Re-Connecting with my Brother


A gay story: Re-Connecting with my Brother

Most of those close to me in my life didn’t know I had a brother until he briefly walked back into our lives for a brief period after finishing his time serving in the Navy.

You see my brother Toby, 12-years-older than myself, was a child to my mother’s first marriage – before she married my father – when I was about five my brother collected his things one night and moved in with his biological father and up until recently before this story took place I hadn’t heard from him since.

Recently I had celebrated my 20th birthday, and while still living at home with my parents I was working hard and saving every dollar I could with the aim of buying a property. My brother had recently reached out to my mother through the internet where they had mended bridges.

Through their conversations they had organised for he and a friend, who had both just finished serving in the Navy, to stay with us for a couple months to get them back on their feet and adapt to the ‘real world’ once again.

My brother and his friend John arrived the following month. Despite the early awkwardness the barriers soon came down and we were soon talking and laughing like we were best mates.

Being in the Navy for the best part of the last decade my brother and his friend enjoyed the nightlife atmosphere, hitting the clubs drinking, partying and effectively fucking anything that walked.

Usually, the next day I’d hear all about their escapades.

Overtime though things slowly began to escalate. My brother Toby and his friend John would often invite me to join them in a night of drinking and partying, however, I was more the nerdy type. I had a goal of working hard and saving – so I constantly turned them down to ensure an early night and that I was able to work the following day.

As I said, things would slowly progress.

I don’t know if he thought it’d be funny, or whether it was too much alcohol, but I felt a presence in my room one night that woke me from the slumber, I couldn’t tell what it was but something – as part of my sleep pattern – was disturbed.

There was something under my nose, and it smelt completely different. The room was too dark to immediately see, as my eyes began to focus, I could see my brother’s silhouette.

“She smells good, doesn’t she?” his voice whispered as my mind finally started to operate normally after being startled awake.

“What?” I mumbled attempting to make sense.

“Her name was Rebecca,” he said holding his fingers under my nose, that is when it dawned on me that the smell on his fingers was the smell of ‘Rebecca’, I recoiled away from his fingers calling him gross, he laughed like a little kid who had just jump scared you by hiding around the corner, before he exited.

He did this a couple more times across the coming weeks, before it finally stopped. It felt good being able to go to sleep at night and not have to worry about being woken up smelling some girls’ stench on my brothers’ fingers.

It was however like the calm before the storm hits.

After just a couple weeks of being able to sleep peacefully it was again one night (or early morning) with darkness still consuming the sky that while sleeping I could sense a shift in the room, another presence, my sleeping mind however unable to completely comprehend the understanding as it attempted to continue the dream it was portraying.

It felt like something was on my lip, in the dream I was having it made sense for it to be a bead of sweat as there I was on the local beach on a hot Australian Summers Day enjoying the white sand under the feet as I stared aimlessly at the blue water. The heat from the day causing the sweat.

I stuck my tongue out to lick the bead of sweat off my lip, that is when the fantasy dreamland I was in quickly turned into reality, my mind with its beach dream immediately switched off and woke my mind when instead of feeling ‘the bead of sweat’ I felt something strange, something slightly softish yet hard at the same time, rubbing backwards and forward across my lips.

Feeling something unusual I immediately opened my mouth to question what the hell was happening, but before I could do so whatever was on my lips quickly found its way into my mouth.

I immediately began to sputter, choke and gag as I began to panic with this intruder in my mouth.

“Sshhhh….” My brothers voice came from the darkness as my eyes again forced themselves open and this unforsaken time of the morning, “this one was so nice, I wanted you to taste her too,” he declared as he continued to push further into my mouth.

“Just lick and suck on them, you will be able to taste her,” my brother Toby instructed, as my tongue, reluctant at first, began to swirl around what was in my mouth. I was somewhat relieved to find that there were two fingers in there, and he wasn’t wrong, although I hadn’t ‘tasted’ the others this was probably the better of the ones he had me somewhat involved in.

That is when something inside me changed slightly, I found myself a little turned on at the fact my brother was letting me suck his fingers shortly after he had fucked her with them. He began to slide his fingers deeper in and out of my mouth, an accidental moan escaped my throat, soon my brother was withdrawing his fingers from my mouth before slinking back off into the darkness.

Tonight was different, however. I attempted to roll over and drift off back to sleep like I had done all the other times, but I couldn’t I found myself replaying the scene over and over in my head and I remained hard… I gave in when at around 4am I made my way to the bathroom and wanked myself as the scene replayed itself again.

As with the fingers under the nose this continued a couple of times, the difference being I didn’t complain when he did this, in fact to me it was quite a turn on to the point I was considering going out one night in the near future with them.

Asleep in my room one night that the two went out I drifted off knowing there was a good opportunity I’d be woken up feeling my brother with fingers still covered in the taste of another chick he had just banged, I was excited and ready for it to the point I had trouble falling asleep – although knew I had to as that was one the hottest parts of this whole exchange my brother and I had going on.

Early morning rolled around, again my slumber was broken with the feeling of my brother standing next to my bed, and again I felt the rubbing on my lips and mouth. With my mind now conditioned and ready for these late-night wake ups it wasn’t long before it kicked into action, woke itself up and recognised it was time.

Slowly I opened my mouth to welcome the fingers.

With my mouth opened I could feel the insertion as he passed my lips and tongue, slowly making his way to my throat. Which is when I realised this time was different.

This was not his fingers. The size of what was in my mouth had the circumference of three fingers, it was when he went deeper than his fingers usually did that my eyes shot open. This was not his fingers this was his cock.


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