Ready for My Close-Up


A gay story: Ready for My Close-Up Ethan knocked on Jake’s door. While he waited, he shifted his weight, and moved the six pack of bottles from one hand to another. He was feeling nervous, more nervous than he expected.

He had come over to practice a scene with Jake: they were in a movie together, and there was a scene coming up where they had to be — intimate. The director had taken them aside and suggested they rehearse the scene on their own before they rehearsed it on set. Ethan felt like this was a good idea, and he was relieved when Jake readily agreed.

Jake opened the door. He was wearing a tank top with some sweatpants. Ethan felt a little overdressed with his jeans and button-up shirt.

“Hey buddy! Come on in.”

“Thanks!” Ethan said.

He walked in. Jake’s place was impressive — big open spaces and beautiful wood floors.

“This place is crazy!” Ethan said. “The studio only gave me a bachelor in a condo.”

“The perks of being a star, I guess,” Jake said as he led Ethan down a short hallway, past the marble and steel in the kitchen through to the expansive, two-storey living room. The large sliding glass doors fronted onto a darkened backyard.

“Really?” Ethan said. “It must be all that superhero money.”

“I’m kidding of course,” Jake said. “I’m in a shitty condo, too. I just rented this AirBnb for the week we have off.” He walked into the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink?”

“I brought some beer.” He placed the six pack on the counter.

“That’s cool, but I thought we’d start off with a shot of something. I’ve got some bourbon.”

“A shot?” Ethan said. “I don’t want to get too fucked up.”

“We’ve got all week off,” Jake said. “And besides, it’ll help with the scene.”

Jake pulled out two short glasses. He opened a bottle of bourbon and poured out healthy splashes in each.

“Here you go,” he said, passing the booze to Ethan. Ethan smelled it. He wasn’t a big bourbon or whiskey fan, so it smelled like poison.

Jake held out his glass.

“Bottoms up!”

They clinked glasses and downed them.

Ethan started coughing.

“God, that was fucking awful.”

Jake laughed. “I thought it was pretty tasty. But it’s okay. The hard part’s done.” He slapped Ethan’s back.

Ethan opened one of his beers and took a sip. The froth managed to wash the burning sensation away.

“Let’s go sit in the living room. Put the beers in the fridge so they don’t get warm.”

After putting the beer away, they settled themselves in the living room: Jake in the plush white couch, Ethan in a nearby armchair.

Ethan looked at his phone. He felt butterflies in his stomach. Maybe if he just pushed his way through, he’d be able to do it.

He pulled up the script.

“Okay,” he said, “Where do you want to start going through the scene?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Jake said. “Let’s not get right into it. Here, pick up that controller.”

He pointed out a nearby controller on the coffee table. He began scrolling through options on the TV screen facing them.

“What is this?” Ethan said.

“It’s MarioKart. Have you ever played?”

“I’m not a video games guy,” Ethan said.

“That’s okay,” Jake said. “It’s pretty simple.”

Jake explained the buttons and the rules. Within minutes, Ethan, a little toadstool, was racing around a track.

Jake was clearly an expert at it, but he didn’t do anything to mess Ethan up. He easily won the first two games. But he didn’t rub it in. After each one, he said, “Great job, buddy!”

Somehow, with a burst of beginner’s luck, Ethan won the third race.

“Hey, that was awesome, buddy!” Jake said, smiling. “But you better watch out!”

Ethan nodded and took a swig of his beer. He was feeling cocky. Maybe he had some secret ability to play this game that was even better than all of Jake’s practice.

But he was wrong. Within seconds of starting, Jake had shot him with a shell. Ethan cursed at him repeatedly, but Jake, laughing, easily beat him again.

“You are a fucking little shit,” Ethan said, smiling.

“Here,” he said. “This will help you drive.” He pulled out a vape pen and took a hit. He passed it to Ethan. Ethan took a long hit.

The vape and alcohol mixed in his body and began to ease his muscles. While they were stopped, Jake got up and got a bottle of beer and a bowl of chips.

On the sixth or seventh race, they were fully shit-talking each other and laughing. Jake was winning easily, but Ethan didn’t mind. It was almost more fun to lose terribly and to call Jake all sorts of names.

It was probably their eighth race when in a pause in their shit-talking, Jake asked Ethan, “So, have you ever kissed a guy before?”

Ethan nearly crashed, but he kept his eyes on the screen.

“Never. I’ve only been with girls. You?”

“Yeah, I have,” he said. “I’m not gay or bi, but when I was in theatre school, all of my gay and queer classmates wanted to practice kissing. It was just a thing. You know, experimenting.”

They kept driving for another minute. Ethan could feel his face flush with anxiety.

“So,” Jake said. “Maybe we should practice kissing first before we even get into the scene.”

They kept racing.

When they had finished, Ethan said, “Sure. That’s probably a good idea.”

Jake patted the couch next to him.

“Come over here.”

Ethan put down the controller and went over to the couch. He sat down.

“Do you want another hit?”

Ethan shook his head. He was definitely feeling the alcohol and cannabis mixture in his body. It was relaxing, sure, but also giving him a little burst of excitement, which was adding to his anxiety.

Being this close to Jake was also intimidating. Jake was more famous than Ethan. He had recently finished a superhero movie, and although it hadn’t been released yet, it was almost guaranteed to make him a superstar. He also had a natural handsomeness — a mixture of boyish beauty and masculine sharp angles in his face. And he had trained long and hard for the role, and so his body was almost inhumanly large and perfect. Ethan was in just regular gym shape, and he had only done some well-regarded indie movies. He felt like Jake was from another planet.

“I think, first,” Jake said. “Just get used to touching me.”

Jake held out his hands. Ethan reached out and touched them. Ethan’s palms were a little sweaty, but Jake didn’t flinch. Jake took Ethan’s hands and placed them on his arms.

“Feel my arms and my chest.”

Ethan began running his hands across Jake’s biceps and triceps and chest. They had such definition that Ethan could feel all of the individual muscles. As he felt Jake’s arms, Jake was feeling his.

“I’ll take my top off,” Jake said.

He removed the tank top and Ethan could see the movie star body up close. It was like looking at an AI-generated fantasy. He seemed to have no body fat. His pectorals were huge and nicely rounded. His nipples were large and seemed hard. Ethan felt it all.

Jake felt him through his shirt.

“I can feel that you have a great body under here,” Jake said. “Can you take off your shirt?”

“It’s nothing compared to yours.”

“It seems pretty fit.”

Ethan felt a wash of pleasure. He took a big swig from his beer and unbuttoned his shirt.

“Yeah, look at that,” Jake said. “A great runner’s body. The body hair looks great.”

Ethan had a dusting of body hair over his chest and down the middle of his abdomen.

They continued to touch and run their hands over each other. It felt good, both to give and receive. Ethan closed his eyes and just breathed the pleasure in and out.

When he opened his eyes a moment later, Jake’s eyes were closed, and his mouth was slightly open. He looked so beautiful. So many girls — and guys — were going to be lusting after this guy in just a few months. They would be dreaming of what he was about to do with Jake.

Without thinking, he leaned forward and lightly kissed Jake on the mouth.

Jake did not flinch, and immediately returned the kiss.

It started out soft and meditative. Just tasting the beer residue on each other’s lips. Ethan was surprised at how it was different than kissing a girl — the lips were stronger, chewier, and he felt the slight scrape of stubble. But these differences were exciting.

After a moment, Jake pushed his tongue into Ethan’s mouth.

It was shocking at first, but once the initial shock had worn off, Ethan was surprised at how much he enjoyed it. He began sucking on Jake’s tongue, letting it work its way through his mouth. There was also a new, pleasurable feeling budding in his brain — that of being dominated. He liked the idea of Jake taking charge.

Jake reached out and gripped the back of his head and began pushing his tongue all around Ethan’s tongue and mouth.

Ethan felt hot and excited and incredibly turned-on by the kissing, and he was somewhat surprised to realize that in his jeans, his dick was starting to grow.

Then, with almost a pop, Jake pulled himself away.

“I think you’re getting comfortable with kissing,” Jake said.

“Yeah,” Ethan said. His brain was short-circuiting. “That was amazing. You are a great kisser.”

“Thanks,” Jake said. “You were pretty good, too!”

Jake stood up.

“Let’s take a break for a moment. I’ve got to take a piss.”

He walked over to the nearby washroom.

Ethan downed his beer and walked over to the fridge. He pulled out a new beer and opened it. From the kitchen, Ethan could see Jake in the bathroom — Jake hadn’t bothered to close the door. Jake’s back, with his large lats and big shoulders, seemed to fill up the bathroom, and a powerful stream gushed from his dick into the toilet. Even from here, Ethan thought he could see part of Jake’s dick.

Jake stopped pissing. He shook the last drips from his dick and wrestled it back into his sweatpants. While Jake washed his hands, Ethan turned his focus on his beer so he wouldn’t be caught staring.

“Are you feeling more comfortable?” Jake said. He walked toward Ethan, rubbing his hand against his bare abs. His large dickprint was clearly visible in his sweatpants — more so than before. Was he a little turned on?

“Yes, yes,” Ethan said.

Jake walked over to the fridge and pulled out another beer. He unscrewed the top and took a big swig from the bottle. Ethan watched Jake’s abdomen muscles swim around as he drank. It was incredible.

“Cheers,” Jake said.

“Cheers,” Ethan said.

They clinked bottles and drank again.

Jake wiped his mouth.

Ethan said, “Can we try kissing again?”

Jake smiled. “Of course.”

Ethan was a little taller than Jake, and so Ethan leaned down to kiss him. Once again, those strong lips and slight stubble scratched him, but he liked it. Jake’s tongue pushed into his mouth. Ethan grabbed it with his lips and sucked on it.

For a few moments, their lips and tongues moved in unison, and the pleasure slowed his breathing. He just felt his skin tingling and excitement bubbling around his head.

Without thinking, he put his hands on Jake and Jake did the same.

Why had he never kissed a guy before? This was pretty amazing.

But once again, just as he was getting into it, Jake pulled away.

“I’m glad you’re getting comfortable,” Jake said. “But maybe let’s continue with the rehearsal.” He winked.

Ethan felt a little embarrassed. Was he showing too much interest in Jake?

Jake sat down on the couch, and Ethan sat next to him.

“Let’s do the scene at the bar,” Jake said. He took another vape hit.

“Sure, sure,” Ethan said. He was feeling a little exposed, so he put his shirt back on. He didn’t button it up though.

They began to do the scene. It was a moment when the two parts they were playing — Shane and Cody — are trying to connect after a one-night stand. Shane, played by Jake, doesn’t want to open up because of trauma in his background. And Cody, played by Ethan, has only known heartbreak, and so he’s nervous to let anyone in.

As they read the scene, Ethan was finding it hard to concentrate on his role because of the strange feelings he was having. He realized he wanted to kiss Jake more and touch his body, and it was distracting him. First of all, this was something he had never experienced before with a man. He was not a homophobe, but he had just never felt turned on by a male body before. It was surprising, but pleasantly exciting.

On top of that, he was feeling a little rejected by Jake — like, he felt that he was showing too much interest in Jake, and Jake, the movie star, needed to push this clingy fan away.

Worse, he knew that he was so in his head that he wasn’t doing a good job acting. The cannabis was only heightening these feelings. He began to shiver a little.

Jake stopped reading.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ethan said. “I’m just a little cold.”

“I’ll turn up the thermostat.”

“No, no,” Ethan said. He said this, but his teeth were chattering. “I’ll be fine.”

“Buddy, no, it’s done.”

Jake jumped up and went off to another room. Ethan took a swig of his beer. The shivering subsided a little. He wondered if he should just leave. They could try to do the scene at a different time.

After all, here he was, doing a rehearsal with a guy who was probably going to be one of the world’s most famous actors this time next year, and he was getting a weird, out-of-the-blue crush on him. He must be weirding Jake out. He needed to stop or leave or something.

He even started to imagine that maybe he needed to drop out of the film. After all, how could he act opposite Jake if he had an unrequited crush on him. How could he do that? He couldn’t do that.

Jake returned with some towels and a bottle of something.

“The thermostat is CRANKED. It’ll be like summer in here in a few minutes.”

Jake laid out a big towel on the ground.

“Here,” he said. “Lie down here and I’ll give you a massage. This’ll help you relax.”

“No, no,” Ethan said. “That’s okay, we can get back to the scene.”

Jake was already taking his sweatpants off. In a moment, he only had his black briefs on. If he looked incredible before, he looked phenomenal now. It only made Ethan feel even worse.

“Take a hit from the vape and lie down here. Trust me. This will help.”

Ethan was about to say no again. But it seemed easier to just agree with whatever Jake wanted.

And, he had to admit, he did want Jake to touch him.

Ethan took off his pants and socks, leaving only a pair of red boxer briefs on. He took a hit from the vape and laid face down on the towel. He was still shivering a little.

He felt Jake straddle his back — Jake’s legs rested against his sides. Jake must have squirted massage oil onto his hands because when Jake’s hands touched Ethan’s back, Ethan felt first cool, and then warming oil spread along his skin.

Jake wasn’t a trained masseuse, but it felt good to be touched by him. Jake’s hands were warm, and the thermostat was doing its job because soon Ethan stopped shivering.

They stayed silent. The only sound was the sound of the oil squelching between Jake’s hands and Ethan’s back.

After a few minutes, Jake spoke.

“Tell me a secret,” Jake said. “Tell me something you’ve never told anyone.”

Ethan was resting his head on his crossed arms. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of Jake’s hands.

Ethan began talking. He didn’t know where the words were coming from.

“My Dad died when I was young. I was ten, almost eleven. He had been a heavy drinker, and a few days before my eleventh birthday, he had a heart attack while driving. He drove into a neighbour’s front yard and crushed their hedge. For years after, I’d see the hole in the hedge and think of him dying in his car.”

“That’s terrible,” Jake said. He kept massaging for a moment, and then spoke again. “Keep going. How did this make you feel?”

Jake flipped around and began rubbing oil on Ethan’s legs. Jake wasn’t touching anything private, but the legs felt more intimate than Ethan’s back. Ethan’s dick was squashed beneath him, but he felt it stirring.

“I felt sad, of course. I felt embarrassed that I wasn’t normal like other kids. That my father dying made us weird and strange. We were an object of pity. I had always been a quiet kid and this just made me not want to do anything with other people. Which made things worse, socially for me.”

The pleasure from the massage was making it hard for Ethan to think. He paused to just feel Jake’s hands running over his legs, and the warm pressure of Jake’s ass on his lower back. The future and all of the things he had to keep in mind about the movie started to flee from his head. He couldn’t even remember the worries he was having before. He just focused on how his skin and muscles felt like they were melting into the massage oil.

Ethan kept talking about his childhood and Jake massaged. After a few more minutes, they fell silent. Jake was massaging Ethan’s feet. Ethan hadn’t had a massage in awhile and he had forgotten how good it felt to have his feet gently manipulated.

Ethan began imagining what Jake’s hard dick looked like. He imagined it standing straight, with a drop of cum dribbling from the top.

There was definite movement in Ethan’s underwear.

“Flip over,” Jake said. Jake stood up.

Ethan groggily flipped himself over. His underwear was showing growth, but the cannabis was putting him in a “fuck it,” mood. He didn’t care.

Jake put a hand towel over the top of Ethan’s face. Only Ethan’s mouth was left exposed.

“What’s the secret part of this?” Jake sat down on Ethan’s abdomen, facing away from Ethan’s face. He began rubbing oil over the tops of Ethan’s legs. If Jake rubbing the back of his legs was exciting, rubbing the front was instantly sending jolts of horniness through Ethan’s body. It felt like the nerves in his legs were wired directly into his cock, and with Jake’s gentle massaging, he almost felt like his crotch was being massaged. He could feel his dick thickening even more.

His heart pounded — this was so crazy! – but he was beyond caring. He liked that his dick was expanding and getting closer and closer to Jake.

“The secret is that I think I always wanted my father’s approval. He was always a pretty strict guy, and he often told me to stop whining — he thought I was too weak. I wish he had shown me more love. I wish he had told me that he was proud of me.”

Some emotional dam was bursting. Sexual voltage was buzzing across his skin in rhythm with Jake’s movements. Ethan’s dick was fully erect, and he could feel it jolting the fabric of his underwear up and down. Jake must have noticed that he was hard, and sometimes, when Jake leaned over, Ethan could feel his cock briefly brush against Jake’s abdomen. The fact that Jake must have noticed the erection and was not stopping was even more exciting.

Jake got up and this time sat on Ethan’s legs just below the crotch. He began massaging Ethan’s torso. Jake’s hands rippled over Ethan’s abdomen, and across his pecs. As Jake leaned forward, Ethan could feel the warmth and pressure from Jake’s crotch pushing against his. Was Jake hard too?

“What’s your secret?” Ethan said.

“My secret?” Jake said. “I lied to you earlier.”

Jake’s hand massaged Ethan’s pecs. His fingers played over the nipples gently. The touching set off waves of sensation. Just Jake’s fingers brushing against them made Ethan’s dick jerk in response.

Jake leaned even further over, and his crotch pushed down on Ethan’s erection. There was clearly something hard in there. Something big and hard. It felt like a lead pipe.

“What did you lie about?” Ethan said. He could barely breathe.

“I said I wasn’t bi,” Jake said. “Which I’m not, not really. I am usually with girls, but I did fall in love with a guy once.”

Jake ran his arms down Ethan’s sides and confidently smushed his crotch into Ethan’s. Their hard dicks jostled against each other. The warmth and masculinity was spectacular.

“He looked a lot like you, actually,” Jake said. “I loved him a lot. I just wanted to hold him all the time and protect him.”

Jake leaned completely forward and his whole torso pressed against Ethan’s. Their dicks rested against each other. Even through the fabric of their underwear, Ethan could feel Jake’s heartbeat in Jake’s dick.

Jake was sliding up and down Ethan’s body. Ethan tentatively reached out to hold Jake’s back. Ethan’s mouth opened and closed in anticipation.

Suddenly Ethan felt Jake kissing him. Jake’s tongue was darting in and out of Ethan’s mouth, and his arms were moving all over Ethan. Jake again ground his hard cock against Ethan’s.

Ethan pulled the towel away from his face, and he began kissing Jake hard. They rolled onto their sides. The intensity of their movements grew. They were hungry for one another.

Ethan grabbed Jake’s dick through the fabric of his underwear, and Jake did the same to Ethan. Jake’s dick felt enormous, thick, solid — man-sized. It felt like a superhero dick. Ethan loved it.

He took Jake’s cock out of its underwear and stared down at it. It was gorgeous and perfect, just like the rest of this perfect man. Jake did the same for Ethan, and then Jake held both of their dicks together. Ethan’s cock was smaller, not as perfect, but when Jake held them together, they still pulsed in unison.

Jake pushed his own underwear down his legs, and then he pulled Ethan’s off.

“Turn around,” Jake said.

A wave of excitement exploded over Ethan. This didn’t make any sense, but the cannabis and alcohol and the vibe were carrying him along. It felt amazing to just not care, to give in to whatever he was feeling. Ethan was submitting to this man.

Ethan flipped around.

Jake spooned him, his big arms holding Ethan’s torso and neck. Jake’s thick cock pushed up against Ethan’s butt. It felt impossibly enormous, like some smooth third arm of Jake’s. As the cockhead made contact with his sphincter, Ethan felt sparks of excitement radiating from his asshole. He could almost imagine it making gurgling sounds of delight.

Ethan’s crotch was exploding in sensation. He wasn’t even touching it, but his own dick was harder than it had ever been. He felt it was probably bigger than it had ever been. As Jake pushed into his buttocks in a soft gyration, Ethan matched the movements and pushed subtly back at Jake.

“I was his first,” Jake said in his ear. “I felt so proud to be his first.”

Ethan closed his eyes and just let all the pleasure slosh through his body. As the pleasure surged, it seemed to generate a soft hum that drowned out his thoughts. The friction of this masculine man’s body against his turned his skin ecstatic. He knew where this was going, and he couldn’t wait to say yes.

“Can I be your first?” Jake said.

Ethan paused to savour the moment.


Jake squeezed him tighter for a moment and then reached down and squeezed Ethan’s cock. Ethan sighed as precum dribbled out.

Jake reached away and came back with the vape.

“Here,” he said. “Take a hit of this. It’ll help you to relax.”

Ethan took it. He took a hit, a bigger hit than he’d taken yet. As he did, he immediately felt all of the blood vessels in his face open. His vision grew a little blurry as he retreated into the sweet thrum inside his brain. His head flopped back. He couldn’t keep a thought in his head. He felt like a doll, a toy to be played with.

Jake took the vape back and then he reached for the massage oil. Ethan heard him put some all over his dick. When he was done, he put his dick back between Ethan’s buttocks, but this time squarely at the asshole. Ethan felt nervous. But his butt was tingling incredibly.

“I’ll go slow,” he said. “As I do, tell me why you like me.”

Ethan could feel the giant rod gently but firmly pushing against him. He wanted to let Jake’s dick in, but he wasn’t even sure how to do it. He decided to focus on Jake’s request.

“I like your body, of course. It’s amazing. You look like a superhero.”

Jake’s cockhead was pushing more, and Ethan could feel something change. Something was moving. Something was stretching.

“Your face is perfect. You have a great smile, and your eyes are so charming. Your lips are amazing. I could kiss you for hours.”

A muscle relaxed somewhere, and Jake’s cock moved in slightly.

“And your cock is incredible,” Ethan said. As he did so, Ethan felt his first sphincter completely open. Jake’s cock moved in.

Ethan gasped.

But there was still something shut.

He reached out and touched Jake’s hip.

“It’s okay,” Jake said, and held him tighter. “We’re getting there. But we’ll stop here.”

They just lay there for a moment. As they did, Ethan took some breaths and his train of thought got derailed. What was he talking about a moment ago? He completely forgot.

The feeling of warning from his butthole faded. The tingling from his butt increased.

He wanted Jake, he wanted this big strong guy to take him. He wanted to have this guy’s masculinity fully inside him. He focused on those thoughts. About how fucking cool it would be to have this guy’s dick totally inside him.

“I also like how friendly and cool you are,” Ethan said. “You’ve been great to me on set since the beginning. You are so talented and successful and you’ve never made me feel bad about not being as successful as you.”

Something was happening. The doorway was giving way. Ethan could feel Jake throb in hungry anticipation.

“I really like you,” Ethan said. And suddenly his asshole released and Jake’s cock began sliding into him. It was incredible. It felt like he had a superpower.

He wanted to take it all the way. He reached back and pulled his ass apart.

Jake slowly slowly slowly slid in. He slid all the way, and his thighs touched Ethan’s. Deep from within, Ethan felt Jake’s dick throb in greeting. This throb was impossibly sexy. Where was it happening? He didn’t know. He just knew he fucking ate that cock.

Ethan just said, “Holy, fucking shit.” That’s all he could think or say.

Jake stopped. They just lay there, interlocked.

“Now I’ll tell you what I like about you,” Jake said. Jake pulled his dick out a bit. As he did, Ethan was amazed at how big it felt. Also, how amazed he was that he could take this huge dick.

Jake pushed it all the way in again.

“I like how cool you are,” Jake said. “I like all of your movies, and that you do movies that are interesting and different.”

Jake gyrated around. This set off some other crazy pleasure bells in Ethan’s brain. He let out a “Fuck.”

“I think you are a great actor,” Jake said. “I think you are super talented.”

Jake slid out more and then pushed his ridiculously huge cock back into Ethan. Ethan could barely hear or understand what was happening. He could feel his dick gushing pre-cum, and it was still as fucking hard as before.

“But most of all,” Jake said. “I think you are incredibly beautiful. Your face, your chest.”

Jake had slid almost all of the way out, and then back in again. He was still slow in his movements, but when he was getting full-tilt in, he pushed his cock as deep as possible.

“And most importantly for right now,” Jake said. “I think your ass is fucking incredible.”

Jake began increasing the pace. The friction in Ethan’s asshole seemed to be setting off vibrations throughout his body. That giant fucking dick was impaling him again and again. Ethan was getting fucked by a soon-to-be world famous movie star! Holy fucking shit.

Ethan squeezed his eyes shut and just kept saying that over and over again: “Fucking shit. Fucking shit. Fucking shit. Fucking shit.”

He was being destroyed. Taken over. How did they go from playing video games to him getting his ass railed apart on the carpet?

As Jake fucked him, Ethan felt like he was achieving some sort of Fuck Nirvana.

“Here,” Jake said. “Get on all fours.”

Jake slid out. Ethan could feel his asshole gaping wide. Without a dick in it, it suddenly felt empty. He needed a huge strong cock to fill him. To make him a man.

Ethan did as he was told. He got onto his hands and knees.

Ethan felt Jake get behind him. Jake fed his fat cock into Ethan’s waiting asshole. He gasped when Jake had slid completely in again.

Jake began seriously railing him now. His asshole was singing in pleasure. Fireworks were popping off in Ethan’s brain.

That superhero cock was doing its motherfucking superhero job.

After a minute of getting slammed, Ethan felt his cock begin the launch sequence.

“Oh god,” Ethan said. “I’m going to cum.”

He reached for his erect cock, slick with pre-cum, which was so alive with sensations that it was almost numb.

“No,” Jake said. He pulled Ethan’s hand away from his erection. “I’m going to make you cum hands-free. You just have to tell me how much you want my load.”

“Oh god, I want it,” Ethan said. “Oh I want it so much.”

Ethan’s mouth was open, and the jerks from Jake’s pumping made his teeth clack together.

Jake put one hand on Ethan’s back and with the other, he pulled Ethan’s butt onto his dick over and over again.

“I’ve got a big load,” Jake said. “Do you think you can take it?”

Ethan’s dick was fizzling. His whole body was sweating. He could barely tell what was happening. He wanted to cum but also didn’t want it to end.

“I want it,” Ethan said. “I want your big fat load from your big fat cock!”

“It’s coming,” Jake said. “Get ready!”

Jake slid deep into Ethan. His superpowers activated.


Ethan could feel the cum gushing into him.

As if he had been carefully balanced on a precipice, once he felt Jake’s cum, Ethan slipped into the ecstasy of cumming.


His brain melted in a ball of fire and light.

Ethan wasn’t touching it, but his dick was letting out gushers of cum.

Jake was still unloading in his asshole, but all of it felt very far away. Ethan seemed to be floating above the carpet. Words and language had failed him. He just felt pure happiness.

Jake finally pulled out. Cum dripped from Ethan’s hole.

Jake grabbed Ethan and they both dropped to the ground. Their naked, sweaty, sticky bodies clung together.

“That was amazing,” Jake said. “That was incredible.”

“Yeah,” Ethan said.

Jake’s enormous pectorals breathed in and out against Ethan’s back. Now that they had stopped fucking, Ethan didn’t feel bad about what they had done. In fact, if anything, he felt excited about it.

“That was a thorough way to do a rehearsal for our roles,” Ethan said.

Jake laughed.

“I hope you don’t think that was just a rehearsal,” Jake said. He kissed Ethan on the neck.

Ethan let the warmth of that kiss linger for a moment. Jake’s arms were across Ethan’s chest, and Ethan squeezed them.

“Whatever that was,” Ethan said. “I want more of it. More and more of it.”

He said it, and as he did, he knew it was true.

Jake kissed him again.

Ethan turned around and faced Jake. He kissed him on the lips. Kissing him was even more incredible than before.

Ethan’s dick had only deflated slightly, but as he kissed Jake, he felt it getting hard again. As he did, he felt Jake’s dick getting hard, as well.

“I like you so much,” Ethan said.

“I’ve got you beat,” Jake said. “I’ve liked you since you stepped onto set.”

They began kissing again. They ground their erections against one another. Ethan just wanted to hold Jake as long as possible.

“Ready for round two?” Ethan said.

Jake smiled.

“Of course,” he said. He quickly pecked Ethan’s lips. “Just one more thing before we start — I just want to let you know how proud I am of you.”

Ethan closed his eyes and fell into a kiss with Jake. This was an amazing night, and he knew, by the sweetness of Jake’s kiss, that there would be many more like it.


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