Shaved and Fucked by the Nurse

A gay story: Shaved and Fucked by the Nurse Three weeks before I graduated from college I was playing with myself in the shower (my favorite part of bathing) and noticed a small lump at the base of my ball sack. I hadn’t noticed it before but when it started getting bigger I got concerned. It wasn’t painful unless you squeezed it and it didn’t move around like my nuts did.

After another week or so of denial I told my mother about it. She insisted that I go see a doctor, so I agreed but only if she did not go along. I was not going to have her in the exam room when the doctor was feeling around my nuts.

The doctor examined my scrotum, pinched the lump and made it sore, and then said it was a cyst. He told me it was probably benign but because it was growing he wanted it removed. I lived in a small town but there was a regional hospital there and a surgeon on staff agreed to do the procedure.

I decided to postpone the surgery until after exams and graduation, so six weeks passed before the surgery was scheduled. One week prior to the procedure I got a call from the doctor’s office. The scheduler explained that the surgical nurse in charge would be calling me in the next day or two to explain what would happen when I got to the hospital. The nurse’s name was Rick Jackson.

All of a sudden I froze and stopped listening because I recognized that name. Rick Jackson was a football star when my sister was in high school. They dated his senior year and then broke up after he went to college. But, I got to spend a lot of time around Rick because my folks would not let my sister (who was 15 at the time) go out on dates alone with a senior. He was four years older than me but one hell of a football player and all the guys in my grade wanted to be as handsome, hung, and hairy as Rick Jackson.

Rick was a gifted athlete and received a football scholarship to a small state college. He only played a couple of years and had to drop out of the program with a knee injury. He finished an associate’s degree and entered nursing school after that. I knew he was a registered nurse at the hospital but I didn’t know he worked in surgery.

I had seen Rick a few times around town usually riding his mountain bike or running. He was still one of the hottest guys around and in amazing physical condition. When anyone saw him out running all sweaty with his shirt off, his hairy muscled chest made them stop and stare. I wasn’t sure he would remember who I was, but two days before the surgery I found out.

My cell phone rang at 8pm on Sunday night and I didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway.

“Hey Luke, this is Rick Jackson – do you remember me? I used to date your sister in high school,” his voice was strong and masculine just as I remembered it.

I spoke up when I heard it was him, “Yeah Rick, Doc said you were going to call,” I tried to sound cool but I had butterflies in my stomach just talking to him.

“Luke, I’m going to be in charge of your care before and during your procedure. We have three protocols that I have to complete prior to the surgery and I have a small problem”, he said. All of a sudden I calmed down and was ready to listen.

“What kind of problem?” I asked.

“Well, Dr. Baker wants to do your procedure first thing on Tuesday morning and that means you would have to be at the hospital at 5:30am and go into surgery at 6:30am. There is no way in hell I can do all three protocols that he ordered in one hour,” he said. Rick paused and waited for me to speak but I didn’t know what to say.

“Uh, so do we need to postpone the surgery?” I asked directly.

“Well, there are two options that I can see,” he continued, “One is that we move your surgery to the last one of the day which will give me plenty of time to get all the prep work done on you, but the downside is that you can’t eat or drink all day which will suck for you. Plus, if there are any emergency surgeries you might get bumped to Wednesday”.

“Or,” he continued quickly, “Another option would be for you to come to my place tomorrow evening and we can do most of the prep work here, and then do one last thing at the hospital right before the surgery.” He finished and sounded like that would be his preference but he was being careful not to influence the decision.

“Well, I can come over to your place if that works better, if you don’t mind having to work at home,” I said suddenly realizing I had no idea what he was going to do to me.

“Uh, by the way what kind of prep work are you talking about?” I asked, totally clueless about what he was going to do.

“Well, one of the protocols that I’m sure you already expected is shaving your pubic hair, scrotum and groin area. I assumed you knew that was going to be required?” He said it like that information should have already been explained by my family practice doctor.

“No, nobody mentioned that, but I guess it makes sense.” I said weakly as the energy fell out of my voice. I had not even thought about that aspect of this surgery but damn, I did not want to have my bush and nuts all shaved, I liked having a hairy crotch, it made me feel manly and masculine. That was something that a former high school nerd like me needed.

“Yeah, it’s definitely required in a procedure like this one but I shave dudes all the time, appendix, hernia, vasectomies, it’s no big deal. Your bush will all grow back in a few months,” he explained, as if it were routine.

I wondered what other indignities would be required and spoke up.

“Is that all that needs to be done?” I asked.

“Well – No, there are a couple of other things we will need to take care of, but they take a little more time and explanation and I would rather wait and go through it all when you get here tomorrow,” he said reassuringly, “One of them will kind of suck but the other one you might actually enjoy,” he said with a slight chuckle.

Kind of suck, I thought, does that mean it sucks for him or sucks for me? I realized this was going to take up his whole evening and that he was doing it as a favor to me. I was certainly glad Rick was my nurse and not some big fat smelly woman lathering up my nuts with a razor in her chubby little hand.

“So, Luke, if you want to bring an overnight bag with the clothes you are going to wear home from the hospital you can just spend the night at my place and I will take you to the hospital to get checked in Tuesday morning. I have to be at work at 5am so that will give your Mom a little extra time before she needs to be there,” he continued. “You will need to bring some loose fitting shorts for the ride home from the hospital. Your nuts are probably going to hurt like hell when this is over and you will have a bandage that will make your crotch look like a porn star.”

“Oh, Okay,” I said with the image of all that was about to happen getting more and more real.

“Hey Rick,” I said, “would you mind calling my Mom and explaining all of this to her. She is going to insist on talking to you anyway and it will keep me from having to listen to her ask fifty questions I can’t answer.”

“Yeah, sure no problem,” he said, “I like your mom, I haven’t talked to her in a long time. Hey, I get off work around five tomorrow, but need to make a couple of stops so why don’t you plan on getting here around 6pm. I’ll text you the address.”

“Okay great,” I said, “and uh, Rick, I really appreciate that you are doing this for me.”

“Hey no problem,” he said, “we need to catch up anyway.” We hung up and I got a little nervous realizing I would be butt naked in front of Rick Jackson the Quarterback, the stud of high school, now a nurse shaving my cock and balls. It all messed with my head like it was some twisted reality.

On Monday I was anxious as hell and needed to stay busy so I did a few things around the house including vacuuming and laundry. I’m sure my Mom would have a coronary when she saw I had actually done all those things without being nagged about it.

In the afternoon I mowed the grass and was sweaty so around 4pm I jumped in the shower and felt the cyst in my nut sack to be sure it was still there. When I got out and dried off I looked at my hairy crotch in the mirror and wondered how it would look shaved off, all bald and smooth. How would it feel with no hair, maybe I would keep it shaved for a while. Although I was a late bloomer, by the time I turned sixteen I had a lot of dense pubic hair and a thick 7″ cock. Now that I was twenty-one I had a good amount of hair around my navel too. Looking in the mirror at my dick made it start swelling and soon it was standing at attention. I was thinking about jacking off and heard my phone ring.

It was my Mom making sure I was ready to go and she asked if I had packed my bag for the hospital. I half listened and let my mind wander to how Rick would shave my pubic hair; would he use electric clippers or a razor or maybe both? Finally my Mom stopped talking and I told her to stop stressing about it and said goodbye. I packed everything I needed and threw it in my pickup. I drove around town for a while killing time and then headed to Rick’s apartment building.

I arrived about fifteen minutes early and sat in my car trying to calm down a little. I was as nervous as a prom date.

I knocked on his door and could hear music playing in the apartment. In a minute or two he pulled the door open and smiled with his perfect white teeth.

“Hey Luke, come in dude,” he said sticking his hand out. We shook hands and then he grabbed me by the shoulder and guided me inside. I carried my bag in and he took it and set it beside the door.

“Dang you grew up in a hurry,” he said looking me over, “how long has it been since I dated your sister?”

“That was…about eight years ago,” I said looking around. “Wow, you have a nice apartment,” I said still a little nervous about being there and what was going to happen. This was an athlete’s home, two bikes hanging on the wall, all kinds of workout equipment in the corner.

“Thanks, hey I picked us up a pizza and some hot wings on the way home from the hospital,” he said walking to the kitchen, “What do you want to drink, I have beer, water, and I opened some wine yesterday.”

“A beer would be great,” I said. Rick threw me a Coors Light and pulled a bottle of wine out of the fridge and poured himself a glass.

He got the pizza box out of the oven and set it on the counter. We ate and talked about my sister and the idiot that she was currently dating. My mom and I both liked Rick and wondered why he and my sister broke up. I started calming down after we visited. He went back to refill his glass and held up the wine bottle to see if I wanted some so I nodded yes and he poured me a glass. He went to the bathroom and I walked round drinking wine and looking at his photos and stuff on the walls of his apartment. It made me want to get a place of my own. Rick messed around in his bedroom for a few minutes and then came back to the living room. Wine always affects me weird when i drink it, it’s like somebody drops something right at the bottom of my crotch and wakes up my nuts. The wine was starting to help me relax and I was getting loose and horny all at the same time. We visited another twenty minutes and then Rick stood up and stared at me.

“Well Luke, it’s time for us to get started,” I’ve got everything set up in my bedroom and bathroom.

I took a deep breath and let it all out slowly.

“Okay, let’s do it,” I said.

My nervousness returned a little when we walked into his bedroom. He had a white sheet doubled over the bottom half of his bed and one of those large disposable hospital pads on top of the sheet.

Rick continued into his bathroom and motioned for me to follow.

“Alright,” he began shifting into nurse mode, “I’m going to go through this a step at a time, so if you have questions about anything just ask. I know you are a little nervous, but it’s just you and me here and nobody is going to walk in on us like at the hospital. And, no one will know what you had to go through for this surgery.”

“First you need to strip off all your clothes, including your underwear,” he said pausing, “and then I’ll explain what comes next.” I started pulling off my tee shirt and he went to the sink and started doing something.

I kicked off my flip-flops and pushed my shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. I was standing there in my boxer briefs and still felt dressed as long as I had my underwear on. I shook my head and pushed them to the floor and stepped out of them butt naked. I quickly fluffed my dick and nuts out of habit and when I looked up I saw Rick looking at me in the mirror of the vanity. He grinned and turned around facing me.

“Damn dude,” he said staring at my crotch, “You’ve got the thickest pubes I’ve seen in a long time. It’s a good thing we are doing this tonight, I would have never gotten that hairy bush all shaved if we waited until tomorrow morning.”

I smiled a little and held my hands in front of myself nervous that I was butt naked in front of this jock. Rick was wearing a pair of loose fitting nylon shorts and a large tank. I had noticed a distinct bulge in his crotch since I got there and now there was an outline of his cock which looked like it was growing some.

“Okay, next you need to shower using an antibacterial scrub,” he explained holding a bottle of soap and a scrub brush, “but, I’m going to join you in the shower because I need to scrub the surgery area especially well and that’s difficult to do properly by yourself. Then, we will need to scrub it again after I shave you. It’s very important with this surgery to avoid infection and believe it or not the area around your dick, nuts, and ass is not a particularly germ-free environment.”

Rick walked to the shower and turned on the water. He turned around and pulled off his tank and I finally got a good look at his amazing chest. His muscle definition was incredible, his pecks and abs looked chiseled from stone and it was obvious he was re-growing his chest hair that had been shaved. He looked me right in the eyes as he pushed off his nylon shorts and I took a look at his massive plump cock and balls. I couldn’t control my eyes getting big when I saw that log between his legs swaying back and forth resting on top of his giant nuts. His pubic hair was trimmed but not shaved and his legs were hairy as hell. He was so muscular and well-built I immediately felt fourteen again in his presence.

Rick fluffed his dick and nuts once and his dick moved like it was getting plumped up. I suddenly felt my cock pulsing from the nudity and tension. I got scared as hell that my cock was going down a path that I did not want it to go.

Rick’s bathroom had a soaking tub and a separate shower that was huge. He picked up the bottle of soap and the brush, opened the shower door and went in to turn on the water.

He stuck his head out and said “All ready.” I walked into the shower and he put me into the spray in front of him. The water was nicely hot and I just stood there in the spray not knowing what to do next.

“Turn all the way around and get your body wet,” he said, “I’ll start on your back.” He squirted soap on the brush and started scrubbing the back of my neck. At first the brush felt a little rough but as it warmed up and the soap got into the bristles it felt kind of good. He scrubbed my back and then started scrubbing down the sides of my ass cheeks. He turned me slightly to the side and squatted down to scrub the back of my legs. He changed hands and then did the front of my legs also. Luckily my cock had retreated some so I was not in immediate danger of getting sprung in front of him.

He stood up, turned me around to face him and scrubbed my chest, navel, neck and arms. He squirted some soap in his hands and told me to close my eyes. His hands were all over my face and in my hair, rubbing scrubbing and finding every nook and cranny behind and in my ears that I probably never washed before. Finally he pushed me under the spray and rinsed all the water off my face and hair.

“Okay, now the fun part,” he said with a one sided grin, “you need to spread your legs apart and step out of the spray. By the way, where is the cyst, can you feel it?” “Yeah, it’s here at the base of my scrotum,” I said lifting my nuts and pointing. He put two fingers on the spot and rubbed gently. “Oh yeah, I feel that, does it hurt to touch it?” he asked. “Not unless you push on it,” I answered.

He squirted a big palm full of soap and started rubbing it under my nuts, along the sides of my crotch, and in my pubes. He took the brush and squatted down, then lifted my balls and cock with his left hand and pushed them up against my abdomen and started brushing vigorously between my nuts and ass. His head was right in front of my cock. My dick started pulsing immediately and I knew there was no way in hell I was going to keep from getting a hard-on. The brush scrubbed around my nuts and Rick held the skin on one side of my scrotum and worked his way all around it. His left hand was now holding my thickening cock up and out of the way. He scrubbed my scrotum area for five or six minutes and the longer he held my cock the harder it got. When he let go of my dick it was just standing in front of his face like a pole.

“Damn big cock Luke,” he said looking up at me with a smile, “I see a lot of dicks and that one is impressive.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that but managed a weak, “Thanks.”

He pulled the head of my dick away from my belly and squeezed a big squirt of soap around the head of my cock and let it drip toward my nuts. He took the brush and lightly scrubbed my dick all over, starting with the head and then going down the shaft. He was definitely rougher at the base than he was with the head. When he finished with the brush, he squirted some more soap in his palm and rubbed up and own my dick with his hand, squeezing and making me want to shoot my load.

I was panting and my cock was throbbing and fully erect when he suddenly stopped. I needed to shoot my load so bad, I wanted to jack off right then.

“Okay, rinse off and we’re done in the shower for now,” he said.

We stepped out of the shower and he dried off and threw me a towel. My dick was waving around like a Jedi light sabre and as stiff and red from being rubbed and jacked.

“Don’t dry your crotch area,” he said quickly, “the wetter it is the better.” He finished drying himself and grabbed a handful of individually wrapped razors and a tube of some kind of cream.

“Go and sit down on the bed on the pad,” he instructed, “and I’ll get started shaving that damn forest of yours.” He looked at me and smiled big. My anxiety lessened a little seeing how calm he was.

He held my stiff cock out of the way with his left forearm and started massaging the cream at the base of my bush. He began shaving the hair off from the outside edge and it came off in clumps which he picked up and threw in a trash can beside the bed. His efficiency and speed made it obvious that he did this a lot. He shaved quickly in short back and forth strokes and picked up the head of the razor as little as possible. In about ten minutes my entire bush was gone and then he started on the hairs that grew up the base of my dick. He massaged the cream around the base of my cock and then to my surprise he firmly grabbed my hot throbbing dick in his left hand and pulled it up high stretching the skin taught as he started stroking the razor up and down shaving the hairs off. His grip on my cock was tight and driving me nuts. My dick was getting so fucking horned up by the way he was changing his hand position and re-stretching the skin like he was stroking it. He worked his way all around my cock and by the time he was done I was leaking pre-cum out of my piss slit.

I’m a heavy pre-cummer and Rick noticed it, “Whoa, calm down there stud,” he said looking me in the eyes. He wiped the tip and side of my cock off where the wet fluid was dripping, and rubbed it on the bed pad.

Next he started shaving my nuts and he took extra care and time to lightly stretch the skin of each area he shaved. He pulled a small section my scrotum smooth with his left hand and shaved it with his right, and there was never a nick or pulled hair. He changed to a new razor often, and then he stopped and looked it over.

“Okay, that pretty much gets the front,” he said, “I need to shave under your nuts and then around your butthole, so the best way I’ve found is for you to sit back on the bed a little and lift your legs up and apart and pull your knees up and back as far as you can with your hands and hold them there.”

I did as he instructed and I felt so damned exposed shining my asshole right at him.

Rick rubbed the cream under my nuts, across my taint and into my ass crack. He started shaving under my nuts first and made his way to my ass crack and stopped.

“Okay, we need to do something different Luke,” he said, “I need you get up on the bed on your knees with your butt facing me then put your head down on the bed and hold your ass cheeks as far apart as you can with your hands.”

I did as he said and he massaged my ass area with that cream. He went slower on this area than I expected and rubbed the cream directly on my asshole slowly making circles and occasionally pressing his fingertip into my hole. This part of the shaving did not feel like the other parts he had done. The massaging of my butthole made me so horny I was almost panting and my cock was dripping pre-cum on the hospital pad. Eventually I felt the razor making slow strokes and he was feeling the skin after every stroke to see if it was smooth. While he was swift and efficient with all the other areas, he was certainly taking his time shaving and feeling around and in my asshole.

I heard a long low exhale and then he spoke quietly.

“Okay Luke,” he paused and ran his finger over the area one last time inserting his middle finger inside my ass briefly, “I think this area is done also. Let’s jump back in the shower and wash all this cream and excess hair off.

When I turned around Rick’s massive dick was standing straight up from his hairy bush, completely hard. His cock was thick as hell and longer than mine. He stood up and it slowly waved from side to side as he walked. He didn’t say anything about his cock being boned but there was so much sexual tension in the room you could cut it with a knife.

Rick turned on the water and we both got in. He lathered me up again and rubbed his hands over my back and chest. Then he squirted soap in my crotch and started stroking my cock up and down feeling my smooth nuts with his fingers some. This time he was looking me deep in the eyes as he reached under my nuts and rubbed the soapy suds all over the smooth freshly shaved skin. He soaped it all and kept watching me as he stroked my cock a few more times feeling the head of my dick with his thumb. Then he turned me around and squirted the soap into my ass crack.

He slipped his middle finger down my crack and began rubbing up and down until he got to my hole. I felt his middle finger working its way around and inside my asshole. This time he went deeper with it and grabbed my cock with his other hand and stroked it. I looked at him and felt his middle finger bury itself all the way into my hole as deep as he could push it. Then slowly he worked his index finger in also and began sliding both of them in and out as my ass stretched and adjusted to the intrusion.

“The next protocol we need to do is to drain your prostate,” he said. He rubbed his fingers against my prostate and massaged it gently. “Your prostate is right there”, he said as he massaged it, “and actually there is a better way to do this.”

Rick’s cock was raging hard as he stroked my cock. I knew I was going to blow a load soon if he didn’t stop. Slowly he turned me into the spray and I felt his big dick against my asshole. I wanted him to fuck me so bad I was about to scream it out loud. He squirted his big dick with soap and started pushing it in my ass.

I moaned as it slid inside. It hurt like hell when it went past my ass ring but he didn’t pull it out, he just slowly shoved it in little by little. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but after a few minutes of working it slowly in and out, he pulled it all the way out and gave me a rest. He kept jacking my cock a little at a time but kept telling me not to cum yet.

Again he pushed his big dick inside my ass and I leaned against the shower tile under the spray-head as I felt his cock slide all the way inside my ass in one motion. He started a slow thrusting and he jacked my cock as he began fucking my ass, slow at first and then gathering speed.

In a matter of seconds I yelled out, “I’m going to cum, shit, I can’t hold it,” as if I needed to alert him. “Hold it if you can,” he said, but I couldn’t hold it and I busted my load. I came like a water hose, spraying cum across the tiles. Rick jacked my cock hard and kept jamming his big cock inside my ass, rocking my prostate. He kept fucking and soon I felt him tensing up and getting faster.

He tried to delay it but I heard him moan and he started fucking me urgent and fast.

“Oh fuck,” he yelled as he exploded inside me. He must have unloaded eight or ten shots of cum up my ass by the way he moaned and thrusted deep with each shot.

When he was done he just held me under the spray, his arms around my chest, his massive cock still buried up my ass. I felt it soften a little and come out. Then Rick squirted some soap on both of us and we washed each other’s bodies and rinsed off.

Rick threw the sheet and hospital pad on the floor and we laid on top of his bed looking at the ceiling.

I sat up in the bed and he turned his head toward me. I grabbed his big cock which was still plumped but not rock hard and I started examining it, feeling the hairs around it and his thick bush comparing it to my smoothly shaved crotch.

Rick was the first to speak.

“Do you know how angry I am right now?” he said with a slight sarcasm in his voice. I began sucking his thick cock as he spoke and then raised off his dick briefly to speak.

“Yes, your dick seems furious right now,” I said as I licked the side of his cock head, feeling the taught ridge with my tongue.

“I’m angry on a number of levels,” he started, “the first of which is that I broke my perfect record of not doing anything improper with a patient.”

“Next, I didn’t just linger while holding your hard dick, I actually jacked it up hard, fingered your tight perfect little asshole, and then I fucked it as soon as I got the chance,” he explained it all in great detail as if I hadn’t been in the room.

I started getting tickled at his fake irritation and frustration as he pushed my head back down to continue sucking his cock.

“Lastly,” he continued, “I’m really mad that because of that tight boy-pussy hole of yours I just shot a five day load of cum up your hole. So now, I have to douche your ass so that it doesn’t start leaking cum in front of the surgeon during your surgery.”

Rick decided to do the douche in the morning which was good because he fucked me again around midnight and neither one of us got much sleep with all the sucking, fucking, and cum flying around.

The alarm went off at 4am and Rick literally had to drag me out of the bed and into the bathroom to get us ready to leave.

The surgery went well, and there was no post-op infection. Rick was totally professional at the hospital and no one knew what went on between us the night before.

Rick checked in on me a couple of times during the recovery period, but exactly six weeks after the surgery I got a phone call from him. “Luke, It’s time for me to inspect your nuts and go through the post-op procedures”, he said.

“And exactly what kind of bullshit post-op procedures are required?” I replied, laughing. “Well,” he said slowly, ” they are exactly like the pre-op procedures”. I grinned, “what time and when?” my cock started getting hard as we talked and I was looking for my shoes and keys. “Get your fucking ass over here right now”, he said. I couldn’t get out of the door quick enough.

I guess it will be a while before I see any pubic hair in the mirror.

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