Pup Ch. 06

A gay story: Pup Ch. 06 Gavin headed towards the bed with a slow, unhurried pace. He tugged his shirt off and was starting on his belt by the time I worked up the nerve to walk to the bed with hesitant steps.

No matter how much I tried to deny it, I was nervous.

Wasn’t it too.. intimate to sleep with someone else?

I stood by the edge of the bed, chewing on my bottom lip as I watched Gavin strip and crawl onto the bed. He sprawled out comfortably, his lean muscular body only clad in his tight black boxer shorts that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

He looked up at me with an amused smirk on his full lips.

“You know you’re going to have to get in the bed in order to go to sleep right?” His words were gently mocking but his eyes were slightly more serious when he continued. “What are you afraid of? I won’t attack you or anything.”

“It’s just.. I’ve never slept with anyone else before.” I mumbled quietly, not sure how to explain how this would probably mean more to me than it would ever mean to him.

I’d already been halfway in love with him before he left if I was honest with myself, which I was not, and I was already melting under his attention the first day he got back.

“It’s not as scary as it seems. Come here.” He said sighing as if he was prepared to give me a whole speech on why I was being ridiculous. When I hesitated again he raised a brow and his voice turned commanding. “Take off your jeans, and your shirt if you want, and get in bed pup.”

Apparently everything was just easier to do when Gavin told me to do it.

I quickly pulled off my jeans and decided after a moment to leave my shirt on, too shy now that I wasn’t lost in a haze of lust to show off my body.

I eased into bed next to him and was mortified when I gave a little yelp as he grabbed my thigh with his large rough hand and yanked me down so I was laying flat on my back and tucked into his side.

“There, that’s not so bad is it.” He murmured as he looked over me, his deep voice and dark steady gaze seeming to get rid of whatever tension was left in my body.

How is it that he’s only been back one day and he’s made me so responsive to him?

His voice, his touch, his mouth..

I kept quiet not sure if my voice would betray just how affected I was by him. I just stared back at him with wide eyes and prayed to every god I could think of that he couldn’t hear how hard my heart was beating.

“Just go to sleep. You’re not ready for anything more than sleep right now.” Gavin turned to his side so he was spooning me, and his arm slipped under my shirt.

It seemed no matter what we were doing he liked to have his hands on my bare skin. When it was obvious I was still thinking too much, which seemed to be a common theme whenever I was around him, he reached up and pinched my nipple lightly.

“Sleep, pup. We’re just going to sleep.” He repeated firmly and once again, whenever Gavin gave the order I obeyed.

I was lulled my his warmth and the soothing circles he was rubbing into my stomach, his large body seeming to surround my smaller one.

I swear I only blinked but suddenly it was morning.

I must have fallen asleep faster, and slept deeper than I had since I was a child. Sleeping with Gavin was the closest I’d ever been to someone and yet it seemed as easy as breathing when I wasn’t overthinking everything.

The early morning light streamed through his denim curtains and my barely opened eyes took in the sleepy and quiet room. The sheets were tangled around Gavin and I, and Gavin’s arm was wrapped firmly around my waist.

It was like he wanted to make sure I would be there when he woke up.

Like he didn’t want to let me go, even in sleep.

Stop imagining things, it doesn’t mean anything. Don’t get your hopes up.

I tried to tell myself, but my heart beat faster anyway at the thought of Gavin wanting to keep me by his side.

I turned my head slowly, not wanting to wake him, and took in his sleeping face.

He looked so gentle when he was sleeping.

Open and unguarded, he was stunning. Slowly I reached out my hand and traced a finger down his cheek, feeling the stubble growing there. My finger followed the strong line of his jaw and trailed over his soft lips.

I was so caught up in my quiet exploration that when he suddenly bit my finger I squeaked in surprise.

His dark eyes opened slowly, hooded and sleepy but amusement sparkled in their depths nonetheless.

“Enjoying yourself pup?” His voice seemed to rumble from his chest, deeper and thickened with sleep, and my stomach clenched at the sound.

“Morning.” I muttered quietly, my cheeks flaming from embarrassment. Gavin just chuckled and pulled me closer which I hadn’t thought was possible considering I was practically glued to his side.

“Morning.” He pressed his lips to my temple in a sleepy display of affection that had my hopes, which I had tried to keep down, soaring. Surely he didn’t do this with just everyone.

It had to mean something.

Didn’t it?

What if this was just how he acted with everyone he had in his bed before me? What if he was even more affectionate with people who weren’t afraid to let him fuck them, and I was just getting casual kindness..

“Is this the usual treatment of people who share your bed?” I blurted out, the thought of other people getting to see Gavin sleepy and soft and affectionate making jealousy seep into my voice.

That seemed to wake him up, his eyes opening fully as he looked over me quietly. He pulled my over him until I was straddling him and tilted his head so his neck was bared to me. He spoke slowly and with amusement, but also an underlying sincerity I couldn’t deny.

“No one else has spent the night with me before.” He said quietly and before I could even express my shock at the statement he continued. “But if you feel jealous, you can mark me up all you damn well please. That way anyone who sees me will know that my pup doesn’t like to share.”

He had talked about me being his, but it never occured to me that that meant he was mine as well. The exposed sun kissed skin called to me and I leaned down to press my lips against his throat.

I hardly knew what I was doing but I parted my lips and started nibbling at his skin, gently at first until I grew bolder. I tried to mimic what he’d done to my neck, sucking and biting and dragging my tongue over his skin, tasting him.

The whole time he stayed perfectly still and quiet, and I would’ve thought he was unaffected if it wasn’t for his hardening dick pressing into my ass where I straddled him. By the time I pulled away there was a large dark bruise on his neck and I felt a dark satisfaction at the sight.

“Mine.” It slipped out in a voice that sounded like it didn’t belong to me.

I sounded cocky and possessive and not like my usual shy, uncertain tone.

Gavin’s gaze turned to me and his eyes widened in surprise. I felt his cock twitch in interest beneath me and I blushed even as I felt a rush of power at my ability to affect Gavin, even a little.

“Yeah pup, if you want me I’m all yours.” He said quietly and I felt like that was the most honest he’d been about how he felt about.. Whatever was going on between us.

My voice caught in my throat at the earnest look in his eyes. He looked like he was waiting for me to say something. But I couldn’t speak, fear suddenly made me unable to speak.

What if I told him that I wanted him, and he didn’t say he felt the same?

What if he decided he only wanted me for my body and nothing else?

It was an irrational fear that I tried to fight, but all that came out was a quiet, “Gavin..”

He sighed, and I thought I saw disappointment in his eyes before he looked away.

“Don’t worry, pup. No one else is going to sneak into my bed. I have your tight little body to keep me occupied, don’t I?” He said when he looked back at me, and all traces of disappointment and hopefulness were gone from his gaze. Instead all I saw in his gaze was the usual amusement.

Apparently we were back to the sex only, no feelings, conversation.

I nodded weakly trying to hide how much I felt like I made a mistake.

I should have told him that of course I wanted him, that I’d wanted him before I even knew what wanting was, that I wanted him for as long as I could have him which I hoped was a very long time.

But now it felt too late.

And I didn’t know how to fix it.

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