Now You Know Me Pt. 01


A gay story: Now You Know Me Pt. 01 Walking down the hallway, I saw Evan standing outside his apartment door. He was talking to a guy I didn’t recognize, and when our eyes met, I started to smile and say hello just as I always did, but Evan quickly looked away before I could.

The guy with him appeared to be a little older than Evan, in his mid-twenties, and he turned toward me as I approached. After giving me a quick look up and down, he actually snickered.

I knew better than to react in any way; I simply continued toward my own apartment. But I heard the guy’s low laughter, and though he was talking under his breath, I caught the words, “Fucking homo.”

“Shut up, asshole!” Evan retorted. “That’s my neighbor.”

I didn’t so much as glance at them while I let myself into my apartment, closing and locking the door behind me.

I knew I shouldn’t feel disappointed; this was nothing I hadn’t experienced before. But Evan had always seemed friendly, going out of his way to speak to me when I saw him around the building. We’d chatted on occasion, during which he’d revealed that he was twenty years old and had a job in the store his dad owned. His parents were divorced, and he lived with his mother in the apartment a few doors down from mine. He’d even mentioned that his mother was a hairdresser and often worked evenings.

Releasing a sigh, I headed into the bedroom and tossed my keys and wallet on the dresser. My phone was almost dead, so I set about charging it. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I wondered, as I always did, what that asshole had seen to make him insult me. I was the opposite of flamboyant; if anything, I went out of my way to go unnoticed. And yet, he’d taken one look at me and known I was gay.

I remembered asking an ex-boyfriend about it while we were still dating. He’d only shrugged and said, “You just have a look about you. It’s not super obvious or anything, but yeah, I knew as soon as we met.”

I’d thought that was bullshit at the time, but now I had to wonder. I hadn’t come out until I was almost twenty, and before that time, no one had questioned my sexuality. I’d even had a few girlfriends. But now, things were obviously different. I was different.

Examining my reflection, studying my dark eyes and hair, and my fair skin, I thought I looked older than thirty-five. Definitely not what I was aiming for, but I wasn’t sure how to change it. I looked weary, almost somber.

I forced myself to smile at my reflection. No good, I decided. “Well, fuck it,” I muttered, then headed to the kitchen to make myself an Old Fashioned. I wasn’t all that hungry, but I was definitely in need of a drink.

It was early November, but the air was unseasonably chilly that day, much more like winter. No snow yet, though, thank Christ. I turned up the heat in the apartment and then put on some music in the living room. Sinking onto the couch, I let my head fall back and wondered what to do with myself for the rest of the evening. Maybe I’d just keep drinking until I felt relaxed enough to fall asleep.

It was then that I heard a soft knock on the door. Raising my eyebrows, I looked at the clock on the wall, as if finding out the time might give me an idea as to who was outside my apartment.

A glance through the peephole let me know it was Evan. For a few seconds, I thought about ignoring him, but finally I unlocked the door and opened it.

He stood before me, looking sheepish, with his sandy blond hair falling into his eyes, and I had to resist the urge to brush it back with my fingers. I realized that I wanted to see more of those eyes, which were a dark blue.

Instead, I folded my arms over my chest and gave him a hard stare. “Ah, so now you know me,” I said. I was fairly tall, and Evan was only a little shorter, but he seemed to fold in on himself a little, his shoulders slumping.

“Drew, I’m sorry about my cousin,” he began.

“Yeah, he seems really charming,” I remarked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“He’s a huge asshole; I didn’t even want to invite him inside,” Evan said. “But he came by with some money that my aunt had borrowed from Mom and wanted to pay back.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Maybe your cousin wouldn’t have been so quick to be an asshole if you’d bothered to say hello, to even acknowledge me.”

“I’m sorry,” he repeated, squirming while staring down at his sneakers. “He always gives me shit, and I… I guess I was nervous about what he would say.”

“Well, I heard him say plenty about me.”

Evan snapped his head up, finally meeting my eyes. “So you hate me now?”

I sighed and pressed a hand against the back of my neck, rubbing it to loosen the tension. “I don’t hate you. I’m just…”

“Disappointed,” he finished, appearing crestfallen. “Fuck, you sound like my mom.”

Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hold back a smile. It seemed so important to him that I didn’t remain angry. “Fine, fine,” I said. “I accept your apology. Happy now?”

“Very,” Evan said, practically beaming. “Hey, do you mind if I come in for a minute?”

I tried to hide my surprise. While Evan and I were friendly acquaintances, I had no idea why he’d want to come inside my apartment. “Uh, sure,” I said, stepping aside so he could enter. “Come on in.”

“Thanks.” He walked in and immediately took off his shoes, all the while looking around. “You have a nice place here. It’s really spacious.”

“It’s the same size as your apartment, I think,” I told him, a little amused by his reaction.

“Yeah, but with me and Mom sharing it, it’s pretty cluttered. I’ve told her I need to start looking for my own apartment, but she says she’ll get lonely if I move out, and she’s by herself, so…” Evan turned to me expectantly.

I gestured toward a chair across from the couch. “Have a seat,” I said.

As soon as Evan sat down, he nodded toward my drink, which I’d placed on a coaster on the coffee table before I’d gone to answer the door. “What are you drinking?” he asked. “It looks good.”

I moved to swoop up the drink. “Not a chance, Evan. I can offer you something nonalcoholic, however.”

He only grinned and said, “I’m fine, but thanks.”

I sat down on the couch, and suddenly I was at a loss as to what to say. Normally I was good at making small talk, but how could I possibly engage Evan in any kind of lengthy conversation? There was a fifteen-year age difference between us, and while he seemed to be a little aimless, working for his father as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do with his life, I was settled in a career, albeit one that I hated. Every day I went to an office and sat through meetings and answered endless calls and emails, and every day I felt myself dying a little more inside. But the pay was fairly decent, and while I was young enough to regret the career decisions I’d made, I felt too old to try to make a change.

Now as I sipped my drink and waited for Evan to explain himself, I stole glances at him, trying not to be too obvious. Again I was struck by how different he and I were. I was thin but not very muscular at all. Books and art had always captured my attention far more than the gym. Evan, however, definitely worked out. Probably almost every day. I remembered being his age, and being envious of young men like him. They had such an easy confidence. I’d never felt that comfortable in my own skin.

Evan was looking down at his hands, picking at a cuticle on his index finger. Then he raised his head and gave me another one of those sheepish smiles. Despite the cold day outside, he wore just a lightweight long-sleeved shirt with his jeans. As he’d walked into my living room, I couldn’t help but notice the way those jeans fit him perfectly. I was still in business casual attire, though I’d hoped to change into more comfortable clothes after finishing my first drink. Of course, that would have to wait until Evan left.

“So we’re okay now?” he asked me.

“I told you we were,” I replied. Though I knew it was rude, I glanced at the clock. It was almost six now, and I figured Evan’s mom was working again this evening. But he had friends to hang out with. What the hell was he doing sitting in my living room?

“The thing is,” he finally began, and I actually leaned forward a little, eager to hear what he wanted. “I still feel like a shit for letting my cousin talk about you that way.”

“You tried to stop him,” I pointed out.

Evan shrugged, his smile slipping. “I could have tried harder; we both know that.” It was then that he climbed to his feet and closed the distance between us. I stared at him, a little bewildered, when he sat down next to me on the couch. Then he turned to face me. “I don’t want you to think that I talk about people that way. About you that way.” His eyes searched mine, and he had a kind of vulnerability about him that made my exasperation soften a bit.

“I don’t think that,” I said, my voice gentle.

His smile returned then, and he looked around at the living room once more. “You keep to yourself for the most part, don’t you,” he said. It wasn’t a question; no, he was making a statement, as if he’d watched me coming and going plenty of times, and almost always alone.

“These days? Yeah,” I said, feeling my shoulders tighten a bit. My drink was almost gone, and I was dying for another one.

Evan kept worrying at that ragged cuticle. “Why?” he asked.

“Why, what?”

“Why do you keep to yourself?” His eyes met mine again. “I mean, I’ve seen you with that guy, the one who’s really tall and has some gray in his hair…”

“He’s a friend,” I said in a low voice. Actually, he used to be much more than a friend; we’d been in a fairly serious relationship several years ago, but that seemed like ancient history now. Still, things were easy between us, familiar. Occasionally I invited him over for dinner, followed by a fuck, but he never stayed the night. We were careful to keep our friendship with benefits clearly defined.

Evan scratched at his neck, and it seemed as if he wanted to say more but wasn’t sure if he should. At that moment, his gaze fell upon my sketchbook, which I’d left on the coffee table. “What’s this?” he asked, leaning forward to retrieve it.

Before I could tell him to leave it alone, he had it open and was examining some of my more recent work. “Wow, these are really good,” he said, his eyes widening a little in admiration.

“Thanks,” I managed to say.

“So you’re an artist,” Evan went on, tilting his head from left to right as he studied one of my more abstract drawings.

“It’s a hobby,” I responded. “I used to want to do it for a living, but I’m not good enough.”

“You are, though!” he said, his tone so fervent that it surprised me. “I mean, I’d buy this.” He nodded toward the drawing, and I gave him a crooked smile, trying to determine if he was totally full of shit.

“That’s very kind of you to say,” I finally told him, then eased the sketchbook from his grasp so I could return it to the coffee table.

Evan grew quiet and still for several seconds before asking, “What are you listening to?” His brow was furrowed in a way that made me want to laugh.

“The Smiths,” I replied. At that moment, “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out” was playing.

“Never heard of them,” Evan remarked.

“They’re before your time,” I told him wryly.

“Yours too, probably!” he said with a scoff. “And Jesus, this is one of the most depressing songs I’ve ever heard! No wonder you’re moping around in here.”

I realized Evan hadn’t meant to strike a nerve, but I couldn’t help bristling at his words. “You make a lot of assumptions about someone you barely know,” I said to him, my tone bordering on icy.

His teasing smile vanished, and he began to apologize, but as he stumbled over the words, I noticed him tearing at that cuticle again. Before I could stop myself, I placed a hand on his. “Leave that alone, would you?” I said, though my voice was no longer harsh but coaxing. “You’re going to make it bleed.”

Evan looked down at my hand, and I quickly pulled away. “Sorry, it’s a bad habit,” he said. “Any time I’m nervous…”

“What do you have to be nervous about?”

Evan swallowed hard and then took a deep breath. “I’m nervous,” he revealed, “because the whole time I’ve been sitting here beside you, I’ve tried to work up the nerve to…” Now he extended his hand, resting it on my leg. “To do this.”

My eyes widened, but before I could speak or move, his hand slid farther up my thigh. I could feel the heat of his palm through my pants, and as I looked up at him, I saw that his stare was growing hot.

“Evan, what the fuck?” I managed to keep my voice low and steady, but I was quick to move and put some distance between us.

“Shit, I’m sorry!” he blurted out, holding up his hands. “I know I’m fucking everything up, but I… I thought you knew…”

“What?” I demanded. Evan’s face was flushed with humiliation, but instead of going easy on him, I only grew more impatient. “What the hell are you trying to say?”

“That I’m attracted to you!” he sputtered.

My mouth dropped open, and for several seconds that felt interminable, I was utterly speechless. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I finally muttered, shaking my head.

“You’re acting like you never had a clue!” Evan said, his words sounding like an accusation.

“I didn’t,” I replied, climbing to my feet. “Hell, it wasn’t even a month ago that I saw you taking a girl into your apartment one evening.”

Evan tilted his head back so he could stare up at me. “Maybe I want to explore a little, try new things,” he said with a half shrug.

I placed my hands on my hips. “Well, you’ll have to explore with someone else.” I felt my pulse racing, but I didn’t know if it was from shock, or from anger at being caught completely off guard by the young man sitting before me. Maybe it was neither of those things, I realized. In that moment just before I moved away from Evan, hadn’t my body responded to his touch?

Now Evan stood as well. “Why won’t you give me a chance?” he demanded.

I tried to keep my voice calm and even; the last thing I wanted was a drawn-out argument with him. “Because we’re neighbors,” I said, “and your mom seems to think I’m a nice person. She wouldn’t think that if you and I were to…”

“My mom doesn’t have to know,” he quickly interjected.

“And I’m fifteen years older than you,” I went on as if he hadn’t spoken.

“Jesus, why are you always doing that?” Evan ran a hand through his hair, and I could easily sense the frustration he felt. “You’re act like we’re worlds apart.”

“That’s because we are!” I cried. Now I was the one holding my hands out in supplication, trying to make him see reason. “I get that you’re curious, and that’s fine. But you and I have absolutely nothing in common.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve never dated anyone younger before?”

I looked away, my stare drifting to the dark living room window. I wasn’t about to tell Evan that the last time I’d fallen for someone, the experience had left me devastated. Only a year ago, I was seeing a man I’d met online. He was younger, though not as young as Evan. At twenty-six, he was brilliant and funny and gorgeous. I’d been amazed when he reciprocated my interest. And for two months, things were incredible between us. Then he was just… gone.

The ghosting had left me feeling as though I had a raw wound inside. Many nights I’d lain awake, wondering what I’d done wrong, why I hadn’t been good enough for him. I told myself he’d lost interest because of my age, or my looks. Or maybe Evan was right, and I was too serious, too brooding. But after the man vanished from my life, I decided I was done with romantic relationships. Being alone was better than being hurt like that.

Now, as I was lost in the memory of that past relationship, Evan stepped closer, and a sly smile appeared on his lips. “Have you ever thought that you need to live a little, Drew?” he asked in a low voice.

I felt a sudden surge of anger, wondering if I’d read Evan totally wrong. What if he was in fact just like his cousin and trying to make a fool of me? “You’re twenty! What the hell do you know about living?” I practically shouted, my fury chasing away his cocky grin. Before I could stop myself, I was in his face. “I’m not some plaything, here for your amusement,” I said through clenched teeth. “Now stop wasting my time and get the fuck out of here.”

Evan recoiled from my words, my vicious tone, and I knew I wasn’t imagining the hurt in his eyes. “I know you’re not a plaything, for Christ’s sake!” he cried. “Don’t you see? That’s what I want to be for you!”

Now it was my turn to be stunned. Once again, Evan had thrown me off balance, and when he placed a tentative hand on my chest, I didn’t withdraw from him. Instead, my eyes locked with his.

“I know you’re not interested in a relationship with me,” Evan went on quietly. “I know you think I’m young and stupid and don’t have anything to offer you. But you could teach me to please you.” The intensity of his stare made me draw in a sharp breath, and as much as I tried to fight it, my cock twitched at what he was suggesting.

My mind was full of reasons why this was a bad idea, but instead of voicing them and trying to dissuade Evan, I merely asked, “Why me?”

“Because I trust you,” he replied. “I can’t trust anyone else like this.” That wicked smile appeared on his lips once more. “And I also think you’re sexy as fuck.”

I tried not to roll my eyes even as I fought the temptation to call Evan’s bluff, to show him just how he could please me. After all, he seemed to understand that whatever happened between us would be purely physical and nothing more. We could keep our feelings out of this altogether. No expectations on his part or mine. No chance of getting emotionally gutted again.

Evan seemed to sense me wavering as my resistance to him began to crumble. His hand slid a little lower until his palm was resting on my stomach. Meanwhile, he edged even closer so his lips were just inches from mine. “I still remember the first time I saw you,” he murmured, holding my stare. “It wasn’t long after Mom and I moved into this building, and I noticed you walking down the hall, toward your apartment. And I thought, I gotta meet this guy.”

I started to shake my head, still bewildered as to why Evan claimed to be drawn to me. But he went on before I could speak. “Not gonna lie, you looked a little depressed that day, but when I stopped to introduce myself, your face lit up, and you gave me the most gorgeous smile.”

Now Evan’s hand drifted even lower until it rested between my thighs. I drew in a sharp breath, and his eyes widened a little when he discovered that I was already growing hard for him.

“After that first day, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he went on in that low, soothing voice. He spoke to me as if I were a skittish creature about to bolt, and all the while he was gently stroking me through my pants, making my breath quicken. “I tried not to; I’ve never felt this way about a guy before. Not once in my life. But I can’t get you out of my head, and it’s driving me fucking crazy.” There was a hint of anguish in his voice, and I wondered if he was here tonight in an attempt to get this curiosity out of his system so he could go back to the way he was before.

While Evan stroked my cock, coaxing me to full hardness, I couldn’t hide my arousal, but I had no idea what to say to him. He interpreted my silence as assent, and I supposed it was, for when he sank to his knees before me, I closed my eyes, trying to calm my heart pounding in my chest.

Finally I looked down and watched as he unfastened my pants. When I noticed his hands trembling a little, my resistance weakened even more. He was nervous, I realized. This was certainly no joke to him.

In moments he had my erect cock freed, and he licked his gorgeous lips at the sight of it. That sent a tremor of need coursing through me. My dick wasn’t intimidating; if anything, it was average, but Evan seemed transfixed. My pubes weren’t trimmed at the moment, since I wasn’t getting fucked on a regular basis and couldn’t be bothered with the maintenance. I was about to reveal that to Evan, as a way of offering an apologetic excuse for the lack of upkeep, but then I told myself he wasn’t entitled to an explanation.

Evan looked up at me, and for a second, he appeared unsure, seeming to need guidance. I only gave him a slight nod, but that was enough. He leaned forward and gave my cockhead a teasing lick, making me moan.

I generally wasn’t dominant; it was an effort for me to take charge when a partner desired it. But Evan brought out something different in me, something completely unfamiliar. I wasn’t sure if I liked it, yet I knew I didn’t have the will to fight it.

“Use your mouth,” I ordered him in a low voice.

Immediately he obeyed, leaning forward to wrap his lips around my cock, and I had to fight the urge to grab his hair. Clenching my fists at my sides, I felt my knees weaken a little at the sensation of his warm, wet mouth surrounding my dick.

Maybe I should have offered him a little more instruction, but it already felt so fucking good, and I just wanted to bask in the pleasure of the moment, with Evan licking and sucking the tip, swirling his tongue over my skin. Yet Evan apparently misunderstood my silence to mean he wasn’t pleasing me, for he suddenly made an attempt to swallow my entire dick. My eyes widened as I watched him move his lips farther down my shaft, so fast he didn’t have time to get used to the sensation before I reached his throat. He gagged and had to pull back, muttering an apology.

“Easy,” I said. “I don’t want you choking on my cock.”

Evan looked up at me, his eyes watering a bit. “Why don’t you guide me? So I’ll know how you like it,” he suggested. As he knelt before me, I saw none of his usual self-confidence. Right now, he was completely out of his element.

I placed a tentative hand on the back of his head. “I liked you taking it slow, the way you started out,” I murmured. “So we’ll take it slow, okay?”

With my fingers buried in Evan’s hair, I eased his mouth toward my cock once more, and he readily accepted it. His lips formed a perfect seal around my dick as he gave eager attention to the tip, his tongue exploring my slit.

During many of my past relationships, and especially my last one, I tended to be the one on my knees, taking a cock in my mouth, in my throat, until the effort had me practically sweating. I’d almost always been the one so desperate to please and satisfy.

And now I had Evan kneeling before me, completely willing to let me use his mouth for my own pleasure. I shook with the struggle to restrain myself, for despite my talk of taking it slow, I found that I wanted to drive my cock all the way into the back of his throat, to face-fuck him and make him the plaything he seemingly desired to be. I wanted to bury his nose in my pubic hair while holding him fast so he was forced to take every inch.

Some cold and selfish part of me wanted to use and then discard him, the way I’d been discarded before. He was curious? He wanted to explore? Oh, I could give him an experience he wouldn’t soon forget.

But I knew, even then, that I wouldn’t do that to him. I’d never been the kind of person to treat others carelessly. And I couldn’t stop thinking about what Evan had told me before: “I trust you.”

He trusted me not to tell anyone, and he trusted me not to hurt him. So I remained careful with him, even as my cock hardened between his full lips. I made no effort to give him every inch. Instead, I guided his mouth partway down my shaft, then back until his lips were at the tip once more.

And it was still fucking fantastic. Looking down so I could watch him eagerly suck me off, his tongue working its own magic, I moaned, “Oh fuck, Evan! That’s perfect! Yes, ah yes, just like that!” I didn’t want him to have any doubt that he was doing a hell of a job pleasing me.

He moaned in return, and I felt that vibration all around my dick. Moving his head back and forth, I worked up a steady rhythm, shallowly fucking his mouth while keeping my hips still.

It was then that Evan cupped my balls, his touch almost tentative at first, but when I released another pleasured groan, he went about rolling them in his palm.

“I’m almost there,” I told him between heavy breaths.

I fully expected him to pull off, but instead he slid his hands along my thighs and then around so he could grab my ass. My fingers tightened their grip on his hair in my effort to hold back, and all the while he was taking my cock deeper and deeper. He was giving it everything he had, seeming desperate for my cum.

So I gave him everything I had. Drawing in a shuddering breath, I released it as a helpless cry while reaching my own climax. It had been a while since I’d jerked off, and I had quite a load for Evan’s waiting mouth.

Only then did I give in to my urge to fully control him, for I held his head with a firm grip so he would be forced to accept and swallow each rope of cum as I emptied my balls. I half-expected him to struggle, but he was completely submissive, and I heard him gulping again and again, trying to get all the semen down his throat.

Finally I released him, still breathing fast. Evan’s chest was rising and falling with his own rapid breaths, and as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, our eyes met. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a faint smile. “Now you know what I like,” I said.

Slowly Evan climbed to his feet, and I studied his face closely, trying to gauge his reaction. “I liked it, too,” he confessed with a shy grin.

I wanted to touch his face, to run my fingers through his tousled hair, but I held back. “Well, you certainly have a natural talent,” I remarked, and he beamed at my compliment even as he reached between his legs, adjusting himself through his jeans.

“That got me hard as fuck,” he revealed, his face flushed and his eyes bright.

I realized I was dying to see just how hard he was. After moving to the couch, I lowered my pants and underwear to my ankles, then sat down. Evan remained standing, once again seeming uncertain as to what he should do.

“Get undressed,” I told him, and he didn’t hesitate to comply.

Watching him strip, I was like a starving man being offered a sumptuous meal. Fuck, he was gorgeous! His body, absolutely flawless. The hair on his chest was golden, and it trailed into a line down his stomach. My gaze followed it downward toward his cock.

Unlike me, Evan wasn’t circumcised. His dick had a nice length and girth, substantial but not overwhelming, and his bush was closely trimmed. I noticed that he’d shaved his balls smooth.

I loved the sight of an uncut cock, with its smooth, glistening head, normally protected by the foreskin, clearly visible while erect. Evan’s tip was a luscious pink, and my mouth watered with the desire to lick it.

“Straddle me,” I told Evan, and he quickly moved to do so. Once he’d placed a knee on either side of my thighs and was facing me, I looked down and saw just how achingly close his dick was to mine. I was still semi-hard, and the sight of Evan’s cock was doing nothing to make me softer.

His erection pulsed in time with his heartbeat, and when our eyes met again, I saw the clear eagerness in his stare as he waited for me to tell him what to do. “I want to see you stroke your cock,” I murmured.

He made a sound like a gasp, and then he fisted that gorgeous dick, wrapping his fingers snugly around it. For a while, I merely leaned back against the couch, keen to observe how he pleasured himself. Evan looked from his dick to my face, as if seeking my approval. Again I only nodded, letting him know he should continue.

When I could no longer resist touching him, I placed my hands on his hips, guiding him so he’d begin rolling his body toward me while he jerked off. Gazing up at him, I saw the blatant need on his face as he stroked himself, his fingers playing with that sensitive tip. His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, and his skin was hot beneath my palms.

Before I could stop myself, I slid my hands up his back in order to pull him closer so I could run my tongue over his chest. My lips circled around his left nipple, and that sensation drew a loud moan from low in his throat. Closing my eyes, I deeply inhaled his heady scent. As excited as Evan clearly was, I figured my own mind was reeling even more.

When I leaned back against the couch again, eager to watch him, he moved closer to me, lowering his head. I realized he wanted to kiss me, and I thought it was too much, too soon, too… intimate. Turning my face to the side, I avoided his lips on mine, but he was undeterred, settling for the side of my neck so he could lick and suckle the tender skin there.

Finally he sat up, giving me something like a triumphant grin before positioning his cock even closer to mine so he could encircle both with his hands.

As soon as he touched me, I couldn’t hold back the cry that escaped my lips. “Oh Evan oh fuck!” I breathed. The sight, the feel of his cock sliding along mine, the undersides of both our dicks getting plenty of stimulation as he rocked his hips, made me release a guttural groan. I doubted I’d get fully hard and come again right away, but my god, his hands and cock felt fucking amazing! I could have done this for hours.

Evan, however, was definitely right on the edge. “I’m close!” he panted, his hips pumping with renewed vigor. His stare was riveted on our dicks, and the sight seemed to make him almost wild.

I gripped his perfect ass, my fingertips digging into his skin. “Come!” I urged, desperate to see him climax. I knew I was risking a face covered in cum, but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time.

He let out a strained groan through his gritted teeth, and as he moved above me, I could so easily imagine being inside him while he rode my cock. “Fuck yes, come all over me, Evan!” I practically begged.

As if I’d summoned it with my words, the first spurt of Evan’s semen shot out, striking me on the chin. He released a strangled cry as his muscles grew taut. More cum spattered against my neck and the front of my shirt.

Watching this hard-bodied, gorgeous young man, naked on my lap while coming so fiercely, made me whimper with longing. How could I resist this? How could I resist him?

Finally he was spent, and it was as if all the strength had drained from him, for he slumped forward and rested his head against mine while catching his breath. “Fuck, that was so good!” he whispered.

I inhaled the pungent smell of his cum, along with the scent I already recognized as uniquely his. Part of me wanted to slide my arms around Evan and pull him close. I wanted to kiss his hair and thank him for what we’d shared tonight.

Instead, I placed a hand on his thigh, stroking his skin as he came down from the orgasm. After several moments spent in silence, Evan eased off of me and sat on the couch at my side.

I was clearly a mess, still covered in cum, and that gave me an excuse to climb to my feet. Once I’d zipped and buttoned my pants, I looked down at Evan. “I’ll be right back,” I told him. “You want a drink or anything?”

“I’m good,” he said with a lazy smile. “More than good, actually.”

I couldn’t help but smile back before heading to the bathroom to wash up. Catching sight of my reflection in the mirror, I noticed my flushed face and neck, marked with Evan’s semen. Even now, my stare was filled with heat.

I cleaned the cum from my skin, then took off my soiled clothes, stripping from the waist up. I didn’t bother with another shirt, and when I returned to the living room, Evan was already dressed and lounging on the couch, looking relaxed. I noticed that his gaze grew hungry as it swept over my bare chest, though I didn’t have his incredible physique.

Once again I sat next to him. “Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?” I offered. “You still look a little flushed.”

“Nah, I’m fine, thanks.” Suddenly he moved on the couch, appearing a little uncomfortable. “So, uh, you’re okay with me not being cut?”

His question surprised me, and I wondered what prompted it. “Of course,” I replied. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I know some girls don’t like it,” he said, avoiding my eyes. “I don’t know about guys, but…”

“Evan,” I said, and the way I spoke his name made him look up. “You have a gorgeous cock. Everything about you is gorgeous.”

It was touching, the way he seemed to bask in any praise I gave him. I found it surprising, since I imagined he got plenty of compliments from the girls he dated. He had to know just how fucking good looking he was, I thought. And yet, for some reason, it seemed my opinion was the most important to him.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Evan wanted to know, leaning toward me.

I folded my arms over my chest, bracing myself for the moment he overstepped. “You can ask,” I said. “Doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”

“Fair enough. So are you, like, a top or a bottom?”

My shoulders relaxed a little, since I had no issue with answering that particular question. “I’m versatile,” I replied. When Evan gave me a blank look, I added, “I enjoy being both a top and a bottom. For me, it mostly depends on my partner.”

He considered my words for a moment, then nodded. “That’s cool. So you’d be willing to top me, then?”

I raised my eyebrows, unable to hide my surprise. “You’re getting ahead of yourself yet again,” I said in an attempt to reprimand him, and in an attempt to disguise how much I already wanted to fuck him.

That playful grin reappeared on his lips. “But it’s not out of the question, is it?” he persisted.

I feigned exasperation. “Leave it alone, would you? We don’t need to rush things.”

“No rush,” he said, holding up his hands. “We’re just having a casual discussion about future possibilities. Nothing wrong with that.” When I didn’t respond, he dared to place a hand on my thigh, just as he’d wanted to earlier in the evening. “Thanks for tonight, Drew.”

My eyes met his. “I had a good time,” I said softly. The words felt like an admission, one it might not have been wise to make.

“Soo…” Evan drew out the word, “you wouldn’t mind if I came by again? I mean, at some point. No rush,” he was quick to add.

I couldn’t hide my smile. Though Evan was trying to sound nonchalant, he brought his face a little closer to mine, waiting for my answer.

“I wouldn’t mind,” I finally replied, and as I spoke, I realized Evan had just coaxed yet another confession from me. He might have been willing to drop to his knees, to do whatever I demanded, but at that moment, when he gave me one of his triumphant grins, I knew all too well that he was on top.


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