A gay sex story: Not in Front of My Husband! Pt. 01
I had a rare afternoon off, and was taking advantage of it by going for a swim in our new pool. Getting a pool in our backyard had been a very generous gift from my husband for my 40th birthday– and on this warm afternoon, I was grateful to him once again.
After a few laps I climbed out, and headed for the outdoor shower he’d had installed to go with it. As the water hit me I was feeling so good, that I felt daring enough to try something I hadn’t yet– taking my outdoor shower naked. I undid my bathing shorts, stepped out of them, and slung them over the fence– only half realizing I should have brought out a towel, too.
I ran my hands over my body, appreciating the work I’d put in over the past few months to get back in shape in time for my 40th. My tummy was a little soft, but my arms, legs and chest was really feeling firm and strong. And my butt? Well, that…
“Hello?” my thoughts were interrupted by a strange voice at the gate. What! Who was that?
I heard the gate opening. I quickly snapped off the shower, spun around, and was reaching for my shorts, when I heard footsteps approaching– “whoa!” the stranger exclaimed, surprising me so much that I fumbled, and accidentally knocked my trunks over the fence, and into the neighbor’s yard! I was trapped naked in front of a complete stranger!
I turned toward him, covering my penis with both hands– though luckily he was now shielding his eyes, clearly as embarrassed as I was. “Who are you, and why are you here?” I asked.
“I’m, uh, I’m Tom,” he said, dropping his right hand from his face, and starting to extend it toward me to shake, then thinking better of it as he covered his eyes again. “My parents are moving in across the street– I came home from college for the weekend to help them with unpacking. Your husband drove up and saw us unloading the van. He stopped to welcome us to the neighborhood, and sent me over here to tell you to bring everyone some lemonade.”
My husband! He was home from work early! I needed to get inside before he got home. What would he think seeing me in the backyard, completely naked, in front of this young college student? This incredibly handsome college student, I had to admit. As flustered as I was, I couldn’t help looking him over– he had a mess of dark curls on top of his head, and below his shielded eyes I saw a broad, prominent nose and nice, full lips. But most striking about Tom was his body. The sweat from moving was causing his t-shirt to cling to his broad chest and wide shoulders; his thick arms strained the sleeves of his t-shirt; and his khaki shorts were squeezed around his tree-trunk like thighs. He was only about my height– 5’8”, but as I looked down– Christ, his flip-flopped feet were huge. Long and incredibly wide, with hair on the knuckles of his toes. Despite myself, I felt my dick start to thicken in the cupped hands I’d placed over my crotch in a futile attempt to preserve my modesty.
He lowered his hands slightly to look at me, and may have noticed me checking him out, as an impish smile curled the edges of his mouth. “You were, uh, skinny dipping back here?”
“No, I… I was swimming– wearing a bathing suit– and just took off my shorts to use the outdoor shower, and accidentally dropped them over the fence when I heard you coming,” I admitted, swiveling my body slightly to gesture with my shoulder to where I’d lost my shorts.
As my body turned, Tom dropped his gaze, and his eyes widened in amazement. “Dude, your butt!”
My face burnt red. “I know, like I said, I lost my shorts… I’m so sorry you’re seeing me this way, I need to get inside…”
“No, it’s not that. Your butt is amazing!” He strode up closer. “Can I see?” and without waiting for a response, he grabbed me by the shoulders and swiveled me around. “Man, I work out six days a week– and I may have a decent butt, but I’ve never seen one like this! Not in the locker room, not even in the girls on campus!”
His hands on my shoulders held me in place as he leered down at my naked behind. And though I was facing away from him now, I was sure he could see me blushing, as humiliated as I felt to have him seeing me so exposed. “Yeah, I– I’ve always had a big butt…”
“I mean you’re in pretty good shape, but that is unreal! Do you do hours of squats a day or something?”
“Oh, I work out, but I guess some of it’s just genetic… listen, I really should go and– oh!” I gasped as I felt his hands drop from my shoulders, and grasp my round butt.
“Damn, and it’s firm too!” He gave it a jiggle. “But not too hard, like some muscleheads. You really may have the perfect butt man! I need to get a closer look.”
Still holding me by my fat cheeks, he swiveled over to a nearby pool chaise, and sat down behind me. “Damn!” he said again, leaning in to get a closer view. I could feel his breath against my naked skin as he jiggled my butt, watching how it moved. “Man, I’ve never even seen a girl with a butt this big…”
“Oh!” I suddenly felt cold air on my hole. He had spread my cheeks apart, and was looking at the most private part of my body!
“Or a hole this nice before! I’ve always been an ass man… every girl I’ve been into has always had a huge ass– but I never realized a dude could have a better butt than a chick!” Despite my humiliation, the compliment, combined with the sensations he was creating as he squeezed my cheeks apart, was starting to turn me on. I suppose that’s why I allowed what happened next to happen…
“Do you ever get fucked in the ass?” he asked, as he played with my butt, pulling the cheeks apart to expose my hole, then letting them go so they’d slap back together.
“Oh, well, yes– by my husband… I’m the bottom in my relationship…”
“Fuck, this big butt must feel so good squeezed around his pole. I’ve been wanting to try anal forever, but girls always refuse. Half the time they won’t even let me fuck them the regular way– they say my dick’s way too big.”
I gulped. “It’s too big?”
“That’s what they always say. What do you think?” His hands left my butt, and I heard the sound of a belt being undone and clothing rustling as he stood up behind me. I turned my head, and looked down to see he’d dropped his shorts to his ankles as he stood. Beneath the hem of his t-shirt he had a dark, untrimmed tangle of wild pubic hair– and sticking straight out from it was the biggest, thickest dick I’d ever seen– easily over 8 and a half inches, with a shaft that widened just below the head, then continued to thicken until it got down to a base that looked so thick I doubted I could get my hand around it.
“Oh wow, it really is big!” I gasped, my hard dick now fighting to erupt from my cupped hands. “But I, um, I really should get inside and put some clothes on!”
“Hold on dude! Your butt got me so fucking hard. I can’t go back to my parents like this– I doubt I could even get it back in my shorts!”
“Ok, well you can come inside too– I’ll go upstairs to put some clothes on, and that will give you time to… ‘calm down’.”