Once a virgin . . . now im not by cutiee-78


Once a Virgin, Now I’m Not: A Sensual Gay Sex Story by Cutiee-78

my name is bella im 15 and recently moved into a new neighbourhood. . . .
hey my name is bella, im 15 and 3 months ago moved into a new neighbourhood. on my first day at our new house i rememba a lady from across the street came over to welcome us and shed brang, what i expected to be her son.

‘well hello there, its great to have some new neighbours. Im Cath n this is my son Zac, hes 15, we just come over to . . . ‘

i looked at zac. he was increadibly hot. he was tall, with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. he looked quite embarrassed by his mom making him come over with her.

‘hi’ i said. ‘hey’ he replyed. man was he hot!

over the next week or so i would often see zac alot, he lyked to ride bikes and play football and he loved to surf. he had a killer tan from being out in the sun so much. i was walking back from the corner shop one afternoon when i ran into him. i hadnt had a one on one conversation with him before so it was slightly awkward. after a few minutes he asked me if i wanted to go for a walk to the park, he said hed show me around a bit.

so we walked, and talked . . . he didnt have a gf! awesum i thout and wen we got 2 the park we sat on the tables n chairs and talked more. i know it was soon and very unexpected but midway conversation i kissed him. just lyk that. i jus leaned up and kissed him. he kissed me back for a sligh second then we pulled away. i was getting quite embarrassed. but he kissed me. so i kissed him back. and we jus sat ther making out for a good 10 minutes then i rememba when we stopped he said.

‘i lyked that . . . i lyked that a lot’ i started to say something back when he blurted out . . ‘i like you. i also like you alot’. i didnt know what to say so im kissed him again. and finally pulled away and told him that i had grown to like him and that he was the gorjeous thing ive ever seen. he said that from day one hed thout i was very atractive. i was tall with long brown legs and blonde hair, about shoulder length. it was layered and sat perfectly. it looked good. i was thin but not anorexic thin and had nice b cupped breasts.

We walked home together and just before we reached out street we kissed once more. only this time i swear he touched my ass. he told me that hed lyk to hang out again one day and then he walked me home.

the following wednesday, his parents and mine went out to a wine tasting convention that went for the weekend and had left zac and i at home. so after they left i rocked up at zacs house and we started watching a movie, we made out through most of it and eventually fell asleep on his lounge. i woke up through the middle of the night and zac had his hand resting on my left breast.

i dont know if it was by accident or if he purposely did it but i kissed him. it took him a second to wake up then he kissed me back. his hand still on my breast. we wer just laying there, i was half on top of him and we wer kissing. i dont know why i done this but i felt it was the right time and i grabbed his hand, while we were kissing and started rubbing my leg with it.

he soon got the picture and started rubbing it . . . . slowly and gently, i kissed him even more and his hand slowly crept up the side of my skirt and he rubbed his fingers ever so gently over my underwear . . . i could feel myself getting wet, i was a virgin. the most i had done was hookup. but i trusted zac and i lyked wat he was doing.

he continued to rub over my underwear when i pulled back from kissing and told him it was ok. we started making out again and he pulled over my undies and started feeling around my vagina. he tickled my clit a little bit and pulled on it. i lyked this. alot and without meaning to i grabbed his hand and directed it towards the hole. he gently pushed his middle finger inside me and moved it around a little bit.

i was becomming very wet and he pulled it back, before pushing it in again. he started slowly and his spead increased while he fingered me. i had noticed that he had an erection. i noticed he was hard before he fingered me so i unzipped his pants and slowly grabbed onto his dick. it was quite big, 8 inches he later told me. i grabbed it at first. this was the first penis i ever grabbed. and i started squeezing and playing around with it. Zac stopped fingering me and we stopped kissing. i quietly moved down and proceeded to give him my very first head job. after a while of doing this, we went back to kissing and eventually fell asleep.

Over the next month or so we continued doing small things like this until 1nigh zac and i were at my house laying on my bed when out of the blue he told me he loved me. i was so happy. i loved him too. i told him that. we started making out again and i felt i was ready. i took my shirt off and bra. he said to me, ” bella rose, are you sure” ? and i replyed yes zac i am i love you and i want to be with you.

i got out of my pants and through my underwear to the ground. i then slowly climed on onto the bed to where he was and undid his boardshorts. i took them off and kissed him. he felt around a bit and played with my breasts for a little then took off his boxers. we got into bed and started to kiss.

he guided me on top of him wher i could feel him, we played around for a bit before we told each other we loved one another again and he slowly enetered his dick into me. woah the feeling, it hurt it felt great and it was exciting. i loved everysingle bit of it. he slowly pulled put and put back in for a while then got faster and when he slowed down again i could see he was crying. i started crying to. “i love you so much bella” he told me again. “i love you too”.

after this he got faster and faster and we had sex for what seemed lyk foreva. i orgasmed a few times and we both came together. it was the most beautiful treasured time of my life and ill never forget it …. i love you zac


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