Room Party: Boys Only


A gay story: Room Party: Boys Only This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.

Drackonthanri was not the kind of dragon who had to wait for a partner to just “show up” at the room parties. The convention was thriving, the lobby a mass of bodies and loud voices, everyone eager to meet the others that they had chatted with online and yet not quite managed to see in person — until that very convention. A mixed convention of gaming, sci-fi, anime and more, it really appealed to many that differed from the norm and the mainstream, or simply wanted to get away from the everyday grind that was becoming so normal to many anthros, regardless of what walk of life they came from.

He was flying under the radar, so to speak, that night, with his large, leathery wings folded in against his body, although he would have put on a show and taken centre stage if he had wanted to. With a drink at his lips, he took a casual swig from the bottle, sitting back on the armless chair, with a comfortable seat, that he had, at least for the moment, decided to claim as his own. For such a party, all the drake wore was a pair of low-rise jeans, his feet bare and dark claws lightly curled. His chest was exposed, showing the splendour of his grey and white scales, though nothing about him was pure — not even with the yellow gem set into the lower part of his abdomen, an “X-shape” spread across his torso, where the gem resided at the centre.


The dragon rumbled, taking in some of the seedier and saucier sights before him. Of course, he was into the same things as many of the guys who were there at that particular room party, but he liked the after-hours parties just as much. They offered a different flavour to those that he most usually got to get with and his button was not undone to offer a tantalising glimpse at his lack of underwear for no reason.

The room party was not intended to be clean, after all, even though there were a couple of hosts still in there keeping an eye on things, not drinking. They weren’t supposed to drink too much, because things could easily get out of hand, but things were already getting going with couples and strangers tumbling into one another’s arms, taking up as much space as they were able to in the suite with moans and groans and lusts rising.

Before him, a slender feline, cream with brown points to their body, spread themselves out alluringly on a coffee table, though he had a red tag hanging from around his neck that said that he was not to be touched. At least, not yet. The tags could come off at any time and Drackonthanri, quite honestly, did not need one, a look from the thickly muscled, powerful dragon more than enough to ward off any unwanted attention. Someone like the slim cat, however, even with the shy blush darkening his cheeks and making his white whiskers quiver, might need a little help either from a tag system or just someone keeping an eye on him.

The difference between their sizes, in terms of the bulk of their bodies, was rather ludicrous in how they were presented to one another. The feline sat up, Duster’s whiskers twitching. He was a ragdoll cat — though breeding and colouring didn’t mean much to furries those days, considering the sheer number of hybrids that were around in the world. The cream of his fur still held something of a brown tone to it, as if he had been dipped in dark chocolate, his paws and up both his arms and legs a dark, rich hue.

Duster, however, didn’t know how to take things forward at the room party. Sure, he was at his most comfortable around others that liked the same things as him, geeky, nerdy things — whatever the hell others wanted to call them. He had known that he’d wanted to go and, well, he had worn a nice, tight, form-hugging pair of underwear so that he didn’t leave anything to the imagination, but…that didn’t mean that he was confident. Even though he could do anything that he wanted in there, within the usual restrictions of the managed room parties, watching too or simply being eye candy was allowed too.

The feline purred, however, trying to appear confident as he stretched out back over the coffee table, set down low to the ground before the sofa, though the sofa had been pushed back to allow more room there. His eyes roamed, picking up on a blue dragon, though the drake perched there, watching, had a “submissive” tag around his neck too, hanging from his charms. Duster, on the other hand, didn’t mind at all putting on a bit of a show, arching his back and rolling his hips up, showing off the bulge of his sheath and balls. Even his cock was making an appearance, the notion of being watched, out there in public, getting to him more than he could have realised it would affect him.


And then he stilled, his heart skipping a beat. Oh, it was so cliché but he knew that it was so, like something had juddered in his chest at exactly the right time. His eyes landed on a glorious dragon, tall and dominant, easily taking up all the space in the room that he wanted to, knees apart where he was sat and a smirk on his muzzle.

Drackonthanri. His friend had told him about that dragon, yet the warning had been half-hearted at best. It was just what the dragon was packing that was of interest, though his cocks were not hidden at that moment, both half-hard, shaped like equine shafts, even though Drackonthanri was a drake. Whether he was a hybrid or not was something that begged another question entirely, though Duster’s legs quivered, bearing down into the edge of the table with his hind paws, his chocolate tail lashing anxiously back and forth.

His cock swelled, pressing out of his sheath into the tight confines of the stretchy underwear that showed off his butt nicely too. He blushed heavily but it was not as if he had ever wanted to leave anything to the imagination, for he didn’t have to hide it, no, not truly. Everyone there was present for the same thing and there was already a duck getting railed up against the windows, their wings spread and their beak rapping on the glass while they were filled under their tail.

Despite the blowjobs being given out, the penetration being teased forth with fingers and dicks…he was too caught by the dragon to pause. Even though there were other eyes on him and he knew that anyone there would have happily spent some time with him, he had chosen and, well…he just had to be bold enough to fold himself to his knees before Drackonthanri.

The dragon wouldn’t even know his name, but he would know the drake’s name.

That would have to be enough as he crossed the room, glancing at an orca-like anthro who might have caught his attention too, if only he had been a moment quicker. But the heart, or the cock, wanted what it wanted.

Orsakia stood out. He knew Drackonthanri from other parties and events — hell, they’d even worked in the same building at one time — but they didn’t act like they knew one another, not at that party. There was an air of excitement and anonymity to hooking up at conventions, allowing those that had fun with one another the chance to either stay in touch afterwards or carry on, going their own separate ways. Nothing was set in stone at a convention, though Orsakia did make a habit of frequenting the room parties and adult events that, of course, were well run and well managed. Shouldering his way out of a scuffle was not his idea of a fun night, even though he, just like Drackonthanri, could easily get himself out of trouble. He just, quite literally, didn’t want to go to the trouble.

Orsakia, however, had not come with clothes on. Having only been wearing some kind of cosplay — disposable, for he had no intention of putting it back on at the end of the room party — he had immediately stripped down to the nude in there. His body was striking, muscled and smooth, though his hide was like that of an orca. He was not an orca, despite his markings, the bulk of his body a deep, eye-catching blue while he boasted the white front and “underbelly” that were both typically seen on orca anthros, along with the thick tail and flukes.

No… He was a hybrid, but no one would easily guess the mythical other species that he was, even if it was shown in the shape of his head. For it was not smooth and rounded at the back like an orca’s head but his skull rose out, defined as if he was something more monstrous. However, there was nothing dark at all about Orsakia even as he stood there, eyeing up a rather fetching blue dragon who he could have sworn he had seen about the con already. His eyes narrowed and his lips quirked in a grin, lips twitching, his quarry’s gaze locking onto his.

Karrn gulped, toying with the signifiers around his neck — the hanging tags that denoted whether he was up for fun, to be taken without explicitly asking, not to be touched: everyone knew the code there. He still had his red tag on, to not be touched, but he was itching to take it off, shifting his weight where he perched on the sofa, even if he was enjoying the show going on around him too, rather a lot, in fact. A gryphon anthro had chosen to go down on a big, beefy stallion right there next to him and Karrn’s cock rose to attention, the pink length sliding into his hand as the dragon bared his teeth, releasing excess heat from his body.

Even though he was down to his blue scales, he was not quite confident to take off the tag that would allow others to start touching and caressing him, however, not sure just how far he wanted to go. Sure, Karrn had done displays and performances, even had sex in BDSM clubs, along with regular old private sex and kink, but it had been a long time since he had been invited to a room party. Getting back out there into the world had been different for him, being caught up in work for so long, though he was glad to catch the eye of one very interesting dragon.

But no… No, they didn’t look like a dragon after all, not as they stood up. The blue-tone orca was tall and bulky, yet held a mammalian grace about him still, ridges rising from around his eyes as if to emulate wing-like shapes. They were most certainly not only an orca but he dared to say that there was a lot more to the other anthro than initially met the eye.

And it took a lot for Karrn to feel small too, even as he tried to let his tail stick out a little from his body, uncertain in the group setting and yet wanting to take everything that was offered to him regardless. He was moderately built with a nice bit of muscle about him, though everything in the dragon wanted him to fold sensually to his knees before the orca-hybrid, just to get what they all wanted.



Between consenting parties, that would never be a bad thing.

“You are watching me,” the orca-hybrid rumbled, crooking a finger at him, leaning back against the wall, though he was by no means sheltering away from the debauchery going on right there before him. “So… Why don’t you come on over here and keep me company?”

Karrn licked his lips, the dragon shifting his weight. His shaft was out and, without even thinking about it, he was standing. It had not even seemed, not in the last few moments, as if he’d been sitting on the sofa at all, so caught up in the moment that everything moved on without his active mind being engaged in it.

Maybe that was what true lust was. Maybe that was even what submission could be, to him, even though he could play both ways and roles, just as he pleased.

“Name’s Orsakia,” the orca-hybrid said, clicking the edge of his beak-like jaws together, a smile brightening his eyes with desire. “But…you don’t have to call me anything.”

He spun the toy around his finger: a simple ring gag. Well, he wouldn’t have wanted to make it hard for any partner of his to suck off his cock, wanting to warm up for the real fun, the fingers of his other hand splaying down around his belly slit, his externally held balls swollen and needy. His anatomy, after all, did not have to be true to an orca’s form, and he stroked the edges of his slit, cock throbbing out pinkly, noting just how the dragon’s eyes landed on it.


Karrn gulped visibly and Orsakia grinned as he watched the lump travel down his throat. Oh, that was adorable, though it was a given that the dragon would, however slowly, unclip the “no touching” tag from the bundle hanging around his neck and hand it to Orsakia. Permission was given and the submissive, blue dragon folded to his knees, parting his lips for the bigger stud before him.

It was his right, after all, to do as Orsakia willed. He was safe there, trusting in the hosts and trusting in his partner, in the cool, calm, dominant aura that he exuded. That made it quite as if all the outside noise of the room, from slurping blowjobs to long, drawn-out moans, was falling away, becoming softer and dimmer, as if he was hearing it from a much greater distance than only a few moments before. They had ended up quite close to the big drake with a feline partner, though Karrn didn’t have much of a chance to glance over as he was turned around, his back pressed to the wall.


He was willing, but the finger hooked into the corner of his mouth for the orca-hybrid, Orsakia, to push the ring gag in, neatly in as close to the back of his mouth as possible, demanded more. He gasped faintly, shuddering against the wall, though the cage of Orsakia’s legs was oddly comforting, even though he did not dare, in that moment, to touch his own cock.

“Best take care of those pesky hands too, hadn’t we?”

Orsakia’s words washed over him and Karrn blinked dimly, realising that Orsakia was giving him a chance to back out, watching him carefully for every reaction. Yet Karrn only nodded and moaned as Orsakia’s cock rubbed over the side of his muzzle, the powerful yet flexible orca bending over him to take his hands up and above his head.

Sliding his hands and wrists into a leather binder, Karrn’s arms were pinned together and bound, followed up by a mitten that went over both of his hands together and tightened at the wrists. Any buckles and ties, in that manner, were easier to keep away from questing, wriggling fingers, and he trembled, even though he was still left facing out into the room, still in a position to grab someone’s attention if anything went awry.

But, oh, how Karrn felt that everything was going, already, just the way that he wanted it to… Even more so when Orsakia pinned his arms up above his head, holding them, bound, to the wall, so that he could move the dragon under him about just as he pleased.

And when Orsakia’s cock brushed his lips and then slid in through the wide ring gag, big enough to hold his thick, curved length, Karrn wasn’t thinking about anything else at all. With lust threatening to brim over inside him, it was just as well that he was bound, struggling and fighting to use his tongue, all to be an active player while his bondage demanded that he become more passive, to enjoy every moment.

Duster didn’t have so much of an issue, blushing heavily as he handed off his tag to Drackonthanri, allowing the studly dragon to take ownership of him for the evening. He followed the dragon’s rumbling growls, his tail betraying him in how it flicked and curled back and forth. Duster was the epitome of a feline on the hunt, even though he was the prey, that time, who had been captured, taking on a softer, more submissive role. Truth be told, most of the time lately Duster had been switching or having sex on an evener level.

Yet there was both beauty and release to be had in giving everything that he had in him up to a dragon, to someone that he could kiss, nuzzling into his pecs and moaning as he licked and nibbled his way down that body. Without any fur on his body, the dragon, who had introduced himself as Drackonthanri, showed off every last one of his muscles, from chest to thigh and lower still. Duster had never been much of a calf guy, however, and took the offered hint as the dragon pressed him down to those twin cocks of his.

“Take your time…” Drackonthanri rumbled, inviting Duster in with those rich, honey-sweet tones of his. “We’ve got all night and I don’t like to rush my partners either.”

Even his voice came with a heady, patient drawl to it. Yet one could not have ignored the lust wound through, how the dragon so easily dominated, as if it all came second nature to him.

The feline blinked slowly, admiring the two spires of horse cock before him. If he had not been able to get such a good look at the dragon beforehand, he would have been shocked to find them there, thick and fleshy, the heads nicely defined. There was nothing about them that suggested his draconian heritage and Duster blushed a little more as he got into it, lapping softly around the glands at the head of each cock in turn.

“Oh, gosh…”

He murmured, though didn’t need to raise his voice. The communication between them came in the hesitant press of their bodies against one another, how he felt small and submissive, down on his knees. And yet the feline could relax into it, settling there, the looming bulk of the dragon’s body comforting, softly so. Duster whimpered faintly, a mewl tickling teasingly at the back of his throat, but there was only so much he could do as he reverently ran both of his paws up those cocks, treating each equally.

The blue dragon close to him seemed to have gotten lucky too and the cat grunted faintly, sliding his gaze to the side as he took in the sight, the sweet submissive, though the bondage added an extra tantalising edge to it. It made the fur rise, softly, all over his body, not just on the back of his neck, though Duster hoped that his tail wasn’t fluffing up too much. That could be embarrassing, sometimes, though he was fortunate enough to have thinner, finer hair that was silken under one’s fingers. It did not tend to stick up too much.


Drackonthanri grinned down at Duster but could not quite resist sharing a glance with Orsakia. It was not as frequent as it had been before that the two of them would end up together, enjoying the company of other partners, though both of them switched a little, sometimes. They were more in it for shared pleasure than anything else, which was more than okay between the orca-hybrid and the dragon.

Still, every roll of his hips into the cat’s muzzle came with a flushed rush of pleasure, even if, of course, he could only spear one of his cocks into Duster’s mouth at a time. He thrust softly, slowly, taking pride in his easy, carefree domination. For he did not need to be rough to control, the cat slurping around him and letting out the cutest little grunting, groaning noises, his tail flicking back and forth, paws splayed out lustfully across Drackonthanri’s thighs. No… Domination could come slowly, all in the teasing drag of his shaft over the feline’s tongue, making use of the light roughness of it, as was the way with all feline anthros.

“Mmmm… I wonder if under your tail will feel as good as your mouth? Or would you rather I creamed straight down your needy little throat, kinky kitty?”

Duster shivered. Oh, that got to him, more than he could have thought, to be fair. But he was there to let go, to experience more, and Drackonthanri’s heavy, commanding paw on his head, slipping between his ears, need flaring up.

It was a good thing, indeed, that he had the dragon there to control him, to lead him in just the right direction. There would only be pleasure there for both of them, his cock throbbing, aching, though there was no time for him to touch it.

Drackonthanri, if he was to have an orgasm, would take care of that for him. As the dragon thrust, his second cock slid over and to the side of the cat’s muzzle and face, tickling his whiskers. Duster drank it all in as if he was never going to get to experience it again.

Karrn fared just as well, though the dragon could barely keep his eyes open. Dimly, he was aware of a soft tail brushing up against his tail, which had been left lying out, loosely curled across the thin carpet. He may not have been able to see what was around him, not as Orsakia gripped one of his horns to lustfully drag his head back and forth, using his muzzle as if he was a fleshlight. With the ring gag in place, easily keeping his muzzle in place, there was little better positioning for him, sliding his tongue up against the smooth length of cock, trying to play around the tip.

Yet Orsakia had control in an easy fashion, giving short, savage thrusts of his hips, varying his depth and pace. It was as if he wanted to keep the dragon guessing, the music in the room party turned down a little, all so that they could better enjoy the moans, the slap of hips on buttocks, lewdness filling the air where recorded passion had been not all that long ago.

And it was luxurious to be there, in the thick of it, tugging furtively at his bonds, the sleeve around his forearms holding them together, fingers squirming within the big, containing mitten. The tip of his tail twitched and his scales prickled. There had to be so many eyes on him, everyone watching him being forced, a dragon who had, once again, simply become a part of the show. And yet that was what Karrn wanted too, grunting around Orsakia’s cock as he gulped down every drop of pre-cum that he was offered, though that was more difficult than he would have originally anticipated.

It clung to his throat as he swallowed it down, that pre-cum, all in an offering of a greater, thicker load that was still to come. He huffed hotly, expelling air through both nostrils at once, his mouth feeling thick with both pre-cum and saliva, as if even his attempts at swallowing were not enough to keep his muzzle clean.

Sex was not meant to be perfectly clean, soft and fluid, after all. It was meant to be dirty and sweaty, messy, even though dragons often tended to be the cleaner of creatures, releasing most of their heat through their maws rather than sweating. He shuddered, the restriction of his bonds tight around him, making him want to push into them, if only to be even clearer than before in that very sensation.

It almost detracted from the push and the pressure of a cock sliding over his tongue but he did not mind it, not all too much. It let him sink into it all as Orsakia grunted and swore faintly under his breath above him. Opening his eyes faintly, he peered through the slits, a blurry, colourful image of the room softening before him, so many lustful bodies and fetish gear, though most in there were naked or exposed in some way.

Yet he did not expect to be dragged back from Orsakia’s cock, his jaw already mildly sore around the tension of the ring gag straps holding his muzzle open. But he was willing for it, grunting through the gag and trying to smile even then. His tail lifted, striving to wag, even if that was not quite a dragon-like thing to do. Orsakia grinned down at him, gesturing to the dragon beside them, who had a pretty feline in the process of being guided down on all fours.

“Up for a challenge, dragon?”

Karrn moaned through the gag and let his tongue flutter out, though he could not speak. He could, however, nod and showed his acceptance even as the feline glanced at him, a little trepidation in his gaze. They had two dominants there, however, to make sure that they did not slip or fall and it was all in good fun, all as Karrn was guided to lay down on top of Duster’s back, his head towards the feline’s back end. The cat anthro was a little smaller than him in terms of height, but he was strong and could brace, locking his arms, his back shaking very faintly as Karrn settled his body there.


The dragon squirmed, his feet on the ground, taking some of his weight there, which helped more than a little. His backside hung over the feline’s head and, for a moment, both Drackonthanri and Orsakia loomed, as if he was about to be taken by both dominants at once.

“You should be so lucky…”

Drackonthanri laughed while Orsakia bumped him with his shoulder, though both were having way too much fun to stop, no, not then. Drackonthanri dropped to his knees with a solid thud behind the feline, his twin cocks slapping against one another, though he could only get one into the feline at a time.

A shame. Unless Duster was kinky enough to head back to the dragon’s room after everything, which could open the door to even more fun, to be fair…

With two sets of balls too, jostling and bumping anxiously against one another to spill their load, the dragon had a lot to give, but he took his tip as he knelt, all to get the best position to press one of his cocks up against the feline’s tail hole. It tightened before him but Drackonthanri was not to be denied as he licked his lips salaciously, slowly bearing in, letting the slick, flat head of his cock prise Duster open.

Of course, the feline would have the soft barbs, designed for pleasure, to contend with too, though they were not always the first feature of Drackonthanri’s cocks that one spotted. They took time to plump up with blood, swollen and needy, though he still caught the sharp intake of breath that Duster gave.

“Oh, god…”

“That’s right…” Drackonthanri hissed through his teeth, though it was hard to stop a smile from pulling his lips wide into a kinky, draconic grin. “Take it all…”

And there would be another surprise for the feline too, as the unformed knots at the base of his cock slowly pumped up with blood, ready to swell at the point of climax. He let the second shaft slide down against the cat’s balls and cock, almost as if he was deliberately frotting, but the motion was not quite as smooth. That didn’t matter, however, not as passion swelled within him, his twin dicks plumping out and thickening up just a little bit more, the barbs raking lustfully through Duster’s backside.

With Karrn laid out, on his back, on top of the feline, Orsakia grinned widely, eyes glinting with the need to devour. He wouldn’t take his time, no, for he had been warmed up and stimulated by the room already, taking in the sights, letting sensation roll through him, pulling on the deep, instinctive, primal need to cum. And that need would always be there too, even as he squatted, leaving the ring gag in Karrn’s mouth, casually, for the moment, all in an easy gesture of dominance.

His cock penetrated the dragon smoothly, though he relished in just how Karrn squirmed on his cock, tightening around him. The dragon’s body reverberated with lust and he trailed his fingers teasingly up the length of the dragon’s erect member, swelling, aching, splattering pre-cum all over his lower stomach.


“Mmm, you’re delicious like this,” Orsakia growled, driving deeper into the dragon’s willing tail hole with needy, forceful thrusts of his hips. “And I like it…”

The dragon seemed to tense around him a little more and Orsakia snarled, a long, rasping noise that spoke of his dual heritage. He thrust and thrust, using every inch of his cock, but kept an even pace that time. He didn’t have to keep the dragon guessing, after all, not as he closed his paw around Karrn’s cock, giving the dragon just as much as he took from his tight, needy hole.


Karrn’s eyelids fluttered, though Orsakia’s grip kept him there, present in the moment. He needed that, all to anchor him there, though the feline’s body trembling under him was difficult to forget. He tried to scrabble and brace with his feet and legs the best that he could, though he still had to trust the cat anthro too to hold him up, regardless of how Duster’s thighs quivered with the strain.

The moment was passionate, even if sweaty, the feline’s fur damp with it as Duster moaned and tried to hold himself in place. He didn’t know how he was supposed to do that properly with one cock grinding into him and another sliding down against his, for even that was a lot for him. And he just wanted it all, every throb and every grind of pleasure, the twitch of his shaft betraying him.

He just wanted to cum, right there and then, but he and the other sub of the moment were caught under the spell of Orsakia and Drackonthanri, well and truly. Despite their proximity to others at the room part and how they had all taken centre stage, phones out and cameras recording too, it was as if the rest of it all dropped away. All that mattered to the dragon and the cat was the rampant hump and grind of the two doms there powering into them, showing them exactly why they had chosen their respective roles for that day of sex and fun.

Sometimes, being on the bottom was all that was needed, giving in to delight, eyes on them, adoring their bodies and wishing either that they could take them or that they were lucky enough to be in their position. Duster grunted softly, even though a mewl wanted to slip from his lips, and lifted his tail higher, letting Drackonthanri thrust into him, the dragon snarling as he claimed what was rightfully his. If for a time, at least.

Who knew what would come after the party, after all? No one had plans to stay in touch but they never would know just how different routes in life could lead them all back to one another, perhaps in the bedroom or perhaps somewhere else entirely. Duster could not allow his thoughts to linger there for too long, however, not as he panted, breath rasping down into his lungs, trying to concentrate as need swelled. Yet it was not the cat’s place to hold back as he cried out, throaty and needing a drink but not caring to stop anything.

Not then.

He climaxed. A cheer went up. Thin spurts of cum poured from the feline, painting the carpet, yet that, thankfully, would not be Duster’s responsibility to clean up. Not as he revelled in pleasure, in the glory of submission, in how it made him feel as if he was exactly where he needed to be, panting and heaving, his eyelids fluttering half-closed, passion overcoming him.

Karrn was not far behind, though that was partly due to Orsakia’s hand closing around him, the hybrid pumping him teasingly while Karrn squirmed and heaved. The duo climaxed together with the orca-hybrid cramming his cock in deep, angling his hips so that he ground into the dragon’s prostate as if they were long-time partners who knew and understood one another’s bodies — not just ones that had met that very night. Though some moments came together like that, without the mess and without the fuss, just exactly right.

And those moments could be just the way that they were too, not needing to be anything more than that. Karrn groaned out through the gag, the strain on his jaw aching more and more deeply, even as sticky cream painted his stomach. He was prey to Orsakia, no more than that, and he trembled, even slumping a little more, no longer even able to hold himself up on top of the cat.

It would be amusing when they all slid to the floor in a pile, but the doms would, in fact, care for them after. It just wouldn’t be as interesting for the crowd gathered there, watching, as the main event, but Duster and Karrn would be more than left satisfied.

The dragon ground into the cat’s tail hole, those knots finally plumping up, though he sunk into the feline before it could swell fully. Heaving a low, long groan, he swung his tail out behind him for stability, that knot locking their bodies together. Once he was inside Duster, there was no coming out until he had spent his entire load.

Orsakia trembled, the dragon’s tail hole squeezing around him as he rammed in, erupting in joint climax. He tried to stroke Karrn’s dick in time with his thrusts but, really, that had not ever been within the realm of possibility. It was just about making the shared moment as pleasurable as possible, ecstasy trembling through, though his seed, at the very least, was spent where it belonged. Up in a tight tail hole that squeezed and rippled erratically around him as if the wonderfully slutty dragon there wanted more than even Orsakia had come prepared to give.

But that was okay. The moment was for all of them as, finally, Drackonthanri took his pleasure too. He didn’t even bother to grip his second cock while the barbs plumped up a little more, fat and wanton, filling with blood at the very edge of orgasm. His knots trembled, pulsing with blood, fully engorged and the one that was not inside the feline rubbing against his fur, sliding lightly back and forth the few inches that Drackonthanri was about to thrust. He thrust harder, as deep as he could go, taking in the view under him of heaving, trembling bodies, aching through orgasm, yet he was the one that threw a challenging wink at Orsakia, even as the orca-hybrid panted heavily.

Round two?

Of course, they would not be drained after just fucking one partner each, after all. They would have more fun still and Drackonthanri laughed breathlessly, his raw joy at taking another male winding through in the heat of the moment. Again and again, he thrust, relishing in the tight squeeze of that tail hole around his cock, milking him, pulsing around him. All until he could not hold back and erupted too.

He bellowed, his passion swelling even over the music as Duster dropped to an elbow on the bottom, taking Drackonthanri’s cock deep while the second painted his nuts and cock and the carpet under them, mixing with the cat’s own spent seed. It was not meant to be contained, not even as the thick, fleshy flares of Drackonthanri’s cocks plumped up at climax, wider around than before and swelling with need.

Ropes of hot cum flowed into Duster, though Orsakia’s cream too leaked from the tight fit of Karrn’s tail hole. More gently, Orsakia removed the gag from the dragon’s muzzle, helping him to work his jaw again, while Drackonthanri stayed buried inside the cat. Only someone underneath them would have seen that there was a light bulge left in the feline’s lower abdomen, where the length of his cock inside was simply too much for the cat, wonderfully so.

But the moment was just for them as the other partygoers cheered, going back to other partners or drinks as the moment moved on. Drackonthanri pulled out in a hot spill of cum, marking the cat’s tail hole, and both subs were offered their tags back, Karrn’s arms released from the binder so that they could all get comfortable again. Neither Karrn nor Duster would be walking straight in the morning, though it was an experience that they were both going to very much remember.

At the room party, just for the boys, all four would be seen again…

But would they end up together?

Ah, only time would tell!


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