One Day Changes Everything

A gay story: One Day Changes Everything The summer after graduating from high school was a time for me to recuperate before embarking on a course of study at the university, so I was taking it easy and therefore I was wont to spend long days at my female friend’s house. She and I had sexual relations during that time, devoid however of the commitments that define a true relationship. I guess you could consider us, as they say, friends with benefits. I wasn’t always comfortable with the situation, but my timidity prevented me from expressing anything to that effect. Anyways, it was customary during those dog days of summer for us to spread out on her couch next to the fans and watch countless movies back-to-back. In the evening we would pick up a few beers, and play some adult movies. She was particularly fond of girl-girl movies, which I had no problems with whatsoever, but we watched a range of pornographic material some being far superior to others.

One night she put in a video cassette, which included a very short sequence of a male stripper routine. Their dance culminated in total nudity (a.k.a. The Fully Monty for the Brits), the climax consisting in a countdown to zero whereupon the genitals are fully exposed. It is then customary for the strippers to wiggle their penises for the delight of the audience. I was momentarily mesmerized by the way they wiggled their penises around, and I felt that characteristic chill that attends extreme arousal. Just then to my chagrin, my friend Jennifer asked me if I would like the tape to be rewound so I could watch it again. I froze up out of some subconscious defense mechanism, but managed at the same time to dismiss her utterances with a shrug. But Jennifer, having an intuitive grasp of my mind like no one else I have ever known, looked directly into my eyes with an almost maternal tenderness:

“Now, Pat. We both know that you were drooling over those strippers. You broke out into a sweat and everything. Just try to relax. It’s perfectly understandable that you’d get hard seeing something like that. It’s unheard of these days to see a bunch of cocks waving in the breeze, so you just got a little startled and unnerved that it would leave such a powerful impression. And, besides, you have to admit those were some hot dancers,” Jennifer playfully remarked

“Yeah, they were decent looking dudes, I guess, and certainly in good shape. Not to mention they were generously well-endowed,” I replied rather still dazed.

“Hmmm, so you were impressed by their cocks, huh? Don’t worry yourself over it. It’s way more common that you would think. Actually, I love it when a guy can get aroused by either sex; it’s a definite turn-on. If someone can see beauty in all beings that man or woman has been elevated,” Jennifer counseled

I began to calm down at this point.

“So, come on. I know you want to see some more cock and ass,” she slyly remarked. I nodded almost imperceptibly.

Upon the second showing I had at least an idea of what to expect. I unzipped my fly, pulled out my cock, and began softly stroking it. Although the clip was only approximately twenty seconds, it was long enough for me to reach the very verge of orgasm and it took some willpower not to squirt right then and there.

“This little snippet won’t do,” Jennifer proclaimed.

“You know, I do have a small collection of gay porn if you want to watch,” she gingerly suggested.

“Ok,” I replied rather amazed at myself.

The video she put in featured at least five models, who quickly began sucking each other. I suddenly understood the appeal of giving fellatio. All my life I considered cock sucking to be servile and degrading, but now I cam see that it is one of the most tender things one body can perform for another. Next, they began fucking each other and for a while I really wanted to avert my eyes from the screen. But once they got into a groove, I found it actually quite titillating. In particular, I noticed the rhythmic thrusting of the buttocks required from those in the top position has an elegance and beauty to it. Finally, I was most astounded by the finale, in which each shot his load into another’s mouth. Those who were being cummed upon did their best to get it all in the mouth, leaving only a few strands around the chin and cheek.

“How did that work for ya?” teased Jennifer who sported a noticeable grin.

“I think I like cock now,” I muttered coolly, still in a state of disbelief.

“What is it? Do you want to suck a dick now?” she asked, betraying a bit of incredulity at my rapid progress.

“Yeah, what am I going to do? Solicit the first person I meet outside?” I rebuffed in a rather sarcastic tone.

“No. I know several people who would gladly let you give them head,” Jennifer announced.

“Well as long as they look fairly decent and aren’t too old,” I cautioned.

“Come on, you know I’ve got enough good sense not to match you with someone who’ll make you uncomfortable.”

Thus she left me by myself for an agonizing twenty minutes. I put on some more of the porn to keep myself from thinking, as well as to maintain my state of arousal. When she came back, I couldn’t help but feel trepidation as I would soon be going down on a complete stranger. Yet, I didn’t see any stranger at all. She had come back with our mutual friend John. Apparently, she crossed paths with him on her way and decided to turn back. I felt quite dejected at this point, having built up such lust for cock and to see it come to naught. I quickly took Jennifer aside soon after she stepped in the house.

“Something came up?” I asked sheepishly.

“No, everything’s all set. John said he would be honored to be your first.” answered Jennifer.

“I didn’t think he was like that,” I said conspiratorially.

“Until this afternoon you didn’t know you were like that either,” quipped Jennifer.

“You have a point there,” I conceded.

“The world is a far more mysterious place that we can imagine,” she mused.

Thereafter, I walked into the living room where John was waiting for me. Jennifer slipped upstairs to give us a modicum of privacy.

“So how should we go about this?” I asked nervously.

“First of all, just relax. Have you touched a dick before?”

I told him I had not.

“Well, if you’re comfortable, that would be a good first step.”

After he finished the sentence, he quickly removed all his clothing leaving his nakedness in front of me. I always knew he was fit, but since he normally wore loose fitting clothing, I had no idea how well developed his physique was. His member was equally impressive, being large but not outrageously so, and most importantly it had a handsome quality that eludes vulgar description. I was pleased to be able to hold it. The first sensation I remember was the mild warmth radiating from the organ. Then, the texture which is uniquely characteristic of a penis became apparent. I’m talking about the seemingly contradictory qualities of softness and resilience. At this moment, his cock began expanding in my hand, giving me a sense of power. It is really remarkable to see the phallus gradually stiffen; it is even more special to feel it push against your hands.

Before I took him into my mouth, I gave his shaft and head a few licks to ascertain whether there is a distinctive taste to a penis, which there is but not so as to be overpowering. I then really started sucking, whether I was any good at it I can’t say, but I certainly had my heart in it. I got a little surprise when pre cum starting coming out. I found the mildly salty taste to be quite intoxicating, especially with the fragrance that it imbues to the whole region of the body.

Just when I was in this moment of tranquility, John warned me that he was about to come. Remembering the videos I had watched earlier, I was determined to take his semen into my mouth.

“It’s okay. I want a taste,” I reassured him.

That being said, he removed his dick from my mouth slightly, gave it a few more hard strokes, and then the orgasmic spasms came. I was ready with my mouth positioned right next to the head of his penis. With each spasm, I made a grand effort to clean all the jazz around the tip. In the end I had quite a mouthful and it didn’t bother me one bit. On the contrary, I though it tasted quite pleasant. In fact, I savored it for a while in my mouth before swallowing.

John had to leave soon after. Jennifer came back down. I knew she had a lot of questions, but she restrained herself for the most part. That night we made love, and it was perfectly good sex, but something was bothering me.

“Jennifer, I’m sorry but I have to ask, do you now see me as less masculine after the things that went on today?”

“Patrick, you never cease worrying do you? Absolutely not, you found something you wanted and you went after it regardless of what others might think. No, Patrick, I think today you are more a man than ever.”

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