Neighbors with Jay Pt. 05

A gay sex story: Neighbors with Jay Pt. 05

The full week had almost passed. Jay and I have been sucking and fucking just about the entire time. We would occasionally take a break to eat, watch TV, play Playstation, go swimming. Just regular friend stuff. But most of our time together was draining each other of our cum. It was great.

We never bothered throwing that party. We didn’t see the point. The main reason we wanted to throw the party (like anyone our age, really) was to drink and try to get laid. Since Jay and I got together, we didn’t need a bunch of people here to do that. We thought it was much more fun to fuck each other senseless while we had the house to ourselves. Which, as it turns out, was going to be extended.

Rob, his mom, and my dad were supposed to come back tomorrow, but everyone but Rob got a severe stomach bug. They were in no condition to fly back, so they were stuck in Chicago for at least a few more days until they were better. Which worked out great for me and Jay, for obvious reasons.

As for Rob, it seemed like he took the news rather well for the most part:

What the FUCK, GUYS?!?!?!? Are you fucking with me right now? There’s no way this is real. Right??

He sent about nineteen more texts just like it while we were in the shower. All with questions like, “Is this real?” “How long has this been going on?” “Why didn’t you tell me?” You get the point. He was upset, but he seemed more upset that we kept this from him than us actually being gay together. I’ll take that as win.

So for the remaining six days of the trip, Rob texted us almost nonstop. He was trying to pry as much information out of us as possible. What all we’ve done, what we like the most, etc. We didn’t answer him that often, as we’re more focused on each other than responding, but we answered when we could.

On day six, Jay and I were in bed naked. He was sucking my cock. He had been doing so for a while. He was taking his time, going slow and licking along the shaft. He was in no rush, and I wasn’t complaining. I was enjoying every second of it. We were in our own little world when I got a notification ping on my phone. I looked and it was yet another text from Rob asking another question. I was surprised. Not by Rob texting us again for the thousandth time this week, but the real surprise was the question itself:

So……what’s it like? Being with a guy, I mean. Do they give better blowjobs? Do they kiss better? Is being fucked in the ass really that good?

I suppose I shouldn’t have been shocked. Given what’s happened in the time that has passed, Rob was definitely curious about my and Jay’s relationship. But now he seemed genuinely curious about more than that. And this doesn’t seem like the kind of question you ask unless you wanted to try it out for yourself.

I tap Jay on the head. He lifts his head off my cock and looks at my phone. His eyes grow wide with surprise. “Yeah, he definitely wants to try something.”

“Right?” I agreed. “So first thing’s first, what should we tell him?”

Jay ponders for a few seconds. “Well, we’ve gotten this far on honesty. Don’t change that now.”

I nodded and went back to my phone:

I can only speak from personal experience this past week. It’s great being with Jay! He gives the best blowjob I’ve ever had, hands down. No one else compares. His kisses are addicting. I can’t get enough! As for anal, you’d have to ask Jay. But he seems to love it!

I hit Send. I look at Jay and say, “Done.”

“What did you tell him?” Jay asked.

“I said you give the best blowjobs.” I tell him with a smile.

Jay smiled back. He took the hint and took my hard cock into his mouth once again without hesitation. I laid my head back and moaned softly, running my hand through his hair as he bobbed up and down on my dick. After another minute or so, another notification ping snapped me back to reality. I check my phone and it is of course from Rob again:

Really??? Damn….

I wasn’t sure what to respond with before he sent another text right away:

Maybe I should try guys then haha

Got him.

I smirk at his response. I show it to Jay. He looks at my phone, takes my cock out of his mouth and asks, “What do you think?”

I respond, “I guess we should ask ourselves; do we want to find someone for him to experiment with, or should you or I or both of us experiment with him?”

Jay didn’t even think about it. He immediately responded, “Us!”

I laughed a little at him. “Really? You think so?”

“Fuck yeah!” Jay almost screamed out. “Why not? It’s always been the three of us. It should stay that way. I know he’s your stepbrother, so if it’s weird, just say the word and I’ll drop it. But doesn’t it just feel right? To have all three of us together?”

I honestly couldn’t argue with that logic. We were thick as thieves. Now Jay and I found a way to be closer, and loving it. Rob could be the odd man out, but maybe not. If he really is curious and wants to try guys, then who better than his best friends?

After mulling it over for a minute, I look at Jay and say, “You’re right. It should be us. And no, it doesn’t feel weird. It actually feels….right.”

Jay smiled at me. “Then it’s settled. Do you want to tell him?”

I pick my phone back up and respond to Rob:

Well, let me just say this. If you are serious about experimenting with guys, Jay or I or both of us are willing to help you explore those feelings when you get back. If you don’t want to do that with either of us, we’d understand. We can find someone else for you. No pressure.

I hit Send. Rob responded right away:

Yes! I think that’s perfect! What you two have been doing has been the only thing on my mind this last week. It’s making me hard! All I want to do now is try gay sex. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I grin ear-to-ear at his response. “He’s down to try with us!” I tell Jay.

“Awesome!” Jay almost screamed. Now we were both very excited.

I go back to Rob’s thread:

Great! We’re excited to include you! If you don’t end up liking it, or feeling differently about it, then we can stop. Again, no pressure. We want you to enjoy yourself. We’ll see you in a few days!

Once I sent the text, Rob again texted me back immediately. He was just as excited as we were. Probably more:

Actually, I still have my ticket for home tomorrow. Mom and your dad figured I should just head home now. They want me to keep my distance from them. I’ve just been staying in my hotel room while they’ve been in their room. So we could actually get things started tomorrow, if that works for both of you.

I look at Jay. “Dude, Rob is actually coming home tomorrow as planned. My dad and his mom are staying back until they’re better.”

“Holy shit!” Jay exclaimed. “We can still have the place to ourselves with him. This is perfect!”

Before I respond to Rob, a naughty idea crossed my mind. I look to Jay. “I want to tease Rob a bit. Would you mind continuing?”

Jay didn’t say anything. He just swallowed my cock whole once again, making me moan again. I aim my phone at Jay and take a picture, getting a good shot of him sucking me off. I take a few more pictures and attach them with the text, “We’ll be ready. ;)” and hit Send. After that, I close my phone and set it down. After a minute or two, I hear the notification ping again and again, no doubt Rob responding to the dirty pictures. I didn’t care to look. I knew what they said, and I had something else going on that needed my attention first.

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