A gay sex stories: Rainbow Harem Pt. 06: Orange Orange stared across the bar at a super hot leather daddy. He had a large nose, deep-set eyes, and a neatly-trimmed beard. He looked up and met Orange’s eyes over his glass. Orange quickly ducked his head, flustered. He hadn’t meant to actually get noticed.
“Excuse me.” He looked up to see the hot guy standing next to him. He was wearing a fishnet top and leather shorts, and he looked like he could easily carry Orange. Which was saying something, because Orange was a pretty large guy. “You know, people who stare at me usually buy me a drink.”
“Yeah. Uh, I– Sorry, I just–” The man’s expression softened and he set a hand on Orange’s arm.
“Relax, cub.” Orange blushed and moved away from his touch. The man shrugged and leaned on the bar. “I like your shirt.”
Orange looked sheepishly down at his Indiana Jones t-shirt. It was a stupid thing to wear to a gay bar, but he didn’t have any ‘clubbing’ outfits.
“I’m Moth. They/them.” The man held out his hand. Orange nervously shook it.
“Orange…” Moth echoed. They smiled and took a drink from their glass. “You here with anyone?”
“No. I just came in for a couple drinks. I–I’m probably gonna go soon.”
“You could always come home with me, cub.” Moth winked and Orange flushed, quickly turning away.
“I’m not that kind of guy, thank you.”
“Understood.” Moth held up their hands in surrender. “Just thought a handsome guy like you…”
“Don’t you have some twink who wants your attention?” Orange snapped. “You could have anyone in this bar, so stop wasting your time with me.”
Moth blinked at him and he ducked his head.
“I don’t think I’m wasting my time on you. But I’ll leave you be.” They turned to walk away.
“Wait.” They paused and looked over their shoulder at him. “I–I didn’t mean… I’m just– Fuck, I’m terrible at this.”
“Relax, Orange.” They smiled comfortingly. “You’re doing fine.”
“I’m not used to getting hit on.”
“I could get you used to it.” Moth winked and leaned closer. “Though, it would be a lot easier in a more… private place.”
“I’ve never– um, I don’t think…” Orange blushed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I’ve never done it.”
“You’re a virgin?” He slowly nodded. “Well, it’s your choice.”
“I just… I can’t… It’s weird…”
“What is? Sex? Yeah, it’s weird. But I can take it slow if you want.”
“I have this… thing.” Orange instinctively lifted a hand to his neck, picking at the collar around his throat. Moth smiled, a mischievous sparkle in their eyes.
“Well, cub, I happen to be very good at… ‘things.'” Orange looked into their dark eyes and they winked.
“Sure. I own a porn company, so…” Orange’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. No, I didn’t mean you had to– Shit, I guess I’m bad at this, too.”
“So, you’re… You know about petplay?”
“I know about a lot of things,” Moth laughed. Orange slowly nodded, thinking for a moment. “Think about it, cub.”
“Can you go slow? Like… really slow?” They nodded. Orange deeply inhaled and nodded. Moth set their empty glass on the bar and put some money under the glass. They left the bar and Orange followed them out.
“You mind me calling you cub?”
“I mean, I usually go for pup, but… cub actually isn’t too bad.”
“Sounds good… pup.” Orange blushed and Moth hailed a cab. “Your place or mine?”
“Or we could go somewhere neutral. A hotel or something?”
“Hotel?” Orange nodded. They got in the cab and Moth gave the driver directions to a hotel. It was a fancy hotel, one that only the rich tourists stayed in when they came to town. Moth got them a room and two keys, and Orange quietly followed them up the elevator to the room.
“Huh.” He looked around the hotel room. It was a fancy suite with a separate bedroom. Orange had never stayed in a hotel room this nice.
“You wanna take the lead?” Moth asked. Their voice was gentle and they were watching Orange attentively.
“I don’t know how…” He shrank in on himself, staring at his feet.
“Shh. It’s okay.” They put a gentle hand on his arm. “Why don’t you sit down? Let me see if they gave us any good snacks.”
They went to the mini-kitchen and rummaged through the snack bin.
“Don’t we have to pay for those?” Orange asked nervously. He sat in a chair, fiddling his thumbs. Moth shrugged and grabbed a packet of something.
“How’s microwave popcorn sound?” They tossed the packet in the microwave and pressed the button. “So, tell me about yourself, cub.”
“Uh… well, my name is Orange. And I, uh, I’m gay.”
“Lovely. I’m queer, as well.” The popcorn began to pop. “You seem very familiar with your kink. How long have you been doing petplay?”
“Um, about ten years.”
“Are you a submissive? Switch? Dom?”
“Sub,” Orange mumbled.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, pup.” The microwave beeped and Moth took the bag out. They joined Orange, sitting on the couch next to the chair. “Have you ever had a Dominant?”
“You’ve always played alone?”
“Mhmm. Well, I–I had an online friend who sometimes would give me orders and stuff. But it wasn’t really a relationship.”
“Hm.” Moth held out the popcorn bag and Orange took a handful. “Have you ever had any romantic relationships?”
“No. Have you?”
“Mhmm. Quite a few. I’ve got about thirty partners right now.”
“What?” Orange looked up, backing away.
“I’m safe. I get tests every couple months.”
“No. I–I don’t want to be part of an affair–”
“It’s called polyamory. It’s consensual. And there’s thirty of us, anyway. If someone wants to get jealous, they should’ve done so a long time ago.”
“But– Thirty?”
“That’s… a lot.”
“It is. Wouldn’t trade any of them for the world, though.” Moth smiled and tossed a popcorn kernel in the air, catching it in their mouth. “But if you’re really uncomfortable with it, we don’t have to do this.”
“Your partners really won’t mind?”
“Of course not, cub.”
“Yes, pup?”
“Can I call you Master?”
“You can call me whatever you like. Are you ready?” Orange slowly nodded. Moth hooked a finger on his collar, pulling him closer. They pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “Relax, cub… You can say no at any time.”
Orange took a deep breath and kissed them again. They smiled and lightly tugged on the collar, pulling him even closer. They deepened the kiss, putting a hand on his cheek.
“Master’s in charge now, pup,” they purred. Orange looked blankly at them. “Sit.” Orange sat on the couch next to them. “Ah, ah… Do pets sit on the furniture?”
“Sorry, Master.” Orange sheepishly slid to the floor. He sat awkwardly, too nervous to sit like a true pet.
“Now, pup… is that how pets sit?” Moth chided. “I think you’re thinking too much.”
“I’m sorry. I just, like, I’ve literally never done this with someone else before,” Orange babbled, flustered. Moth gently stroked his hair and he lowered his face.
“Pets don’t need to think so much,” they murmured. “They act on instinct. And they obey their Masters.”
“I’m sorry, Master.”
“Don’t be sorry, cub. Correct your mistake and learn from it.” Orange took a deep breath and adjusted his seat. He sat like a dog, kneeling with his hands in front of him. Moth ruffled his hair. “Good boy.”
A thrill of pride washed over him at the words. He looked up at Moth, filled with a newfound confidence. He let his mouth open and his tongue dropped out.
“That’s a good pup,” Moth chuckled, scratching his ear. He leaned into their touch, letting his eyes flutter shut in pleasure. Moth took their hand away and he pouted. “Lie down.”
He folded his arms and legs underneath him, watching them attentively.
“Roll over.” He rolled onto his back, wiggling like a dog would. Moth laughed and slid off the couch. They rubbed his stomach and he let out a soft woof. “Good boy! Good boy!”
They scratched his chin and he licked their hand.
“Oh. Oh, I–I’m sorry,” he said quickly. He sat up and Moth shushed him.
“Don’t be sorry, pup.” They ran a thumb along his lower lip. “Open.”
He slowly opened his mouth. Moth slipped their thumb between his lips and he timidly licked it. He closed his lips around their finger and sucked on it.
“Good boy.” He let his eyes close as he sucked their fingers. They pulled their fingers from his mouth and he pouted, cracking his eyes open. They pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side. They unzipped their pants and Orange perked up, watching them pull out their cock.
“Master…” he breathed. They were half-hard and smaller than Orange had expected. He didn’t mind, though. It would make it a lot easier to play with.
“Sit.” He sat on his knees, looking up at them. “Lick.”
Orange leaned forward and gently licked the tip of their cock. He took the head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around.
“Whoa, fuck…” Moth groaned. “You’re sure you haven’t had a partner?”
“I watch a lot of porn.” Orange slipped off their cock with a pop. Moth laughed and scratched his head. He smiled and took them back into his mouth.
“You’re very–just like that, yes–very talented. Fuck~” Orange was starting to get hard from the praise and the feeling of their cock in his mouth.
He kept sucking them until they grabbed his hair and forced his mouth away. They moaned and came on his face. He cringed as their cum splattered over him.
“Fuck, that was good.” Moth stumbled to the couch and sat down with a thump. Orange wiped a hand over his face, hating the feeling of sticky, warm cum. “Come here, cub.”
“I’m gonna go clean up.”
“You wanna get off first?” Orange looked down. His dick was straining against his pants. “Come sit on Master’s lap.”
Orange sighed and got up, sitting on their thigh. Moth grabbed a few tissues from the box on the table and gently wiped most of the cum off his face.
“Thank you, Master.” They softly kissed him.
“How do you want to get off?”
“I, uh… what?”
“Hands, mouth… ass?”
“Uh, hands.” Moth smiled and easily unzipped his pants. They pulled out his hard cock and he whimpered. They expertly stroked him, and he was cumming in less than a minute.
“Good boy,” they whispered. He moaned, slumping against their chest. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
They picked him up with ease–he knew they’d be able to–and carried him to the bathroom.