Porn Theatres


A gay story: Porn Theatres I first started going to porn theatres when I was about 32. At that time I was on a buying trip for my company & had to travel to Montreal. I had always been a bit shy with women and as a result hadn’t had a lot of dealings with them. I was always (and still am) curious about anything & everything to do with sex.

Since then, I have gone to porn theatres in Montreal & Toronto and once in Chicago. When I first started, conventional theatres were starting to loose business and some were changing to porn films. Over time, they have mostly closed, to be replaced by much smaller, purpose built theatres.

Over 20 plus years, I have seen and discovered many things about myself & others. I have found that I like to watch others & be watched by others. A 3some or more-some is fantastic! I have seen a guy taking it up the ass, many guys getting a blowjob (both from girls & guys), and girls in porn theatres.

At first, I told myself that as long as I was on the receiving end of a bj, I wasn’t gay. After all a bj is the same whether performed by a guy or girl. Over time, I have discovered that I also like to fondle guys’ cocks and especially suck them. I have had my cock in a guy’s ass more than once but have never been on the receiving end (although I have fantasized about it). Currently, I have accepted that I am what I am without putting a label on myself. Although I prefer women, sex with guys is an awful lot easier to come by and a lot less complicated. For myself, the idea of watching and being watched is a big factor.

When I first went on a buying trip to Montreal, I started by going to strip clubs. (at that time, Montreal was awash with them). I remember that I was extremely nervous about going into them, afraid that someone would see me (although I was about 600 miles from home), to the point where I walked by the entrance several times before I got up the nerve to go in. Eventually, I became more relaxed & familiar with them. I found that they could differ considerably, by pricing, location, and by what they offered & frowned upon. However, the women were all the same with all clubs offering a good selection of body types/hair colour and costumes/themes.

I discovered an alternative club in Montreal. They featured just about everything that you could ask for. They had excellent quality shows featuring men in drag. Other patrons were every bit as interesting as the shows. Many were drag queens, some wore their leather fetish, others were merely different enough that they would be stared at on the street. I started wearing my panties to this club feeling very daring. That’s 1 thing I’ve always enjoyed about Montreal (and the entire Quebec culture) – the ability to be different without fear of ridicule. This club was upstairs from a strip club and just a few steps away from porn theatres. I was in Heaven!

I also discovered an auberge for men only in Montreal. My first time there, I was so nervous. I rented a room for 4 hours and lay on the bed watching porn with only a towel around my midsection. I left the door slightly ajar, not entirely knowing what to expect. Eventually, someone came in, closed the door, and after a bit of fondling sucked me off. On another visit, I came across 6 young fellows in the hallway. One of them very noticeably stared directly at my midsection. Although nothing happened with them, I often fantasized about having/being had by 6 guys at once.

My current thing is to go to a porn theatre in downtown Toronto. I usually go on a Sunday. The theatre is actually 3 sets of 2 theatres. 1st set of 2 is straight porn. 2nd set is gay porn. Last set is bi or anal porn. Each theatre seats between 16 – 24 people (although I usually see 6 – 8 people there. Although I like straight porn best, the 3rd set has a small alcove at the back that is somewhat private. I sit there in the aisle seat and pull my cock out. Usually someone will stand beside me and start jerking themselves. This often leads to fondling and sucking. Other guys might see the action & watch or join in.

My fave guy to suck is a young smooth oriental. I’ve had him several times and lately we got together again after an absence of several months. He will usually play with me first, then suck me a bit and finally present himself to me. I suck him eagerly because I know what he likes and he is gentle with my mouth. (Some guys can be quite painful, pulling hair or twisting nipples while they are being sucked.) He also lowers his pants enough that I can fondle his balls and ass – I’m not a great fan of sucking cock only. At one point, when we weren’t as familiar with each other, I grabbed his ass while I was sucking him to pull him into me. His gasp was enough to tell me that I had moved our relationship up a notch or three. During our last encounter, we kissed each other on the lips. Some of you may choke on that but for me, as long as he has a smooth face, I’m good with it.

Since that last encounter with him, I fantasize about him almost every night. Perhaps next time, I’ll turn him around (he stands in front of me) and kiss his ass while I stroke him. Depending on his reaction, I might even put my tongue in his ass. I might also try my cock against his ass. If he had someone else stroking or sucking him at the same time, that would be great. If we had someone else watching us, that would be even better.


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