

A gay story: Roommates Story Info

Roommates discovers he is living with another vacuum pumper.

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My roommates Ron Tom and I rent a small 3 bedroom house together. We have lived together for almost 2 years. For purely financial reasons. We each work odd schedules so do not see much of each other. We try to respect each others privacy. But then one night while home I heard a familiar noise that changed the dynamic for 2 of us. As I was walking down the hall to the living room I heard a ker chunking noise coming from Ron’s room. I recognized it right away. I have been a vacuum penis pumper for years. And that definitely was the sound my brass handled bilge pump makes as you draw the air out. So Ron must have been in there using an enlargement devise.

The more I thought about it the more curious I got. Was Ron a vacuum pumper? Was this something new for him? How can I bring this up with him or should I? I sat in front of the TV for a while. Then I decided to just text him. I sent him a picture of the brass handle I use with no comment attached. I saw he read the text. He did not reply. I sent another text letting Ron know that Tom was leaving for the day soon. Again no immediate reply. Finally a thumbs up emoji. Once Tom left the house. Ron emerged from his room. I could tell he was stressed about what to say or do next.

His first words were. What’s with that picture? Have you been spying on me? I immediately tried calming him down. No I responded I was not spying. I heard the distinct noise made by a pump coming from your bedroom and wondered if you use one too. Ron looked at me. The wheels spinning in his head. Yes he heard me right. I had just admitted to using a vacuum penis pump to my close friend and roommate. Ron was a bit dumbfounded so I initiated the conversation. I told him I have been a pumper for years and recognized the noise while walking the hallway. I own a variety of tubes and devices. I offered to help him if he wanted and tips or advice. Ron stood there silently. Mulling over things in his head. It took a few minutes. He started with a nod of the head then spoke.

Yes he was a vacuum pumper. Totally new to it. It seems his last girlfriend gave him grief about his size compared to other men she had been with. So about a month ago he made a starter kit purchase online. Since then he said he was hooked on it. Trying to sneak in time everyday to pump it up. Once he opened up. We shared stories. I filled him in on my long past. We walked to my bedroom where I unveiled all the types of equipment I own. Ron got over his shyness. He asked if he could borrow some of my toys sometime. I reminded him we were alone. How about right now? I will join you. He didn’t think about it to long before agreeing. And stripping down.

Ron used some oil I handed him, then selected a 2 inch acrylic tube similar to tube he owns. He slid it on. Drew the air out. Heard the noise I pointed out which got my attention earlier. He was surprised at the stronger suction he was noticing. He was also happy with the quick results he was seeing. I wanted to make a great impression so I took my pants off grabbed my 3 1/4 inch tube and stuffed all of my junk into it. It never occurred to Ron you could pump up your entire package at once. My cock and balls slowly began to stretch out and plump up. While we passed the time allowing our engorgement to happen. I pulled out my laptop. Introduced him to a few websites about enlargement pumping. I showed Ron pictures and video of myself in different states of arousal and sizes. Showing him the great results I get from each device. He was astounded by this. And surprised he didn’t notice in all the time we knew each other.

After hearing no more questions I thought we were done. I told Ron to feel free to keep going. I tugged off my tube and headed to the shower. Before the water even warmed up Ron joined me in the bathroom. He said he had never done anything like this with a guy before, then asked if he could shower with me. My smile was all the response he needed. Things got steamy fast. We took turns rolling under the water. Soaping up each other. Ron touched my cock and balls for the first time. Examining them. Testing the weight difference he felt between mine and his own. Then he knelt before me. His reluctance earlier in the evening was gone. He did not hesitate. He kissed and tongued my cock and balls while using his hands to play with my butt and draw me in closer. I let him know how much I was enjoying all of this. Hoping that this would be apart of who we were now as friends going forward. He opened his mouth and sucked my dick. He was pretty aggressive for a first timer but he did well. He told me he didn’t think he was ready to swallow yet. So when it was time I unloaded on his upper chest.

This was a night for first’s. So after I cum I gave Ron something special. I soaped his cock and stroked it while I ate his freshly showered ass. He wiggled and moaned as my tongue made it’s way over and inside his pucker. I was right no one had ever done this to him before. He balanced himself against the tile wall as he dropped his load down the drain. When he stopped quivering I had him spin around. Rinsed off his soapy cock and but that still sensitive and bloated member in my mouth. Again something no man had ever done to him before. We stayed there together for as long as the warm water lasted.

Things did change around the house after that. Ron and I shared our new friends with benefits status with Tom. So no secrets. Tom had no interest in our activities but stayed on as a roommate. We were free to lounge around the house naked and vacuum pump to our content. Ron really picked up his pumping level. As of right now he can pack out a 2 3/4 tube cock only in just a few hours time. We have even had a few 3somes dating the same women. Ladies who discovered two pumped up dicks are better then one


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