Nice Camera

A gay story: Nice Camera I could feel the water on my hand as i held the camera low, using my thumb to press the shutter release and hearing the reassuring clunk as it fired. I thanked the goose for being such a good model, not swimming away as I pointed the metallic object at it as it nibbled on the vegetation on the shoreline. It was the last shot of the roll and I stood slowly, the bird watching me warily now as I continued to talk to it as I stepped backwards and then turned to walk to the riverbank.

The stones were dry now, clattering as I walked, the tide had gone out fast as the early evening sun had dried the exposed bank with just the faint smell of dirty water wafting as I disturbed the stones. A small cluster of people had gathered to watch the river flow and the birds gather, some had bags of food for the geese and ducks, but seemed wary of walking over the muddy shore until some children bolted across, shrill voices scaring the exact birds they hoped to get near. I turned and waved to the scattering wildfowl and continued to wind the film on as I walked to the slipway.

“Nice camera.”

The voice jolted me, it was quite soft, but firm and it belonged to a grey haired man with a slight beard. He was with another man, who was gazing out at the water, shaking his head slightly as the children continued to scream and scare the birds.

“Thank you.” I looked down, the film was fully wound on now. I was thinking of putting another roll in, but as the birds had now retreated to the middle of the river, there didn’t seem much point.

“What is it? It looks in good condition.” His eyes flicked from the camera in my hand to my face. He smiled and his eyes glinted.

I held the camera up to show him, “A Voigtlander, medium format camera. It takes six by six photos. I have a similar one that also takes six by four and a half.” I have no idea why I was being so specific, he probably had no idea what I was talking about.

He smiled again. “That’s lovely, I have some old cameras somewhere. A Rolleiflex and others. I didn’t know you could still get the film.”

Now he had my attention. “Oh yes, there’s still lots of film, especially black and white. I was shooting colour today as the light is good.”

He looked at the camera, then straight into my eyes. I am sure i blushed, but don’t know why. “Maybe you could help me get the camera going again, it’s been years, I am not sure it still works.”

“I am sure it does, most old cameras are mechanical, so there is not much to go wrong. Get some film, a cheap roll of black and white and try it.”

He smiled and I am certain I blushed. “Where do you get it developed? There are no film shops around here?”

“I develop black and white myself. It’s pretty easy. Colour I can do too, but usually take it to a lab across the river.” I realised I was staring straight into his shining eyes that were now reflecting the sun and gleaming.

“That sounds easy. I used to do it all myself too, but stopped. I even had a darkroom. I have forgotten how to do it and have no idea where I put all the equipment. Maybe we should exchange details and when I find the camera you can help me?”

I agree so fast I surprised myself. It was then the other man turned and smiled, a smile equally warm and beguiling as his friend’s. “It would be good to get the old cameras out again. We used to have such fun taking photos years ago.” His voice was harsher, with a slight edge of schoolteacher about it.

My eyes went back to the first man as he was scribbling something on a piece of paper and then offering it to me.

“I am Brian. Here is my email and number, get in touch if you want, it would be good to get your help, you have me interested now!” I took the paper and placed it carefully in my pocket. My stomach was fluttering, but I had no idea why. Both men smiled at me as I thanked them and turned to go.

“Oh, I am John.” I reached out my hand and Brian took it eagerly and squeezed hard. The other man then took it and stated that he was Dave and we all bade out farewells as I turned to walk home.

At home I sat and pondered the encounter. I had rarely chatted with anyone since moving to this area four years ago and wondered if it was just my mind that thought the pair were a gay couple trying to pick me up and then I laughed at that. I had never considered a homosexual encounter and figured it was just lack of any sex in the last two years that was muddling my brain. I decided I would email Brian the next day.

I sent the email, a generically friendly one, reminding Brian who I was and sending a link to a website that had my photos on it. Then I set about processing the latest finished roll of black and white film, hanging it to dry and putting the processing tank in the sun to dry, ready for the next film.

An email was waiting, praising my photos and attaching a photo of a Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex camera, looking in pristine condition. I whistled when I saw the picture, it was a stunning piece of kit. The email asked if I wanted to check out the camera, to see if it worked. It took a few seconds for me to reply.

Another email arrived quickly after my reply. It gave an address, not far away, with some convenient dates to give the camera a try. Brian asked if I had any spare film that I could sell him to test the camera with. He also mentioned that there might be other cameras, but this was the first one he found. He said it looked ok and seemed to work, the shutter fired and the aperture responded, but it would really need a film to be certain.

The earliest date I could meet them would be Saturday and, after a few more emails, the date was settled. I would go to see Brian in the afternoon and we would check the camera over. He said he was excited about trying it out again, it had been a few years since he had used it properly.

I was excited too, but i couldn’t work out why.

Saturday was sunny and warm and i packed a small backpack with my Voigtlander and a few spare rolls of film, mainly black and white as I could process it quickly to see if the camera worked. Then I headed out, my stomach still full of butterflies for some reason, nervous and excited in equal measures.

The house was nice, reasonably large with a good front garden full of flowers. Brian flung the door open and greeted me like an old friend, ushering me inside with a sweep of his left arm and I giggled at his enthusiasm.

The camera sat on a table in the living room, light flooded in the far end of the room from the large windows that, I presumed, looked out onto the back garden. Antiques filled shelves, bathed in the light and I thought that we could even test the camera right here, the light was good enough.

Brian picked up the camera and handed it to me, like an archaeologist passing a prized specimen over for scrutiny. it was beautiful, hardly a mark of wear on the outside. I turned it around and marvelled at it, slowly moving the focus ring and noting the smooth action as the front of the camera moved forward. Brian nodded as I looked at him, approving of my examination and I flicked the catch on the underside to raise the back. The inside was just as pristine and i peered through the chamber and lens as I flicked the shutter. It released smoothly and the flash of light through the lens showed it worked. I turned the handle to ready it again, opening the aperture an changing the shutter speed, before pressing the shutter again, it snicked open and closed, but giving me enough time to see all the functions seemed to work. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Brian grinning.

“Well, that looks excellent!” I said, handing the precious object back to its owner.

“Shall we try it?” I swear he bounced as he said that and his face was aglow, eyes shining.

I laughed and then reached around to pull the backpack off, reaching for the pocket with the film and then holding the roll up towards him.

“Hoorah!” He exclaimed and I just laughed as the years fell away from him.

He watched intently as I loaded the film, threading the paper into the take-up spool and then turning the handle to wind it on until the arrow on the paper lined up with the red mark on the camera body. Then i shut the back and made sure it was locked before winding the film again until it stopped, ready to shoot.

What to shoot though?

I was still looking at the well-lit end of the room when Dave walked in to greet us both. It took a few seconds to realise he was wearing a dressing gown, but I was too distracted at looking for potential subjects to photograph to pay much attention.

“The light here is good,” I said, as i looked out the large windows at the garden outside, high hedges and foliage keeping the area shielded with only the high sun intruding.

“Yes, Dave and I used to use this as a, sort of studio, back in the day.” Brian explained as he came to stand next to me. “Maybe we could use it again?”

I was a bit confused as Dave walked behind us and then sat down in the armchair, bathed in the light that flooded in. I turned to look at him as Brian looked at me, possibly searching for clues. Dave’s eyes flicked between both of us, then settled on me. “I was mainly the model.” He stated, his voice calm but authoritative. I looked at Brian and he smiled warmly. We both looked back at Dave, my eyes glancing at his bare legs that stretched out, knees opening wider as I looked.

“Dave was a great model,” Brian whispered, “we had great fun taking photos.”

“I am mainly used to wildlife, not people.” I mumbled. Still unsure, but excited as I looked at the older man reclining in the chair, the light so good on him now.

“Humans are wildlife” Said Dave with a smile and, as I laughed, he flicked open the dressing gown.

There was a silence in the room, the noisiest thing being the dust motes that danced in the sunlight, disturbed by the air from the opening of the robe. My eyes blinked, but remained on Dave, the light now bathing his body as he opened his legs more, allowing his penis and balls to hang between them a lot more easily. His chest had a light coating of grey hair that glittered, but down below he was smooth and bare. I stared at his cock as it stirred slightly, the foreskin moving back as the head twitched under my gaze. When I looked up he was smiling at me.

“You see.” Whispered Brian. And I did.

The only thing I could think of doing was to look down the viewfinder of the camera and turn the focus to make the bare body sharp on the glass screen.

“Doesn’t he look great?” Enthused Brian and I had to agree.

Brian took over, reverting to the old days when he would pose Dave for his own eyes through the lens, suggesting camera settings as Dave stood to remove the gown, standing sideways on as the shutter clicked to catch it falling from his shoulders, the sun catching the hanging penis beautifully. He sat again and I knelt between his wide legs to focus on his cock before changing the focus to his face for the next shot. Three shots done, nine more left.

“Would you like something more…” Brian paused to think, looking at me with sparkling, naughty eyes, “harder?”

I laughed, not sure if he actually meant that and he returned my laughter, then stood and approached Dave, kneeling between his open legs and turning to look at me as I raised the camera again. I moved slightly closer and he took the penis in his hand, his eyes looking into the lens now, searching for my approval of the actions and willingness to continue. The Lens moved forward to focus and he smiled as he raised the swelling cock to place the tip close to his mouth. I pressed the shutter.

The next frame was ready, the camera wound on easily and smoothly and Brian knew the sounds. I moved again, focussing on the head of the penis that was now revealed as Brian pulled the foreskin back as the organ began to swell more. Again, he pressed it to his mouth, this time stretching out his tongue to lick the arrowhead on the underside. Three men groaned in time to the shutter clicking.

“I think it would be better if I was naked too.” Said Brian and I just nodded from behind the camera. He stood and stripped quickly, pulling his shirt over his head after undoing the first few buttons and dropping his trousers to reveal he wasn’t wearing underwear. His own cock was shaved too and partly swollen, twitching as he turned to me. I looked down the viewfinder, trying not to give too much away, aware that I was hardening myself. “There, that’s better!” Brian said as he resumed his position, reaching out for the, now hard, cock of Dave.

I moved back to get the two of them in the frame, one man, head back as he sat in the chair, the other head down, mouth around the hard cock. I got closer again as Brian took more of Dave in his lips, the bulge of the cockhead showing on his cheek.

The film was finished and Brian lifted his head, the hard cock was now wet with saliva and I loved the way the light shone on it. I reloaded the camera, asking Brian to hold it to get the right angle as the sunlight glinted on the wet streaks down the shaft and around the head, the precum adding to the wetness.

Brian stood and moved next to me, peering down the viewfinder at the scene of Dave’s hard cock standing proud in the light. “Ooh yes” he moaned, his cock bobbing as he looked through the camera.

“Want to swap places?” He whispered.

Brian smiled at me, warmth and naughtiness in his eyes. “I would love to take photos of my lover again.” He said as I gulped and my stomach flipped over and over.

“I have never…” I looked down the viewfinder again, picturing me holding that cock as Brian took the photos.

“You will be ok. It is just photography.” His voice was smooth and friendly.

I am not sure if he took the camera, or if I handed it over. I remember his quiet instructions as I knelt down, my eyes fixated on the stiff cock. “Just hold it between your fingers” he said and I did just that, my fingers curling around the lovely, hard shaft as I took him in my hand, the warm of his skin surprising me. I rubbed my thumb down the arrowhead as Brian focussed and snapped. I stroked over the weeping hole, smearing the precum around as the photographer gave soft commands. I moved closer, entranced by seeing another cock close up. The skin was soft and red, it seemed as if it was straining to contain the blood and tissue within as it occasionally throbbed and pulsed with my touch. I stared at the cleft on the underside and the string of skin that appeared to be holding it all together. i was transfixed by the beauty of it.

“Just a little kiss.” It maybe have been Brian who said it, or Dave, I heard the words, but was in another world. I mover closer and pressed my lips to the underside of the swollen head, feeling the soft hard skin on my lips as there was a shutter click to my left. Again, three men groaned at the same time.

Brian got closer, I could see the front of the camera moved to focus. I was shaking slightly with nerves and also so much excitement. I had never touched another cock before and now I had kissed one. My breathing was fast, heart thudding as I awaited the next shot.

“You know what to do.” Whispered Brian from behind the camera.

I didn’t. I had no idea what to do. I was holding a hard cock as someone pointed a lovely camera at me. I was the model now. My mind span.

I kissed the cock again, my lips slightly wider this time. Then I kissed again, keeping my lips resting on the soft skin of the hard cock. I heard the shutter fire and realised I was licking up the underside of the cock.

“Beautiful!” Brian whispered as I licked the head of the cock. “Lick just under the ridge, where the foreskin is pulled back.” He said, his voice still soft, his eyes still only seeing through the lens. I obeyed. flicking the tip of my tongue over that sensitive area, causing a groan from both men. “Beautiful,” He said again, “so beautiful. Carry on, you look amazing.” So I did, licking and kissing the shaft as it twitched in my hand.

“You know what to do.” He said again. Firmer than before, but still with warmth as he guided his new model.

I didn’t, but I had an idea of what to do. I opened my mouth and hesitated. Was I just a model, was this just a photoshoot? I was unsure.

“Yes” was uttered softly by one of them and I was lost again. I moved my head and slipped the tip of the cock between my lips. “Yes, yes” the words so quiet, but reassuring. I heard the click and the winding of the film, drowning out everything else, reminding me this was a photoshoot.

“Yes.” It was Dave. I looked up and his eyes were on me, but half closed. “Please.” He said, so quietly it was almost lost by the focussing gears moving. I opened my mouth wider and felt the firm head of his cock on my tongue as he filled my mouth, my lips finding that sensitive skin again as i wrapped them over his helmet. We all groaned.

I felt a hand on the back of my head, gently holding me there as Dave moved his hips up to slide further into my mouth. Brian clicked and wound as the cock slid in and out of my lips.

“Need to reload.” Brian said, breaking the spell and I opened my eyes to look up at Dave. He smiled down at me and then his hand stroked my hair as he gently pushed up with his hips before sliding back down again, gently fucking my lips as Brian put another roll of film in the camera. I closed my eyes again and sucked on the cock as it moved in my mouth, running my tongue over it to taste the tangy precum as it leaked out.

“Maybe we should all be naked.” Said Brian as he prepared to take more photos. Before I could even respond he was kneeling behind me, his hands finding the buttons on my shirt to undo them. His fingers then reached for my jeans and the buttons were undone just as fast.

“Stand up.” This time it was Dave talking and I hesitated, realising that I still had his cock in my mouth and not sure if I wanted to let go. I stumbled to my feet as Brian’s hands pulled my jeans down to reveal my underwear, soaked with my precum and my cock straining against the soggy material.

“Oh, someone is enjoying the photography!” Exclaimed Brian as his hands reached up again and I blushed at my obvious excitement. “No,” he stopped, “you can do it, if you want.” He added. I thought about it, they had given me the chance to remain with some clothes on, but I reached down and slid my wet underwear down, freeing my hard cock for the couple to see.

“Beautiful” they both said and I blushed again.

The both moved closer, each reaching their arms out to embrace the other and me and I responded as we stood in a strange triangle, our cocks pointing towards each other’s in the middle. I looked down. Dave’s was the biggest, but not by much. I think I was slightly bigger than Brian, but, again, not by much. The main difference was that I was hairy, the other two were both shaved and smooth. Dave pushed his hips forward and then Brian and I followed so that our cocks bumped together as we laughed. Suddenly, being naked with two other men didn’t seem so odd.

Brian moved behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, guiding me down to bring my face level with Dave’s cock again as it twitched and strained before me. “You know what to do.” He repeated. I did now, my mouth opened and Dave guided his cock between my lips, one hand on my head to hold me in place as he slid the wet knob between my lips, pulling me towards him to go deeper in my mouth. I coughed and spluttered and he let me go for a second, but then I moved closer once I had caught my breath, my hands going to his muscled thighs for support as I moved my lips down his shaft to get him as deep as I could, feeling the solid knob of his cock filling my mouth and knocking at the back of my throat.

Brian stood back to get the both of us in the frame, Dave standing tall, me on my knees, my head in his hands as he moved his hips to slide his cock in and out of my mouth, our groans now louder. Brian came forward for a close up, clicking the shutter as swollen head of the cock pulled my lips back as it left my mouth, causing me to gasp for air. My open mouth then filled again by the delicious cock as Dave began to move faster. Both of us ignoring Brian as he moved around with the camera.

My head was now in Dave’s large hands, he held me tight enough to make me know he was in charge, but with enough give that I could move back when his thrusts became too much. “Good boy.” He would mutter as he tried to get deeper and I let him, before pulling back for relief. “Good boy” he cooed as his hips moved faster, his hands gripping a bit tighter, his moans louder by the second. I hadn’t really thought beyond taking him in my mouth, it had begun out of curiosity and being aroused by watching Brian fellate him, but now I was on my knees as Dave fucked my mouth and I feared he was getting close.

I tried to imagine what the photo would look like, Dave, standing, head back as he groaned, holding my head as I knelt with his cock in my mouth. He had pushed forward hard as he let out the moan and it distracted me. Then the shock of his cock pushing deep was replaced by the realisation that it wasn’t just flesh filling my mouth, my senses swirled at the bitter taste in my mouth and the ammonia scent that swept up into my nose. Dave continued to push forward and so the only way to clear my mouth was to swallow and the thick liquid slid down my throat just as he moaned again and I felt the next stream fill me. I tried to think what Brian was seeing and not that I was swallowing another man’s sperm as he was cumming into my mouth. My eyes flicked to the side to see Brian standing and watching, a broad smile on his face. Another load replaced the one I had swallowed and Dave moved his hips back slightly, his spunk now flooding over my tongue before he thrust forward again as he released more of his thick sperm into my mouth, causing my cheeks to bulge, the taste and smell almost overwhelming my senses. He held my head tight as he shuddered and I felt another trickle flow into my welcoming mouth as he sighed and groaned.

Brian caught the moment Dave’s cock left my mouth, getting close enough to get all of the stiff penis in and my open mouth, a string of spit and sperm connecting the two as the organ left me, a smear of creamy semen running from the corner of my lips.

I sat back and gasped, still tasting the semen in my mouth and feeling it, thick and gloopy in my throat. Dave looked down at me. “Good boy.” He said with a big smile.

“You look like you enjoyed that.” Brian said, his eyes on my hard cock as I sat on the floor. “You need a release.” he added and I nodded. “Lie back, young man.” His voice was so warm I couldn’t do anything other than what he asked.

I stretched out on the floor and both men looked down at me and smiled. Brian handed Dave the camera and then stood beside me, lowering himself down to kneel next to my hip, his hand gently stroking my hard cock that strained with each touch. God, I was so horny now! He moved quickly, or maybe I was just distracted by the strange surrounding and I jumped as his lips kissed the head of my cock. He was now bent over, his face close to my penis, his breath brushing over the sensitive skin. I tried not to think that it was an older man holding my cock, but I couldn’t stop looking as he pulled the skin back and licked over the ridge of the head, my eyes flickering with the pleasure of his tongue. I stopped looking when his mouth enveloped the head of my cock as my eyes closed and my head rolled back, my moan and the camera click the only sounds in the sunlit room.

Dave was kneeling behind me to capture his lover taking my cock into his mouth, the first time I had been inside a man. I looked at the camera upside down as my head went back.

Brian sucked for a short time then stopped and I almost cried out in anguish as his mouth left me, my hips pushing up, begging for his warm mouth. He walked around me, surveying the scene, then knelt close to and just above my head. Dave had moved around to my feet and I had hoped he would now continue as my cock strained upward, hoping for relief. Then Brian moved forward, kneeling so that his cock was above my head, his arms either side of my waist. He lowered his body and his hard cock knocked against my face. Instinctively I kissed it as it brushed past my lips. He looked down and smiled as he shifted his hips to drag his shaft back and forth over my lips, my tongue darting out to lick him. He held himself up and angled his hips and the wet knob of his cock was just above my mouth. My lips parted and he lowered himself down to enter me, moaning with pleasure as my mouth accepted him.

It was an odd position, I had to tilt my head back slightly, but it worked and the second cock ever and today was now in my mouth. He moved his hips slightly to slide back and forth, but then pulled back. Now both my mouth and cock felt bereft!

He slid a small cushion under my neck as I let him adjust the positions and then he knelt over me again, my head tilting back easily with the neck support. I didn’t need to open my lips, they were wide with joy as he leaned forward to take my cock into his mouth, my hips pushing up just as his pushed down, both of us groaning around the cock in their mouth as we filled the other. I heard a camera click, but I was lost now as I tried to get my cock deeper into the hot, wet hole that was enveloping it.

I saw something move, but my view was largely obscured by Brian’s balls as they hung down, swaying as he moved his hips to fuck my mouth as I fucked his. It was Dave and the camera and inside I giggled at the strange angle of my view. Brian’s shaved balls would swing and hit my face and I realised this position meant he was deep.

I wouldn’t last long and I wanted to warn Brian, but my mouth was full. He was sliding deep, the angle of his entry meaning he was moving easily in and out of my mouth, leaving me as just a hole to fuck. The air was thick with the wet sounds as I slurped and his cock stirred my saliva, his own wet mouth gurgling as he took me. I could feel the flared head of his cock as it ran over my tongue and i curled the tip so it pressed on it as he slowly moved inside my mouth. I could taste his precum as it oozed from his cock and I gulped it down.

I pushed my hips up, my cock hard and tingling as Brian bobbed on me and I moaned, the sound muffled as my own mouth was full. I wanted to cum, needed to, desperately. I also wanted to make this last, but, as I took a big suck on the knob of his cock as he held it just inside my lips, I realised what I was doing and it got too much and I raised my hips higher. He responded by sliding his cock deep into my mouth and lowering his lips on my cock. My whole body shook as I groaned around his cock, almost screaming with pleasure as my shaft swelled with the cum rushing up to release it into the welcoming warmth of Brian’s mouth and throat. He sucked harder and I thrust up again with another pulsing load. My eyes were watering as I shuddered and moaned, my head pinned down by Brian’s hips and the cock filling my mouth, his hands on my thighs now as I jerked my body to unload into his mouth. He was still sucking me, swallowing each shot of my sperm, his tongue lapping it from my hole and I loved it.

He let me go from his mouth and my body slumped, spent. Then he raised up on his knees, and pulled out from my mouth before bending down and pressing his lips to mine, the taste of my semen on them. He knelt behind my head, looking down at me. “Feel better now, boy?” and I could only mumble an affirmative. “Good” he said and smiled as his hands went to my head and he moved forward. He tilted my head back and raised up on his knees again to aim his cock at my mouth and my lips parted and then spread as the wet head of his cock pushed them wide and that delicious velvet head of his cock stroked over my tongue. He pushed deep inside me and i felt his balls knocking onto my nose. Then he held my head and began to slide his cock back and forward, his swinging balls slapping me as he jerked his hips and fucked my mouth. I clamped my lips around him and hoped that he would finish soon as i reached my hands up to hold the back of his thighs, feeling his slightly flabby buttocks shaking with each push.

He didn’t last much longer, his hips jerking faster as I tried to take him in my mouth, hands reaching to his belly to try and limit the dept of his thrust as he was carried away by the pleasure. His balls tightened towards his body and he held me tight, then pushed as he groaned and my throat was full of the thick liquid that he was shooting into me. I couldn’t pull away and was still swallowing as he unloaded again, the spunk filling my mouth and the scent pouring into my sinuses and nostrils. I struggled to gulp it down and he shook and thrust again, but the third load was smaller and i could taste it before swallowing, slightly bitter, but not unpleasant. He held my head and twitched inside my mouth, hands gripping me tight to ensure all his seed was in me as I felt it pulse from his cock. I ran my tongue over the head and licked it direct from his hole as the final string was squeezed out. Slowly he pulled back and i let my tongue press down on his cock as he left me, licking him clean, all his sperm in my mouth, throat and, by now, belly. I gasped for air and the scent and taste of his semen swept around my head.

“Good boy.” he said as he knelt behind me, breathing hard, his cock now softening and hanging down. I looked at him, still upside down and smiled. I didn’t know what else to do,I was naked on his floor having just had a sixty nine with a man having previously fellated his lover. I was still slightly shocked.

“Thanks.” was all I could think to say.

Both men stood and looked down at me and I turned to pull myself onto my knees and stand. Again, we all gathered and put an arm around the other, this time our cocks hung down, all three spent. Dave looked down. “You should shave” he said, reaching down to run his fingers through my curly pubic hair. “Your cock would look so beautiful if it was shaved.” I had never really thought about it, I had trimmed it in the past, but had given up recently due to the lack of action.

“Maybe” I said, looking at the bare cocks of the other two and thinking that they did look very sexy.

“I would love to shave you.” It was Brian now, fingers caressing my hairy balls as he spoke. “We could go upstairs and get those pubes off.” He added, his fingers tugging playfully on the ones around my cock.

“All of them?” Was all I could reply with, my mind already spinning at the thought of this stranger with a sharp blade near my genitals.

“Oh yes, I would love to get you lovely and smooth so we can see that beautiful cock properly.”

Before I knew it he was leading me up the stairs by the hand.

The bedroom was large, I glanced around to check out the place and there was another smaller room to the side and a bathroom next to that. Light flooded into the room from the large windows and lit the bed somewhat dramatically and my stomach did a few somersaults at wondering what I was doing here. Brian guided me to the side where an open door revealed an en-suite bathroom that was larger than my bedroom in my flat. In seconds I was seated on, what I thought, was a rather strange toilet seat, before realising the real toilet was next to me. I had never seen a real bidet before and I giggled when I realised what it was. Both men were chatting, but my nerves were drowning out the words. I looked up to see Brian with a tube of something and a razor blade, luckily one with various blades, so there was no chance of anything dangerous.

He knelt in front of me and gently pushed my knees apart before squirting a dollop from the tube onto his hand and then smearing the gel into my pubic area. He rubbed it around as the lather bubbled up to cover my hair.

“Last chance to save your pubes!” He joked as he moved the razor closer. I just laughed and watched as he slid the blades across the outer areas of the hairline. He dunked the blades into the water from the bidet the wash away the collection of hair and stroked the blades closer and closer to my genitals, smooth skin left behind as the razor did its work. My cock began to grow under his touch and the sensation of having someone shaving me and he softly blew onto the head as it stretched clear of my foreskin. He gently held my hardening shaft as he ran the blades down to clear the hairs from my cock, pulling the skin around the base to take away any hairs hidden there. Next he held my balls as he shaved them clean, the blades running over the skin held taut by his strong fingers as he moved my genitals around to make sure i was totally hairless. He asked me to move my hips forward and, naturally, I did so and he lowered himself down to run the razor over my, now exposed, perineum. Dave handed his lover a cloth and I was washed down before Brian ran his fingers over me to check for any areas that needed shaving. Despite my attempts at trying to ignore what was happening, or treating it as a rather strange medical routine, my cock was now rock hard and, for the first time since puberty hairless.. Brian leaned forward and gave the head a gentle kiss and I groaned loudly.

“You need some relief now, boy.” He said, as his eyes gazed at his handiwork. “Would you like some relief?” That felt like the most stupid question ever at this point in time.

He gave me another quick wipe with the wet cloth, then took my hand and led me out of the bathroom and towards the bed. “Just lie down, I will get some balm to soothe you and help give some relief.” Again, I did exactly what he said.

It felt slightly odd, lying on a strange bed with a newly shaved cock that was so hard it was almost painful and waiting for an older man to offer relief, but I really could do with another great blowjob and then, I figured, I could leave as we would all be done. I would deal with the memories of this day another time and decide if I wanted to get involved in any more “photography” projects with the pair again. My mind was still spinning with the events so far and, even though I had had fun, I was looking for a way out.

Dave still had the camera and got a close-up of my bald cock, the head swollen and red, leaking liquid and desperate for something to wrap around it. Then Brian came back with another tube of liquid and he knelt next to me on the bed and ran his hand over the newly shaved skin, the gel stinging slightly, but then cooling, the sensations making my cock swell even more. His fingers ran around my genitals, coating them in the balm. He cupped my balls to rub it it in and slid a finger under me, stroking my perineum until the tip rested on my anus, causing me to jump a little. He squirted some more onto his palm and then wrapped his fingers around the hard shaft, moving slowly to the head, the cool gel causing me to moan as he massaged it in. He shifted his knees, swinging one either side of my legs, his cock, now hard too, knocking against mine as he moved forward. He put more gel on his hand and then hooked his thumb around his cock as his fingers wrapped around my shaft, pressing the two swollen organs together and the gel smeared over us both as he moved his hips to rub against me. He smiled at me as he repeated the act and I felt powerless to resist such a lovely sensation.

“Do you want some relief, John?” The use of my name bringing me back into reality. My cock was so hard I could only think of how good it would be to ejaculate.

“Yes please.” I whispered as I watched his hand stroke up and down our cocks.

“Good boy.” He said, voice calm and reassuring.

He let go of his cock and gave mine one more rub with the gel and then he held it by the base. He rose up on his knees and my cock twitched at the sensations I thought were coming soon. Then he moved forward, his knees now next to my hips, his hand guiding my cock under his balls. He wiggled a bit and I could feel his skin on the tip of my cock. I didn’t say a word. He moved my cock until it was held by his weight and reached around behind him, grabbing it again to adjust the position. I felt the tip of my cock slot into something and he sighed. He looked me straight in the eyes, his shining as he smiled.

“You need relief, John.” He stated and he was totally correct.

“Yes, yes.” I mumbled, still slightly unsure of what he was doing and wondering when he would turn around. Instead he started to sit back.

I felt some pressure on the head of my cock as he lowered his body, his hand still gripping the base of my cock to hold it in place. My penis was squashed slightly and I began to think that this was providing some pain, not relief, when I felt my hips rise slightly as the weight disappeared from the tip of my cock. At the same time Brian gasped. Then there was a heat around the head of my cock and a tightness despite the slick gel that had covered me. The grip slid over me and then grasped under the ridge of my head, squeezing the exposed skin over the top of my foreskin. Brian had closed his eyes, but they flickered open and stared at me again. He took his hand from my cock and placed both of them on the bed next to my chest. My cock was now held tight and I glanced between his spread legs to see it, hard and slick, sticking up, up into Brian. My brain finally worked out what was going on and I thought about saying something, my mouth opened, but words were replaced with groans as Brian lowered further, the tight grip now sliding down my cock until it squeezed the base while the hot, soft and tight skin of his anus held the length of my hard penis. We both let out growls of pleasure as he pressed down to make sure I was fully inside.

He lifted himself up after a few seconds, or was it minutes, I wasn’t sure of anything now. I felt the cool air of the warm day on my shaft as his hot body let me go. I watched my cock appear as he rose, his own cock bobbing as he moved. I had never had anal with any of my girlfriends, despite me wanting it. Now my cock was in someone’s rectum and I tried not to think that it was an older man who was taking me in his arse. He sat down again and my brain decided it didn’t care, the sensation of the skin of his anal canal rippling over my swollen head was incredible, I could feel it slide over the ridge of my helmet as he moved up and down and his sphincter gripped my shaft tightly. I missed the grip around my head that a tight pussy had when you got deep, but this felt just as delicious as we began to move together and my stiff cock was massaged by his anus. I reached down and placed my hands on his hips and began to push up as he sat down, wanting to get further inside his rectum, my desires driven by my hard cock now, ignoring the body I was in, just wanting to be further in it, to go deeper, to bury my cock up inside this lovely wet, hot, welcoming hole.

“Good boy.” Someone said, I was beyond caring who now.

Dave was taking photos, but I didn’t really notice him, I was groaning now as I pushed up and Brian’s body held me tight as we fucked. He put the camera over my chest, shooting down as Brian held himself up to expose my cock between his splayed legs. My eyes were closing with pleasure and also to try and ignore the visuals and prolong this pleasure. Fingers rested on the side of my face and guided me to turn. Dave was kneeling close, his cock flushed red with desire and trembling slightly next to my face. He moved his hips closer and I opened my lips to take him in as he stroked my face and slowly pushed his cock into my mouth.

I reached across to press my hand on his belly, limiting his movements as he started to slide in and out of my mouth, I was already breathing heavily from the fabulous sensations around my cock and his cock was making it hard to inhale.

I groaned loudly around the head of the cock in my mouth and that must have betrayed that I was close. A voice, this time I knew it was Brian said “you need relief, boy. Cum.”

I had to turn my head, I wanted to see him and I gasped as the cock left my mouth. I reached down and held Brian’s hips tight as I pushed my own up and I let out a cry. I could feel the cum travel up my shaft as Brian’s anus held me tight, it was beautifully painful and I closed my eyes and arched my body as I released inside an anus for the first time in my life. I thrust again and felt the hot sticky liquid from my first shot run over my head as I spurted into Brian’s rectum again. I was gritting my teeth as I jerked and pushed to get my semen as far up into his bowels as I could and he groaned with each thrust and pulse inside him. When I couldn’t push up, he sat back hard, wiggling to get the last of my sperm into his rectum as his anus squeezed my twitching cock. I opened my eyes and he was smiling broadly and breathing heavily. “Good boy.” He panted and slowly began to rise.

My cock was softening and I slipped out of him as he lifted up. It was still hard enough to stay partly upright and I looked down to see the head smeared with sperm and lubricant, the skin red, all evidence I had been inside Brian’s rectum, the first anus I had fucked.

Brian reached over to the side of the bed and grabbed some tissues and wipes and gently cleaned my cock, the wetness and chemicals causing me to hiss as it touched my sensitive skin. He then bent down to kiss the tip, his lips soft and warm.

He placed a knee between my leg as he continued to clean me, rubbing more balm into the shaved skin as he fussed over my spent cock. Then he was kneeling between my legs and I opened them to give him more room to work. “Good boy.” He said as a hand gently encouraged me to spread wider. Brian’s hand stroked me, the liquid soothing the skin and my tired cock, his fingers dipping down and knocking on my anus as I relaxed under his touch. He rubbed some of the liquid on his own cock, which was hard again, a droplet of clear liquid bubbling from the hole. His other hand slipped under a leg to raise it and my instincts helped by lifting it. Dave was now on the other side, one hand on the camera, the other pressing up on the other leg to raise that. I sighed contentedly as the stroked my skin, the post orgasmic bliss washing over me.

I looked down as Brian smiled at me, he was pushing one leg up as his lover held the other, exposing me totally for the camera that Dave pointed at my shaved genitals. Brian moved closer and placed his hard cock over my softening one as the camera clicked, Dave managing to operate it one-handed. I felt the cool liquid covered cock slide over my balls and slip under me just as both hands raised my legs higher and back towards me, bending me slightly.

I reached down and put my hands behind me knees as Brian stroked his cock over me and Dave got another photo of my shaved privates with his lover’s cock on them. I was holding myself open for the camera and for their eyes.

I felt the cool gel on me, the cock it was on was sliding around over my skin until it found a hollow to rest in. I stared at Brian and he smiled that smile. I was sure I knew what he was doing, but, despite knowing that this was a step too far, I felt powerless to resist. I raised my head and looked down, his cock was shining with gel as he moved it over the skin under my balls. Deep inside I knew what was happening, but deep inside I wanted him deep inside.

“Good boy.” His calm voice said as he pushed forward, the lubed tip of his cock pushing painfully onto my sphincter. I breathed deeply, still unable to say anything. “Good boy.” whispered Dave as he stood next to the bed. and watched.

Brian pressed harder and the pressure on my anus was painful. The slick knob of his cock pushed onto my tight hole and the sphincter squeezed shut. “Good boy.” He whispered and pain flooded through me as my virgin hole was stretched wide as the head of Brian’s cock pushed into me and pulled me open. I let out a yell and Brian groaned with pleasure as my body gave into him and he slipped the tip of his cock into my anus.

He held still as I gasped for air. My sphincter was sore and painful as it was forced open. I panted and looked down at the old man who was between my open legs, I was still holding myself open for him to enter me and he had. He smiled again and pressed his hips and his lubed cock stretched my anal canal wide as he went balls deep up my arse as I let out a loud moan and his lover took photos of my deflowering.

Brian slipped his arms under my wide knees and leaned forward, my hands now free and I wrapped them round him as he lowered himself to press his lips to mine. As well as my arms, I wrapped my legs round him too as he slowly began to move his hips and slide his cock back and forth inside my aching anus.

I was still gasping as his lips touched mine and I sucked his tongue inside with lust as my body moved under his rocking hip motion. He was pushing forward and I moved my legs further back, bending to let him go deeper as he started to take longer strokes, his cock pulling my anal passage back as he withdrew and then causing me to gasp as it slid deep, spreading my anus wide. It was uncomfortable, it felt as if I needed to biggest shit ever, but it was totally delicious too as I felt his cock deep inside me, stroking my rectum as he pushed hard up inside.

He pulled his lips from mine and they were replaced by something else, I had been too lust fuelled to realised Dave was closer now and he pushed his cock towards me and the tip brushed over my lips. I opened my mouth instinctively and Brian did the same, placing his lips on mine as we both kissed the head of Dave’s cock and each other. The head slipped into my mouth and I sucked and licked before it left me to enter the mouth of his lover and we took it in turns to kiss and suck the cock before Brian raised himself up on his hands to gaze down at me, his cock deep in my arse and sucking on his lover. He smiled that smile and his eyes flickered as he slid up and down inside me.

Dave pulled away to leave us fucking, taking photographs to capture the moment as Brian held my legs up to place on his shoulders as he thrust into me repeatedly. If I hadn’t already shot two loads I would have cum again at the feeling of the cock sliding inside me. The pain was not fully gone, but the total pleasure had swamped it as I watched the older man looking down at his cock as it slid out and then back into my sphincter. He groaned deeply and placed his hands on my hips, bending forward again and taking me with him as my ankles rested on his shoulders.

“Good boy” he grunted as he fucked me, his eyes looking into mine. “Do you like it?” It seemed a silly question.

“Yes. Yes, I like it.” seemed an equally silly answer.

“You like my cock in your arse, boy?” and I grunted my reply, but that wasn’t good enough. “Do you like my cock in your arse, boy?” and it took a few deep breaths before I could say yes. Still, it wasn’t good enough. “Tell me, boy, do you like my cock in your arse?”

“Yes. Yes, I like your cock in my arse.” I said between our grunts.

“Good boy.” He whispered. “This is your first?

I wasn’t really in the mood to talk, but it was clearly something he liked. “Yes, This is my first.”

“Tell me, boy. Tell me.”

“Yes, this is the first cock in my arse. You are the first.” I said over his groaning, which was getting louder.

“Good boy” he panted and then he rammed hard and I let out a cry as I felt him so deep, pressure filling my insides as he shuddered between my legs. He rammed hard again and the feeling inside me was almost painful as he filled me with sperm, each thrust forcing the liquid inside with his piston action, my groans now drowning out his as more semen was shot into my bowels. He shuddered and shook with one final long groan as he held me tight and released the last of his spunk to flood my, already full, rectum. As he opened his eyes, I reached up to stroke his face and we smiled at each other.

He stayed between my legs for a couple of minutes, just wiggling his hips as we both caught our breath. He smiled at me, hand stroking my legs that were still on him and I parted them, my ankles sliding down his arms and he hooked his hands under my knees to open me, looking down to see where his body was still inside me, staring at his conquest. “That looks great.” He said as he admired our union.

I began to feel empty as he slid out, but I was also slightly scared it would be messy. I felt my sphincter still spread as he left the head of his cock in me as he wiped his shaft and my perineum. I blushed. “Sorry, it might be a bit dirty, I didn’t really think…” I felt stupid trying to apologise, but also guilty for some reason.

“It’s fine, boy. Pretty clean really and, anyway, worth it to take your brown cherry.” Then I let out another loud gasp as he popped out of me, my anus throbbing with the pain and pleasure. I closed my eyes as Brian cleaned up his cock with the wipes and tissues and I felt the bed move as he stood up. When I looked he was staring at me, I still had my legs open wide and Dave moved to the end of the bed to take a photo of my recently fucked hole as I exposed myself.

He turned the handle on the camera to wind the film to the end and then handed it to Dave before looking back to me, his eyes settling between my open legs and then flicking to my face. He smiled. His smile wasn’t as warm and seductive as Brian’s, more of an assertive look.

“Turn around.” He said.

And I did.

I rolled over on the bed and I felt a hand on my hip, fingers underneath guiding as I raised myself up onto my knees. I looked down, between my legs to see Dave’s legs, his knee nudging against the inside of a leg and I opened wider for him. He placed one hand on the small of my back and I arched myself to raise my bottom slightly as something wet and slippery stroked around and then settled in the crack between my buttocks.

“Sloppy seconds.” He said to Brian, who laughed and I looked around to see him winding the camera to prepare another roll of film. “Ready?” The word was for Brian, not me and when he said yes I felt pressure on my sphincter again. My eyes closing as Brian readied to take the photo. My yelp covering the sound of the shutter clicking.

Dave was bigger than Brian and it was uncomfortable as he pressed against me, my body resisting another intrusion into somewhere that had been, until very recently, exit only. I groaned, but didn’t say stop, instead I pushed back towards him as his domed head, slick with lube eased the tight sphincter open and the pain tore through me. Despite having been recently opened, my anus really wasn’t happy and Dave’s thick cock stretched my sphincter wide as he pushed to get in. Then electric shot around my body as the cock popped into the entrance and I let out a mix of a cry and a moan of pleasure. He was in. The head of his cock was now stretching me open and he rested there for a second, his hands grabbing my hips to steady us both. Then he pushed and my head went back as I cried out, my inside stretched wide. He seemed to push my anal passage in as he slid deep and I felt completely stuffed.

When he began to slide out I believed that my bowels would follow, he pulled my rectum back with his swollen helmet and my anal passage felt scraped as he dragged his cock back.He held me tight and pushed again and I felt his body on my buttocks as he was fully inside. This wasn’t enough and seconds later, after wiggling a couple of times to get deep, he rammed and my face was squashed into the pillow, the cover being sucked into my mouth as I gasped and sucked for air. I felt as I was impaled and I could feel the head of his cock flaring deep in me.

“You’re right, he is tight.” Brian laughed as his lover spoke. “Maybe I should have lubed the shaft, not just the head.” Dave added. “Still, you pumped enough into this arse to make it wet.” and Brian laughed again as I groaned as my intestines were being pulled from me by the retreating cock. The next time he slid in slowly and my cries were replaced with deep moans as my insides were slowly prised open by the older man’s flesh, Sensing my pleasure, he repeated this for several minutes, each entry more delicious than the last until he pressed down hard and I wondered if the head of his cock would pop out of my mouth, so deep did he feel.

I managed to raise myself up, my face finally free of the pillow, resting on my elbows as Dave started a steady action behind, alternating the slow pushes with a sharp thrust now and then to knock the air from me. I looked between my legs as he thrust in and out and saw my cock, almost hard, but still drained from earlier, swinging back and forth, a string of clear liquid splashing from it as my body rocked,

More thrusts and I could feel him so deep now. The sounds of our bodies slapping mixed with grunts and moans as well as the slurp of his cock sliding in and out of my anus. It seems I was proving the lubricant now and as his cock slid easier inside my guts, so his speed increased and more hard thrusts knocked my face back into the pillow.

“Good boy” whispered Brian as he stretched a leg over my head to sit above me, his hand reaching under my chin to raise me up and guide me to his lap. He was soft and I wasn’t sure what to do, so rested my head on the inside of his thigh as I rocked back and forth from the fucking his lover was giving me. He took his soft cock and pushed it towards me. My eyes were half closed with ecstasy, but I looked up at him. “Good boy” he cooed and his thumb went to my lower lip and opened me, the other hand guiding my head down so that I took him in my mouth.

I was knocked forward, the whole of Brian’s flaccid cock forced into my mouth as Dave hammered into me, my moans muffled on his lover’s groin. He slowed his pace so that I could enjoy them both ends of me, swirling my tongue around the fleshy helmet of Brian as Dave wiggled to move his in my rectum. I wondered if he could feel Brian’s sperm in there, sticky and hot on the end of his cock as he fucked me. It was hard not to enjoy this experience as the thick cock slid around inside my body, his partner stroking my hair as i sucked on his flaccid cock and I felt my body shudder and i stopped sucking to look down, the clear liquid that had run from my cock was now creamy white as I orgasmed while Dave fucked me.

I groaned as Brian caressed me and my open lips were soon filled with his cock again as the semen ran from me. Minutes later and the cock was forced out of my mouth as I was shaken by Dave, he held my hips tight as he rammed into me. My mind was a fog now, I hoped he was near, I had tried to turn off, to let them do what they wanted, but the pleasure was too great at times. Now, my anus was sore and my inside hurt from the pistoning of the cock, it’s girth stretching my sphincter to the point of pain. The growl from Dave snapped me back fully and I felt that pressure again, the pressure of liquid being forced into my bowels as he ejaculated deep up me, his seed joining his lover’s from earlier. He smashed his cock up me when he had his second spurt and I cried out as his lover cradled my head in his lap, my face pressed to his shaven cock as more sperm filled me. Again he rammed, this time holding tight as he pressed hard against me, the spunk now somewhere near my colon from the force of his thrusts and the amount he was shooting. He jerked and shuddered as he grunted and then it went quiet.

Luckily he went soft before he tried to withdraw, but it still felt strange as his cock dragged down my anal walls and popped out of my sore hole. I stayed on my knees as Brian lifted his leg over my head to leave me and join his lover, both men staring at my used sphincter, before reaching for the camera. I heard the shutter go several times. I didn’t care now, I just pressed my face to the pillow and tried to relax and ignore the pain from my anus.

Slowly, I managed to get up. They had left me alone, gone to clean up in the bathroom and then heading downstairs. I sat on the edge of the bed. Next to me was the camera and several rolls of film, more than I had bought with me. As I looked at them, the paper seal stuck fast and the word “Exposed” visible on each, Brian wandered in and sensed my confusion.

“Oh yeah, we found some old film the other day, so had it ready in case today went well.” He explained as I twirled a roll around in my fingers. “I think it went well.” he chuckled.

“What happens now?”

“Well, you can develop them and email me the scans. Be nice to see how they came out.”

I looked at the films and then picked up the camera.

“That’s yours.” He said. “I still have a few other cameras to play with in the attic.”

“Thanks” was all I could say. My mind was spinning. Had they planned this whole thing? Had I planned it?

I went to stand and my head span for real. My legs ached too and my insides, well, they felt very weird without something rammed in them.

Brian reached for me and held me as I recovered. His hand stroking my back. I looked in his eyes to say thanks and he leaned forward, our lips meeting and opening as his tongue flicked over mine.

We were all too tired for more than a kiss and, besides, I needed to go. I looked around for my clothes, remembering they were removed downstairs and headed down. naked, holding the films and camera. Dave was in the chair again, his robe was on, but open and his soft cock lay on his upper thigh.

“Hello boy” he chuckled as I entered, my eyes darting around for my clothes and also to look at his cock again.

I found my shirt and trousers, but my underpants were missing and I looked around in confusion. “We’re keeping those” Dave muttered.

“Huh?” I turned to look at him, wondering if he meant the films and camera, maybe Brian had got it wrong.

“Your underwear. We’re keeping those. As a souvenir. Also, it means you have to walk home with our spunk leaking from you with no pants on.” and he laughed, his tight belly shaking and his cock wobbling on his leg.

I dressed and prepared to leave, realising what he said was true as I felt a dampness in my jeans as their semen began to find its way out.

Brian stood by the door as I left, grabbing another quick kiss., my hand sliding down to caress his naked, rounded belly and almost going into the waistband of his trousers, but he laughed and stepped back.

He looked down to my hands. “Nice camera.” he said with a smile.

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