Pleasure Spa – Ch. 02 by selfctrlx

What was coming over me?

As I pondered the question, time stood still as I took in the view. Impulses wanted me to move things further, but Sebastian moved out of view.

“Take your time to consider the offer,” Sebastian said softly in my ear. He left me alone in our section as I watched him straighten his robe on his body as he walked away. My eyes followed him and with the surroundings across from me, it pushed all the enticing elements into my senses again.

Another drink was sat beside me, and I relished in the feeling of relaxation, unable to move but also not wanting to move. The sounds of moans and the soothing scent of lavender enveloping me like a warm embrace. And as I sat there, constantly sipping the drink, and feeling the sense of excitement or something else building within me. Perhaps this was exactly what I needed — to fall into this feeling and embrace all that was happening around or be a part of it.

I longed for the feeling of hands, Sebastian’s hands, Aiden’s? Hands all over me. The memory of being massaged was imprinted in my body. My muscles felt the relaxation but wanted more. At first, I didn’t have the strength to move but once I did I moved back into the crowded room where most of the activity was happening. Moans were even more enticing. The various scents filled the air. I walked through, trying to find the direction in which Sebastian went but got lost in the sea of bodies as my own body became intertwined in it.

I realized I forgot the robe once hands found their way to grabbing my ass. Hands wrapped around my shoulders and hands felt on my abs and my chest and felt up my bulge before sliding under my jock to feel my dick. My body didn’t object. I felt my hands exploring through the crowd of bodies as my eyes looked over all the abs, all the chest, all the nakedness.

I moved with the rhythm of the room, enjoying the feeling that I was giving in to. My eyes met one guy’s as we stared deeply into each other. I was outside of myself to realize what I was looking for or what I saw in him, but they pulled me in and our lips met and fell into a kiss. I couldn’t tell how much time had passed before we separated but once we did another set of lips found their way on mind and another found their way to my body.

I was entangled between too many things, as hands caressed all over me, and tongues found their way inside my mouth, with tongues licking over my body, I felt a hand pulling the jockstrap off of me. My dick sprang up and I could feel a hand wrapped around it, slowly gripping it and moving up and down.

The amount of pleasure was reaching a high that made me want more. I could feel my body pushing itself into the feeling, hoping to increase the feeling.

Was this the work that I would be doing?

I was encouraged to look around and think about it. Was this a part of what I should have been looking for? There were many activities to participate in from the basic spa treatments, massages, saunas, swimming or body scrubs, face wash or any of those skin care treatments but desires were leading me here. There were endless possibilities.

I reminded myself that I was searching the crowd for Sebastian. Had he even been through this area or was it where my body led me. Then there was Aiden, my mind recollecting the taste of him from before. His words — telling me to find him once I’ve thought about it and looked around.

The continued hands all over me and making out had a hold over me. Had I done enough looking around? How could I pull myself away from it? Did I need to release and let myself go all the way?

I moaned as wet mouths continued invading mine, sliding tongues in and out of mine, licking me like I was a snack waiting to be devoured. I began to feel the heat before the wetness of someone’s mouth too my dick inside.

Damn, the feeling was too good.

I couldn’t help but dive further into the endless possibilities. The closeness of all the bodies, the kissing was impossible to pull away from. My hands explored around, until I could feel a body find its way into the gaps that left little to no space between myself and everybody else. This body fit perfectly in the space, positioning themselves so their dick was positioned right in line with my ass. Was I ready for more?

Hands wrapped all around me from behind, while he kissed and sucked on my neck. All I could do was moan as I was being sucked on, licked, kissed. I felt this body taking control of me, like I belonged to him. I leaned back into the neck kisses, observing the dim color lights and the designs on the ceiling.

I moaned more.

What did I get myself into?

A part of me felt as if this was the moment, I was being turned by a vampire who wanted to make me theirs and as my maker, I would belong to him. The thoughts passed when the intrigue of who was behind me increased. I felt myself moving. letting go of all that was happening to my body and turning to him. We were still intertwined as my arms reached his shoulders as his stayed on me. Our eyes met and that smile seemed familiar.

His eyes were seductive.

My lips couldn’t help but to connect with his. His tongue entered my mouth and a moment passed and we were closer. I felt a smile on his face as we kissed.

“Damn, I leave you for a second and this is where I find you?” Sebastian said.

“I was looking for you,”

“I could tell,” I heard him say. There were so many sounds around. There were so many feelings that I could’ve been imagining everything. Had I really given in to the pleasures that was offered to me? For all I knew, I could have been still relaxing in our section but feeling the effects of the atmosphere. “Are you enjoying the feeling?”

My excitement leaped in response, “Yes,”

Sebastian was holding onto me, both of us naked, bodies touching, feeling on each other, in the middle of all the bodies.

“I’m glad you are. Good seeing you embracing the endless possibilities.”

“I want more,”

“That’s what I like to hear,”

His hands grabbed hold of mine and I was in his control. Leading me through where I couldn’t find on my own. I was finally pulled from all that was happening with a slap on my ass for good measure from someone amongst the crowd.

Wherever we were going, I had given in. It was if something he did commanded me. Did he bite into me and make me like him? Was this my awakening? Everything leaned towards ‘yes’ and if it meant we were going to continue where we left the crowd,

I convinced myself of accepting the job because I wanted more.

Silence filled the room, and I heard the door close behind us. The thought of us being alone hit me and I felt myself quickly diving back into the feeling — pushing Sebastian against the wall as I returned to kissing him.

His laughter, slight giggles and sounds of pleasure was all I could hear in the room. I was set on getting more of him. I felt the power I had as I pinned him against the wall and pressed my body into his. Both of our dicks were erect. Both of us continued exploring each other.

Sebastian without a moment turned us both around and suddenly I was pinned against the wall. “Wow, you know I didn’t expect this from you when we first met.”

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