Pent-Up Fiancé Pt. 01


A gay story: Pent-Up Fiancé Pt. 01 “Dude, this place is fucking huge” Ethan said into his phone as he crossed the threshold into the hotel suite. It was a single large space, with an open concept kitchen leading into the living room. Beyond that, a balcony large enough to comfortably fit a dozen people sat fifteen floors up. “You’ve got to get up here.” Before his friend Kat could respond, he ended the call.

From his place in the doorway, Ethan could see the ocean glittering in the light of the setting sun. He abandoned his phone on the counter, crossing the suite and throwing open the balcony doors. It was very warm here, and it took no time at all for him to work up a light sweat despite the evening approaching. He unbuttoned his linen shirt, shedding it while he tossed his head back.

A whole week of this would do him some good. The fall semester had been brutal, and he found himself desperate for the time off. When Kat had suggested a trip to the beach, he had jumped at the opportunity to get away from the snowy Michigan winter.

That was, until Kat had revealed only weeks ago that her fiancé would be coming along too.

It wasn’t necessarily Bryce’s presence that bothered Ethan. Normally, he would have just ignored him. But Bryce and Kat had a…complex relationship and that was the last thing he needed to deal with at the moment. They’d only met last year, and in the first month Bryce talked Kat into moving in with him. He was a bit of a loser, honestly; a perfect example of a small town guy who never leaves.

It took only minutes for Kat and Bryce to make their way to the room. From the looks of it, Kat had used Bryce as a personal bellboy. Ethan had to give it to him, the guy had some muscle on him. He was by no means ripped, but he handled that luggage pretty easily. Honoring his small town, straight guy roots, he wore synthetic black basketball shorts hanging below the knee and an army green tank that hinted at a rounded belly. He had been growing out his hair, and he currently sported an asymmetrical cut with the long hair bound up into a tiny man bun.

“Can I put this shit down now?” He was complaining as he came through the door. Kat followed him, her huge sunhat flopping on top of her long dark curls as she walked. Her flip flops snapped as she moved into the kitchen. She already wore a bathing suit. Ethan wasn’t really a fan. It was a single piece, dark blue with hot pink flowers. The suit was tight on her, accentuating her lack of curves. Ethan could see the annoyance on her face for a brief moment before it passed.

“OH. My god.” Her footwear snapped loudly as she hurried out onto the balcony. “You’re right, this is perfect. Did you see there’s a club like, right next door?” She was grinning while she said it. If there was one thing Kat loved to do, it was party.

“Why do you want to go to the club? I thought you wanted to go to the beach!” Bryce said loudly from the kitchen. He let the luggage fall to the floor in the doorway and stomped into the master bedroom. If Ethan was being honest with himself, Bryce’s fears were well founded. Every time Kat came out with him, she tended to make a scene. Kat was very prone to blacking out, forgetting she was engaged, and fucking any random guy she could find.

“If you don’t want to go, don’t go. Ethan will keep me company” Kat shouted toward the open door. “I want to go to the beach first”

“That sounds good, actually” Ethan said, walking back into the suite. He stretched languidly, muscles still tight from hours crammed into the car. “I just need to change”.

Ethan would be sleeping in the second bedroom. It contained two queen beds with white linens, and a dresser with a small flat screen tv. It was a bit depressing, honestly. The master bedroom, meanwhile, had an enormous en-suite bathroom and a separate set of french doors that led to the balcony. Thin, gauzy drapes hung on those doors to obscure the view from the outside.

Ethan tried to put his disappointment aside, resolving to just use his bedroom for sleeping during this trip. He dropped his shirt and shorts, padding barefoot across the room to his suitcase. Ethan loved being naked, loved to feel the air flowing around his smooth skin. He’d been putting in quite a bit of time at the gym over the last semester in order to relieve his stress, and his body had responded extremely well. His pecs had become more prominent as his waist had shrunk, leaving him toned and strong. His ass had grown under his dedicated squat regime, leaving it round and supple.

He planned to fully take advantage of these newly developed muscles, and had packed accordingly. He slipped into a speedo, pitch black fabric stretched tight to accommodate his cock. He slipped the linen shirt over his shoulders again, leaving it fully unbuttoned to show off his trim stomach, and grabbed a long towel for the beach.

“Wooooow” Kat said from the open doorway. Ethan saw Bryce over her shoulder, looking frustrated as he stared at the ceiling above.

“Whoops, sorry” Ethan said. Had they watched him get dressed? Kat was certainly the type. “I am all set, you guys ready?”

They followed him into the hallway, and headed to the elevator as a group. Kat chatted with Ethan animatedly, ignoring Bryce entirely. She never seemed to know how to lower her voice when talking about things like this, and as usual Ethan found himself embarrassed.

“I am so jealous of your ass, honestly. I feel like no matter what I do I can’t make mine any bigger”. Ethan couldn’t disagree; Kat was flat in the front and the back but her ass was especially absent.

“I just hit the gym a lot this semester, the university has some pretty great options” Ethan said, cringing.

If you got off your ass and actually did something rather than expect it to just appear magically, that might help, he thought to himself.

They arrived at the lobby, and found an older couple waiting in the middle of the bank of elevators. They looked scandalized at Ethan’s swimwear, giving them a wide berth as they exited and looking back as they got into the elevator.

“You’d think I left a trail of slime behind me” Ethan joked. Truth be told, going south was always a bit uncomfortable because of those stares. But he had learned long ago that covering up his body to appease stuffy old southerners was not worth his time.

“Fuck them, I am pretty sure I saw her staring at your cock” Kat said absentmindedly. She was paying far more attention to their surroundings as they headed outside to the pool area that directly connected via pathway to the beach.

Ethan cast an annoyed glance at her. “Homophobes staring at my body is kind of the whole problem”.

“You’re right, sorry.” She fawned, finally seeing his annoyance. She always did that whenever she annoyed him. With Bryce, she never worried about it. “Maybe we should get some drinks” She gestured to the bar on the opposite side of the pool, set against the wall of the hotel. Colored bulbs hung from the awning, and there were large, hand written chalk-board menus advertising a wide variety of cocktails and draft beer.

Unfortunately, the bar was closed at the moment. The posted sign indicated they were only open during the day until the early afternoon.

“Probably don’t want to deal with a bunch of drunk assholes around the pool once the sun is down” Ethan said as they stood reading the sign.

“So…Kat” Bryce said behind him, surprising Ethan. Kat shot a dirty look over her shoulder at him.

“It’s fine, we brought a bunch of alcohol with us” Kat said to him, turning around again.

“A hundred bucks down the drain just for you to get wasted all week” Bryce grumbled.

As he and Kat started having a quiet argument, Ethan decided to leave them there and began walking down the path toward the beach. There was a thin path cut through the vegetation that eventually gave away to pale sand. Kicking his sandals off, Ethan dug in with his toes and made his way down to the water.

This late in the day, the majority of the crowds had disappeared. Now, the beach was occupied by clustered groups, mostly young adults around their age. Ethan cast an appreciative glance at several male specimens, and took note of those who returned the favor.

I think I could do very well here, he thought to himself. He waded into the water up to his knees, wandering without purpose along the shore.

Kat and Bryce appeared a bit later, Bryce standing resolutely on the beach with his hands shoved in his pockets while Kat and Ethan dove into the water.

“He’s being such a bummer” Ethan observed while they stood, enjoying the push of waves crashing against them on their way to shore. They made a game of it, jumping at just the right time to keep their heads above the water.

“I know. If he gives me shit about going out tonight, I am just going to wait until he goes to sleep” Kat said, letting out a shriek as a large wave struck them. “He’s just mad because I’m not fucking him right now” She laughed as she said it.


Kat fought her way toward him, grabbing him by the arm as another wave hit. Still laughing, she leaned in conspiratorially and said “Can I tell you something?”

When Ethan nodded, she glanced toward the beach where Bryce stood kicking at the sand, his hands in his pockets.

“I’m going to get pregnant”

Ethan was so shocked that the next wave knocked him over. He struggled upright, spitting out the saltwater that had found its way into his mouth.

“What?”, Kat was the same age as Ethan, barely twenty two years old. And sure, she had not gone to college like Ethan, but surely there were other paths to explore at this point in her life. “I mean, that is a big decision”

“What can I say? I want to do it before I get too old. My mom had me younger than I am now.”

I think it shows

“What about the wedding?” he asked.

April was still four months away. Did she really want to be bursting out of her dress when she walked down the aisle? People already talked about her getting engaged to Bryce, and not in a positive way. Add a shotgun wedding on top of that…

“Oh that’s the thing. I’ve got the timing all worked out. I am going to get pregnant in February, that way we have enough time to get through the wedding without me showing aaaand the baby will be here before the end of the year. I gotta tell you, I am so looking forward to that tax break” She had a greedy smile on her face when she said it.

“I-wow. That’s- a lot.” Ethan said, unable to think of any other response.

She continued on, oblivious. “That’s why I’m not fucking him. I came off my birth control a couple weeks ago and there is no way I am going to risk getting pregnant too soon. We both hate using condoms, sooooo he’s just a bit testy” Kat said, raising her voice to shout the last part, to project it all the way back to Bryce. “Besides” she continued, “I want to get him all pent up. I heard if they can’t cum for a long time they’re much more likely to knock you up in one shot.”

“You’re basically edging him” Ethan laughed. Now that was something he could relate to. There was something so satisfying about taking a man so far, teasing him to the point of eruption. The way men completely fell apart after his hands, begging him for release and praising him when he finally delivered…

Ethan was getting hard, he realized. Hurriedly, he directed his thoughts elsewhere. But he found himself glancing occasionally toward the beach. Toward Bryce, standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

I wonder


Eventually, it became dark enough that it was best to come in from the water. They found Bryce sitting cross legged on the sand. He scrolled mindlessly on his phone, their stuff sitting in the sand beside him. He glanced up at them, and Ethan took note of Bryce’s eyes wandering over him as well. He stood next to Kat, soaking wet in nothing but his speedo. His skin pebbled from the sudden chill, his nipples hardening visibly.

“I’m starving” Kat whined. “I can’t wait to get something to eat. Aaaaand to drink” She was gleeful at that last part.

Bryce’s gaze snapped to her “Really?”

“Yes,really” she said, walking past him toward the hotel. “And I am going to pre-game, if you don’t mind.”

Bryce groaned, hauling himself to his feet. As Ethan passed him he grabbed his shirt and sunglasses from the sand. He clapped a hand on Bryce’s shoulder, appreciating the solid feeling of his arm. “It’s going to be fine. Let’s just relax a bit and have some fun tonight”

Bryce seemed a bit shocked at the physical contact, grunting noncommittally as he grabbed Kat’s things. Ethan did notice, however, that Bryce walked with him as they followed Kat.

In the suite, Kat immediately dug open the freezer and put the blender to work. By the time Ethan made his way into the bathroom to shower, her first margarita was ready to go. Ethan sighed gratefully when the closing door sharply cut off the sound of Bryce’s bitching.

The bathroom was nice even if it wasn’t private, with an enormous mirror and recessed LEDs that illuminated the space. Ethan lingered in the shower, luxuriating in the experience of the hot water as it stripped the sand and sea from his body. His stomach growled, and he was tempted to jerk off, but he resisted the physical needs of his body for the moment. He would satisfy his stomach and his cock soon enough.

When he emerged, smooth skin faintly pink from the heat, he made quick work of getting himself ready. He wore shorts with a dangerously short inseam, and a pinstripe button-up left open above his navel. The hotel hairdryer and his luxury cologne were strategically deployed, and when he was finished Ethan was reasonably confident that he would get fucked tonight.

Kat and Bryce were nowhere to be seen when he made his way out into the living room. The door to their room was closed and Ethan could hear muffled fighting through the door.

Oh my god, fuck this Ethan said, having reached his limit for the day.

Pulling out his phone, he fired off a text to Kat telling her that he would be going ahead and to let him know if she planned to make it down.

One gloriously silent elevator ride later, Ethan emerged onto the boardwalk. Evening had given way to full night, and people wandered up and down the street in crowds. They dipped in and out of novelty stores and souvenir shops, walked past huge stands advertising personalized tee shirts, and stood in long lines outside of popular restaurants. Further down the boardwalk, a Ferris wheel glowed with every color of the rainbow.

The complex next to their hotel was a strange mixture of businesses, multi-leveled and containing a few stores, a coffee shop, and a club on the top floor. Music pulsed and lights flashed into the night sky as he approached. Ethan could even hear the music as he stood in the elevator on his way up.

Emerging onto the deck, he fought his way through the crowd and made his way to the bar. He ordered a sandwich and cocktail from a harassed looking bartender with bleached hair and enormous gauges. After wolfing down his food, he grabbed his drink and wandered out toward the dance floor.

It wasn’t too hard to spot eligible gay men in the crowd, they weren’t the majority by far. They were clustered in one corner as a small crowd on their own. Men of all shapes and sizes mingled and danced to the music, some of them wearing barely any clothes at all. It was relatively tame compared to some scenes Ethan had experienced, which made sense considering the circumstances.

It seemed like no time at all before several guys approached him. A few burly guys had taken his particular interest. One of them, a man who appeared a few years older, had large arms and prominent body hair. He led Ethan out to the dance floor, gripped Ethan’s hips firmly and ground against him. Ethan could feel the man’s cock rubbing through the thin fabric of his shorts and threw his ass back eagerly.

The man began to kiss hotly against Ethan’s neck, his beard scratching at the skin from behind. Ethan tossed his head to one side to allow better access, and a hand slipped into his shirt. An involuntary moan escaped him as his nipple was pinched harshly, his cock hardening between his legs. Dizzy with the sensations running through him, Ethan’s eyes fluttered open.

Across the dance floor, he saw Kat standing on a table dancing with another girl. Both of them were clearly wasted, clumsily shoving their drink cups at one another and struggling to slip the straws into their mouths.

So much for texting me back, Ethan thought with annoyance, before remembering that he had much more important things to be worried about. Like how big the cock pressing up against his ass was.

Or like the fact that Bryce stood, staring at Ethan across the dance floor as he got dry humped.

His expression was hard to read, that wasn’t what drew Ethan’s attention. It was the rock solid erection in Bryce’s pants.

Even across the dance floor, Ethan could see Bryce’s cock straining against his clothes. Kat was firmly out of Bryce’s line of vision, dancing without a care, while Bryce’s eyes remained firmly fixed on Ethan. Ethan’s shirt had become completely undone at some point, hickeys blooming on the column of his neck. Sweat trickled down his abdomen, nipples hard and chest heaving.

At that moment, Kat lost her top. Her breasts flashed the crowd, which sent up a cheer. The tense moment broken, Ethan pushed off his partner with a gasp. Bryce had seen it too. The back of his neck began to turn red rapidly as he pushed toward her.

“Sorry, sorry I gotta go” Ethan extracted himself from his confused dancing partner. The man cursed at him as he too pushed toward Kat. Ethan’s cock ached in his shorts, and he knew he would regret it later.

Kat was clearly drunk beyond reason and caught up in the energy of the crowd. They shouted at her in appreciation as the bouncers approached to pull her down. Bryce got there first, and Ethan arrived just in time to hear him yelling at her.

“What thefuck is wrong with you” he was shouting, gripping her arm and attempting to pull her down without making her fall.

“Fuck off buzzkill” Kat was shouting back, speech slurred “‘m havin’ a good time over here!”

“Kat” Ethan shouted over the music in a tone that he hoped sounded more reasonable than Bryce’s “The bouncers are coming, we gotta go.”

“Eeeeethan” Kat shouted in delight, leaping off the table. She tumbled into him, knocking them both down. Ethan groaned, unable to breathe. In seconds, Kat’s weight vanished. Then, he felt something grip his arms tightly at the shoulder and he was lifted back up. He found himself face to face with Bryce, who had his arms on Ethan’s shoulders.

“You all right?” Bryce asked, looking him up and down. Over Bryce’s shoulder, Ethan could see Kat struggling weakly in the grip of a bouncer. They had attempted to pull her top back on, but she still had one breast exposed.

“I’m good, no worries. We should get her back to the hotel” Ethan said, and Bryce dropped his hands quickly. He looked at the hickeys on Ethan’s neck, eyes darting away after a moment.

Together, the two of them extracted Kat from the grasp of the bouncers, covered her up, and made the trek to the elevator. Some of the more douchey looking straight guys boo’d at them as they walked past. Ethan imagined he could hear Bryce’s teeth grinding over the blare of the music.

Kat gave up walking several hundred yards from the hotel, forcing Bryce to carry her. The hotel staff manning the front desk looked disapprovingly at them when they passed through the lobby, and Ethan cringed wanted to die of embarrassment. He was slightly buzzed himself, and now that they were almost in the clear he was beginning to get pissed.

At every turn, Kat and Bryce had managed to fuck up this vacation for him and it had only been one day. The constant fighting was beyond frustrating to put up with, but Kat being a drunken mess and fucking up his chance to get some dick had him seething. He tried to squash it down, not let his emotions show, as they made the elevator ride silently and returned to the suite. It wasn’t like screaming at Kat would have any impact when she wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.

“Baaathroom” Kat was moaning when they entered. She belched “fuck, bathroom bathroom bathroom”

Bryce hauled her into Ethan’s bathroom, the door slamming behind them. A moment later, he was cursing loud enough for Ethan to hear.

After a moment, he popped his head out. “Um, Ethan. Can you put Kat to bed? She threw up in here. I have to clean this shit up”

Swallowing his retort, Ethan said “Sure, just make sure to clean it all thoroughly.”

Kat was clearly feeling better, and ready for bed. Ethan helped her to the bed, and she sprawled out across the linens diagonally. She began snoring almost immediately, without a word to Ethan. He rolled his eyes and closed the door softly behind him.

His balls had begun to ache, just like they always did whenever he got denied an orgasm. He could still feel that guys lips on his neck. He tried to avoid imaging how it would have, should have gone. Perhaps finding a dark corner, or a bathroom stall. Hot guy behind him, fucking him hard and furious-

Goddamn it, fuck you Kat. You fucking suck. I’m so done with you after we get home.

Bryce emerged from the bathroom as he was passing by.

“Hey man, um, sorry about tonight. This is why I don’t like her going out” he looked supremely awkward. Suddenly, Ethan found himself wondering if Bryce had some form of social anxiety.

I wonder

He leaned against the wall as he stared back at Bryce. His shirt sat open, and his cock was still semi-hard.

“Yeah she cost me a good fuck tonight. I really need some dick on this vacation.”

Bryce seemed to be looking anywhere but at him. Ethan remembered what Kat had said at the beach.Bryce must know exactly how I am feeling, he thought to himself.So maybe we can help each other out.

“It’s just, I’ve been so pent up recently, ya know?” Ethan asked, sighing for dramatic effect.

Bryce snorted “Yeah I- um I mean, yeah…that sounds rough”

They stood there for a few seconds in silence before Bryce ventured to try again.

“Um, I’m sorry about you uh, not getting to get off. You know, with that guy” Bryce’s face was red as he said it.

Heart beating quickly, Ethan smirked.

“It’s cool I guess… I guess I’ll just have to find someone else who wants to fuck.” He said the final word emphatically, and thought he saw Bryce shiver. Ethan couldn’t see it through the door, but if he had to, he’d wager money that Bryce was hard again.

“Anyway, night” he murmured, breezing past the bathroom to his own bedroom. He stripped naked and laid on top of the covers, not bothering to close the door.

He was pretty sure Bryce was listening when he began to jerk off.


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