A gay story: Other Duties as Assigned “Brad, GET IN HERE,” yelled Antonio from his office.
“Oh fuck, what is it now,” thought Brad. He hated when Antonio yelled for him like that. Others in the office could hear and it embarrassed him to seen taking orders like that. Not that it should have been a surprise after Brad took the Assistant position.
Brad and Antonio worked at a small regional law firm together. Antonio was an experienced, although still young lawyer who had gotten hired after working his way though the Public Defenders office after law school. The poor pay and overall misery of the job made up for itself in good experience and Antonio ended up becoming a killer lawyer. That wasn’t a surprise though, he had been a star student and a quick individual his whole life. He had worked hard to make something of himself despite his low income, immigrant background. His training had given him a strong sense of justice. Antonio used the courtroom to highlight all the unfairness found in society and loved when the system awarded swift, appropriate punishment.
Brad had been hired at the firm by his uncle right before he retired. The whole office knew that this was obviously sick case of nepotism, but office politics prevented anyone from saying anything about it. Brad was seriously unqualified and had developed a reputation as a frat star in college. The last thing he was focused on was his performance at work, instead he could almost constantly be found texting his buddies planning parties for the weekend where he would inevitably end up cheating on his dedicated girlfriend, Samantha.
This pattern could only last for so long. After his uncles retirement, Brad’s poor performance quickly started gaining the attention of management. Brad felt the pressure but couldn’t be bothered to get to work.
Brad’s behavior annoyed Antonio the most. He had worked hard to get to his position so seeing this privileged douche fumble constantly and let everyone else pick up the mess angered him. Brad often had to report to Antonio on projects and he always wound up having to fix Brad’s work to save from some huge embarrassment.
Antonio had finally had enough. When the next brief came to his desk he didn’t even look it over. This led to a painful, career altering defeat in the courtroom for Brad which finally caught the attention of upper management. While they were still worried about Brad’s uncles influence they couldn’t risk the reputation of the firm.
Since Brad often reported to Antonio he was present at the meeting with the board where they discussed what to do with the spoiled young lawyer.
“Our hands are tied, I don’t see how we could leave him on the payroll after what happened,” one of the VPs said.
The HR manager was quick to respond, “while I definitely understand where you’re coming from, Brad’s -history- with the firm is too sensitive. We will have to figure out something for him.”
“What are we supposed to do? Let him sit around on his phone all day” the VP responded, “I guess that’s all he does anyway.”
Antonio was quick to interject after this: “While understand the issues the firm faces with Brad, and trust me, working with him I have seen them myself, I still see some potential in him. He is loyal to the firm and with proper training, he can still be an asset to us.” Antonio went on to explain how he would not mind taking on Brad as an assist and mentoring him.
The board was fine with this arrangement. This gave Brad something to do and removed a lot of responsibility from others in the firm. While they didn’t understand why Antonio would want to assume this risk himself they let him know that if he could convince Brad to accept the title change they would happily create the position.
Later that week Antonio set up a meeting with Brad. While nervous, Antonio was filled with excitement. He had created a plan to finally put Brad in his place, all he had to do was get him to agree to it.
“Hey boss, what’s up?” Brad said as he strolled into his office.
Antonio just rolled his eyes. “Just close the door would you Brad”
While Brad was annoyed with his tone, he obeyed and sat down.
“I think you know why I called you hear Brad.”
Despite his cocky demeanor, Brad knew the reason for this meeting. His defeat earlier had put him on thin ice, even he could acknowledge it. The thought of the embarrassment of losing his job, at his uncles firm of all places, was too much to bear. He was terrified of what would y come out of this meeting.
“Before you try and make excuses and justify your mistakes, just reason with me for a bit.” Antonio was grilling Brad, he had to hit is point home. “Why would continue to put up with you. What happened last week was just one issue, your performance is terrible, your always on you phone, and you never get anything done. If you think you can coast your way though this job you’re very mistaken.”
Brad was terrified. He thought it was bad when he came into the meeting but know he was really worried.
“Despite this Im willing to put myself on the line for you. With the right training you could be a great asset, for the firm and me personally.”
Brad was silent. Antonio knew it was the right time. He open his desk drawer and pulled out a strange, black lump of plastic and placed it on the middle of his desk in front of Brad.
Brad felt a pit in his stomach. He exactly what it was. In his darkest, late night porn secessions we would watch kinky videos where men wore these pieces of plastic and got whipped by sexy, latex clad ladies. It was a chastity cage. Did that S.O.B. Antonio really want him to wear one? He hadn’t realized Antonio was gay. He couldn’t believe he was at the mercy of this f*g. What would Samantha think? What if his friends accidentally saw it?
Antonio broke the silence “You need some serious fucking discipline Brad. Make no mistake I’m presenting you with an opportunity to keep your job, albeit with a few adjustments.”
“Are you kidding me Antonio, you want me to wear that for you? I’m not gay bro.”
“I’m not gay either Brad, sometimes I just like the feeling of control. Often it’s control over a horny slut, some needy bitch, others it’s some cute twink like you.”
Brad couldn’t believe how crass Antonio was acting.
“And I’m not just asking you to wear this for me. I’m asking you to put on this cage, hand the key over to me, and accept a role as my assistant. I know that sounds harsh but you’re out of options Brad.”
“What do you mean your assistant?” Brad shot back. He knew the bind he wears in but couldn’t believe what was happening. He wasn’t some bitch assistant.
Antonio opened a file on his desk and took out on sheet of paper.
“I have written a contract describing you’re new role. You would be seriously remiss to reject this offer.”
Antonio slid the piece of pager over to Brad, around the chastity cage sitting on the desk.
Brad picked up the paper and took a look:
Your duties are as follows:
1. Filing, organizing, document maintenance for your Boss
2. Maintaining your Boss’s email
3. Maintaining your Boss’s office area
4. Answering your Boss’s phone
5. Fetching your Boss’s lunch
6. Moral support
7. Daily cage check-ins
8. Any other duties as assigned
Brad couldn’t not believe what he was reading. He was basically being asked to become Antonio’s secretary. To top it all off Antonio had literally written “Bitch Boy” at the top of the page.
“I’m sorry man I can’t do this. What am I going to tell my girlfriend?”
“Don’t worry Brad I already talked to her. She thinks this is going to be good for you too. She of all people is tired of your behavior as well and also thinks she needs some fucking discipline.”
Brad couldn’t speak.
“Plus I let her know the kind of messages you send your bros talking about how much you cheat on her. She knows what you’re up to. This is a welcome development from her perspective.”
Brad could not believe Antonio had talked to Samantha. Despite his infidelity he was terrified to loose her.
“Fine I’ll wear the fucking cage.” Brad grabbed the devise and got up ready to storm out.
“Wait” Antonio interjected. “You still have to sign your contract.”
Red in the face Brad bent over and signed the form.
“With that all taken care of let’s do this. Take out your cock.”
“What Antonio!?”
“Obviously we are going to put it on now I’m not trusting your to do it yourself”
Antonio could not believe how easy this had been. It was such a good idea to bring Samantha into this.
On the verge of tears Brand unbuttoned his khakis, untucked his shirt, and then pulled down his pants baby blue boxer briefs to around his knees.
Antonio audibly laughed. He knew this experience was going to be humiliating for Brad but nothing could have prepared him for this. Brad’s cock was an about three quarters of an inch long. It sat on top of his ball, stick out forward to small to hang. Above the tiny dick and on his thighs was a dusting of blond pubic hair.
“Give me the cage Brad.”
Brad handed over the devise. Antonio thought it was going to be snug, another way to torture the guy, but the cage was going to fit just right on Brad’s tiny cock.
Antonio took Brads junk in his hands, slipped the ring around his balls and then pulled his tiny cock through. He then pushed the cage on and clipped it to the latch at the top of the ring. At last he pulled out the key, and put it in his shirt pocket. Antonio giggled to himself was the going to be the start of a long journey together.
Since Antonio was so close to him putting on his cage, he whispered in Brad’s ear “you’re going to learn to be my bitch Brad.”
Brad was too ashamed to respond. His whole face was beet red and he still looked like he might cry.
Antonio leaned in and whispered again “go down to the corner and a get me a coffee bitch boy, fast.”
Brad quickly pulled up his pants and ran out of the room. Antonio just chuckled to himself again.
– One week later-
The board had no idea how Antonio had gotten Brad to accept his other but they were over the moon with the changes. One of Brad’s first tasks was to reorganize the office furniture after work so his desk could be outside of Antonio’s door. Everyone morning Brad would arrive before Antonio and leave a morning coffee on his desk. After Antonio arrived they would have a meeting in his office with the door closed. The board had no idea Antonio had gotten Brad to act so submissive so quickly but they weren’t going to ask any questions. Finally the Brad question was out of there hands.
Little did they know that at their meeting every morning Antonio was making Brad strip completely naked, get on his knees and state: “thank you Antonio for locking my pathetic little cock up. I am so happy to be your bitch boy” before learning over to kiss the tops of his shoes.
Antonio loved seeing Brad like that, on all fours kissing his feet. He had a view of the man’s muscular back down to the start of his plump ass. The finest bit of blond hair sprouted out of the top of his ass.
Once this was complete Antonio would sit down and watch Brad get dressed again while listing off his tasks for the day. Despite this, Antonio would call for Brad to come to his office though out the day to give additional things to do.
Antonio always yelled “BRAD GET IN HERE” and Brad always quickly ran in, submissive, broken, and ready to please.
“Close the door buddy,” Antonio said in a low tone.
Once the door was closed Antonio’s voice picked up “I have a specially assignment for you now Brad. I have a long boring client meeting this afternoon and I need you to get me through it. I want you to rim me while I’m in it.”
Brad had feared that his arrangement with Antonio would turn into over sexual favors but ye found back “No way I didn’t agree to that Antonio.”
“Yeah you did what did you think I meant when I wrote: ‘other duties as assigned’.”
Brad was defeated. He got on his knees and unbuckled Antonio’s pants. Out flopped his giant, uncut dick from a nest of thick black pubic hair. Below were a pair of huge golf ball sized balls hanging low and also covered in jet black hair.
Brad just sighed to himself. He was already Antonio’s bitch now he had to face the humiliation of knowing his cock was four times larger then his.
Brad crawled around behind Antonio. With Antonio’s standing desk Brad’s face was at the same level ad Antonio’s ass when he was on his knees.
Brad dove in. Using both hands he parted Antonio’s cheeks and dove in. Antonio kept fit, he was a runner, so he had a firm, muscular ass. It was covered in a thick layer of long black hair that got even thicker at the crack. Brad brought his tongue to Antonio’s hairy asshole and got started. He couldn’t help but realize his little cock was hard as hell straining in his cage as he was starting to make out with his bosses asshole.
As Antonio’s meeting started he smiled to himself. That entitled brat was now literally kissing his ass. It felt good to have a bitch.