Reunited with an Old Friend

A gay story: Reunited with an Old Friend If you read my first story, ‘How it all started Pt.1’, you will know that I started my bi-sexual journey with my then best friend, back when we were both in our late teens. I ended that story telling of how career moves in our early twenties resulted in us seeing less and less of each other, until eventually we lost contact altogether. All that changed quite recently when we renewed our contact after a space of some thirty-plus years. Let me bring you up to date.

During my frequent masturbation sessions I often think about my first sucking partner, Jeff. Whilst stroking myself, I often recall in my mind the sex we enjoyed together, what his cock looked like, his large balls, and of course the feel of him in my mouth. I really miss what we did as teenagers and I often wondered if he felt the same way or if he now considered himself to be completely heterosexual. I had tied to contact him some years previously by telephoning the company I thought he worked for, but to no avail.

Then one day, by pure chance, I bumped into Jeff’s younger brother, Tim, at a trade show in Birmingham. I first spotted the name badge he was wearing which displayed his full name, but visually I would have recognized him anyway as he had changed little over the years. I have changed a lot mainly as I now shave my head after my balding hair began to look like a silly combover. Back when Tim would have known me I had quite long fair hair. Having approached him and re-introduced myself, he greeted me warmly and confirmed that of course he remembered me from when I used to hang about with his brother. We went for a coffee to catch up.

Over coffee we chatted about the course our lives had taken and about our families. It was really nice to catch. He said that he had always kept in contact with Jeff even though they were not particularly close and really only met at family get-togethers. Apparently, Jeff now lives and works in Lancashire and I asked if Tim had any contact details that he could let me have. He was understandably cautious about giving these details to me after such a chance meeting, so I gave him one of my cards and asked him if he wouldn’t mind passing it on to Jeff. This he promised to do and we parted company with a professional handshake.

A couple of weeks passed and then one day I received an email from my long lost friend. Jeff wrote that his brother had passed him my contact details. I immediately replied and over the next few days several emails passed between us. These all centered around catching up on our respective lives over the past years. There was, however, the rather large ‘elephant in the room’, that being our previous sexual relationship. Neither of us had mentioned it in our emails thus far and I imagined that we where both waiting for the other to take the first step. It was Jeff who took it when he ended one email with the phrase;

‘Do you ever think about the things we used to get up to all those years ago? I miss those days’.

Jeff had opened that door and so I stepped through, still cautious, but writing back;

‘I think about our old days a lot, usually when I am on my own. I miss the close relationship we had in those days and it would be good to pick up where we left off’.

A couple of days past and I began to think that maybe I had overstepped the mark and perhaps his last comment was completely innocent. Maybe I wouldn’t hear from him again. Then I received another email;

‘I have your mobile number, can you give me a suitable day / time when we can chat properly’.

Email was still the only contact detail I had for him so I emailed back a day and time when I knew my wife would be out at her yoga class. When the allotted time approached I found I was almost tingling with excitement at the prospect of having a private conversation with my old sex partner. I waited at home for the phone to ring and I have to confess that I could feel my cock getting hard in anticipation. Then my phone rang.

We spoke for a couple of minutes about general things and then Jeff asked if it was okay to speak freely. I replied yes and what follows is a brief record of our conversation so far as I can remember it:

Jeff; “I miss the old days and I often think about them. I can still picture your hard cock.”

“Me to. I loved playing with you and sucking you.”

Jeff; “Do you think about us often?”

“Quite often these days. My wife isn’t interested in sex anymore so I wank almost daily. I’m a right wanker (laughter). And yes, I think about what we used to do quite often while I do it. You still make me cum. What about you?”

Jeff; “Since reuniting I have lost count of the times I have wanked imagining you. I still have sex with my wife but I think about you as well.”

“I was worried that you weren’t interested in bi-sex anymore, but I’m glad you feel the same as me.”

“I don’t do anything with other blokes but what we had was different. Any chance we can meet up sometime?”

“I’d like that, how do we do it without raising suspicion?”

Jeff; “Do you still flyfish?”

“Yes, regularly. Why?”

“I often fish Ladybower Reservoir.”

“I know it well.”

“How about we meet up to go fishing. We’ll need an early start so we could stop overnight the day before? There’s a great pub nearby. I have stayed there before. We can book two rooms, enjoy ourselves maybe on a Friday night and fish on the Saturday.”

“Let’s do it.”

We discussed a couple of date options and Jeff said he would book us in to the pub and fishery. I couldn’t wait.

Before our call ended Jeff asked;

“Does anyone else ever see you emails?”

I replied; “No, only me.”

“Any chance of sending me a photo of your cock. I would like to see it again.”

I told him that was not a problem and we ended our call.

I still had some time before my wife was expected back and I was also well of my way to a good erection. I striped off and stroked myself to a full hard on. I laid on the bed, slightly on my right side, and rolled my foreskin all the way back to expose my engorged knob. Using my phone camera I took a few photos. Transferring the images to my computer I selected the best one, cropped it slightly, and emailed it to Jeff. Within a few minutes an email pinged back to me. It said;

‘Very nice!!! Having a nice wank now!!!’.

Jeff attached a photo of himself, standing naked, legs slightly apart and a nice erect cock. His cock was exactly as I remembered it, a nice thick base, tapering slightly to the top and a smallish knob. It reminded me a little of a large carrot and I like carrots!

I started to masturbate while I looked at the picture of Jeff. It was quite a turn on knowing that he was masturbating to a picture of my cock at the same time. I shot a good load onto my stomach.

* * *

Three weeks later and there I was in my car, loaded with fishing gear, headed towards Derbyshire. In the last few days Jeff and I had continued to speak on the phone when we had the chance to be alone and on one occasion we even wanked ourselves to completion whilst talking to one-another about the sex we would soon be having. My first even telephone sex.

At about 5pm I arrived at the pub Jeff had booked and I checked into my room. Jeff had not arrived yet but he sent me a text. He was about 45 minutes away. I messaged back that I would meet him in the bar and I took the opportunity to have a quick shower. I dressed in a tee-shirt and jeans, but did not bother with any underwear as I wanted to feel ready for him. However, this may not have been the best idea as the feeling of anticipation in my head was equaled by a larger than normal bulge in my jeans. I hoped that only Jeff would notice.

I was half way down my pint of beer when Jeff walked in to the bar carrying his overnight bag. We greeted each other with a warm handshake and a quick man hug. He booked in and set off with his key to find his room while I got him a pint. He was back in the bar 10 minutes later and we chatted while we drank our beers.

We were sat at a corner table with no one else nearby. Jeff looked around the room, I guess to confirm our situation, and then he placed his hand on the front of my jeans and starter gently squeezing my cock. We continued our completely innocent conversation and all the while Jeff was feeling my hard cock.

We finished our drinks and I asked if Jeff wanted another. In a low voice he said:

“No thanks, I can’t wait any longer. Let’s go upstairs to get ready for dinner.”

Getting changed for dinner was only partly what we were going to do. We passed Jeff’s room and went straight to mine. I opened the door and Jeff entered. I locked the door and as I turned around Jeff was standing there looking at me. I stepped towards him and we instinctively put our arms around each other in what was more than just a man hug. I pressed my lips to his and opening our mouths we kissed. Our tongues met and a very passionate kiss ensued which lasted a couple of minutes. During our kiss I again felt Jeff’s hand on the front of my jeans as he felt and squeezed me. We halted our kissing as I said;

“Let’s have the nice quick session with both need. Then we can go for another beer and something to eat. After that I would like to go to bed with you.”

“Sounds good to me.” Jeff said, and he dropped to his knees in front of me.

I pulled off my tee-shirt and threw it onto the bed as Jeff undid my belt. He popped the button on my jeans and lowered the zip. Without underwear my erect cock sprang out and without a moments pause, Jeff took me into his mouth. One hand was between my legs feeling my balls and his other was around the base of my cock. After so much anticipation, his stroking and sucking soon had me getting close and I asked him to stop as I didn’t want to cum too soon. Jeff had other ideas. He said;

“Let’s satisfy our urgent needs. I really need to taste you again.”

He took me back into his mouth and carried on. Almost immediately I felt myself tensing and there was that lovely feeling you get when your orgasm is building. Jeff didn’t let up with his cock sucking. I held off as long as I could which only served to strengthen the intensity of my impending orgasm. I couldn’t hold off any longer and gave in to my need to cum.

It felt like I was emptying a hi-powered hose into my friends mouth as several contractions let me know that I was spurting a good load of cum into him. I could feel his tongue moving around as he savored and swallowed what I was giving him.

Me; “That was fantastic. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard.”

Jeff; “It was a good load. Delicious!”

Me: “Your turn to get sucked now.”

Jeff slid down his trousers and boxers and sat on the bed. I knelt between his legs and feasted my eyes on his fully erect cock. He was so hard that his cock was pointing up vertically, almost as if it was glued to his flat stomach. I lost no time in taking his large balls in my left hand and his cock in my right. I had a real good feel of his balls, which are much bigger than mine, and then I lowered my head and started kissing and nuzzling them. Jeff has a nice amount of black pubic hair, around his cock and some on his balls. The feel of his pubes against my nose and mouth was amazing.

I moved to his cock and took it in my mouth. I sucked hard whilst slowing bobbing up and down on him. He must have been as sexed up as I was because in no time at all I felt him tense and his balls draw up a little. I knew he was close to giving me my reward and sure enough I felt the underside of his cock pulse, followed a split second later by the first of several powerful jets of cum. I positioned my mouth so that his cum hit the roof of my mouth rather than spurting straight down my throat. I wanted collect it so as to fully taste him. I remember that Jeff always produced a large portion of cum, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Having both renewed our acquaintance with one another’s cocks, and tasted each other, we dressed again and returned to the bar. We had a good pub meal and another couple of drinks while we chatted. It was now about 9:30pm so we left the bar to get an early night. Jeff said to give him 15 minutes to shower and then come to his room. I also had another quick shower, brushed my teeth and in exactly 15 minutes I tapped on his door.

He held the door open for me and after closing it, I saw that he was completely naked. I quickly shed my clothes and we kissed. The feel of his naked body pressed against me was amazing. Jeff suggested we lay on the bed which we did, lying there side by side.

I kissed my way down to Jeff’s left nipple and started to suck on it. Something I’d never done to a man before, but he seemed to enjoy the sensation. I moved to his right nipple and sucked on that before kissing my way down to his groin area. I nuzzled my nose and mouth in his pubic hair, which smelt faintly of shower gel. I moved a little lower to the base of his cock and I licked his lovely big balls, licking them all over, particularly the underneath between his scrotum and his anus. Jeff was breathing quite heavily and softly moaning. I took hold of his cock, slid my mouth over it and sucked hard.

With me sucking his cock we were almost lying head to toe and Jeff gently maneuvered me a little straighter, still lying on my left side, so that we were now in the 69 position. Jeff rolled a little more onto his left side so we were now in the perfect 69 position. I felt the warm wetness of his mouth around my cock as we both sucked each other. We had no reason or desire to rush and so enjoyed the slow and gentle feeling of giving and receiving oral sex.

Jeff used one hand to cup my balls and let one of his fingers, I assume his middle finger, extend between my bum cheeks. I felt the tip of his finger touch my anus and he gently rubbed me there while he sucked my cock. The sensation was amazing and I wanted him to experience what I was, so I started to mirror what he was doing to me. He responded almost immediately as I felt him tense and I knew he was getting close to blowing his load.

Jeff’s tensing and twitching had me concentrating more on him than what he was doing to me, but I didn’t care. At that moment all I wanted to do was give him the maximum amount of pleasure I could. I increased the pressure of my sucking and gently worked the tip of my middle finger into his bum, not very far but just enough to give him some added feeling. It did the trick and with a grunt Jeff pushed his hips forward a little, pushing his cock further into my mouth, and he came. Spurt after spurt of his tasty man juice filled my mouth. I swirled it around to get the full flavor of him before swallowing my delicious prize.

Jeff had slowed the attention he was giving me while he orgasmed and came down from his high, but then he sat up and said:

“Fucking hell mate, that was incredible, I thought I was going to pass out. You need to come now.”

I laid on my back as Jeff gave my cock his full attention, sucking and bobbing. I told him I was about to come and at the exact moment I started to erupt, he sealed his lips around the flange of my cock. I’m pretty sure I gave him another good load of spunk to taste and swallow.

We laid in bed holding each other and occasionally kissing. Eventually he both dropped off to sleep. During the night I had to get up to visit the loo and when I returned Jeff started fondling my cock which ended up with us sucking each other off again. Very nice indeed, sucking each other in the darkness of night.

Early the next morning I sneaked back to my own room, showered and got ready to go down to breakfast. Jeff knocked on my door at the agreed time and when I let him in he said;

“I’ve got something to show you.”

He showed me a photograph on his phone. He told me that it was a picture of his current wife. I looked at it and boy what a picture. She was sitting on a beach, completely naked. You could see her large tits, pale pink nipples and a nicely trimmed ginger pussy. She is quite curvy but to he honest I prefer women that are not too thin. He said it was taken on their holiday in Spain last year when they went to a nudist beach. I apologized that I didn’t have a picture to show him but he didn’t mind. He then reminded me of the time many years ago of the black and white Polaroid photo he had shown me of his then girlfriend. It was that photo that first triggered our sexual relationship.

And that’s my story. We had a good enjoyable and productive day fishing, and then parted company to travel back home. I am pleased to say that we have remained in contact and are planning another overnight trip soon. I can’t wait!

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