Night Shift Sissy by Nightside


He pulled by head back hard, pulling his cock out of my mouth, nearly making me fall back before I could catch myself. I opened my eyes to see him stroking his shaft fast and hard right over my face. I opened my mouth wide, waiting, whispering, “yes… cum… yes…” while looking directly into his camera lens. The first, thick, ropy spurts of his semen shot over my mouth and landed across my eyes and into my hair. I blinked, but kept them open as he milked more of my prize from his balls into my mouth and across my face. I let it drip down my face, my chin, mix with my spittle as it ran down my neck and made wet spots on my sheer blouse. I waited until he was done stroking before I raised up enough to take his cock head between my lips and suckled out the last dregs of his seed. Once I was sure I would not get more, I let go of him and sat back on my heels, waiting.

I watched him recover himself as he circled me, recording the moment. Then he got close to make sure he caught the jizz that was cooling on my face, mixing with my ruined makeup. He stepped back, still focusing on me.

“Say your name.”

“Christopher Davies.”

“What is today’s date?”

I looked over at the calendar and clock on my cube wall. “It’s Wednesday, August ninth, at two forty five in the morning.”

“What did you just do and why?”

I looked directly at the camera and smiled. “I just sucked Dwayne Maxwell’s cock until he came all over my face and in my mouth so he would not tell everyone in the office that I am a sissy slut.”

Dwayne stopped the recording and put his phone away, smiling at me. He walked closer, bending down so his face was close to mine. “That’s a good little slut. Now, you come dressed like the sissy whore you are every night from now on. I might come in and use you, or I might not. If I find out you don’t dress properly, or you decide that you don’t like my cock in your mouth or your ass, then I send the videos and pictures to everyone in the company, post them on the internet with your name and phone number, and make sure everyone knows what you are. Understand?”

I nodded, the idea of the humiliation he promised both thrilling and terrifying. He patted me on the head and started walking toward the doors, putting away his schlong as he called over his shoulder, “Oh, and I’ll tell the security guard about our arrangement. I’m sure he’ll want a turn at your sissy ass, too, for his silence. Good night, Chrissy.”

I just sat there on my knees for a few moments, processing what had happened, and what was going to happen. I slowly got to my feet, collected my purse from my cube, and went to the restroom to fix my makeup. My first look in the mirror was almost enough to make me cum. My lipstick was smeared all over my mouth and chin, my mascara as running down my cheeks, and I had drying cum on my face, in my hair, and on my shirt. I looked and felt dirty, slutty, used, and completely satisfied. I smiled at the slut in the mirror and went back to my desk without fixing anything. I just finished out the shift, logged off, and went home, waving at the security guard as I walked through the lobby.

As ordered, I came into work the next night in full slutty “Chrissy” mode. I stopped at the security desk and talked with the guard, letting him know that I had a couple high priority jobs to get done, but if he waiting until about three, I’d be happy to pay for his silence. He grinned and said he was looking forward to it.

As I got to my desk, I received a shock. There were two envelopes on my keyboards. I opened the first to find a letter of termination. Dwayne had talked to our manager and shown him the files, and I was fired for inappropriate conduct. There was a severance check for the amount of half a year of my salary, and a reference letter that stated I had been let go due to over-staffing. I was crushed. Dwayne had betrayed me. Oddly, that bothered me less than not being able to continue our games.

With a sigh, I opened the second envelope. As I pulled out the paperwork, it took a good thirty seconds for me to actually understand what I was reading. It was a contract for “Christina Davies” to work as a consultant for the position I had just be fired from, at a higher salary, with a better benefits package. The only requirement was that she- or I- had to agree to work night shift exclusively, aside from having to appear in person to sign the contracts with the manager. I giggled and danced around the office for a few minutes before I grabbed a few boxes and emptied my work-space. After all, “Christina” would have to bring her stuff in with her in the morning, and “Christopher” had just been fired.

As I stepped out of the elevator, singing quietly to myself, the guard looked at me questioningly. I told him what Dwayne had done for me, and he laughed. I set my boxes down by the desk and offered him a quick blowjob under his desk “for old times’ sake”. He laughed again, with a “not tonight”, but helped me take my boxes to the car.

“It’s only polite to help a lady,” he said with a chuckle.

I kissed him on the cheek and drove home, excited to start my new job. “I’ll have to do some shopping tomorrow after I get my new hire processing done. I’ll need some actual business attire,” I giggled.


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