Nature’s Calling

He didn’t need to ask why I was there but… “Are you going to run again?” he asked quietly.

“No, no more running. I’m…” Terrified. I swallowed thickly, forcing myself to meet those bright, aquamarine eyes, forcing the admission out past the constriction of my throat. “I-I’m yours.”

And I knew just how to prove it to him. Gathering the tattered remains of my courage, steeling myself for a rejection that could still come, I toed off my shoes, my hands going to the hem of my t-shirt and lifting it up and over my head. Fingers trembling, eyes never once straying from the intensity of his, I quickly undid the button of my jeans, the zipper sliding down with a hiss that would’ve been almost inaudible under normal circumstances. Soon my jeans were pooling around my feet but my hands hesitated at the elastic band of my ridiculous Bart Simpson, Eat My Shorts boxers, needing some sign of encouragement that I wasn’t totally making a fool of myself.

Lips parting, eyes hooding, Kieran waded forward a few inches, enough that the water rose from his hips to just above his belly button. “Don’t stop,” he husked out, a ragged breath of a plea. “Please… Don’t stop, Ethan.”

Encouragement received. Emboldened by it, I released a big portion of my anxiety in a whooshing sigh that left me dizzy, and I shoved down my boxers. My cock, so long denied, sprang free and slapped against my belly, the tip already glistening. Still denying it, I kicked aside my discarded clothes, quickly stepping into the cool water. A chill seeped into my bones but it did nothing to douse the rampant desire that was pulsing in my dick and boiling my blood. My feet carried me to the center, wading through the clear, emerald water, my gaze never wavering from the pale perfection of the man staring so fixedly at me.

God, he was gorgeous. I stood just a few feet away, the water rippling at my nipples, pebbling them into hard nubs, my dick pulsing with each of my pounding heartbeats. I blatantly looked my fill, eyes devouring the muscled, alabaster contours of his body. His black hair was slicked back, his lashes spiked and clinging with droplets that fell with each blink, joining the rivulets running down his smooth, muscled chest, down his hard, washboard abs. I’d seen a lot of his body over the weekend but the front view had been limited to just the torso. And what a magnificent torso. But now my gaze dipped below the waist, past the gently lapping water to the wavering image of his amazing phallus.

But then he was suddenly in motion, submerging himself and becoming momentarily invisible, but the brief glimpse I’d gotten of him below the belt had my anxiety returning with a vengeance. He was long and hard, thick and hard and, oh, did I mention hard? Yet that anxiety was superseded by an even more overwhelming excitement.

Bouncing on my toes, I peered beneath the water for Kieran, feeling the tantalizing brush of fingers to my thighs just before Kieran’s head broke the surface just in front of me. He tossed his head back, soaked hair flinging away from his face, blinking water from his eyes. And then I was in his arms, my chest plastered to his, our lips impacting and sending electric tingles to every nerve ending in my body. I was fucking buzzing and I couldn’t get enough of those jolts, my legs winding around his waist, his dick prodding at me beneath the water.

Kieran swept me from the center to the waterfall, our bodies being pummeled as he carried me through, my ass bumping against the hard surface of smooth rock. I perched there but couldn’t force my legs or arms to release him, my head tipping back to meet those aquamarine gems. What I saw in them had me gasping, wondering how the hell he’d ever appeared neutral. Because right now, in this moment, they were blazing with enough heat to start a forest fire, an inferno that I gladly surrendered to. But along with the heat and tenderness and, yes, lust was… love?

My fingers fluttered at his neck, my hands grasping each side of his face, pulling him down for a kiss that I infused with as much emotion as I was capable of. And, yes, there was love in it. I couldn’t help it. I was fucking in love with him and I didn’t know where or how or when it happened but it had.

“Ethan,” he whispered, his lips tearing from mine only to pepper me with tiny kisses at my neck, sucking and nibbling.

Groaning, I leaned back, my arms flinging wide to hold me steady. I undulated against Kieran, unable to stop the motions of my body, unable to fight the pleasure wracking me or the raging fire ignited in my gut and spreading.

My hand gripped the edge of the rock, my elbow knocking over… a bottle of KY? I managed to snort a laugh. “Over-confident much?”

“Hopeful,” he corrected, a whispered caress against my skin as he sucked on my collarbone, causing my eyes to roll back in my head and momentarily forget my own fucking name. My collarbone was always a sensitive spot. “I pilfered it from Molly.”

“Molly,” I muttered. “Little Miss Matchmaker.”

Kieran chuckled at my disgruntled tone, even as he continued with those open-mouthed, nibbling kisses. My head lolled on my neck, almost delirious, but I was still aware enough to admit I harbored no ill feelings for Molly. If not for her, I wouldn’t be here, in this moment, and that was something I couldn’t even contemplate anymore. This was where I had to be, where I needed to be.

“Have you ever done this before?” I asked, my hands kneading his strong chest, smoothing up that silky expanse of flesh, gripping his broad shoulders.

He glanced up at my through the dark fringe of his lashes, his tongue dipping and swirling into my belly button. “I’ve never allowed myself to get this close to another person, Ethan,” he murmured, fingers trailing down my ribcage, tickling touches that made me shiver as goose bumps popped up. “So, what do you think?”

I think that would be a resounding no.

And, God, that it was me who was bestowed with the honor of this… that he was trusting me… it was a humbling thing. And there was also a pride I couldn’t squelch, possessiveness rearing its head at the thought that it was only me. And I was reciprocating in kind.

His cool fingers suddenly gripped the base of my cock, his warm breath wafting over the round, mushroom head. I held my breath, my eyes shuttering to half-mast as I stared down at him, at the anxiety he couldn’t quite conceal before his hot mouth engulfed my cock. My brain short-circuited, losing purchase on the rock and scrabbling frantically to remain upright, a pressure I couldn’t define building. His wicked tongue stroked down my length and I unconsciously thrust upward, bumping the back of his throat and making him gag, but I couldn’t control myself. For the first time, I was not in control during sex, but I couldn’t exactly complain.

Stroking back up, Kieran met my hooded eyes as he released me with a pop, but disappointment couldn’t intrude because his tongue flicked across the tip, lapping at the pre-cum streaming out, before he swallowed me again. My hips were bucking wildly now, fucking with his rhythm, but I couldn’t help myself. Couldn’t help the garbled, unintelligible words spilling past my lips, couldn’t help the thrashing of my body. I was vaguely aware of hearing a snap of the KY opening, his hands gripping my ass, his nimble fingers parting me, delving deep, stretching. The mild discomfort of that was barely noticed as my body suddenly stiffened, a shout scraping my throat raw as my cock pulsed, emptying itself inside the hot, moist haven of Kieran’s mouth.

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