Office Confrontations Ch. 04

A gay story: Office Confrontations Ch. 04 (Finally the wait is over! I apologize for the months of disappointment, but I wanted to make this extra special – and I tend to ramble for pages on end, sorry! – and now I have accomplished that task! OC 4 is here to stay, and I hope it lives up to your expectations! As always, I love comments, questions, and interesting tidbits so express yourself~ Thank you so much for the feedback for the previous chapters as well, they convinced me to keep writing when I feared I was wasting my time.

PS, just to note, no matter how much unprotected sex these two lovey dovey idiots have, this is a fantastical relationship where the omniscient master of the universe, i.e., me, has deemed them both clean and healthy adult males. This is not the case in the real world―safe sex is important so use those love gloves!)

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Marshall’s phone went off at exactly five-thirty am, beeping obnoxiously on Kyle’s dresser. Marshall moaned unhappily and snuggled closer to Kyle’s chest. He curled against Kyle’s warmth before his eyes flew wide and he tensed. It took a second to remember where he was, but when everything from the night before settled in, he relaxed back into Kyle’s arms. It felt odd, scooting closer when before he would have run screaming. Odd, but good. He liked the smooth, firm skin and the hint of muscle beneath his touch, and especially Kyle’s warm hands tightening around him, compressing his chest.

“Marshall what the fuck is that sound?” Came the sound of a groggy, very pissed off Kyle. Marshall was smart enough not to laugh, and tried to pull away. Kyle held on and dug in his nails.

“It’s my alarm. I have to get into the office early to finish the work we ditched out on yesterday.”He croaked, clearing his throat at the dry scratch building up. I promised the boss I would deliver our work on his desk by eight am.”Kyle groaned loudly and cracked open an eyelid.

“Why in the hell would you do that?” He grumbled, sitting up slowly. Marshall pushed him back down and Kyle retaliated, shoving his hand away and fixing Marshall with a glare. Marshall, fearing his life, raised his hands in defeat and sat up, scooting out of the way.

“You don’t have to do anything, don’t worry. I’ve got it.”He explained, trying to placate Kyle – obviously not a morning person – who looked as though he was fighting to keep from throttling him. Kyle raised an eyebrow and ran a hand through his completely insane bedhead.

“How’d you pull that off? And for that matter, why didn’t I get a call about taking off early?”Kyle asked, sticking his feet over the edge of the bed and standing up. If you don’t shut off that damn alarm I’m going to throw your phone out the window.”Marshall rolled his eyes and hopped out of bed to deal with the offending phone.

“I saw that.”Kyle growled. Marshall resisted commenting and continued on the original question.

“I told him you got food poisoning and that I had to drive you home. He seemed to believe it, but he probably didn’t really care.”Marshall shrugged. “He said we have to be there today, though, or you better find a doctor’s note, fast.”Kyle ignored him and headed into the bathroom for his morning piss, not pausing to close the door.

After last night, apparently boundaries were over. Speaking of which…he felt some unusual discomfort in awkward places, and the realization of it made him blush―and other, less appropriate reactions.

“Just go back to bed, I’ve got it.”Marshall called, rooting around for his pants. He sighed. He had to stop back home to grab fresh clothes, otherwise their colleagues might get curious about his outfit.

“I don’t need you to do my homework for me like I’m incapable of doing my own job.”Kyle called, but Marshall didn’t hear irritation in his voice, just honesty. That surprised him; he’d expected much more of a fight.

“I’m not trying to baby you, fuck. I’m just going into the office to get everything done. Besides, you did most of the work yesterday anyway.

“I’m going with you. Get over it.”Kyle announced, strolling out of the bathroom and heading toward the closet. Marshall winced, already regretting telling Kyle exactly what he was doing.

“I―uh…”He stammered, worrying his lip.

“What now?”Kyle sounded exasperated now as he bent over to dig for underwear. Marshall blushed and tried not to stare. Too much.

“Well…I won’t, uh, be able to concentrate with you, you know, there.”He finished lamely. Kyle turned around and snorted loudly, crossing his arms and leaning back on his dresser.

“Oh, I see. Do I get you all riled up?”Kyle teased, strolling over buck naked and rubbing up against him. Marshall swallowed the moan and stepped back, glaring.

“Yes. You do. Now can I go before you end up ruining my already dirty clothes?”He grumbled. Kyle laughed.

“Don’t you mean before you ruin them? I’m not the one rock hard and leaking.”Kyle pointed at the growing wet spot and Marshall groaned loudly, turning away as he hid the red heat creeping up his neck.

“Shut up. I’ll see you…later.”Marshall headed quickly to the door, accompanied by Kyle’s raucous laughter.

Halfway to the door Marshall cursed.

“What’s wrong now?”Kyle called.

Why? Fuck, why didn’t I just drive over here? Marshall slumped against the wall near the door, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly. He’s never going to let me get my work done now.

“Hello, earth to Marshall. Did you forget how to find the front door?”Kyle asked, stepping into the hallway and waving his hand in front of Marshall’s face. I’d assumed you’ve been here enough to figure that out all by yourself.

“It’s not that.”Marshall griped, cracking open his eyes to glare at Kyle, who grinned.

“Don’t be embarrassed now, it happens to us all. Just go straight. The door’s hard to miss, it’s one with a deadbolt on it.

“No, jackass. I forgot I took a cab to get here.”Kyle blinked, processing the information. His lips stretched taut and he burst out laughing, gesturing toward the bedroom as he held his chest.

“Let me get dressed and we’ll carpool.”He slipped back into the dim room, and Marshall sighed.

“You don’t have to do that. Really, I can just call a cab.”He tried, but he knew Kyle wouldn’t let him off the hook that easy.

“They take too long. I’m driving you.”Apparently that was that. Marshall resigned himself to an unproductive morning and followed.

Why was it that Kyle constantly bent over in the nude, displaying such a view for poor Marshall, who wasn’t sure if he should be drooling or covering his eyes. He had to admit, the former sounded much more satisfying. Then a flash of gray caught Marshall’s eye.

“You mentioned you had more tattoos. I still haven’t gotten a good look at them, you know.”Marshall stepped closer, reaching his hand out. Unfortunately Kyle heard him coming and turned, looking over his shoulder as he pulled up his slacks.

“I may have. Too bad you scheduled us to work almost four hours early.”

“Without pay.”Marshall added with irritation.”And I didn’t schedule you, ‘re just too damn stubborn to let me handle it.”Kyle grinned and shucked on a white button up, donning a navy blue tie. Too soon, Kyle was fully dressed and ushering Marshall out the door.

“We have to stop at my place.” Marshall sighed dejectedly. Kyle beamed.

“Ooh, taking me home huh? Damn, I forgot my toothbrush.”Marshall really didn’t want Kyle to see his place. Not because he had doubts “no, he gave up denial ” but because his apartment was shit compared to Kyle’s pristine two bedroom-with-a-pool not so humble abode.

Like he needed more reasons to feel inadequate.

Of course the drive home took no time at all. Kyle wasn’t an imbecile paying forty bucks for a cab to scan every street, and Marshall was giving him detailed directions.

He’d know exactly how to get to Marshall’s to surprise him at all hours. Marshall couldn’t tell if the shivering was from anticipation or fear.

“This is where you live?”Marshall regarded the dingy apartment building with distaste and a hint of shame, so he went for sarcastic douche.

“No, I live in a building the next town over. This is a rouse so you can’t follow me home tonight.”Kyle smacked his shoulder. Yes, this is Crapsville.”He looked over at Kyle with near nonexistent hope.

“Any chance you’ll wait here while I get ready?

“And miss my chance to see where you live? I think not.”Kyle parked at a meter and hopped out to feed the machine.

Of course not. Gotta go with whatever will torment me the most as usual. Marshall trudged away from the car, only sort of hoping Kyle would be too busy to follow behind. No such luck. Kyle looped an arm through Marshall’s from behind and sidled up to him, bumping their hips.

“Okay, where to?” He beamed. Seriously, how was he so damn excited? Am I really this giddy to see Kyle’s place? Marshall wondered. when I first arrived at Kyle’s house, I was terrified. Then again, his house is like a mini mansion.

“Elevator. Unless you like walking up seven flights of stairs.” Kyle tapped his chin.

“Mm, nah. Maybe next time. We’ve got work to do.”Marshall resisted the urge to correct e”to I” He’d begun to learn when Kyle decided something, no amount of arguing would change his mind.

At least the elevator ride wasn’t painful, though Marshall blushed as he thought about the last time they had shared an elevator ride. From Kyle’s grin Marshall figured he wasn’t the only one reminiscing.

Thankfully six in the morning meant none of Marshall’s neighbors were up to heckle Marshall’s bringing a man home. Kyle would probably preen at the attention and jump into Marshall’s arms demanding he be carried over the threshold like a newly wedded bride. Marshall grinned at the thought as he unlocked the door.

“What are you so chipper about?”Kyle asked, pressing his lips to Marshall’s ear. Marshall shuddered, missing the keyhole and scratching the wooden door.

“Just thinking.”Marshall dodged.

“About?”Kyle prompted. “With a smile that big it’s got to be a juicy little tidbit.”Marshall succeeded in opening the front door and ducked inside, not responding. Some thoughts were too dangerous to share with Kyle. Either he’d be offended or he’d love the idea and decide to rouse all the neighbors to make it happen right then and there. Both options were terrifying.

Unfortunately, distracting Kyle with his shitty apartment wasn’t much better. He halted just inside the door, cringing. At least it wasn’t messy. The ugly green couch and pathetic 18” television looked like the meager pickings of the world’s worst garage sale. The tacky three-legged coffee table completed the crappy, barely furnished living room. He didn’t want to even think about the threadbare kitchen.

“Uh…you can…hang out here I guess.”Marshall babbled. Shit, why did Kyle have to come upstairs? Why did his place have to look so pathetic?

Marshall nearly jumped out of his skin when Kyle laid a hand on his shoulder.

“You’re not going to give me a tour of your bedroom? How very rude of you.” Marshall didn’t comment. He reached up to touch Kyle’s hand with light, slightly trembling fingers. He led the way to the bedroom, sucking in a nervous breath when he released Kyle’s hand and pulled away from his touch, heading toward the closet.

“Make yourself at home, if that’s even possible.”He called, muttering the last part only to himself. He heard the springs of the mattress squeal and rolled his eyes, smile turning up at the edges of his mouth. Of course Kyle’s attention focused on the bed.

“I’m digging this bed. Though the frame could use a little more handholds. I’m sure with a bit of rope we can fix that.”Marshall laughed.

“I’m glad you’re turning my bed into a bondage lover’s wet dream, but I’m pretty sure your bed is plenty prepared. Let’s leave my poor bed as it is, shall we?”He called, tossing his rumpled shirt and hunting down the least-wrinkled, work appropriate shirt he could find. He really needed to do some laundry…or at least buy an iron.

“It never hurts to plan ahead.”Kyle replied. The bed yowled again and Marshall turned to see Kyle approaching.

“Put that down.”Kyle ordered, stepping into the tiny closet, with virtually no breathing room between them. Marshall bit his lip.

“Kyle, just give me a minute to get ready.”He mumbled, suddenly losing interest in his shitty apartment and the impending workload of the day. Kyle raised an eyebrow and pulled the shirt from Marshall’s pliable hands. Marshall’s mouth went dry and he licked his lips.

“That’s what I’m trying to help with. You need to look professional you know. Now get out of the closet and let me work.”Kyle grinned and Marshall gulped apprehensively.

Why did he always turn to putty at Kyle’s confident smile?

* * *

Kyle was enjoying Marshall’s plight a little too much.

“Nope, nevermind. Try the gold one again.”Kyle dictated. Emphasis on dick.

“Are you kidding? It looks ridiculous.” Marshall glared. Kyle shrugged and folded his arms across his chest.


“Come on, Kyle. I’m not wearing that.”Marshall threw the stupid gold tie to the ground. “The only reason I own it is because my Nana is blind and decided I needed new ties for work.”Kyle’s eyes lit up.

“Do I have to withhold sex over a tie?”He asked, cocking an eyebrow.”Besides, think of how happy it would make your Nana. Maybe we’ll send her a picture of you wearing it, I bet it’ll make her year.

“Did I mention she’s blind? She won’t be able to see it.”But Kyle’s guilt trip was working on him. Marshall decided he’d go visit her sometime that weekend. Staring at the ugly tie, he bit his lip. I’m only considering it for Nana, swore. Not because of sex. He sighed.

Okay, so it’s kind of about the sex. But mostly about Nana!

“Fine. I’ll wear the damn thing.”Marshall picked up the poor, abused tie, refusing to look up at Kyle. “For Nana.”He added unnecessarily.

“Uh huh.” Damn that Kyle. Must he always be so patronizing? Marshall didn’t reply, instead he popped the collar of his shirt and slipped the gold tie around his neck. As he tightened the slip of cloth he imagined he was donning a noose.

Why the hell did he turn into a corporate monkey again? Oh yeah, because he didn’t have any skills.

Kyle suddenly appeared in front of him, straightening the tie and buttoning up his suit jacket. Marshall had the perfect view of those hazel eyes, green flecks glinting, almost hidden in the dark brown depths of Kyle’s irises. Maybe he didn’t need to resign himself to the gallows just yet.

“Ready Marshall?”Marshall shook his head, blinking up into Kyle’s amused gaze.

“I was ready before.”He complained. I tied it just fine, you’re just anal.”Kyle’s lips twitched.

“I’m going to let that one go. You make mocking so easy it’s not even fun anymore.”Kyle’s hand tightened around his lapel and he leaned in close.”Back to my original point. Do you consider my ability to straighten ties sexy?”Marshall’s eyebrows furrowed.

“No, and your assumption that you’re some kind of sex god during every banal activity you perform isn’t as alluring as you think it is.”Kyle chuckled.

“I wasn’t looking for an ego boost, idiot.”He patted Marshall’s shoulder and stepped back. Your dick was jabbing my leg the entire time I was fixing your tie.”Marshall blanched, dropping his hands to cover his groin which was, indeed, hard as a rock.

“Dammit!”He groaned, turning away. What was with Kyle and his innate ability to turn Marshall into a horny teenager? Kyle laughed and grabbed Marshall’s arm, dragging him around until their eyes met.

“Would you calm down? I don’t care how many times you pop a boner on my leg. I take it as a compliment.”Kyle winked. I know my rugged good looks are hard to resist.”Marshall rolled his eyes, but a smile grew on his face.

“You’re so full of yourself. What makes you think I was getting excited for you?”Marshall questioned. “Maybe I was thinking about something else.”Kyle shook his head, badly hiding a smirk.

“Oh really. Pray tell, what were you thinking about?”Clearly Marshall should have thought his plan out a little better. His mouth opened but no words came out. He’d been thinking about Kyle’s eyes, but he couldn’t say that, not without being teased for acting like a girl. His face lit up, neck flushed red.

“Well, not you that’s for sure.”He muttered, unable to think up an excuse. “Whatever, let’s go or we’re not going to have time to get our work done.”Marshall stepped around Kyle and snagged his shoes, sitting on the edge of the bed to pull them on.

“You know what, you’re right. That tie looks ridiculous. Shall I grab the green one instead?”Marshall shot Kyle a glare and went to work lacing his dress shoes up.

“Too damn bad, I’m already wearing this one.”He snapped, standing. “We’ve got too much to do rather than look for the ugliest tie to irritate me with.”He flicked the light off and exited the bedroom, grabbing his keys and waiting by the front door.

“Hurry up.”He called. Kyle followed behind slowly, standing just inside the apartment.

“You really want to work that badly?”Kyle asked.

“No, but I don’t want to get fired either.”He replied. Kyle tilted his head and pursed his lips.

“Why don’t you find a better job? You’re not exactly sticking around for the pay, we make jack shit.”Marshall shrugged.

“It’s a job and I need the money. And I don’t exactly have useful skills. Or a degree. At least I make more than a waiter.”He responded. Marshall waved his hand, ushering Kyle out. Now will you hurry it up?”Kyle threw up his hands in surrender and stepped over the threshold. Marshall quickly locked up and they headed to the elevator.

“I don’t know how you stand working there. I despised it on day one.”Kyle exclaimed conversationally. Their shoulders brushed together and Marshall shivered visibly.

“It’s not so bad. A bit tedious, but I’m good at my job and that’s enough for me. Crappy apartment and all.”Kyle smiled wistfully.

“The only thing I’ll miss is groping you in the break room.”Kyle teased.

“You don’t grope me enough outside of work?”Marshall replied dryly. “Hey, you mentioned putting in your two weeks. When did you do that?” Marshall asked. The elevator dinged and they headed for the door of the lobby.

“Yeah, technically it was a month notice. I gave my resignation offer that first night together, I just asked to stick around until after our project ended. I thought it would be a bit immature to quit and leave you scrambling to get things done.

“So you quit because of…”Marshall winced at the realization. Kyle nudged his shoulder.

“It was more than that. The purpose of this job was to get into character. With you around I no longer focused on my act. Once I lost focus, this job was only wasting my time. Even if you had begged for more, I would have quit.”Kyle explained.

“Shit, I hope I didn’t screw everything up for you too much.”Marshall apologized, though Kyle brushed off his words with a flip of his fingers.

“I accomplished the experiment, if a little earlier than anticipated. Didn’t I just say I would have quit either way?”Kyle reached down to lace their fingers together. “Stop freaking. I consider you my unexpected bonus for being such an amazing actor.”Kyle winked.

“Ever humble, aren’t you?”Marshall quipped.

“Always.”Kyle laughed. Marshall followed Kyle to his car and got in without comment. He didn’t feel like taking his own car, sue him.

Driving to work wasn’t as painful as he’d expected. Sure, he already had doubts about what he’d done the night before, but by that point he couldn’t deny reality any longer. Kyle’s hand on his leg kind of made that point clear. Then again, so did Marshall’s hand on top of Kyle’s lacing their fingers together.

He was gay. For Kyle. Very, very, gay. And apparently a bottom. He did not like remembering Kyle explaining the term last night, with an obnoxiously smug grin, that Marshall was now his bitch. Marshall knew he was just joking to torment him, but that was besides the point.

He really wanted Kyle. And…he hadn’t thought about the situation fully until now. Were they dating? A casual fling? A quick fuck? Dammit, already the questions were blotting out all thought. He really hoped Kyle could concentrate better, since he’d most likely be no help whatsoever…

“Marshall, wake up.”Kyle’s voice startled him, and Marshall tightened his hand on Kyle’s, eyes searching around frantically. “Relax, I was just going to tell you we’re here.”Kyle gave him a smile and disappeared out the door.

When he started tapping on the window impatiently, Marshall decided Kyle was never allowed to carpool with him again. Marshall huffed and opened the door, and they made their way through the building toward their usual suite.

The trip didn’t take long, but having Kyle beside him made everything more tense, even the accidental brush of their fingers sent spikes of cold down his spine, reminding him just where he spent the night, and exactly what he’d rather be doing compared to working. Of course, Kyle liked to remind him constantly.

He’d reverted to introverted freak through the hallway, ducking his head and hiding behind Marshall’s shoulder, even though there wasn’t a single other person in the building. And he certainly just had to grope Marshall’s ass as he stepped into the suite.

“Dammit Kyle! Just one day. One day without you violating me would be nice.”Marshall commented. Kyle tipped up his chin and grinned. You are such an attention whore, I swear.”Marshall smirked, slipping into the seat on the far corner.

Kyle failed at suppressing a grin, pulling up a seat dangerously close to Marshall as he did.

“Fuck off and hand me my briefcase.”Kyle demanded in that tone he used when he wanted to get his way. Marshall fought a grin himself and silently pushed it over. He enjoyed the view he got of Kyle stretching forward to grab his property, and blushed when Kyle caught him in the act.

“Take your fill now, we’ve got work to do.”Kyle grinned and went straight to work. Marshall stared for a second longer before clicking his own briefcase open and digging out the enormous stack of papers he had to rush through.

Out of nowhere he felt Kyle’s hand graze up his thigh. He jumped and let out a faintly girlish yelp. Kyle chuckled.

“Hey! Keep your hands off me, how the hell am I supposed to do my work if you’re molesting me all the time?”He glared. Kyle squeezed his leg roughly before letting go and going back to work.

But every once in a while Kyle would do it again, and after the fourth squeeze Marshall realized Kyle was trying to keep him aroused. He huffed loudly and scooted his chair away. Kyle rolled his eyes.

“Geez, and here I was trying to make your work more enjoyable.”Marshall ignored the comment and went back to reading the same sentence a sixth time. Today was going to be damn impossible to get through.

* * *

“Fuck, there’s no way we’re finishing all of this in two hours.’ Marshall groaned, staring at the daunting stack. Kyle waved his hand dismissively.

“We’ll get it done.”Kyle responded, unperturbed by Marshall’s outburst or the never ending stack of paperwork. Already Kyle was on his third file.

“How the hell do you work so quickly?”Marshall wondered aloud. Kyle smirked.

“I don’t stop to ask a thousand questions. Or stare at you incessantly, for that matter.”Marshall looked away.

Fair point. He admitted to himself, though he wouldn’t dare say so out loud. Marshall distracted himself by going back to work. Unfortunately every time he looked up Kyle was grinning broadly at him. Somehow Kyle’s stack dwindled twice as fast as Marshall’s, and when they had no more than half an hour left, Kyle had finished the stack and started on Marshall’s half.

With Kyle’s help they managed to finish with five minutes to spare.

“Thanks.”Marshall begrudgingly admitted. Kyle had the gall to take a bow.

“Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week.”Kyle joked.

“Oh shut up.”Marshall chuckled. I guess we better get started on today’s work.”Marshall sighed, though Kyle stood up abruptly, placing his hand on Marshall’s arm.

“No, I think we deserve a coffee break. Come on.”Marshall groaned.

“Kyle, we have enough to do without wasting more time.”Marshall complained.

“It’ll be fine. Besides, I’m dying of thirst.”Kyle pulled him harder and Marshall stood with a good bout of negative commentary. Kyle opened the door and ushered Marshall out, following behind. When Marshall reached the break room he was glad, he actually was starving. And coffee sounded pretty damn good too, stale or otherwise.

“Want me to pour you a cup?”Marshall asked over his shoulder, grabbing a pair of mugs.

“Um, y-yes pl-please.”The weak response had Marshall turning on his heel.

“Kyle would you stop–” Marshall came up short as he caught sight of Aaron, who instantly engulfed him in a hug.

“It’s been forever Marsh! Still yelling at poor Kyle I see.” Marshall groaned inwardly. Aaron finally released him and turned to look at Kyle.

“I hope he’s not making too much of an ass of himself.”Kyle’s face flared red and he backed up against the wall.

“N-n-no, he-he’s b-b-b–“Kyle winced and ducked his eyes, shrinking in on himself. Aaron laughed.

“Relax, kid. Marshall is all bark, no bite.”Aaron slapped Kyle’s arm roughly and Kyle gasped. Marshall’s eyes narrowed.

“Aaron, do you need anything in particular? We have work to do, you know.”Marshall gestured toward Kyle, who cringed against the door again and turned away. Aaron frowned, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at Marshall.

“Just wanted to catch up. Maybe another time.”He shrugged. I’ll give you a call. See you, Ky. Try not to hurt yourself.”Aaron shoved him lightly on the arm and Marshall gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to yell. Marshall reached over to grab Kyle’s hand, squeezing it. Kyle raised an eyebrow.

“You know I’m not really intimidated by that tool, right?” Kyle asked. Marshall dropped his eyes and let Kyle go.

“I know.”He grunted, heading back to the coffee pot. He poured two cups, appetite lost, and turned on his heel.

“Let’s go.”He grumped. Kyle squeezed his ass as he walked away and Marshall yelped, jumping in surprise. Luckily he didn’t slop coffee down himself, though he was close. Kyle had gone back to pathetic nerd by the time Marshall turned around, but Marshall was sure he heard Kyle chuckle.

Damn him. Every time. He has to grope me every time we’re at work!

* * *

The day went by slow, much too slow for Marshall’s taste. Of course, Kyle made it particularly excruciating by not only working more than twice as fast, but also hindering Marshall every couple of minutes with violations and double entendres(Marshall could never figure out if Kyle meant them or not). How he possibly kept his erection the entire day could be explained by Kyle’s mere presence.

And oh goodie, Kyle was also driving Marshall home. In reality, he liked having Kyle around. But that didn’t necessarily mean Kyle needed to know that.

“So, back to my place?”Kyle asked out of the blue as they drove down the rain-saturated asphalt. Marshall’s head whipped around. I know how much you enjoyed it last night.”Kyle winked, turning his attention back to the road. Marshall’s mouth opened but he couldn’t utter a word, though his mind screamed ‘Yes, yes, dear god yes!’ stamped out his thoughts and squeezed his eyes shut, looking away.

“I―I don’t have clothes for tomorrow.”He mumbled. He didn’t want to look completely , though with his cock hard as a rock against his leg, keeping his head seemed pointless. Kyle laughed.

“I was just kidding. You really are easily flustered.”Marshall tried not to look disappointed. He kept his eyes on the streets they drove through. Surprisingly, they were already halfway to Marshall’s.

Marshall realized Kyle hadn’t planned to bring him home no matter what he’d replied with. That bothered him, much to his chagrin. The rest of the drive passed in silence, and soon Kyle pulled up to the apartment building.

“See you tomorrow.”Kyle patted his leg and waited expectantly. Marshall hesitated, hand on the door handle.

“Want to come up for a bit?”Marshall asked. He instantly regretted the offer.

Stupid, so stupid! He just teased me about coming over, he obviously doesn’t want to deal with me any longer. Marshall berated himself silently. He tensed, preparing for rejection. From a man. God, what is wrong with me? I need to stop acting like such a damn girl!

“Sure.” Kyle’s response shocked Marshall into silence. “I assumed you wanted a bit of time to yourself.” Marshall shook his head.

“No, I mean…I, I don’t know, enjoy your company. Or whatever.”Marshall waved his hands in exasperation. Kyle smirked but said nothing about Marshall’s word malfunction.

“I guess I better park somewhere. Don’t want to get towed.”Marshall nodded and kept his eyes averted.

Shit, how am I supposed to entertain him now? My place is shit and I don’t even have booze! Marshall continued to mentally kick himself all the way up the elevator to the door, and the long tense moment when Marshall dropped the keys at the door and Kyle picked them up, opening the door himself.

“Where do you want these?”Kyle shook the key chain before Marshall’s face. Marshall mutely pointed toward the kitchen counter. He turned his back to lock up, taking a steadying breath.

“Are you going to wear those clothes all night?”Kyle asked, making Marshall jump and turn around, panicked.

“What?”Marshall yelped, clearing his throat when his voice cracked like a prepubescent teen.

“Your work clothes? They can’t be comfortable.”Kyle clarified.”Aren’t you going to put on something less corporate monkey?”Kyle’s eyebrow shot up at Marshall’s look of understanding. His quirked lip felt patronizing, and Marshall fought a blush under Kyle’s gaze.

“Oh,”Marshall breathed, I though you meant―yeah, be right back.”Marshall took off for the bedroom, pretending he didn’t hear Kyle’s laughter as he closed the door.

Marshall collapsed against the door, taking another deep, shaky breath. What was he thinking? Kyle was sitting on his crappy couch in his crappy apartment expecting Marshall to be engaging and interesting. How the hell was he going to pull that off?

Not by hiding out in the bedroom like a coward, he reminded himself with disgust. He quickly unbuttoned his jacket and shirt, tossing the fabric toward the laundry basket in the corner and worked to unbuckle his belt as he headed to the closet.

Marshall refused to fret over clothes like a girl, so he threw on the first t-shirt he could find, which turned out to be an awful, tattered Tony the Tiger shirt he’d won five years ago with a frayed hem and a torn neckline. He cringed and considered pulling it off, but refused, reminding himself that he wasn’t trying to dress up for Kyle. A pair of faded, low-slung jeans completed his broke-ass loser grunge look.

Marshall finally braved the living room, where Kyle relaxed on the couch with his feet up, jacket hung neatly on the edge of the coffee table, white button up halfway undone and sleeves loosely rolled up to his elbows. The tie was tossed over the jacket and Marshall gulped as he stared at Kyle’s smooth chest peeking from beneath the clean white shirt.

How the hell does he look so god damned perfect all the time? Marshall gaped. Kyle looked up at him with that lazy grin.

Marshall couldn’t remember what he was going to say or do. He just stared, blinking slowly. Kyle raised an eyebrow.

“I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.”He quipped. Marshall found his tongue “stuck to the roof of his dry mouth.

“You too.”Witless but at least not speechless.

“I figured you’d approve of the casual look.”Marshall scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“Oh yes, please grace me with your perfectly toned pecs.”Kyle laughed and sat up, and Marshall struggled not to stare.

“Are you going to join me or what?”Kyle asked, scooting over and patting the worn green cushion.

“No.”Marshall shook his head. He covered his amusement at Kyle’s confused expression and held out his hand.

“Come on. We’re going.”Kyle reached for his hand and Marshall pulled him to his feet.

“We just got here, what could we possibly have to do?”Marshall ignored him and led him out the door, pausing only to grab his keys and lock up.

“This isn’t very hospitable of you, inviting me upstairs and not even letting me get to first base.” Kyle mock complained, slinging his arm around Marshall’s waist, who scoffed loudly at the comment.

“Forcing you to hang around my shitty apartment isn’t very hospitable.”They stepped into the elevator and Marshall pushed the button absentmindedly. He looked over at Kyle, looking so sexily disheveled with his hair raked back from his face, and gulped.

Just do it. He ordered himself. He leaned forward and kissed Kyle gingerly, a soft peck of the lips. When he pulled back he turned his face away.

“There. First base, happy?”Marshall retorted. Kyle responded by grabbing Marshall’s face and capturing his parted lips with a very forward tongue. Marshall’s hands instinctively rushed to Kyle’s hair, tangling in the mass of loose curls and dragging his lips impossibly closer.

The elevator chimed and an angry sounding woman coughed loudly. Blushing fiercely, Marshall pulled away and met the stare of a terrifying matron and two dewy-eyed kids.

“Sorry.”Marshall apologized. He towed Kyle behind him as he escaped the elevator for the lobby. The woman harrumphed at their departure.

Kyle squeezed their fingers together and tugged, demanding Marshall’s attention as they disappeared through the entrance door.

“Why are you apologizing?”Marshall licked his lips and looked away, toward the sidewalk.

“She seemed upset, and we were making a scene. I do recall you fondling something pretty inappropriate for underage viewers.”Kyle snorted.

“And? We’re grown men exercising our right to heavy petting in empty elevators.”Kyle jabbed him in the ribs.

“Alright. I’ll stop apologizing for your very unconventional ability to scar little children.

“Ha ha. Very funny. You started it that time.”Marshall had no snappy comeback prepared for that slice of truth. Marshall brusquely gripped Kyle’s hand and dragged him down the street rather than commenting.

“Marshall where are you dragging me off to?”Kyle demanded.

“For a walk, unless the uppity actor has a problem with using his legs.”

“Does this walk have a particular destination?”Kyle sped up, gripping Marshall’s hand tight, and walking beside him instead of being towed behind.

“Yeah.”Marshall responded curtly.


“Well what?”

“Fuck Marshall, just answer the damn question.”Kyle snapped.

“I thought you liked surprises.”Marshall grinned.

“This isn’t a surprise, it’s an arduous trek in the drizzling rain with a psychotic man taking the lead.”Marshall laughed and slowed as they approached their destination.

“You’re a bit of an anal nut-bag aren’t you?”Marshall looked at Kyle with a wicked grin.”And a bit hypocritical, coming from the seemingly schizophrenic actor boy.”Kyle laughed quietly.

“Touche.”Kyle sighed. “Fine, you’re not a complete psycho. Now where are we going?”Marshall pointed to the dingy building in front of them.

“Since I don’t have booze of my own, I figured you might enjoy a drink, and maybe get to know each other a little better since we’re…”He motioned between them, unsure how to describe it.

“Gay lovers? Butt buddies? Fuck friends?”Kyle supplied. Marshall cringed and slapped his free hand over Kyle’s mouth, who subsequently opened his mouth and slobbered everywhere.

“Fuck!”Marshall yelled. “Very mature.”He grumbled.

“I try.”Kyle smirked. Now, shall we?”

Finding a decent spot in the grubby bar proved surprisingly easy. Marshall picked out a corner booth and plopped down, and a lovely blonde appeared to take their order. She was quick, and thankfully didn’t stare at them like a freak show. Not that they were but…well, Marshall still didn’t know what to do with himself every time Kyle grabbed his hand and sat in his lap in public. He wasn’t even sure what Kyle wanted from him for that matter.

Marshall played with his ice water and glanced over at Kyle.

“Hey Kyle?” Marshall coughed to clear his throat. Kyle looked up from his lager with interest.

“How much of this is fake?”He asked. Kyle raised an eyebrow. “The act at work.”He elucidated. Kyle shrugged, leaning back in his chair.

“Most of it.”Kyle replied. He lifted the glasses from his face and slipped them into a case from his pocket. “These, for instance. Just a prop. The stutter, obviously.

“Your friendship with Clara?”Marshall prompted. He had wondered since that day in the cafe just how honest Kyle was with her. Kyle paused, swirling the bottle in his grip.

“That’s complicated.”He responded vaguely.

“How much does she know?”He tried again, nonchalantly sipping his water as he watched Kyle over the rim of the glass.

“Nothing.”Kyle’s one word answer surprised Marshall. He’d assumed she knew something, the way she spoke to him seemed more like close friends than a random girl at work.

“Are you really even her friend? Did it bother you at all making her cry the way you did or was she just a pawn in your game?”Kyle’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Of course I care. Do you honestly think I’m such an awful person that I’d disregard her feelings so easily?”

“Then why continue lying to her?”He pushed. “Why not tell her the truth.”Kyle turned away, glaring at the empty bar, and exhaled sharply. Marshall said nothing further and soon Kyle’s eyes closed and he stopped choking the neck of the beer bottle, setting it down blindly onto the table.

“And admit everything about me is a lie?”He asked quietly.”Besides, my last day isn’t for another week. I can’t keep slipping up.”He took a long drought of liquor and rolled his shoulders.

“It’s better for everyone if I just cut ties and get out of her life.

“She really cares about you.”Marshall muttered, reaching over to take Kyle’s hand. Kyle flipped his hand over, palm up, and laced their fingers together, rubbing Marshall’s wrist with his thumb.

“I know. That’s why I can’t tell her. It’ll only make things worse.”Marshall wasn’t convinced, no matter how much Kyle seemed to be.

“I’m sure she’ll understand.”Kyle laughed mirthlessly, shaking his head and looking away, toward the nearest window to his right.

“Yeah, right.”Hearing such honest words in such a resigned tone surprised Marshall. He really did have feelings for Clara “platonic ones, otherwise Marshall sure as hell wouldn’t be advocating their continued relationship.

“You never know until you try.”Marshall pointed out, though he knew it was virtually useless.

“I think it’s time for a subject change.”Kyle turned back to Marshall and fixed him with his steely gaze. Marshall sighed, but there was nothing he could do to change Kyle’s mind.

“Fine. Can I keep asking questions?”He tried. Kyle continued to stare for another moment before he relented.

“Alright. But nothing about Clara, got it?”Marshall nodded, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Marshall bit his lip, considering. What to ask, what to ask…Marshall’s eyes drifted down, studying Kyle(and ignoring Kyle’s bemused look and the quirked eyebrow meaning there were either dirty things running through his mind…or dangerous things) before finding himself fixating on Kyle’s hands.

“Is there a reason you always hide those?”Marshall pointed at Kyle’s covered wrists, where the red tattoos lay waiting. Kyle’s silence and proceeding blank stare made Marshall smirk. Looks like Kyle wasn’t the only one with the ability to render people speechless.

Then again, all Kyle had to do was take off his clothes.

“You mean my tattoos?”He lifted a wrist and held it palm up, staring at the slight red edging his sleeve. His eyes flicked to Marshall. “That’s what you want to ask me about?

“You said anything not involving Clara. Your tattoos are interesting, but confusing too.”Marshall tentatively reached out, pausing and looking up at Kyle nervously before gripping his arm with loose fingers, pushing up the sleeve. He traced the red curves and black paths with a faint smile.

“They’re amazing. But you’re always covering them up. At work, when we grab food…”He looked up to find Kyle’s gaze again.”Are you embarrassed by them, or do you just not like them?

“None of the above.”Kyle tossed his head, throwing the hair falling into his eyes over his shoulder, and turned his hand to take Marshall’s. “They didn’t fit the character of computer geek. I hid them to disappear and become someone else. The nerdy, four-eyed, stuttering Kyle doesn’t have tattoos, would be terrified of them.”He tipped his head, eyes losing focus as he thought.

“Do you always create characters of yourself when you’re working on a production?”Marshall questioned, squeezing Kyle’s hand.

“Usually, though this is the first time I’ve tried something so extensive to keep in character. This play isn’t all that huge, so I figured I could explore the character and make my own quirks without ruining the entire play “or getting replaced for someone with less of a brain and more of a ‘monkey see monkey do’ attitude.”Kyle shrugged, pulling back his hand. Marshall hesitated before pulling back himself, resting his hands uselessly on his lap. There they fidgeted, rubbing, scratching, flexing. When did he get so needy that he craved Kyle’s touch?

“What else have you played?”Marshall couldn’t stop the flow of questions. Finally, a peek into the inner workings of the mysterious actor boy-slash-boyfriend!

“Hmm. I did a stint with Chicago, more of a backup dancer and an understudy than anything. Roger in Rent, though it wasn’t the huge Broadway spectacle, and I had to bleach my hair blond “and I do not look all that great blond “and a few other plays here and there.”Kyle shrugged. “Too many were either silent parts or cookie-cutter bad guy parts. I’ve lived through too many death scenes to count.”Kyle smiled wryly. “Roger was my first real character, less trigger happy, more relate-able.”Kyle’s eyes dimmed, and he stared toward the window, thoughts swirling so fast Marshall could almost see him sifting through his life in quick glimpses.

“As much as I loved the big production and the infamy, the praise…I wanted a character more outside the box, one that really felt like I was doing something more than posing and glaring. I guess that’s why this project was such a big deal. If I can make it here, if I can become a character completely unlike myself seamlessly…maybe I have more of a future in this than pirouettes in the background.”Marshall wanted to reach out again, but resisted. Kyle had always been so confident, so put together. Always in control. After the big career reveal, Marshall couldn’t even imagine how Kyle found the ability to play his shy persona, much less take on the personality full time.

Unfortunately, the problem with actors was they made it difficult to know what’s real and what’s fiction. Should Marshall try to comfort or reassure him? Would he just grin back cheekily and roll his eyes, saying no shit Sherlock? Or would he break down and cry?

Who was Kyle, really, and would Marshall ever know the truth?

“How am I supposed to know who you are when you can’t seem to find yourself through all the characters?”Marshall asked aloud, not really thinking until Kyle’s eyes clouded over and he turned away.

“I never said I didn’t know who I am.”His jaw tightened and Marshall could see the tension in the lines of his face. Marshall sighed. Damn, he really did need to learn to think before he spoke.

“How could I tell if you do or don’t? You’re an actor for Christ’s sake. All you do is hide behind a mask.”Marshall needed to stop speaking. Immediately.

“I already told you, I’m not hiding. I’m not fake, it’s just a character.”Kyle’s voice dropped, carefully controlled and revealing nothing, but Marshall could still see the tension in his shoulders, and the way his neck flexed from his clenched teeth.

“Then why are you falling into that stupid emotionless thing you do?”Marshall demanded, suddenly angry at the return of the blank mask. “Do you really think I can trust you when you can just turn everything off at the blink of an eye? All the time you change, like the flip of a switch, and you’re someone else. Which Kyle am I dating? Who am I going to bed with practically every night?”Marshall’s face heated at the admission in such a public place, and so loud, but he ignored the feeling and fixated on Kyle’s face, his blank mask.

The mask it seemed he never took off. Kyle glared at him, but his face was still tightly controlled, eyes the only part of him revealing the conflicting thoughts inside.

“If you can’t handle all of me, then don’t try being with just one side.”He pushed his chair back roughly and stood. “They may be characters but that doesn’t mean they’re not still a part of me in some way.”

“I don’t care about the different characters, or any of that shit. I just don’t understand why you shut me out when things become difficult.”Marshall stood with him, closing the distance by circling the table and grabbing Kyle’s arm. Kyle started to resist, pulling, but it was a weak effort with no real force behind it.

“I’m not…”Kyle sighed, dropping all pretense of escaping and turning to face Marshall. If I were shutting you out I wouldn’t be here.”He stared seriously into Marshall’s eyes, who didn’t know what to say or how to act. He hadn’t expected to broach another hot spot. And all this from an offhanded comment about tattoos.

“Do you always go for every touchy subject or is your mouth just so disconnected from your brain you can’t comprehend the stupidity of your questions?”Kyle asked. Instead of arguing or pushing again, Marshall laughed quietly, letting Kyle go. He sighed and sank back into his chair. He wasn’t looking for a fight. He hadn’t been trying, and he really did to get his mouth a filter.

“Can we just assume it’s the ladder and forget the entire conversation?”Marshall asked, gesturing for Kyle to sit down and hoping he actually acquiesced. After a few moments’ hesitation, Kyle did end up sitting. He shook his head, mouth upturned in a humorless smile.

“How about we make a rule that you’re no longer allowed to ask questions and I’m no longer allowed to listen to you babble?”Marshall rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, that’s not a biased deal, not at all.”He scoffed, small smile stretching his lips. I’ll try for easier subjects next time.

“Like the weather and stock trades?”Kyle supplied. Marshall kicked his shin under the table.

“No, asshole, like when’s the opening show, or do I need to bring roses or lilies to give you as a bouquet?”This time Kyle kicked him back, but he laughed in amusement.

“Lilies are for funerals, so avoid those. And don’t get those shitty cheap roses at Walmart, get them from a real florist. They’ll last longer.”Marshall smiled and leaned forward, grabbing Kyle’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Kyle allowed it for only a second before pulling back and smacking Marshall’s hand away.

“Only I get to start public affections, and besides that was much too pg. We should go for groping or public indecency.”Marshall laughed outright and caught Kyle’s hand, holding it firm. At least Kyle didn’t pull away.

“You mentioned earlier…”Marshall started. Kyle sighed and tried to let go. Marshall tightened his hold.

“What did I mention earlier?”He asked, voice laced with irritation. Marshall ignored the tone and smirked.

“You dance?”His eyes lit up and the smile widened. “Like…ballerina, Swan Lake dancing?”Marshall couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Kyle in a blush colored leotard. Kyle’s face lightened considerably and he dug his nails into Marshall’s palm.

“Yes I dance, no I’m not a ballerina, and it takes a lot more work than you’re implying.”He retorted smartly.

“Oh really? Do you have to bring your own tutu or do they supply a one size fits all stock there?”Kyle smacked his hand and pulled away, folding his arms across his chest, but his face still shone with amusement.

“I don’t wear tutus, I wear sweats. Stop imagining me in skirts or I’ll put you in one.”He smirked. “Keep mocking me and I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”

“Oh, I’m so scared.”Marshall winked, hoping he would get punished.

Preferably in the bedroom.

Kyle’s expression promised retribution, and Marshall’s heart crashed against his sternum. Who knew he’d get so nervous and excited by a single look?

“I swear, I’ve never met a man so eager to be abused.”Kyle grinned, sipping his liquor with lidded eyes. It’s like you actually want to see how far I’ll go.”Kyle muttered around the bottle, and Marshall dropped his eyes to the table, swirling the ice in his glass with shaking hands.

“Maybe I do.”He replied quietly. And his words rang true. After their kinky spank fest, Kyle had yet to really get to the physical part of their relationship “or whatever the hell their tryst was considered. In fact, the most they ended up doing was some inappropriate groping in the elevators and some heavy make-out sessions in Kyle’s car before being dropped off.

Marshall had never felt so built up with need, and that was coming from a man who went through most of college without more than two hook-ups and one three month long relationship. Not that he made it out with a degree, mind you. Rather, he dropped out Junior year after changing majors six times and wasting a good fifty grand on school tuition.

Partially the reason behind his lack of money―and lack of higher paying career offers.

Kyle didn’t speak, merely watched him, eyes searching Marshall’s. Marshall, for his part, blushed every time he looked up, hoping Kyle’s attention would be somewhere else and always finding himself the center of attention.

“Wh-whatever. Nevermind.”Marshall waved offhandedly and looked for the waitress, attempting to flag her down. Maybe an impartial party could change the subject―but could he really afford twelve dollar nachos just for the distraction?

“Marshall.”He looked back at Kyle instinctively, and instantly regretted it. Kyle looked serious, which wasn’t a usual look, and that automatically put Marshall on edge. I don’t understand you sometimes.”He sighed, setting the beer down and folding his hands on the edge of the table.

“You come at me with this ‘holy shit I can’t do this gay thing’ for weeks, and now you’re asking me to throw down all my kink on the table for you to see?”He asked, nibbling his lip. “Do you actually want this or are you trying to be tough and pretend you don’t care what I do because you’re a ‘man’?”He asked, eyes never leaving Marshall’s, who gulped audibly and felt thankful for the dim lighting covering his reddened face.

“It’s not―I’m not pretending, I just…”Marshall sighed and gripped his knees hard enough to draw blood, digging in his nails to avoid hitting things―or trying to drag Kyle onto the table for a way too public make-out scene. I don’t know what this is. I don’t know what you expect from me, either.”Both legs quickly grew numb from his death grip, but he couldn’t let go without feeling as if he was letting go of his sanity too.

“I don’t know how to act. I told you before, I’ve never been―interested in a man, and I meant it. But more than that it’s not like I’ve been hooking up every weekend with random chicks either. I didn’t do relationships before all of this started, and hell, I’m not even sure if this is what dating looks like.”He raked his hands through his hair, unable to feel his thighs other than the painful pinpricks of blood rushing back to his veins, before quickly returning his nails into the crescent-shaped indents in his thighs. “So forgive me if I sound stupid but I have no fucking clue what I should do next, if I’m supposed to put out after our first date “not that this is a date, you know what I mean.”Marshall groaned.

“I give up. Just tell me what I’m supposed to do here. Please, I’m completely at a loss.”Marshall pleaded, eyes locked with Kyle’s and trying not to flinch away from that damned blank mask, which just had to make its appearance again at any sign of meaningful conversation.

“You expect me to walk you through a gay relationship―in the middle of a shit bar with at least a dozen patrons loitering around us?”Kyle asked, surprising Marshall―especially with the still very intact expression of carefully controlled emotions on his face. He leaned forward, hands still folded over themselves on the bare, unvarnished table beneath. You can barely hold my hand in front of Clara without panicking and trying to pull away.”

Marshall groaned and thumped his hands onto the table, no longer able to keep them clenched to his jeans. “What the hell do you expect me to do Kyle? I can’t help it. I avoided an actual relationship with a woman for this exact reason.” He glared, snatching up his water and gulping just to give his mouth something to do rather than spout out dangerous comments. Kyle exhaled slowly, his knuckles tight with tension though the rest of his form looked particularly indifferent.

“I don’t expect anything from you, and that’s the problem.”Kyle admitted. “This isn’t easy for me either. I don’t like having to walk around with a paranoid homophobic prick glaring at everyone that walks within fifty feet of us.

“I’m trying!”Marshall half rose in his seat. He took a sharp breath and slowly sat, trying to ignore the stares of confusion around them thanks to his particularly loud outburst. I’m trying to do this, dammit. But every time I really try you slam up a wall or you stare at me like I’m an idiot.

“You are an idiot.”Kyle pointed out, and Marshall flipped him off with a grunt.

“Clever.”Marshall snapped. “This is exactly my point. I want to try, but you have to throw me a bone, dammit. I don’t expect you to take my hand and show me the world, but giving me a break once in a while would be appreciated.”

“Give you a break? Like ignoring the fact that you want me to stay in the closet with you? Or welcoming you into my home even when you’re twitching and searching the walls for chains and torture devices?”Kyle growled back, sloshing his lager in his haste to shove it out of the way. I give you break after break; I have yet to punch you in the face for insulting me every time I turn around.

“I keep telling you I’m trying. So I’m nervous in the bedroom, I just tried to show you I was willing to give anything you’ve got a shot.”He retorted. Kyle tensed, and Marshall gulped, assuming he hit another damn sensitive spot. Did he need a filter or did Kyle need to see a therapist about mood swings?

“You’d do anything just to prove you’re ‘trying’.”Kyle stated matter-of-factly, rather than in the form of a question. But Marshall nodded anyway, jaw tight with tension and head tilted just enough that he didn’t have to look Kyle directly in the eye. “So if I said let’s go back to your place and I’ll show you my kinky surprises you’d just automatically agree and follow me out.

Marshall pointedly stood up. After a second’s hesitation, obvious in the nervous flick in his eyes as he looked at Kyle and the room, he held out his hand. Kyle stared at the outstretched appendage for a full thirty seconds, unblinking, before sighing in resignation and taking it. His grip felt firm and his hands, surprisingly gentle on occasion, held on and twisted their fingers together, squeezing.

“Fine. But the second you insult me or pull away I walk.”Kyle grunted. Marshall glared.

“Seriously, after all this you want to walk away because I’m a bit skittish in the sack? If that were true for everyone I’d still be a virgin.”Marshall muttered in exasperation, rolling his eyes. Kyle snorted loudly.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you still are.”Marshall dug his nails into Kyle’s hand and practically dragged him out the door of the seedy bar, though he knew Kyle allowed it because damn he was one strong fucker. He led the way with a sure gait, though his heart thumped apprehensively and he was breathing much heavier than the short walk should have instigated. Kyle, as always, handled uncertain situations with silence and a steady, narrow stare straight ahead, without a single word to make him feel better.

As they stopped at a main street waiting for the light to change, Marshall stepped closer to Kyle and ducked his head, twisting Kyle’s hand closer in his palm and pressing it against his side. Kyle looked up with a question in his eyes and Marshall shrugged, nodding his head toward the gaggle of University students gabbing and tittering like a bunch of noisy pigeons begging for crumbs.

The group hardly noticed them, but Marshall didn’t care if they didn’t have the center of attention. He wanted to prove to Kyle – to himself – that he was more than just a pathetic man unable to grow a pair and do what he’d been craving for hours. He leaned over and kissed Kyle firmly on the lips, his own mouth still a bit unyielding from nervousness, though he tried to ignore it as he breathed in the scent of alcohol and coconut shampoo, and the slight scratching on his chin where their faces touched and Kyle’s less than perfectly manicured facial fur started to prickle. Marshall smirked into the kiss, parting his lips slowly. Had Kyle been so busy rushing to Marshall’s house to be the carpooling king that he’d started to put off important things like personal hygiene and shaving?

How interesting.

Marshall’s lips morphed around Kyle’s, and his free hand found the small of Kyle’s back, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Kyle sighed and pulled back, looking up at him with amusement and a hint of smugness.

“We missed the red light, idiot.”Marshall grinned when he looked up and saw the students halfway down the block.

“So? I was enjoying myself.”Marshall’s mouth widened and he crushed his lips to Kyle’s again, pulling him closer with a hand to his neck. Kyle smacked his side and pulled away, though his other hand was still wound tight with Marshall’s.

“Come on moron, we’ll have more privacy and time at your place. Let’s go before we miss the light again.”He towed Marshall behind him and they raced across the street, though they had plenty of time to cross. By the time they made it to Marshall’s apartment building, they were both breathless and grinning, though he never would have admitted he was more breathless from excitement than exhaustion. Just before they opened the door, Kyle pulled on their entwined hands and cocked his head.

“Oh and Marshall?”He asked, turning to look at his very impatient lover, who merely gruffed a weird man-sound in reply. “Who said this wasn’t a date?”Marshall blinked.

“Well…”He paused, biting his lip and considering.

“Because I do recall you asking me to come with you, and I consider that a very informal invitation.”Kyle smirked.”By the way, next time if you don’t bring me to a fancy restaurant and buy me flowers I’ll kick your ass for being a cheap date.”Marshall laughed.

“Oh really? So you’re the bitch in the relationship? Does that mean I get to be on top?”Marshall winked. Kyle punched him “lightly ” and they headed through the front door.

“Yeah, that’s never going to happen. You can’t resist being my bitch, Honeybuns.”Kyle laughed, and Marshall joined him, for once not searching everywhere for witnesses to their tightly wound hands or their very close proximity. Not to mention their swollen lips.

“You know,”Marshall started when the elevator opened “thankfully vacant of any older matrons and underage ears, “If you keep using that nickname I won’t be able to resist retaliating with Schnookums.”He grinned and scrambled back to avoid Kyle’s murderous hands.

“Stop saying that!”Kyle growled, stalking him into a corner and pinning Marshall’s hands to the elevator walls. Marshall didn’t fight, just gnawed his lip and watched Kyle with apprehensive eyes―and an unsurprising lump of arousal in his trousers.

“What? It’s a meaningful nickname. It means I care doesn’t it?”Marshall faked a grin, though he knew Kyle saw right through it.”Besides, Honeybuns is just as bad.

“No it’s not, at least Honeybuns compliments your assets. Schnookums is just to piss me off.”Marshall couldn’t argue that point, and didn’t even try as he surrendered to Kyle’s frustration and―was that an arising pronouncement of manhood demanding his attention? Marshall gulped, suddenly dying for the stupid elevator door to open on their floor.

Their floor. Didn’t Marshall mean his floor? He shook his head slowly, dropping his eyes to Kyle’s lips, traveling to his neck.

“Maybe I like you riled up.”He muttered under his breath, knowing Kyle could hear his every word perfectly whilst standing not two inches away.

“You are insane. Here I thought it was just me being paranoid, but you really are insane.”Kyle breathed, still unable to unlatch his claws from Marshall’s palms. The elevator dinged and the door slid open. Momentarily distracted, Marshall slipped from Kyle’s grip and dashed to the door. Kyle followed a split second later, pinning him to the wall two feet from the door. He bore down, face inches from Marshall’s and crushing himself into Marshall completely.

“Stop begging me to hurt you, or I will.”He growled, their lips barely touching as he spoke. Marshall lifted his chin to get closer but Kyle pulled back. I mean it. If you keep this up…I can’t promise I’ll be able to stop myself if you freak out on me, and I won’t apologize for not holding back either.”

Marshall blatantly stared back in determination, eyes alight with need. “Kyle even if you tried to walk away I’d chase you down and drag you back, I don’t give a damn how much stronger you are thanks to your girly pirouettes.” He punctuated the last few words with a rough kiss, ignoring the brutal grip of Kyle’s hands on his skin as he did. “Just because I might get nervous doesn’t mean I want you to stop.” Marshall caught Kyle’s widened eyes once more.

“Whatever happens, I don’t want you to stop. So shut the fuck up and get to my apartment so I can rip off your clothes and you can do to me whatever you please.”His chin tipped higher, this time in retaliation to Kyle’s unspoken argument. It was painfully clear Kyle didn’t believe him, no matter what he said about trusting Kyle “but that merely meant Marshall had to convince him, and there are plenty of creative ways to get Kyle to understand, right?

Marshall didn’t expect an answer, so he dutifully maneuvered his fingers around Kyle’s and pushed. Surprisingly, Kyle didn’t force him back into the wall. Inch by painful inch, Marshall stepped away from the rough stucco digging into his shoulder-blades, though he didn’t relinquish even the slightest amount of closeness between them.

“Kyle. Believe what you want, but I want this, and if I have to throw you over my shoulder kicking and screaming and go all neanderthal on your ass, I will.”With that he tightened his own hold on Kyle’s tensed hands and dragged him to the door, barely pausing to dig his keys from his pocket and unlock the door. At least this time he had the grace not to drop the key-chain in his nervousness.

As soon as the door opened wide, Marshall made a beeline for the bedroom. Only Kyle had the presence of mind to lock the front door before following along. When they reached the bedroom, Marshall immediately turned and latched his hand into a fistful of Kyle’s shirt, tugging at the buttons quickly and efficiently until he could shove the offending fabric away from Kyle’s smooth, pale skin. Marshall released Kyle’s fingers and ran his hands over Kyle’s torso, starting from his collar bones to trace down to his hip bones, and right back up. They delved behind his shoulders and onto his back, lightly running blunt nails over the exposed skin and the tightly wound muscle beneath. Kyle had yet to move, and there wasn’t a visible motion indicating he even breathed.

Marshall was determined to prove he wanted Kyle in every sense of the word. He didn’t even hesitate when he dropped to his knees and plucked at the belt holding the whisper thin slacks to Kyle’s well built thighs. He didn’t pause to unbutton or unzip, he just dragged the fabric down Kyle’s slim hips and pushed them and the boxers beneath to the ground. From his position, he looked up at Kyle with burning eyes. Without looking away, his hand slipped from Kyle’s knee to the base of his erection, gripping it firmly and pulling it closer. As his breath whispered across the tip, breezing over the slit and bringing forth a dollop of precum, Kyle leaned down to catch his chin.

“Don’t.”He groaned, and Marshall licked his lips at the sight of Kyle so breathless, so close to losing control. Marshall had never seen the man do so much as piss without it being on a strict schedule, and yet with Marshall poised to devour, he looked completely at a loss, and his eyes screamed with an overwhelming need he couldn’t reign in to save his life.

“Why not?”He asked, making sure to lean closer even as Kyle tried to push him away. Thankfully, the angle was all wrong for Kyle to shove him away, and he wasn’t really trying, anyway.

“I don’t need your pity. And I sure as hell don’t need you to blow me just to prove a point.”Kyle rasped, trying to step back. He only succeeded in cornering himself against the bed and nearly toppling backward. Marshall dug his nails deep into Kyle’s thigh, and his hand wrapped very possessively around Kyle’s manhood squeezed in retaliation.

“Fuck you.”He punctuated. Kyle’s eyebrows tightened together. I’m not doing this out of fucking pity. Do you really think if I didn’t want your dick this close to my face I would be on my knees for you?”He demanded. Marshall pulled Kyle closer with his vice grip on the shaft and Kyle stifled a sound caught between a moan and a whimper.

“What do you not understand? I want you, Kyle. I want to taste you, I want you inside me, and I want to wake up to you in my bed every fucking morning.”He growled. Now shut the hell up and let me suck your damn cock or I swear I’ll squeeze you until you collapse, do you understand me?”Kyle balked, but had no time to respond. Marshall didn’t hesitate for a second; his mouth descended on the head of Kyle’s cock and sucked hard, lapping in wide circles over the surprisingly yielding flesh. He could feel Kyle’s body tighten and looked back up to his face, tipped back in a silent scream. Both hands fell to his sides, as if Kyle could no longer find the energy to hold them up.

Marshall would have smirked if his mouth wasn’t full. With eyes locked on Kyle’s expression, he pushed further forward, lapping at the underside of Kyle’s dick as he sucked another inch into his mouth. Licking everywhere, he let the cock nearly slip from his lips, sucking on the very tip and burrowing his tongue into the slit before gripping Kyle’s ass with his unoccupied hand to push the hot slab of meat deeper into his lips. He made sure his tongue licked at every millimeter of skin, twisting his head slightly to each side at every bob, and when he had nearly half of Kyle’s thick cock in his mouth, he felt the head press against his throat.

Only panicking for a split second, Marshall pulled back. Kyle moaned harshly through his tightly clenched teeth and a hand reached down to grip Marshall’s hair, tangling tight into the tendrils and holding him there. But Marshall refused to be told what to do, even silently, and dug his nails into Kyle’s ass, forcing him closer and allowing the head to press against his throat again. After a half breath, he swallowed―and quickly pulled back, sputtering. The grip in his hair tightened and a keening sound emanated from Kyle’s lips, dragging him off roughly, though Marshall managed to suck one last time, licking over the slit to catch the tangy droplets already gathering.

“Dammit, Marshall.”Kyle groaned, heaving and pushing Marshall away, who quickly leaned forward for another taste. The fingers in his hair felt like an iron grip as they held him away. “Stop that already.”He breathed, raking his free hand through his damp ringlets.

“I don’t want to. Can’t you–“Marshall started.

“Shut up, and let me speak.”Kyle collapsed on the bed behind him and scooted further onto the mattress, to keep Marshall’s face a safe distance away. The hand in his hair moved to cover his eyes, and Kyle sighed. I have no idea what you’re trying to prove. I never asked you to blow me, I never even asked you to take me to the bedroom. Hell, Marshall, I didn’t think I’d ever live through this situation in a thousand years.”

“I don’t care that you didn’t ask me. It’s my choice, and I am going to do as I please, damn you.”Marshall growled.”Again, another fucking wall. Will you ever let me in?”He demanded, standing and folding his arms across his chest.

“There is no wall.”Kyle snapped, leaning up on his elbows, careful to keep his knees pulled up and close together, deterring any wayward hands.

“Bullshit.”Marshall retorted, glaring pointedly at Kyle’s legs and hidden arousal. Kyle huffed angrily and sat all the way up, grabbing Marshall by the shirt and practically throwing him onto the bed. He quickly climbed on top of Marshall and tore at the shirt beneath his hands, popping a few buttons in his haste.

“You want in?”Kyle demanded, dragging his nails down Marshall’s chest to the waist of his jeans. A breathless yes,”escaped Marshall’s lips as he rose his hips to meet Kyle’s naked skin and hands, which tore off the jeans as quickly as they had the shirt, though with a few less tears. Marshall’s hands lay slack beside him, and his eyes closed, finally breathing in relief. To be touched by Kyle, to touch him, that’s all Marshall wanted. He’d ached for weeks, needing the closeness again. Intimate gropings in dark hallways weren’t satisfying. He needed to feel Kyle again; his chest had been tightly constricted since the last time they lay naked together, but it loosened at Kyle’s hands digging into his boxers and ripping them from his legs.

Kyle closed the distance between them and pressed himself flush against Marshall, lining their cocks up against each other and pausing. Marshall’s hands flew to Kyle’s neck and wrapped tightly around it, pulling Kyle closer.

“Please.”Marshall whispered when Kyle resisted, hovering inches above Marshall’s lips. Air ghosted across Marshall’s face as Kyle exhaled slowly, and Marshall tightened his hold, trying to bring their lips together.

“Marshall…”Kyle breathed, and Marshall dug his nails into tender skin, causing Kyle to hiss and squeeze his eyes closed. Pressing his advantage, Marshall bucked upward into Kyle’s groin and groaned when their cocks rubbed together, tip to shaft, and slipped apart. He whined and dug his nails in again, tipping his chin up and parting his lips.

With his eyelids tightly squeezed together, heart racing, and breath caught in his throat, Marshall melted at the soft touch of Kyle’s lips to his. Marshall’s entire body gave way to Kyle’s touch, the heat rolling off of them in waves. Marshall pressed upward and kissed Kyle hard, lips parted and tongue forcing its way in, delving for Kyle’s evasive tongue. They both moaned when their bodies shuddered, and Kyle wiggled his hand between them, capturing both cocks and squeezing them together.

In seconds his fingers were slick with precum from each formidably leaking erection, and the smooth, tight glide of their cocks together had them gasping. Marshall jolted with every thrust, and Kyle bucked against him, grinding downward as his hand stroked faster, twisting at the base of their cocks and tightening almost painfully around their cock heads. Kyle pulled away first to utter a nearly inaudible moan, and Marshall’s head fell back as his own vocals joined in, quickly overtaking Kyle’s tightly controlled sounds. The feeling was unbelievable, and his dick felt so sensitive, enslaved by Kyle’s hand and willing to do anything for more friction. As if reading Marshall’s mind, Kyle’s fingers rolled over their shafts and twisted upward, picking up speed as their uncontrollable moans filled the room.

“F-fuck, I―ah, I can’t–“Marshall whined, cut off by Kyle’s forceful lips. He moaned into Kyle’s open mouth and let go, hands sliding down Kyle’s neck to grip his hips and drag him downward. Kyle swallowed the moan as Marshall shuddered, cock pulsing with his heartbeat, and the orgasm reached its peak. Cum spurted in huge globs, covering the hand still wrapped tightly around them and making their stomachs sticky and wet with more than just sweat. Kyle released Marshall’s mouth and dropped his face into Marshall’s neck, biting deep into the tender skin as Marshall felt warm loads of cum joining his own and pooling on his stomach and chest.

They exploded for nearly a minute together, Marshall gasping as his heart rate attempted to slow, the last drops of cum leaking from the tip and mingling with Kyle’s, who shot another two loads before finally collapsing onto Marshall, breathing ragged and body completely limp. Together they lay unmoving, and Marshall wouldn’t have been able to form a complete sentence, or even a single syllable as he closed his eyes and sucked in breath after satisfied breath.

Marshall had had sex before, a number of times. He’d been with a few women, but no one had ever, ever caused him so much pleasure, so much unbelievable sensation, without so much of an inch of penetration―into any orifice. And all Marshall could think was finally, over and over. Slowly, his hands began to trace Kyle’s shoulder blades, dipping down his spine and splaying over his lower back. Marshall traced unidentifiable patterns into Kyle’s skin as he stared at his closed eyelids.

For the first time in a very long time, Marshall was happy. Elated, in fact. And satisfied. He could feel nothing but warmth in his chest, on his chest, and against his already deflating manhood. His arms formed a loose circle around Kyle’s waist and he sighed contentedly, pressing his cheek against Kyle’s. Time no longer felt as if it were passing. They merely existed, and Marshall was nearly unconscious when he heard a soft sound against his ear.

“What?”He whispered, groggy, and throat dry and scratching with effort.

“Why?”Kyle asked again, voice soft and almost unrecognizable.

“Why did I cum? I thought you’d be arrogantly lording it over my head.”Which I wouldn’t have minded, thought to himself, but didn’t voice aloud.

“You know what I mean.”Kyle griped, and Marshall’s chest rumbled with silent laughter.

“Because I wanted to. Because feeling you against me–“He blushed, thankful Kyle couldn’t see him. Kyle leaned up on his elbows, staring down at Marshall with blatant confusion.

“The first time I touched you, you ran away. You practically screamed rape in my face and spat on me.”Kyle wasn’t one for subtlety, and Marshall groaned, rolling his eyes. “Seriously. Why are you doing this?”Marshall leaned up on his own elbows, rucking their chests against each other “and he made a mental note to shower after their little ‘talk’.

“I’m guessing my previous answer was inadequate.”He grumbled, looking up at Kyle with a resigned expression. “Let me try another approach.”He sat up and Kyle backed away, kneeling over him until Marshall gently pushed him into a sitting position across from him on the bed.

“Ever since that first night, I’ve been dreaming about you. Fantasizing.”He didn’t drop his eyes from Kyle, though he really, really wanted to.”After our kink fest, the fantasizing completely took over every waking thought. All I could think about was to get you close again.”He shrugged helplessly. “When you touch me, I just―can’t seem to do anything but beg for more. I can’t say I ever imagined I’d turn gay and want to suck cock, but that doesn’t mean turning you on and hearing you moan doesn’t make me hard. I want you. All of you.”His blush covered his face and neck and he bit his lip before continuing.

“You still don’t believe me.”He stated rhetorically. At a glance he could tell Kyle’s disbelief hadn’t lessened, not even a bit. “Kyle, ever since that first night I’ve jerked off remembering your hands on me, in me even. I haven’t thought about anyone but you, do you understand? I don’t know how this happened, but it’s not going away.”He gripped Kyle’s shoulders. I’m interested. Hell, more than interested. Obsessed, maybe. Delirious with desire. Aching for–“He was cut off by a hand to his chest and warm lips enveloping his own. Their tongues met as lips parted and mouths widened, and Marshall forgot whatever he was saying in favor of Kyle and his tongue, his hand stroking his chest and grazing over a nipple, their knees brushing against each other as they scrambled closer together.

As abruptly as it came, the kiss ended and Marshall was left wanting all over again.

“You’re right, I don’t believe you. But I figured shutting you up before you go on another hour long lecture was in my best interest.”Kyle smirked, tongue flicking over his lower lip. You know, you kept gabbing on and on about my sadistic games, yet that was probably the most vanilla sex I’ve ever had.”He laughed lightly when Marshall glared and tried to shove him away.

“What? You wanted me to pull out all the stops and all I get is a blowjob for all my trouble?”He rolled out of the way when Marshall threw a pillow at his face. I have to tell you, this has gone down nothing like my real sessions would.”He stilled, and Marshall crouched on the covers, searching for any sign of attack.

“But come over tomorrow. If you’re brave enough, I’ll show you what I can really do.”Kyle’s expression didn’t seem to change, but Marshall knew there was something different there. But he finally managed to reign in his tongue. Sort of. Instead of replying, he pulled Kyle closer and lay back on the bed, kissing him softly. His hand cupped Kyle’s cheek and Kyle wound his own arm over Marshall’s shoulders.

“Fine. But no cuffs.”Marshall replied between kisses, and as Kyle’s laughter died away they closed their eyes, allowing sleep to overtake them, sticky flesh and all.

* * *

“If Clara really matters to you, why won’t you at least invite her to the opening performance?” Marshall tried, unsuccessfully, explaining to Kyle yet again. He placed an arm on Kyle’s shoulder, redirecting him toward their shared office space rather than their old cubicles – the one Marshall had to return to in two days.

Finally the dreaded, yet welcome, day had arrived. Marshall’s chest had been tightly restrained with tension for weeks, knowing it was coming.

Kyle’s last day.

Two measly days away. Kyle said he was relieved, being trapped in his character for weeks on end, but Marshall felt differently. Would things still be the same, sharing coffee and bagels over boring paperwork, taking lunch together downstairs – with Kyle’s continued facade drowning out all normalcy from their lives? Clara had grown increasingly quiet as well. She knew there was more to his departure than meets the eye, but she was smart enough not to confront Kyle again – after that last fiasco, who could blame her?

Yet Kyle avoided all topics of conversation that revolved around revealing the truth.

“We’ve talked about this enough Marshall. If you don’t back off I’ll rescind your ticket, so let it go.”Kyle growled, shoving off Marshall’s hand and stalking toward the office. Marshall rolled his eyes, catching the door before it slammed shut.

“You do realize I can just go purchase my own ticket, right?

“At a hundred-forty a pop?”Kyle retorted. Marshall turned his head and glowered at the white-washed walls.

“Low blow asshole.”He threw his briefcase to the table and prized it open, practically dumping out half the paperwork in one motion.

“You’re the one that keeps bringing up baggage. Drop it and so will I.” Marshall ground his teeth but didn’t comment. Kyle was always the man to use weaknesses against others. He was good at that. In fact, his personal motto must have been the best defense is a good offense.

His football coach would be so proud. Marshall thought, looking over at Kyle’s tawny frame. Even though he wore his fake glasses, he still had the look of a lion on the hunt, the determination glinting in his eyes, the way they flickered with knowledge behind the thick glass. Marshall gulped, for entirely different reasons, and dropped his eyes.

Damn. How does he always do this to me? Even when he’s not speaking he manages to change the topic to sexual tension. Prick.

Marshall tossed the papers around and fidgeted in his seat, ignoring how busy Kyle had gotten and how completely pointless their entire conversation was.

By lunchtime the tension dissipated, and Kyle grinned as they slipped from the suite.

“What’s that terrifying smile for?”Marshall jabbed Kyle’s ribs and resisted the urge to grab his hand. They were at work, he had to remember. He’d yet to come out to the rest of the building.

“Did we just have our first fight?”Kyle teased, obviously joking “sometimes it seemed all they did was argue and grope each other. The hallway was mercifully empty, otherwise Kyle would already be in that annoying perpetually shivering chihuahua routine Marshall despised yet lo―enjoyed to varying degrees.

“Oh, Schnookums, can you ever forgive me?” Marshall put a hand to his chest and pouted, rapidly blinking his eyes. Kyle punched him roughly, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head. The messy loose curls danced about his face, catching in the confines of his glasses. Marshall licked his lips.

“No more of that Schnookums shit, you know how I feel about–” Instantly Kyle drew into himself, hands quivering and lip caught between his teeth. He dropped his eyes and held his sides with both arms, nearly hiding in Marshall’s shadow.

Marshall turned to find Aaron and a few work buddies planted at one of the lunch tables, and Clara waving them over with an ecstatic grin. Kyle blushed nervously and waved a shaking hand, turning his head away from the masses. Marshall withheld a chuckle.

“Your best friend is looking for you. Seems she saved us seats.”Marshall grabbed Kyle’s wrist and pulled him over. Anything to piss Kyle off put Marshall in a fantastic mood.

“Ky-ky!”Clara cooed, hopping from her seat and wrapping her arms around Kyle’s throat, who coughed and tried weakly to pry her off. Marshall grabbed her gently by the forearms and directed her attention to the bench, where he pulled Kyle down to sit with them.

“I missed you dear. Oh, I’m going to hate not seeing you every day!”She practically purred, wrapping herself around his arm and holding tight. Kyle aimed a glare at Marshall before trying to escape her slutty clutches.

“Why don’t you lay off the whiny little nerd and come cuddle with me, Clara? He seems a bit too skittish around you, I doubt he’ll know what to do with a woman’s attentions, much less yours.”Aaron’s condescending voice boomed, filling the lunch room with caustic laughter. The others joined in even as Clara smacked Aaron’s arm.

“Be nice.”She chastised, though she returned her attention to the brute’s tanned biceps. “There’s plenty of me to go around.

“So we heard.”One of the others muttered under their breath. Clara flushed bright red but smiled, turning toward Kyle.

“Do you have any plans for your last day?”She inquired, blinking away the red in her eyes. Kyle’s jaw clenched and from his position a few inches away, Marshall could feel Kyle’s anger. But what came out was nothing short of pure wonder.

“N-n-no, of c-course n-not. I was j-j-just–“Kyle dropped his head and rubbed his neck with a hand, though only Marshall noticed the tinge of irritation in his words. N-nothing sp-special.”He tried again, voice barely above a whisper.

“Sweetie you need a going away party.”Clara announced gleefully. Kyle shook his head, a look of horror spreading across his face, and Marshall couldn’t tell if it was sincere or fake.

But hell, if Marshall wasn’t amused then he had no sense of humor. Though he stifled the laughter he couldn’t help the elation in his face, and unfortunately Kyle spotted it. His eyes narrowed imperceptibly though his eyes stayed on Clara.

“N-no, th-that’s okay, you d-don’t have to…”Kyle mumbled, eyes pleading. Clara would hear none of it.

“Oh, don’t be silly Kyle! We have to do something spectacular, otherwise I’ll feel so very sad. I want to give you something to remember your time here.

“I don’t th-think I’ll e-ever forget th-this place.”He replied, and his lips nearly quirked upward as he caught Marshall’s gaze with intensity.

“Come on Kyle, let her celebrate with you one last time, since you’re not in–“Marshall coughed, trying to cover the groan of pain when Kyle’s fingernails dug into his thigh. “What I meant to say was how about we celebrate at the bar we all first got together? That’s a good a place as any.”Kyle’s nails dug in deeper, but Marshall ignored him, focusing on Clara’s shriek of delight.

“That’s perfect! What a wonderful idea. I’ll reserve a table, bring cake…”She trailed off, grinning happily. “Tonight, nine o’clock. You better be there Kyle, I might not get to see you after you leave.”She pouted so prettily, lip quivering slightly with its subtle shimmer of gloss and large, watery eyes intensified by the thin stroke of dark eyeliner. Kyle sighed and nodded, keeping his eyes firmly on the table. Marshall patted his arm.

“You sit, it’s my turn to buy lunch. I’m sure Clara will keep you company. Oh, and his favorite color this month is yellow.”He grinned and took off without letting Kyle respond.

Sure, he’d be punished soon enough, but that was part of the fun.

* * *

“Marshall, damn you, now I have to deal with her incessant yammering and touchy feely crap all night. You know she gets worse the more liquor she drinks.”Kyle yelled from the closet, where he was spending an inordinate amount of time dressing, though he kept saying he didn’t want to go out.

Then why waste his time looking for something decent to wear, not that he didn’t have a thousand well tailored suits and cashmere sweaters, while Marshall stood in the only pair of nice jeans he owned and a plain long-sleeved gray shirt. Marshall really needed a new wardrobe.

“Kyle, if you don’t hurry your ass up we’re going to be late to your going away party.”Marshall reminded him.”And I gave her the idea because she’s going to miss you and you refuse to keep in touch. She deserves at least one night with you before you put her out of your mind forever.

“You know that’s not–“Kyle started, poking his head from the bedroom and frowning.

“Yeah, yeah. I remember, I just don’t agree with your ridiculous logic.”Marshall grumped, but even through his complaining and irritation with Kyle’s choices, Marshall was still warmed by the sight of Kyle’s eyes rolling and the way his hair fell to one side as Kyle shook his head.

“The point is get dressed and let’s go, prima donna. Fuck, if I knew you’d be such a girl about finding the perfect outfit I would have gone to help Clara set up instead.

“Oh you know you like staring at me in such a state of undress.”Kyle winked, ducking back into the room and shuffling around. Marshall grunted vaguely, glad Kyle couldn’t see his face heating up.”And what do you mean ‘setting up’?

“Nevermind. I don’t want to overwhelm your pretty little head, go back to picking out the perfect party dress.

“First, fuck off.”Kyle replied, to which Marshall laughed. “Second, explain already. What do you mean set up?”He reiterated unnecessarily.

“If you weren’t wasting time you’d already know.”Marshall smirked. Maybe curiosity would urge Kyle to choose a little quicker. Preferably, right at that second.

Kyle stomped from the room, glaring at Marshall in irritation. However, Marshall’s eyes were more focused on his fantastically dressed boyfriend―okay, so the wasted time wasn’t so wasted after all. Kyle was dressed in tight, low slung dark blue jeans and a forest green cashmere sweater that brought out the emerald shards in his hazel eyes. Marshall tried not to stare. Emphasis on tried.

“Close your mouth, you’re getting drool all over the carpet.”Kyle smirked, folding his arms across his chest. Marshall attempted to glare at Kyle(after closing his mouth of course) but found himself distracted by the soft, loose curls hanging in Kyle’s eyes. He reached up to tug a curl between his fingers, pushing it behind Kyle’s ear. Kyle himself had an eyebrow raised and continued to stare at Marshall’s antics silently. Marshall’s fingers drifted past the slight curl and trailed down the soft curls nearly reaching Kyle’s shoulders.

“Didn’t you say something about us being late?”Kyle’s lip quirked. Not that I’m not enjoying the attention.”Marshall cleared his throat and turned away, heading purposefully for the door.

“Yeah, thanks to your need to try on every pair of panties to make sure it matched your lipstick. Let’s go already.”Marshall ignored Kyle’s laughter and trudged down the porch steps, tapping his foot impatiently next to Kyle’s vehicle.

Kyle didn’t speak as he got into the car and started it up, but he didn’t need to. The amused grin said more than Marshall wanted to hear. However, as they sped toward Barney’s, the hole in the wall bar they all got together for the first time all those weeks ago, Kyle became significantly more tense.

Marshall was tempted to say something to make him feel better but nothing came to mind, and Kyle’s caustic remarks turned him off to speaking out. When they finally managed to park on the side of the halfway-to-condemned building, Kyle spoke up.

“We’ll stay for an hour.”At last, words. Just depressing ones. Kyle looked over, reaching out to grip Marshall’s hand firmly. I mean it.”Marshall turned his palm up and squeezed right back.

“Kyle, there’s more to life than your own selfish needs. Now shut the fuck up about ruining Clara’s night. You’re going to get hammered and I’m going to drive your drunk ass home.”Marshall’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“You can’t be serious.”Kyle’s eyebrow arched severely, questioning.

“Hand me the keys.”Marshall stuck out his free hand and glared meaningfully at Kyle until he sighed.

“You’re a pain in the ass.”he grumbled, dumping the keys into Marshall’s hand. Marshall smiled and tucked them into his pocket.

“I learned it all from you.”He winked.

“Remind me to revoke the next lesson plan.”Marshall chuckled and hopped out, careful to lock the doors with the little button on the key chain. Before they could head inside Kyle grabbed his wrists and tucked Marshall against the wall of the building, kissing him roughly and crushing him against the wall, holding his hands to the freezing cement forcefully.

When he pulled away, Kyle smirked with swollen lips and released him, rubbing his pulse points as he did. Marshall sputtered breathlessly and shook his head, still rucked up against the wall.

“I figured I’d steal a kiss before we head inside to the party of lies.”Kyle patted Marshall’s cheek and turned on his heel.

There was only a subtle hint of pain in Kyle’s eyes. Funny, Marshall knew he was a phenomenal actor…why would he slip up?

Unless he managed to trust Marshall with sincerity. Was Kyle speaking openly to him instead of hiding behind a thousand different masks? Shit. Marshall numbly followed Kyle into the bar, heading toward the table in the back, where the supposed party awaited. The table Marshall had sent Kyle crying to the bathroom from. Had that really happened? Almost two months ago Marshall’s biggest fear was having to sit next to Kyle in the booth. Marshall smiled at the memory.

“Get that look off your face, you hate me remember?”Kyle nudged his arm.

“I never actually hated you.”Marshall countered. I just didn’t trust myself around you.

“No wonder why.”Kyle smirked. Marshall elbowed him roughly.

“After that elevator scene how could you blame me?”Marshall pointed out.

“Which one?”Kyle’s smile turned salacious. Marshall fought the blush and was thankful for the dim lighting of the bar.

“The first one, asshole. You know, when you ordered me to pick up your files then kicked them out of my hands?”Marshall’s voice dropped to a whisper, and Kyle nodded, expression surprisingly gentle yet burning with lust at the same time.

And who said women were the only ones with complicated emotions?

“How could I forget such a first meeting?”He asked just as quietly “they approached Aaron, Clara, and a few more people whose names Marshall wasn’t exactly certain of. “That was the first time I ever broke character, but you were so easily entranced–“Kyle’s reverie ended when Clara yelped and threw herself at him, babbling much too fast and high pitched for Marshall to follow.

Clara dragged a very uncomfortable Kyle to the foray with Marshall following behind, a bemused laugh drifting softly from his lips.

Above the table, a hand-crafted sign reading, “We’ll miss you Kyle!” in big, swooping gold glitter had been hung. Kyle shot a glare back at Marshall before disappearing into his facade, ducking his head and clutching his chest tight. Clara’s arms wrapped possessively around his waist but he had the decency not to push her off. Aaron tromped to Marshall’s side, grinning.

“Feels like years since we last saw each other.”Aaron clapped Marshall on the arm. Marshall sighed inwardly and smiled with no real joy. His eyes watched Kyle’s tense, quivering shoulders intently.

“You haven’t returned my phone calls, what gives?”Aaron questioned, though he was too stupid to figure out why. I’m avoiding you, can’t you take a fucking hint? But instead of causing a ruckus, Marshall shrugged.

“Been busy.”He responded vaguely. Not much time to go out drinking every night.”Aaron laughed as if Marshall made a great joke. Fucking imbecile.

“And here I thought you replaced me with that nerd boy over there.”Aaron’s laugh grated on Marshall’s eardrums, and he resisted the urge to punch Aaron square in the jaw.

“He’s my partner. For the project.”Marshall reminded him.”And I didn’t think you liked him all that much, what are you doing here?”

“I like him more than you do.”Aaron grinned, causing Marshall to wince in embarrassment.”But I’m here for Clara. She’s been giving me the runaround for weeks and I figured with her all torn up by that loser leaving, she’ll be easy pickings.”If Marshall didn’t get away from Aaron quickly that rich prick would be paying thousands in hospital bills.

“She’s not here to fu–“Clara turned and called Marshall over, urging him with a wave of her arm. Kyle sent him a pleading look.

“You know what? I’m going to give Kyle my attention tonight. At least, I’ll try to keep Clara from smothering him. Why don’t you get a drink and take a seat?”Marshall walked off without another word, hands clenched into fists and jaw tight with frustration. Kyle looked grateful as Marshall approached, and Marshall took a slow breath, trying to ease his irritation.

“Clara dear, how about you and I grab some refreshments?”He offered, holding out his hand to her. She giggled and whispered something into Kyle’s ear. He flushed bright red, eyes growing wide. Clara released him with a kiss on his cheek and took Marshall’s hand. Marshall hugged her gently, giving Kyle a wink over his shoulder. Before he turned away he could have sworn he saw Kyle breathe a sigh of relief.

“The banner looks great, Clara.”Marshall praised when they broke apart. She smiled warmly, though her eyes were slightly tinted with pink, and they glittered with moisture.

“Thanks. I spent all day on it.”Marshall couldn’t remember when his disgust became affection, but he was glad for it. Clara was more than she appeared.

Then again, so was Kyle. And me. Marshall watched the floor, deep in thought, as they walked. My best friends knows absolutely nothing about me, my boyfriend is a secret, and I keep finding out how insanely obsessed I’ve become with a man I used to be terrified of.

When did I become so complex?

“Are you going to miss him?” Clara asked. Marshall regarded her teary expression.

“I’m going to miss the mid-morning groping.”Marshall grinned. Stunned to laughter, Clara gripped Marshall’s arm to steady herself.

“Yeah, I’m going to miss him. But I’m also going to spend as much time with him as physically possible.”Clara looked away.

“Kyle’s been avoiding me.”She admitted quietly. “He didn’t even want to be here tonight. I don’t think I’ll see him again once he leaves.”Marshall bit his lip, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

“Clara…”Marshall sighed.

“It’s okay, I know he doesn’t like me all that much.”She dabbed at her eyes surreptitiously.

“No, that’s not it.”Marshall stopped and turned Clara to face him, gripping her shoulders. “He cares about you, I swear.”He took a deep breath. Kyle would forgive him.


“He’s afraid you’ll hate him. He’s…hiding something, and he thinks when you find out that you’ll hate him.”Clara shook her head, disbelieving.

“I could never hate Kyle.”She exclaimed. Marshall smiled gently.

“Look, if Kyle really means that much to you, I’ll risk his wrath to show you he cares. Even if it pisses him off at first. Marshall pulled her closer, dropping his voice as if Kyle was behind them, eavesdropping. “There’s this…something you have to see. A month from now, something huge is going to happen for him. I know he’ll want you there, even if he’s too nervous to ask you.”She watched him with her brows furrowed, lips puckered in thought.

“If it’s going to make him mad at you, you don’t have to do this. I don’t want to upset him.”She looked away. Marshall shook his head.

“You’re not going to upset him, I’m going to upset him. But he deserves it for being an idiot. I’m doing this for both of you.”Clara didn’t look fully convinced but she didn’t argue. “Just make sure you don’t tell him about any of this, not until he sees you that night.”Clara nodded seriously and Marshall smiled at her determination.

“Now let’s get some liquor and get my boyfriend trashed.”Clara laughed and nodded, twining her arm with Marshall’s and tugging him toward the bar-top, ordering up a pitcher and a round of shots to be delivered to their table.

Marshall, coerced into carrying most of the drinks thanks to his ‘manly’ physique, struggled to balance the Tequila shots in one hand and the pitcher of Blue Moon in the other. Thankfully the table wasn’t far, though he did have to avoid Aaron’s grabbing hands trying to steal up all the liquor. Glaring with undisguised animosity, Marshall sloshed the alcohol away and veered right, toward Kyle hunched over the table under the banner.

“T-took you long en-enough.”Kyle muttered under his breath, making sure to keep Clara out of earshot. Marshall set the three shots down and looked pointedly at them. When Kyle didn’t respond, Marshall dropped into the bench beside him, scooting them closer.

“Drink up. I told you we’re not leaving for a while, and not until you’re fully sloshed. Now bottom’s up.”He pushed the shots again and Kyle groaned, but took the first shot surprisingly well. Not even a wince to follow his chaser-free alcohol burn.

“There, happy?”Kyle demanded, and Marshall didn’t respond, just stared at the two leftover shots. Another groan, and Kyle took both in each hand and downed the shots one right after the other.

“I never knew you were such a heavy drinker.”Clara giggled, plopping down in the seat across from them. Kyle froze visibly, eyes wide like deer in headlights, and nearly dropped the glasses to the ground in his haste to get them out of his grasp.

“Don’t tease Clara.”Marshall smiled, covering, and reached out to take the glasses from Kyle’s shaking grip. “I told him he can’t come home until he’s properly drunk. He knows he doesn’t have a choice, right Schn–“Kyle lurched into motion, nearly knocking over the full pitcher and hitting a small box on the table, tossing it over the edge.

“So-s-sorry,”Kyle whimpered, grabbing a handful of napkins and mopping up the spilled beer. His face bloomed with red colors, the blush unfolding down his neck and certainly to his chest. Someday he’s gotta teach me how he blushes on command, he thought in admiration. “I w-w-was ju-just–“Clara took his hands and squeezed them.

“Don’t worry, sweetie. It’s okay to be a little nervous. I know you don’t really like people, and well, these people don’t really know you.”Clara bit her lip, and Marshall wasn’t sure if it was Clara’s hands or Kyle’s that were shaking. “I just wanted to make today special for you.”Kyle stared at her, unblinking, and then sighed, and his tensed shoulders drooped.

“Th-thank y-you.”Kyle whispered, squeezing her fingers and dropping his eyes. “Fo-for the pa-par-party.”He pulled his hands away and twisted them in his lap. Marshall only looked from Kyle’s face for a split second, but he saw Clara fighting tears and holding her chest with white-knuckled fingers.

“I’m going to miss you.”Clara choked out, somehow keeping her hands to herself as she tried not to leak down her cheeks and ruin her makeup.

“I’m going t-to m-m-miss you t-too.”Kyle looked away, and it took everything Marshall had in him not to pull Kyle into his arms and hold him until the pain faded from his eyes. Instead, he opted for the more subtle option.

“Hey now, this is a night to celebrate our friendship. And to give Kyle a goodbye he won’t soon forget.”He patted Kyle’s knee and tried not to flinch when Kyle jolted in surprise, eyes flashing in alarm. Marshall looked away and threw that hand into the air, waving the server laden with shots over.”Both of you drink.”He smiled, and pulled out four shots, two for each.

“What about you?”Clara questioned, eying the clear liquid.

“Designated driver. Besides, this night is for you two. Let me instigate alcohol consumption and play the polite sober boy.”He winked, and Clara giggled lightly, tossing her first shot back and shivering. Her mouth opened as she gasped and her eyelids squeezed together.

“G-got it.”She coughed out the words, and Marshall laughed, turning to Kyle and waiting expectantly. He’d expected the more frustrated of expressions Kyle could create, but instead he found a pensive Kyle looking back at him. He didn’t need to be urged, however. He lifted the shot to his lips and swallowed, downing it and taking a ragged breath. Four shots must not have been easy to stifle without a good cleanser to drown out the raging fire in his esophagus.

“To Kyle.”Clara smiled warmly and raised her shot. Kyle picked up his and, with shaking fingers, toasted.

“To ha-happy memories.”Kyle hiccuped and they downed their drinks with fluid motions, slamming the glasses down and pushing them aside. Another round of shots appeared even before Clara could finish her second shot, and Marshall bit his lip to keep from chuckling as she stared at the daunting row of tequila. Kyle glared over every new shot and soon his eyes began to gloss over just a tad, and his face screwed up every time he choked down the fiery alcohol. When Kyle looked as if he’d cry if he had to force another shot down his throat, Marshall finally allowed him to pause.

“I don’t…don’t need to be drunk.”He grumbled. I am perfectly cap-capable of retaining my―wits.”Kyle coughed rather than stuttered. Marshall couldn’t help but want to grab more tequila; he might never again see Kyle so vulnerable.

“Too late.” Marshall replied, pushing a tall chilled mug of beer toward him. “Not your night, not your choice.” Clara furrowed her brows in confusion but didn’t ask. Finally, she was getting smarter.

“But…” Kyle complained, leaning on his elbow and attempting to look threatening. Marshall made a stern face right back and shifted his eyes toward the beer, narrowing them and making a point to stare at Kyle until he moved. Sighing, Kyle took a slow sip.

“Better?” Kyle demanded, keeping his fingers wrapped around the glass. Marshall grinned, nodding.

“Much better. Keep drinking.” Kyle continued to glower, but dutifully drank up. When the liquor sloshed half empty in the mug, Kyle bumped Marshall’s shoulder.

“Wh-why d’you want me dr-runk?” He hiccuped, leaning against Marshall’s arm and nursing his beer. I don’t e-even like to drink all that much.” Marshall patted Kyle’s knee discretely under the table, eyes flashing around the room to make sure Aaron and the other assholes were busy talking about golf or some other stupid pastime.

“Because you’ve been too damn uptight these past few weeks.” Marshall muttered under his breath, trying not to lean into Kyle’s warm skin and sink into the comforting feeling. Public, Marshall. You’re still in public, he thought to himself, glad he hadn’t had any alcohol. Lowered inhibitions weren’t necessary just then.

“That’s all?” Kyle asked, looking up at him. Marshall’s throat clogged up and he had to smack his jaw closed with the palm of his hand. Kyle’s glistening eyes, lips parted and wet with the condensation from the glass, and his hair rumpled from constant tugging, was the damn hottest thing Marshall had ever seen. He looked so delicate and bashful, and he even had the nerve to lick his lips; was he trying to get mauled in the middle of the bar? Marshall gulped painfully a few times and closed his eyes, turning his head and scooting away just an inch or two until Kyle’s heat stopped burning into his skin.

“That and I figured a drunk Kyle would be less likely to brood and make Clara upset.” Marshall replied tartly, and Kyle dropped his head to Marshall’s shoulder, sighing and closing his eyes. Dammit, how was Marshall supposed to shove him off without coming off like a total ass? Though snuggling in and demanding a steamy make-out session was no more viable.

“I don’t wanna make Clara sad. Too–” Kyle hiccuped again, grabbing Marshall’s arm to keep from falling over. “Too much crying already.” He mumbled. A whimper barely covered by a cough caught Marshall’s attention. He looked across the table, realizing he’d completely forgotten Clara’s presence. She’d stopped at five shots, it seemed, and the others sat in a row on the table. Her eyes were wet and she was biting her lip, but she struggled to tamp it down, her efforts visible even to Marshall’s usually emotionally blind senses. Marshall pressed his hands to Kyle’s sides and scooted him against the wall. The confused, hurt look on Kyle’s face had Marshall flinching but he stood up and motioned for Clara to take his seat.

“Clara dear, would you keep Kyle company while I go wash up and grab us some water to drink?” He asked, and Kyle’s eyes stopped making that awful puppy dog stare. Clara nodded without speaking and settled into the bench. Kyle quickly found his perch leaning on her shoulder, squirming to get comfortable.

“Alright, I’ll be back very soon you two.” Marshall shot a mock glare at Clara. “No funny business.” He softened the joke with a smile and a wink, and she giggled, sounding much more like her flirtatious self.

“I can’t promise anything!” Marshall meandered off, giving the two of them a little time to talk and relax. He knew Kyle didn’t want to give up his friendship with Clara, but the damn moron was too stubborn to just give in and admit the truth. Marshall had hoped the liquor would help but it seemed Kyle only got sleepy. At least he wasn’t complaining at the top of his lungs and screaming abuse for being chained to the bench all night.

Gotta take your wins when you get them, especially in Kyle’s case, Marshall thought to himself. He took a little more time than strictly necessary to grab water and a plate of cheese fries – maybe carbs would wake Kyle up, who knew – and when he returned, the two were in similar positions. Except Clara clutched her ribcage and Kyle was sitting up straighter and glaring daggers at Aaron in the previously unoccupied bench.

“Come on, Clara. Let’s blow this party and head back to my place.”Marshall could hear the slimy sound of Aaron’s voice even from that distance and struggled not to gag. “You don’t need to waste your time with that freak anyway, he’s leaving you.” Marshall arrived just in time to see Kyle open his mouth to verbally abuse Aaron, his hand already up and poised to punch.

“How about you put your libido to rest for once?” Marshall ground out, slamming the plate onto the table and effectively cutting Kyle off. “I don’t recall inviting you into our conversation, but as you can see they’re saying goodbye. So fuck off for a while and go hit on that bimbo waitress instead.” Marshall pointed over his shoulder, since Aaron would bone anything with a beating heart and a skirt for ‘easy access’, toward the rest of the bar. Aaron stared up at Marshall for a moment, surprised, then burst out laughing.

“You always knew how to make a joke.” Aaron chuckled. Fucking moron, rolled his eyes. “But don’t try to cock-block, I have plans for this evening that aren’t going to be interrupted.” Marshall’s jaw set.

“You know what? I don’t care what the hell your plans are. Clara’s busy, and you’re wasting our time.” Marshall snapped. He gripped Aaron’s arm and physically dragged him from the seat, though it worked more because of Aaron’s shock and compliance rather than his own strength. “In fact, come on you two. We’ll take this food to go.”Marshall shoved Aaron from the table and reached out to take Clara’s hand, who wrapped her fingers gratefully around his and stood. Kyle tried standing, stumbling a bit, and managed to right himself at just the last minute. “Help yourself to the shots, Aaron. We won’t be needing them.”

And enjoy getting stuck with the bill you smarmy sociopath, Marshall grinned inwardly. It was a good thing he spent a good amount of time at the bar saying ‘under Aaron Garter’s tab, thanks doll’. Served him right for making an ass of himself. Aaron stared as they walked away, and Marshall quickly grabbed a to go container to take their fries, though he doubted now they’d ever be eaten.

By the time they made it out of the bar and into the parking lot, Clara was shivering and Kyle had successfully wrapped his arm possessively around Marshall’s arm. Marshall turned toward Clara, face apologetic. She carried her lovely banner and Marshall gently took it from her grasp.

“I’m sorry about that ass hat ruining your party.” Marshall’s eyes narrowed at the memory. I can drop you off at your place if you’d like, I don’t want you drinking and driving.” She nodded and climbed into the back of Kyle’s vehicle. Marshall made sure to set Kyle in an adjacent position in the backseat before buckling himself up and starting the car. Clara gave succinct directions and soon she was waving goodbye from her front yard, after laying a light kiss on Kyle’s cheek and saying she hoped to see him again. The tone in her voice indicated she doubted that would happen any time soon. Poor Clara, Marshall hated seeing her upset over a matter that should have never become a problem.

As Marshall pulled back onto the highway, Kyle climbed into the front seat…using Marshall’s crotch as leverage.

“Kyle what the hell? Vehicle in motion means staying buckled and not flying through the windshield.” Marshall growled, veering slightly to the right after jerking in surprise and nearly scraping a minivan passing by.

“Ss fine,” Kyle reassured him with a slur, buckling up. “Didn’t wanna be alone.” He mumbled, snuggling into the seat and reaching out blindly for Marshall’s hand.

Well, Marshall assumed Kyle groped around for his hand, but that’s certainly not what he found.

“K-Kyle! I’m driving, get your fingers out of there.” Marshall yelped, trying to pry Kyle’s hand from his zipper. The probing fingers ignored him but thankfully Kyle seemed too drunk to figure out how to unbutton the jeans. Instead, he contented himself by petting Marshall’s quickly growing erection through the fabric.

“Shhh,” He mumbled through barely parted lips, eyes peeking through slitted lids.

“I will not be quiet until your hands–ahh, fu –Kyle stop it!” Marshall couldn’t take his hand off the wheel without flying off the road and his other hand was unsuccessful at fixing his problem. Thankfully their exit had arrived and he swerved sharply into the lane, pulling to a stop at the light. Using both hands, he managed to tear Kyle’s hand from his dick and put it back in Kyle’s lap―which did not help, because Kyle was sporting a massive hunk of meat of his own and seemed perfectly content to pull it out to play.

“Will you keep your damn hands out of everyone’s pants until we get home?” Marshall cried, trying not to drool at the sight of his boyfriend jutting proudly from his zipper and leaking profusely. A horn beeped behind him and Marshall struggled to keep his attention on the road as he turned toward Kyle’s cul-de-sac and practically floored it. Why was he so impatient to get home?

Kyle moaned breathlessly like a two dollar whore and Marshall nearly ruined his boxers. Yeah. Now he remembered why. His eyes kept flicking over to Kyle’s hands, slowly slinking up and down the shaft and spending an inordinate amount of time just underneath the head, twisting and tugging. Marshall licked his lips and stared back at the road. Just two more streets. Almost there.

Another moan elicited from Kyle’s mouth and Marshall reached out to grab Kyle’s hands, trying to slow them. Instead, Kyle pulled his hands away and Marshall got a handful of hard dick noticeably slick from attention. He stifled his own moan and pulled his hand away abruptly. Kyle complained loudly with a whine at the back of his throat and went back to touching himself. Marshall blew out a frustrated breath and smacked Kyle’s arm.

“Wait five damn minutes and we’ll be home. You can’t very well hang your cock out for the entire neighborhood to see.”He snapped. Kyle turned his head in a liquid motion and his lips curved in a smile.

“Why not? I bet they’d enjoy the show.” He replied, the ‘s’ coming out with more of a sssss than it required. His sultry eyes took in Marshall’s tightened groin and grinned wider. “You seem to.”

“Quiet, you. It’s not my fault you’re so blitzed you can’t keep your hands off your dick.” Marshall snapped(though truth be told, Marshall was indeed the culprit for Kyle’s overly drunken follies), glad it was too dark to see his blush. He couldn’t help being completely and utterly turned on by Kyle’s skilled hands and the way his mouth kept opening to cry out in arousal. The fact that they hadn’t driven headfirst into someone’s house from his lack of attention was quite impressive.

“Why?” Kyle asked, hands slowing and circling the base of his shaft, pausing there and squeezing. “Don’t you like it?” His mouth twisted into a frown and his eyes filled with something unfocused and dark. Marshall growled in frustration.

“Fuck, of course I like it. Look at you, if I wasn’t busy driving I’d already be on top of you!” ground out. “The problem is we’re in the car and I can’t touch you until I get you inside. Now stop touching yourself before I splooge all over my damn boxers and you make a mess all over your car.” Marshall ignored the pleased look that crossed Kyle’s face, as well as the way Kyle put even more effort into touching himself and making little whimpering sounds. Son of a bitch, he’s going to kill us both.

Thank the fucking lord, Marshall was pulling up to Kyle’s house and slamming the car into park before they’d even stopped moving. He unbuckled and turned in his seat to grab Kyle by the throat and drag him into a fierce kiss.

Kyle’s sticky hands left his dick to tangle in Marshall’s hair, and Marshall moaned at the sensation. He parted Kyle’s lips and devoured his mouth with reckless abandon, only pulling back when his vision grew dark and his oxygen-deprived brain threatened to knock him out. Licking his lips and pressing his forehead against Kyle’s, Marshall breathed hard and kept his eyes closed. If he saw that look of desire in Kyle’s face, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from making a scene right there in the car.

They had a perfectly good bed fifty feet away, if they managed to make it.

“Kyle,”He breathed, a ragged sound from his tight throat. He didn’t know what to say, only that he needed to feel Kyle against him. Naked. With a lot of sweat and cum. His hands fumbled with Kyle’s cock, pressing it back into his pants and zipping up with shaking hands. He reached up to cup Kyle’s cheek and kissed him again, no less shaky. “Come on.” He whispered, leaning back into his seat and climbing out of the car. Kyle fell out of the passenger door and Marshall had to scoop him up from the ground, legs quivering and all. Marshall kept his hands tight around Kyle’s frame, cradling Kyle close to his chest. Kyle wound an arm around Marshall’s neck and kept kissing his jaw, trailing a wet tongue down his throat and over his Adam’s apple. He gulped, causing Kyle to laugh and chase the movement with his tongue.

“D-door,”He gasped, “Open the door Kyle.”He prompted, glad to distract Kyle if even for a moment. Kyle shook his head, sucking at Marshall’s collarbone. “Before I die of this torture.”He grunted, and Kyle’s laugh rumbled through his chest.

“I can’t,” Kyle giggled, petting Marshall’s jaw, “you have the keys.” He mouthed against Marshall’s skin, licking a wet trail up his neck. Marshall wanted to smack himself across the face. Moron! Of course he had the keys, he drove them both home. Fumbling in his pocket, Marshall barely managed to open the door before Kyle drove his teeth into Marshall’s neck and nearly dropped him to his knees. He slammed the door shut and barely had the presence of mind to lock up, tamping down the moan and sprinting toward the bedroom, managing to jostle Kyle’s teeth in his neck and send jolts of pleasure down his spine.

“Fuck!” Marshall shouted, pinning Kyle to the wall and bracing himself to keep from passing out at the searing sensation, teeth causing a pleasure-pain Marshall never believed could be so mind-blowing―and all without touching his dick.”At least let me get to the bedroom.”He growled, clutching Kyle with such a grip a lesser man probably would have passed out.

” Wait till we get home, wait till we get to bed,” Kyle mimicked, words slurred and glossing over the soft consonants, “no more excuses.” Kyle grumbled into Marshall’s neck, licking the deep bite marks in his throat. “You want the bed move your ass, cuz I like it here against the wall.” Kyle laughed drunkenly and sucked at the mark, making Marshall cross-eyed with need. He barreled down the hallway and kicked open the door, tossing Kyle onto the bed and straddling his knees. Kyle smiled up at Marshall and tweaked his nipples through his shirt before pooling his arms up around his head. Marshall growled and tore Kyle’s shirt off with quick, jolting movements, dipping down to capture Kyle’s lower lip in his teeth and tugging. Kyle’s nails dug into his scalp, holding him there and attacking his mouth with as much vigor as Marshall had, if a little more sloppy in the execution.

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