Zac’s story – Chapter 6


Gay story: Zac’s story – Chapter 6

Author: Zac22

“That’s cool.” I paused and smiled “You really are adorable when you are embarrassed.” He laughed.

We paid the check and went back out to his truck. “So was this sort of a date or a real date?” I asked jokingly.

“This was real.” He smiled.

“Ok, good I just wanted to make sure.” I laughed.

Shawn smiled and asked, “So would you like to go out again sometime?”

“I’d like that” I answered.

“Then does that mean you’d wanna be my boyfriend?” He started to blush again.

“Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?”

“Yeah” He said softly looking down.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked me in the eyes. “I’d really like that.” I leaned in and kissed him. He smiled.

“So that’s two firsts for you, first boyfriend and first kiss.” I smiled “You ready for your first time facing a mob of friends set to embarrass you and your new boyfriend?”

“Is it really gonna be that bad?” He asked.

“Well, they all know about it by now. Randy probably told everyone two minutes after we left. There will probably be a fair number of people waiting for us to get home. They’ll have some comments and questions, but if we’re lucky it’ll only last a few minutes.” I replied.

We got back to our building took a deep breath and went into our floor living area. There were only five people there watching TV: Randy, Melissa, Dana, Lauren, and Jeff. They all turned their heads and smiled at us.

“So, how was your date?” Randy asked.

“It was good” I answered as Shawn got out of his chair and sat on the nearest couch. “So how long did it take you to tell everyone we know?” I asked as I sat down next to Shawn.

“Bout five minutes to tell everyone on our floor and the rest took another ten or so.” He answered with a proud smile.

“You guys just gonna stare at them all night? I mean come on, Shawn is blushing so bad it looks like his head is about to explode.” Jeff said. Shawn covered his face.

“I think it’s cute.” Melissa said.

“Told you.” I said to Shawn. He dropped his hands with a smile.

“Ok, let’s leave them alone and watch the movie.” Lauren said.

We all started watching Tommy Boy. We sat next to each other on the couch with our legs up on the ottoman. Shawn got the courage to put his arm around me and I sank and leaned into his chest.

“Oh my god, that is so cute” Melissa commented. I held Shawn’s hand to keep him from hiding his face again. I was determined to get him to relax and just deal with the comments because they were going to keep coming. His hands were strong and rough from the wheelchair but somehow soft.

When the movie was over the group dispersed and it was just Shawn, Randy and me still in the living area. “Well, I’ll leave you two alone. See ya later”

I just stayed sitting on the couch relaxing in Shawn’s arms “You wanna go to my room and watch a movie?” He asked.

“Yeah” I replied sitting up. He got into his chair and we went to his room. It was the same layout as Randy and my room but he had a double bed and fit a TV in with the extra room from not having a roommate.

Shawn put in Remember the Titans and we got onto his bed. He took off his shoes and lay down and I did the same. I lay down next to him and rested my head on his chest as he held me close. We watched the movie for a little while holding each other when I turned a little and moved up to his lips and kissed him softly as he kissed me back. He pulled me closer and held me as we kissed deeper.

My head was flying. He was a great kisser, not too aggressive and not too timid, he moved his tongue with mine gently and passionately. I sucked on his lower lip and he rolled over on top of me and continued kissing me holding himself up by his elbows. We kept kissing until the movie was nearly over and he just held me in his strong arms with my head on his chest and arm around his stomach.

He held me like that until the end of the movie “I should go back to my room.”

“Ok” We sat up and I picked my shoes up off the floor. I leaned in for a kiss goodnight and as I began to pull away he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in for another deep kiss then sent my head spinning once more “Goodnight Zac” He said with a smile.

My jaw had dropped and with a dumb smile I said “Goodnight Shawn” I stood up and walked to the door, looked at him with a big smile and closed the door behind me. I walked down the hall and into my room where I closed the door and collapsed onto my bed.

The lights were out but Randy wasn’t sleeping. “You got back late” He teased. I just lay on my bed with a huge smile. “Well, what happened?”

“We went to his room and watched a movie. We made out for like an hour. I’ve never been kissed like that before. It was amazing, I got light headed almost and just melted. Then, he just, held me.” I explained.

“Wow, did you do anything else?” He questioned.

“No, we just kissed and he held me. That was it and my head is still spinning. I haven’t even felt like this after sex or during sex. It was perfect. He just kissed me and held me and my head is still spinning.”

“Yeah, you said that.” He paused “Wow, that sounds intense.”

I got undressed and got into bed.

“Just do me a favor and jack off quietly. I don’t wanna hear that” He laughed.

“I’m not jacking off” I said calmly back to him.

“For real? After all that you’re just gonna go to sleep?” He asked with a confused voice.

“Yeah” I said calmly.

Randy got up turned on the light and kneeled next to me. “Are you ok? You’re just spaced with that stupid smile. What’s up with Shawn? You didn’t look like this after your first night with Jon and you had sex with him. What’s your deal?”

“I’m fine” I said looking up at the ceiling with a huge smile. I looked down at Randy “I’m great, I don’t know why or how but the way I feel from Shawn kissing and just holding me makes me feel amazing. I can’t explain it.”

“Ok,” he said with a laugh and turned the light back out, “goodnight Zac.” He got back in bed and we went to sleep.

A few weeks went by and Shawn and I were going out every weekend to a movie or bowling or dinner. We didn’t go out during the week because we wanted to make sure we kept up with classes and I didn’t go to his room to hangout and watch movies during the week either. Friday and/or Saturday we went out on dates or went out with friends and I’d go to his room after to be alone and watch movies, talk and make out.

Winter break had come and I went home with Randy. Every day I talked to Shawn on the phone. I had never talked this much before and gotten to know a guy so well. We told each other our life stories, our interests, fears, family histories, stories from childhood, etc. He told me how he had a hard time coming out to his family and the depression he went through when he was younger dealing with having a disability and being gay and how so many people treated him badly over both. I told him how I came out and about my past relationships. We both got emotional with our stories and we just felt really comfortable talking to each other about everything.

By the end of winter break I really missed him and couldn’t wait to get back to school. We came back right after Christmas so we could spend new years on campus. So we still had another week and a half on break together before school started again. When we got back to our apartment I went straight to his room. He was on his way out to greet me. I dropped to a knee and gave him a huge hug “I missed you so much”

“I missed you too” he laughed, “can you let me go for a second, I can’t move.”

We went to the living area and lay down on the couch. Shawn put his legs up on the ottoman and sat at an angle so I could lay across the rest of the couch and rest my head on his stomach as he held me. We were just laying together for about an hour watching TV when a few people joined us and we all chatted for a little while before the conversation got awkward.

“So have you guys slept together yet?” Dana asked.

“No” Shawn chuckled.

“Really? You’ve been going out for like two months now and you’re always going into Shawn’s room.” She continued.

“No, we just hangout and talk when we go to my room, but we’ve never had sex.” He said. I could hear his heart beating faster as he was getting uncomfortable.

“I’ve never even spent the night with him. I always go back to my room.” I added.

“I can vouch for that. He always comes home every night and I’d be the first to know if he slept with Shawn.” Randy chimed in, “I’m a little surprised though. He’s never been in a relationship this long without sleeping with the guy.”

“Wow, thanks Randy, you make me sound like a man whore. We just haven’t slept together yet, we will when the time is right. So what if it’s been a couple months.” I told them.

Dana hesitantly asked one more question, “Well, Shawn, can you have sex, like does it wor-“

“Ok, that’s enough of this conversation. You guys are getting a little too involved in our relationship.” I interrupted.

“Ok, yeah let’s settle down. She didn’t mean anything. That’s a little too much and Dana knows that, right?” Jeff tried to calm the situation.

“Yeah, I’m sorry you guys. I didn’t think.” Dana said sheepishly.

Shawn held me rubbing my chest a little, “Calm down Zac, it’s no big deal. Let’s just watch some TV.”

The mood leveled and we watched TV for a while before the group cleared a little. Some people left and others came in. Shawn and I excused ourselves to his room and put in a movie. I laid down next to him as he held me and watched the movie for a little while before Shawn interrupted, “Do you wanna sleep here tonight?”

I sat up and looked at him.

“I’m not saying we have sex tonight or anything like that, I’m just saying you could sleep here tonight instead of going back to your room.” He added when he saw my blank stare.

“Is this cuz of what they said out there?” I asked.

“No,” he paused, “well not completely. I guess they just brought up a good point. We have been seeing each other for two months. I’m not saying they are gonna control when we have sex or anything like that, but it made me think that I’d really like you to stay the night. We can figure everything else out later. I’m just asking you to sleep here tonight.”

“I’d love to” I smiled and leaned in, kissed him, and laid back on his chest and finished watching the movie.

When the movie was over Shawn got up into his chair and put another movie on and I texted Randy that I was going to stay there and he shouldn’t worry that I wasn’t going home tonight. I also added that I wasn’t having sex but just spending the night and not to go out and tell everyone.

“You wanna go ahead and get under the covers? I’m gonna put on some sweatpants to sleep in. Do you need some?” Shawn asked.

“No, I can just sleep in these shorts.” I said as I sat up and pulled the blankets down and got into bed.

Shawn went into the bathroom to change. I took off my socks and threw them on top of my shoes. Shawn came out a couple minutes later and turned off the lights again, pushed play on the movie, and rolled over to the edge of the bed. He stopped before getting out of his chair into bed, “I hope you don’t mind, but I can’t sleep with a shirt on.” He proceeded to lift his shirt off.

I hadn’t seen him without a shirt yet. I had always seen through his shirt and felt that he had a strong chest but now I could fully see. He was smooth with a little bit of light blond hair starting under his belly button. He had strong pecs that weren’t overly ripped, strong amazing body, he had strong abs but not very visible abs. For reference, his body was built like Tim Tebow is now, very strong stomach and chest without much definition and very strong thick arms and shoulders.

He lifted his shirt all the way off as I looked at his body by the light from the TV screen, “Damn, you are so gorgeous” I said stunned and proceeded to take my shirt off.

Shawn laughed and got into bed with me lifted his legs under the blankets and pulled me closer to him. I put my arm around him and rested my head on his bare chest. He was soft and warm and I could have fallen asleep right then but kept my eyes open watching the movie. When the movie was over he turned it off and we just lay there together. I ran my hands around his body feeling his chest and stomach as my head was now resting on his bicep. I was looking down at my hand grazing his stomach as he looked at me, “You having fun?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I looked up at him with a smile.

He laughed and rolled over on me, kissing me as I moved my hands along his back. He held himself up over me as he kissed me deeply. I moved my hand up his back holding his flexed shoulder and arm. I moved my hand along his arm and back up to his shoulder. I pushed him back down and moved on top of him still kissing before I relaxed on top of him and put my head on his chest and closed my eyes with a sigh.

Shawn pulled the blankets up over us and wrapped his arms around me, “Good night baby,” he whispered.

“Good night” I whispered back and fell asleep in his arms.

Another month went by and now on weekends I spent the night with Shawn, but we continued to keep up with classes during the week and only hangout for lunch and in the living area when we didn’t have work to do. It was February and we had been seeing each other for three months and I was happier than I had ever been in my life.

Thursday night I walked into my room and Randy was already in bed but not sleeping. “Hey, how’s it going?” I asked.

“I’m good,” he said quietly. I got undressed and turned off the light. “Zac…” he said.


“How are things going with Shawn and you?” he asked.

“Great, why?”

“I was just wondering, and um, I don’t wanna make you mad cuz I know how you felt when Dana asked that one day, but can Shawn actually have sex?” He asked with a worried voice.

“Of course he can” I said sitting up in my bed. “I mean, I don’t see why he couldn’t.”

“Well, I just thought about it and you guys haven’t had sex yet and maybe that’s cuz he can’t really do much. You know?” He continued with his worried voice.

“Relax Randy, I’m not gonna get mad at you for talking to me about this, I was only mad when Dana said it in front of everyone. You’re my best friend, I tell you everything, so relax.” I assured him while I avoided his comment.

“Ok,” he said with a sigh of relief and walked over to my bed and sat next to me, “so do you think he might not be able to?”

“I don’t know, I mean, we haven’t done anything down there yet and I never really thought about it. It’s not like I just grab his crotch. I don’t think there’s a problem there but I don’t know for sure. I’ve never asked.”

“Well, just hypothetically, what if he can’t do it?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked. Now I had thoughts and emotions running all through my head. I hadn’t thought about this at all before, I just assumed everything was fine.

“Well, if he can’t have sex then would you have to end it with him?” he asked and began to talk quickly, “I’m not trying to upset you I just don’t want you to get too invested and then get hurt.”

There was a long pause as I calmly realized what my answer was, “No, I couldn’t leave him” I paused, “I don’t care if he can have sex or not” I looked up at Randy as my eyes began to water, “I love him” I said choking up.

Randy smiled, “That’s great man.” Randy gave me a hug as a tear ran down my face. I smiled and wiped my tears. Randy let me go and with a smile and tear filled eyes he got up and went back to his bed.

I laid back in bed with a smile. I was in love. I loved Shawn. I had been in relationships before where I got very emotionally invested, like with Jon, but had never been in love before.

The next day I couldn’t stop smiling and that night in Shawn’s room I had to tell him. We were in the middle of the first movie, I looked up at him with a smile, “I love you.”

He looked at me and smiled, “I love you, too” he said softly and kissed me gently. He lifted his hand to my face and wiped my eyes, “Why are you crying?”

“You have no idea how amazing you make me feel. I love you so much and to hear you say you love me too-“

“Zac,” he said with a smile “of course I love you, I’ve just been afraid to tell you. What brought this on?” he asked wiping more tears from my eyes.


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