New Neighbor Steven part 1 by rimaday


A gay adult story: New Neighbor Steven part 1 by rimaday ,

This story has themes of gay non-consent/reluctance. If this bothers you please choose another story.

My name is Steven Vincent wife and I had been married for eight years and lived in a newer middle-class housing development outside of Dallas when this story began. We were one of the original units in development that now had over 150 houses with plans to double that in the next eight to ten years.

We had lived next door to an older couple that retired and moved to Galveston. Although the Jacksons were nice and friendly, we heard they sold the house to a younger couple and were excited by the thought of having new neighbors closer to our own age. Shelley had just turned 35 and I was her cougar toy at only 29. We met at Parkland Memorial where we both work as nurses.

When they were due to be moved in next door, the moving company delivered two large storage pods and placed them in the driveway next door. We met John a couple days later when he was struggling to unload some of his belongings from the pods by himself.

It was Saturday morning and we had planned to work in the yard. But when we saw him struggling, Shelley and a I went over and introduced ourselves and asked if he needed any help.

“That’s very nice of you to ask, but I could not impose. The moving company has had trouble finding workers. The economy booming, I guess there are better options for strong young guys that are less taxing on the body. They’re not committing to when they can get a team to unload me, and I start my new deployment in two days.”

I looked and Shelley and she gave a knowing smile, so I replied. “Look John, we had nothing special planned today. We’ve had the moving woes before, and we are happy to help you for as long as it takes.

I’m about 5’10” tall 180 pounds and work out 4 days a week minimum. John was similar height and a little bulkier. He had a military style buzz cut with a form fitting white tank T-shirt, with dog tags underneath. So, I figured the two of us could handle just about everything. Shelley was 5’8″ 140 lbs. sexy firm and stronger than most women and could lift with most men.

I helped him with the end table he was trying to carry solo. When we finished, I saw Matt and Ally Christianson out in their jogging gear. They lived two houses down on the other side of us. I waved them over and introduced them to John. After they heard the situation, they agreed to help too.

Matt was 5’8″ and 170 lbs. and Ally was 5’2″ tall, 100lbs tiny but a spitfire. Her body was tight and cute with perky little breasts and her nipples were fully at attention.

I recalled a time two summers ago, when she tried to seduce me. Matt was out of town and Shelley was working. I went over to take a dip in their pool, and she was outside in her tight little bikini taunting me with her tiny round ass.

Just as my mind went to thinking about how tight her tiny little pussy must be, she asked me to rub lotion on her back. She hit on me blatantly and I was seriously tempted but could not do that to Shelley. Matt’s voice snapped me out of my daydream.

“If you don’t mind the smell. We just finished a run.” Said Matt as he flapped his arms airing out his pits. “We would love to help. Right Hun?”

“Absolutely.” She agreed.

“Thank you so much, you are lifesavers. It was going to take several days for the moving company to get someone here. If you can help with some of the big stuff, I can handle the rest…”

“Don’t mention it. I think we can get all of this inside today.” I said making a body build pose. “This could work out great, we just had a big family get together for Shelley’s 35th and we have a bunch of sandwiches left over, so, we’ve got lunch covered.” I was thankful Shelley didn’t seem to notice I just announced her age to a stranger.

Matt, chimed in, “Ally just put a huge crock pot of her beef stew on before we left. it feeds about 20 so we have dinner coved.”

John started to protest and paused. “You know what? I’m just going to say thank you. I’m usually uncomfortable asking for help or taking charity.”

“Matt cut in. “It’s not charity…”

“I know, I know.” Said John shaking his head. “You’re just being nice, and I am going to be man enough to accept your offer and be thankful. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to pay you back in the future.”

He looked at us all sincerely. “This is great. What great neighbors. I obviously picked the right neighborhood to move!”

“You do have great taste in neighbors that’s for sure.” I grinned and pointed at the pods. “What first?”

He pointed at the second pod. “I would suggest the dining room furniture first. It’s the heaviest, while we’re fresh.”

We had easily unloaded half his belongings when we broke for lunch. We found out he was born and raised in southern California and had moved here to finish off his career in the Marines. He moved from Camp Pendleton to NAS Fort Worth, a joint reserve base. He was going to be the Marine training coordinator at the base.

He had served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan but did not seem interested in sharing any details beyond that, so we did not push. In an effort to change the subject, I put my foot deep in the shit before shoving it firmly in my mouth when we all sat down for lunch.

Seeing his wedding ring, I asked. “The Jackson’s said they sold to a young couple, is your wife coming later?”

He looked down at the bench of our backyard table. “I lost Mary about a year ago…”

“Oh, I’m so sorry…” I said as Shelley gave me a knock with her knee and an eye roll.

“It’s ok, you couldn’t have known…Thanks for the lunch you really didn’t have to…”

Shelley interrupted and diverted the uncomfortable conversation masterfully. “It was nothing John. You are all doing us a favor helping us eat this food while it’s still fresh. We would never eat this much and would have had to throw it out. Let me get you some Texas sweet tea John. I don’t think they serve this in California…”

She poured and he took a sip. “That is mighty good Ms. Vincent. That is right neighborly of ya” said John in pretty good Texas drawl.

That lightened the mood and got things back on track. I smiled at her and mouthed “Thank you Darlin’.” She smiled.

“He’s gonna fit right in.” Said Ally with a grin.

John was 30 with no kids. He was the youngest of three siblings and his mother lived in Riverside California. His father passed when he was in basic training at age 18.

We had him unloaded by 2:30 and helped get several rooms set up. He was thankful for the ladies help setting things in place in the living room, dining room and kitchen. The bedrooms had the furniture in place by the time we had dinner at 8:00.

He arrived at Matt and Ally’s with two twelve packs. “I can at least supply the beer.” It was Lone Star. We all laughed. “I hear everything’s better in Texas, so I thought this made sense.”

Sunday the ladies helped him get the bedrooms arranged while the men unloaded and disposed of the old boxes. We finished in time for the Cowboys pre-season game against New Orleans. We hosted the game viewing and finished off the rest of our leftovers.

It was a good first weekend and we were all excited about our new neighbor. He went home to finish up before reporting to the assignment on Monday. Matt and Ally stayed a while and we all started talking about ladies we might hook him up with.

“He’s so nice, but there’s a sadness about him.” Said Ally.

“Yeah, he’s had a tough time. Lost his father young and then his wife. His mother sounds like a strong lady.” Said Shelley.

“We should introduce him to Betsy some time.” I suggested. Betsy is a Nurse friend of ours, bright, beautiful, and single. She has focused on her career and is at the point in life at 29 where she is ready to think about settling down.

“You read my mind Sweetie.” Shelley planted a kiss on me.

“Our cashier at the shop is available and around his age.” Matt pondered.

“Meagan at the office would be good too.” Added Ally.

“Oh Yeah she’s a cutie.” I added before getting the elbow from Shelley. “Not that I ever noticed…”

“Uh huh.” Shelley shook her head grinning.

We all agreed, we liked him and wanted to help find him a new love interest but would play it slow and not overwhelm him. New city, new assignment, new home was enough to absorb for now.

Over the next three months, the ladies brought him the occasional meal and we had him over once a month for dinner with the Christianson’s. He ran a couple times with them on the weekends and I saw him run with Matt a couple weekday mornings on my way to early shift.

He, Matt, and I got together a couple time for Cowboys games. John was a lifelong Raiders fan, but with their pending move to Vegas, we were slowly converting him to a cowboy fan. One Sunday night the Cowboys played the Raiders and we met at John’s. Dak Prescott threw three Interceptions and the Raiders won 24-13. We bet him $5 each on the cowboys. When we paid him, he laid back in his recliner and waved the money. “Thanks gents. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you. Maybe you boys should consider converting to the dark side.”

“Not happening.” I said laughing. “And no, you’re not my father Darth.”

He did the Darth Vader breathing imitation.


“Ok, I gotta get home, I’m on the early shift a probably had about three too many beers tonight.” I said, as I headed for the door.

“One more Matty?” asked John.

“Yes Sir.” Replied Matt softly.

“I thought so,” said John grinning. “You’re always thirsty for more.”

“See ya guys, don’t go at it too hard.”

“Never, right Matty?” replied John.

“No sir.” said Matt.

Walking home, I was taken aback by the fact that Matt would let John call him Matty. I would have never imagined he would be ok with that, but John had a way of putting people at ease with his demeanor and tone. He was a fun guy, despite his rather sad life.

Heading for work the next morning, I saw Matt walking down John’s driveway and thought, “OMG did he pass out there last night?” But I noticed he had his running gear on so they must have had an early run.

“You must not be too hung over if you ran this early.” I yelled jokingly.

He looked startled and began rubbing at the side of his face, then flicked his hand, apparently wiping off sweat.

He jogged past my house on the sidewalk. “Gotta go, late for work.” He brushed his face and neck as he passed.

“See ya later Matt.” I drove on to work.

About a week later all had been quiet with Matt and John. Shelley and I were working lots of overtime. Our plan was to rack up as many hours as possible over the next 18 months and then work on two babies as quickly as possible before the clock runs out.

She was called in on nights to the neonatal unit and I was working first and second shift in the CCU (Cardiac Care Unit). The beauty of third shift is it is generally quieter and pays time and a half. We were sharing the bed about 4 nights a week and if one wasn’t tired the other was whipped.

Saturday, she did a double. I was on my own and John texted about watching the Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs. Michelle Waterson UFC match. I had the early shift and finished around 3:30 and saw Shelley for about 20 minutes before she had to leave for work. We reminded ourselves it would all be worth it when the first baby arrived.

Exhausted I took a nap and arrived at John’s about 8:00PM. He greeted me at the door.

“Sup buddy, come on in. Pizza’s ordered and I have the drinks on ice. Come on into the war room.” He had a man cave downstairs with a big screen and surround sound. A little too much Raiders and Lakers gear but Matt and I did get him a cowboys picture that he hung up. We were slowly turning him from the dark side.

I had never been much into UFC, but John was into it, and I thought I’d give it a try.

“So, I was checking out the weigh in ceremony. These ladies are kind of hot.” I smiled.

“You’re getting part of the appeal brother.” He gave me a high five handshake. Although these ladies really are tough. They don’t look so “hot” when they’re done. This ain’t the WWE. “I gotta new drink here, try this.” He pointed to a pitcher of what looked like bright yellow lemonade with lots of ice, sitting on tray table between the matching recliners.

“Ok if you say so.” He poured us each a glass.

“It’s lemonade with a kick.” He smiled and handed me a glass. “Cheers.”

We clinked glasses and I gave it a taste. It was sweet with a hint of lemony flavor. “What’s in it.”

“Secret recipe. I could tell ya, but then I’d have to…”

“Kill me? I get it Jack Ryan. You military types… It is good.”

I downed it quickly and he filled me up again. By the time the pizza arrived, I was on number four. I tried to get up when the pizza man came. I wanted to offer to pay and quickly felt the effects of the drink and dropped back into the chair.

“Whoa, that shit’s gotta kick. I should have waited to eat something first.”

“I told ya Stevie boy. Sit on back there and have another Buddy. You don’t need to drive, it’s all good. I got this Buddy.” He said as he went upstairs to get the pizza.

I downed two more glasses with the pizza and felt buzzed, awake, high and horny as I watched the recap of the weigh in with Joanna and Michelle.

“Damn, I think I ate too much.” I took another sip. I don’t know what’s in this, but I like it!” I held out my glass and he clinked his against mine again.

“Good Stevie, are you feeling a little bit like you’re in a fog buddy?”

“Yeah, I do…”

He flipped the TV off and stood up. Then he grabbed a folding chair and put it in front of my recliner and looked at me seriously. “I need you to sit up and pay attention Steve.”

I put the footrest down and brought the recliner back to the fully upright position. He looked like a Sargent talking to a new private, letting him know how it’s going to be. I was confused and listened as intently as I could through the fog of his concoction.

“I like you Steve, but I need to be very careful who I associate with. If our friendship is going to continue, I need to make sure you can be trusted.” He said eyes drilling into mine.

“John, we all appreciate your service and respect the hell out of you for it…”

“I think I can believe that, but I have to make sure. I have a process I’ve developed for making sure I can trust those close to me and I’m hoping you’ll be willing to go through it.”

“What process?” I asked concerned.

“First is a lie detector test. Then I need to ask you some questions and make sure you can be trusted. Are you willing? It should only take an hour or two.”

“Ok.” I answered without hesitation. I wondered why I agreed so quickly.

“Good take off your shirt. The polygraph reads better against your skin.”

I did as he commanded and he brought out a machine and set it on the table between the chairs and then put a double black elastic strap around my torso, one above and one below my nipples. He attached the wires coming off the straps to the machine and then applied two Velcro straps to my fingers.

“Just sit back and relax and answer truthfully.” He said calmly. “Remain calm and this will be over soon. I’m going to ask you a few baseline questions and then I need you to answer with a couple of lies. Once we get the baseline, we’ll get to the real questions.”

The machine looked like something from the 80’s with the rolling graph paper and floating pens the moved up and down if you lied. He proceeded with the base questions, my name, where I was born, my address, my wife’s name. Then he told me to answer incorrectly for a couple questions.

“Good. It’s easier for some to cheat the polygraph with lies but harder to fake a lie. Now, have you ever cheated on Shelley?”

“What’s that got to do w…”

“Answer the question, Steve!” He barked.

“No, never!”

“Good, if your faithful to your wife, the more you can be trusted. Have you ever watched porn since you were married?”


“Great, you’re being honest so far Steve.”

He then proceeded with a barrage of questions about whether anyone has ever asked about him. I told him no. Then he asked who my friends and coworkers were, my political beliefs, thoughts on the war on terror, weather I ever knew anyone associated with any terrorist acts or organizations etc.

He asked about my family, Shelley’s family, Matt, and Ally in great detail. After a while he began to lighten up with the intensity of the questions.

“Here you go buddy, have a drink. We’re almost done.” He smiled.

I drank down another glass of his drink, steadying my nerves and beginning to feel relieved. There was a level of excitement, knowing I was going to pass his test and hopefully get an explanation of what John does in the marines.

“Let me tell you about the drink. It’s a mix we used often in Iraq and Afghanistan, on terror suspects. It lowers inhibitions and makes it almost impossible to lie. It also leaves you very susceptible to suggestion. Let’s try a test… John, when I count down to one, you are going to feel very hungry.

“I just ate, I am stuffed.” I laughed.

“Three, two, one.” he said in a steady voice.

It was amazing, the full feeling was gone, it was as if the pizza had never been delivered. “Holy shit, I am hungry!”

“You’re not hungry, John, you just ate four pieces of pizza, Buddy.” He smiled.

My hunger faded quickly. “Wow that’s amazing John. What is in this? Is it safe?”

“I can’t tell you what’s in it Stevie. It’s classified, but it’s safe and the effects will wear off. It’s kind of like truth serum. It makes you relaxed, open to suggestion, and basically unable to lie. The only downside with Al-Qaeda and Isis, they let their soldiers know very little, so it was difficult to get good intel from most prisoners and many of the interrogators, had a little too much fun turning them into sand monkeys, doing whatever they wanted.

Trust me Buddy, you’re safe. Now we’re going to do a few trust exercises and we’ll be done ok?”

“Sure.” I said smiling.

“I work for another government agency other than the marines and I need to be sure that I can trust you and there is nothing the bad guys can use to make you turn on me. Understand?”

I was confused but told him yes.

“Good, now what is the worst thing you’ve ever done?”

That was easy, and something I was not proud of. “When I was in my final year of nursing school, I discovered my father-in-law was having an affair with Shelley’s friend, Beth. It was serious and he had been paying her rent for at least six months.”

“Really? That’s some major shit. She told me her parents were happily married for forty years. So, did you tell her?”

“No, but that’s not the bad part. When I confronted him at Beth’s apartment, they both begged me not to tell her. I told them I had to tell her that her dad was fucking one of her best friends and I couldn’t lie to my new wife. They cried; I didn’t care. He offered to pay off my student debt of over $25k. I agreed.”

“That’s not so bad…”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t stop there.” I interrupted.

“This is good Buddy; I can tell you trust me. Does anyone else know?” he asked anxiously.

“Nope. Her dad had given me a hard time about whether or not I was good enough for Shelley. After all, he was Deacon at his church.”

“Tell me everything Buddy.”

“I told them I needed insurance. It would be too easy for them to clean the evidence up. In six months or a year I would never be able to prove it.” I looked at the floor in shame before continuing. “I made them get naked and let me record her giving him a blow job.”

“Actually, that’s kind of smart Stevie. So, you got your loans paid off and have the video?”


“Of course, sharing the video at this point would ultimately get you in deep shit with the missus. It’s been what, eight years ago?”

“Yep. But there’s more.” I said, not sure why I was continuing, other than part of me was relieved. “I made them promise to never see each other again. In fact, I refused to take the money, until she was moved out of her apartment and ghosted Shelley. I gave her one week. You see Shelley’s dad had quite a lot to lose. He was well off financially but worked for Shelley’s Grandfather on her mother’s side and stood to inherit the business when he died. The business did $100 Million a year.”

“Shit Stevie, you were too easy. $25K was nothing to him.” He was excited to hear more.

“Well, let me finish. So, I made her give him a blow job naked at her kitchen table, but I told her she had to beg him for it, like the cock sucking, money grubbing, whore she was and it better end with him coming in her mouth. If they did not make it convincing, I would dial Shelley on the spot. I’m pretty sure Beth was holding in some resentment about being strung along. I’m thinking daddy dearest made a few promises about leaving his wife and hadn’t followed through. Long story short, she made it a good one, and then told us to get the fuck out of her house. She collected his clothes, tossed them into the hall and shoved him out the door, and then me behind him.”

“You got some balls Stevie Boy.” He said almost in disbelief.

“Would you believe that was the last time I ever spoke to Beth?” I grinned.

“No shit?” he asked sarcastically.

“What about the in-laws?”

“Shelley’s mom has always loved me.”


“Dad and I get along fine. We watch the cowboys together at family events, we make small talk, and no one would ever suspect anything was wrong between us. Did I mention in the hallway after she threw us out, I told him I would be taking the $600 per month rent money and put it in a college fund for our kids?”

“Holy shit! Really?”

“Yep, to this day $600/month. There’s over $100K in an account Shelley doesn’t know about.”

“What happens when she finds out?” My parents have passed, so I’m going to tell her they left a secret fund for the kids, that wasn’t mentioned in the will. The account is in both my name and my father’s name. So, good ole Bob, won’t try to sneak credit for it.”

“I love it, Stevie. Your father-in-law is your bitch!” He grinned wildly.

“Ok, so let’s get real for a minute. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to Shelley?” he asked nonchalantly.

My eyes widened in panic as the memory immediately came front and center. “What do you mean…”

“Come on Stevie, I could tell you know exactly what I mean, and you know exactly what it is. I need to know you trust me fully and this is the way. Tell me Stevie. It will be just between you and me.” He looked at me calmly and seriously.

Somehow it felt like a relief to be able to talk about it. I held out my glass and he filled it again. I remember thinking I wanted more for the courage, and for an excuse for opening up.

“We had been married for about a year, still experimenting sexually. I became a little obsessed with anal sex. Before we were married, I would watch porn and what would always get me off was a woman taking it in the ass and loving it.”

“Who doesn’t fantasize about that Buddy. There was a lady marine in Iraq… Sorry, continue.”

“After several awkward discussions, I convinced her to try it.” I hesitated.

“And?” he prodded.

I took is slow, I started with a back rub, slow and sensual from her shoulders on down. I spread her legs slowly with my knees as I touched every inch of her shoulders and back. I kissed her beautiful ass for what seemed like forever. Don’t get me wrong, I would kiss that ass for a week and never get tired. The point is I went slow and easy, getting her relaxed.

I slid a pillow under her pelvis and licked her pussy with my nose in her ass. She was wet and relaxed and gyrating her hips. I worked my tongue in her sweet pussy for several minutes and moved up to her tight little ass. She moaned when my tongue tickled her asshole. My cock was rock hard, she was panting and wiggling as my tongue probed her ass.

I really did not want to hurt her, so I moved up kissing her back and slid my cock into her pussy. I wanted to use her lube to make is easier to penetrate her. I had to fight for all I was worth not to come in her pussy. She was hot and soaking wet, and I was sure she was ready.

I slowly pressed into her ass. She tensed and tightened, so I backed out then slowly back in. When I finally got fully in, it felt so good and tight. The feel of those gorgeous buns on my pelvis and balls, sent me over the edge and I began to fuck her for real. I heard her grunt and whimper but told myself that she was enjoying it.

I was living a fantasy and it felt even better than I imagined. I was in the push up position over her. I kissed her back and neck and whispered how good she felt. I could not hold back any longer. The fantasy got the best of me and fucked the hell out of her. My balls were slapping on her cheeks, and I was living out the porn I jacked off to so many times. It was a sick fantasy come true and I surrendered to it. Knowing I was gonna cum, I screamed that I loved her as I hammered her tight little asshole. I came hard unloading inside her and collapsed onto her after having the best orgasm of my life with the love of my life.”

“Holy shit Stevie, I’m gonna bust out.” He stood up.

There was a bulge in his pant leg as he shoved a hand down his pant, gripped his stiffened dick and maneuvered it straight up to take the pressure off. He had to be ten inches long.

I continued. “Sadly, in that moment of complete happiness and ecstasy, as I calmed down, I realized she was crying. I rolled off of her, hugged her and ask what was wrong. She began to flat out weep on my shoulder. “That hurt, so bad Steve…”

I held her as she cried on my shoulder. The best sex of my life was the worst sexual experience of hers. I felt terrible. I held her until she fell asleep, and I did not sleep a wink that night. The next morning, we both acted as if nothing happened and never spoke of it again… to this day.”

“Shit, shit, shit. I am sorry Buddy. I can’t imagine. I was ready to bust a nut just listening to you and now I’m soft as a marshmallow.”

I glanced as his crotch and could still see the ridge in his pants all the way to his waistline. I thought he must be part horse.

“You guys survived it Buddy, eight years and you’re still together and clearly happy from what I’ve seen.” He looked encouraging.

“We are now, but it was a dark time after that. I handled it very badly.”

“How so?”

“I pouted like a little kid, I withdrew, and she did too, probably as a self-defense mechanism. We did not have sex again for well over six months. Unfortunately, that was when I discovered her dad’s affair, so that only added to the stress. I turned to porn, partially out of self-loathing and partially out of anger. I was jacking off ten times a week. It was an addiction, truly. I was obsessed with anal porn. I was spiraling into a dark, dark place. I didn’t need anyone or anything other than porn and my right hand.”

“Damn Steve, I would have never guessed. How did you come out of it?”

“It had become the routine and seemed like the new reality. But one day, I had literally rubbed myself raw from jacking off so much, I found myself watching porn with my dick so sore I couldn’t even touch it. Something clicked in my head, and I could see the absurdity of my life and a terribly lonely future. Shelley was depressed and sad, I was a reclusive chronic masturbator, and it was all my fault. I turned off the computer and when Shelley got home, I engaged with her and began the process of rebuilding our relationship.

I sat that evening next to her on the sofa as we watched TV. It was like my eyes were opened and I could see the beautiful vibrant woman I fell in love with again. The good side effect of my physical condition was, I had no desire for anything sexual for over a week. It allowed me to romance Shelley without the pressure of sex and reliving that terrible night for her.

When we finally made love, it was almost like the first time. Ironically, my porn obsession provided a convoluted path back to her. I have not watched porn since, and our relationship is as strong as ever. We plan on starting the expansion of our family in the next two years since our careers are going well and our relationship is in the right place for it.”

It felt like a weight was lifted sharing that dark time with John. It had been locked away for so long, but it wasn’t until sharing it that I realized just how much weight I was carrying.

“Wow Steve, thanks for sharing. You really are a good guy and you have passed the test so far. Have another drink and let’s head to your house. You and Shelley both have laptops, correct?” he asked casually.

“No, just me. Shelley really doesn’t do much online. She gets her Gmail from her phone and work e-mail stays at work. Why?” I asked but already knew the answer and knew I didn’t want to say no.

“I just need to see your e-mail and browser history as a final check. You’re not hiding anything are you, Buddy? Am I gonna find a porn collection?

“No, come on we can go right now.” I said confidently knowing I told the truth.

“Great, I believe you Buddy. This thing says so too.” He unhooked the polygraph. “Can I see your phone, Steve?”

I unlocked it and handed it to him. “Sure, here you go, I wobbled as I stood up. I do like this stuff.” I took another drink.

“Good, I’ll make sure to have some on hand for you whenever you come over. Sound good?” He said as he reached into the closet and pulled out a gym bag with shoulder strap and hung it on his shoulder.

“Yes, thank you.” I held up the glass like I was toasting.

“Bring the pitcher Buddy. You’ll want some in the morning.”

I followed behind him. He looked through my cell phone and scanned my work e-mails as we walked. We entered through the back door, and he sat at our kitchen table, searching my phone. I didn’t even realize I left my shirt at his house.

“Go get me your lap top Stevie Boy. I’ll be done with this in just a few minutes.” He waived the phone.

“Sure, be right back.” I said happy to comply.

When I returned, he was focused on my phone tapping the screen and typing.

“Set it on the table, almost done. Thanks, Buddy It looks good.” He handed the phone back. “What’s your password for the laptop.”

I told him. “Great, why don’t you go get me the info on that secret education account and I’m gonna need to see the video of your father-in-law. Is it on here?” He pointed at the phone.

“No, I have it on a cd and on a thumb drive. I’ll get the thumb drive. Who would have guessed CD’s would become obsolete so soon.” I went to my hiding spot in the attic and brought him the drive.

He spent nearly an hour scrubbing the computer, emails, browser history, cookie lists and, oh by the way, I got him into Shelley’s g-mail account too. After scrubbing her e-mail, he asked for the info on the secret account, and he reviewed the history online.

“$600 a month forever, thanks Stevie, for being honest. That’s a big step.” He said happily. “OK time to watch the video.”

John sat across the table and watched. I had seen it many times and really had no desire to watch it again. Sadly, in my porn phase, I watched it more than a few times and came to the shot of Beth’s ass bouncing and she bobbed her head wildly on his cock. Bob sat on the edge of the bed, legs spread and belly bulging. His limp dick was as long as mine is hard. Beth was on all fours between his legs.

Her voice reverberated through the kitchen as the video played. Thankfully Bob did not talk during the video but grunted like a pig as he unloaded in her mouth.

“Oh Bob, please let me suck your big juicy cock. I love the taste of it in my mouth. I can’t wait till you’re divorced, and I get this every day. I’m gonna wear you out.” She picked up his soft cock in her right hand and gave it several licks.

The camera started with a side view, and I rolled in closer and shot from above on his right side. Somehow, I think the twisted bastard liked being watched and he stiffened up pretty quick for a middle-aged guy.

She moaned and licked like someone enjoying a decadent desert. I understood how he would get sucked into her web, literally and figuratively. As I panned around behind Beth, I really lost my mind for a few moments. Her ass was phenomenal.

It was bright white, round with a cute little mole on the right cheek. What caught my gaze and the camera shot for too long was the gap between her cheeks and thighs.

It formed a dark fuzzy bowling pin shape. The top of the bowling pin was the dark oval around her tight little asshole. I thought it was the perfect size to guide my dick head through her cheeks to her dark little sphincter. My cock stiffened immediately. I so much wanted to pull it out and fuck her ass while she gulped his growing cock. I could tell John reached that point in the video when he spoke. “You really are an ass man Stevie. I do gotta admit I can’t argue with you. I could bust a nut in the sweet ass.” He stared hungrily at the screen and shifted in his seat.

My own cock was stiffening as I replayed the video in my head. The body of the bowling pin was formed by the outward curve of her cheeks as they carried down to her inner thighs. There the pin body curved back together. The bottom of the pin was formed by the flat bottom of her mons pubis which gave way to the silhouette of her bush fading into the bright gap of light between her thighs.

I will never forget the silhouette of her slit that carried from the neck of the bowling pin to the base. I recall jacking off to it at least a dozen times as twisted as that was. I was barely able to resist shoving my face into that gap and having my way with her when I filmed it. After a few moments. I remembered this was not why I was filming.

I panned up and stepped in straddling her ankles as she licked his balls. His eight-inch boner poked out over the top of her head. Her long dark hair hung down tickling his thighs. She took a breath.

“I need you to empty these balls in my mouth Bobby. Oh God I want your cum.” She plunged onto his cock, and I stepped back around to the side.

She held his cock with her right hand pointing it to the ceiling and took three quarters of his length with each plunge. His head rolled back, and he groaned with his eyes closed. I gave him credit for being able to shut me out and get off even knowing I had him dead to rights.

“Fuck this is torture, groaned John. I gotta release the kraken.” He unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned, and pulled his zipper down. Then he pulled his waist band down exposing about four inches of a ten-inch boner. “Uuuuuhhhhh, better. Sorry man it’s tough not having a release. I envy you married guys.” He sat back down.

After a pause at the sight of his huge cock, I felt a tinge of guilt. The pour guy, who knows when he last had sex. I’ve never seen anyone at his house since he moved in accept the four of us.

“I’m sorry man. Why don’t you turn it off?” I asked sincerely.

“Hell no, I gotta see the end. She should be a fucking porn star. She is sucking the shit out of him.”

I stepped around to watch the end with him. I sat in the chair next to his and could not help glance at the bright pink member protruding from his pants. Ten inches easily. He was twice as long as me and fifty percent bigger around. I tried to imagine Beth devouring that. She was giving ole Bobby a good effort but still an inch and a half short. John was two inches longer than that!

“Holy shit Stevie, look at her go. Don’t tell me you haven’t yanked off to this a few times.” He shook his head in amazement of her effort.

“He’s my father in-law.” I protested.

“That’s why the camera was glued to her ass half the time, because you weren’t turned on? Look at me.” I did as he asked. “You’ve spunked to this a few times, haven’t you?” My face gave it away. “I knew it! Don’t be ashamed Buddy. I think I’m taking a copy with me, and I’ll do the same tonight. Is this girl still around?”

I noticed a glob of pre-cum oozing from his tip and then looked up quickly. “No, she followed orders and ghosted Shelley. A year or so later, she moved to Florida, I think.”

“Well, damn. I would’ve liked to meet her.” He smiled.

“Shelley and I had a couple girls in mind if you’d like us to hook you up?”

“Do they suck cock like this? Oh, shit he’s gonna blow.”

Bobby did his pig grunt and shook as he pulsed a load in her slut mouth. She moaned and never let up.”

“Oh, shit I love this girl!” He cringed. “Swallowing every fucking drop. You’re right this is torture. I need a copy. Beth and I are gonna finish this later at my house.”

I took a drink and watched the pre-cum slide down John’s head and onto his shaft. Then he grabbed my glass and held the icy drink against his cock. “Ssssssss.” He made the sound of steam coming off his boner. “Oh yeah, much better.” He sighed and handed my glass back.

I grabbed it and felt his sticky pre-cum as I gripped the glass.

“Ok, let’s go check out your bedroom and we can wrap this up Buddy.” he pushed his slightly softening cock back in his pants, grabbed his bag. and went upstairs like he owned the place.

I followed buzzed and dazed drinking my lemon drink.

He started in the closet, checked out every nook, cranny, box, and shelf. Then he checked the nightstands and our drawers. He pulled out a couple of Shelley’s negligées. “Alright Stevie, lucky dawg!” Then he put them back and felt around. “What have we here?” He removed a silk drawstring bag dangling it in front of me.

My face reddened at the elongated shape. That’s when I learned Shelley had a dildo, and not a small one. He pulled it out and it was about as big as his cock.

He tried to turn it on, but it didn’t work. “Well that’s a good sign Stevie. It doesn’t look like the little lady uses it. I bet this is how she made it six months after your ass incident.”

He went through my dresser drawers and then pulled out a handheld electronic device from his bag and pushed a button. It beeped and went quiet. He held it out and ran it over the lamps, pictures, nick knacks and furniture. Then he went back through the closets. “All clear.” I followed him out through the hall as he scanned his way into the bathroom and downstairs through the kitchen, living room, dining room and family room. I’ve seen enough spy movies to know he was scanning for listening devices.

Back in the kitchen he put his bag on the table, pulled out a laptop. He logged in and plugged in the thumb drive. “Making a copy of the video Buddy. I got some work to do with sweet Beth here. I’m gonna have to clean my screen after I blow on that sweet ass of hers.” He laughed.

I laughed as I downed the rest of my drink.

“Stevie, listen up Buddy. I need you to do something for me OK?”

“Sure.” I replied without thought. I felt I trusted him completely.

“You need to have breakfast ready for Shelley when she gets home in the morning Ok?

“Ok but she always has dinner when she gets home regardless of the time. She’s not a great breakfast person, but if she does eat breakfast, it’s usually only after waking up. She’s always been funny about that.”

‘That’s fine. Would she eat left over pizza? We have quite a bit left.” He said smiling warmly.

“I bet she would, thank you John.” I smiled.

“That’s perfect Stevie. I need you to get her to drink at least two glasses of lemonade with it OK?”

“Yeah! She’s gonna love this stuff, I’m sure.”

“Excellent. Then I need you to send her over to take the polygraph, OK?

“You need to clear her too… Yeah, I understand.” I can do that.

“Very good, once she is processed, I can share with you a little more about why this is necessary.” He walked over and stood close.

I was still sitting in the chair. He put a hand on my head patting me like a child. You’ve been a good friend Stevie and I’m grateful thank you. Now let’s go get that pizza and I gotta date with Beth. He gripped his cock that was still at attention. It made a bulge the full length of his zipper. I was so jealous.

He released his hand, and I leaned forward to stand up just as he stopped, and I bumped my head into his manhood. “Easy big guy.” he grinned but did not back up. He just stood there looking down at me with a funny grin. After an awkward pause, he backed up.

“Let’s go Buddy.” We walked to his house. “You probably want to lay off the lemonade. You’ve had more than we ever gave our detainees in a single sitting. Feels great, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s amazing. I feel energized and buzzed at that same time.” I said wobbling a little.

“Yeah, you should know it also has some of the active ingredient as the little blue pill. You’re gonna feel a little frisky for a while Buddy.” He pulled up his laptop. I’m gonna send you a link that should help with that little problem.” he pointed at the tent in my pants.

I wondered if that was a jab about my penis size. I have always been self-conscious about that.

“Watch it and tell me she is not one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen. Oh yeah, every time you watch it you need to start from the beginning. Send me a text and let me know each time you have a happy ending watching it tonight.” He said like he was asking me to let him know about something trivial like a sports score.

I felt uncomfortable and did not respond.

He held out his hand to shake and I put my hand forward hesitantly. He gripped it firmly and looked me squarely in the eye. “Goodnight Stevie, it’s late, you should try to sleep, but that drink tends to keep you up. I would recommend taking your laptop to bed, get naked and click that link. If you watch it a couple times you might get sleepy.”

I was dazed and confused about where this discussion was going. I mumbled. “Good night.”

“Did you hear me, Stevie.” he asked firmly as I turned toward the door.

“Yes.” I was kind of numb.

“Good, you should trust me and do as I say. You’ll sleep better. Thanks for everything Buddy. After tonight and when you send Shelley over tomorrow, we’ll be able to take our friendship to a whole other level. Text me!”

I walked home thinking about the link and what it might be. My hardon was not a surprise after he told me what was in the drink, but I had to know. I was shocked to see it was 2:30 AM and Shelley would be home in 6 hours. I put the pizza away and looked at the pitcher of drink. There were several glasses worth in the pitcher. I could have another and there would be plenty left for Shelley.

The high from the drink made me feel euphoric, mixed with the Viagra was overwhelming. I practically sprinted to the bed with my laptop.

I stripped naked, boner bouncing as my waist band pulled it down and out before it thudded back against my belly. I hit the link and a Pornhub video popped up called craving cock. It started with a cartoon like image of a white-haired elfin woman with a whispering voice saying you are getting warmer and harder, then it switched to a video. It opened with a side view of a gorgeous young lady on all fours with shimmering jet-black hair. Her ass was to the left of the screen and her head to the right.

She was kneeling in front of a man; the camera revealed him only from belly button to mid-thigh and his ass was off camera. It was a side shot of a boner, but it was not a typical porn cock. It was stiff and pointing directly at her forehead but was almost identical size as mine, five inched rock hard. I think he was bigger around than me though.

Then a strange raspy almost robotic woman’s voice seemed to be commanding her. As her perfect pink lips touched the tip of his cock. She stared hungrily at the camera that zoomed in right next to his boner. She licked down the underside of his cock dragging her lips down and back up his length. Nothing touched his cock but her lips and tongue. Then she took him in her mouth and sucked in three and a half inches and repeated the process.

“You crave cock in your mouth. You want to give the best blow jobs in the world.” said the voice.

The camera panned down showing pink lacey two-piece negligée. the top was a short sleeve low cut crop top, slightly transparent. Her skin was olive, shimmering and flawless. The low-cut lace trimmed front revealed the crack between her perfect handful sized breasts. The bottom of her top was trimmed by a three-inch pleated sheer ruffle above her belly button.

Her panties were the same pink material with the pleated ruffle lace acting as a skirt over the. sheer pantie.

I stroked my cock watching her happily devour his boner lips clinging and dragging as they pulled off sucking his rod.

“You are a girl, and you love to wear sexy panties whenever you can. You crave a cock in your mouth. It is an intense desire. So much so that will go out and seek a cock to suck. And you will not stop until you find a penis to put in your mouth.”

She never stopped rocking, licking, and sucking slowly and methodically. Her hair was pulled back with a braid like twist in the front on either side that framed her face. Her black shimmering hair was wrapped around flowing over her left shoulder. There was a fireplace flickering in the background causing her perfect skin to glow almost hypnotically.

Never stopping making love to the cock with her mouth and tongue, she dropped to her elbows and rolled to her side. She slid her tongue down the side of his shaft flapping her tongue up and down as she moved causing his boner to bounce before she took him back in her mouth. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and she loved to suck cock it was obvious, she was not just acting.

She gripped him for the first time and pointed him straight up and lapped at his balls with her tongue and them let him drop and licked his belly. I noticed he was completely shaved everywhere as she licked his belly looking up at him hungrily. I knew I wasn’t going to hold out long as she rolled onto her belly and began to, slowly, deep throat him. She would suck him in, pull off, kiss, and lick his head and then repeat.

The voice was nonstop. “Your desire for a penis in your mouth is the most intense desire you’ve ever felt. It’s stronger than hunger, it’s stronger than thirst. You want a penis in your mouth twenty-four seven. You are a girl, and you love to wear sexy panties all the time.”

The camera panned down to her beautiful torso. The arch in her exposed lower back was incredibly sexy. A diamond belly button ring dangled and rocked back and for with a peanut sized diamond dangling. The glow of the fire caused her olive flawless skin to shine.

“You will take on more and more feminine qualities. You will like such things as ice cream and watching movies…”

I thought, “How could this woman possibly take on more feminine qualities, she’s the most beautiful feminine person on the planet… Ice cream and movies? Who doesn’t like that? How has this guy not shot in her mouth yet?”

She pulled off, took a breath through her pouty lips, almost pushing me over the edge but I wanted to come with him and I was barely a minute into the five-minute video.

“Your craving for a penis in your mouth is so intense you need it all the time. That’s just the way it is sweetie. You’re a sissy who serves cock.”

Her face was so pretty, her nose small round and beautiful, her eyebrows perfectly shaped and intensely black like her hair. Her brown eyes were sexy and hungry and her eye shadow subtle and tasteful. Not like the normal porn star with neon blue eye shadow.

“Your intense desire for cock is just the way it is. The way you were meant to be. You embrace it and you’re glad I know. You live to suck cock for me.”

The camera panned back following the arch of her back.

“You love wearing sexy panties. You love having the cock in your mouth…”

The frilly skirt ended halfway down her ass, but the camera angle would only allow a teasing peek of her exposed buns. “Pan down please.” I groaned, desperately wanting to see those sweet cheeks. But it stopped, torturing me, as the voice continued.

“You love knowing you suck cock so well, that you give him no choice but to come all over your face and in your mouth.”

Those words pushed me over the edge. My head rolled back and grunted uncontrollably. “Oh fuck!” I cranked on my boner.

My body tensed and I thrust my pelvis toward the ceiling and shot a missile of cum into the air that landed on my chest and stomach. My body spasmed as a second one launched onto my stomach. My hand jerked wildly as the effects of the drink seemed to intensify everything. My cock felt like steel as it pumped a huge load of cum all over my stomach. The feel of my cock covered in cum, slick and hard made it that much more intense.

I glanced at the video and had barely made two minutes. I hit pause with my left hand and continued to stroke myself milking every drop of cum. I wiggled toward Shelley’s side of the bed and reached for some tissues. As I cleaned myself up, I was impressed at the amount of cum I released. I tossed four tissues into the waste basket, thinking I would have to empty that before Shelley got home.

When I finished, I realized my boner was lingering, so I thought I better empty it later. I would be adding to it soon enough. When my breathing returned to normal, I recalled John asking me to text him after the happy ending.

Me: She is incredible. Blew in 2 minutes.

My phone dinged in just a few seconds. I was surprised he was still awake.

John: I Knew it. Call me.

I called.

“Hello Stevie, I knew I had you pegged.”

“You sure did that girl is beautiful and whatever is in this drink, wow. She and I are gonna go again.” I downed the rest of the glass.

“Are you still drinking that shit Buddy? You’re gonna be up all night, literally. You did save some for Shelley, right?”.

“Yes, there’s still half a pitcher in there. It’s just too good.”

“Ok but go easy. Are you still hard Stevie?” he asked with a laugh.

“Yes!” I laughed back. “I gotta get a stash of this. Shelley will think I’m superman.”

“Remember start from the beginning and next time put on some of Shelley’s panties or a negligee before you start.”

I laughed before it sank in. “What?” I was shocked. “What did you say?”

“You heard me, Stevie.” He replied forcefully.

“That’s not funny John…”

“It’s not meant to be. You don’t understand the video and why you came so fast, do you?”

“What are you talking about? It was a gorgeous babe sucking cock…”

“You were excited because you were thinking about being her, Stevie. I saw the way you looked at my cock. Buddy. So, I gave you that video as a test and you confirmed my suspicions.”

“This isn’t funny John, I…”

“Shut your mouth and listen to me Stevie. Please do not speak again until I tell you to.”

I did as he said, and thought to myself, did he call me Stevie…I hate that.

“Good, now listen and I will tell you when to speak. When I saw how you looked at me, I got the idea. You can help me out and it won’t be cheating on your wife…”

I cut in. “What the…” Click. He hung up.

I waited and he did not call back. It seemed like forever, and I was fuming mad, so I called him back.

“Are you listening Steve?” he asked sternly, shutting me down.

“Yes,” I said softly.

“Don’t interrupt me again Buddy.” I remained quiet. “As I was saying. I need to be very careful who I associate with, but as a man, I have needs. You have been vetted, so it only makes sense. You can explore your desire for cock, help me out and not feel guilty, because you are still attracted to your beautiful wife. In fact, I’m sure it will get better between you. You’ll need a release after serving me, and your drive will go through to roof. Servicing cock is not cheating on your wife. It’s a win-win for all of us. Agreed?”

“I’m not sure if you are fucking with me or what John. You are seriously disturbed either way. That girl is beautiful, and I shot my wad looking at her ass. TMI, this drink has messed with my head and I’m sorry I let this get out of hand, but it ends now. I need to get some sleep before Shelley gets home.”

“You’re in denial Stevie.”

“I’m not…”

“Hush!” he barked. “Ok, here is the deal. You do not get to watch that video again unless you put on your wife’s pretties like the girl in the video. If you do watch you may not touch yourself. Watch the whole video without touching yourself and I will drop it. Have you ever tasted cum before Stevie?”

My fogged brain struggled to understand what I was hearing. “No! I answered honestly. Then I thought about the times Shelley kissed me after sucking me off. I kind of got a taste, but I did not tell him.

“Any cum you leave in her panties you will clean up with your tongue and think about how I would taste. Once you get that taste, you will be hooked Buddy. So, it’s up to you. Go to sleep and never watch that video again and I will drop it. I know you’ll be truthful if you give in. Or watch it all the way through wearing your wife’s panties and don’t touch yourself, Deal?”

“Whatever, deal. I’m going to sleep, and I won’t be sending Shelley over tomorrow. You have some real issues, John. I hope you get help.”

“Text me when you’re ready. I drank a little too much lemonade. I’ve been hard since you left. I hope you’ll help me out Stevie.”

“That’s not the help I was talking about. You need psychological help!” I hung up.

I sat on my bed naked cock still hard, crusting cum residue on my stomach. I took a shower and cleaned up. The vision of that gorgeous woman with a perfect face, beautiful hair and flawless skin pleasuring that hairless cock played in my head. My cock was at full hardness, and I wanted to watch her again and again. I dried off and went to my drawer to get some underwear.

I stopped, feeling the effects of the drink, I felt my body swaying backward. I wobbled, staggered back, gained my balance with my legs wide. My silhouette in the mirror looked like the man in the video, hard-on pointing at ten o’clock. “What was in that drink?” I said aloud as I noticed one of Shelley’s negligées sticking out of the drawer after John rifled through it.

I opened the drawer to shove them back in when the lavender, silk, loose fitting pantie with two-inch lace around the legs caught my eye. I bought them for her for our fifth anniversary. I loved how she felt through the smooth silk. “I’ll show him.” I said as I pulled them out and carried them to the bed and turned the lights out.

I sat on the edge of the bed thinking about the drink and what he said about it taking away inhibition and making you compliant. I convinced myself I had no choice as I put them on. I laid back on the bed and pulled them up my thighs. I arched my back and raised my ass off the bed and pulled them up over my boner. It felt amazing.

I relaxed and lay on my back as I opened the laptop. I found myself tracing my finger up and down my shaft through the silk. “No touching myself!” I jerked my hand away.

“Just watch the whole thing with the panties on and don’t come. Five minutes it’s over. Then you can take them off and have at it”

I texted John.

Me: Watching the video, silk panties on. Call you in five.

John: Silk, nice!

I hit start and the voice began again. “You crave cock in your mouth. You want to give the best blow jobs in the world.”

She looked directly into the camera with those hungry eyes and took the cock in here mouth. I watched as she worked the cock masterfully, wiggled her tongue under the head and sucked his tip. I caught myself pumping my hips rubbing the silk against my cock. I stopped and rolled over on my stomach and forced myself to remain still as it crossed the one-minute mark.

She licked, tickled, and bobbed on his cock never taking her focus off the hard cock in front of her. She licked his balls and belly, looking up at his eyes. The camera never showed anything beyond his belly and thighs in profile. His hips were perfectly still leaving her to do all the work. I could not believe his control.

If that gorgeous creature were sucking my cock slowly yet hungrily, I would grip her head and face fuck her until I came. Suddenly the thought of John’s cock in her mouth entered my mind and my heart raced imagining how much of him she could take.

The relentless voice continued. “Your need for a cock in your mouth is very intense. So intense you will leave your house go out and find a penis to suck.”

I caught myself grinding my hard-on against the bed and forced myself to stop.

I passed the point in the video I came before. “You can make it.” I panted.

The voice continued about her relentless desire for cock and how she was a cock sucking sissy. I didn’t get that at all. How could that beautiful woman be a sissy for sucking cock?

She leaned on her side with her front toward the camera as she serviced the boner. She wouldn’t even reach halfway down Johns cock and it would be even bigger in diameter. The camera panned down and settled on to the front of her panties. Peeking below the lacey skirt the translucent cloth revealed the silhouette of her shaved little slit. The sight pushed me to the edge.

As it panned, the voice continued. “You love wearing women’s panties and wear them whenever possible. You love the pantie; you crave the pantie. You love how it feels against your Clitty.”

I was rubbing myself against the mattress when those words and the image of her perfect little slit sent me over the edge. I rubbed frantically as a jet of hot cum flooded the panties the warm cream and smooth silk tickled my cock head intensifying the orgasm.

I pumped harder sliding my whole body back and forth against the bed, grunting like and animal. My cockhead strained against the silk as I slid upward and released as I slid back, soaking my cock and balls in my warm jizz.

I was only around three minutes in as the voice kept commanding. “Whenever you read or hear the word penis you will say to yourself. I can taste it.”

The beautiful brunette continued to work his cock adding in a hand to stroke him as she sucked, kissed, and lapped at his cock head with her tongue. I continued to hump the bed as the voice kept commanding her.

“Your desire for cock is so intense you constantly think about how good it would feel have a penis in your mouth. You are a girl, you love all things women like, especially cock. You will become a cock sucking expert. You love being a cock sucking sissy…”

My cock was still hard from whatever was in the drink and the feel of fucking the silk and spreading warm cum all over my cock was incredible. She was so sexy, and my head was in a fog. I couldn’t stop, it all felt so good.

“…It’s what you were meant to be. You love wearing women’s panties and being a cock sucking sissy. You love sucking cock sweetie. You are a girl, and you love having a cock in your mouth. It’s just the way it is, and you love being a cock sucking sissy. You’re especially glad that I understand…”

She was laying on her stomach stroking his soaked cock faster and faster waggling her tongue on the tip mercilessly. How was he not blowing his load?

She looked up at him tongue extended, and mouth open, ready for his cum.

“You love knowing that you sucked his cock so good that he had no choice but to come all over your face. What a sissy you are…”

Laying on my belly I was fucking the bed sliding my whole body back and forth a full six inches forward then backward rubbing the wet silk against my cum soaked cock. I could feel another orgasm building as I pictured Johns cock in her mouth.

“Whenever you hear or say the word penis, you will say out loud, “I can taste it.” You love having a penis in…”

“I can taste it!” I grunted.

I was breathing heavily starting to get tired from rocking my body so hard and fast. Then she masterfully slurped his head into her mouth, moving her lips as she stroked his glistening cock at amazing speed.

“You can taste it in your mind, you’re such a girl. You love being a cock sucking sissy, you especially love…”

“I can…Fuck! I’m c, coming!” I screamed.

‘You love being trained…” The cock shot a small jet of spunk on her cheek as she stroked and the next one shot into her mouth. “…To be more of what you were meant to be, a cock sucking sissy. You love being a cock sucking sissy…

She took him back in her mouth and continued to suck him dry as I shot another squirt of cream in my panties. “Oh fuuuucckk!” I grunted like a rutting pig wollering in my own spunk.

“It’s what you have always been meant to be. Now I want you to say five times, I am a cock sucking sissy…”

My body shook as my balls completely emptied. “I am a fucking cock sucking sissy!” My back arched as my orgasm took me. “I am a cock sucking sissy!” I grunted in broken syllables. “Oh fuck, I am a cock sucking sissy!”

I collapsed panting and exhausted face, arms and body plastered to the mattress. Speaking slowly and breathing heavily. “I am a cock sucking sissy.” Then more slowly between breathes. “I am, a, cock, sucking, sissy.”

The beautiful brunette masterfully opened wide and engulphed his cock before closing her lips and pulling back all the while looking hungrily at the camera. She was draining his cock taking all of his cum. She still had a dollop of cum on her cheek as she looked in my eyes. I wanted to kiss her long and hard.

The voice finished off as the picture faded out. “Know the cock sucking sissy that lies within you.”

I took several deep breaths lying there otherwise lifeless and spent when the phone rang. Almost four AM. I did not need to look at the name. I told myself to calm down and breathe normally as I answered.

“Hi John.” I said as calmly as I could.

“How’d you do Buddy?”

I struggled for words to hide the truth, knowing I couldn’t lie.

“I watched the whole thing and didn’t touch myself.”

There was an awkward silence and I tried to breathe normally, but I needed air after that little episode.

“You sound a little winded Buddy. I find it hard believe you didn’t just come a second time tonight.”

I realized it was the third time and answered. ” I assure you I did not just come for the second time.”

Another pause and the video chat called. I sat up on the edge of the bed and connected.

“What’s up John?” I asked, keeping the camera on my face.

“That’s what I want to know. Show me your panties.” he said sternly.

“Why, you said…”

“Do it now Steve!” He commanded. I glanced down and there was no way he wouldn’t notice. Most of the front was soaked and visibly darker than the hips and a thin, still dry strip at the waist band.

I panned down then quickly back up.

“Stop fucking around Buddy, keep the camera there.”

I did as commanded. “You lied to me Stevie; you clearly came in your wife’s panties. I can’t believe after the process we just went through…”

“I didn’t lie.” I said, cringing after he called them my wife’s panties. That little bit of truth hit hard.

“You said you didn’t come Stevie!” His anger rising. “I can’t trust a thing you say!”

“I said I didn’t just cum a second time.” I said, trying to imagine where this was going to go.

“You came a third time?”

“Yes.” I answered.

“When was the first time today?”

I couldn’t lie or misdirect this one. “The first time I watched the video.”

“So, you watched it twice since then?”


He snorted. “You’re pissing me off Stevie. What the fuck happened?”

“I came twice watching it the second time. She is just so incredible and whatever you gave me just makes me crazy. I got pulled back into the porn world and forgot how powerful it can be. I wasn’t lying to you, but you gave me no choice but to mislead you. All that craziness about sucking your cock…” I hadn’t really looked at the phone directly and didn’t realize he had made his way from next door, when suddenly he appeared in the doorway.

I jumped, startled and a bit afraid. He looked large and menacing, in shadow, with light from the hall shining behind him. “Interesting Stevie, you said sucking my cock, I only said servicing my cock. I’m glad you mind went there, Buddy. Now, you said you didn’t touch yourself that’s clearly a lie Stevie.” He stepped toward me.

“I didn’t!”

“Then how?” he continued getting closer.

I looked down embarrassed. “I dry humped the bed while I watched.”

Maybe I can trust you, but like Reagan used to say, trust but verify. Now, take off Shelley’s panties and clean them.” He put his hands on his hips.

He was wearing a pair of knee length loose fitting gym shorts and a tank T-shirt. I could see his horse dick protruding into the left leg of his shorts tenting out the front an absurd amount. The thought of the video girl trying to choke that down popped back in my head.

“Please John, I’m not gay…”

“We had a deal and I’m not asking again. Take off those panties and lick them clean.” He commanded. standing right in front of me.

I sat on the edge of the bed with my feet on the floor. I couldn’t find the will to resist. The drugs he gave me made sure of that. I slid them down under my ass and felt them suctioned to my cock and balls with my sticky cum. I leaned forward bending at the waist to push them down my legs. When they reached my calves, I was bent down, face to face, with his bulging shorts. As I wiggled them off, he stepped in brushing his cock against my head. I could feel the heat radiating from it.

“Once you taste that cum, you’re gonna love it, Stevie. Your gonna want more Stevie. You’re gonna need more Stevie… Every day.”

I sat back up with my cum drenched panties in hand. He used his knee to push my legs apart and stepped between my knees. I became aware of the cool air hitting the warm cum on my cock and balls, looking up at him pleading with my eyes.

He just looked at me knowing I had to comply. I spread the front of the panties open and looked at the globs of sticky goo wondering if he was right. I took a small lick of one globule. It spread slowly over my taste buds hitting me with a tangy, sweet taste that seemed to send a pulse through my cock.

I took a long lick through the center. There was a hint of bitterness and metallic taste mixed with the creamy sweetness. It tasted strange at first but as I looked up at him smiling down, it felt like he willed me to need that taste in my mouth. I licked faster shifting the panties in my hands, stretching them open to get every bit I could. A pulsating wave of electricity passed through my ball and sent a rush of blood into my stiff cock.

“Was I right Stevie?” He smiled.

I nodded, keeping my tongue engaged.

“You’ve made me very happy Stevie. Now put Shelley’s panties in your mouth and suck em clean. You’ll need your hands to free the beast.” He pushed his pelvis toward me.

I bunched the cum soaked panties wet side out and shoved them in my mouth sucking and licking them as I reached for his waist band. I slid them down slowly exposing his dark pubes as the base of his shaft peeked over the top.

“Are you gonna, suck my cock Stevie?”

I nodded, mouth full of panties.

“Am I your first Stevie?” he asked as the waist band approached his cock head.

I nodded. His stiffening dick pushed back on the elastic waist band as it struggled to burst free and rise up. He was commando. As I leaned forward his cock cleared the waist band and bobbed forward almost whacking me in the chin. He gripped it and rubbed his stiffening shaft against my face, as I leaned down for him to step out of the shorts.

I spit the panties out onto the floor and sat back up. He released his cock letting it arc out and down, pointing to my chest. It was eight inches long and hung dead center. I starred at it taking in the sheer size and shape. He was cut with and elongated head that almost looked red compared to smooth tannish pink shaft. The video did not prepare me for the scent of his manhood. The slightly musky scent went straight to my balls.

I already came three times and the sight of his beautiful cock had me rock hard again. I hoped I wasn’t having one of those four-hour erections from the commercials. But I only cared about having his penis in my mouth. “I can taste it.” I said mindlessly.

“Why don’t you touch it first St…”

I gripped it immediately and felt the heat from it.

He pulled my hand away and said, “I want you to ask politely Stevie.”

“Can I please touch you cock John?”

“Yes, you may.” Thank you.

I was surprised by the weight of it as I began to stroke it. He quickly began to stiffen, and I gripped him with both hands, excited by his rigid hot cock. The head was inches from my face as both hands stroked him firmly.

“Damn Stevie, that feels good. It’s been too long.” his hips rocked slowly.

He moaned and began to breath heavier and with each stroke I could feel his cock stiffen. Two hands gripped it, and it stuck out two inches beyond that. My boner pointed to the ceiling as a drop of pre-cum quickly appeared.

“Can I please taste it, John.” I asked, replaying that voice in my head.

“You desperately crave a cock in your mouth. You want to give the best blowjobs in the world.” Said the voice in my head.

“Yes, you may Stevie, please,” he said, softly caressing my hair.

I extended my tongue and rubbed his tip against it. I moaned as the sweet pre-cum touched my taste buds. I loved that taste and knew he was right. I wanted more. I wanted it all. I looked up at him rubbing the sensitive underside of his head against my warm wet tongue.

His eyes closed and head rolled back. “Oh, fuck it’s been so long Stevie that feels so good.”

I removed my tongue. “Can I please suck your cock, John?”

“Yes, you may Buddy.” He gasped.

Channeling that gorgeous brunette, I slid my lips gently down his shaft, released my grip and proceeded hands free. The taste was salty sweet and his heat in my mouth felt amazing. His skin was soft as silk against my lips. He was about an inch and a half in diameter and fit perfectly in my mouth.

The taste of precum spread over my tongue as I pushed him deeper. His moans made my cock throb. I made it just over halfway, then pulled off and his ten-inch shaft pointed dead ahead stiff and straight. I lapped at his head with my tongue and pressed him back in.

“Fuck Stevie!” he groaned, with his hands on the back of my head. “I’m gonna, aaaaahhhhh!”

His thighs pressed against the bed between my knees, and he was not as patient as the man in the video. He began rocking his hips and shoving my head onto his cock pushing his head against my throat with each thrust. I did my best to maintain contact keeping my tongue in motion as saliva ran down my chin.

The feel of his hard-hot cock in my mouth was invigorating and sensing his growing excitement, my cock was like steel. I replayed the voice in my head as I felt his cock oozing more pre-cum.

“You love knowing you suck cock so well he has no choice…”

A quick grunt and a jet of hot cum blasted into my mouth, filling it with creamy sweet nectar. I whimpered and nodded.

“Oh, fuck take it Bu, Buddy!” he groaned, mouth fucking me.

His cock pumped like a machine gun rapid firing his hot juice in my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could, but some escaped down my chin. I loved the taste and wanted every drop. It continued to pump a huge amount beyond what I imagined.

“Th, thanks, oh fuuuck Buddy. I so f, fucking needed that.” he panted slowing his pace. “Did you like that, Stevie?”

I nodded continuing to suck him dry. I loved feeling him slide in and out of me.

“You want to do this again?” I nodded. “Aren’t you glad I was right?” I nodded. “Are you my cock sucking sissy?” I nodded.

He remained hard and I did not want to let go, so I reached around and gripped his ass, to hold him in my mouth.

“Easy Buddy, how about a break?” I shook my head. He laughed. “Ok I like your enthusiasm. Let me sit down at least.” He pushed me off, stepped beside me and sat on the bed next to me.

While he sat, I stood up and stepped between his legs. Then I pushed back on his shoulders to lay him down as I dropped to my knees.

“Whoa Buddy, I’m not…Oh I got it.” he said as I went to my knees.

He thought I was pushing him back to climb on top, but when he realized, I was dropping to service him, he leaned back on his elbows. Then he spread his legs with his ass on the edge of the bed. His long glistening skin toned boner was in sharp contrast to his white T-shirt, and easily reached his belly button.

I leaned in with my tongue and then remembered his instructions as I stared at his impressive balls. “May I please lick your balls, John?”

“You learn quickly Stevie. “Please do.”

I was sitting on my heals and leaned in extending my tongue to the underside of his sack and licked slowly up the center. I breathed in his scent, and a wave of electricity rolled through my nuts that caused my cock to stiffen. I was amazed what the Viagra in the drink was doing to me.

I thought to myself that he was right. This was going to be good for my love life with Shelley. I felt like my cock had superpowers.

I licked his balls slowly and deliberately loving the sweaty salt taste and the feel of his wrinkled sack embracing my tongue. I slowly and gently took one in my mouth. This was something I never personally liked. My balls are sensitive, and it hurt whenever Shelley sucked mine, but he really seemed to like it.

“Thank you, Stevie, that feels so good.” He sighed.

I spent several minutes licking every inch and ran my tongue in the crease between his balls and thighs, groaning at the extra saltiness from his sweat.

Then I rose up to my knees, leaned in, and ran my tongue slowly from balls to tip.

“Oh, damn Stevie. Don’t you ever stop.” He moaned, lowering flat on this back. “That tongue is magical Buddy.” He hummed with contentment.

I stopped at his tip and swirled my tongue on his most sensitive spot, causing him to press his pelvis skyward. His eyes were closed, and he was enjoying my work. I repeated the process several times, licking his entire cock. Then I rose up, turned my head to the side and saddled his boner with my lips. I slid to the tip tickling him with my tongue as I went.

His skin was smooth and soft like satin. I never got tired of feeling it against my lips and tongue. I worked back to his balls and looked up his shaft that was now stiff enough his head no longer touched the T-Shirt. I stood up.

“Can I please suck that steel beauty John?” I asked hungrily.

“Yes, you may. Thank you for your manners.”

I gripped his cock and got on my knees beside him on the bed. I held his cock toward the ceiling and engulphed his head sucking and swirling my tongue. I got another dose of precum as I licked.

“Stevie that is good Buddy. You are a fucking pro.”

I slid him in deeper and began to bottom out with only about six inches in my mouth. I began to bob up and down slowly and methodically like the women in the video. I pushed a little harder each time trying for more.

“You can do it Stevie. Relax your throat. Very good.” He groaned.

I bobbed faster trying in relax my throat but could not get past the six to seven-inch mark. So, I slowed down, pressed him against my throat and wiggled him a little further.

“Oh yeah Buddy, that’s the trick.” He pressed on my head gently.

I quickly felt the gag reflex and backed off. I caught my breath and went again. I could feel my throat expanding as his head penetrated.

“Oh, fuck Buddy that’s tight.” He laid his head back. “I don’t know how you’re doing that but fuck yeah!”

I began to bob faster allowing my throat and esophagus to stretch and take more.

“Oh Buddy… Damn Stevie.”

His excitement made me want to please him all the more. I did love knowing I could please his incredible cock. I found the rhythm to maximize his penetration without letting the gag reflex take over. I kept one hand on the base of his cock, as I throat fucked him. I thought that brunette beauty would be proud. My boner bounced off my belly as I bobbed faster and faster.

“Fuck Stevie, I’m gonna fucking blow again.” He grunted.

I moaned my approval salivating uncontrollably and needing to make him cum. I could taste his pre-cum building and sensed my payoff coming. My heart raced and my cock throbbed.

“Gonna cum in your mouth Stevie. Oh, fuck Stevie, a, amazing. Aaaahhh. ”

I snorted and nodded working his monster cock, forcing him into my throat with each thrust. He gripped my hair grunted, and released a shot of spunk in my throat, then another in my mouth. I whimpered and sucked harder to capture his juice. The feel of his powerful cock pulsing with each shot of cum made my own cock pulse, nearly coming without being touched.

His head rolled back mouth agape as his cock unloaded his hot cream. I slowed my pace swallowing repeatedly trying to capture every drop. His second load was still huge and seemed to dwarf my own load. His huge balls were easily twice my size so no wonder. He gently caressed my head as I milked him to the last drop.

“Oh shit!” He panted. “Thank you so much Stevie. I needed that more than you know.” I nodded and panted not wanting to let go of his hot manhood. “Can we do this again soon?” I nodded emphatically. “Excellent Buddy.” He said breathing heavily and stoking my hair.

“The first step is getting Shelley vetted. Then I can be sure you aren’t a threat. So, will you do as I asked and get her the lemonade?” I nodded.

His cock began to soften just enough that my lips could touch his bush when I sucked all of him in. I was proud of my accomplishment and pulled out to his head lapping at it with my tongue. Then I pushed him in wiggling his slightly pliable cock completely in my mouth, feeling his balls with my lip.

“Fuck Stevie you are relentless Buddy. It’s 5:30 and I have to get some sleep before polygraphing Shelley. We need to take a break Buddy.” He pushed me off and I reluctantly let go. There was a loud suction sounding slurp as he popped free.

I rolled onto my back, breathing heavily, boner pointing to the ceiling. He rolled off and put his shorts back on.

“That little clitty, sure is hard Buddy. I told you this would work. Greet Shelley with that and I bet you make her day. Text me when you send her over. I’m gonna get a little shut eye. Thanks again Buddy, wow. Does Shelley work tomorrow maybe we could…” He looked at me from the doorway smiling.

“She has tomorrow off…”

“Monday then.” He walked out the door. “Text me Stevie!” He yelled walking down the hall.

To be continued…

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