Project Phoenix Ch. 04

A gay story: Project Phoenix Ch. 04 Hi Guys! Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter. Life still goes on and mine has been very chaotic lately. I’ve also been focusing on editing, since it’s my weakest link. I tried to keep the personalities of Dex and Mitch intact and as realistic as possible. This chapter involves the National Federation and the men who work for them. And word to the wise, Sten’s involvement in this story is not quite done yet 😉 As always comments, feedback and suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy!


Three Years Ago, St.Agnes Hospital

“Sir. Sir?”

Captain Dex Ordenal looked up from his seated position in the surgical waiting room. His eyes were red rimmed, dried tears leaving pale streaks on his face. His strong hands clenched together, half in prayer half in anger.

“Y-yes.” Dex’s throat was dry and his body ached as he stood up to face the middle aged surgeon who addressed him.

The Surgeon was a tall, handsome black man with short hair and a long face. His dark eyes were sunken in like he hadn’t slept for awhile . His body was slouched, deflated; a sad expression on his face.

“Your wife came into the Emergency room today just after 2pm. She was in a lot of pain and had heavy uteral bleeding. She exhibited the signs of Environmental Degenerative Tissue Syndrome so we put her into surgery right away. We did the best we could to stop the bleeding, but sir I’m sorry… she died.” The Surgeon looked away like he was ashamed, like it was his fault.

The cases of EDTS were streaming in by the dozens an hour and 80% were fatal within the first 24 hours. So far the skilled surgeon had operated on 15 women, all died within a day. He didn’t think he could take telling another family member that their loved one bled to death and no one in the world knew how to stop it.

Captain Dex’s hands were shaking and the tears started to flow freely again. Kay couldn’t be dead. It wasn’t possible. Dex collapsed into the chair and laid his head in his hands and cried silently for a few minutes before speaking to The Surgeon again.

“Can I see her?” Dex could barely get the words out.

“It’s against NF protocol but I don’t see the harm in it. EDTS doesn’t seem to be contagious in males so….this way.” The nameless surgeon lead Dex down a series of hallways and corridors until they came to a room with a hospital curtain pulled across it. The Surgeon turned to the Captain.

“Take all the time you need.” He said then was gone.

Dex took a deep breath before he moved the curtain and stepped into the room. It was an operating room, walls were lined with surgical kits and necessities. A large overhead light hung above a polymer operating table. And on the table was the outline of a body covered by a sheet.

Dex slowly walked up to the table and moved the light away so it didn’t shine directly down on the figure below. He removed the sheet and let out a low, whining moan as the face of his young wife was revealed.

Her face was paler than usual, her lips blue. Her hair was stringy and wet. They had shut her eyes but Dex opened them, their once vibrant color forever dulled. His whole body shook as he pulled Kay into his arms and cried. He mumbled and apologized for what she had walked in on earlier, his words so soft and pleading. Dex repeated her name over and over again as he rocked her body in his arms, almost chanting.

Blood started to seep threw the thin material of the sheet from the swaying motion and Dex only cried harder as the stain grew.

It was 4 hours later when he final left that room and went to the front desk to make arrangements for transportation of the body.

“Ahhhh!!!! Dex!!!!!!” Mitch was on the floor of the bathroom, naked, clutching at his sides. He had just gotten out of the shower when another flare of pain hit him. Ever since the modification surgery he’d been plagued by these debilitating bouts of intense pain. His doctor said since the surgery was experimental nothing was really expected. He just prescribed Mitch doses of an intense pain killer called Nuroxitin.

Captain Dex ran into the bathroom to see his companion hunched on the floor, gripping at the tiles and gritting his teeth. Dex had took a leave from the Helm to help Mitch recover from his surgery and tried to help Mitch as best as he could, but Mitch always seemed to be pushing him away.

A horrible scream snapped Dex back to the present and he rushed over to Mitch, the Nuroxitin shot in his hand. He crouched down next to his screaming companion and pressed the purple circular tube against the flesh of Mitch’s thigh and pressed the white button on top. Six needles filled with the drug dug into Mitch’s skin providing instance relief. Mitch sighed and his hands unclenched. His eyes glazed over and his breathing slowed.

Dex was concerned about this new pain killer. It was introduced recently and though it worked miracles it was rumored to be highly addictive. Mitch had only needed the shots maybe once or twice a day but now it was up to almost triple that. The Captain didn’t like it but he couldn’t deny Mitch.

Mitch’s face still haunted him from the day of his surgery. The look of betrayal and fear on his face had reminded Dex so much of his wife Kay’s final hours that he’d been almost in a constant state of emotional shock since then. He’d left most of the flight duties to Nate and the navigating computer INES. He wanted to talk to Mitch, explain to him what had happened but Mitch just always gave him a deadly stare and that stopped Dex from saying a word.

“Ahh, much better.” Mitch said as he sat up against the shower door and pulled a towel over himself. His face was sweating but he was calmer.

“Do you need me to call Dr.Welsh?” Dex wanted to see if maybe there was something else he could give Mitch for the pain.

Mitch shuddered at the thought of seeing his creepy primary physician and facing that blinding white hospital room. He’d woken up with nightmares ever since the surgery.

“No, no. I’m good now thanks. Plus, I see him tomorrow for post anyways.” Mitch stood up. Dex tried to help but Mitch shrugged him off, he’s hadn’t let Dex touch him.

“I’ve got to go to the Control Room and make sure we’re still on course and everything’s fine.” Dex hadn’t been to the Helm in a week.

“Sure, whatever.” Mitch just turned and limped out of the bathroom, clutching his side.

Dex dropped his head in frustration and just walked out of the suite. Mitch couldn’t have cared less.

Mitch went to stand in front of the wardrobe mirror and look at himself. He didn’t feel sexy anymore. The scar was a symbol to everybody that he was no longer a man. He felt like everyone who saw him could tell what had been done to him and what he was. He was no longer hot, no longer desirable, just some freak designed for breeding. Mitch sat down on edge of the bed.

The only thing that stopped those thoughts was the Nuroxitin. At first Mitch had used it as prescribed for the pain, but eventually he started using it whenever the walls closed in on him. He could tell Dex was becoming suspicious, but fuck him. He’d let them do this to him.

Mitch thought about how at first he wasn’t afraid of having the modification surgery. But his feeling changed when he walked into that lobby. All those terrified faces. What had really scared Mitch was seeing companions together and realizing that Dex wasn’t there. Dex was never going to be able to handle any of this. The reality that Mitch was facing this alone broke him and all he wanted to do was run…and the one thing Dex should at least have been able to do was let him.

Mitch was tired of feeling like some freak medical experiment and decided he wasn’t going to wait around for another awkward dinner with the captain. Mitch went into the wardrobe and pulled on the tightest pair of dark jeans he owned and a black, long sleeve, sheer shirt. He left a note for Dex saying he had went out and would be back later. Mitch was determined to get his old self back.

Captain Dex spent a couple hours in the Helm checking over flight plans and navigational boards. His crew were highly skilled and had handled things well while he had been caring for Mitch. Dex got back to the suite later that night and found the note on the bed that Mitch had left.

“God damn it.” Dex growled. Mitch shouldn’t be out in his condition. He’d just been through an experimental procedure and anything could happen. He should be in bed.

Dex changed out of his uniform and put on back slacks and a white shirt then walked over to the ships locator. He punched in Mitch’s Name and ID number. A green pulsing dot appeared on the map showing that Lt. Mitch Stone was at the Opulence Bar on R Deck Level 1.

Dex was furious! He was clubbing?! Dex grabbed a jacked and left the room.

Dex appeared on the ele-port pad on R Deck with a flash of green light. His skin always tingled when he was instantly transported. R Deck Level 1 was full of bars and clubs. There were sports bars like Strike and posh officer clubs like The Common. But the real action was at the thumping, techno clubs like UTurn, Fist, and of course the Opulence Bar.

Captain Dex walked past the the rows of entrances until he came to The Opulence Bar. He could feel the vibrations from the music coming through the door. A bouncer dressed all in black was standing in front, his hands behind his back.

“Can I help you?” The bouncer said. He was about the same size a Dex but a bit wider at the shoulders and sported a thick beard and spiked hair.

“My companion’s in there.” Dex tried to go around the guy. The bouncer put a firm hand on Dex’s chest.

“Listen, I don’t give a fuck who’s in there. We’re full so fuck off.” The guy said as he stared Dex down.

Dex grabbed the bouncer’s hand with his free left and twisted it hard at the wrist and punched him in the stomach once his right was free, making the bouncer double over.

“No you listen! I’m Captain Ordenal of this ship and your going to let me in or I’ll have your ass jettisoned into deep space with the trash!”

The bouncer nodded quickly and stepped aside. Dex swiped his Pass Card and walked into the bar.

Opulence was one of the most popular hang outs on the FSC Prudential. The drinks were cheap, the music was current, and there was always a great selection of sexy man meat to feast your eyes upon.

Dex looked around the club. It was dark and neon lights were flashing all around making it hard to see. Dex bypassed the crowded dance floor and made his way to the yellow, glowing bar. He signaled the bartender over.

“What can I get ya?” The bartender was a typical twink. Skinny, with bleach blond hair and small frame. Dex thought he recognized him as one of the servers in the mess hall.

“Nothing. I’m looking for this guy.” Dex held up a copy of Mitch’s Pass Card with his picture on it. “Seen him?”

The bartender took the picture and looked close then nodded. “Yea he’s in the VIP room, in the back. But he’s with his companion though.” The bartender said handing Dex back the ID copy. Dex ground his teeth and muttered a thanks before heading off to the back rooms.

Dex made his way to the back VIP area. It was sectioned off by a red velvet curtain. Dex ducked inside and was standing in a hall with more curtained off rooms on both sides. Some were closed but you could hear people inside, others were open and empty. Dex peaked into each one searching for Mitch.

He found him in the last one straddling a guy he couldn’t see and making out with him. Dex ripped back the curtain.

“Mitch! What the hell are you doing?” Dex stormed into the room and pulled Mitch off the guy he was lip locking with. The glass table behind him was littered with empty glasses and a couple Nuroxitin containers. Mitch had his pants undone and his shirt was partial open up top. The other guy was topless with only jeans on.

The other guy was Sten.

“You!!” Sten stood up and swung at Dex hitting him in the jaw. Dex let go of the intoxicated Mitch. Mitch slumped to the floor, feebly trying to get up. Dex punched Sten in the stomach and grabbed him and threw him against the wall.

“How fucking dare you touch my companion again. I warned you didn’t I?” Dex was hollering at the top of his lungs.

Sten dug his fingers into Dex’s eyes and pushed him back then punched him in the chest.

“Fuck you! He wanted it. Your companions a slut don’t fault me for it!” Sten was advancing on Dex as Dex was rubbing his eyes, trying to get his vision back.

Mitch was slowly standing up.

“Hey fuck you man! I’m not a slut.” Mitch slurred his words and pushed at Sten. Sten back handed Mitch knocking him down.

Mitch may have been drunk and high but hell if he was going to let some prick beat him up. He pulled himself up and twisting his hips landed a hard right hand to Sten’s temple. Sten crashed down onto the red couch almost unconscious. Mitch dropped to his knees his energy gone.

Dex shook his head as he gained his vision back and pulled Sten up off the couch by his hair not knowing that Mitch had just landed a killer punch. Dex positioned Sten over the glass table in the middle of the room.

“I should kill you for touch Mitch! I SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOU!!” Dex was yelling into Sten’s face but Sten was out of it.

Mitch screamed as a series of sharp pains shot down his side. He scrambled for his pockets trying to find another Nuroxitin injection.

Dex still was yelling into Sten face as a flushed and terrified Sergeant Nate Zimms came into the room. Nate was in a pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt. His gasped as he took in the sight in front of him. Sten was in a death grip by the Captain over a glass table and a moaning, topless Mitch was jabbing an injector into his arms.

“Dex don’t!” Nate ran up to Dex and pulled on one of his arms. Sten kicked away from Dex. Dex caught sight of Mitch on the floor and walked over to him and bent down to him. Nate went to Sten and went to reach out to him.

“Babe, are you okay?” Nate’s big eyes were filled with concern.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” Sten grabbed Nate’s forearm roughly and tossed him aside. Nate let out a yelp.

Dex heard the sound and his head shot back up to Sten and he rushed him. Dex’s shoulders hit Sten in the gut as they went crashing into the wall. Dex threw Sten down on the ground and started kicking him in the ribs, feeling some shatter at the impact.

“Captain please don’t! Let him go.” Nate crawled over to Sten and layed on top of him stopping Dex from landing any more blows.

“He just hit you! In front of me! How can you defend him?” Dex roared. Mitch started moving around somewhere to his left.

“I’m not. I’m defending you! If you kill him you’ll go to jail.” Nate looked up at Dex’s angry face, crimson with rage and freckled with bruises and small cuts. “I care about you too much to have you jeopardize yourself like that.”

Dex looked over at Mitch, intoxicated on the floor; Dex dropped Sten. Opulence security came into the room and saw it destroyed. Dex identified himself as the Captain and told them to have P&E put Sten in overnight lock up. Nate said he wanted to go file for a different companion so Dex assigned him an escort.

After everything had been cleared up, Sten was in laser cuffs and Nate was on his was to the Project Office Dex went to deal with his companion. Mitch was still sitting on the floor but was leaning up against the red couch and holding a piece of ice to his head. Dex reached down and dragged him up by his arms.

“Ow your hurting me, Dex!” Mitch was trying to pry Dex’s finger’s loose as Dex dragged him out of the crowded club.

“Its Captain Ordenal to you Lieutenant.” Dex shoved Mitch outside and onto the ele-port with him and they disappeared in a haze of light.

“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?” Dex hollered at Mitch who was sitting on the bed while Dex stood, towering over him.

“And telling them that he was your companion? Sten? You could go to jail for that you know!” Dex was livid. Here he was feeling guilty this whole time since the surgery about betraying Mitch and in the meantime Mitch was getting it on with his Navigating Officer’s Companion.

“I don’t care!” Mitch yelled back as he stood up. “Arrest me! It’s better than being here with you!” Mitch pushed past Dex and went to the wardrobe to change his clothes.

“Oh really? I’m that bad am I? I’ve been the one taking care of you since you got out of the hospital! It’s me who wakes up to your screaming in the middle of the night to give your your fix!” Dex was shouting at Mitch’s back.

Mitch whirled around with anger in his eyes.

“My fix? I’m some drug addict now? Well tell you what Captain Oh-High-And-Fucking-Mighty maybe I wouldn’t need the drugs if YOU had been the one to get the surgery! Ever thought about that you selfish ass?! It wasn’t you who was stripped of their manhood. It was me! ME! I’m the one who’s expected to be fat and pregnant by some guy who doesn’t even care about me; who looks at our relationship as just a mission, work!!”

Mitch went to swing at Dex but Dex caught Mitch’s fist and pinned him up against the wardrobe with his body.

“Your manhood wasn’t taken away! Your still sexy. Your still hot. Jesus I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you. And yes I’m and asshole for saying those things about this just being a mission but Jesus Christ give me a break!!” Dex had his whole weight against Mitch; their hard, angry bodies smashed up against each other.

“I’ve given you enough breaks! You haven’t let me in once Dex! I’m now able to carry a child inside of me do you understand what that means? And I have no I idea who the hell you are! Your a stranger and you seem perfectly happy to keep it that way.” Mitch could feel Dex’s muscular chest against his and his hard thighs wedged between his own. He was furious at Dex but his body always betrayed him. He shook suddenly and side stepped out of Dex’s grasped. He relaxed as he felt his body cooled down.

“You know who I am Mitch. I’m the Captain of the – ”

“No! That’s your title, what you do. I know that but who are you? Where were you born? Do you have any other family?” Mitch hesitated for a moment. “Who’s Kay?”

Dex sighed and dropped his head down then walked past Mitch and sat on the lounge. Mitch joined him and slid in close then put his hand on Dex’s thingh. He tried to put his arm around Dex’s shoulder but his side still hurt too much.

“Dex I’m sorry I made out with Sten. I just needed to feel wanted. Like I was still desirable. I’ve gone my whole like being this sexy guy and I feel…felt like the surgery took that away from me. I just needed to feel that again. That I wasn’t just some lab rat.” Mitch spoke slowly as he caressed Dex’s thigh.

“Dex who’s Kay?” Mitch asked again.

The Captain looked up and stared straight ahead staring at nothing. He didn’t speak for awhile and then a single tear fell from his eye.

“She was my wife.” Dex spoke low, almost in a whisper. “She died on the 4th day of the EDTS outbreak. She caught me cheating and later on that day she was infected.” Dex hung his head, tears falling onto the carpet.

“Oh my god Dex. I’m so sorry.” Mitch squeezed Dex’s hand and kissed his neck, feeling him shiver.

“The worst part was that she suffered, alone. I wasn’t with her when the bleeding started and the pain hit. I got a call from the hospital a coupler hours later telling me she was at the hospital and in surgery. I found out later that she’d been… been…” Dex choked on the last few words.

“What? What else did they say?” Mitch tightening his grip on Dex’s clenched fists.

“That she had been 7 weeks pregnant at the time and the baby had been destroyed when she was infected.” Mitch rushed out.

Dex looked up into Mitch’s eyes. Dex’s eyes were red and full of tears long overdue.

“Destroyed Mitch. The doctor said that the desiseas had literally eaten the baby away. And Kay had wanted a baby for so long…” Dex shook his head. “That’s probably why she came to the ship that day; to tell me the news.” Dex wiped his face trying to regain his composure.

“I betrayed her Mitch. And I betrayed you. I’m so sorry.” It was barley a whisper. Mitch looked at this big, strong, army captain with tears streaming down his face and Mitch started to cry too. He took Dex’s face in his hands and turned it to look at him.

“You didn’t betray me Dex. I knew what I was getting into but I was too chicken shit to really think about what it would all mean. And once I was there it scared the hell out of me, but what scared me more was that I felt like you weren’t there for me, for me. I…I love you Dex and I need you.” Mitch was crying hard now as he dropped all his guards and facade of confidence and bared his soul to Dex.

Dex reached out to Mitch and pulled him close. He held Mitch’s body to his own just feeling Mitch’s head resting against his neck and felt their hearts beating. Dex leaned back and kissed Mitch softly on the lips. Mitch opened his mouth and deepened the kiss.

They made out slowly for what seemed like hours. Every touch sending comfort to the other. Mitch broke the kiss and went to sit on the bed and held out his hand to Dex. Dex walked to Mitch and they layed back onto the bed, their lips rejoining.

Mitch pulled off Dex’s shirt and and unbuttoned his pants. Dex helped slide them down and off. Mitch ran his hands down Dex’s hard, muscular back feeling the ripples of muscle under his hands. He grabbed Dex’s firm ass in his hands and ran his fingers between the two cheeks.

Dex moaned as Mitch’s hands explored his body. They were strong and slightly calloused from working on machinery. Dex sat up and tugged Mitch’s tight jeans down. Mitch kicked them off wanting to feel Dex’s hard cock against his. When Dex went to unbutton Mitch’s shirt Mitch grabbed his hands quickly.

“The-the-scar. I don’t want you to see…” Mitch spoke quietly and shy for the first time when it came to sex that he could remember.

Dex just knelt his head down and kissed Mitch. “I want you.”

Mitch removed his hands and allowed Dex to unbutton the black shirt. As Dex gently pushed the shirt back over Mitch’s shoulders; Mitch gigngerly pulled his arms out. Dex stared at the hard, chiseled chest of his companion and let out a growl that made Mitch smile and grow harder. Dex ran a finger lightly down the pink scar on Mitch’s side and bent to kiss it.

“Your beautiful.” Dex said. Mitch just moaned and pulled Dex into a tight embrace.

They made love that night for the first time. Their connection was no longer just physical and they didn’t rush. They explored eachother’s bodies and relished the feel of their naked skin pressed together.

Hours later Mitch collapsed onto Dex out of breath. Sweat was dripping off of him and Dex was panting hard. Mitch could feel Dex’s softening cock, lubricated with his cum, in his ass as he was cradled by his strong arms.

Mitch slide off of Dex’s weak body and let Dex pull him in. Dex looked down at Mitch, his eyes closed and couldn’t help but smile. He knew that he was coming to care about Mitch and that made him uneasy but it felt too good having Mitch in his arms. They spooned and held eachother tight as they drifted off to sleep.

It was 6 days later when Mitch returned to work. He seemed to be in constant pain. Sometimes the pain would be a dull, persistent ache. Then other times it would swoop down on him and bring him to his knees as he injected himself with the Nuroxitin. The pain would have driven him mad if he didn’t have it. And rumor was some men aboard the Prudential were doing just that.

There were talks that people were dying from the surgeries or that their bodies were rejecting the modification and the men were getting addicted to the Nuroxitin. The large, buzzing ship seemed too quiet. Men were disappearing, being “reassigned” and never seen again. Meanwhile the higher-ups representing the National Federation set up temporary booths on all floors handing out Nuroxitin injections like free candy.

Dex had assured Mitch that he would look into it and that at an upcoming meeting with representatives from the National Federation he would get to the bottom of it.

Their relationship has blossom almost overnight. They were more comfortable with eachother and even though neither Dex or Mitch brought up their feelings verbally they could both feel it. They knew what their hearts were telling them.

Mitch was in line at one of the Nuroxitin booths on H Deck, before heading to work, when a haunting voice spoke into his ear.

“Hey bitch, getting your dose of Nuro so you can be a good little breeder?” Sten’s gravely voice sent shivers up Mitch’s spine, but he didn’t move.

“What do you want asshole?” Mitch took a step forward as the line moved up; Sten right behind him.

“Oh nothing. I was just passing by when I saw your tight ass in line. You still owe me a fuck if I remember correctly.” He said as he reached out and groped Mitch’s ass.

Mitch turned on him and and grabbed Sten’s hand, squeezing hard, hearing the knuckles pop.

“And if I remember correctly the Captain, my companion, said if you laid your hands on me again you were going to jail. So fuck off unless you want me to call P&E.” Mitch said in a deadly voice as he gave Sten’s hand a quick jerk and turned back to the booth to get 3 injectors of Nuroxitin.

“Oh I remember everything, you fucking tease!” Sten yelled after Mitch as Mitch stormed off to work with the Nuroxitin clenched tightly in his hands.

“So overall 55% of the test subjects have successfully been modified without complications.” One man addressed the group sitting at a long table in a conference room near the Helm. Captain Dex Ordenal was was seated near the head of the table lined by NF clerks, scientists and and junior representatives of the National Federation.

“Fatalities are under 15% which is acceptable at this point.” The man was reading from a clip board. He spoke in a casual tone like he was reading the sports scores out loud.

Dex sat uncomfortable in full NF uniform next to Lester McMahon, a senior Representative of the National Federation assigned to spear head the radical expedition to Rius 22.

Lester McMahon was of average height. He had a hooked nose, salt and pepper hair and shallow set gray eyes. He wore a perfectly tailored black suit instead of a military uniform like all of the other members in attendance. He sat stiffly in his chair listening to the statistics being read off by the scientist.

Captain Dex didn’t like Mr.McMahon. He didn’t trust him. McMahon had a reputation for being overly strict and cold hearted when it came to National Federation business. Dex shifted anxiously, wanting the meeting to be over. He wished he didn’t have to be there but as Captain of the FSC Prudential his presence was mandatory.

Lester McMahon cleared his throat and the room instantly went quiet.

“I have heard that there are many complications with the surgeries and that most of the test subjects are now becoming dependent on the pain killer Nuroxitin. Is this true?” McMahon addressed the scientist slowly like he was speaking to someone who didn’t speak his language.

“Y-y-yes Mr.McMahon. Even with more than half the success rate the procedure has turned out to be quiet painful and the Nuroxitin is the strongest medical solution we have.” The scientist spoke quickly with fear in his voice.

“The rate of successful modification is not adequate and the side effects of the Nuroxitin could compromise the overall fruitfulness of the experiment. We need healthy pregnancies and children, not strung out parents and under weight, detoxing infants born prematurely.” explained Lester.

Dex couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew for sure now that the Nuroxitin was bad news and he defiantly didn’t want Mitch taking that stuff now.

“I understand Sir but there is nothing else we can do.” The scientist responded uneasily.

“Oh but there is.” Lester sat up straighter and queued up the hover screen. It projected a see through image of a modified male in thin air. It highlight the new uterus and ovaries as well as the brain and neuro-network which was bright and sparkling with life.

“The entire survival of the human race depends on the success of Project Phoenix. We can not, and will not allow it to fail. We have exhausted all other options and at this point I’m making an emergency medical order. All patients who were successfully modified shall no longer be given Nuroxitin and will be ordered to report to their nearest Sick Bay for an abdominal CSD intravenous series.”

Anyone who knew what CSD was gasped or stared dumbstruck at Lester. The hover screen switched to a visual enactment of the procedure. The translucent male figure switched to laying on his back as 4 large needles were injected into his stomach. The CSD viral cells spread out and branched through the subject’s neuro network and then slowly parts of the brain began to dull until the brain was spotted with little black dots.

The scientist spoke up. “But Sir! Chemical Synapses Destruction was declared hazardous and its injection was outlawed for use on live human subjects. It would stop the pain but heaven only knows what it could do to their mental state! That combined with the withdrawal from the Nuroxitin could be fatal.”

“Relax Doctor,” Lester McMahon crooned, “all CSD series will be accompanied by precriptions for anti-viral medication to help ensure the deterioration of brain tissue is localized and minimal. And in addition to a permanent solution to the pain issue CSD was shown to increase estrogen and PHS levels which will certainly help increase the rate of successful surgeries.”

The projected image displayed a chart that showed the increase of certain hormones and the computer estimated a 17% increase in successful modification surgeries.

The captain was disgusted. The treatment McMahon was suggesting was extremely dangerous and put his companions life at risk. CSD had been outlawed for a reason. It stopped pain but it could also turn the patient into a vegetable or turn them homicidal and/or suicidal. Dex could no longer stay silent. This approach put the life of every passenger on board at risk and he could not allow that to happen.

“With all due respect Sir,” Dex stood up and saluted before continuing, “my companion’s surgery went well and even though I do not like him being on the Nuroxitin I would prefer that as a temporary option instead of injecting people with CSD. And as Captain, I speak with the same authority of the National Federation when it comes to the safety of the crew and passengers of this ship and I will not allow this measure to be implicated.” Dex finished strong with his jaw set and his eyes locked firmly on Lester McMahon’s.

McMahon didn’t seem upset at being challenged by the Captain. Instead he looked almost pleased and a small smile played at the corners of his lips.

“Well Captain, according to the Code of the National Federation, Regulation 29 dash B6, and I quote, ‘ full National Federation authority shall be endowed solely upon the Captain of a Starship of any class unless during a State of Emergency in which full authority shall then be transferred to the senior National Federation Representative aboard said Starship’.” Lester finished his recital with a smirk.

Captain Dex growled low in his throat. McMahon was right. A state of emergency had been declared 3 years back and by law McMahon had all the power. Dex sat down silently steaming but forcing himself to contain his anger.

“Good boy.” spoke Lester.

“Now back to business. I want this measure put into effect immediately. All temp Nuroxitin booths are to be taken down and all injections confiscated. Every man who’s been modified should be scheduled for a CSD series by 9am tomorrow morning.” Lester spoke quickly and loudly bringing the meeting to an end.

“Excuse me Sir, one thing…” Dex asked as everyone started to rise from their seats. Lester froze for a second then sat back down and nodded towards the Captain to continue.

“What is to be done with those men who were not modified and are dependent on the Nuroxitin for the pain from the failed surgery?”

Lester’s eyes glinted and his face took on a heartless expression as cold as marble.

“They are to be euthanized.”

Dex returned to the Suite to find Mitch relaxing in the tub. He charged in quickly and without giving Mitch a chance to speak, reached into the tub and lifted him out and then carried him into the bedroom and placed him on the bed.

“What the hell!?” Mitch was naked and soaking wet. One second he was calmly soaking off the grime and grease from the machinary in the engine rooms, the next Dex storms in and hauls him out and tosses him on the bed.

“No time to explain. Just pack some clothes quickly. We have to get to the Helm now.” The Captain was moving around the room fast, throwing clothes into a duffel bag. Mitch was still naked and in shock on the bed.

“Now Lieutenant! ” Mitch brain snapped into focus and the urgency in Dex’s voice quieted any challenge he had. He picked up his bag and starting packing. He put on boxers and his uniform. In 5 minutes they were ready to go and were headed to the Helm.

“Dex, whats this all about? Whats going on?” Mitch was trying to keep pace with Dex who was jogging down the corridor.

“No time.”

Dex stepped through the sliding door and into the Helm. All of the flight crew and their companions were there. Some had one their uniforms, others looked like they’d gotten dressed in a hurry. Everyone had a nervous expression on their face.

Mitch noticed the angelic looking young man from the other night, Sten’s companion. His arm was in a sling and wrapped in a bandage. There was no sight of Sten.

“I know this is last minute but I had to call you all here.” Dex spoke to the crowd. “The National Federation Representative is planning on implementing a dangerous medical protocol that puts all of our companions’ lives in danger. They want to give all of our companions who had successful modification surgeries shots containing Chemical Synapses Destruction viral cells.”

There were quick intakes of breath that rippled through the small crowd. Dex continued. “They also plan on killing anyone who’s surgery failed.” Dex said the last bit and everyone went quiet. One member of the flight crew, a tall ginger headed, burly looking man pulled his companion, black haired and half his size, to him and kissed his forehead.

“As Captain I won’t allow that to happen so I need your help. I need to disabled all com units between Decks unless relayed through the control room and we need to isolate the P&E and NF officials in their rooms. The representative McMahon will try to alert the Federation. I suggest we call a fire drill then seal all the doors and override them all from here.” Dex spoke as fast and as clear as he could.

Everyone shouted their agreement. Many of the crewmen had been with the Captain for years and trusted him with their lives. The punishment for treason was death, but now that their companion’s lives, men that they were growing to love, were in danger they’re faith in their Captain only deepened, no matter the consequences.

“Good. Now I need all flight members to come with me. We need to get to Rius 22 now. All members of tech crew get to overriding the systems and shutting down the coms.”

Dex issued orders for a couple minutes and told all non-military companions to report to their partners quarters in the Helm. Dex turned to Mitch who was standing next to him.

“I need you to go to my quarters and wait there.”

“The hell I will!” Mitch exclaimed. He was a trained soldier and after hearing about what the Federation planned on doing Mitch was determined to help. He knew exactly what CSD could do to a person and he did not want that to happen to him.

“I can help. I can help the tech crew out with the door overrides.” Mitch said dropping his pack at his feet and crossing his arms in front of him.

Dex smiled a little and saluted. “Lieutenant report to Officer Fargus for further instructions.”

Mitch returned the smile and went in search of the officer.

Captain Dex jumped into the Captain’s chair just as the fire alarm system was triggered by his crew. In the case of a fire on board everyone was required to return to their rooms or the nearest Sick Bay where the walls could be filled with a fire proof foam. Dex’s crew sealed the doors shut and denied access to the ports once they were inside.

“INES bring up our ships location and current course.” Dex said quickly to the Internal Navigational and Exploratory System.

“Yes Captain.” INES brought up the ships location in space on hover screen. They were still weeks away from Rius 22 but maybe if they used full Warp Drive they could get there instantly, but that was extremely dangerous.

Sergeant Nate Zimms sat down next to Dex in his own chair. He rested his bandaged arm on his leg and started to log into the computer and pull up their flight information.

Captain Dex’s anger ignited at the sight of Nate injured. Dex was aware that Sten had been released earlier that morning and he made a mental note to ensure he was up on charges for assault, but first he had to land the ship.

“INES if we use Warp Drive at full capacity will be able to bypass the Net around Rius 22?”


“No.” Nate responded immediately. “If we try to warp to Rius 22 we’ll either over shoot or crash directly into the Meteor Net.” Nate informed the Captain with certainty in his voice.

“Sergeant Zimms is correct Captain Ordenal.” INES confirmed.

Dex ground his teeth and thought hard then used his finger tips to rotate the galaxy map 30 degrees. They needed to find a Haven where Lester McMahon and his goons couldn’t contact the Federation and where everyone would be safe.

“Fine what if we overshoot, but on purpose? Can we land safely on Yolaris?” Dex said, coming up with a genius idea. The quarantine on Yolaris would be like hiding in plain sight. There were not communication satellites near the planet since it was quarantined.

Nate looked confused and bit his lip like he wanted to say something but held his tongue. “Yes we could make it, but our generator might be damaged.” Nate was unsure. Navigation was his thing not mechanics.

“MITCH!” Dex called out behind him.

His companion rushed up to him, slightly annoyed since he was in the middle of helping deny access to the doors on board.


“If we warp to Yolaris would our generator be damaged?” Dex inquired of his companion.

Mitch frowned a bit, his brain working fast.

“Yes and no. It would be active but the core would be burnt out. We’d have to replace the cell burners probably and re-jump the system. Wait, did you say Yolaris? Why are we going to Yolaris?” Mitch asked Dex repeatedly coming closer and closer to Dex’s faces trying to get an answer as Dex kept moving around readying the ship for Warp Drive.

“Dex!” Mitch shouted. Dex turned to Mitch and caught him off guard when he pulled Mitch’s head down and kissed him. Dex kissed him hard, almost painfully and pulled back to look at Mitch.

“Go back to helping with the doors. I’ve got this.” Dex turned back to the controls in front of him. Mitch just nodded in shock and went back to helping Officer Fargus and his men.

Dex couldn’t have saved Kay three years ago. But Dex realized that he loved Mitch and cared about him and that this time he could save his companion. The love he felt for Mitch had snuck up on him quietly and unexpected. But hearing what Lester McMahon’s plans were made Dex realize that he would do anything to keep Mitch safe, including performing what would be considered an act of treason.

Dex and Nate prepared the ship for Warp Drive as the other crew men shut down the ship, killed coms and locked down the ship.

The Captain pressed a button to patch into the ships communication system and his voice echoed throughout the empty halls and into all the rooms filled with Prudential personnel.

“Attention this is your Captain speaking. Due to extenuating circumstances the FSC Prudential will be performing an emergency landing on Yolaris 442E. It has come to my attention that the National Federation is inclined to enact a policy of medical malpractice and as Captain I have chosen to disobey a direct order. Please do not panic and try to remain calm.”

Dex released the button and took a deep breath. Nate did the same as they both took hold of the controls of the Federation Starship Cruiser Prudential.

Mitch came up behind Dex and laid a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it firmly. His eyes shown with unspoken feeling and understanding. Mitch knew that the Captain would never do anything like this unless he really did love him. Dex was a good Captain and was going to do the right thing.

“INES initiate Warp Drive to Yolaris 442E.” Dex spoke out clearly.

“Initiating Warp Drive in 5….4….3….2….1, Warp Drive Initiated.”

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