Rudy’s Story


A gay story: Rudy’s Story The bar had closed at two a.m. With six-pack in hand, I was in search of an after-hours gathering.

As I drove down Railroad Avenue, I saw a figure in the darkness, leaning against an abandoned building. He was not alone. The closer I got, I saw that a second man knelt in front of him. As I passed directly in front of them, I recognized the man who stood in the shadows. It was Victor.

Charlie, Victor’s lover, had hired me to follow him. It was a bittersweet moment. I could always use the money. However, Victor was my friend. We once served in the U.S. Navy together. Now I had to be a witness that he was fucking around behind his lover’s back.

On one knee, the unknown man gave head to Victor. I knew Vic and Charlie, their relationship. They had been together a few years. Shit! We were neighbors at one time.

Charlie loved Vic. Nevertheless, Charlie, or ‘Chuckie’ as Vic liked to call him, had his own issues about being gay, I guess. He hated oral sex. Vic told me that. Charlie liked getting head, he just didn’t suck. On anyone, let alone his partner.

Victor loved Charlie. He did not want to have sex with other men; he wanted his dick in somebody’s mouth. Apparently, anybody’s mouth would do.

Victor liked to drink a lot. When he crossed the line where desire became obsession, there was no stopping him. Off he went to look for his next fix. Charlie knew that about Vic and loved him anyway.

I could understand Vic’s plight. I loved it when my girlfriend gave me head. It is an indescribable sensation. My girl, Honey, does it fine, too. I hated that I had to give Charlie a call and let him know his suspicions were right.

As I turned the corner, my six-pack tipped over. That gave me an excuse to delay my call to Charlie. At the next driveway, I pulled into the Safeway supermarket’s deserted parking lot and found a secluded corner. I watched out for the occasional police car that patrolled the area.

I yanked off a beer from the pack and opened it. It made a loud smack, but the taste of the cold carbonation knocked that worry from my brain. A few guzzles later, I drained it and opened the next can. On my third beer, I had to take a leak. I walked over to some bushes and proceeded to make room for more beer.

With a loud rip, I opened my fly and tugged at my briefs. I was a little fuzzy from drinking so quickly, and I actually had to pay attention. Finally, I pulled my dick out of my underwear. Ah, the sound of the strong stream, the sense of relief. I shook out the last drops when I heard a rustling noise coming from the bushes.

“Who’s there?” That was a stupid question, I thought to myself. I did not wear a gun, concealed or otherwise. Here I stood, dick hanging out of my pants.

“It’s Victor.”

“You trying to scare the shit out of me, or what? Jesus, Vic, what the fuck are doing over here?”

“I saw your car pass by, so I followed you. Chuckie hired you to tail me, didn’t he?”

“Yes he did, Vic.” No need to sugar it, I figured. “He wanted to know what you’ve been up to. I can’t say as I blame him, though.”

“Fuck you, Rudy. I thought you were my friend. You didn’t have to spy on me. Chuck knows what I want, and he can’t or won’t provide it. I’m left to find it on my own.” Vic now stood directly in front of me.

“Need some help with that?” He reached forward and grabbed my cock, catching me off guard. “Don’t want to snag it on the zipper.”

I tried to back away and finish on my own, but my legs wouldn’t move. I stood there, motionless. The only thing moving was my dick, as it grew hard in his hand.

“Oh my, Rudy. What have I got here?” Victor reached down to squeeze my balls.

“Let me go, Vic. You know I don’t swing both ways, man.” I was desperate. “Go home to Charlie.”

“Come on, now. I’m not going to hurt you. Don’t you trust me?” Vic pleaded.

“It’s not a matter of trust, and you know … uh!” His mouth became home to the tip of my cock.

“Hmmm, cut, too.” It was hard to understand what Vic said because he was salivating over my dick. Nevertheless, I knew what he meant; I was circumcised.

He started to hum a little nondescript melody and the vibration engulfed my dick. My balls tightened. God, I’m getting off on this.

If I closed my eyes, maybe I could imagine Honey doin’ me, I thought.

“God damn it, Vic. Don’t do this.”

Vic paused for a moment and looked up at me. Now that I thought about it I never noticed how green his eyes were. I don’t think I’d ever been this close to him before.

“Come on, Rudy. It will be our little secret, ok. Who’s it gonna hurt?”

I was ready to shoot my load down his throat when I heard a noise. That triggered my explosion. My knees buckled as I came. I pounded in thunderous bucks against Vic’s face. He held on for dear life until I was able to stand on my own.

The sound of hands, slowly clapping, swung my head in the direction of the applause. Vic swallowed hard as I struggled to adjust myself. I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up to stand next to me.

“Bravo, bravo. And what have we here?” It was Charlie.

“It’s not what you think, Charlie. I … ”

“Shut the fuck up, Rudy. I expected this from Victor, not you. What could you possibly tell me that I don’t already know, anyway?” Charlie was calm; too calm for this.

“Come on, Chuck. It’s not his fault,” Vic tried to explain, “He was … ”

A loud pop, like the sound of a firecracker, broke the silence. I heard the thud as it hit Victor. The smoke from the gun was visible. Victor stumbled backwards before he collapsed to the ground. A dark stain quickly spread across his chest.

“Hey, man. What are you doing?” I was frightened. “You’re crazy, Charlie.”

Charlie turned to me and raised his gun. I knew what was coming next.

“Please, Charlie, don’t do this. One murder is enough.”

“Who said I was going to kill you, Rudy?”

The angle of the muzzle had lowered, now it pointed at my unfurled flag. Before I could protest, the sound of gunfire echoed in the darkness.

“No!” I yelled. I didn’t feel it. I was numb. I reached for my crotch and it felt intact.

“What the…” I looked up in time to see Charlie fall forward. He thumped to the ground and hissed as the last bit of air escaped.

Behind him, I saw the silhouette of a woman.

It was my Honey.


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