One Drink too Many Pt. 02


A gay story: One Drink too Many Pt. 02 It was early afternoon and my workday was over. This trip had been very successful. The multiple meetings and sales calls generated many successful sales. I’ll be leaving for home tomorrow early afternoon.

My new friend Bill said he would be inviting me over this evening for some fun, as today was his day off. I was in my hotel room and it was about 5:30 pm. I thought I should consider having dinner while hopefully awaiting Bill’s call.

I managed to have a high colonic at midday at a local gay men’s spa anticipating tonight. I was certain we would engage in bareback anal this evening.

While thinking about dinner my phone rang. To my delight it was Bill. He’d been busy all day but said he would be over in 20 minutes to pick me up. I quickly showered, dressed in shorts and tee and went to the front of the hotel to wait for Bill.

Bill arrived in a recent model Mercedes convertible. I was surprised that he had such an expensive car. Getting in I commented on the car. Bill said it was a gift from his friend who moved to California.

We drove for perhaps 15 minutes and arrived at a very nice condominium building. The garage door opened and Bill pulled into space number 1. We took the elevator to the penthouse, the only unit on the top floor. The elevator door opened to a very well decorated three bedroom unit. The living room, dining room and kitchen combo was modern and well decorated. The unit looked more expensive than a bartender might own. Bill asked if I like the unit and saying yes he added that he’d received a very substantial inheritance from his late grandfather allowing him to own and maintain this relatively high end condominium.

Have you eaten asked Bill? Saying no he suggested we go down the block to his favorite Thai restaurant. While walking to the restaurant we made some small talk. It turned out that Bill is forty-four years old, far older then he looks. So off we went, to the restaurant. The Thai food was excellent and the portions small. We each had a cocktail to relax then we walked back to his condo.

Bill said get comfortable, while saying that he was removing his clothes and walking onto his balcony. I watched this Adonis from behind, incredible body. his flacid cock looked phenomenal. I removed my shirt, walked out of my flip flops, partly unzipped my shorts and joind Bill on the balcony. He was seated in a chair and I took a chair opposite him.

Bill said feel free to remove your shorts stating no one can see us because this is the highest building in the neighborhood. I promptly removed my shorts and my cock sprang to attention. Bill said he’d get some white wine and return quickly. Pinot Grigio was served over round ice balls.

The conversation came around to sex. It’s not often that I enjoy kissing another man, but Bill’s kiss was so pleasant. He approched kissing me gently then with passion it makes me very horny. We continued kissing while enjoying the sight of our naked bodies.

Watching Bill’s cock get erect I sipped my wine then I walked over, got on my knees and started blowing him. Clearly we were both enjoying ourselves. I licked, sucked and teabagged again and again. Bill threw his head back enjoying the pleasure he was feeling. I kept going and going.

Taking his hand to the back of my head he pushed his cock down my willing throat.

As his excitement built he placed his hand behind my head forcing every inch of his cock down my throat. As he orgasamed I felt his sperm rushing out of him. Every bolt shot through him and into me. I was loving every second as he pumped away.

When he was done he slowly withdrew from my mouth. Tasting his sperm as he slid out more sperm was still oozing from him. I quickly licked it off his cock as I suddenly heard my phone ring.

I saw on the display that it was my wife Nancy. We exchanged greetings with me saying I’d be home tomorrow evening. Nancy said her trip was going to be extended to Friday and that she’d be home late that evening and could I pick her up at O’Hare? Sure no problem, how was my trip she asked? Glancing at Bill I said the trip, meetings and sales went very well. See you Friday and then I hung up.

Returning to the balcony Bill said follow me. We walked to the master bedroom. The bedroom was at the corner of the unit. It has floor to ceiling glass windows with the upper half tilting inwards. The windows were covered with a sheer white fabric. Using a remote control Bill opened the drapery. Bill opened the two large windows saying the outdoor heat and humidity excited him during sex.

Together we turned down the bed leaving only the bottom sheet and four pillows on the bed. The sheet was very soft and silky to the touch. We climed into bed and Bill reached and opened the bedside cabinet drawer. He removed anal lube from the drawer placing it on the bed.

As we began Bill said this is going to be a long night, that remark made me very excited. Bill told me to lay face down on two pillows I felt my rock hard penis under me as I assumed the suggested position. Bill placing the lube on his fingers and rubbed it on his cock. Then he added more and applied it to my ass after spreading me open and licking and kissing my ass.

First he applied it to the surface of my ass then one then two then three fingers in my ass lubircating me. Then I felt the tip of his nine inch cock slowly enter me. Little by little and with force he went deeper and deeper into me. The initial resistance yeielded and as his six inch around cock passed my prostate he wrapped his muscular arms around me.

His initially slow pace began to pick up speed. I could feel sweating on my back from his hairless chest. As the pace quickened I too was sweating, I enjoyed the impact of Bill’s balls slammed repeatedly into me.

As his orgasam hit Bill was as deep in me as humanly possible. He screamed as he came repeatedly pushing me forward as his sperm flowed deep inside me. After pumping himself dry he slowly withdrew from me. Rolling me over we were facing each other he pulled me to the bottom of the bed. placing my legs over his shoulders he ate his sperm from my ass. Now I was beyond crazy with desire.

Remaining face to face at the edge of the bed Bill knew I was ready for more, as was he. Before we began he went and got us much needed water. We drank our water which made me sweat even more. Both our hairless chests had water beading on them.

Now Bill again held the lube in his hands his eyes fixated on mine. He put two pillows under my ass to raise me up. He slathered my cock with lube and reaching behind himself he lubed his ass. Holding his ass open he slid his cock up and into me forcing himself all the way in. My head, now on two pillows watched as Bill began.

I heaved my body upwards as Bill rammed down on to my cock. His pace quickened as he began to sweat even more. My seven by six cock was being devoured by Bill’s muscular ass. His ass was tight yet slippery and I was enjoying every up then down motion.

I’ve had incredible orgasams before but the one about to take place seemed overwhelming. At the next impact I felt my sperm about to rush out of me. My head began leaning back as my orgasam hit like a two car head on crash at one hundred miles per hour. Now screaming Bill didn’t stop. No he kept going and going. My heart rate responded to the incredible orgasam I was joyfully experiencing.

As Bill finished and withdrew it caused a lot of my sperm to leak from Bill onto the floor. As my orgasam ended I felt Bill slipping off of me and onto the bed. I too slid upwards so as to be face to face. Sweaty, hot and exhausted we both smiled. Glancing at the bedside clock it was already 3:15 am. Reaching for pillows for our heads we both drifted off to sleep.


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