Silver Ch. 07


A gay story: Silver Ch. 07 Silver 7 Beauty and the Beast

The lithe body moved as sleek as a seal through the water, blond hair restrained in a loose plait. Swimming was excellent exercise for an expectant father, ensuring Theophilus kept supple and stretched without overexerting himself. It was not as though he could purposely exhaust himself. An attentive husband kept a close watch over his pregnant mate, as did the rest of his family. These few months would be the most physically tiring as the baby he carried grew rapidly. Theophilus rolled onto his back and floated, caressing the swell of his belly and smiling.

Sometimes he could scarcely believe he carried a child conceived from the love he shared with his reptilian mate. His life could have been so different. He pushed the darker thoughts away, focusing on the love he knew Xavier had for him. As unexpected as this gift was, it was one that brought joy to both males, as well as Theophilus’ extended and diverse family. He could not suppress his giggle of happiness. He was in the last third of his pregnancy, Sholto was approaching mid-term and Rayner was just a few weeks behind him. Theophilus looked forward to all three births eagerly, although he knew his would be the most difficult.

He gave a squeal and giggle and strong teeth nibbled along the underside of his legs to nip carefully at his buttocks and then he was in Xavier’s strong arms, laughing as his mate lifted him clear of the shallow water. He rubbed his face affectionately against the beloved reptilian visage.

“Beautiful,” Xavier murmured as he carried his mate securely against his chest. Pregnancy had been difficult for the blond, but Theophilus had never complained, too enraptured with the thought of carrying their child to be anything less than happy. At the moment, relaxed and well rested, the blond positively glowed. Xavier’s carefully created supplements had eliminated Theophilus’ early nausea and now helped counteract the exhaustion that would be prevalent.

The group had taken a break from any active missions whilst the pregnancies ran their course and whilst their unknown enemy remained at large. As such, Xavier’s main work in the lab was finding the best combinations of supplements for the younger men. Sholto was still suffering from pregnancy sickness, whereas Rayner was simply tired. The big lizard was happy to devote his time and skills to make the three pregnancies as easy as possible for his brethren. In between, he spent as much time as he could with Theophilus.

Theophilus wriggled alluringly as Xavier teased his tiny opening with his tail. He carefully laid his precious bundle on a comfortable nest of cushions and pillows topped with big thick towels. Soon it would be too uncomfortable to join with his mate when they made love and the reptilian intended for them to enjoy intimacy as often as possible whilst they still could. He guided Theophilus’ smooth legs around his bulk, his hands caressing the delicate swell of his husband’s abdomen and his tail probing insistently until Theophilus entrance acceded to the erotic demands and flowered open. As his tail slid into the hot, tight sheath, Xavier gyrated it carefully to caress his mate’s hidden jewel.

Theophilus moaned his appreciation as one of Xavier’s hands stroked him whilst his tail worked inside him. He gave a soft, impassioned cry of Xavier’s name, holding Xavier’s head to his breast, as the forked tongue slid around a sensitive, rose-pink nipple, squeezing with care and flicking seductively over the taut nub. He spread his legs further, arching his back. He writhed and mewled, his hair coming free from its plait to flow like golden silk around him.

“Please, my husband,” he pleaded softly. “Please.”

Xavier honoured the request, unsheathing his hemipenes and sliding them into Theophilus blood-hot channel to a low purr of appreciation from the blond. He felt the long limbs tighten around him as his lover tried to take him deeper.

“Gentle, my heart,” he chided gently, his tongue slipping into his mate’s mouth to a muted mewl from the younger man. “I will love you as you desire, but let me do all the work.”

“I love you so much, Xavier,” Theophilus whimpered quietly. “I need you.”

“I am here, beloved and I will take care of you as you wish.” He formed his knot, letting his shimmering sexes rub against his mate’s sweet spot. His tail rippled from root to tip over Theophilus’ engorged shaft, one hand sensually tormented the over-sensitive breasts and his tongue thrust rhythmically into the blond’s softly panting mouth.

Theophilus was caught up in the amatory assault. He felt as though his husband was making love to his entire body and the flames of desire, carefully built up by the reptilian, were now scorching unchecked through every cell and synapse of Theophilus’ body. He moaned wantonly, trying to convey his pleasure, trusting his mate would understand. As much as he wanted to keep watching the adored face of his husband, the golden eyes fluttered closed as supernovae began to detonate before his eyes. His musical cry of Xavier’s name was harmonised with a low trill of pleasure from his reptilian mate and, as his seed arced from his shaft, he felt liquid heat filling him.

As his orgasm finally ended, Theophilus’ body slumped replete. He opened heavy-lidded, satiated orbs to watch his husband lick him clean. The long, agile organ laved his chest, carefully lapped at his sated sex and tenderly cleansed his hidden entrance. As much as he wanted to reciprocate, his body seemed too heavy. A leaden hand reached his lover’s head, stroking tiredly at the aural depression it could reach and petting desultorily at the lilac frill.

Giving his unique smile, Xavier arranged their bodies until his mate was cradled comfortably against his chest, his tail stroking Theophilus’ thighs, as his hand rested over the small swell of his belly.

“I tire so quickly, even with your help, my husband,” Theophilus whispered. He let his body relax against his mate’s bulk and nestled comfortably in the protective embrace.

“Your body takes care of the child growing within, beloved,” Xavier replied, his hand rubbing over Theophilus’ warm skin. “You need more rest whilst he grows.”

“Am I a burden to you and our family?” Theophilus asked anxiously.

“Never,” Xavier assured. “You take good care of Sholto and Rayner. Your presence settles Sholto almost as well as anything I can produce. You carry a precious gift within you and it will not be long before Sholto and Rayner tire as quickly as you do as their babies grow. You, at least, have been spared the sickness that plagues Sholto.”

The couple spared a thought for the auburn-haired human and his PrideHomer husband. They had gone to spend a couple of days on PrideHome with Uist’s sire and sibling. It had been under strict secrecy, the couple in disguise and under assumed names. It was likely to be the last off world visit any of the couples made until after the birthing. Theophilus and Xavier waited aboard ‘Silver’ for the rendezvous with the returning couple, a couple of Elite ships in near proximity, and then all would return to Jameson’s home and Rayner and Tristam. A soft smile played around the blond’s lips as he slipped into satiated slumber. He had missed his brothers and was looking forward to them all being together once more.


Uist’s head rose slowly. He had been awake for a few minutes, using his senses of scent and hearing to ascertain if anyone else was in the room. He detected nothing except a septic aroma that irritated his sensitive nose. His mate was not there. He was alone.


And secured at ankles and wrists to a cold, smooth wall.

His arms were raised as high above his head as they could be. His ankles were held by metal bands that kept his legs spread wide apart. His genitals had been pulled from their protective pouch and he could feel they had been as scrupulously cleansed as the rest of his body. He knew he had been given an enema and the thought of unseen, unfelt hands touching him so intimately had his rage simmering. He assumed the vulnerable pose was intended to magnify his helplessness. He could be touched at will by his captors but, instead of increasing his vulnerability, it increased his rage. However, as a seasoned Warrior, he kept his face schooled into impassivity.

Across the room was a small cot bolted to the floor. It had a metal rail around it which had a long chain ending in a single manacle attached. A screen encircled a chemical toilet, which Uist could scent along with antibacterial hand wash. His eyes flitted around the rest of what was little more than a windowless, grey box. He spotted the small camera, its green eye glowing balefully. He assumed the room would be wired for sound as well as vision and let all his rage and hate centre on the green light.

“I’m glad to see you awake, Uist,” a disembodied voice came from the direction of the camera. “As you can see, you are unhurt and have been cleaned and tended by my medical staff. Unfortunately, your mate’s pregnancy meant he was more sensitive to the gas we used to drug all aboard your vessel. He will be joining you soon. We wanted to ensure he had recovered from his nausea, and associated difficulties, before bringing him here.”

“If harm befalls my mate or my unborn there will be no safe place in this universe for you to hide,” Uist snarled.

“I assure you, Uist, it is not my intention to harm you, Sholto or his baby. So long as you both co-operate neither of you will be hurt. Attempt to escape and you will be punished. You will bear punishment for anything Sholto tries and equally, he will be punished if you try anything. Sholto will be brought to you in a few moments.”

Uist growled dangerously. He could not purposely endanger his mate and unborn. However, if he got just one, safe opportunity to deal with their kidnapper…He gave another low snarl of fury as Sholto was escorted into the room. His mate was also naked and looked pale and dishevelled, the lingering sent of pregnancy sickness still assailed Uist’s nostrils. At the cat-man’s instinctive sound, Sholto raised his head.

The guard stared openly at the attractive young male, a hand going to Sholto’s shoulder, preventing him from going to his restrained mate. His eyes flicked briefly over to Uist at the feral snarl in response to his unwelcome touch. However, it was the angry voice from the camera that had his hand snatched quickly away.

“You were ordered to keep your hands off him. Sholto, you may have a few moments with your husband.”

The younger man did not hesitate, moulding his body against the solid bulk of his mate and soaking up the warmth and scent. He felt Uist rubbing his scent glands against him, knowing the PrideHomer would be trying to replace the stench of unknown hands on him with his own unique scent. He breathed deeply, letting the familiar and beloved scent calm his still-churning stomach and frayed nerves.

Uist could smell sickness, fear and others on his mate. He hoped his musk would help settle his lover. He was pleased they were given the time to nuzzle before the already-detested voice spoke once more.

“As I have told Uist, the rules here are simple, Sholto. If at any time you resist or disobey an order, or attempt to escape, your punishment will be borne by your husband as his will be by you. You will now return to your guard.”

With a parting kiss, Sholto reluctantly returned to where the guard stood. He stood passively as the manacle was locked around his wrist. The guard made no attempt to get any closer than necessary. Sholto tried to hide his concern that their captor could instil such fear in his own men. As the guard quickly left Sholto slumped, defeated, on his cot.

“Now you may both meet your permanent jailor. I can be assured he will neither disobey his orders nor attempt to touch what is forbidden to him. Meet Beast.”

Both Uist and Sholto stared at the being that lumbered into their cell. If its shoulders had not been hunched, it would be as tall as Uist. The arms were loose-jointed, which suggested at suppleness beyond the norm and terminated in gnarled hands with razor-sharp claws. Its legs were thick and powerful. Its visible skin seemed to be scaly. Its face was morbidly fascinating, comprising a skull that was misshapen with a bony growth, like a ridge, a couple of inches above its eye sockets. Its nose was almost flat, with wide nostrils that quivered as it scented the others in the room. The jaw was also deformed, housing an array of uneven, sharp teeth. For all its fearsome and repulsive appearance, the most gruesome thing was the deep brown, very human eyes that gazed almost vacantly at Sholto and then Uist.

“Beast, scent the one on the wall, then the one on the cot,” the disembodied voice commanded. As the creature obeyed the order, the voice continued. “Once he has your scent, he can track you anywhere aboard this station and he will administer any punishments.”

Uist was neither afraid of nor intimidated by the creature and as it turned to head towards Sholto, he growled low and feral.

Sholto swallowed past his fear. The creature was just going to smell him.

“This one is special, Beast. He is bearing a child. Become familiar with this aspect of his physiology.”

The creature stretched a single finger towards the swollen stomach of the dark-haired prisoner. It turned its head to see Uist snarling and yanking as hard as he was able to prevent its touch.

“Please, Uist, stop. I’m fine. Let it touch me,” Sholto pleaded. In a much lower voice he added. “Please don’t hurt my baby.” He closed his eyes as the deadly claw reached closer. However, the touch was so light as to be barely noticeable and, as he opened his eyes, he could see the creature had angled the finger to avoid the claw from potentially scratching his skin. He saw a flicker of … something … in the beast’s eyes, then the almost-vacant look was back in place.

“Your stay here is only temporary whilst more suitable accommodation is prepared. We want to ensure your child has a home, after all.”

Sholto felt nausea roll through his body. The thought of his baby, born in the clutches of this man was almost more than he could bear. His hand rubbed over the swell of his belly.

“We will be found,” Uist growled.

“Oh I’m afraid there is little time for your ‘family’ to be looking for you. Tristam has been infected with a synthetic virus, effectively rendering his body immobile and shutting off all his senses. Pretty Rayner is naturally at his side and the lizard is trying to find a cure. I can assure you that the delicious Dregan is distraught at your disappearance, but they have more than enough to deal with without trying to find you. You are dismissed, Beast. ”

Uist used every ounce of his Warrior training not to scream his fury and pain. He had heard the lust in the mocking voice when speaking of Theophilus. Rayner’s pregnancy was still early and this kind of stress could easily create a problem with his body’s acceptance of the artificial womb. His eyes took in the slumped figure of his mate, sitting dejectedly on the small cot. The owner of the loathed voice may not know it, but he was a walking dead man.


Two full days had passed since Theophilus’ world had been turned upside down. Uist and Sholto had vanished, the entire population of the ship they were aboard drugged to kidnap the couple. Almost simultaneously Tristam had been struck down with a paralysing virus. The blond’s head pounded with pain and he tried to give a genuine smile to his chosen brother as Rayner stroked his brow. Tristam seemed to be in a coma, unresponsive to any external stimuli, but not to the mental touch of his mate.

An unexpected side effect to Tristam’s condition was his forging a mental link with the blond. Tristam, exclusively communicating with his mind, somehow connected with the blond’s inherent empathy and drove it one step further. It allowed Theophilus to remain at Tristam’s side whilst Rayner took short breaks. Although Theophilus was overjoyed to be able to do *something*, he still felt it was too little. A true telepath was on his way, but their species preferred to keep their distance from non-telepathic ones. Additionally, Jameson was desperate to keep news of Tristam’s vulnerability hidden and so the family friend they chose was still a day or so away from arriving. The mental connection was painful for the Dregan, his mind unused to working in such a way and headaches were frequent for the blond. It was hoped the telepath could both help him strengthen his neural pathways as well as actually communicate with Tristam.

Theophilus gamely tried to play down the pain, but was unable to hide it from Rayner as the younger men each got used to the feeling of the other in their mind. In addition to Theophilus’ nascent ability, another source of future celebration was that his baby reacted to the mental touches of Tristam and Rayner. His eyes grew heavy as his body responded to his pain and growing exhaustion. He felt Rayner’s hand move to stroke tenderly over his small bump. The three younger men had taken to rubbing oil over each other’s stretching skin to help it retain its suppleness as well as a way of relaxing and enjoying a time of shared intimacy. It made the pain of Sholto’s absence even more sharp. As his eyes closed he made a mental vow. ‘I have not forgotten you, Uist and Sholto, my beloved brothers. I swear I will not leave it to others to find you.’


When Theophilus’ eyes next opened, he was carefully wrapped and snuggled in the nest he shared with Xavier and, in his husband’s absence, was clinging tightly to one of Xavier’s lab coats. He rubbed the material over his face, his antennae quivering as he scented his beloved mate. He gave a sad sigh. They were in Jameson and Aurora’s home and his husband flitted, well protected, between the hospital facility and the house as he tried to counter-act whatever afflicted Tristam. Theophilus had no doubt he mate would succeed and believed Tristam got more from the experienced touches of Rayner’s mind than his own. A tear slid down a porcelain cheek as he rose stiffly, caressing his swell. He *had* to do something. He needed to be looking for Uist and Sholto. There had to be a way he could. There *had* to be. As he stepped from the room, he saw Jameson coming towards him.

Jameson saw the glint of the crystal tears and hurried to envelope the lithe body in a tight embrace. He was unsure of the cause of the tears, knowing it could just be the youthful male’s changing hormones. However, he wanted to offer any comfort he could to Theophilus. Although he and Aurora had fostered many children, they had only adopted three; Tristam, Rayner and Theophilus. The blond would therefore present them with their first grandchild and he had already suffered greatly during what should have been a time of joy for all the family.

“Oh, Papa,” Theophilus finally husked, “I feel so useless.”

“Nonsense,” the mature male countered. “Without you Tristam would be alone and adrift when Rayner needs to rest. You care for Rayner when he feels despair and you carry your baby, our first grandchild. You contribute greatly, son.”

“But Uist and Sholto are still missing. I need to do something to help find them. Please, Papa?”

“Xavier will be back soon,” Jameson mused. “Go to your Mama and make sure you eat properly,” he chided gently, smiling as Theophilus’ cheeks tinted pink. “If Xavier agrees, you can come to HQ with me and review everything we have. Perhaps your sharp eyes will see something another has missed.”

“Truly?” Theophilus asked, his smile emerging like the sun after rain. He hugged Jameson tightly, his step lighter as he hurried to the kitchen to find Aurora.

Jameson watched the retreating figure with a loving smile. He made a mental vow to ensure he kept Theophilus close to him if Xavier agreed the blond could go with him. He moved to the bedroom of his other sons. He gave a saddened smile as Rayner looked up and bent to hug and kiss the brunette before kissing the cheek of the blond who lay so unmoving. The sight was like a dagger in his heart and Jameson’s hand moved to caress the swell of Rayner’s abdomen, a gesture he unconsciously copied from Theophilus.

“How are you both doing?”

“Tristam is frustrated,” Rayner said. “But he did manage to wriggle his fingers briefly,” he added, his eyes glowing with pride for his husband. “I’m a little tired, but Theophilus has been such a tower of strength and his mental touches have meant so much to Tristam. He’s just sorry they create the headaches.”

“Do you think you could spare him for a couple of hours? Although Darius is spearheading the search for Uist and Sholto, Theophilus wants to help.”

“I’m fine, Papa,” Rayner said steadfastly. “It would mean a lot to both of us to know Theophilus is helping to find our brothers. But you need to keep a watch over him; he’s only slept a couple of hours. His body will take its own action if he doesn’t rest enough.”

“Now I only have to convince a naturally over-protective Phixian,” Jameson said. “Take care of all three of you,” he added, giving another kiss to the smiling brunette.

Xavier could feel weariness in every cell of his body. He was working to his fullest capacity and had taken just the shortest of naps necessary since the nightmare had begun. He prayed fervently that he had finally cracked the artificial virus’ code and that his latest antivirus would work. Soon he would need to sleep properly, but wanted Tristam recovering before he gave into this own needs. He looked up from his work station as Jameson came in.

“You look as tired as I feel,” Jameson said sympathetically as he came to the reptilian. He smiled as Xavier rubbed his snout over his cheeks.

“I am close to defeating this virus, defeating our adversary,” he added, his normally gentle voice dropping to just above a feral growl. “How is Theophilus? ”

“He fell asleep in a chair, but I carried him to your nest. He was restless until I found one of your coats, ready for laundry, to hold on to. He feels Uist and Sholto’s absence keenly and wants to do something to help find them. Would you be agreeable to his accompanying me to Elite HQ to review all the information we have so far? He might see something so small, others have missed it.”

“I would prefer to keep him at my side,” Xavier sighed. “However, he can do nothing to help me with the virus and I know how much he needs to feel he is actively contributing. Even though he does so much here, I entrust him to you to help with our brothers’ disappearance. If he finds just one thing others have overlooked, it will mean so much to him.”

“I have security patrolling HQ,” Jameson nodded. “The same as I do here. I’m taking no chances, Xavier.”


Theophilus was in Jameson’s private office, poring over a small mountain of various data with a dedicated intensity that had the human worrying that the blond was overdoing things. However, the look of single-minded concentration and the clarity in the golden eyes when they briefly glanced in his direction told Jameson it was the right thing to have done. Jameson made a disgruntled sound as he was requested to attend a summit meeting in another office.

“Theophilus, I have to go for a short while,” he said apologetically. ‘Make sure you stay here until I get back.”

“Yes, Papa,” the blond said, almost absently, but raised his head with a smile to kiss the mature human. As soon as Jameson had moved away, he returned to what had captured his attention. Uist and Sholto, as well as the others, were fitted with tiny crystal implants which acted as a distress call and homing beacon. Even if they had been unable to activate their normal communications, these should have activated automatically. No record of any communication or signal had been made, but Theophilus had found an anomaly. Not content with looking for record of any transmission, the blond had opted to review radio waves received at the HQ. He had found a wave, around the time of his brothers’ disappearance that had nothing to explain its origin or nature. He checked it again before copying it to Jameson and Darius.

He sat back, stretching. A twinge made him realise how long he had been sitting and he opened the office door.

“Is everything alright, Theophilus?” A burly security guard asked as the blond stepped into the corridor.

“I am quite well, thank you,” Theophilus smiled. “I just need the bathroom.”

Having taken care of his twinge, Theophilus now splashed water over his face to refresh himself. He intended to try and follow up the radio wave and track it to a message, certain it was from Uist or Sholto. As he turned to leave, another Elite officer came rushing in. Theophilus instantly recognised him as the newest member of Darius’ team who was replacing an established member injured in a recent accident. Darius had told Theophilus the brunette was very good but overly ambitious, already planning his next move up to Captain in the Elite.

“I have some great news,” he grinned at Theophilus. “We’ve located Uist and Sholto and our ship is one of the rescue fleet. If you come now, you can join us.”

“I need to let Jameson know where I am,” Theophilus said, subconsciously letting the other man’s apparent excitement infect him and be guided away from Jameson’s office.

“I’ll call Darius,” the brunette said as they hurried down the corridor. “He can call him from the ship as we’re on our way. We need to move quickly.”

Theophilus nodded. He would be safe with Darius and he did not have to be part of any actual fighting. He was looking forward to being at his brothers’ rescue.


Uist ignored his stomach’s protest of lack of food. He was freed twice a day to exercise and take care of personal hygiene. Only on one of those times was he fed. He could understand the rationale. Of the two, he was the Warrior and most likely to cause his kidnappers problems. By keeping him barely fed, he was being weakened. As a PrideHomer it would be a much slower process than if he were human, but slowly and insidiously his strength would fade. The position of his body, arms stretched up to their full capacity and legs spread wide also took its toll, leaving him stiff and slow in his movements when free.

Sholto was, in contrast, well taken care of. However, without Xavier’s anti-emetic and under the stress of their imprisonment, he was barely able to eat what he was given. Uist’s heart ached with each time he heard Sholto fail to keep food or drink down. His mate was being given preparations to counteract the sickness, but none had succeeded. His beloved, young mate looked pale and wan and Uist wanted nothing more than to rip their kidnapper into bloody shreds.

“I have a surprise for you both,” the detested voice assailed Uist’s ears and he looked towards the door that slid silently open. This time he was unable to stop his yowl of pain and anger and it rang in pained harmony with Sholto’s cry of denial.

Theophilus staggered a couple of steps inside the room, before being shoved so hard by his guard that he stumbled to the floor on his hands and knees.

“Enough!” The disembodied voice bellowed. “You will report to your commander for immediate punishment, Guard Five. You were warned the Dregan was not to be harmed or touched. Beast, report to cell three.”

Theophilus did truly feel awful, his stomach and his child both protesting the effects of the drugged drink he had innocently drunk, but he was not as helpless as he let his captors believe. He looked from behind the waterfall of blond hair to note the camera that spied on his family and Uist struggling vainly against strong restraints. Fearful the cat-man would be hurt, he took a deep breath to steady himself and then threw himself into his helpless act once more. He rose to his feet and, looking as though he had only just seen and recognised Uist, staggered forward to collapse gratefully against the strong chest.

“Uist, Uist,” he murmured repeatedly. The feel of the PrideHomers face rubbing against his and the comforting scent of his musk seem to settle his protesting body and baby. He clung tightly to the bigger male. “It was one of the Elite. He said they had found you, and I so wanted to be a part of your rescue.” He knew he was not saying anything their captors did not know.

“Hush, hush, Beautiful,” Uist crooned. He began a low rhythmic purr that always seemed to soothe the blond. It would also serve to cover the soft whisper. “We are monitored,” was barely more than a puff of air into Theophilus’ elegant pointed ear.

“Corner of the room to your left,” Theophilus whispered back, equally quietly.

Uist hid his smile in Theophilus’ neck. His scent was beginning to mask the smell of fear and others that tainted the blond’s normal sweetness. Although still vibrating with barely-controlled fury, he was marginally appeased that the Dregan was not as weak as he was letting their captor believe. He gazed intently into Theophilus’ face as the blond pulled back a little to look at him. He could see the tiny lines around anxious golden orbs that told of pain and exhaustion and dark smudges that spoke of lack of sleep.

“Sholto?” Theophilus asked, his voice worried.

“Behind you, Beautiful,” Uist replied.

Theophilus gave a soft cry of anger and denial and moved quickly to hold tightly to his other beloved brother.

Although Uist would rather bite off one of his own limbs than see Theophilus imprisoned, too, he could see an almost immediate improvement in Sholto’s demeanour. Some of his mate’s innate feistiness was returning as he became instinctively protective of the blond.

“How can you treat him so?” Theophilus asked the camera angrily. “He is with child.”

“You look even more beautiful when angry, pretty Dregan,” the disembodied voice replied silkily.

Uist’s growl was deep and feral. He could *hear* the lust. He glanced at Theophilus who seemed oblivious as he focused on Sholto and the meagre comforts the cell offered. He watched puzzled as Sholto was ushered behind the screen and there were sounds of tearing material. Uist’s heart swelled with love and pride for the blond when the couple next appeared. Sholto now wore the flowing pants that Theophilus had discarded, torn off at the lower leg to account for the difference in their height. The blond now only wore a loose shift that skimmed mid-thigh. Uist did not miss the hitch in their jailor’s breath at the sight of long, bare legs.

“The rules here are very simple, pretty Dregan. Disobey orders and your friends bear your punishment. Now let me introduce you to your personal jailor.”

Theophilus looked with a mix of shock and pity at the creature that entered. He noted Sholto did not flinch away and knew enough not to simply judge by outward appearance.

Beast stared. He had thought the red one pretty, but this new creature was above any words he had for beauty. The golden one stood, not showing any revulsion, simply looking and waiting.

“This one is also pregnant, Beast. Scent him well.”

Theophilus wanted to scuttle away, but felt the reassuring squeeze from Sholto. Instead, he tried to stand unflinching and whispered softly.

“Please do not hurt my child.”

His anxious eyes met Beast’s shuttered gaze and for a moment he saw the pain the creature kept hidden. He realised that the clawed hand had stopped millimetres from his swollen belly and that the creature was hiding from their captor that he was not actually touching the blond. Trusting his instincts, Theophilus carefully shifted to allow the gnarled appendage to come into contact with his stomach and covered it with his own.

“He is my first. Can you feel him?” Theophilus whispered.

Beast did indeed feel him, both as a movement under his hand as well as a strange flutter in his mind. The tiny one was distressed and unthinkingly he rubbed with a finger as though able to reassure he meant no harm.

“Beast is one of our successes, pretty Dregan. The ultimate foot soldier, bred to be obedient and fearful to behold. All he knows is how to obey, kill and survive. Imagine an army of such creatures.”

“I have no such desire,” Theophilus said angrily, his attention immediately focusing on the camera. “It is immoral to create such beings.”

Beast could feel the beautiful one’s anger and knew it was directed away from him. He surreptitiously glanced at the other prisoners; warrior and pretty red one. The three were so different and yet he could feel their affection for each other almost as a physical entity in the room. The beautiful one’s hand still covered his, out of sight of the camera. Beast was only touched for examination or when fighting. This was the only gentle touch he had known and it caused a strange stirring in his chest. He withdrew the hand carefully and blinked, stunned, by the light of the smile bestowed upon him.

“You look so tired, my brother,” Theophilus said, effectively dismissing the disembodied voice. He manoeuvred them into the cot, mindful of two swollen bellies and covered them as best he could. He smiled as Sholto burrowed his face into his neck and hair and breathed deeply, the auburn haired human asleep in seconds. He could feel sleep pulling insidiously at him, too. He was overdue his husband’s potion and knew he would be tiring quickly from now on.

“They need rest. They are both exhausted,” Uist growled.

“And they shall have all the rest they need. Beast, you are dismissed.”

Uist watched the creature amble out and then his eyes returned to the two sleeping young males. Intellectually he knew that Theophilus was chronologically older, but to him, the blond would always be the baby of their group. He was both proud of, and grateful for, Theophilus putting Sholto’s needs first, caring immediately for his beloved mate. He could tell Sholto was having his most restful sleep, wrapped in the Dregan’s arms, since their imprisonment began. Silently he invoked Bloodfeud, for the mistreatment of his mate, of those under his Protection and of those he loved as brothers. He would not be content until he had eviscerated the still-living body of their nemesis.


Sholto awoke slowly. The familiar scent and caring arms making him temporarily forget where he was. He smiled at his brother and then reality crashed in. He was hugged tightly and Theophilus’ voice was a caress of air in his ear.

“If we do not fight soon, we will be too weak to try. Your sickness is sapping your strength, tiredness will sap mine and I can hear how empty your husband’s stomach is.”

“We will be fed soon,” Sholto whispered back. “Uist will be allowed to move and his stiffness will ease. If we fail, we will be punished. Especially Uist,” he added, concern colouring his tone.

“If we do nothing our babies will be born in captivity and then escape will be impossible. I could not leave my child,” Theophilus said.

“They can’t possibly know how to care for a pregnant Dregan,” Sholto said, suddenly anxious. “They’ll think you have an artificial womb, too. You could die if they can’t look after you as you need.”

A half growl had both men stretching as unobtrusively as possible to look over at Uist. His face as averted as much as possible from the camera and he mouthed the words ‘We fight.’


A couple of hours later, the three were making their mental preparations. Sholto feared for his husband, knowing their captor seemed fascinated by his and Theophilus’ pregnancies. But, as his blond brother had observed, he would also be reluctant to punish Uist too severely as that could trigger an adverse reaction in Sholto. Neither of them believed the cat-man would be punished lightly, but held tight to the thought their adversary wanted all three alive.

Theophilus broke the one of the links holding Sholto’s manacle to the rest of the chain. The blond then skirted along the wall as Uist theatrically attempted to stretch, hoping if anyone was watching they would focus on his obvious movements. With an athletic leap, the blond grabbed the camera and wrenched it from the wall as Uist made a preternatural effort and wrenched his arms free. He immediately attacked an ankle restraint as Theophilus helped with the other and then his claws and strength forced open the cell door.

Sholto and Uist followed Theophilus as the blond retraced his steps, hoping to lead his brothers to the shuttle hangar he had been brought from. A group of station security appeared before them and the trio instantly moved into fighting mode.

Sholto found himself lifted and moved so quickly that his head spun and his stomach protested. He looked up with a groan to find Beast crouched menacingly over him. His eyes instantly went wide with fear, but he realised that the creature seemed to be studying him, as though unsure of the action to take.

In his turn, Beast did not know what stayed his hand. A swift blow would render the pretty red-head unconscious with minimal harm the way he had been ordered. The command echoed in his head. ‘Capture, subdue, secure.’ He tilted his head: fear, nausea and pain radiated in waves from the man beneath him. His eyes travelled to the swollen belly.

“You will not hurt him,” Theophilus’ voice rang out.

Beast and blond tumbled together away from the still-stunned Sholto; however, the beast easily ensured he ended up stride the weaker form. Furious at the attack, he instinctively raised a clawed hand ready to rend fragile flesh. At the whimper of pain, his hand froze. He realised he was all but sitting on the blond’s pregnant swell. Immediately he moved, staring mesmerised at the fluid seeping from golden orbs. His hand shook as he caught a single crystal drop.

“He was trying to protect me,” Sholto’s voice came from behind him and he turned to look at the red-head. “Please don’t hurt him or his baby.”

Beast moved away, staring at the beautiful golden one and pretty red-head.

“We cannot let our babies be born here,” Theophilus husked, turning to regard the unmoving creature. “We must try and escape while we have strength. We cannot ask you to help us, but please understand we need try and get free.”

Beast stood and watched as the two young men moved to join Uist, just as another group of station security arrived, these armed with metal batons. He watched the fight, wondering why he was not obeying his orders. It was apparent that pregnancy hampered the movements of the young men and Beast heard himself growl as the golden one shoved the red one to avoid a baton striking his head. Instead it connected with his shoulder and the arm dropped limply with a cry of pain. However, in protecting him, the golden one felt himself open to attack. Although able to pirouette away from the weapon, it still connected heavily with his lower back. A shout of denial coincided with the golden one crumbling to the floor, where two gathered ready to kick him.

Beast had always obeyed orders. It was what he had been trained to do, but here, now, he made a decision of his own; one that was borne of neither blind obedience nor fear. With an inhuman shriek that caused those that should have been his allies to freeze, he struck. Within seconds, none stood save himself and the other Warrior who regarded him warily. He ignored the look in favour of the pretty ones.

Sholto was trying to help Theophilus who keened softly in pain.

“Uist, his baby?” Sholto asked his mate, his voice trembling with fear.

The cat-man tenderly caressed over Theophilus’ swell.

“Agitated, but otherwise he seems well,” Uist replied.

“He…is strong. Like…his Papa,” Theophilus panted.

“Like his Mater,” Uist contradicted gently, smiling at the blond. “Theophilus, can you stand if we help you? We have to move from here.”

“I…can stand,” Theophilus asserted.

Uist then noticed his lover’s injured arm and felt his heart sink. He had taken several hard baton blows himself, his speed and agility less than they would normally be. His body ached and he could feel blood tricking down his cheek from a blow to his head. If Sholto and Theophilus were unable to protect themselves, their escape attempt was doomed. He was torn between the two men in regards care; one was his beloved mate, the other his beloved chosen brother.

He helped both to stand and then it seemed disaster was about to strike. He saw Sholto’s face drain of colour and he moved swiftly to scoop his fainting husband into his arms. Even as he did, he saw Theophilus sway and the blond’s knees begin to buckle.

Beast stood and watched the interplay. He had always been told that to care for others was a weakness and that if any accompanying him on a mission were injured they were to be left behind. Yet with these men, caring each for the other was paramount and seemed to give them an innate strength to go on where alone they might falter. He could see the pretty red one losing all colour and being swept into caring arms. His eyes then moved to the beautiful golden one. He copied Uist’s action as the blond began to crumple and turned terrified eyes onto the Warrior.

In other circumstances, the look in the Beast’s eyes would have made Uist laugh out loud. The creature was petrified. Uist understood that it was most likely that the Beast had never shown care or compassion for another before and genuinely did not know what to do with an injured comrade; except perhaps to leave them where they fell.

“They are both exhausted. Pregnancy and being here, under these circumstances, is sapping their strength. I have to get them away. Will you help?”

Beast did not reply, his jaw not designed to allow speech. It was as much a weapon for tearing and rending as the non-retractable claws. Instead, with a burst of speed that caused the Warrior to raise his eyebrows, he sped in and out of the bank of lifts. He sent two sideways, one upwards and ushered the Warrior and his precious bundle into the last. That one he sent downwards. Beast was certain down was safest. He knew what was down there and the Naturals he lived amongst shunned the lower level as much as possible.

Golden eyes opened slowly. Theophilus gazed at the visage of the being that cradled him to a powerful chest. He studied the shape of the misshapen jaw and raised a tired hand to touch it gently.

“My husband is a wonderful physician. He may be able to help you to speak.”

Beast knew the golden one was waking and prepared himself for the rejection that was certain to come. He found himself holding his breath as he was subjected to non-judgemental scrutiny. He felt the same strange feeling in his chest at the caress to his face and the softly spoken words. However, the hand fell away and Beast felt the body go limp. He panicked and grunted his agitation.

“His body is taking care of the child he bears,” Uist said. “He is pushing himself too hard. Do you understand?”

Beast nodded. He had been forced to push his body to the limits of its endurance. Nothing he had ever done in this place had been by choice…until now. He gazed at the unconscious form. He made another choice. He would protect both young ones and their unborn. No creature born in the outside world should suffer as he, and his…family…had suffered.

Sholto woke groggily and nestled closer in his mate’s protective hold.

“Theophilus?” He asked thickly.

“The Beast carries him,” Uist replied as he followed the creature that ambled rapidly ahead of him. He could see closed doors at the end of the smooth grey-walled corridor and could scent the creature’s growing agitation. He wondered what it was that had the creature so concerned. His curiosity was assuaged as they entered in essence cell after cell of, if Beast was considered a success, what could only be called failures.

Uist felt Sholto bury his face in his shoulder and cradled him closer and tighter. Hate, fear, pain and desolation filled the air and made it barely breathable. Some creatures had powerful bodies, but gazed vacantly, saliva oozing continually from their mouths; others had limbs incapable of supporting torsos, or necks unable to hold up huge, distorted heads. A few snarled and rabidly tried attacking them. However, even they backed away at Beast’s own savage snarls. Uist refused to consider why they were being kept alive, striding forward, avoiding looking directly at any of them.

Theophilus’ head lifted and Uist heard the Beast make soft sounds, clearly trying to make the blond resume his sleep.

“Uist,” came the gentle voice. “Their pain.”

“We can do nothing for them now, Beautiful,” Uist replied. “When we get out of here, we can tell Papa and he will deal with this.” The cat-man was certain the best that could be done for them was to put them out of their misery.

Beast felt the golden one’s compassion and he could see some of his family had felt it, too. He felt a strange burning in his eyes and fluid seeped from one eye. For all he had suffered in this place, the beautiful one actually cared for those around them. The other Naturals only came here to torment or to take one or another away. Some never returning. He made as soft a sound as he was capable of creating and tightened his grip, hoping the golden one would sleep again. The Warrior was right. There was nothing that could be done for those in these cells. They would welcome death.

Uist’s heart sank at the sight of the guards waiting for them at the hangar bay Beast had led them to. He had known it was always going to be the case, but the finality still hit hard. He had prayed for a miracle that the three of them could have escaped together. Reluctantly he set Sholto on his feet.

“I will distract the guards, Mine and you must get away with Theophilus. Send help for me as soon as you are able.”

“Uist, no,” Sholto moaned, holding tightly to his mate with his one good arm.

“You and Theophilus cannot protect yourselves and Theophilus cannot pilot a ship in his state. You have to take care of our unborn and our brother.”

“I don’t want to leave you,” Sholto husked. The reality of having to leave his husband behind had not occurred to the younger man and tears fell freely.

“Of course you will not,” Theophilus’ voice was soft but strong. He stood at Beast’s side, ignoring every ache and instinct that demanded he find somewhere to lie and sleep. “You and Uist will leave together. Beast will be able to claim he recaptured me. Our nemesis wants me, not just my child,” he added, his voice faltering. “Please let Xavier know how much I love him and that I do what I must to protect our child. Knowing you and your child are free and safe will make …what I may have to endure…easier.”

Beast stood as a silent sentinel. He was not as lacking in intellect as his creators assumed and he knew what the golden one alluded to. He had also heard the undisguised lust in his master’s voice. He hoped, that for once, his jaw could do something other than tear or rend. He had learned enough from the three men to understand the concept of self-sacrifice. But that was not all. He had also seen courage, determination, fortitude and love. He would not leave the golden one to fall once more into the hands of his master.

“Go.” Beast herded the golden one towards the others, giving the swollen belly a last caress. “Pro…tect.”

Uist blinked. He had not expected this. He could see Sholto and Theophilus were equally stunned and he stepped forward, carefully holding the arm of the Beast in a warrior’s clasp.

“A true Warrior is a Protector,” he said, meeting the Beast’s eyes.

“Thank you,” Sholto whispered, not knowing what else to say or do.

“Thank you, my friend,” Theophilus added, pressing a chaste kiss to a rough, misshapen cheek.

Uist wrapped an arm around each slender male as they ran towards a shuttle, Beast’s eerie and inhuman cry echoing around the hangar. He growled his disappointment that the ship had only two seats.

“We will fit in one,” Theophilus said with determination.

The seat reclined and the two men lay on their sides, wrapping their arms around one another as Uist buckled them in securely. He devoured his mate’s mouth before pulling reluctantly away. He pressed his lips to Theophilus’, knowing it could be the last time he kissed either beautiful young man.

“Hold tight,” he growled as he took his place and sent the ship speeding from the station.

“Thank you for coming for us, Theophilus,” Sholto murmured, kissing the blond. “I love you.”

“You would have done no less, my brother,” Theophilus replied. “You and Uist are both beloved to me.”

Sholto felt the blond go limp, his body finally giving in to pain and exhaustion. He buried his face in blond tresses and closed his eyes, praying Uist could get them to safety.

Uist took a few moments to recognise where they were by the star systems around him and then sent the ship hurtling in the direction of Earth. He was not surprised to see a couple of pursuit ships give chase. They could not be allowed to escape. They knew too much. He used every ounce of his Warrior’s training and cunning to pilot the ship to frustrate his pursuers.

“Sholto, are we going home?” Theophilus’ voice was barely above a whisper in the red-head’s ear and sounded so lost and child-like that Sholto felt the tears burning his eyes.

“Yes, Beautiful,” he replied. “We’re going home.”

“Miss Xavier…” Theophilus’ voice trailed off and Sholto nuzzled the unresponsive blond, swallowing past the lump in his throat.

“Uist will take us home,” he whispered, knowing Theophilus could no longer hear him. He groaned as the ship tilted and swerved and nestled closer, clinging tightly to the blond.

A triumphant yowl rang out as Uist recognised a large ship with two smaller out-riding Elite vessels. ‘Silver’ had never looked so welcoming. A second yowl quickly followed as a recognised and loved voice came through his ship’s communications.

“Uist, Sholto, Theophilus, just keep coming. We’ll take care of your pursuers. Come aboard in the spare bay.”

Uist did not know or care how Tristam had found them. All he cared about was that his brother had clearly overcome the virus and that they were all safe. Explanations could wait. Without hesitation he manoeuvred his vessel into position, his loud purrs of joy reverberating inside the small craft as it came to rest inside ‘Silver’.

Xavier was aboard the escape ship before Uist had time to begin to move Sholto and Theophilus apart. Uist shook his head as he saw the reptilian assessing his hurts.

“Tend to the young ones,” he said. “It is mostly exhaustion and sickness, but they were also hit by metal batons.” The low deep trill from the Phixian was as good as any feral growl of rage Uist was capable of and he nodded his agreement. Carefully they carried the precious bundles from the ship to be greeted by Rayner and Tristam. Uist noted the exhaustion in Tristam’s eyes and the way his commander and chosen brother leant heavily on his smaller husband.

“If it were not for your mate and his courage and strength, Sholto and I would still be prisoners of our abductor. I owe him a debt I can never truly repay,” Uist said. “During our incarceration I invoked Bloodfeud and will make a public declaration as quickly as I am able.”

“Good,” Xavier said, his tail lashing from side to side, a clear indicator of the reptilian’s fury. “This man cannot continue to hurt us. There can be no peace for me or my family, even those on Phixia, until this threat has been dealt with.”

“He did not desire just our unborn,” Uist said quietly as they made their way to sick bay via one of the ship’s lifts. “He also made it clear he desired your mate, my brother.” He met the furious reptilian’s gaze evenly and received a nod from Xavier. Uist knew that the unspoken promise of retribution that burned brightly in his eyes was sufficient for the agitated lizard.

“Rayner and I will bring you up to date with what has happened at Elite HQ when you are rested, Uist,” Tristam said, his voice weak and quiet. “Bloodfeud was invoked by your Sire and has been taken up by many of your extended family. It has also been taken up by friends and family from other worlds. Like a stone in a still pond, ripples are radiating ever outwards, my brother. We *will* find this man. Xavier, keep Rayner and me posted regarding Theophilus and Sholto. I want to follow those pursuit ships back to their destination.”

On the bridge, Tristam refused to let Rayner sit anywhere but his lap, reassuring himself his own beloved mate was safe and well.

“I’m fine, love,” Rayner said, nuzzling his mate, letting love and reassurance flood the older man’s mind to replace the anxiety he could feel.

“He would have… Sholto and Theophilus…” Tristam could hardly bear to think, much less say what was going round his mind in circles. A still-shaky hand constantly caressed Rayner’s small bump. He was staring at the view screen which showed the small station where his family had been imprisoned and on which they were closing quickly.

“He would have hurt them, very badly,” Rayner supplied, his voice soft and angry. “But we are all safe and free. Hopefully we will soon have something more concrete to work on.”

However, even as the brunette spoke, a series of explosions concluded with one that engulfed the station in fire. The ship’s AI automatically darkening the screen to account for the flare of light that filled it. Both men groaned their frustration. It seemed that for each step they took closer to their adversary, he was able to take another further away. However, as the debris and dust began to clear, Tristam leant forward, craning his enhanced vision. He gave a small smile. There was something out there he considered worth investigating.


Theophilus gave a soft mewl of pleasure as his mate’s sexes caressed his jewel. He lay on his side, head pillowed on Xavier’s left arm. His husband’s tail rippled around his own primed shaft and a large hand tweaked his swollen, sensitive nipples with perfect pressure to add to the sensual delight. Theophilus was not sure which of them needed the intimacy more; he was just grateful that after a few hours rest, his body was able to make slow, gentle love with his adored husband. Xavier was barely moving inside his sheath, just the tiniest movement to tease his sweet spot and build his arousal with infinite care.

“I love you so much, my heart,” Xavier whispered, his tongue licking at Theophilus’ bare shoulder and earning him a tightening of the channel that gripped his hemipenes and a whimper of need as the blond reached back to grip tightly at his powerful thigh.

“I would have your seed inside me, my husband,” Theophilus moaned.

“And so you shall,” Xavier’s said, his voice a caress of dark silk against Theophilus’ ear. He formed his knot and increased the speed of the ripples around the blond’s shaft, adding a rhythmic contraction to add to the sensual miasma. His teeth nipped and nibbled and he trilled with joy as Theophilus reached his pinnacle. As his lover’s seed pulsed over his tail, he released his own deep into the molten depths.

“Thank you, beloved,” Theophilus murmured. He craned his head and was rewarded with his husband’s tongue sliding into his mouth in the kiss he craved. Already the languid afterglow was sinking him insidiously back into sleep.

“I will be here, my love,” Xavier crooned tenderly. “Sleep safe in my arms.” He smiled as he realised Theophilus was already slumbering. Nuzzling as close as possible, the reptilian let himself join his mate in the first true sleep he had been able to enjoy since the nightmare began.


Uist smiled lovingly at the precious bundle curled against him and sleeping soundly. He knew his mate would be annoyed when he awoke. Sholto had been adamant that he wanted to make love when they retired to bed. Uist had seemingly capitulated, shaking his head at Xavier to stop the concerned physician from adding his protest. Uist knew his mate was too tired as yet.

They had lain together, kissing and stroking gently before Uist had began a leisurely and thorough licking of his mate’s body, from his hairline to his toes, judiciously avoiding Sholto’s groin on the way down. By the time he had sucked tenderly on his lover’s toes. The younger man was fast asleep, never having got more than half-hard. Uist ignored his own erection. He would make love with his mate when Sholto had rested. With a satisfied purr, Uist finally allowed his body the rest it needed.

Sholto’s eyes opened slowly and he did not know whether to kiss his mate senseless or be furious. He gave a mental sigh. In all honesty Uist had been right. He had not been up to making love when they had first retired to bed. He glanced up at his sleeping lover. The PrideHomer’s lips were curved in a small smile and the sound of soft purring demonstrated how content the bigger male now was. Sholto’s heart melted. With a smile of his own, he carefully worked his way to be level with Uist’s furred groin. Tenderly he extracted his mate’s sex which seemed to recognise the hands that held it, instantly starting to swell.

Sholto began to suck softly, letting his tongue swirl over the domed head and tease the tiny slit. He hummed happily as his mate’s pre-come began to fill his mouth, the musky taste both comforting and arousing. He took it a little deeper, sliding up and down before returning to slow suction of just the flared and swollen head. He smiled as Uist’s hips began to move slowly, matching his rhythm.

“Imp.” The single word was spoken in a sexy, rasping purr and Sholto smiled up at his mate who was regarding him with an indulgent smile. “Roll over,” the cat-man added, with a hint of growl.

Sholto quickly moved to lie on his back, his legs spread wide, as his lover loomed over him. Uist knelt with his legs either side of Sholto’s head, allowing the young man to continue his gentle sucking. The bigger man supported his upper body on his forearms, his hands wrapped around Sholto’s thighs, keeping them wide-spread. His greater height ensuring he could not only work Sholto’s eager shaft, but lean forward and lick at his perineum and hidden entrance. Sholto moaned his appreciation. Uist’s hot, hungry mouth devoured his erection and swallowed around the aching orbs in his sac. A slick, agile muscle probed insistently at his furled flesh and then Uist sucked insistently at his shaft as a knowledgeable finger sank inside to caress his jewel. His mate’s erection was forgotten as Sholto wailed through his orgasm, his crème swallowed greedily by his attentive husband.

Sated and boneless, Sholto was unresisting as Uist positioned his lover on his side. The cat-man pressed his shaft between Sholto’s thighs and thrust hard and fast. The bigger male was unable to be fully inside his mate as it made Sholto too uncomfortable. He nipped and nibbled at the warm, bare flesh of the younger man’s shoulder and neck, the soft moans of pleasure like sweet music to Uist’s ears. He came with a yowl of joy. He kissed his lover tenderly in the afterglow, hiding his smile as Sholto struggled valiantly to remain awake. He quickly licked Sholto clean and then cradled his sleeping mate to his chest as Sholto lost the battle. Uist fully intended that after the recent ordeals they had all suffered, he was going to indulge all three pregnant men as much and as often as he could.

He lay awake, guarding his husband’s sleep, letting his mind replay the events of their imprisonment, and making mental notes of the sound of their abductor’s voice, its timbre and inflection. He was quite certain he would recognise it again.


Rayner and Tristam lay entwined together, the older man’s body still too weak to consider anything more intimate. They smiled as they kissed, letting their minds pleasure each other where their bodies were unable.

“It feels strange to have another in charge of ‘Silver’, Tristam murmured, nibbling tenderly at the fragile flesh of his mate’s throat.

“Darius isn’t in charge, my love. You are still commander. You just need to rest for a couple more days. Xavier is more than happy with your body’s progress and the speed it’s regaining its strength. Better to have Darius and a couple of his men taking care of the ship whilst we are all too exhausted. Even Xavier needed to sleep. Don’t forget Darius feels responsible for Theophilus’ abduction. Technically Nairi was one of his men. We’re so lucky that Theophilus found that signal and we could trace it to Nairi. That, along with the security guard seeing him at the time of Theophilus’ disappearance was more than enough to question him.”

“I don’t think I have ever seen Xavier so angry,” Tristam whispered. “A part of me wondered if he would tear Nairi apart after the traitor confessed. But it’s still hard for me. I have never left another outside of our family in charge,” Tristam said with a sigh. “If we were unable the AI took command. But you’re right. Given the current circumstances it is safer to have Darius here.”

“Rest, love,” Rayner insisted, tucking the blond head against his shoulder, smiling as he felt the bigger man nestle close. It was rare that he was the one offering succour; his mate was always so strong, capable and dependable. He hugged the older man tight as soft lips pressed a final kiss to his neck.

“I love you, angel,” Tristam whispered, letting his body relax and complete the healing it needed.

“Love you, too,” Rayner replied, dropping a kiss into tousled tresses.


Awareness came slowly, the battered body aching and feeling strange and unresponsive. A mental check began starting at toes and moving slowly upwards. At one point, it had seemed as if survival was an unattainable dream and yet here he was. His left leg was healing, nanobots working in conjunction with his own natural abilities. The same went for his left arm. He knew his leg was not quite fully aligned correctly, healing having begun whilst it was in the wrong position. He could not tell how compromised his speed would be. His face still felt intact, but he felt a cold chill down his spine as he realised he only had one eye. Even he could not regenerate destroyed organs or limbs. He let his sense of smell reach out. He knew there were others watching him. Two he did not recognise. But the third…

His good eye opened instantly.

“It is good to see you awake, my friend,” Uist said. “Let me introduce you to my chosen family. This is Tristam and Xavier who are as brothers to me. Tristam, Xavier, this is the one called Beast who helped us escape from our abductor.”

Beast stared. The blond looked every bit the perfect mate for the beautiful golden one. He was surprised to see that the other was reptilian. He seemed so different from the others and yet Beast could feel the affection flowing between the men. Some of his much manipulated genetic material had been of reptilian origin. But his had been from animal, not intelligent, species. He turned his eye pleadingly back to Uist, his right hand opening and closing, hoping the Warrior could understand what he wanted.

“They are as anxious to see you as you are them, my friend,” Uist laughed, certain he knew what the creature wanted.

“You are welcome aboard our ship, my friend,” Tristam said as Uist moved away. “Only those I trust know you survived the station’s destruction. We deemed it safer for you.”

Beast felt the strange sensation in his chest again. These people were caring for and protecting him. He reached to the blond and his hand was carefully clasped. Then more familiar scents reached his sensitive nostrils and he looked towards the advancing group as his hand was released.

A pretty dark one led the way and took his place at Tristam’s side.

“This is my husband, Rayner,” Tristam said, smiling lovingly into deep brown orbs. “He is pregnant, too.”

Beast was stunned. He hesitantly reached to touch the small swell and got an even stronger flutter in his mind than from the golden one’s unborn.

“It would seem Beast has some mental abilities his creators were unaware of,” Tristam observed as he let Rayner mould to his frame.

“Hi,” Sholto said, moving forward in his turn. It’s good to see you looking so well.” Sholto grinned as the somewhat shaky hand caressed his bump. He snickered as Beast’s eye widened at the activity under his hand. “I think he’s pleased, too.”

Beast’s attention then focused on the golden one. He could scarcely believe that the beautiful blond was the mate of the large reptilian, but there was no doubting the love that flowed between them or the look of adoration in expressive golden orbs.

“Did I not tell you my husband was a wonderful physician?” Theophilus asked, as Sholto moved away to be embraced by his mate whose hand covered his swell. The couple smiled together at the energetic motions of their child.

“Xavier will take very take very good care of you, Alden,”

Beast looked questioningly, then anxiously as the golden one looked shocked and then upset.

“I…I did not mean to offend…” he began, but was pulled into an embrace by his mate before he could become too agitated.

“I am sure our friend will not be offended, my heart,” Xavier crooned softly.

“We’ve been looking for names for our babies,” Sholto explained. “Theophilus liked Alden, which means ‘friend’. We were all sure you would prefer something other than the name used at the station.”

The beast felt liquid seep from his eye. The golden one, no Theophilus, had cared enough to find him a name and had given him one meaning ‘friend’. He reached towards him making a supreme effort to move his jaws.

“Al…den good,” he managed. It was worth the effort. He was almost blinded by the intensity of the smile from Theophilus and could happily have basked in its warmth forever. As he found himself awkwardly, but thoroughly, hugged, he let his good hand move up and down the slender back in the caress he had seen both Xavier and Uist give their mates.

As Theophilus returned to Xavier’s arms, the reptilian checked the monitor above the injured male.

“I think we should let Alden rest more, boys,” he said, ushering the three younger men towards the door. “You can always come back later.”

“You will be under the protection of Earth Elite,” Tristam said quietly when the pregnant men had gone. “You may be able to help us find the man who did this to you and who has hurt me and my family.”

Alden felt the anger and hate from the three powerful males. He also felt an echo of the pain Tristam had mentioned. He gave a low, feral growl. His creator deserved no chosen loyalty from him. He chose to assist the men he was with. If he could help, he would. He nodded as best he could.

Xavier touched the misshapen jaw.

“When you have healed fully from these injuries, I can do something about your lost eye. I can replace it with either a fully organic or a part-organic, the choice will be yours. And,” he added almost casually, “I am certain I can do something to help make speaking easier for you.”

Alden grasped the reptilian, looking desperately at him. The eye would be an added bonus, but to speak…

“You were right, my brother,” Xavier smiled at Uist. “He can indeed convey much without speech. Rest now, Alden,” he said, his professional, physician persona taking over. “You have much healing to undergo before I perform any additional surgery.”



Tristam groaned his pleasure as a soft tongue bathed one nipple before open-mouthed kisses led to its twin receiving the same caress. Gentle hands stroked his chest and sides as Rayner moved lower and lower, nuzzling into the thick nest of blond curls that haloed Tristam’s erection.

“Gods, yes, yes,” Tristam husked as the gentle tongue laved his sac. He felt tender hands palm his cheeks and spread him and he whimpered his need. He moaned low and wanton as Rayner began to lick at his tightly furled flesh. He spread his legs wider, canting his hips upwards, silently inviting his mate’s more intimate attentions. His groan was long and deep as he felt the slick muscle slip inside him. For long moments, he simply enjoyed the intimate caresses, letting his arousal slowly build until he could resist its demands no longer.

“Need you, angel,” he husked. He felt love and lust boil in his veins as Rayner looked up from between his powerful thighs. The dark hair was bed-mussed, the beloved face flushed, the delectable lips swollen and glistening and Tristam could scent his own dark-musk combining with Rayner’s own scent of arousal. His smile was feral as Rayner crawled up his body to straddle him. As Rayner leant forward to mate their mouths, Tristam reached to palm his mate’s downy globes and slide his fingers into the stretched and slick passage. His smiled widened as Rayner broke the kiss to throw his head back panting wetly, as he rubbed his husband’s jewel, Rayner pushing back on the questing fingers, his engorged shaft dripping onto Tristam’s stomach to mix with blond’s copious pre-come.

Rayner sat up, rising up on his knees. He reached to position his lover’s pulsating organ at his aching void and, as Tristam held his cheeks apart, slowly slid down silk-encased obsidian. He moaned his appreciation as the hard, thick shaft seemed to pierce him to his very core. He held still, feeling the rock-hardness pulse its appreciation as his sheath rippled its welcome. He had missed their physical intimacy. Tristam’s large hands stroked over his thighs, his chest, thumbing them gently pinching his diamond-hard nipples. Rayner wanted to come and yet wanted this intimacy to go on forever.

He undulated slowly, gasping as his jewel was stimulated by his mate’s flesh. He mewled as he began to lift and lower, maintaining the rhythmic undulations that pleasured them both. Mental and physical pleasure grew, enveloping them both in a maelstrom of love and desire, passion and pleasure, need and want. Rayner had wanted to make love slowly, but their need was too great. All-too-soon he was riding hard and fast, crying out his pleasure in harmony with his husband, whose hips now snapped upwards increasing their mutual delight.

Rayner gave a cry of Tristam’s name as his lover’s strong hand grasped his bobbing erection and began a series of long strokes, from root to tip, flicking his thumb over the sensitive slit. It took just a few before Rayner could feel his orgasm begin at cell level. Stars danced before his eyes and his body tightened and trembled as wave after wave of ecstasy engulfed him. He felt his sex surge and his seed pulse free to coat Tristam’s hand and chest and then wet heat was filling him. He sobbed his husband’s name over and over before finally collapsing fully spent on the broad chest.

Tristam gave a bellow of primitive triumph as his seed ploughed deep inside his mate’s quivering sheath. He relished the feel and scent Rayner’s warm release on his body, feeling completed in ways he could never find words to articulate. He caught his mate as Rayner slumped, letting his lover lie on his chest whilst his hips continued with their desultory slide back and forth as his sex slowly softened. Only once forced from his mate’s body did Tristam move them both. Tenderly he laid Rayner comfortably on his side and curled protectively around the lithe form, kissing the bare shoulder. He lay awake, holding to the most precious thing in his life, letting Rayner’s soft breathing relax and comfort him.

Tristam activated his wrist communicator as it signalled an incoming message, its sound at a level too soft to wake his mate. It was Jameson and he listened to the older man with a growing satisfaction and primal need for vengeance.

Thanks to Uist’s sire, Willis, they had a name.


Tristam mentally vowed the man would regret every second of anguish he and his family had been made to suffer.


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