Shaming the Boastful Centaur Ch. 04

A gay story: Shaming the Boastful Centaur Ch. 04 Pholus awoke the next morning cuddling Bill. He groaned, feeling a pressure on his bladder, and rolled out of bed. Well… tried. About halfway there, what felt like a 50 lbs weight fell to the ground and nearly pulled him with it, as his dick eagerly jumped at the sudden sensation as it slid across silky smooth sheets. He blinked, rubbing at his eyes, and looked down.

“Persephone…” he groaned at the bicep thick anaconda between his legs, not just laying on the bed, nearly touching the fucking ground as it dangled over his thigh. Next to him, Bill’s cock was unsheathed and dripping, an onyx forearm thick spire lifting the covers high enough to make a half decent tent.

He shook his head and swung his legs over the side of the bed, gasping as his balls slid over the edge, pulling and stretching in ways that sent shockwaves into his prostate and dick. He paused, giving himself a little time to adjust and let the sparks die down, then stood up, until his cock was swinging between his legs, 18 inches of thick soft heavy meat reaching past this knees. He started walking towards the bathroom, and it started swinging, his balls bouncing and jostling against his thighs.

It didn’t exactly hurt, but it was a fucking weird sensation that didn’t really feel good. He tried spreading his legs and waddling towards the bathroom, which mostly worked, but was slow and he probably looked pretty stupid. Still, the pressure was mounting, so he waddled along, adding a hand for support as his member started swinging again.

Finally, he was able to reach the toilet, and he had to lift with both arms to get the tube over the rim. He sighed as he was finally able to relax, and jumped at the high pressure spray, causing the porcelain to ring. Jumping would have been a bigger issue if it wasn’t for the sheer mass of the cock, which barely rippled. He relaxed his kegals for a moment and the stream approached something more… normal. Guess it took a lot of muscle to be able to actually move cum that far.

After a bit longer, Pholus sighed happily, the pressure relieved, and started back towards the bed.

By the time Pholus got back, Bill had woken up and was rubbing his eyes, yawning as his hard stallionhood stood proudly to attention, reaching nearly to the middle of his chest. “Morning cutie. How did you sleep?” He said, smiling at his boyfriend.

Pholus smiled back. “Amazingly, I’ve never felt safer.” Pholus’s slightly more functional brain picked up on the heavy scent of cum, and how most of his body was sticky. Bill seemed to be realizing the same thing, as his nostrils flared, and his cock started dripping. “We… might want to get into the shower… and clean the sheets.”

Bill nodded, one hand reflexively sliding down his massive shaft, his eyes slowly going down Pholus’s body. They widened, and he started panting, when he saw… well, all of that wonderful package. His colon twinged, definitely saying that it wouldn’t partake in something that absurd, and he couldn’t exactly disagree. Trying to fit a foot long had been hard enough… even mostly soft, that thing would displace too many organs.

Then he looked down at himself. A two foot long spire, already enough to shame most horses, with smooth black nuts to match, highlighted by his chestnut fur.

“Huh… these… may be a tad inconvenient…” Bill said after a few seconds.

Pholus nodded. “Walking is so annoying, everything swings.”

“How do we work out then? Or is that build just from the amount of testosterone pumping from your balls?” Bill asked.

“Why is that the first thing to come to mind?”

“Well, I like your muscles…”

“I think your thighs have gotten a bit more toned. Hard to tell under the fur.”

Bill blushed, looking at himself. The fur was a bit patchy, unbroken only around his groin and fading away to normal by his hips and knees. But his muscles could certainly be seen even through that layer.

“Well, I guess we’ll need to figure that out. After our shower.” Bill finally managed. He stood up, thighs flexing as they took the load. He reached underneath the bed automatically and pulled out a custom jockstrap, with a button up pouch for his crotch. He stared at for a moment, shrugged and pulled it on. His balls fit perfectly, while his erection pushed through the button up area. “… I guess this is how.”

Pholus walked over to the other side of the bed and fished around until he found a larger jock strap, and pulled it on, carefully fitting his balls inside, and buttoning up the shaft holder. “Huh… guess… your parents know? This looks like the same make.”

“With this thing? They’d know the moment I tried to buy pants. But come on, let’s deal with the logistics later, I want to take a shower with you.” Bill’s erection had finally started retreating into his sheath, and he walked towards the bathroom, Pholus in tow.

“Huh… this is new…” Bill said, looking around the bathroom. It had been redone so that it was entirely lined with tile, almost as if someone had gotten really really annoyed by liquid damage in all directions. The shower had been expanded and Bill was pretty sure that the pipes were custom. He’d never seen a drain that large outside a communal shower. He turned on the shower and the room started filling with steam. “… I think I’m in heaven.” Bill said after a few seconds, feeling the warmth soak into his skin, as he set out towels and a rug for afterwards.

Pholus pulled off his jockstrap and walked into the shower, groaning in relief as the warm water ran over his skin. He jumped a bit as an even warmer shaft pressed against his back. “You need any help cleaning up?” Bill offered, a mischievous grin dancing around his words. Pholus’s sight nearly went gray as seemingly most of his blood rushed south.

He ground his ass against Bill, as his dick slowly extended up his stomach, then chest, then the base of his throat, the sudden shift in weight forcing him to grab convenient rubber handles in the shower. He arched his back, highlighting his ass. “I’d love you to scrub me everywhere. Maybe even use a pole for the parts you can’t reach.”

Bill’s cock jumped and splattered a line of pre across Pholus’s back. “I… think I can do that.” He managed, his libido demanding that he try to spread Pholus right now. He ran his hands down Pholus’s ribs and hips, causing him the shiver in anticipation, then he slowly pushed one finger in. “Fuck… you are so tight…” Bill moaned, feeling Pholus’s oversized prostate.

Pholus was in heaven, arched like this, his cock was bobbing nearly at eye level, Bill was right behind him, warm water was dripping on his back, and Bill was getting him ready for-

Pholus felt a spasm run up his back, as Bill slowly brushed against his prostate. His ass clamped down on the invader as hard as it could, and he could feel muscles in his groin rhythmically contracting, eagerly spraying cloudy fluid against the shower wall. And that was just a touch.

Bill wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but Pholus sounded like he was having the time of his life, and his finger was being pulled in, pressing harder against the oversized gland. He added another finger, slowly stroking, feeling Pholus swell and pulse underneath him.

Pholus thought he was getting used to the stimulation, until Bill started toying with him. His dick splattered the wall each time he tensed his muscles, and he could feel his balls swelling, becoming even heavier as they reacted to the stimulation. He needed more. “Please fuck me!” Pholus begged.

Bill grinned and backed up. “I thought you’d never ask.” Bill said, then slowly pushed his blunt head against Pholus’s rear. Then added a little more force. His blunt head felt like a golf ball pressing against a garden hose. Unless there was a Marine making out with Pholus, he wasn’t going anywhere.

Pholus looked back confused. “Erm… is something wrong?”

“Persephone didn’t… change anything back here… And… I don’t think you’re loose enough for fisting…”

“Are you telling me that I’m re-virginized?”

Bill winced. “Probably… I definitely can’t fit this thing in.” He reached back and spread himself, then slowly pressed a finger in. Less than an inch in, he met an overstimulated prostate that wanted to be pummeled, but that didn’t really help him figure out where Pholus’s meat was supposed to go. After a few seconds of gasping, feeling his cock throb, his muscles slowly relaxing, he managed to reopen his eyes and groaned. Looking at the pearl necklace dotting Pholus’s back and hair, Bill shook his head. “Definitely not.”

“Oh…” Pholus seemed disappointed, until Bill’s hot throbbing rod slipped underneath his legs, coming to rest a little less than halfway up Pholus’s own dick.

“I think I have a solution.” Bill said, suddenly appearing by Pholus’s ear. “Lube up your hands. Start playing with us… and I’ll pummel your ass until you can’t walk. And then we can try stretching later… and see how much fun we can have. I’d love for you to be my first….”

“You’re a virgin?”

Bill grimaced, thinking back to the current reality. “It takes a very specific person to be willing to try to fuck a literal horsecock. Now can we stop talking about virginity and turn you into a messy puddle?” Bill said, new memories of surprising a number of people with proof that he wasn’t stuffing his pants suddenly appearing in his head. Plus exposure to a number of horse girls with rather off putting preferences about commitment and kids.

Pholus was going to respond, but felt the rod throbbing besides him and grabbed a bottle of silicon lube that had been left in just the right spot. He slicked up his hands and arms, then started coating their dicks. He started thrusting, the sensation of cock against cock, and cock against arm, chest, hands, thigh, and abs, adding a constant stream of slippery pre from both dicks to the silicon lube.

Bill felt every touch on his cock, especially around the medial ring, and he stood there, holding Pholus close to him as he tried to adjust to the sensation. It was so much more powerful than before, and he could feel feel his prostate eagerly supplying more pre, his balls pumping as he could already feel his orgasm building. It took him a few thrusts to remember that he was supposed to be playing with Pholus, and he slowly moved his hand onto Pholus’s ass then started putting two fingers inside. Pholus cried out at the sensation, echoing around the room as he streaks turned into a spurt, his prostate swelling under Bill’s fingers, as he pushed in, helping bring Pholus’s orgasm higher.

A few seconds later, Pholus began thrusting again, and Bill added another finger, slowly thrusting in and out of Pholus’s ass. Bill gasped as he felt a skillful tongue reach down and touch his head, slowly swirling around his sensitive flare, Pholus starting to concentrate on Bill’s most sensitive parts.

Pholus was moaning in time with Bill’s assault on his prostate, Bill was moaning in time with Pholus’s playful manipulation of his medial ring and flare. Both of them were thrusting into each other, adding the slap of sweaty heavy bodies to the sexually charged room as climax rapidly approached.

Finally, with a shout, Bill felt himself peak, shoving his hand forward, as it slowly slipped inside Pholus’s overpacked tunnel, his internal muscles went wild, forcing as much fluid as fast as they could manage. He unloaded, spraying coating about half the wall with white as his body refused to stop cumming, unloading ribbon after ribbon until it had been thoroughly shellacked.

Well, most of it went on the wall. Pholus had still been licking Bill’s cock, and got the brunt of the first few shots, Bill’s heavy musk filling his head, as Bill’s fingers sipped inside his ass, crushing his prostate against his hips, sent Pholus well over the edge, and he shouted as his monster unloaded, adding a slightly different color spackle to the abstract art they’d made together.

Again and again, the two spurted, the sensation leaving them gasping and moaning the entire time, their balls eagerly dumping what felt like nearly a liter of saved up fluid from the night before.

Eventually, it stopped, and Pholus and Bill slowly allowed themselves to lay on the ground, in the steaming water, hugging each other tightly, their semi-flaccid cocks draped over their thighs and across the tile. Bill kissed Pholus on the shoulder,. “That… was amazing…”

Pholus raised a cum drenched hand and riffled through Bill’s hair. “That was one of the best experiences of my life.”

Then they heard a pounding at the door. “Great to hear that you two are so supportive and fulfilled, can you please stop using all the hot water and clean yourselves up? We’re going to the stables in an hour!” Bill’s sister, Jane, called through the door.

Bill and Pholus looked at each other in confusion. “Stable?” Pholus asked. Bill shrugged. They slowly pulled apart, and groaned at the amount of baby batter they’d need to clear.

Most of an hour later, Bill and Pholus were in the family car, snacking on some high protein shakes that were apparently prescribed by their doctors. They were back in their jock straps, their bottom wear satisfied by kilts, which definitely revealed way more than Bill’s parents would have been willing to deal with a few nights ago. Judging by the pictures in the hallway, they’d given up when puberty hit and turned a medical curiosity into a social and biological nightmare. At least Pholus living under the same roof as Bill prevented him from flooding out the bathroom every week or so and destroying the wooden floors in a hotel.

They had found out that a set of ultra-reinforced spandex was enough to let them work out, pretty much necessary with how much testosterone their bodies produced and how much muscle mass they’d accumulated. Like serious steroid users, the needed to focus on building up connected tissue, at least if they wanted their tendons to work, but they’d been politely asked not to go to the nearby gyms. Apparently it encouraged overuse of various chemicals among the smaller egoed population. Plus it made people feel threatened in the sauna. Instead, they’d managed to borrow an unused barn at a local stable for a workout area, while Bill’s sister practiced dressage and polo.

The stable workers greeted the family familiarly, and Pholus was definitely included in that. Beth waved them over. “Good to see you two again. There’s a slight problem…. we’ve having a competition this weekend, and they used the gym for staging some of the competitors. It’ll be a few hours before you can work out.” Beth seemed a bit uncomfortable suddenly. “Erm… and I kinda got stuck with… cleaning the stalls by myself… again. I know I said that I wouldn’t ask again, but… can you two help while you’re waiting? We cleaned your boots and coveralls from last time.”

Pholus and Bill blinked at each other. This retcon was a bit more involved than the others. Though formerly biological impossibility probably had something to do with that. Can’t just explain several doctoral theses in genetics, endocrinology, and human development without some major timeline rewrites. Still, Beth looked so pleading, and eager for their help that they couldn’t say no.

“Of course.” Pholus said, reaching back into the car for another protein shake.

Bill nodded. “Happy to help.”

Beth looked up smiling, and led them to the changing room, where Pholus and Bill changed into obviously custom made coveralls, before heading out to the job site.

A few minutes later, they were not quite as happy to help. The stables were deserted as the dressage competition started, and the competitors began a complex routine of introducing all the horses, the order denoting a complex system of rivalries and undercutting. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were anted here, with huge suburban upper-middle class egos on the line.

And literal piles of shit left in their wake. Pholus groaned. “When was the last time these were cleaned?” He complained.

Bill felt… strangely relaxed. The familiar scent of horse was sending strange messages through his altered physiology, mostly about being in a safe spot at the rear of the herd. He jammed his shovel into a pile and threw it into wheelbarrow. “It’s not that bad…” Bill said, then looked out of the stall and at the piles in the hallway, catching Pholus’s eye. “OK, it’s pretty bad. Any ideas Beth?”

Beth poked her head out from behind a stall, a tad flushed from the exertion. “We have a power washer? I don’t know how well that deals with big chunks…”

“Alright, two on shovel duty, one on power washer?” Bill proposed.

Pholus looked between the two. “What’s a power washer?”


Pholus was cackling madly as he caused another horse apple to explode. “Take that!” Bill and Beth were shoveling said crap into wheelbarrows and transporting it to the manure pile.

“Glad to see he’s having fun. Beth half laughed half grumbled, as she brought a wheelbarrow back in from the pile, passing Bill. Bill laughed and dumped his load, before following her back inside.

“Ah-ha take this!” Pholus shouted again as he heard someone walking back inside, and sprayed, soaking Beth’s chest and face.

“Hey!” She shouted standing there, dripping, her shirt sticking to her chest.

Bill walked into the stall after her. “What happened?”

“This!” Pholus said, spraying Bill square in the chest.

“Dude!” Bill shouted, more amused than annoyed. Pholus grinned, armed with the only water sprayer. The two wet friends glanced at each other.

Beth asked. “You OK with getting more wet?”

Bill shrugged. “Eh, I was planning on getting sweaty anyway.”

Beth grinned evilly, and picked up a hammer. She threw it at the fire suppression system above head, knocking off the sprinkler. Bill blinked at her dedication to pranking, breathing a sigh of relief as the hammer landed far away from everyone.

The broken fixture immediately started showering the entire stall in water, turning the trio from moderately sweaty to absolutely soaked within seconds.

“Isn’t that expensive to replace?” Bill asked, mildly, undoing his coveralls and pulling off his shirt, revealing his hairy built chest. Pholus did the same, revealing a similarly built, though hairless, chest. Beth bit her lip, glancing between the two.

“Erm… a bit… we need to get this thing replaced soon anyway… I think the funding is allocated to begin this weekend…” Beth finally manged. She kept her shirt on, but definitely kept glancing at the other two, especially as the coveralls started sticking to their lowers, as Beth tried to shut off the waterflow with a nearby emergency valve. It wasn’t working, so they decided to wait for the water container to drain out. No reason to try to shovel liquefying poo.

“Isn’t… there not supposed to be that much water?” Bill asked a few minutes later, as the water seemed like it was increasing, starting to wash away the remaining droppings. Suddenly the other fire suppressants activated, and the shower turned into a deluge, leaving Bill, Pholus, and Beth gasping against the near river flowing through the stable.

Bill groaned, and started pulling off his boots, socks, coveralls, and finally jockstrap, standing on the now clean rubber mat. “Persephone is back.” He said, and Pholus looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. After a second, he started stripping too. Both of them stood there naked, as Beth stared at them with wide eyes, one hand snaked underneath her shirt.

“What’s going on!?” She asked, confused and scared, eyes wide and staring.

“We’ve been cursed by a goddess.” Pholus sighed. “Every so often she shows up and rewards us.”

“Then why are you naked?!”

“Because she likes giving us stuff like this.” Bill said, lifting his massive package. Beth definitely followed the head back and forth as he let it fall back down.

Persephone’s voice filled the room. “My my my, diverting a river to clean a stable, I feel like I’ve heard that somewhere before.” The water slowly slackened, and the remainder coalesced into the floating goddess, wearing a cowgirl outfit that barely constrained her chest and rear. Modern day sensibilities or not, fertility goddesses certainly have a very directed form. “And you killed a brass bird.” She pointed to the broken fire sprinkler. “I was hoping you’d wait until this weekend, would have flowed better, but who am I to get in the way of narrative?”

Beth gaped at the newcomer, who was floating on her Horn of Plenty.

“Beth, Persephone. Persephone, Beth. Now can you retcon her? She’s not a part of this.” Bill said, stepping between the two.

“Oh, I think she can be a part of this if she wants.” Persephone purred. “She’s very attracted to big. Barely bothered with you two until you were shredded. Then decided to work at the same farm as where you two work out once Bill stopped being allowed to go to the gym? Oh, I wonder what you’d find if you looked through her phone. Imagine the scandal.”

Beth squeaked at… some memory, as both hands somehow found their way inside her clothing, eyes unable to leave Bill’s heavy swaying nuts.

“So… Beth… what do you want? You have the biggest dicks in the world, right here with you, not even hidden by a thin layer of spandex. Nothing in your collection at home even compared to them. What do you say? I won’t make it so that you must use them, but… I can certainly help you catch up with these two.”

Beth squeaked again, as her hand eagerly responded to the mental image and ripped the button ripped off her pants. Persephone grinned, “I see you’ve made your choice, but I want you to say it. I want you to admit that you’re a horny slut that wants to be filled by these two until you can’t walk. That you want to become big titted, huge assed, and full of white creamy goodness. That you can’t think of anything better than being pinned into a haystack and fucked over and over. And then I will show you how limited your imagination is. We can have so much fun together.”

Beth moaned something out, her pants zipper breaking.

“Good choice.”

Persephone looked at Bill and Pholus. “Now… what to do with you?” You’ve already beyond hung like a horse. But that’s only so fun when it’s borderline impossible for anyone to enjoy you two. Sure, there’s handjobs, maybe licking, but actually sticking your cocks into someone… that’s not happening without a lot of medical intervention….” Her grin widened.

“You’re going to make it so that we don’t need our organs?” Pholus asked.

“Ooh, there’s an alternative. Then you two could walk around as cock socks for each other!” Persephone seemed to give the idea honest consideration. “But no, I think I have a better solution there than that.” She snapped and time resumed, Bill and Pholus still naked. Beth’s pants split and her hand and wrist inside her panties. The water slowly drained from the room, leaving it sparkling, as the oats dried themselves in their trough.

“Beth… what did you say?” Bill asked slowly.

Beth ripped her shirt off, staring at the massive dangling cocks with undisguised lust. Her small breasts stood proudly, nipples hard and eager. Her muscles were pretty impressive, you could tell that she spent most of her day not studying at a farm.

Then her pants came off as she threw them against the wall with a slap. She looked frenzied, still fixated on the inhuman organs in front of her, then bent over the feeding trough, ass high, just a thin layer of soaked fabric hiding her womanhood. She spread her legs, begging to be filled,

Bill and Pholus looked at each other, unable to stop their cocks from starting to harden. Just being around Persephone tended to have that effect, and it lingered, plus there wasn’t a change yet that didn’t have some sexual aspect to it, and it was hard to say that Beth wasn’t willing… But…

“Beth… we barely know you.” Pholus said.

That jarred her out of her offering. “What? We’ve known each other for years!”

“Persephone keeps rewriting out past. We sort of have memories of what happened, and it affects our reflexes…” Bill began.

“But it can feel really weird and they actively fight against each other.” Pholus finished.

“We’d love to spend more time with you.” Bill said.

“Hell, we were willing to clean a dirty stable with you.” Pholus said.

“But…” They trailed off together.

Beth blinked, tears in her eyes, starting to take deep breaths, trying to keep herself under control. “O… K… I… I think I get your point… it feels… really really shitty… but… I think I get your point.” She slowly stood up, and stretched, wincing as she felt the effects from shoveling waste all day. “Fuck I am sore.”

A moment later, her and Bill’s stomachs growled. Pholus was looking at the two and himself for what, if anything, was changing.

Beth walked over to her clothes but they were pretty much ruined. They were soaked, covered in mud, and she really really didn’t want to put them back on. Her stomach was growling insistently.

“Fuck… we have any food around here?” She muttered out loud.

Bill sniffed the air. “There’s the oats.”

Pholus looked at the magically dried oats. “Come on, that’s obviously the trigger, just go the kitchen, everyone’s at the ceremony.”

Bill and Beth were already neck deep in the trough, eating eagerly. Pholus sighed, rubbing his temples.

Pholus’s eyes were drawn to Bill’s ass, framing his balls and sheath. They were darker than the rest of him, a highlight that just couldn’t be ignored. He was vividly reminded that his hyper-productive balls hadn’t been drained all day, and was pretty sure he could see the effects, them swollen and even heavier than usual, begging to be drained.

Bill’s ass was slowly… shifting, becoming darker, fur spreading and becoming more solid, as his ass became even thicker with muscle, forcing him to spread his legs further.

Next to him, Beth’s underwear was audibly straining as the pounds of oats she was eating was pumping her already impressive rear with muscle and fat, forcing her to shift her weight and sit back, causing a wide rip along the crack. She noticed, but didn’t care, still eagerly eating, like she was starving.

Pholus had walked over to Bill and was admiring him. Rock solid, strong, capable, and… he slowly ran his hand down Bill’s taint, clearly extremely sensitive, based on how quickly Bill’s cock dropped, leaking pre onto the cleaned floor. Pholus slowly ran his hand over Bill’s larger ass, and started gently probing his hole. His finger easily slid in, and Bill barely noticed. Another finger followed, then another, slowly brushing up against Bill’s prostate. Bill pressed back, unable to stop eating, trying to get more pressure on his pleasure button, when his asshole started to swell up, pushing out, as Pholus’s fingers started getting pulled in.

Pholus was slowly jacking off his spire, the feeling of one hand barely anything against the full length, when he realized that he was wrist deep in his boyfriend. Pholus’s dick throbbed, and hardened fully, dripping a constant flow of slippery pre.

Pholus pulled his hand out, aiming his length at Bill. “Bill… I think I can fit… can I fuck you?” Bill eagerly nodded, and tried to reach back to open himself up. He couldn’t reach, and grunted in annoyance. “Don’t worry… I got this…” Pholus said, barely able to breathe, and lined himself up. Then pushed.

Both men groaned loudly, as Bill’s turned into a needy moan. Pholus easily spread Bill’s doughnut, his head sinking in with a pop, and the two stood there, panting, waiting for Bill to be ready. Bill was torn, he needed to eat, but he also needed Pholus to keep going. He could feel his ass being stretched beyond any reasonable size, but… fuck it felt amazing. He gave a thumbs up, and Pholus started thrusting.

Pholus had been so fixated on Bill’s rear that he hadn’t been exactly paying attention to anything else that had happened. Bill had been growing. Bill had been growing a lot. He’d been crawling back, giving himself more room whenever his back had been complaining. Pholus stood there, stunned, then realized something. He could go all out. He growled, and started thrusting for real, his three foot length sliding in and out of Bill as far as he could manage, all the power in his hips and legs working to make it deeper.

On the first real thrust, Bill screamed into his oats, as his prostate was suddenly under attack by an eager battering ram, the ground beneath him becoming covered in cloudy white fluid as he sprayed again and again. His changes accelerated, fur spreading along his new height, two nubs just below where his waist used to be slowly forming and growing, pushing towards the ground.

Pholus felt himself getting close, and came, hugging Bill’s hips, his thrusts slowing down for a moment or two as he dumped a large thick load into his boyfriend, before being overcome with lust again, and resuming his jackhammer-like frantic pace. Bill kept pushing into him, harder and harder, nearly shoving him off balance. As much as he wanted to fuck Bill through the stable wall, he kept being pushed back, step after step, until he was most of the way towards the opposite wall.

Bill’s body reacted to each dose of cum like he had been hit by a lightning bolt. He shouted again, and his back cracked, right where the fur stopped. He frantically shifted, trying to find a new comfortable position to eat, eventually backing up again, pressing as hard as he could into his boyfriend, scarfing down food as his new lower half started to bulk out again, far more than his mostly human torso. His new front nubs lengthened, forming into knees, then forming a foot. Moments later two new legs touched the ground, folding up automatically, his now rear legs lifting his bulk off the ground to give Pholus a better angle.

It took a while; each time Pholus came into Bill, his changes accelerated, his chest barreling out, a new stomach clearly forming. His feet shifting as his big toe became larger and larger, until his foot had faded out entirely, before a heavy dark hoof formed out of his oversized toenail. They only noticed it when Bill stomped his approval of Pholus’s efforts, and the clomp echoed around the room. His entire body had clearly shifted to be quadruped, his human torso standing as an exception, a mane running down his back, as the hair on his head shifted to a mohawk. His dick and balls were more proportional, but still large, his horse body corded with thick muscle, similar to a Clydesdale right down to his unshorn fetlocks and sheer capable size.

Covered in sweat and exhausted, Pholus finally slid out of Bill’s ass, which held onto him as long as it could, pulling him clean as he slipped out.

“Fuck… that was intense.” Pholus muttered, his hand resting on his boyfriend’s hindquarters.

Bill groaned and pulled his head out of the trough. “Yeah… woah… that’s… wow.”

Then they looked over at Beth.

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