, but it will be on our terms, not theirs.”

Another reporter asked the same question and I decided to give a more direct response this time. “If city hall wants to have a conversation with us, they can, but they’ll have to come to us. We will not be silenced or controlled by their moral standards.”

The reporters seemed to finally get the message and turned away, muttering amongst themselves. I made a mental note to be wary of their biased intentions in the future.

In the end, National Nude Day was a huge success, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in being a part of this bold and liberating movement.

They seemed happy at this and took more photographs and more television footage.

I kissed Nathan on the lips, hoping that that would be in the paper or at least on television.

The reporters laughed and chatted some more to the both of us. Just getting run of the mill background junk. Suddenly the cameras came up again and the lights lit up. Not facing us, but rather to the steps behind us leading to the double doors of the hall.

I turned and saw some people coming our way. Talking as they surveyed the crowd and the television crews. As they neared, they slowed, taking in our nudity. Seeing that we were unashamed of it. They seemed nervous and did not speak for a short time. Finally one of them coughed, I think it was more from nerves than from anything else.

“The Mayor would like to see you inside.” The lead person said, as he blushed.

“Do I have to bend over so that he can do it?” I laughed in return.

“No!” He shouted, as he misunderstood my little joke, while others stifled a small laugh with their hands across their mouths.

“So, what does our glorious Mayor want of me?” I asked him.

“He has a proposition for you. I can’t say anything further until you see him.” He replied.

“Okay. Is that for both of us?” Indicating Nathan.

He looked at him and nodded, “Okay, you can both come in.”

“Do we need to dress?” I asked.

“It would be better.” He said.

“Well, that’s a shame.” I answered, “Since we don’t have any clothes around.”

“Humph.” Came the reply, “You better come as you are then.”

I smiled at that comment, because I had no intention of wearing any clothes as that would defeat our purpose of being here today.

People were watching this exchange from the crowd and I turned back to shout to them, “I go inside to meet our salubrious Mayor and to give him some of this1”, as I held my cock.

The crowd whistled and clapped as one, enjoying my little light humor, but knowing that I would give him a hard time on this issue.

“Can we come as well?” asked some reporters.

“No. We will let you know what happens.” Said the main man.

With that he turned and headed towards the doors and Nathan and I followed them.

They led us through the foyer and up the large spiral staircase that was left over from a forgotten period. Money oozed from some of the offices that we passed. Sumptuous leather chairs, expensive desks, oil paintings dotted on the walls. No wonder they didn’t let the public into the offices, they liked to hide their wealth or was that the wealth of the people?

Walking along we spotted some pieces of clothing scattered here and there. Obviously some of the inhabitants decided to have their own “National Nude Day.” I smiled as I pointed this out to Nathan and we both laughed.

One office with the door slightly ajar had a bloke on top of his secretary, on the desk humping away, oblivious to the outside world. Judging by the noise she was making, he was doing a good job.

We finally arrived where a secretary was waiting and then buzzed through into another room.

“Mr. Mayor, let me introduce.” He began, but then he remembered he didn’t know our names.

I moved forward and said, “I’m Simon and this is my boyfriend Nathan.”

He took in our nudity and said, “Welcome, take a seat and tell me what this is all about.”

I had a feeling that he already had a good idea, but it couldn’t hurt to give him our side of the story, so we sat and started, “Why we should have a National Nude Day; what people wanted, especially the ones out the front of the building; and a few other ideas that I had.” He listened to what I had to say only interrupting now and then to give a constructive comment or question.

After I had finished he sat there with his fingers pointed together as his thought processes went to work. Every now and then he would glance at us and look at our bodies and faces.

“Okay, I see that you have a good reason for doing this and for organizing this rally. Can the rest of you leave while I talk to these two gentlemen.” You told the others, “I wish to speak privately to them both.

The lead guy looked aghast, but did as he was told. When they had all left, it just left us three alone.

“Simon.” The Mayor began, “You know that the President and his wife are coming here tonight for a gala dinner?”

I nodded, but had no idea where this was leading.

“Well, I would like to invite the two of you to meet with him and tell your story, so that he might change his stance on this “Day of Nudity.”” He said.

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