Richard I


A gay sex stories: Richard I

To some it might seem strange that James was thinking of classical literature and poetry in that moment. With a nervous but excited hunger burning in his stomach, he was just about to get on his knees and into position to sate a lifetime of unrequited longing. He was about to submit to a much larger partner by going down on Richard’s full length. For his own self preservation, fearing how much it might sting to truly dream of this but then never have it, he had held queer desire in check for over four decades. Finally that had changed.

James was so close that he could safely let his imagination go. The connection to literature was, in part, that James was a lover of all forms of beautiful writing, just as he was a lover of all things sensuous, desirous and beautiful. Here was beauty and desire personified in front of him. Literature in its deepest essence is shot through with all all manner of such desires, requited and unrequited. It’s about imagination and about expanding the possible. Admittedly, and as he began to assume his submissive position, James found himself at close quarters with another kind of expansion, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t expanding his mind and soul too.

To be clear, in the face of Dick not all of James’ imaginings were literary and on a higher plane. Some of his current thoughts, as he knelt and steadied himself only inches from an enormous eight inch perfect phallus, involved fine-grained particulars of how he was going to be filled and covered in cream. Even through the anticipation he could almost feel his appetite being quelled with a cooling, satisfying, sweet deposit right in the heart of his butterfly-ridden and churning stomach. Such a deposit felt like the only thing that could settle him now.

He’d admitted to himself that he wanted this and from there it had become a desperate need. From that general starting point James’ embodied imagination really began to race ahead. Ideally he imagined an excess supply spurting out of Richard that was so thick, so rich, and so plentiful that it not only quelled the fire and filled the appetite in his stomach, but having achieved that end it filled his mouth, slid over his lips, ran down his chin, and landed on his low-cut blouse and lace-cover breasts.

Not yet satisfied with just these thoughts James’ mind raced ahead even further. He imagined Richard recovering quickly thanks to James’ eager attention. Re-enlarged and hardened to explosion point Richard would first stretch him out, fill him up, and ram into him with force. There was no need for gentleness. James had been ready for this for a lifetime. He could already imagine crying out for the joy of experiencing pleasure he never thought would come, calling on Richard to go ever harder and to slam into him with ever more force whilst James leaned back to meet each thrust.

For James he imagined all this as a kind of deeper fusion with another, inside and out. He fantasied that if they just kept up the urgency, and if they continued a rhythm of reaching forward and back to meet one another time and again, that somehow they might meld and this feeling would never end. It didn’t matter how impossible that horizon might seem. He wanted to reach for it. After feeling and milking carnal and urgent embodied satisfaction as far as it could humanly go, James imagined how he would push Dick over the edge once more.

James dreamed of squeezing down on Richard as hard as he could with his own rear lips, all while leaning back into him one last time with so much force that his bigger partner should fall over. But Richard held strong for him. In that specific imagined moment and as they were joined as close as two people could possibly be joined, James took Richard into a rare state of higher ecstasy. As much was the gateway to a closeness he had long sought but never thought he would have. As a glorious tactile reward for his efforts he imagined being filled in yet another part of his insides, and so much so that even taking account of all the sweetened cum that was needed to fill a Richard sized space there was still far too much.

When Richard was reluctantly eased out excess would gush and then drip slowly and erotically out of James’ sated second lips. But even as James contemplated the all-too-perfect and erect phallus now inches from his face, and even as he could feel the possibility he’d just dreamed in full, wide, carnal and luscious detail, he found that his mind wandered away from these immediate pleasures and on to related literary ones. In truth he was contemplating literotica of earlier ages, even if certain prudish and stale guardians of the literary canon would turn up their noses at that accurate assessment.

With his body James started to go further, now properly positioned on his knees as he breathed in rapid and shallow excited breathes. He was beginning to take first tentative licks as a precursor to getting the full girth and length of Richard into his mouth. Meanwhile, and surprisingly, with his mind he could hardly help but think of Sappho. Ah, the elusive and seductive Sappho. She was one of those rare Greek women to enter a literary cannon dominated by men. She was even depicted by Raphael amongst fellow legendary poets Virgil, Dante and Homer in the Vatican.

The particular work James thought of was celebrating music and poetry. These two realms were an intoxicating and inseparable mix at one time. In her day Sappho’s lyric poetry to music must have soared given the high regard with which it was held by those who heard it. Yet this was not high culture separate to life and sexuality. There’s an underlying reason, even if that reason might be refracted, sometimes debased, and lacking its original richness, as to why the very idea of sapphic literature warms the nethers of millions around the world even now.

Sappho’s image might grace the walls of even religious sites, but there’s also eroticism dancing all through what we have left of her poetic song. It includes clear written evidence of the use of ancient dildos. One such ancient pleasure device had even recently been identified amongst Roman artefacts uncovered in Britain. Initially the British stiff upper lip seems to have won out against other more pleasurable stiffness, in the sense that they classified this most important of discoveries as merely another tool.

It turned out that this particular device was likely anything but an ordinary tool. Indeed, one might rightly claim it was the height of technological, civilisational, and intellectual advancement, precisely because it showed that us humans could use our powers of imagination and creativity for pleasure rather than violence and war. The wood of this ancient technological wonder had been shrivelled by time, and so its efficacy had been undoubtedly diminished, but at one point it was likely a gorgeous and arousing provider of the quasi-mystical ecstasies James was trying to reach.

‘Would one really want to try out a two thousand year old shrunken wooden dildo?’ James suddenly thought to himself. The idea of musty mould-filled splinters naturally followed and almost destroyed his mood and appetite. He re-focused on the contrasting bulbous, thick, strong, and beautifully veined member of Richard. This Dick was very much firm, full of life, in its prime, and there was not a splinter in sight. It was this sight that initially fired the delicious and dreamy anxiety in James’ hungry stomach and tingling rear. It only took a moment for its inspiration to reanimate his hunger.


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