Roommates Learn to Love


A gay story: Roommates Learn to Love I’m Peter, an intelligent and sensitive young man of 21 years of age who has struggled socially because I’m attracted to very masculine men but afraid to do anything about it and therefore don’t seek them out. In fact, I’m intimated and I wouldn’t know where or how to start. No one knows about my sexual feelings. I keep them to myself. Part of me still hopes that it’s just a passing sexual phase, especially when I see a girl that I’m actually attracted to. The reality is that muscular men turn me on in a much more powerful way than any woman can.

You see, I’m a small and slightly built guy at 5′ 7″ and 100 pounds. I have flawlessly smooth and very white skin and a thick head of very light-colored blond hair. I have very little body hair, and the hair that’s there is delicately thin and very light in color. I have what most people say is a “very cute” face, some even say it’s beautiful. Behind my back, I’ve heard them remark that I look very feminine.

At any rate, I certainly lack confidence and I’m not sure what to do with my love life. I suppose I have resigned myself to not having a sexual partner. Most of my friends tend to be women, but I’m also friends with a few guys. I can say I’m not sexually attracted to any of my friends, and none of my friends are really that close to me. I think I’m too shy and within myself.

A year ago a mutual friend got me set up with a roommate to share the cost of my two-bedroom apartment. At the time I met my roommate, named Mac, he was just out of college and working as a trainer at a gym nearby. He was all muscled up and I tried my best not to get too infatuated with him. Actually, we were somewhat cold and aloof to each other.

Over time, I noticed Mac was getting more and more muscular. He became ridiculously big and it was next to impossible for me not to sneak as many looks and peeks as I could in his direction. Veins stuck out everywhere, engulfing the big slabs of pure dense muscle. He was driving me crazy and he didn’t even know it. I wanted desperately to feel and touch him, but all I could do was fantasize about it.

Yesterday morning he was in a rush and quickly came into the kitchen without a shirt on. I was eating breakfast at the time. He was so incredible and without thinking I stared at his giant muscles almost the entire time. He even stood next to me while I sat at the dining table and reached up into the cabinet for a box of cereal. I could sure smell his big muscled body. Being his roommate and living in such close proximity, I’ve also smelled him on many other previous occasions. But this time he obviously hadn’t showed for a few days and he smelled stronger than ever.

I realized that I was starting to lose my inhibitions for the first time in a year of rooming with him and losing myself in his extreme manliness. I studied his big muscles and could see he was a little sweaty. I knew he had some weights in his bedroom, so I figured he must have been working out after he woke up, right before he came into the kitchen. That’s why he smelled and looked so very big, and strong, and was covered in such big veins. Aside from a nice little mat of curly hair on his big ripped-up chest, he looked completely shaved smooth. I wondered if he was showing off on purpose, for me.

Then, to make matters worse in terms of my self-control, and as I tried to stay composed, I saw the extremely large bulge in the front of the shorts he was wearing. The material was pretty thin and I could see the pronounced outline and form of a very big and ultra-thick cock that seemed to curve around in order to remain contained in his shorts. Not only that, but he obviously had two very massive balls. The entire package looked dense and very weighty. I couldn’t stop looking at it, and when Mac turned around to get something it broke my trance-like state.

I craved seeing it again and thought about going over to the sink which was off to the side and would give me another clear look at it, but I chickened out. In the meantime, I could take in his extremely thick and wide V-shaped back. It was so dense and it was entirely packed with big heavy slabs of muscles. It was also damp and a little sweaty like the rest of his incredible body. I was totally enthralled with the massive slabs and noted the big and numerous veins that encompassed them. Every bone in my body urged me to go to him and feel up his massive back, rub my face on it, and kiss it passionately. Again, I didn’t dare do so.

But now that he had his back to me I could at least freely check him out from behind and he’d never know I was so enthralled. If he quickly turned sideways to get a spoon or whatever I noticed his giant bulge swayed heavily and bounced around. It was just so heavy and so manly. The other thing I noticed was how big and muscular his ass and thighs were, so ultra-powerful looking and forming the base of his tremendously massive upper body.

Mercifully, he left the kitchen, preventing me from making a total fool of myself. Besides, I assumed that he wanted nothing to do with me and would get annoyed at my seemingly uncontrollable attraction toward him. On the other hand, deep inside, I wanted him to stay in the kitchen with me like that forever, so I could continue taking him in. I literally craved to look at that giant bulge in his shorts again.

I heard him go into the bathroom and brush his teeth. Then he got dressed in his warm-up suit and before he left told me he might be a little late tonight. He explained he is attending a “going away party” for the gym manager at a pizza parlor right after work, and of course, after his own heavy workout. Usually, he never shares much of anything about his plans with me, but for whatever reason, this time he did! It was such a warm feeling for me to experience that subtle sign of friendship and caring. I sensed an implication of his interest in me by his words. Or was that just wishful thinking on my part?

After he left I felt sadness at not having him here, with me. I felt lonely too. The visions of his super big muscles remained in my mind. His giant bulge had such a powerful impact on me that I even strategized about ways to get a better look at it in the future without making a fool of myself. I could still smell remnants of his strongly scented body, and as his manly smells faded I desperately looked forward to experiencing them again when he returned home. I walked back to my bedroom somewhat depressed and saw his bedroom door was open. Heavy weights were in different areas of the floor and his bed was unmade. I paused and reluctantly decided to go inside. Just being in his room titillated me.

I could smell the manly essence of Mac again. I got bolder and sat on his unmade bed. As I sat down my silk robe inched up and my bare bottom was on his sheets. His manly scent rose up all around me. The shorts he was wearing this morning were on the bed, only an arm’s length distance from me. I wanted to touch them but hesitated as I questioned what the fuck I was doing. Losing control, I reached for them anyway, and holding them with both hands, I studied them closely. They were still damp with his sweat and I didn’t even have to bring them to my nose in order to smell how strong they were. I imagined all that cock and ball meat stuffed inside them. Then, as if I was in one of my many fantasies, I slipped off my silk robe and pretended Mac was there, watching me sniffing his shorts. I felt so sexy being naked in his bed like that.

I raised his shorts to my face and breathed heavily in through my little nose. I was so sexually charged and almost completely out of it. The shorts had such a manly stud smell and I sniffed different parts of them and could smell very heavy musk from the front, which was so very stretched out and all contorted. It was surreal.

My little cock was hard and aching from the sexual excitement I was experiencing. I moved his shorts off my face so I could look down at my little hard penis. I wondered if Mac would like to see it too. Then, I could see the tip of a magazine cover sticking out from his sheets. Curious, I pulled out the magazine to see what it was. The cover read “Super Sexy Sissy Sluts.” Wow! I opened it up and there were lots of photos of young guys that looked similar to me! They were all feminine, small, thin, and they had firm little bodies. A few wore makeup and some had hairstyles like girls. They were all smooth like me too. All the photos had sexy captions, such as…

“How’d you like to drill out this little slut into total submission?”

“Imagine this beautiful little thing sucking your big cock all the time.”

“Why don’t you manhandle this cute little guy.”

I couldn’t believe it!

Was Mac secretly attracted to me?

Was he afraid to let me know?

As I examined the magazine more closely I could see some of the pages were all crusty. Evidently, he had been jacking off his massive cock on some of the photos! As I pulled apart the pages that were somewhat stuck together, the page with the most crusted cum was a cute little blonde guy that looked a lot like me! The magazine smelled like cum and I could see streaks from where he’d been wiping off his sperm after coming all over the photos. The pages were thick and glossy so they held up well even after having so much cum blown all over them, especially the one that looked like me. Was Mac thinking about jacking off all over me? I sure hoped that he was.

I was shocked and very turned on at the same time. I also felt sad that for all these months neither of us could acknowledge our feelings for each other. I knew I could never tell him that I was in his room and disrupted his privacy. Thinking about what I did made me a little ashamed and concerned. But it also informed and encouraged me. I told myself to try and show more interest in him and even be a little sexy in his presence.

That night I went to bed deep in thought about what had happened that day. Mac had not yet returned home, and just as I was falling into a sound sleep I heard a ruckus coming from the kitchen area. I got up, quickly put on my silk robe, and went to see what was going on. I could see that Mac had collapsed on the floor and I immediately went to him. I could smell alcohol and realized he was very inebriated. I kneeled down, lifted his head off the floor, and called his name. He looked up at me in a haze, and slurred….

“Peter, you’re such a good roommate and I’m such an asshole. I treat you like shit. I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I like you but I’m afraid of telling you. It’s crazy.”

“Mac, don’t think about that now. You’ve had way too much to drink. Let me help you to your bed so you can sleep it off.”

At that point, Mac raised his big muscular arm and opened up my silk robe. It slipped off my left shoulder and went down almost to my waist, exposing much of my little smooth upper body. I felt like those little guys posing in his magazine. He looked at my body very intently and even rubbed my chest and touched my nipples with his big strong hand. I loved the attention and the feel of his powerful manly hand on me like that. I also felt so feminine and wanted desperately for him to keep feeling me up. On the other hand, I knew I needed to take care of this helpless giant muscleman. Overwhelmed with what he said to me, I wondered if that was his true feelings. Could it be???

I reluctantly put my robe back in place on my shoulder and focused on getting him up and to his bed. I talked him into trying to stand up with my help. He was just so big, dense, and heavy, but somehow the little force I could generate was enough to get him to his feet. I tried to move him back to his bedroom. He was leaning on me with one giant arm around my shoulders and the other arm steadying himself on the wall. I thought I might be crushed, but I didn’t give up. Then, he stopped and said he had to pee!

I turned him towards the bathroom and using the walls for more support he entered and stood over the toilet. With one hand on the wall, he put his other hand on his waistband to pull down his sweats. His massive cock and balls flopped out right in front of me! I’d never ever seen anything like it, so big and thick beyond belief. I felt awkward standing there looking at it, almost drooling, so I reluctantly turned my head away. Nevertheless, I saw what I saw and it was so overpowering. I fought every instinct I had to look back at it, but didn’t. Then I heard a strong stream of urine landing in the toilet that seemed to last forever.

When he finished he pulled up his sweats and I helped him back to his bedroom. This time his arm slipped off me, taking my robe with it, which fell off my shoulders and to the floor. I figured I better keep going as he held me, my naked little body struggling to keep him from falling. He stopped and resting against the wall with one hand, rubbed his other hand all over me. I never felt so sexy and even turned to him slightly so he could rub me easier, and get a better look at my naked body. Essentially I was really showing off and loved the feeling of doing that for him. As he enjoyed me, he said…

“Your little body is so fucking nice and sexy. I should have told you much sooner but I was confused and scared. Imagine that, I was scared to tell you and pretended I didn’t need you, or anyone. I’m an ass and a jerk. You’re so attractive. Look at you!”

I loved hearing his drunk-fueled words, but I was jolted back to reality when he almost fell. My first priority now was getting him onto his bed. Slowly I helped walk him in the right direction and when we finally reached his bed he turned and fell back onto it. At that point, he kept asking me to help him get his sweats off so he could get comfortable. I helped with his sweatshirt first, exposing his massive upper body. He smelled of pure manliness and booze. My instinct was to worship his big exposed muscles, but still lacking enough confidence, I stopped myself. Then as he rested there I looked back to where my robe was on the floor, but loving how i felt so sexy totally nude, I decided to leave it there. Mac asked me to help get his shoes, socks, and sweatpants off. He was trying to remove them himself but struggled helplessly.

I removed his shoes and socks and started pulling the bottom of his sweatpants off. Then I moved up to his waist and pulled that part-way down, eventually moving back and forth like that I was able to remove his pants. Oh my god, he looked like such a big-cocked muscle stud. His masculine scent rose from his enormous muscular body. I was so drawn to him but also felt a little awkward with him completely passed out like that.

He was fully passed out on top of his bed, face up and naked. I looked at everything about him, transfixed at what I saw. My little cock was so hard it started aching. I sat down next to him and got a closer look. He sure smelled very strong. I bent over and lightly rubbed my nose on his big muscular chest and sniffed him. My nose and face rubbed into his chest hair and my tongue instinctively licked on it. I pushed my body onto him and felt the naturally oily coating on his skin that he developed over the last several days of working out over and over again. It was now getting all over me. All my repressed feelings exploded like an atomic bomb. My face moved down his body towards his giant cock. As I got closer to it a super strong musky scent hit me. My first reaction was that it was too dirty and smelly, but I was nonetheless powerfully drawn to it, and as I got closer and closer I’d never been so turned on in my life.

The giant cock was on its side and wrapped over his hip and down to the sheets. Incredibly, the super-big mushroom head rested itself on the bed. I got closer and could see his massive egg-shaped balls resting on his muscular inner thighs. They were so heavy-looking. I slowly went lower towards them. Super powerful cravings overwhelmed me. I looked back up at Mac. He was still sleeping heavily.

At that point, I realized I was being sneaky and obviously taking advantage of his situation. Besides, my dream was to have him watch me worship him and get all turned on. I fought back my natural instinct to continue enjoying his amazing body. I made myself stop, but it was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I knew it wasn’t right to continue under the circumstances. I tenderly kissed him on the cheek and closing his door, I reluctantly went back to my room.

I went to bed with powerful sexual thoughts about Mac. I craved him so much it actually hurt. What was I to do? I thought about going back, if even to just look at him again, and to enjoy his powerful scent, but I didn’t. I noticed his manly smell was on my delicate skin, and I got more and more turned on. I started rubbing my little cock as visions of his giant muscles engulfed me. I relived the feel and smell of all that muscle. Then I relived the vision of his giant cock and big heavy balls. Now I was close to ejaculating, and thoughts of how manly he smelled pushed me over the edge. I came incredibly hard.

I knew I was in love, but had no confidence things would change with Mac tomorrow when he sobered up. I wasn’t even sure he would remember what happened. Before I fell to sleep I used my fingers to lap up the spurts of clear cum on my stomach. I liked how it tasted and wished I could one day eat Mac’s big loads. Many questions and concerns swirled around in my brain, but I also had nasty fantasies about worshipping Mac as the taste of my clear cum lingered in my mouth. I fell fast asleep feeling more confident and determined to worship Mac.

The next morning I cautiously left my bedroom and entered the kitchen. I ended up wearing the silk robe I wore the night before. I thought maybe he would remember it and how he was so attracted to me like that. His bedroom door was still closed but I could hear weights clanking and Mac grunting so I knew he was working out again. I thought about what it would be like watching him lift those weights over and over again, pumping himself up and getting all sweaty. I wanted desperately to knock on his door and ask if I could watch. Of course, I chickened out again. I walked to the kitchen and told myself maybe someday he would perhaps ask me to watch him.

I entered the kitchen and prepared my breakfast. I anxiously waited for Mac to show up. I didn’t know what to expect. I was getting hornier as I visualized him lifting heavy weights in his room. I wondered if he was naked. Usually, I’m always pretty clean, but this morning I could smell myself and realized it was from Mac’s body when I rubbed up against him last night. I loved how I smelled and how it made me feel very sexy.

I could hear Mac grunting louder and knew he was working out very hard this time. After a few more minutes I heard him open the door and then he entered the kitchen. He was shirtless and looked absolutely incredible. This time the shorts he wore were much smaller than the other ones, and oh my god, his bulge looked so enormous in them. The shorts were more like bikini underwear, and it was all super stretched out. They provided more support and pushed up his massive bulge, making it more rounded and densely packed. I was so enthralled that I bit my lower lip to signal my powerful lust for it.

I noticed he was sort of sheepish and neither of us said anything for a while. When he finally spoke, he said…

“Wow, you look so good in that little silk robe.”

I was shocked that he expressed himself like that, and the fact that he was completely sober was significant. It made me immediately feel desired by this incredible stud. Still biting my lower lip in lust, I looked up into his eyes, and replied…

“That’s so nice of you to say. You’re making me blush. There’s a lot of things making me blush.”

“Well, it’s true. You look so good this morning.”

Trying to take things further, I replied…

“You should talk. I’ve never seen you look so big and strong. You seem to be growing bigger every day.”

“Yeah, I’m very motivated to get bigger. I like how it makes me feel so dominant. I got a fantastic pump this morning so that’s what you’re seeing… I guess I stink pretty good right now too.”

Mac did stink, but it was a very erotic smell. It filled the kitchen and was stronger than last night. It made me feel submissive because it was so overtly manly. I looked over his big muscles so he could clearly see my interest this time, and said…

“It’s OK Mac. You do smell very manly, but I sort of like it. I think your giant muscles are going to naturally smell very masculine, especially when you work out so much like you always do.”

My eyes darted around his big muscles and after trying to avoid looking directly at his giant bulge, I could no longer stop myself. I didn’t want to stop myself this time. We locked eyes for a few seconds and then I slowly lowered mine and fixed them directly on his big crotch. I could see it was wet with sweat from working out so hard in his room. I just kept focusing on it and was totally infatuated with the sheer size. I wanted him to know I liked staring at it. He didn’t turn away or say anything. He just stood there proudly showing it off. Then he put his hands on his hips and he turned slightly from side to side so I could enjoy different angles, and see the heavy mass of it sway as he moved. It was so colossal!

I wanted to be bold and break the ice to alleviate the building of sexual tension. So, I got out of my chair and turning my back to Mac, I reached up into the same cabinet he reached for in front of me yesterday. As my arm raised higher my little silk robe inched up my little body. Once my arm was fully extended the bottom of the robe cleared the bottom of my ass. I could feel my ass was almost fully exposed and kept my arm up as if I was looking through the cans and boxes for something. I arched my lower back to push out my ass even more.

I felt Mac’s eye on it. I wanted him to see it clearly, and I hoped it would turn him on. My ass was firm and very shapely. My ass cheeks were small but very well formed, and they defied gravity. I felt a charge of sexuality showing it off to him. I wanted to do a little more to tweak his interest, so I lightly rubbed and itched my ass with one hand, as I kept reaching up into the cabinet with the other. After a few minutes of fondling my ass, I reluctantly sat back down.

When I looked up at Mac I noticed his face was a little pink and flush from watching my little sexy show. Then, to turn up the enticement, I reached into my robe and rubbed my little chest as if it needed attention. The front of the robe opened much wider and stayed that way after I removed my hand. I glanced up at Mac again and it was obvious he was thrilled with his body. I felt proud of myself for finally showing Mac how sexual I could be. Then, he said…

“Peter, I want things to be different between us now. I want to make up for my bad attitude and the way I ignored you. I want to take care of you, and I want to dominate you real good.”

I couldn’t believe it! Those words made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I got up out of my chair and went straight to him without any reservations this time. Before I got there the front of my robe opened and we embraced passionately. His body felt so big and powerful. I let my silk robe open completely and our bare skin bonded together. His body felt moist and oily on me. Mac reached up and delicately slipped my robe off my shoulder. I lowered my arms and it fell lightly to the floor. I rubbed my naked body on his. I started sniffing his manly over-the-top scent. I felt his big heavy bulge pushing into me but wished his little shorts weren’t between us. I was losing myself. Without me even asking he started flexing his giant muscles for me. Turning more dominate, and more manly, he said…

“Check this out, Peter. Look how massive I am. Go ahead, enjoy my giant muscles and feel me up. Pretty soon I’m going to show you something really big and super hard!”

“Oh my god! You’re so fucking big and strong. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

“We need to make up for lost time, Peter. I want to do things for you. I want to go to work on you too. You will love it.”

I was all over his body and found myself kissing his massive muscles all over. Then he pushed me slightly off him and looking down at the crotch bulge which was almost exploding through the fabric of his little shorts, he said…

“Get on your knees now and work this big fucking cock. You’re not gonna believe it.”

I was so thrilled that Mac came to life sexually and was now so uninhibited about his need to dominate and his desire to be worshipped. I wanted him to be super dominant and to physically control me. I was finally going to suck another man’s cock. Something I dreamed about for years and years. I’ve thought about cocks, and fantasized about men with really big ones for such a long time, never thinking I’d actually suck anyone off. But now, my dreams were about to come true, and much more so than I ever imagined. Even my sexiest fantasies about men never involved a cock as big as Mac’s. I never thought it was even possible to be that massive. He put his strong hands on my shoulders and pushed me down.

I was naked, on my knees in front of a super-big stud, my little penis was rock hard, and I started rubbing my face on the giant and heavy bulge in his shorts. It took in it’s super musk like a drug. He then pulled off his shorts and kicked them away, exposing the enormous cock. It bounced around semi-hard. His massive balls looked heavier than ever. Everything smelled so very musky, even more so than last night. I tentatively started licking, tasting, and sniffing it. He loved knowing how much I liked everything about it, and to confirm what he saw, I said…

“I love the way it stinks so sexy, and I love how it tastes so salty and manly. I just love it so much.”

“I could tell that you liked the way I smell because you always seemed to be drawn to it. You’re gonna grow to crave it. You’re also gonna grow to crave my big wads. Have you ever had sperm before?”

“I’ve never been with a man, let alone someone like you. I’ve dreamed and fantasized about eating another man’s cum.”

“But that’s not what I asked. So, let me be more specific, haven’t you ever tasted and eaten your own cum? I mean, you’re so feminine and I assumed you always ate your cum.”

“I can’t lie to you. I do eat my cum a lot. I have never sucked on another man’s cock, so I guess it’s the next best thing.”

“I figured as much. Well, now you’re gonna have all the sperm you can handle. Frankly, it’s gonna be way too much. Are you OK with that?”

He was stroking his giant cock in front of my face as we talked, enticing me, and I responded…

“Mac, now that we are being so honest with each other I want to tell you something else.”

“I can hardly wait. I assume it’s gonna be very hot.”

“Well, I used to be involved in dance classes a couple of years ago. Anyway, I was able to get very flexible. So… I started to suck myself off. The more I did it, the more I liked it. I still do it a lot to satisfy my unfulfilled urges. More importantly, I started doing it a lot more after you moved in with me.”

“Oh my god, I never thought you were that nasty and sexy. Actually, I thought you were sort of a prude. But, I guess it makes perfect sense… You needed to suck cock, but had no one to suck, so you suck yourself off all the time. That’s so fucking sexy.”

“Yeah, I find myself doing it when I get too horny, and you tend to make me horny whenever you are around. I dreamed about telling you about it, and now I finally have.”

“Peter, if I have anything to do with it, you will always have access to my big cock and wads you won’t believe from now on.”

Mac reached out with his left hand and cupped my head, and with his other hand, he lowered his giant rock-hard cock and pushed the big head onto my lips and mouth with enough pressure to spread open my lips and force open my jaw. The big head was all slippery with tasty pre-cum. Feeling more force, it slid into my mouth and quickly spread out my jaw to its limits. Sucking on him was the opposite of my little cock, which was more like sucking on an oversized nipple.

I opened my eyes and all I could see was a super-long and extremely thick cock shaft covered in big veins. It seemed to go on forever, finally reaching his crotch, where a small amount of pubic hair curled up above the thick base of the monster. I could see part of his massive testicles hanging heavily below, and slightly swaying as he tried to pump my mouth open as much as possible.

I liked how Mac trimmed his pubic hair to leave a little triangle patch to frame the enormous shaft. His stomach was like a washboard, a rippled six-pack of hard muscle. I noticed big veins running down his stomach and into his big crotch. Mac held my head in place and tried to stuff more cock into my overwhelmed mouth. I struggled to swallow as pre-cum kept oozing out of his cock head. He was encouraging me…

“That’s it, Peter, take that big cock. You are doing soooooo well. Now relax your jaw and throat muscles as much as you can. It’s time for me to go to work on you.”

I did as he requested and noted my mouth opened wider than I ever thought possible. Feeling my jaw release more, he immediately filled the void and when I opened my eyes again I saw what appeared to be at least two inches of thick shaft pumping in and out of my mouth. Breathing started to get more difficult and Mac gave me more instruction and encouragement…

“Don’t panic, you’re doing great. Listen to me. I want you to relax even more and breathe through your nose. Let your nostrils open as much as possible. That’s it, look how they are flaring open as you breathe. Take deep breaths through your cute little nose. Think about how you like to rub it on my big muscles, cock, and heavy balls. Pretend you’re doing that and take in deep, slow breaths.”

Now I understood what he meant when he said he was going to go to work on me. I loved it. His giant cock tasted so good. It was so much stronger tasting than mine and his musky scent dwarfed anything I ever had. I put my trust and life in his big strong hands, one of which was steadily holding my head in place so his giant cock could do its thing to my mouth. Now I could feel the big bulbous head hitting the back of my palate and pushing into the top of my throat. He kept telling me to totally relax and breathe.

Mac was getting more focused now and started to grunt and moan. He was getting louder too as he bore down on my mouth. I liked hearing his manly primitive grunting. It made me feel even more submissive. I thought about the sissy magazine photos that he’d been ejaculating on. Then. as he bore down even more on my now aching mouth and jaw, I heard him say…

“You’re such a hot and sexy little sissy slut. I love to watch you struggle with this big fucking cock. Your gonna get a tremendous reward. Once you get a taste you’ll never be the same.”

I thought back to several of the captions on the magazine photos that referred to “Sissy slut.” He was losing himself now and I braced for his cum. More and more pre-cum went down my throat and inundated my mouth, coating it and acting like a super lubricant. I was about to finally eat another man’s sperm. I wanted it so bad. I could feel my little penis twitching and pulsing and I felt like I might cum myself hands-free. I thought about touching myself but decided to pose like the sissy slut in the magazine that looked like me. So, as Mac kept working my mouth I reached both arms up and placed both hands behind my head, He loved how sexy I looked and moaned deeply as he looked at me.

Then, without warning, Mac let out a loud guttural moan, as he held my head with both big hands, somewhat overlapping my little hands, and exploded. I felt gobs of warm and thick cream fill my mouth. It was immediate and overpowering. I maintained my pose as he came and came. I tried to pull my mouth off his giant cock but he held my head firmly in place. Sperm shot out of the sides of my mouth and down my little body. One big rope was so powerful that it shot out of my nostrils.

Seeing me so overwhelmed, Mac relented his grip and slid his cock out of my mouth. I instinctively reached up and jacked it off all over me, both my face and body. Big thick ropes of cum inundated me. Some of it was so rich and thick that it formed heavy gobs that almost glued themselves on my skin, slowly moving down my body. We both were amazed about how much I made him cum.

I’ve never felt so sexy and submissive. I started eating his cum off my face and body using my little hands to scoop it up as he watched intently and was just amazed I ate so much. After I couldn’t eat anymore I started rubbing it all over my little body as Mac looked on. I tried to be nasty as I coated my skin with gobs of ultra-thick and white-pearly sperm. Then, I started to feel my cock ache and throb. Still, on my knees, I rotated my hips up and pushed my little cock and balls forward, exposing them for Mac. I kept rubbing sperm on my little body, and when I started rubbing it on both my nipples I came extremely hard. Little spurts of cum shot up, some actually landed on Mac’s left thigh, and he said…

“That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Here, lap this up too.”

He moved his thigh right in front of me and I obediently lapped my sperm off it, and smacking my lips, I said…

“That tastes so light and watery, almost like pre-cum, compared to your big thick ropes and gobs of manly tasting wad.”

Then Mac reached down and took a big gob of his super thick cum off my shoulder. Bending over, he reached down further and started rubbing it all over my ass. He even moved his finger between my ass cheeks and rubbed some directly on my little asshole. It felt so slippery on my hole, and I absolutely loved how he touched me there. At that point, I also knew that he would demand more of me, as he said…

“You’ve got the most amazing tight and firm little ass imaginable. Such a cute and tight little hole too. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.”

He fingered me over and over. Then he reached up and scooped another even bigger gob of thick wad off the side of my neck near my collarbone, and returned to massage my ass with it again. I instinctively bent forward and put my head on his lower thigh and arched my back as his fingers worked my asshole. I didn’t expect how wonderful something like that would feel.

As I bent forward on my knees I felt his big heavy cock hanging down and knocking up against the side of my head. It was definitely very heavy and moved my head around. He relentlessly continued to finger my ass as he purposefully allowed his heavy cock to bounce off my head. Was he trying to tell me something?

He had one big strong hand on my back while his other hand worked on my ass. He reached back and scooped up another great big gob of wad, and brought it to my waiting asshole again. I could feel my asshole opening from his persistent fingering, and this time I could actually feel his fingers pushing the thick gooey wad into my stretching hole. He kept doing it and I whimpered and whimpered uncontrollably…

“Mmmmmmmmm, keep going, Mac.”

I began to think about what it would be like if Mac ever tried to mount me. His fingers were very big and thick, and about the size of a normal penis, but very small compared to his giant cock. He worked my hole with his finger, then he used his thumb on it, opening me up by taking advantage of the slippery load he used. I could hear suction sounds from my ass as he fucked me with his fat thumb. I arched my back even more and took it. I was getting all spread out now.

Frankly, my fantasies about men were always focused on sucking them off. But now, Mac was signaling he wanted to explore something else. The concern was that he was just so massive. As he fingered and thumbed me I didn’t concern myself with the reality of his cock mounting me because I was in too much ecstasy. I told myself to just enjoy what he was doing to me, and said…

“Oh Mac, please don’t stop doing that. I feel like such a sissy slut for you. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.”

I felt so slutty and feminine as he continued fingering me. His sperm was inside me and as he kept pushing more in with his big thumb all I could think about was taking his giant cock. He worked his magic on me and there was no turning back.


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