Premature Help

A gay story: Premature Help Please Enjoy!

“Sup dude, I got a question for you and I promise I’m not like trying to make fun or anything. I’m just wondering if Kayleigh is saying bullshit about you.” I said to my roommate, Daniel. We were both 18 in our first year at University and we had become decent friends.

Daniel immediately looked sheepish. “Um, I guess it depends on what she’s saying. I don’t think we’ll be going out again…” and he trailed off while putting his bag under his desk, careful not to look at me.

“Sorry dude, I guess it’s not my business. I just thought she was being a bitch, but as you know Addy and I have been seeing each other for like a month now and I didn’t think she was lying to me. But she said that Kayleigh was talking shit on you. That she was going to go down on you but you came before she even got it in her mouth.” I was starting to apply logic while talking and thinking it was probably true. I realized I knew he went out with her but he never said anything to me about the date. I bet it’s because he was embarrassed about it and didn’t want to tell me so he just didn’t say anything.

“Um, well, I think it’s kind of shitty she is going around telling people about personal stuff, but I don’t want to lie to you. That is more or less what happened. She grabbed, um, you know, my dick and it felt great and I just got super excited and I couldn’t hold it. I just started cumming, you know. Obviously I was embarrassed. It was awkward and I apologized to her and she said it was no big deal, which was I guess the best thing she could say at the moment.” He explained while pulling off his shoes and lying in his bed. He obviously felt like shit about it. I could hear it in his voice and see it in his face and body language.

“Oh well man. Fuck it. It just happens sometimes. I have never popped off super fast, but even still sometimes with sex I can’t make it longer than 8 or 9 minutes unless I really try and focus. I still practice holding it off when I jerk off.” I said, trying to be a good friend and also probably inflating my time just a little bit.

“How?” He asked.

“How what? How do I fuck? Like a champion, son!” I replied thinking I’m way funnier than I am.

“No dude, like how do you practice not cumming?” He asked quietly without looking at me.

“Oh, you’re like serious.” I said and he looked at me and kind of shrugged. He looked uncomfortable but also like sad. “Um, you know when you feel like you’re getting close, just stop stroking and focus on breathing and don’t clench your stomach muscles.”

“Yeah, I have kind of had this problem forever. Like, I can’t control it at all when someone else touches me. Like, I can do what you’re talking about and last a really long time. But like the second any girl has touched me, I have just started cumming. I don’t understand why.”

“Wow man. Umm, I don’t know. Date uglier girls!! Hahaha.” I laughed at my own joke.

“Do you think that would work?” He asked completely seriously.

“I don’t know man, I was just joking but like, maybe. It’s not a mechanical problem if you can hold off with yourself. So it’s like a psychological problem, right?” I impressed myself with my logic.

“Yeah, that actually makes sense. Thanks dude.”

He actually seemed relieved.

I saw Addy a few more times over the next couple weeks and we had pretty good fun together but she did a lot of shit that annoyed me and I wasn’t getting fonder of her, but actually growing cold in my feelings toward her. Not a big deal, we just weren’t great as an item. We talked about it and she agreed. She said she felt the same – not really into me but whatever. I was feeling very mature with such a mutual break up. I didn’t expect it when she asked, “are you looking for a girl like your roommate?”

“What does that mean?” I was surprised, Daniel usually told me about his dates and stuff and I shared with him, but come to think of it, we hadn’t talked about anything like that since the premature ejaculation conversation.

She kind of chuckled, “let’s say he’s dated one or two girls who have amazing personalities.” I pulled my eyebrows in and shook my head not understanding what she meant. “You know, the kind of girls that spend more time looking in a book than a mirror.”

“Oh, so what. I didn’t date you because you’re hot. It helped, but I’m not shallow.” I felt kind of angry at her and this is one of those things I didn’t like about her.

“I mean, that’s nice and all, but I bet you have only ever dated pretty girls. I bet you would never even kiss a girl who wasn’t at least a 7.” She smirked. She was partially right, I’d only ever dated pretty girls but I didn’t feel like that’s why I dated them. Maybe that’s why it had never lasted longer than a couple months.

“I absolutely would! Maybe I’ll get Daniel to hook me up with a friend of the girl he’s dating and we’ll double date.” I felt like I meant it, but I might have just been posturing too.

“Alright. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I have to run, but just because we aren’t dating anymore doesn’t mean we have to be strangers. Text me if you get lonely, hot stuff.” She blew me a kiss and took off. I did love how flirty she was.

It was Friday so there were no classes for the next two days. I didn’t have a steady girl. My roommate was gone, the few other friends I had made so far on campus didn’t answer my text to hang out. I played Xbox until it got late and I felt lonely. I couldn’t text Addy though – it had literally not even been a day since we broke it off. I’d look pathetic. I just closed my eyes and drifted off.

I awoke to giggling. Daniel clearly had a girl in his bed. I stayed completely silent not wanting to interrupt them. I heard whispering, but couldn’t make out the actual words. Then a gasp. A loud gasp. I was hearing the unmistakable sound of Daniel orgasming. It was clear he had popped off early. I could hear the tones of him and her and they were exactly what one would expect. His sounding apologetic and hers sounding somewhat consoling. Again, I couldn’t hear actual words, but I could clearly tell what was being communicated.

A few minutes later she was dressed and walking out the door. I can’t be sure, but it almost sounded like Daniel was crying. I didn’t hear sobs, but his nose was suddenly very runny. I thought to myself, I’d do anything to help him, poor guy. He got up, I assumed he was heading to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I turned on the light and waited for him.

“Um, hey” he said walking back in the room and looking at me.

“Have you thought about jerking off before you go out?” I asked, doing my best to sound comforting. I really wanted him to understand I wanted to help – not make fun of him.

“Yeah, doesn’t matter. It also doesn’t matter what a girl looks like. When it comes time to, you know, get intimate, they seem like models. I bet I’d cum if you grabbed my junk.” He gave me a half hearted smile.

“You think so?” I asked.

“Umm, I don’t know. I was just kidding. I’m going to go to bed.” He rolled over facing away from me. I killed the light and my mind went crazy.

Did Dan think I was offering to touch his dick?! I didn’t want him to think I was gay or make him weirded out. I mean, I don’t mind gay people I’ve been hit on a few times and found it very flattering. My best friend in high school had a huge dick that I saw on several occasions. I’ve thought about what it would feel like to wrap my hand around it. I even thought once or twice that it was impressive and I kind of liked it. But I’ve never been turned on by a guy or anything. Tomorrow I’ll make sure Dan understands I didn’t mean I wanted to touch him.

I woke up and Dan was still asleep. I wanted to be nice so I quietly worked on cleaning our room, all his stuff too. He began to stir and I looked at him, he was in just boxer briefs on his bed. I could see the outline of his dick, looked pretty big. I found myself wondering if he was as big as my best friend. I wasn’t small exactly, but barely average.

“Umm, hey.” Dan said interrupting my thought. I looked at his face – oh shit. I was just staring at his junk. He doesn’t know I was just thinking, I wasn’t ogling him.

“Oh Dan, I’m sorry buddy I was lost in thought. I wasn’t like checking you out.” I expressed vehemently.

“Yeah, umm, hey, if you wanted to help me, like I would take any help I can get.” Dan said not covering himself which I thought was a little weird.

“Sure buddy, anything. Just let me know how I can help.” I was not connecting all the dots. I studied a lot, but because I had to. I am not the smartest person in the world.

“You know. Umm, will you like, grab me to see if I, you know, can stop myself from cumming immediately?” He managed to get it.

“Oh wow dude. I don’t think I can do that. Wouldn’t that be super weird?” I was surprised he just asked.

“Yes. Definitely weird, but I’m at a complete loss for what to do. I’m willing to try anything. I’ll look away and you just like grab my dick through my underwear that way if I cum it won’t get everywhere. Please.” He sounded so unhappy and closed his eyes I thought – what a poor guy. He must feel terrible having to even ask me such a thing.

“Yeah. Sure.” I said taking the few steps to approach his bed. I stared at his big dick. It was so impressive and I don’t know why that made me kind of excited. I reached my hand toward him, “okay, here we go Dan.” I said right before my hand made contact with his cock. I lightly squeezed it. I kind of caressed it and I could feel how hard he was. I kind of liked it.

“That’s awesome dude, I’m not feeling at all like I’m going to cum. Pull it out.” He said almost commanding me.

I just listened to him. I fiddled with his waist band and he just decided the easier path would be to lose them altogether. He grabbed his underwear and pushed them down and took them all the way off. There was his lightly trimmed pubes, two very large balls, and a huge dick. I couldn’t help my reaction and I uttered a single word, “wow.”

Daniel smiled at me, “it’s pretty big I guess.”

I smiled back. I don’t know why, but I didn’t want him to know how much I liked it. “It’s big I guess, but still kinda gross you know.” That ought to bolster my straight cred, I thought, while wrapping my fingers around his shaft. He widened his legs a bit and I still don’t know why but I started moving my hand up and down. Just lightly, only moving the skin.

About a minute went by before he gasped, pushed his hips toward me and I felt his cock throbbing as his cum began to spill out. I was entranced – I just jerked off Dan. “Nice dude, I lasted like a minute or more. Next time we better time it.” It didn’t cross my mind there would be a next time.

“I’m going to go wash my hands.” I said with a laugh hoping to make it clear this was a funny situation, nothing more. My first defense mechanism has always been to try to make a joke. I was definitely feeling the need to put up a defense after not only jerking off Dan, but thinking about how much I like looking at his giant dick and balls.

Daniel laughed and said he was going to get cleaned up too. Both back in the room, I assumed Daniel would study all day just as I would. Which meant a lot of quiet except keyboards and I was mostly correct. We went to the dining hall in our building for lunch. While eating mostly in silence, Daniel asked, “do you think certain foods affect orgasms?”

“Wow, you think about this 24/7 don’t you.” I replied

“Sorry, buddy. You don’t know what it’s like. I have never really been with a girl at all. Even the only ‘almost handjob’ I have received is from my roommate slash best friend.” He said.

“I’m your best friend?” Was my very stupid response.

“Oh, I think you’re the coolest friend I’ve had. I don’t really know many others here yet you know. I know you have a lot of friends. You’re much more outgoing than I am.” He smiled weakly.

“No, I don’t have a lot of friends here. You’re right we’re definitely besties.” I smiled big. “To answer your question, I’ve heard about things like eating fruit or smoking making cum taste different. However, the only thing I’ve heard of that can keep you from orgasming are drugs like cocaine or anti-depressants. Before you even consider it – I’ll tell you that I won’t be best friends with a druggy.”

“Yeah, not my scene. I would never jeopardize my future and I’m not depressed.” He said, finishing lunch. I followed him back to our room and sat at my desk. He stood in the middle of the room for a minute.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“You want to help me again? See if I can double my record, go at least 2 minutes?” He asked, not at all seeming bashful this time.

I knew it was going to come up again; I just didn’t expect it so quickly. I hadn’t really thought through my feelings or how I wanted to handle the situation. Truth is, I want to help him and I like his huge package. Problem is I am scared that I am so interested in his huge package. I can’t be gay; I wondered if it’s not uncommon for other straight guys to have an appreciation for large genitals but no one talks about it.

“Dan, I do want to help you. I swear I really do, but I have to be honest, it weirds me out a lot to make you cum. It just doesn’t seem wholly normal friendship stuff. You know?” I tried to make a case for why we shouldn’t do this without saying my real feelings.

“Yeah, I get it. It’s a lot to ask from a friend. I’d feel weird about it too probably. I just know that you’ve been with a lot of girls so I’m comfortable there is not an attraction thing and I’m so desperate that I guess it’s easier for me to overlook the weird part than it is for you. We can just drop it. I’m very thankful I got you assigned as my roommate and you’re such a good guy.” Dan was so sincere.

“That means a lot Dan. I’m thankful too. I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t think enough about how your, uh, problem, affects you. I’ll help again. It’s just barely touching you – it’s not like we’re boning. Haha!” I laughed as I got up. I don’t know exactly what he said that changed my mind, but his praise of me definitely helped. I wanted to earn it, I wanted more of it from him.

“Are you sure? I didn’t say that to get you to do it. I just wanted to be honest.” Dan said, but he was also undoing his belt at the same time.

“I’m sure. I want to help. Plus, if you double your time each time, you’ll be up over half an hour in just 5 sessions. 5 sessions is a small price to pay for helping a friend with something so important. How do you want to, um, position?” I said, standing kind of awkwardly in front of him.

“You’re more experienced. What’s you favorite way to get a handy?” He asked, now just standing there in underwear. I could see he already had a semi.

“You’re not ready for all that!” I said laughing again.

“For sure stud. But if you do make it challenging for me, I might progress faster.” He reasoned.

“Okay, makes sense. I like one hand stroking and one doing ball work.” I said with a smile.

“Sounds like a challenge. I’ll try to last as long as I can. I’ll time it on my phone too. I’ll hit start as soon as you start.” He said, just standing there.

“Okay. Let’s do it. You want to sit?” I asked.

“I think I have more control of myself if I stand, is that okay?” He said.

“Sure.” I tried my best to sound normal but there was an incredibly powerful feeling of going to my knees in front of Dan. An inescapable feeling of something I couldn’t quite place, but it was intensely erotic. I grabbed his underwear and softly pulled them down revealing his big dick and big beautiful balls. I wasted no time.

I wrapped one hand around his shaft and immediately used my other to palm his testicles. I slowly rolled them in my hand and begin pumping his thick, long dick. I could smell his musk not far from my face, it didn’t gross me out. I think it was actually enhancing my own horniness; I was incredibly hard.

I kept a slow-to-medium and rhythmic pace on Dan’s cock and a gentle fondling of his balls. I loved watching his dick react. The way the head swelled, precum oozed, his balls would rise and fall. I loved playing with his tackle. It was just so much bigger than mine. Dan rocked his hips a bit and it made me feel great to know how good I was making him feel. “I’m sorry man, I’m not going to last much longer.” Dan said with ragged breath.

I focused on his big dick and I was doing my best to get my friend off. I gripped him a bit tighter and increased my speed, with virtually no warning Dan gasped and his cum rocketed out of his swollen tip onto the front of my shirt. I kept stroking him and feeling his huge balls empty themselves onto me. Dan finished with a few more spurts and a big glob oozed out with my last squeeze.

“Almost 4 minutes dude! I like quadrupled my time. You’re already helping so much buddy. And, I don’t want to make it weird, but that was awesome. You are incredible at that.” Dan took a few steps back and a big deep breath. “Give me your shirt.” He more or less commands.

I pulled it off and handed it to him. My first thought was he felt bad about creaming it and was going to wash it. But instead he wiped the rest of the cum from his dick and handed it back to me. “Gross dude. You could have warned me.”

“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I just kind of started shooting, but with your help I’ll be in control in no time.” Dan pulled up his underwear. I stood and was in no way prepared for what happened next. Dan wrapped his arms around me in an incredibly tight hug. “You are a one of a kind friend.” He said to me and I don’t know why I was feeling such intense emotion, but in that moment it felt like Dan was my whole world.


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