Sergio Gets Surgical


A gay story: Sergio Gets Surgical edited by @kenjisato (thank you)

Sergio is forty-three years old, stands five-foot-ten, weighs 170 pounds, is slim but muscular, clean-cut with dark hair. His specialty is turning straight men into gay sissies with the help of his thick, eight-inch cock, and a little mind control and manipulation.

Chapter One – John to Johnathan

Sergio is grocery shopping, when he notices a very nice bubble butt in his line of sight and, of course, he has to get a closer look. He walks up and casually bumps into the stranger, while getting a quick feel of that plump butt.

John turns around and says, “Excuse me?”

Sergio apologizes and tells the stranger he was trying to reach for a can of tuna on the shelf, and that he had politely asked him to move out the way multiple times, but had been ignored. He went on to say that he thought he could grab the can without bumping into him, but had misjudged the space between him and the shelf.

After hearing this, John immediately feels like an A-hole and tells Sergio he didn’t mean to ignore him, and must have just not heard him because he had been really vibing with the current song that was playing on the loudspeaker.

Sergio laughs and tells the stranger not to worry about it. “So you are a fan of Billy Joel, too?” Sergio chimes.

“Oh yeah, he’s my favorite!” exclaims John. “I’ve been to every one of his concerts when he is in town.”

“I’ve been to quite a few myself,” Sergio tells him. “Name’s Sergio, by the way,” he says, while extending his hand for John to shake.

“Name’s John, nice to meet you, Sergio,” and shakes his hand. While shaking Sergio’s hand, John got a weird feeling, but shook it off.

Sergio says, “You got a nice, firm grip there, John.” Sergio eyes John up, and says, “For being only five-foot-seven, and I’m assuming 140 pounds, you got some real power.”

John blushes, and says, “Thanks, I do a lot of lifting and used to be a middle linebacker in high school.”

“I can tell and it shows.”

“I guess I gotta get back to finishing this shopping, or my girlfriend is gonna kill me if I’m not home in time!” John laughs.

“Okay, I understand, but here is my number, I think you should give me a call.”

John thinks to himself, ‘Is this dude gay? This is getting weird.’

“I hope this isn’t coming off as strange,” as if reading John’s mind, Sergio blurts out, “I’m not gay!” laughing, “but I thought since we both shared an interest in Billy Joel, you’d be interested in seeing my collection of things I got from auctions over the years.”

“Collection?” asks John.

Sergio pulls out his phone and shows pictures of a signed guitar, signed records, and even a picture with Billy Joel and him hanging out at a bar.

John can’t believe it, and his mind immediately changes about Sergio, and he no longer thinks he is a creep. John gives Sergio his number, and they part ways.


After getting home, John tells his girlfriend, Shannon, all about his encounter with Sergio today.

Shannon says, “Sounds like a nice guy, but you don’t think it’s a little weird a forty-three-year-old man wants to hang out with a twenty-five-year-old?

“I doubt we will be hanging out,” John laughs, “I just need to see this collection and after that, I most likely won’t ever contact him again.”

“Okay, just be careful, hun,” replies Shannon.

“You worry too much, babe.”


Sergio can’t stop thinking about John, and that delicious, round, thick, woman’s ass of his. John has no idea what is in store for him, Sergio thinks to himself, as he rubs his huge cock. Sergio will slowly turn John into the perfect bottom-sissy before the week is over.


Three days later, John gets a text from Sergio, asking if today was a good time to come over to see the Billy Joel memorabilia.

John : i would love to but I’m gonna busy for the remainder of the week.

Sergio : it will only take a half hour and no one is that busy so you should come over NOW.

For some reason, that made sense to John and he agreed. Sergio sends the address.

John can’t believe his eyes when he arrives to Sergio’s. To say his place is huge would be an understatement– four-car garage, huge swimming pool in a 500 foot square backyard and, what looked to be a four-story mansion.

John walks up to the door, and is immediately greeted by Sergio who, for some reason, is in a bathrobe, completely open, and wearing some very tight briefs. John can’t help but notice the huge bulge.

Sergio asks, “Didn’t have trouble finding the place, right?”

“Nope, GPS did all the work.” John laughs.

Sergio adds, “Gotta love technology.”

“I know that’s right.” John slightly hesitates. “I don’t mean to be rude, but is there a reason you are barely dressed?”

“Well, it is my home, and I’m just relaxing with no plans of going anywhere.” Sergio turns the question back. “Do you always fully dress in your home?”

“I guess you’re right, and that does make sense.”

“John, I couldn’t help but notice how round and plump your butt is. You must focus a lot of time at the gym on your lower body, no?”

John is completely in shock, and doesn’t even know what to say.

Sergio walks behind John and grabs his butt very aggressively, and whispers in his ear, “You will be my big-booty sissy from now on,” then firmly slaps John’s ass.

John is enraged, but unable to move. His mind is racing, he is completely confused.

Sergio starts explaining that he used his powers on John and that he now has full control over John’s self-conscience, but John still has control over his regular conscience.

“So, first things first, you are no longer called John, your new name is Johnathan. That bitch of a girlfriend of yours is out of the picture, but before that, I’m sure she will be excited to see these changes you are about to have to your mind and body.” Sergio smirks, “Shall we begin?”

Johnathan follows Sergio to the bedroom.

Sergio shouts, “Strip!”

Johnathan takes everything off.

Sergio is very impressed at how smooth and not very hairy Johnathan is, and as incredible as the big, bubble butt is clothed, it is ten times more impressive, naked. Sergio begins to explore his prize by grabbing, cuffing and squeezing Johnathan’s plump butt. All Johnathan can do is stand there in shame and absolute horror.

“From now on, you will only speak when I give you permission through my mind to yours,” Sergio flatly states, then adds, “and when you speak, you will sound like a ditzy bimbo.”

“Ohhhh myyy gaaawd, like, why are you doing this to me? Um, like, please can I, like, go or, whatever, um, ’cause I totally won’t ever tell, um, a soul, I swear.”

“No more complaining out loud. You will only be happy to agree.”


“Next, Johnathan, is your need and desire for my big cock. You can’t go without it for too long and you always gotta fight the urge to feel it, suck it and have it deep between your plump booty cheeks.

Sergio continues, “You will grow your hair long, learn how to do your makeup perfectly, have laser removal of all your body and facial hair, and you will keep your hands and feet manicured and pedicured.



Six months later, Shannon gets a text message from John, who had gone out of town for an incredible job opportunity with Sergio, but had been keeping in contact the entire time.

John : hey babe ill be home in 10 minutes can’t wait to see you.

Of course, it has been Sergio keeping in contact and sending Shannon these texts.

Johnathan walks in the door, with Sergio right behind him grabbing on his now-massive butt, thanks to lots of heavy lifting and some permanent fat transfer from the best plastic surgeon in the world. That isn’t the only change– he had beautiful, long, wavy blond hair to the middle of his back; super-big, juicy lips covered in dark-red lipstick and lip gloss; French tip nails, and and was wearing fishnet stockings with booty shorts that barely covered his massive cheeks.

Shannon, shocked, asked, “John?”

“Sorry, his name is Johnathan now.”

“Oh my god, what the hell did you do to him? What is going on? How did this happen? I’m calling the cops–”

Sergio cuts her off. “Shut up, bitch, and listen. The person you knew as John no longer exists. This is Johnathan, my big-booty sissy-bottom, who can’t get enough of Daddy’s long, thick cock and his creamy load. Do you understand?”

Shannon nods her head in agreement.

“Good. Now, Johnathan, don’t be rude and introduce yourself.” Sergio smiles. “Oh, you’re free to be honest. I permit you to have control over your self-conscience for a few minutes.”

John starts crying uncontrollably. “Shannon, I don’t know what happened, he is some kind of witch, demon, god or something. He completely turned me into his cum-slut, I’m so ashamed. I just wanna die, but he won’t let me kill myself. Please kill me, or save me, or something.

“Every day, first thing in the morning, i I have an uncontrollable urge to just start sucking his cock ’til he cums in my mouth, and I swallow every drop. He constantly grabs my ass out in public, in front of everyone. One time, he fucked me on a crowded elevator and the only thing the people on it did, was watch. They couldn’t do anything.”

Sergio laughs.

“I don’t wanna live like this, please.”

“Okay, that is enough. Now, tell Shannon all about Johnathan.”

Johnathan then continues in a new voice, “Well, it’s like I can’t get enough of Daddy’s delicious, big, juicy cock and his extra-warm cream, so I help myself to it, um, like, three times a day, but sometimes I get greedy and go for four times, L-O-L.” He makes a high-pitched laugh.

“I’m, like, sucha bad little sissy, but I can’t help it, I mean look at this thing,” Johnathan says, as he reaches at Sergio’s huge bulge, and pulls down his pants, then starts sucking it ferociously.

Sergio cums down Johnathan’s throat, and splashes a nice amount on his face. Johnathan goes to wipe it away, but Sergio stops him and tells him to leave it.

This whole time, Shannon is standing in silence, but in absolute horror, and still can’t believe this is really happening.

“You know what’s totes the best, about what daddy did to me?” Johnathan asks, as he starts twerking and smacking his own big booty. “Girrrl, look at this thing– it is so, like, big and round, and I love when Daddy shoves his big cock in it, and fucks me ’til he unloads deep inside me with his, um, big Daddy load.”

“I think she wants to see,” Sergio says, as Johnathan gets in the doggy-style position. Sergio gets behind him and palms both bubbly ass cheeks, and slowly slides his big cock in.

Sergio “You like that baby?”

Johnathan moans in agreement.

After ten minutes, Sergio pulls out, sits down, and instructs Johnathan to sit on his cock. Johnathan obliges. Sergio stands up with Johnathan still on his big cock, and Johnathan wraps his hands and legs around Sergio. Sergio, face to face with his sissy, starts deeply French kissing on Johnathan’s full juicy lips. That continues for twenty minutes until Sergio cums deep inside Johnathan’s boy pussy.

“I hope you enjoyed the new-and-improved Johnathan, as much as I did,” Sergio says to Shannon, who, in total disgust, just unwillingly nods her head in agreement.

Sergio smiles. “I had a funny feeling you would, bitch.”


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