Sex Pot-Chapter 1 (A Poker Game Story) by Randy MacAnus


A gay adult story: Sex Pot-Chapter 1 (A Poker Game Story) by Randy MacAnus ,

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The Sex Pot
(A Poker Game Story)


Randy MacAnus

© 2019 All Rights Reserved By The Author

This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky. Chapter one is, hopefully, erotic, but the actual sex starts in chapter two. (Chapter two is already written, and will be posted in a few days, if you would like to wait, and read them at the same time.)

Chapter 1

“Darn! I thought sure I was gonna win that hand,” said Freddie.

The little college freshman was super cute, but naive, and not exactly a rocket scientist, when it came to practical matters. We were playing seven card stud, but he wasn’t keeping close track of other people’s up cards. As a result, in two straight hands, he had missed the fact that the cards he needed were already on the table. He was clearly stressed, and in over his head financially.

Everyone else at the table were also college students, but we were all seniors, and had been playing this monthly game for over three years now. It’s safe to say that we’d been draining inexperienced freshmen of their assets (without cheating) whenever one was foolish enough to sit in.

“Can I do a re-buy?”

“This isn’t Texas Hold ‘Em. You can pull out more cash and buy more chips any time. I know you’ve been close on some hands, but it doesn’t seem to be your night. If I were you, I’d walk away.”

“But I really need to win my money back!”

“Which is exactly when you should walk away. Your desperation is affecting your judgment.”

“But I’ve just lost my entire allowance for the month!”

“Then how were you going to do a re-buy?”

“Can’t I owe it to you?”

You’ve got to be joking.”

The boy just sat there and pouted. I usually find that kind of infantile behavior off-putting. But I have to admit it was a really cute pout. On the other hand I strongly suspect he knew that, and typically got his way when he used it.

Now one of the reasons, the six of us had maintained the game and our friendship for over three years, was, in part, because we were all either gay or bi. We were all friends with benefits. But none of us had ever been a couple with any of the others. That eliminated the traditional “taking sides” problem after a breakup. So we had all remained good friends, and shared the same house off-campus.

And there had been more than a few bets at this table that involved dominant/submissive play. Given that we all preferred to top, that was a good way for us to decide roles. When sexual control was the bet, we referred to that as a “Sex Pot.” Good thing we had our own house!

What we had not done, up to this point was take sexual advantage of anyone who took the seventh seat for a game. It wasn’t a rule or anything, it had just never come up. Then again, we’d never had anyone remotely this hot, in a muscle twink way, at the table.

He was just over eighteen. He was clearly straight. And he had that whole spoiled rich white privilege thing going on. Daddy was rich, but kept the kid on a relatively short leash financially.

He had dropped $1,000 at the table this night. That was triple the amount that usually changed hands in our games. And that, apparently, was his monthly allowance. As he lived in the dorms, and ate in the school cafeterias, (which is where we met him,) the grand was his walking around money.

I didn’t think the kid would actually put his body on the line for a loan, but I had another thought.

“Tell you what, kid. We need to be absolutely sure we’ll get our money back. You don’t have anything we’d want as collateral, but if you can stand some humiliation and frustration over the next month, I’d be willing to advance you the money.”

I didn’t really expect him to take the bait. But if he did, I was certain we’d wind up owning that tight little ass.

The kid went from pout to excitement in a split second. “What do you have in mind?”

I got a surprised look from the others, followed by smirks and grins. These guys knew me well.

“As collateral for the $100 loan, I take your dick hostage. I’ve just received a cock cage as a gag gift for my birthday. Not only would I never wear one, this one wouldn’t begin to fit. Way too small. Part of the gag, I expect. You let me put it on you, and lock it in place. If it fits, I’ll lend you the money. And you will remain locked in that cage until you pay back every dime.”

The kid blushed bright red. “You’d see my dick?”

We all cracked up laughing. “Yeah kid. In fact, to make this more enjoyable for us, you strip naked right here right now. And we’ll all get to see all of your assets, so to speak. And if it’s clear the cage is going to fit, we will do you a favor and shave off your pubes, so they don’t catch in the cage. That can be really painful.”

His blushing now deepened to a darker red, and he started to tremble.

“Or you can just call it a night and go back to your dorm.”

If the kid took the bait, I figured for sure, that he had a developing gambling addiction. If I was right, owning him outright would be a process, but inevitable. I was actually cool with it no matter what he decided. If he went for the deal, he figured to be high maintenance.

“That’s pretty intense. Are you guys homos or something?”

“Yes. Some gay, some bi. Why, would you rather whore yourself out to us for the money?”

“NO! I… I’m just afraid where this could lead.”

“You should be, if you don’t think you can pay me back, or if you don’t think you can do without jacking off for a month.”

The little stud was really trembling now, but much to my surprise, he was clearly thinking it over. I noticed my five friends checking him out more closely now. No surprise there! They knew I wouldn’t lie to the kid, but I also wouldn’t lay out all the possibilities. And they knew if I got in his knickers, so would they!

“$100 can go pretty fast in this game. I’d want $500, so I have some room to maneuver.”

“Think it through, kid. If you lose, you’d have no money this month, and only half your allowance next month. If you fail to pay in full, next month, you’re looking at a second month in the cage. Or longer, if you have to stretch out the payments.”

Most eighteen year olds think with their dick. They would never go for this. But this kid was thinking with his wallet. It must be tough for a rich kid to find himself broke, even temporarily.

“Make it $600. I’ll set the extra $100 aside to cover emergencies for the month.”

“That’s a lot of money. I don’t even know you. So here’s how this is going to go down.

1. We won’t let you spend that extra $100 at the table, no matter what you want to do.

2. If I’m going to loan you that much, you’re going to have to increase the entertainment value for us. When you strip, you will stand, legs shoulder width apart, hands behind your head, with elbows out to the side. Then will will shave off all your body hair. And we will take pictures and video of you in that pose before, during and after.

3. You will play the rest of the game naked. Once you have lost the $500, or the game ends, as it always does at midnight, you can have your clothes back. Most of them, anyway. I’m going to keep your underwear, as a souvenir. You may want to avoid other people on your way back to the dorm, because that will make the cage pretty obvious.

4. This cage can only come off two ways. With the key, or by cutting your balls off. It’s an integral lock. And I don’t know of any case, where someone has successfully picked this type of lock. It’s up to you to decide if your balls are worth $600.

5. For however long it takes for you to pay us back, you will return to us every Saturday at 6:00pm. You will strip, be tied up spread-eagled, and we will remove the cage, re-shave all of your body hair, and clean your junk and the cage. The cage will go back on and you will be released. Don’t wear underwear, or I’ll keep it. If you cum during this procedure, you will be punished. And the pictures we took will be posted online.

6. If you fail to pay in full in by the first, interest will be added to the total. 50% of the unpaid balance for every extra month or part thereof. That means, if you pay only $100 on the first, instead of owing $500 it will be $750.”

7. You will sign an IOU, that also gives us permission to use the photos and video in any way we please. Consider this part of the interest on the loan.”

“In addition, we reserve the right, anytime you are naked, to tease and play with your body, for our own amusement. But we won’t penetrate you with our cocks, unless you ask us to. And you just might, if this goes on long enough. The only way for you to have even a chance of cumming, when wearing the cage, is to get fucked in the ass.”

My friends looked at me in awe. Sort of a “what the hell are you thinking” awe. I knew they figured I’d told the kid too much. But I’d become convinced he had a gambling addiction, and wouldn’t be able to help himself. He’d buy into it. And if he did, well he’d been warned, and I could use him without regret.

We all looked at the kid. He had an absolutely stupefied expression on his face. And who could blame him? If he didn’t go for it, well, good for him. If he did, good for us!

“You can’t be serious!”

I just looked directly into those pretty blue eyes, with no expression on my face.

“Holy crap! You are serious!”

“Go home, kid. You’re not ready to play with the big boys.”

“Could you not take the pictures?”

We had him!

“None of this is negotiable. If I’m going to lend a total stranger $600, I’m damn well going to get my money’s worth, and more.”

The kid gave a shudder, and swallowed hard. He didn’t say a word. He slowly stood, and with trembling hands, stripped stark naked, in front of us. He had a bit of trouble willing himself into the display position, but he finally managed it. I have to say, our boy Freddie was stunning.

Freddie was about 5’ 8” tall, and maybe 140 pounds soaking wet. (And he was definitely sweating!) He had golden blonde hair, and big blue eyes, with dark eyebrows.

He wasn’t buff, but he was well defined. No six pack, but a tight flat stomach, with a clear, defined Vee running down to his groin. And a truly glorious ass! He had hair on his legs, plus pits and pubes and a dusting on his chest. Nothing else. It was clear he didn’t even shave yet.

Plus, it appeared that humiliation, and being under someone else’s control was a turn-on for the little stud. He might be straight, but his little 5 inch dick was rock hard. This was going to be fun! I do like a responsive bitch.

Freddie had managed to get his legs apart and his hands behind his head, but he was struggling to stand up straight, and trembling uncontrollably. As Jack went to get the shaving supplies, and Mike went to get the camera. Frank, our pre-law student, went to his computer, and wrote the IOU.

I went behind our new toy, and put my hands on his shoulders. Freddie practically jumped out of his skin at my touch, but managed to settle down and resume the display position.

“You sure you’ll be able to focus on the game, boy? You seem pretty freaked.”

“With a squeak in his voice, Freddie replied, “I can handle it.”

“Suit yourself.”

George had been shooting HD video of the whole thing with his cell phone, including my little speech. Tom was shooting stills. Mike came back with his digital SLR and set it up on it’s tripod. As Tom was getting plenty of good quality stills, Mike set the camera to record HD video and focused it on the boy. This would be the master shot. George’s cell phone video would provide close-ups and different angles.

As all this was happening, I was slowly massaging Freddie’s neck and shoulders. If anything, I was making him more tense. Certainly, his undersized dick was still rigid. But he was able to stand up straight now.

“When do I get the money?”

“Once you’ve signed the IOU, we’ve shaved you, and the cage is locked in place.”

That made sense to Freddie, and he relaxed just a little bit. Frank had the boy sign the IOU, which he did with a shaking hand. We didn’t have a notary, but we had him read it out loud and sign it on video.

After he’d signed, I began to move my hands over other parts of his body. I played a bit with his nipples, then slowly moved my hands down to that magnificent ass. He shuddered at my touch, but made no effort to pull away. And his little rod was starting to drip.

Jack began with his beard trimmer, shaving the boy’s pits, pubes, chest, and legs down to stubble. Then each of us got some shaving cream, and applied it to the various areas of stubble. That set the boy to moaning and humping just a little bit. I was beginning to think he might be a virgin. I’d have to check on that later.

Jack took the razor, and gently removed all the stubble, as the cameras recorded the entire process. Other than the mop of gold-blonde hair on his head, Freddie was now completely smooth. He was also right on the verge of an orgasm.

“I tell you what, kid. Since your dick is going to be locked away for at least a month, I will allow you to jack off, provided you ask for permission, nice and loud for the cameras, catch your cum in your hand, and eat it, all on camera. Otherwise, I’ll just lock you up right now.”

Freddie groaned in frustration. He certainly didn’t want to eat his cum. And I’m equally sure that he didn’t want this humiliation on camera. But he was so horned up, and the thought of getting caged without getting off first, was too much.

With a look of total embarrassment and desperation, Freddie pleaded, “Please let me jack off! I’ll do it the way you want!”

“Go for it.”

As the cameras rolled, the horned-up naked boy grabbed all five inches and stroked himself with a frenzy. It took less than a minute. He nearly forgot to catch his cum in his hand, but got the hand out there just in time to capture the massive load.

“It will be less gross if you eat it before it cools.”

Freddie’s face betrayed his disgust, but he lapped the cum off his hand, and swallowed it all.

“Resume the position!” I snapped.

Freddie came to his senses at bit and, red-faced, spread his legs and put his hands behind his head. And as he did so, his dick went from semi-soft to hard. I was really going to enjoy watching this video!

“I’m going to need to give you some nut taps to get your dick down. This will hurt. A lot. Make sure you hold the position.”

As we were in our house, we had all our toys available. That included the cock cage. I retrieved it, and knelt in front of the boy. It took a half dozen nut taps, and some serious groans from Freddie, but I finally managed to get his dick to shrink to a soft two inches. Perfect!

Not that I didn’t have other sized cock cages, but I didn’t want to have to go get one. And while his dick was basically low average for a white guy, I didn’t want to give him any sense of pride in the appendage, by getting a bigger cage. The six of us were all big guys, physically, and in the dick department. That could come in handy, when we were mind-fucking him.

I could see fear in Freddie’s eyes, as I placed his dick in the cage. I was looking straight into his eyes as I turned the key on the integral lock and he gave out a little moan. I think, for the first time, this was becoming real to him.

We shot a bunch of pix and plenty of video of Freddie in the cage. Finally, I handed the boy $500 in chips, and put a $100 bill in his wallet. Mike aimed the DSLR at Freddie’s seat, and left the video running, as we resumed the game. Freddie sat naked in his seat, his legs slightly spread to make room for the cage. He looked a bit relieved to have his lower body out of sight. The relief didn’t last long!

Before sitting down, I walked up behind him, and slowly ran my hands over his chest, all the way down to where his pubes used to be.

“Remember. When you’re naked, your body is ours to play with.”

Mike and Tom, seated on either side of him, each placed a hand on a knee and pulled his legs wider apart, before slowly running their hands up the inside of each leg to the cage. George was standing behind and to one side, shooting cell phone video of the kid’s lower body, and the hands caressing it.

I could see his dick struggling in the cage, trying to get hard. And I saw the look of consternation on his face at the resulting pain. This cage had small protrusions that would cause his little member pain, whenever it tried to get hard. I guess I forgot to tell him about that. Oh well.

Tom slid his hand under the boy’s nut sac and began massaging and squeezing. Freddie moaned and grunted in pain, but to his credit, made no effort to close his legs. I returned to my seat, and finally, when we had some great video of Freddie submitting to the hands molesting his body, so did George.

It didn’t take long for the kid to lose the whole $500. Between the hands roaming his body, his desperation, over-betting, and his poor poker skills, he never had a chance. Well, he’d been warned. Predictably, he wanted to use the $100 to keep playing. I was right. Gambling addiction. Just as predictably, we said no. In fact, I said, “Fuck no!”

I strongly suspected he’d go find another game. I could only hope no one would let him play on credit. He wanted to know if he could take the cage off and cum one more time.

“I told you before you committed to this: The only way you’re going to cum, between now and the time I’m paid back in full, is to get fucked in the ass. And you might not cum, even then. And you’re going to have to beg for that, if you want to chance it. Plus I’m going to make you do that on camera, along with your fucking. Are you ready to do that?”

He wasn’t. At least, not yet. But if I was right about his gambling habit, his ass was going to be mine!


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