PharmaX Study in Paradise

A gay sex stories: PharmaX Study in Paradise PharmaX Study in Paradise

This is an original story and complete fantasy. Don’t even bother to try and google anything. You won’t find it. But fantasies are about dreams–and we can dream can’t we? This story is a little different for me–for one thing it is longer, but not multi-chapter. All characters engaged in sexual acts are over 18, as should be any reader. Copyright 2023, all rights reserved. BD

Two young guys, dressed nearly identically in cut-off sweat shorts and tees and barefoot, sat at their desks in a dorm room typing on laptops, presumably homework of some kind or perhaps working on a term paper. Both were concentrating and apparently making good progress. Suddenly, Josh pushed his desk chair back, interrupting the tapping with a loud floor screech as he did so, threw his arms up toward the ceiling and stretched back, exposing a flat lightly cut set of abs. He growled loudly and announced, “Study break.”

Sean immediately responded with their now old retort, “No, stud break.”

Josh and Sean were juniors at Michigan United and had been roommates and regular fuck buddies for almost a year. Spring break, only a week ago, was already a distant memory. Their tans were already fading and it would be weeks before finals. But spring fever was definitely upon the campus. Frisbees and footballs soared outside the window as coeds flirted with passing guys. The boys were well-matched: about six feet tall, brunette, buzz cut, square jawed, blue eyed, in shape but not athletes at this big Midwest school where varsity athletes were semi-pro. Intramural sports and regular gym appearances kept them lightly muscled, fit and attractive. They were pre med and their grades were solid B’s, Josh tending toward A-‘s. They dated–young ladies, and had fucked a few guys, but nothing serious. And their relationship was also not serious. Fucking was just a fun thing to do and convenient with a willing roommate. Average and normal in every sense.

“Are you doing me or am I pitching this afternoon?” Sean asked. Normally, Sean was the top (although Josh was usually the instigator); being scientists, they knew Sean topped 74% of the time. But both guys were just as pleased to top or bottom–they both got off either way. Sean answered by pushing Josh to his bed, where he pulled down the sweats, and he began to suck on Josh’s manhood–which as you might expect, was average–about 6 1/2 inches, cut and shaved. Soon his lips and tongue moved to the taint and the rim. Sean backed up, dropped his shorts, and lubed up his nearly identical steel hard dick. Josh raised his legs in a wide V and placed them on Sean’s shoulders, raising his ass provocatively off the bed. Sean stepped forward and using powerful hips began to push unsheathed into Josh’s hungry ass as his spread legs were held high by his calves on Sean’s shoulders. (The guys had agreed that although not exclusive, they were frequently tested and bareback sex would be limited to just to the two of them. Otherwise they would always wrap.) Sean purred, extended his arms, dropped his chest to Josh and bent him into the submission mode that they had learned worked for both of them as it produced the maximum pressure on the prostate and the maximum friction on Sean’s dick. A few pumps–Sean’s hands on Josh’s erect penis between them and Sean’s erect dick into Sean’s tight shaft, and Sean erupted, carrying Josh with him into an easy “stress reliever”, study break climax.

They held the pose as breathing returned to normal, staring into each other’s lust-filled eyes. Then, Sean stood, used a soiled tee to clean both of them, threw it in the laundry basket, and returned to his desk. Not a word had been spoken after the initial invitation. The whole event had taken but ten minutes. But, both were smiling and satisfied for a little while and now sat bare-assed at their desks. If Josh wanted a replay, Sean was prepared to comply. In fact his ass was a bit itchy, and he remained somewhat chubbed. Both guys always protested that their sex was casual, but both had learned how to maximize the other’s pleasure and doing so inevitably was accompanied by a high level of mutual affection. They were good, competent, athletic lovers–whatever they might want to call it. But, they never discussed it. Discussion would have required them to think about their sexuality–or at least society’s label for their sexuality. They weren’t going there. Life–and sex–was too good to cerebrate about it.

As he checked his email inbox, Sean called. Look at this, there is a notice in the LBTBQ+ newsletter:


Major pharma study by start-up venture. Seeking 36 or more healthy young (18-24) “average” men for study. Excellent health required. Sexual orientation not questioned, but transsexuals and Asians are excluded. Relocation required for life of study–6 weeks for phase1, 12 weeks for phases 1 and 2. No outside communications permitted except for emergencies during this period. Next summer. Good compensation. All expenses paid. No serious side effects detected in stage 1 (animal) studies. Interviews on MUU campus April 10. Go to for signup times. (The exclusion of trans males and Asians is not a political statement, but reflects clinical necessity.)

Neither Josh nor Sean had secured summer employment and they both immediately felt this might work. Sean said, “Why did they advertise in this newsletter–is it restricted to gays?”

“Who knows–it says sexual orientation is irrelevant. Nothing ventured etc etc. I’m going to sign up. At least we will learn more, and maybe it will work. I’ve heard some of these studies pay pretty well.” So they both did.

Each was interviewed on April 10 by a nerdy, bureaucratic type in a hotel room-converted-to-interview-room at a local off-campus hotel. Neither had any idea how many had signed up, as interviews were carefully spaced. In the first interview, they learned that PharmaX was testing a new drug regimen, an ingested cocktail and a topical ointment used in tandem. No details were given about the disease for which the drug testing was being conducted. But, they were assured that in animal studies, no serious side effects had been detected. No pain, surgery, or injections were required–other than what would be typical for blood testing and physicals. No steroids or prohibited drugs would be used. It was not an infectious disease vax.

Each would need to have a physical, at PharmaX expense–immediately. Any history of STD or an HIV-positive result would immediately disqualify. The study would require relocation outside the US for the first half, at least, or perhaps the entire summer. All transportation and on site living expenses would be covered. Compensation would be “generous”–$1000 per week for the first phase, $2000 per week for the second stage–but half of the comp would be withheld and be conditional on completing the entire test. The interviewer asked some routine questions about drug use, prescription meds, and general health and then handed them a few forms relating to confidentiality, waiver of liability, and affidavits of commitment to personal compliance with the protocols. “All of these will need to be completed and signed, before a notary, before the physical. Oh–and no recreational drugs or tobacco for a month before the study begins. All of the rules will be strictly enforced to insure the integrity of the trials. After the physical, there will be second interview where more details will be disclosed.”

Intrigued by the prospects–and excited about the possible adventure (and comp), both guys scheduled physicals later that week. The signed papers were presented to a receptionist, and each was led to an exam room. The physical was perhaps the most thorough they had ever had–and of course they compared notes back at the dorm afterwards. Blood, urine, and semen samples were all submitted on the day of the physical. Each was asked to strip completely and shower, scrubbing thoroughly with antibacterial soap before the procedure began. No paper robes were provided.

A non-descript, middle aged doctor conducted the exam with no assistance. Every vital statistic was taken–height, weight, complexion color (measured against a chart ranging from albino to Nubian black), hair color, eye color, number of intact teeth, size of hands and feet. The prostate was examined and its size was estimated based on an exacting digital exam. This of course resulted in erection which was also carefully measured–length, girth at three points, ratio of height to dick length, and size and shape of head related to shaft. Photos were taken from every angle. At one point Josh thought the doctor was gay and just having some fun or perhaps filling a stroke book, but he was dissuaded from making comment by the serious demeanor exhibited throughout. This did not appear to be a scam. Every element pointed to exacting scientific procedure. “We’ll let you know if you get a second interview when your tests are back from our labs–probably about 48 hours. Any questions?”

Two days later, just as promised, each guy received an email to appear for a second interview. Each was asked to go to the PharmaX website and schedule.

At the second, copies of the signed forms were given back to each. “Now, I’m going to provide some confidential information on the protocol. You are tentatively accepted for the study. Final acceptance will depend on a second round of blood testing–disease, HIV, STD, drug free–at the end of May. Assuming these remain as they are now, you will be given instructions to travel to Miami–which we will pay for. In Miami you will meet the other participants–probably about 40 guys of roughly your age. We’ll fly you from there on a private jet to a private island in the Caribbean where the tests will be conducted.”

“On the island, you will have semi-private accommodations (essentially hotel twins) and all meals from our menu (which are not really too bad–but designed to insure absence of contaminants). The study will require your presence at a test site medical facility for three 45-60 minute periods each day. Otherwise you are free to enjoy the resort amenities, including a large pool and the ocean. There will be restrictions on alcohol intake. No tobacco. No drugs–except what we provide. You will be restricted in the sexual acts in which you can engage during the study–including no masturbation, but we will not be restricting your non-sexual interaction with the other participants. You’ve got 48 hours to call this number with a yes or no,” he said, as he handed over a card.”

“I understand that you have many questions. Go to the website. You will find that PharmaX is a well-financed startup. The test is being scheduled outside the US mainland, but still under FDA protocols–we want approval in the US. The offshore location, legally a part of Puerto Rico, accomplishes this while guaranteeing the integrity of the protocol. We are definitely legit.”

It was really a no-brainer. Both Josh and Sean were affirmative within an hour of the second interview. Josh remarked that they would need to step up their fucking tempo assuming that the study period would be dry. “Do you think we can stop masturbating and screwing for 12 weeks?” Sean agreed readily and pushed Josh over his desk immediately, pulling on his shorts to expose his muscled glutes. He reached into the ever-present lube tub and plunged his long fingers into the crevice. Within minutes, Josh was whimpering in pleasure as Sean again impaled him, being sure to stimulate the love button with each thrust. Josh soon shot into Sean’s tight fist which leaked onto the desk. Sean followed with a powerful blast into Josh’s gut. The conversation continued as Josh concentrated on staying hard and inside.

“You sure are good at that. You can get me off in just a few minutes.”

“Come on. You’re easy–you’re in shape and 20 years aold. You could probably cum every hour of every day. Any idea what the tests might be?”

“I haven’t a clue, but the money is good–and what could they possibly do to us?”

“Let’s hope it’s not a scam for some kind of slave island. It is curious that they wanted only young men. And the fact that the original invite was in the LGTBQ newsletter suggests they were looking for gays and bis.”

“But, I think I could put up with a summer of sexual slavery for almost $20K! And they did say sexual orientation was not a prerequisite. I’m assuming they’ll have some straights.” Josh stood; his cock slipped out; and, he wiped the cum from his still leaking dick. Then, he walked over to the board and made a check in his column.

The school year soon ended after a round of finals and term papers. New blood tests were ordered. And both were invited to appear at a hotel in Miami in late May. A travel agent email was provided to make the arrangements. And curiously, there were specific packing instructions: one bag each. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco. The dress during the study would be casual with a beach, pool, and spa available. All food would be provided–none should be brought. Laundry service would be provided. All toiletries–hypo-allergenic–would be provided. And then two curious notes: Clothing optional everywhere except restaurants. No sex toys of any kind. No condoms. It was so sterile, it sounded like they were traveling to the moon or some sterile biosphere.

Soon Josh and Sean found themselves in a nice room in a luxurious Miami hotel–having met several other college friends at the Ann Arbor airport, apparently headed for the same location. In the room, they found a “welcome” bag with organic snack foods, water, sugar-free juice boxes, condoms, and an invitation to cocktails and dinner in a few hours–dress casual. “Let’s shower and have some fun. Who knows when they’ll let us fuck again after we leave tomorrow morning.” So the guys stripped and moved to the large spa-like shower to enjoy each other’s company, strokes, and stimulation. Josh grabbed Sean by the hips, pressed a conditioner-lubed index finger well inside, wiggled it, and then replaced it with his dick.

But Sean balked. “Let’s take this to that big king bed–and I want some tongue action first.” They dried quickly and headed for the bed.

With the atmosphere of a “last meal,” in place, each guy wanted to pitch, so they wrestled for dominance and ultimately each got his wish as they were horned enough to reduce the refraction time to practically nothing. In fact, Josh never lost his erection. After Sean had his “dibs” pumping hard into Josh, milking his pre-cum while massaging his balls until Josh finally tipped into an anal orgasm of cosmic size, Josh flipped and took Sean doggie style while tightly fisting his reviving cock. Both guys finally fell to the mattress, totally spent–for a few minutes at least. “I think I have to call for new sheets before we go to dinner. I guess housekeeping is going to be very busy tonight.” The power of impending denial is quite an aphrodisiac.


The cocktail was interesting. The new regimen was beginning. Each guy was given a few chits for drinks–to limit alcohol intake. The room was full, about 40 casually-dressed college-aged guys. But, the population was not uniform–in fact it was a United Nations in almost every respect: whites (mostly), blacks, browns; height ranged from 5-8 to about 6-4. No Asians. No tats or piercings. No one was overweight. No ultra-fems. No flamers. No obvious gays. A few well-built athletes, but no muscle men. The kind of crowd that would easily populate any popular urban dance club–sans, of course, the ladies.

After dinner, a suit (actually only a middle-aged guy in white button up open-necked shirt) rose to provide a few details and instructions. “We will be making full disclosure about the protocol when you reach the island. At the same time we will discuss procedures; that is, the rules. The first, starting right now, is that you will be alcohol-limited–based upon your weight and metabolism which will be monitored electronically at all time. There will be no drunks.

The second is that you will not have cell phone service on the island. Your cells will be collected planeside tomorrow morning. You are permitted laptops, but we will restrict all social media and all outgoing messages of any kind will be monitored at all times. We reserve the right to intercept and cancel any message that jeopardizes the study. Everything that happens on the island is confidential–and we will censure all out-going communications. Let me say that again: Everything that happens on the island is confidential. For the next six to twelve weeks, you will not get drunk or even high. We will do a final HIV/STD test tomorrow before departure. And you will have no communications with stateside friends or relatives. Make sure they understand that tonight. There is a card at the door with a number that can be called if there is an emergency which requires you to leave the study and the island. No calls for any other reason.

“This is a serious, possibly ground-breaking research. We’ll make your lives as comfortable as possible. In fact, we think you’ll enjoy the island. But the protocols must be perfect, and that means any infraction of the rules will result in immediate departure from the island–and forfeiture of all unearned compensation. Please don’t test me or us.

“The bus leaves here at 9. Buffet breakfast in this room after 7. We’ll go by private jet to a small island in the Caribbean as you know. Everything else will be discussed tomorrow. If any of you needs to find sexual release tonight, you must be protected. No exceptions–even if you’ve known your partner for a dozen years!. See you tomorrow, guys.”


The hotel departure, jet travel and arrival at the test site were well-organized and efficient. They landed, had a quick buffet lunch, and by lottery were given rooms and roommates–although preferences were respected. Then, dressed mostly in shorts and tees, they gathered in the open air pavilion for the “Big Reveal.”

An older guy, probably the director took the small stage. “I’m Doctor Josef Engels. This is my project. Thank you for agreeing to participate. In a few months, I think you will help us make history.”

“We have developed a set of interactive and compatible drugs–some ingested, some administered sub-cutaneously (that means they are rubbed in). The purpose is to end, once and for all, ED–which I suspect none of you has ever experienced except perhaps when stone drunk. (There were a few laughs.) The regimen has some interesting collateral benefits–penis and scrotum enlargement, significant at times and an increase in seminal fluid and sperm count. Therefore, a realistic secondary use will be in the treatment of micro-penile syndrome and near-sterility.”

“Most, but not all of you will be administered these drugs over the next 6-12 weeks. There is a small subset that will only be getting placebos.” (There were a few groans. “Not me please.”)

“While there are a number of ED drugs available, most are unsatisfactory in some ways, primarily because they are temporary–some lasting only a few hours and one orgasm. Alcohol has been found to be a severe inhibiter of effectiveness for some. I expect some of you have self-experimented and know what I mean. There are no scientifically proven techniques for enlarging the sexual organs of a man–despite all the misleading internet claims to the contrary. Sterility treatments are expensive and usually involve extensive external concentration and sterile reinsertion. Incidentally about 20% of your semen samples showed lower than ideal levels–which is about typical for the current young American male population.”

“We base our research on the fact that sex organs are not muscles. Exercising them doesn’t enlarge them or make them more receptive to enlargement, with any current drugs or creams, despite urban myths to the contrary. And their size has nothing to do with pubescent stimulation or abstinence, no matter how prodigiously you may have pursued this goal or been warned not to by conservative parents. (Laughter around the room.) They are spongy tissues which, with sufficient stimulation, fill with blood and thus stiffen. We have a few drugs that enlarge the vessels carrying blood–blowing up the balloon more efficiently, so to speak. We do have hormones that can stimulate semen production and the fluid in which those little swimmers swim. And we have concentrators for semen. But, no one has yet been able to grow a dick and make it hard on demand and release sperm in sufficient quantity to impregnate. Period.”

“I know you are intelligent guys–that’s why you were chosen. I also know how much sexual tension is bottled up in your bodies at this age. We have designed the study to use what we know, minimize pain and inconvenience to you–and yet produce scientifically duplicable results. You have been chosen as a reasonable cross-section of the young male population. There is racial diversity, sexual orientation diversity–but we have excluded transsexuals and Asians, at least at this stage because early testing suggested there might be undesirable side effects for those populations–we don’t know why yet. The rules and procedures are not arbitrary. They are all essential.”

“So this is what to expect. Please listen carefully:

–You will never touch each other sexually–that is you may not touch any genitals or permit your genitals to be touched–during the course of these trials.

–You will never touch yourself sexually–again that means your genitals–no masturbation– during the course of these trials.

–See the guys with the black tees and green shorts–they are here to keep things moving. They are absolutely off limits–no talking, no touching, no fraternization. They will do your laundry, make your food and beds, clean up the compound. And that’s it, understood? Otherwise they are voiceless and sexless robots to you.

–You also see about a dozen therapists–all professionals, always in blue scrubs when in public. They are basically here to administer the drugs and perform the services required by the protocols. Although about half of you identify as straight, all the therapists are male. We decided that the entire staff needed to be male to insure the integrity of the protocol. This will require a bit of adjustment by the straights. You can talk, but don’t touch. However, they will certainly be touching you from time to time. Understood?

–There are two doctors on staff at all times. If anything feels wrong, see one of them–they always wear white jackets in public.

–From time to time, observers and investors may be on campus. If they ask for something and you feel comfortable responding, please do–but do not assume they are within the confidentiality bubble of this island. So be careful–and if not careful, silent. They have no authority to change the protocols. They have no authority to touch your genitals.

–All of you will be fitted with one of these wide bracelets after this talk. It must be in place at all times. It will continuously be monitoring your vitals, your movement on the island, your drug (and alcohol) levels, and your arousal level. Everything is recorded by wi-fi/bluetooth on the mainframe at administration. Nothing you do will be unnoticed or unrecorded. If you thought you understood Big Brother, wait a few weeks.

–When the bracelet is fitted in a few minutes, you will be consulted, and accommodated to the maximum extent that we can, on the timing for each of your three monitor visits every day–beginning tomorrow. We know some are late risers, others are night owls, etc. Later today you will meet with your therapist, be given your first dose of the drugs, and fitted with the experimental prosthetic which will be your companion for the rest of your time here.

“I’m sure this has covered everything that I can tell you at this time. So, I’m not taking questions. Please get your bracelet before you leave. Oh, by the way, except when you are in a monitor visit when you will meet the protocol to the letter, you have total freedom to do as you please on the island–remembering always the rules of conduct.”

“Thank you for being part of this groundbreaking research.”

“I hope to meet all of you personally over the coming weeks. Your therapist may be able to answer other questions you might have.”

The crowd broke up immediately and began cuing for bracelets. Silence pervaded. Most were obviously considering the implications of the protocols. The bracelets were attached quickly around the upper arm, not the wrist, and registered. They were about 1 inch wide, locked in place with electro-magnetic catches and nearly translucent dark grey. Various electrodes were spaced around the interior, obviously reading and transmitting vitals. One of the guys asked a therapist if the bracelets could read minds. “No, not technically, he said, but you’d be surprised what your body tells us about you–all the time. In fact, we call the bracelets “Zeldas” in honor of the medieval mind-reader of historic renown.” All of the guys were given appointment slots for later that day to meet a therapist.


Josh and Sean returned to the hotel complex, as they had elected to be roommates. Fortunately, the protocols did not prohibit conversation and interaction–just no sex–and that was likely to be torture. But, at least each would have a confidante within the bubble, other than a PharmaX employee. Josh remarked that the ED research rationale was likely a ruse. “What they’re really after is penile enlargement–which is why we’re all young. I’d bet on it. We’re obviously the target market. The rest is propaganda.”

Josh went to see the therapist first. The therapist, who claimed his name was Neil Arm-Strong and that he was a third year med student, was affable, friendly, and one of those guys who loves to get right into your space. And he did have enormous guns.

He took Josh’s arm, checked the bracelet and the readings on his laptop. “Everything looks to be in order. Now let me tell you about–and demonstrate–how the protocols will work. Please remove your shorts and underwear if you have any on. Each time I see you, I will have a cocktail for you to drink. It will change over time, based upon computer readings. You can expect several effects: you will have more stamina and more energy; you will build muscles more easily; you will sleep less, but perhaps more frequently; you will feel hornier–if that’s even possible for a twenty-something; you will be semi-erect a lot, often getting full erections, perhaps more than one per hour. After giving the cocktail, I will glove up and, for exactly three minutes, massage this cream into your penis and scrotum and the areas immediately at the base. Then for another minute, I will rub the cream into your prostate. I see you’re shaved. You probably will want to stay that way for the duration. You will probably get a hard erection and may cum during this procedure. If you do, your ejaculate will be captured in a flexible cup like this one, labeled and sent to the lab.”

“Now we get to the good part,” he chuckled. Neil reached over and extracted a silicon and stainless device–that resembled for all the world, a cock cage. He compared it to the size of Josh’s now-erect penis, and said, “Yes, I think this is your first size. It was translucent, heavy silicon with stainless ring locks below the ball sacks and at the base of the penis. Several additional stainless rings were spaced along the sheath. A silicon bag cupped the balls, but allowed them to hang comfortably while a tail reached around to a good sized butt plug, also of silicon with a stainless handle that nestled in the crack. It was reasonably heavy. We know that young men cannot be trusted to keep their hands away from their dicks for hours, let alone days or weeks. So I’m going to wrap and lock you in this. You see there is a small opening at the top when you need to do your business–but your hand is not going to touch your dick for twelve weeks. It locks electronically. And only I have the key. The plug is removable but it will hang uncomfortably if left out for extended periods and the computer will know, so I encourage you to re-lube and re-insert as needed. The protocol requires precise measurement of all genital stimulation. Everything is connected by Bluetooth to your bracelet and the mainframe.”

“Wow. I thought you said the bracelet monitored everything.”

“Yes, it monitors, but it doesn’t control. If you jerked off–or fucked somebody, you would destroy your vital role in the protocol–and our investment in you would be lost. Prevention is better than detection.”

“So you’re my only pressure relief valve for the next twelve weeks?”

“At least for the next few weeks. Assuming you’re still with us after that, we permit various forms of anal and perineal stimulation–provided you never touch your dick or balls –or anyone else’s, if you have partner. We’ve got some additional prosthetic dildos for that purpose. And of course self-contained cups for the ejaculate. I hope you get to see them. They are state of the art. But, I’ll still see you three times a day and I do get to touch your dick and prostate. I see you identify as bi. That makes this a bit easier. The straight guys are going to have a harder time adjusting.”

“The whole purpose of this study is to prove the results of the animal studies where we cured ED, enhanced sperm concentration, and grew genitals without any implants or surgery, by manual stimulation of the penile staff which has been chemically altered. I’m sure you can understand the implications of this for an aging population whose reproductive powers are diminished by pollution, food additives, anxiety, and climate change. We think what we do is simple: part of the cocktail causes the erectile spongy tissue to multiply and enlarges its pores, part of the cocktail opens the blood vessels to permit blood to engorge more efficiently. Finally, hormones stimulate production of semen and seminal fluid. I can’t be any more specific without breaking protocol. The topical stimulation enhances the growth by concentrating the drugs where they are most effective. The ejaculate collection and measurement records progress.”

Josh decided not to bait the therapist with his own theory about the therapeutic goals, but the description convinced him that he was correct. That was all about growing dicks. And he was very happy to be a part.

“I think we’re going to be up-close and personal for three times a day for the next couple of weeks. Glad to meet you, Josh. Now here’s the first cocktail.” Josh drank down the cocktail, flavored with fruit juice, but of course felt no immediate impact. Then, Neil motioned to a typical birthing chair. Josh climbed on, clumsily installed himself and placed his legs in the stirrups, spreading his legs to give full access.

Neil moved an elaborate laser camera into place which automatically took 3-D photos of the display. Built in lasers took exact measurements. He picked up a cloth soaked in sterile anti-bacterial soap and washed the genitals and anal rim carefully, pushing one finger in gently. Then he reached over, grabbed a precisely-measured tube of cream and squeezed it into his gloved hands. Neil began to massage the cream into his hard dick and bulging balls. “Think sexy thoughts, Josh. If you don’t get off in the next three minutes, you’re going to have blue balls until tomorrow morning.” Neil knew exactly what he was doing. The cream was spread in less than a minute and then he began the rhythmic stroking that was going to get results. Josh whispered, “I’m about to cum.” Neil handed the small necked cup to Josh and reached in and started stroking the prostate. Josh soon exploded and nearly filled the cup. “I guess I’ll need to use a larger size specimen cup for you.” Neil finished the massage, took another set of 3-D photos and while Josh was still hard, fit the cage in place, locking it twice, behind the ball sacks and at the base of the penis and lubed and pushed the plug into place. Josh realized that he was going to be in an almost perpetual state of arousal. The cage was tight and heavy and the plug was large.

“You can get dressed now. See you tomorrow. I know they say this place is clothing optional, but during the first few days we expect most guys are sensitive about wearing a device that suggests sexual slavery and displaying almost constant erections. But, we expect by the second or third day, no one will even notice. Good luck. I look forward to working with you.”

Josh got up, pulled on shorts, and decided to return to the dorm. He had a lot to think about.


The first weeks of the test went quickly–and as the sponsors had surmised, the protocols became routine. Devices were on everybody. Most guys adapted to the near-nudity and constant erections easily. The straights adapted to the daily milking, although a few needed hetero visual aids at first. But the therapists were good. Slight color variations in the cages were related to initial or start size. Athletic activities blossomed. Testosterone scented the jasmine breeze–producing a high level of eroticism and arousal. It was the best kind of pandemic. And each guy was getting off at least three times per day–often supplemented by wet dreams or spontaneous eruptions after an athletic encounter. Everyone was smiling. Almost everyone was nude and tanning nicely in the Caribbean sun. The gym was always busy and full length mirrors were always in demand. Many began to think they were in demi-god training. “And they are paying us for this!”

Late in the second week, after a quite satisfactory treatment, Neil remarked that he was detecting results. Josh was ready for the next size prosthesis-cage. It was a different color, and Josh realized for the first time, that different colors would soon begin to appear–signaling receptiveness to and effectiveness of the drug–and perhaps provoking some penis envy.

During this time, Josh and Sean talked frequently, often competed on the same athletic team and generally strengthened their friendship which had previously been built almost entirely on casual sex and study cooperation. They traded life stories, aspirations, feelings–about the protocol, about the entire process, and also about themselves. Both were pleased that they were pre-med and looked forward to proving themselves on the Med Boards and enrolling–and coincidentally, both began to think about changing their initial intent to pursue the excitement of ER Medicine to Urology. They were really enjoying this time–although forbidden the pleasures of mutual sex. Coincidentally, they both had drawn Neil as therapist–and so could joke about his quirks and obvious enjoyment at handling so many beautiful young dicks. They decided Neil was absolutely gay.

When Josh appeared for his first appointment in week three, sporting his almost new prosthetic, Neil did the customary therapy with precision. “The protocol managers have decided that we can proceed to the next phase–just to prevent boredom.”

Josh laughed. “Who could get bored with this?”

“It seems that some have already.” During this step, we continue the three per day therapies, but you are permitted, in fact, invited, solo or with a partner to increase the number of recorded ejaculations each day. Every ejaculation is preceded by tensioning of the erectile tissue–and this tensioning is, together with the cocktail, causing it to grow. That’s exactly what we want. So. Go at it Tiger. You’ll find drawers full of anal toys over there. Help yourself. But remember. Don’t touch dick or the balls–yours or anyone else’s–and the same applies to him. And save some of the fun for me!”

Josh walked over and extracted an inflatable, vibrating dildo–just a little larger than Sean had been before the experiments began–and a prostate “worrier.” “I think I’m going to try these to start.”

“Fine. Just sign them out. Your bracelet will let us know when and how you are using them. Save as much ejaculate as possible.”

Sean picked a few different toys, and so they had quite a toolbox. Soon Sean and Josh had regular “play dates”–typically after dinner (and after each had had three therapies that day). They started with avid anal fingering and finger fucking, but that soon became less interesting. They had had over a year of mutual stimulation–the real thing so to speak–and finger fucking was just one step above solo. They graduated to tongue fucking. But, as everyone knows, each step is only a prelude to the next adventure.

After about a week, Sean, typically the aggressor (or at least the wild-man in their relationship) said, “I’ve got it. We’re going to be creative in the use of the toys. I’ve got a two sided dildo. Let’s make this a team sport. They carefully fit together, being careful not to touch dicks. Moving the well-lubed dildo carefully into each of their shafts. Then Sean grabbed Josh’s shoulders, Sean did the same, and they began to rock and roll. Each rock became a push and a pull, simultaneously stimulating two prostates. They reached a new high and exploded–each catching the other’s spunk in a flex cup. “That was terrific.” They finished with an embrace and Sean reached over, pulled Josh to him and locked their lips, forcing him to open for a tongue duel–the first time they had kissed in their relationship. Sean at first was surprised, but he soon responded with a sensual mouth lock. Curiously, the denial of penetration was strengthening their physical bond.

The next night, Sean, ever the inventor, said, “I’ve got another idea. With that he lubed and inserted the vibrating plug in Josh’s ass. Then, using the remote, he inflated it and handed a twin device to Josh. You do the same to me. Josh complied and the guys once again tangled their legs bringing their gluteal muscles in contact.

“Okay. You control me. I control you. Guide me in fucking you as you want by fucking me.” Both guys started playing with the inexact controls, dialing vibes and thrusts, trying to self-stimulate with the reverse logic of stimulating a partner. It was wildly erotic. Their dicks expanded to unprecedented size and firmness within the limitations of the forgiving silicon sleeves, but confined with the rigid steel rings of their respective cages.

Then they both ejaculated, overfilling the collection cups. Another successful and powerful set of near simultaneous orgasms had been produced–and the guys reached over and moved to a long embrace and deep tonguing. Embrace and face time had irrevocably entered their sexual athletics. Both were beginning to feel that the relationship had reached a new plateau–and they were beginning to recognize that it was indeed a relationship and way more than just convenient. In his hilarious falsetto voice, Sean sang the corrupted line from Camelot, “I wonder what the monitors are thinking tonight.” The toys had paradoxically brought their mechanical fucks into a new level of intimacy. And they would never again be content with their video game controllers!

A new period of gaming on campus began–competitive, robotic, forced-orgasm wrestling–without genital contact. Who can hold the longest while being remotely prostatically stimulated while simultaneously doing your opponent? The winner would be the one with the most control–of himself and his partner. Soon it was the preferred one-on-one sport on the island. And of course, Sean set up a blackboard and kept score. A laddered tournament was even planned after the “rules” were drafted.


The next day which was the end of the third week, Neil remarked, “I guess you and Sean have learned to game the system without breaking protocol. Congratulations. And obviously, we really appreciate the donations to the sperm bank. I wish I could be a contestant. But, I’d be happy to be the timekeeper for the tournament. Just let me know when.”

After the therapy, Neil added, “Josh, you are one of our stars. Your dick has grown 27.8%–to nearly 22 centimeters–that’s over 8 inches in street lingo. The girth has increased proportionately. You are in the top 10th percentile. Your ball sacks were already large, but they are now up 18.6% and your sperm count is up 11.8%–even with five or more emissions per day. You are going to be one of our supermen, I predict. You are now in the global 90th percentile for genital size. So today, you graduate again to prosthesis number 3.5–we’re skipping 3.” He fitted it carefully and locked it carefully with a loud click–and this time it was tinted lime green. “The color of luck–and new growth. Congratulations.”

Later that day, Sean got his news–although nowhere near so dramatic. Perhaps, Sean was only on a placebo. He and Josh had been relatively equal partners for over a year, comparing their nearly identical endowments often–although Sean had tended to be pitcher a little more often, as much because of his forceful personality as anything. But, Josh was getting bigger, much bigger. Would that alter their relationship? After a conversation with Josh, Sean determined to redouble his efforts to “cooperate” with the protocol–and he invited Josh to increase the frequency of their coupling. “I don’t care if I’m erect 100% of the time. I’m competitive and I want to succeed.”

The last part of the first session went by quickly. All the guys were quickly adapting to the free lifestyle, the nudity (albeit with colored cock cages that readily advertised the new size of the wearer), the sex (even if severely compromised by the protocols), and their growing size and increasingly muscularity. The tournament was a great success–coincidentally won by an athletic straight–who managed to hold off ejaculation for a full 27 minutes despite merciless robotic stimulation of his prostate by his partner. (Someone remarked that, being straight, maybe he didn’t have one.) It was still very much the paradise that they had labeled it. And they were all a little richer.

But, they began to question the therapists every day. “I like the new size and stamina and my new muscles. Can I keep them? How?” And the sexual activities exploded exponentially as the testosterone-laden young guys learned to use the toys and worked their way around the protocols to find ways to enjoy their newly intense sexuality–alone or with others. Literally, the place turned into a no-penile-penetration testosterone orgy. It was clear that size was a powerful stimulant–even if caged and untouchable. The place was close to explosion–literally and figuratively. Some even began to talk about the new utopia, post climate change, of guys who were treated to be supermen and whose sperm would fertilize the new world.

The treatments were working. All but a few had demonstrably bigger cocks; some were huge. Muscles were bulging. Testosterone ruled. And it was affirmed repeatedly: no steroids, no side effects. The mood at the resort was jubilant. And it was obvious that what Sean and Josh had discovered about the pleasures of toys and anal were almost universally being enjoyed–even by the straights. With increased size came significantly increased libido. The study sperm banks were bursting with over-supply.


At the end of the six week period, Josh and Sean talked. “We’re at a crossroads. I’m beginning to wonder whether our friendship is going to survive this summer.”

“What do you mean?”

Sean began, “Okay. I’m going to be honest. Either the treatment is not working on me or I am one of the placebo guys. I have barely grown beyond the six and half I brought here. Maybe I can stretch to seven. I used to delude myself into thinking I was above average. And in our prior relationship, I always thought that I was the pitcher, who sometimes became the catcher with you when I chose to be. Your dick is now easily 9 inches and twice as thick as mine. That makes you the natural top. I’m waiting for the hidden dom to hatch. In fact, if we were to get out of here tomorrow, I’m not sure I’d let you fuck me. You’d rip me apart.”

“Oh shit. I was hoping something like this wouldn’t happen. But here we are. I think I’m in love with you, Sean, and the size of your dick doesn’t matter.”

“I am having the same feelings toward you. That’s is why I don’t want you to deny yourself the best partner that your new dick can attract. Dick size does matter to me. If I’m to be a placebo recipient for the next phase, I’m out of here. Scientific research to hell.”

“Can we at least wait to see what the next steps and promises are?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think I’m ready to play robot catcher for the next six weeks–even at two thou per and then give you up as a trophy cock-bearer at 10 plus. You’re a hunk and hung like a horse, Josh. You deserve a worthy partner, not a twink.”

“You are not a twink. And you are not small.”

“Well, we’ll see.”


The mangers realized that the protocols needed to be adjusted. All the results suggested demonstrable success. What could be added with six more weeks? They huddled in scientific questioning silence among themselves for a full day under Dr. Engel’s supervision. Then came the announcement:

“We will continue the experiment for another six weeks. It is important to prove that there are no side effects–beyond of course the disappointment of those whose genitals didn’t grow because they were on placebo. We’ve had 100% growth among those who had the full treatment–I don’t really mean 100% growth each, but measurable growth among all the population. I am not yet able to quantify the exact results by initial size, race, etc–but everyone grew, some a lot. This is unprecedented. Not one patient has dropped out. Not one has had any measurable side effects.”

“I think we can conclude with some certainly that among fit young men, we can improve genital size and performance. Whether we can keep it cuming. Sorry. And whether other parts of the male population can be similarly helped are still open questions for subsequent protocols.”

“We’ll document everything.”

“And, we’re going to make three adjustments:

–The placebo participants will after today be given full dosage.

–And those who have benefited by growth of at least 40% will be slowly weaned from the drugs–twice a day for two weeks, once a day for the next two weeks and then cold turkey, so to speak for the last two weeks.

–The third group, with measurable results below 40% will continue on the original protocol. They will be the new control group.

“We will continue using the prostheses and doing daily measurements. We want to see what whether we get continued results over 12 weeks, what the withdrawal issues might be and whether the benefits are permanent, or whether we need regular treatment and dosage for the results to persist.”

“This is clearly a changed protocol. Those who wish to leave now will be fully compensated. Those who stay will be awarded a bonus, including a life time supply of treatment drugs if that is deemed necessary. Please stay. We’ve proven effectiveness. Now we need to begin to prove longevity.”

“And I hope you have enjoyed the paradise we have created. Some of our investors intend to partake of our paradise in the cuming weeks–pun definitely intended. Please feel free to welcome them into our midst, and–frankly into your midst. But again, they can observe and touch (but not your genitals) at least not while you are on the island. I think you can assume some will be “shopping,” but no sales or commitments on the island, please. This is not a “meat market.” (Subdued laughter) Some of the guys by then had begun to consider the potentially lucrative (and sexual) impact of their increasingly attractive bodies and super-sized genitals. Certainly some of the investors would be porn producers. Others might even be high class pimps. Some were looking for partners.


Sean and Josh got together soon thereafter. “I guess we’re going to be cock-caged for another six weeks.”

“I think I can wait–especially if we can continue the kinds of interactions that we have had the last few weeks. But, however it works out, I think I am with you, Sean. I liked you as a six plus incher because of who you are; I think I could love you–whether you end up being the same or bigger–but I’m plugging with you for bigger. I want to feel your new bigger cock in my ass, babe. And use mine in you. I think I’m in love.”

A few weeks later the trials ended. PharmaX invited all participants to spend a few days on the island–without cocktails, therapists, prostheses or supervision–but they were asked to turn in the toys on departure.

Josh and Sean had two weeks before classes began and decided to “consummate” their new relationship on the island. And so in the atmosphere of an orgy, the guys returned to their room. Josh pushed Sean onto the king and they began wrestling for dominance as they had so many times before. They moved into a 69 and each reveled in the size of his partner. Both had been transformed into sex gods. After giving each other oral pleasure for a few minutes, with lots of finger pressure on taints and prostates and of course genital contact, they together filled mouths with cum. “This tastes so good. How did we never enjoy this before?”

Only minutes later, they were hard again. “Okay, you get to fuck me first with your new size,” Josh prompted Sean as he moved into position, dropped his shoulders to the bed and pushed his ass high into the air. Sean began the lubing and prep, but immediately recognized that the twelve week plug regimen and anal toy games had already prepped Josh quite well. Three fingers were easily inserted and scraped the prostate, eliciting a pleasurable moan from Josh. Then, he positioned and slowly entered, bottoming for the first time in Josh’s sleeve. The prostate had grown to a large size and now it was easily found, “crowded” by the new girth of Sean’s cock, and punched with each stroke. Sean reached under and gripped Josh’s cock–at the new size, it was definitely a cock, not a dick–and began the rhythmic motion on the rigid pole. This was like waking up on Christmas morning with a woody 50% larger and a willing partner in which to insert it. Santa had definitely been good to the young guys. But, Sean was also feeling really good about stroking Josh’s body, licking his neck, pinching his nipples–Sean was making love, not sex.

“I’m cuming.”

“So am I.” And they simultaneously exploded as Josh fell to the mattress and Sean pinned him with his newfound strength, squirming around while using his “new” longer instrument to mix the injected protein.

Then, it was Sean’s turn to bottom. He was a little fearful because Josh was truly hung by this time. But, Josh was slow and gentle and used his size to advantage–crowding and rubbing the prostate better even than Neil had done digitally for so many weeks. Sean’s legs had been folded back into submission position, recalling the many times they had fucked in the dorm room, and Josh’s face was close. Sean looked up into Josh’s eyes, smiled, and said. “I think this is the first time I have made love to you.” With those words, Sean popped his creamy spunk between them, coating chests and chins with his essence. This brought Josh over the top and he filled Sean before dropping onto his chest and taking Sean’s mouth into his own.

The next days, spent mostly in the king, saw many reruns as the two guys began to realize the growing feelings they had for each other. They rolled and wrestled in each other’s arms, spooned as they slept, and necked like they had just discovered sex.


Both Josh and Sean earned the full compensation and were transported back to Ann Arbor for their last year before med school. Both had “benefited” from the trials–in money, in confidence, and size. They now both sported huge dicks–Sean’s about 9″ and Josh’s well-over 10″, and both started to adjust to this new level of anal pleasure. Prostates were taking a pounding and each began to experience anally-induced whole body orgasms. Both were now avid size queens, but only for each other. And they leaked so much precum that going commando became impossible. But, now they were clearly boyfriends, perhaps life mates–not fuck buddies. They even applied to the same med schools.

Time would only tell whether the new sizes were permanent–and whether their commitment would survive. But the summer in PharmaX Paradise had convinced them that it was definitely worth a long term try. So they both signed on for periodic exams and “booster” creams and cocktails which they carefully co-administered, with Neil as their monitor and coach. And they began to really love each other. Mechanical sex (the “stud breaks”) quickly became an opportunity to caress, to kiss, to give and take simultaneous pleasure.

PharmaX went on to develop and market a wide range of male reproductive organ drugs. Wags on the street suggested that PharmaX had discovered the “fountain of size.” It was soon one of the giant pharmas, publicly traded on the NASDAQ under the appropriate symbol “COXXX.”

Years later Josh and Sean would become world-renowned urologists specializing in male reproductive issues, in a joint highly lucrative practice–and they of course were living together. They were one of the first PharmaX franchisees, now with a long list of satisfied patients.

Oh, did I mention–their full names were Dr. Josh Masters and Dr. Sean Johnson. And Dr. Neil Arm-Strong became executive vp and research coordinator of their Institute.


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