New York Agent Ch. 01

His last coherent thought was. These fuckers have my sister.


Almost six weeks later Jake walked into university hospital. He knew Reilly was still here. He spoke to Reilly every day while he was gone.

Not quite knowing what to expect, Jake has brought flowers. Whilst walking down the corridor to Reilly’s room he stopped and contradicted the decision to give Reilly the flowers. Looking far a bin to dump the flowers, Jake noticed a woman in hospital issued scrubs coming from Reilly’s room.

“Oh what beautiful flowers,” she exclaimed, walking over and sticking her nose in the bouquet.

“Are these for Mack?” she asked.

Jake just nodded and the woman said, “Well, you better go on in. Mack will be glad to see a new face.” She looked sad as she looked up onto Jake’s eyes.

“Aside from director Gibbs, that only came once, I might add, he’s had no other visitors.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve been here every day since he was brought in. No one’s been here.” She suddenly got a suspicious look in her eyes.

“Why have you come?”

“I’ve been away, looking for my sister. Reilly knows why I couldn’t be here.” Jake looked relieved when he saw her face clear.

She smiled when she said, “You’re Jake! I was wondering when I’d get to meet you.” She laughed at Jake’s blush.

“Oh god, that’s priceless. You look so innocent.”

‘If only you knew lady’, Jake thought.

“I’m Julie Simms. You’d better get in there. He’s been bitching for weeks about not seeing you.” Jake stepped past her, but stopped when he reached the door.



“I’m sorry that was rude of me. I’m Jake fox.”

“It’s nice to meet you Jake and I’m sorry about your sister.” She started turning away, but turned back toward Jake and said, “He needs someone to take care of him, Jake.”

“That someone is me, if he’ll have me.”

“That sounds just perfect. Now go.”

Jake pushed open the door and stepped inside. He didn’t recognize the man lying against the white sheets and for a moment he though he entered the wrong room. Suddenly the guy on the bed opened his eyes and looked at Jake.

“Hello,” he said and then his eyes cleared. “You’re here.”

“Rather late than never,” Jake tried to joke. Instantly knowing it was Reilly.

“How did you know it was me?” Jake asked.

“Your eyes,” was Reilly’s reply. Jake looked confused so Reilly explained.

“Other than the sound of your voice, it’s the only thing I remember about you. Your eyes, it’s the color of grass after spring rain.” Reilly saw Jake eyes go dark.

“I feel so god dammed guilty.” Jake suddenly said.

“Why?” Jake asked suddenly.

“Joslyn is missing, but I can’t help being happy.” Jake sounded tortured.

“I’m sorry, Jake.”

“Don’t be. I have the best people working on it. I’ll find her.”

Jake walked toward the bed, when he reached Reilly’s side he suddenly didn’t know what to do, so he asked, “Have you thought any more about my suggestion?” Jake smiled but Reilly saw it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Jake, you need to talk about this. I can see it’s driving you crazy.” Reilly reached out a hand and Jake grabbed it like a lifeline.

“I can’t Rei. If I do I’m gonna break down and Jos needs me to be strong now.” Jake lifted Reilly’s hand to his mouth and absentmindedly pressed a kiss to his palm. What Reilly saw in Jake’s eyes scared him. His eyes looked lifeless.

“Jake, please. Don’t shut me out. I hear it in your voice. You’re not the same. Let me help you, please.” Reilly knew he was pleading, but he fell in love with Jake a long time ago and he wouldn’t want to lose him because of this.

“Rei, I’m so confused. I want to be happy because I found you, but I lost Jos. Don’t you get it? I have no idea if I can get her back. I’m at a crossroad and I have no idea where the paths lead.” Jake lifted his face to look a Reilly. Tears simmered on his lashes making his green eyes sparkle.

“Jake, c’mere.” Reilly held out a hand. Two seconds later Jake was wrapped in Reilly’s arms. Reilly slowly rubbed his arms up and down Jake’s back as big heart wrenching sobs broke from Jake. Reilly held on tight, never wanting to let go.

When Jake had calmed down a little, Reilly reluctantly loosened his hold on Jake. Jake lifted his head from Reilly’s chest and looked him in the eye.

“You’re back.” Reilly whispered.

“I didn’t go anywhere,” was Jake’s shaky reply.

“Yes you did, when you first came in, I didn’t see anything in your eyes, now I see something. I can’t tell what it is, but at least it looks like you haven’t given up.” Reilly looked at Jake and saw that Jake knew exactly what he was talking about.

“I’m sorry Rei. I . . . don’t. Jesus,” Jake broke again and instinctively moved closer to Reilly.

Reilly didn’t hesitate for a second. Scooting over to make space for Jake next to him and taking Jake into his arms was the most natural thing in the world.

Reilly held on as Jake collapsed against his chest. Reilly pressed his lips to Jake’s throat and murmured soft words of comfort against his skin. He felt his body responding to Jake’s. Disgusted with himself for wanting in a situation like this, he tried to concentrate on getting Jake calm again.

“Everything will be fine, we’ll find her, I promise. I’ll help you; I’ll do whatever it takes. She’ll come home,” Reilly whispered.

A shudder ran through Jake’s body as he felt Reilly’s breath wash over his skin. ‘Oh my God, how can I think of kissing him now?’ Jake thought.




“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I thought about your suggestion and my answer is yes.” Reilly was smiling when Jake lifted his eyes to look at him.

“You’re sure?”



“As soon as they let me out of here.”

“And that is?” Jake wanted to know.

“As soon as you let him go.” Jake and Reilly looked over and saw Julie stand in the doorway.

“Are you sure?” It was Jake asking.

“I’ve got the papers to prove it. Now Jake, get out of that bed and go wait outside, while I get Reilly out of here.”

Jake didn’t need to be told twice. Extracting himself from Reilly’s arms he bent and pressed a quick, chaste kiss to Reilly’s lips and then rushed out of the room before Reilly could see his blush and before Reilly could respond.

Reilly just stared and brought his fingers to touch his lips. When his hand fell from his face Julie laughed at his expression.

“First kiss?” she asked. Reilly just nodded.

“Come on stud. Let’s get you out of here.”


Outside in the hall Jake was pacing. “God I hope I didn’t just fuck up,” he thought. He suddenly stopped and turned when the door went open and Reilly and Julie came out.

“Let’s go,” Reilly said. He stepped forward and took Jake’s hand, but before Reilly could lead him down the corridor Jake stopped and turned back to Julie. He let go of Reilly’s hand and grabbed Julie into a fierce hug.

“Thanks,” he whispered into her hair.

“It was my pleasure. No go be happy and call me if I can help.” Julie smiled as Jake and Reilly walked away. ‘I’m glad I told Reilly about Jordan and Cheyenne. If anyone can help they can.’ She thought as she watched the elevator doors close behind them . . .

To be continued . . .

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