Port Marshall Academy Ch. 02


A gay story: Port Marshall Academy Ch. 02 Chapter 6: A Long Night Continues

Getting back to Jack’s dorm seemed to prove Dallas correct; if you go to an all-boys school, a random naked guy doesn’t really spark too much attention. Though that may also be because it was getting close to midnight and some guys on campus were already naked from a teacher’s rousing speech, the sentiment of which his students eagerly passed on to the rest of the school. It also helped that Jack was willing to shed his clothes to have me stand out a bit less. I was happy to have him as a friend, though my dick did twitch for more as he held my hand guiding me to his place. A flutter grew in me as I stared at his ass in front of me, many mental notes for the future.

Jack’s dorm room was bigger than mine, he and another TA shared the place so there was a full living room area between the rooms. This space, however, had been occupied with a pair of jeans thrown about a simple couch and a skimpy thong resting on a television. On a small wooden coffee table were two guys. Well, one was on his back on the table the other was crouched behind him, grunting with passion as he plowed the other boy’s asshole.

“Oh shit!” the top jolted as we locked eyes. The bottom also screamed but for a different reason. Thick and full blasts of sperm shot all over his torso. It wasn’t until he calmed down and lowered his shaking legs that he even acknowledged his absent partner.

“Well, that was fun,” the jizz covered man stood up with a grunt, “you can leave now… Eric.”

“It’s Natha–”

“Good to know, time to leave,” he said sharply as he wiped his stomach with a nearby rag. “Jack, I thought you were pulling an all-nighter at the library.”

Jack and I parted ways for the dismissed man to grab a bag and leave without putting anything on. I wondered if I would ever get used to traversing the campus naked too. Then I quickly shook that out of my head as Jack spoke.

“Zeke, we talked about this,” Jack said as he began putting his clothes back on. “If you are going to have sex with your boyfriend, or any of the other guys you’re fucking, do it in your room. Or, better yet, at their place.”

Zeke sat on the arm of the couch and sounded a sour smack of his lips to Jack, “I can’t go to Eric’s apartment, his girlfriend would go berserk.”

“I think his name Is Nathan.” I added, closing the door.

“Whatever his name is, his girlfriend thinks he’s cheating on him, so…”

“But he is cheating on her.”

“If she wants to ever confirm that she can ask me directly,” Zeke paused to look me up and down then made his way over to me. “In the meantime, that delicious slab of man, whatever his name truly is, can fill any hole of mine whenever he wants. Unless one of you want to take over whenever he’s not around.”

I was speechless and couldn’t help but smile nervously, rubbing the back of my head like a coy douchebag.

“Zeke, back off.” Jack sounded. Now in a long-sleeved shirt and briefs, he seemed overdressed.

Zeke stared at me intensely, “I love playing with couples if you two are down.”

“Not a couple,” I explained, poorly.

“Then who left you dripping this evening?”

I looked at my legs and saw a dollop of cum between my bare heels. It must have fallen from my hole when I side-stepped out of the way of Eric/Nathan.

Jack grabbed Zeke by his shoulder and guided the cum covered man to his room door. “I believe the guy’s name was None-ya-business. Try to remember it. Now, leave Carter alone.”

“Fine, but you should know, I have another guy coming over.”


“Hey, I don’t know why everyone’s so horny tonight, but I am not complaining”

“Fine, just…” Jack gestured a shooing motion at Zeke. And Zeke cooperated.

With a final look I took in every bit of his body that I could. He was skinny but looked as though he’d just started going to the gym. Bald and beardless he was, for the most part, hairless, except for a light fade of pubes under a shy ‘v’ between his hips. He had glistening, unblemished, brown skin that only darkened around his truly massive cock. In its flaccid state I could see that it was as big as I was hard, maybe bigger, and if I hadn’t just seen the thing deflate in front of me, I wouldn’t believe that he was, in fact, a ‘grower.’

“Feeling better?” Jack said, pulling me out a dozy stupor.

“He seems, like a nice roommate.”

“I can see that you think that.”

I looked to Jack confused, then he pointed down at the stiff cock between my legs. I tried to cover myself with the clothes in my hands, but it just felt good and caused me to moan unintentionally. “Sorry.”

“You’re good, I think.” Jack walked up and laid his hand on my shoulder, “Are you good?”

“Yeah, I think I just need some time to process.”

“You could do that here if you want.”

“No, I’m fine. Zeke’s got a date, I should go.”

“Nope.” Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me to his room. “We’re friends and being alone with your thoughts is far more entertaining with a friend to give a helpful perspective when needed. Whatever you’re going through, we can get through it together.”

The more Jack spoke, the more sense he made. “Maybe a good talk and nights rest will do me some good.”

“Strange way to say I’m right, but I’ll take it.”

We talked but after stating the obvious strangeness of my situation, we made a plan that I would talk with Mr. Kurtis before my next class with him, get some explanation, and hopefully feel better about the whole ordeal.

After talking, sleep came easy.


The next morning, sunlight provided a warm wakeup despite the late night I had. I woke up with a subtle tension between my legs; my morning-wood happily rose into a soft and supple embrace that I soon realized was Jack’s ass. During the night he offered me some boxers to sleep in. I declined the offer, feeling increasing comfort in my nudity and, when I went to take a shower, he decided to strip as well, and we slept naked together. It was reassuring and nice.

In this moment, however, my mind took the cozy feelings and twisted them. The desire to wake Jack up and push our friendship to a new level flashed into my head. My hand crept around his abdomen with a will of their own, I moved in closer with a deep breath. But a quick shock of realization rested the thoughts from my head, and I lurched out of the bed. While it did help, my fleeing from the covers also pushed them up to show a full view of Jack’s naked backside in the morning light.

How was I horny? I had just had sex with my teacher and dean nearly 6 hours ago but here I was wanting more. After fighting the urge to touch him, I grew week and simply decided to look for far too long. I lifted the covers off him more and drunk in his slender frame. His short black hair that contrasted his hairless pale torso, hairless until a thick mesh of black pubes that led to a thick trunk of a hard cock that I desperately wanted to watch bounce around as I fucked him. Shaking the thought from my head was not an easy task, and I ended up leaving then and there.

Right outside of Jack’s room, however, sitting on the couch and talking with Zeke, was Arron Kurtis. As we locked eyes my cock stiffened and while a part of me wanted to disappear forever, another wanted him to take me in his arms again, yell for Zeke and Jack to come and join in. But throwing caution to the wind was not my style, and I chose to confront him then and there. But then he spoke, “Guess your night is still going on, I’ll leave you to it.” Then he got up and walked to the door.

Chapter 7: The Port Marshall Secret

“Stop!” I yelled. Louder than I thought it would be, it got the desired results as Arron stopped at the door. I checked Jack’s door to make sure I didn’t wake him up. He simply shifted, curling into himself for warmth as the covers were still off of him. His butt was pushed a bit closer to me and thoughts started coming up again. But I shook them away and closed the door.

“Look, I know you’re probably confused.” Arron started, but I cut him off.

“You don’t know anything,” I whispered angrily. “You and Dean Campbell fuck me and then release me, like it was some strange thing you do, and now you don’t want to talk to me cause you think I slept with my friend?”

“Campbell, did what?” Zeke interjected.

I looked to him with my eyebrows knit. All that information and that’s what he focused on?

“I can have a bit of understanding for what you’re going through,” Arron said. “And I’m not good at explaining this whole thing yet. And if I’m a bit jealous that’s okay, at least it should be. Bottom line it’s my thing to deal with.”

“Why would you be jealous from one night?”

“Well, that night was last night. I guess you don’t choose me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I just said I’m not good at explaining it.”

“Explaining what?”

“The Society.”

“What society?”

“The Society.”

“What society!”

Arron rushed up with his index finger to my lips. “Carter, The Society.”

“Arron,” Zeke said. “He hasn’t been told.”

Arron turned to Zeke and looked at him like he was crazy. “What, of course he knows. How could he not, he answered the call last night.” Arron then looked to me and my highly confused expression and his face widened wildly. “You don’t know,” he said flatly. In what felt like a flash, Arron stammered his way through a nearly incoherent sentence, “Tell him, please, I have to let them know.” Then he was at the door and with a final look in my eyes he left.

I wanted to scream. The confusion was too much and blooming into rage that all became focused onto Zeke. He, in turn, looked me up and down then smiled. Calmly, he stood. “Of course, I would be left with the boring part.”

I was snarling and breathing heavily. “Explain, now Zeke.”

“I will,” he said walking over to me. “Or maybe not.”

“If you don’t tell me about this Society I will–”

“Will what?” he interrupted. “Look, I want to tell you, I would hate for the secret society to be dangled in front of me and then be left in complete darkness.”

“Then tell me!”


I waited for a moment in the silence, then I started waving my hands around like a madman, “Okay!”

“Oh, not now.”


“He want’s something.” Jack’s voice from behind me caused me to snap around. He was still naked but covered by his bedsheets. “Everything has a cost with you, just tell Carter what you want.”

Zeke gave a sly yet cocky smile. “We’ve been roommates too long, Jack, for you to know me this well.” Zeke went to the kitchenette and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigeration. After a long sip he resumed. “I want to play a game have some fun since you ran off my date last night at truly the worst time.”

“Get to your point.” I snapped.

Zeke looked down on me then got incredibly close towering over me. While I only came up to his lips I did not back down. Then he grabbed my fully erect cock. I grunted unaware it was hard at all, but with my attention to it now, I had been hard for a while…since Arron’s last look maybe.

“Fuck me,” Zeke said.

“What?” Jack asked.

Zeke reached over to Jack and in one motion pulled him close and pushed off his sheet. “The game’s a simple one. You two take all your rage and aggression out on my holes and if I cum before the two of you, I’ll tell you all about Port Marshal’s Secret Society.”

Jack opened his mouth to speak but Zeke put a finger over his lips and continued. “But, if you two cum before I’ve had my little death you get nothing, and I get the place to myself for the next week.” With the two terms Zeke looked to me then Jack, respectively. “Agreed?”

Jack again started to speak, but before he could get a word out, I pulled Zeke’s face to mine and kissed him deeply.

The dam holding back my violent mix of emotions exploded. I was so engrossed in the happiness finally being about to touch another guy I didn’t realized when Zeke had switched off and pushed Jack’s face to mine. When I broke the kiss, I apologized.

“I uh, really needed that,” I said to Jack. “And I really need to know whatever he knows and–”

He kissed me again; I imagined Zeke having voyeurific fun watching us make out in his kitchen. “I want to know about the Society too, you know I’m nosy, let’s make him talk.” We both looked to Zeke who opened welcoming arms to us.


With Jack and I already naked, we focused on getting Zeke’s clothes off. By the time we were done, we had moved to the boys’ living room, where Zeke was being fucked mere hours ago. After a lot of kissing and groaning Jack pushed Zeke down to their couch. He gave me a look and stepped up onto the couch lowering his hardened dick to Zeke’s mouth.

Jack became wonderfully aggressive stuffing Zeke’s face with a grunting fervor. Watching his ass, I couldn’t help but grab onto his waist and plunged my head between his bouncing cheeks.

I indulged myself, pushing my tongue and head hard into him forcing his cock deeper into Zeke. I heard Zeke choke and felt his arms flail a bit then grab onto my legs. I pulled myself from Jack’s ass as I felt Zeke grab onto my cock and massage the stiff appendage. Every movement sent waves of fire through my body, I couldn’t help but groan straight into Jack’s cheeks then I remembered I couldn’t just loose myself to the explosive lust within me; or at the very least I needed to focus it onto Zeke.

Bending down, I leaned into Zeke’s chest and started sucking on his nipples, while also jerking his heavy cock. After a couple seconds, I had an idea of what Zeke really wanted, or maybe what I wanted him to want. Either way I had a plan of what I needed to do.

With a deep breath I gathered Zeke’s balls at the base of his cock then squeezed with all the strength I had. Simultaneously I bit his nipple and with my free hand pushed Jack down Zeke’s throat once more. Zeke yelped with his mouth full, and I could feel his cock pulse with fresh life.

Zeke nearly folded in on himself, escaping from my mouth and freeing Jack’s dick from his throat in one motion. After a couple coughs he looked to me. “Alright, Drippy,” he called me. “Time to play.” Zeke moved through Jack’s legs and got up to push me down onto the coffee table.

I couldn’t suppress my smile.

Zeke straddled me, his cock hanging low. As he moved up my body the heavy monster rammed into my marble statue that was my cock. His was thick and long and made mine look unsatisfying, but the thought that I could pleasure him, that I would pleasure him, will all that I had. Make him scream my name and cum with a smaller dick, something in me clicked and I went for it.

As soon as Zeke’s hole was above my cock head, I grabbed his hips and forced him down. My cock slid into him with no hesitations. Zeke howled as my hips slammed into his ass. His loud grunts trying to catch his breath pushed me to go farther.

“Oh fuck yes!” Zeke shouted. “Keep going, Keep that–”

His words were cut off as I saw Jack had pull Zeke by his mouth into a back bend then shove his cock back I down his throat. Jack mouthed to me “hard and rough,” and I could tell he knew what I knew. For Zeke to cum, there could be no mercy.

Jack, with one foot on the coffee table, held the back of Zeke’s neck and thrust into his mouth so deeply that a river of frothy warm spittle came coughing up. Jack looked down conserved but was met with the wide-open glee-filled face of Zeke.

“That all you got, Jacky?” Zeke said with red eyes. “No one’s cum, so were not finished.”

With an angered scowl, Jack repositioned Zeke and went back to face fucking him. Jets of frothy spit spewing from Zeke’s throat with every thrust of Jack’s cock.

While this was happening, I’d stopped fucking Zeke. I had repositioned myself, so that I was now kneeling on the floor next to the coffee table, Zeke’s body was now squirming on the table as I ravaged his hole with my tongue. Zeke was rock hard. His cock, a thick pipe of meat, was probably a good twelve and a half inches long. I wanted it in so many different ways.

Grabbing Zeke’s cock with both of my hands I rose and stuffed as much as I could into my mouth. Working all of his meat, the idea of dominating the man with this cock sent a shot of arousing adrenaline to my cock once again. I released Zeke’s cock and pulled his legs up, his hole wet and beckoning me back in. Who was I to deny a hole what it wanted.

I pushed myself in, then fully went out. Then back in then back out. Then back in with a little wiggle of my hips then back out. Then back in with a forceful thrust that sent me flying and my hips into overdrive. I’d never played around as a top like this before, and I wanted the moment to last forever.

I gripped Zeke’s cock as I fucked him and could feel his release was building. Then as the same time I knew I was ready to spew at any moment as well. Then the bet came back into my head, along with another idea. But Jack and I couldn’t let Zeke rest at all.

I’d had an idea and took told Jack to switch with me, quickly. “You need to wipe your face I told Zeke, then I went off. I got back with a towel to find Jack expertly pleasing Zeke’s cock, never letting the monster leave his mouth. He was wild on Zeke’s dick, loudly slurping with buckets of slobber flowing from his lips, his hands working on anything he couldn’t fit within him. Then with a wince Jack forced so much of the cock down his throat that his all his mussels flexed at once, legs shaking involuntarily.

Zeke’s chest flew forward as his face froze in an inaudible scream. And in the next moment, the both of them huffed an echoing gasp as Jack released Zeke’s giant dick. Zeke looked down to Jack. “Shit, Jacky, you’ve got some skills.” Zeke said.

Jack slapped Zeke’s cock against his face and replied, “Nothing I haven’t faced before.”

Shocked, I made my way to Zeke’s face, he’d wiped the majority of the slobber off, but I still gave him the towel. “You’re gonna need this.” I said.

Zeke smiled and said, “While this has been surprising and fun, I’m still a far cry from cumming, meaning you’re still far away from the secrets of The Society.”

I responded by shoving my dick in his shiteating face. He clamped my ass with his hands and sent me reeling increasing the tempo of my thrusts. Jack had Zeke’s long right leg in the air as he ate his ass out and jerked off his enlarged member simultaneously. I could feel the vibrations of Zeke’s moans on my dick allowing more of my cock to slip in with every plunge.

I felt amazing, especially when I leaned forward to start sucking Zeke’s cock while I fucked his face. My dick was given what it had been wanting for hours, warm acceptance. In the moment, I wanted Arron, I wanted him in me again. And I wanted to be in him. The pushed down memories from the night before ran back through my mind like a curtain call of a play. I yelped releasing Zeke’s dick and grabbing tightly to his torso and pushing the pace of my hips to a speed I didn’t know I could sustain. I was going to cum.

For the information I needed to cum after Zeke and with everything I could I tried to hold myself together. But after everything, holding back was never going to happen. My toes curled, my legs stiffened, my teeth clenched to the point of hurting. Then the door opened.

“Hey, you said you needed my–OH SHIT!” Dallas yelled. As he walked in

Zeke’s eyes shot open, and between seeing that he was being watched in a sexual act, Jack’s tongue filling his asshole, my throbbing cock engorged and ready to burst filling his throat, Zeke came.

I came as well, coating his throat for what felt like an hour of bliss. Zeke’s cum fired straight onto my mouth and chin but when I collapsed on top of him his subsequent juices found their way to my ass and back.

Slowly, I got off of Zeke and sat of the floor. “Thanks for coming,” I said through deep breaths. Then I laid back and started laughing at the pun I didn’t intend to make.

Chapter 8: Getting the Truth?

Zeke and I toweled off as Jack caught Dallas up. When they got to Dallas’ arrival, I informed them about my thought that Zeke maybe liked to be caught in the act and while I went to get the towel, I also got my phone. I texted him Jack’s dorm number and told him I needed him to come now. And thankfully he did. A difficult gamble, given I’d only been in the situation with Zeke once before. But now Zeke had to fes up.

“Well, I could still be a jerk and keep it from you,” Zeke chimed in.

“But you won’t, right?” Jack asked.

Zeke thought for a moment more, “Sure, you gave me one hell of a ride, young Mr. Mann.”

“Anytime Zeke,” I said. Then I thought, ” Wait, I never told you my last name.”

“I learned it from The Society, Carter,” Zeke replied. “You’ve been a part of it since you got here.”

“What?” Dallas asked.

Zeke looked Dallas up and down obviously upset he wasn’t around for all the fun. “Alright, I guess these two will be your problem. Port Marshall’s biggest and most regarded secret, The Society of Flesh and Bone.”

“That tells me nothing.” I said with a shrug and a slap to my thighs reminding me that Jack, Zeke, and I were still naked.

Zeke sighed, “Years ago, a group of students hooked up with some of the teachers and created Flesh and Bone as a fraternity for fucking.”

“What?!” Dallas, Jack, and I responded.

“The power of it comes from the secret of it all.” Zeke continued holding up his hands to quiet us. “The students and teachers get access to the best and biggest business and conglomerates in the world. And at the end of the year the separate factions of Flesh and Bone see how far their reach has gotten and who has amassed the most power without the secret being exposed.”

I was quiet with confusion and shock. Thankfully, Dallas wasn’t similarly afflicted, “This is utterly crazy.”

Zeke quickly nodded, “Maybe, but it works for us and the other schools.”

“Other schools?” Jack repeated.

“Yeah, there are four schools that hold factions of Flesh and Bone, coming from the four original pairs of teachers and students that started it all. Basically, it’s a big competition to see how far into society Flesh and Bone can get without being found out. So, it’s also a global social experiment if you think about it. How far can a bunch of men fucking men can get in society without being noticed that we’re all working together and fucking each other.”

I shook my head to try and focus, “So, Arron and the dean last night was some sort of initiation?”

“Somewhat,” Zeke said. “Dean Campbell was not supposed to interfere with the welcoming. But as Arron was telling me, he forced his way into every welcoming yesterday.”

“What does Campbell’s interfering mean?” I asked.

“Who else is a part of this?” Dallas wondered.

“There’s been a gay secret society, and no one told me about it till now!” Jack barked.

Zeke palmed his forehead, “There are only four chosen every year by the previous year’s initiates so, Jack, I don’t know why they chose me and three others, but we were chosen. The others this year were chosen and accepted and while I’ve already told you too much, I don’t actually know you and thus will not tell you who they are unless you really want the information.” Zeke got in close to Dallas looking more the ready to make another sex-based bargain.

“Back off, Zeke.” I said with Jack pushing him away from Dallas. “What about Campbell.”

“Well,” Zeke started, “Campbell isn’t a part of Flesh and Bone, any of the factions, and no one knows how he knows about us.”

“So, the secret’s out?” Dallas asked.

“Don’t know, that’s what Arron came by to talk to me about. He’s new like you and thought Dean Campbell was a part of The Society and that’s why he submitted to sharing the welcome.”

I couldn’t believe it and in looking to Jack and Dallas I could see that they were both looking to me for how to proceed. Then I asked, “Wait, you and Arron were surprised that I didn’t know about The Society. Why would I have known about a secret fraternity in a school I had just started?”

Zeke looked at me quizzically, “Well, it’s the same reason that I know your name Carter. We thought it was why you came to Port Marshall Academy. Your father is a member of Flesh and Bone.”


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