SLAVE – PART 2 by darklust

A gay adult story: SLAVE–PART 2 by darklust ,

The story of Adam1992 continues when he turns 22. Please see Slave which starts the story of Adam1992. SLAVE–PART 2Adam1992 was jolted awake before dawn when a dick started thrusting into him. Adam was bound as usual so that he could not move, but his legs were spread wide in case anyone should need him. He kept his eyes closed as the dick pounded into him again and again. Adam might have even liked it if he’d been a little more awake, but his sleep had been frequently interrupted last night by sporadic visitors seeking his legendary ass for comfort.

The man on top of him was grunting now, saying “Oh, fuck,” over and over as he rutted into Adam’s hole. His cum spurted in deep and the man rocked slowly in and out until he collapsed and became a heavy weight on Adam’s chest. Finally, the man moved, pulled out abruptly and was gone, leaving only his cum which now dripped slowly from Adam’s hole.

Adam tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t stop thinking about the significance of the new day. He had been created 22 years ago, born into the world to be perhaps one of the great fuck slaves. Only his master knew that this was creation day, it was in the ownership papers which authenticated Adam’s creation and status as a fuck slave.

His master Alan had purchased Adam for a great deal of money a little over five years previous. Adam had adjusted well after a somewhat iffy six month probationary period and then settled into becoming one of the certifiably great fuck slaves. He had met every task presented, had serviced over a thousand for the first time at the age of eighteen, and had met that goal and a lot more, time and time again over the years. Adam was always ready for use and his master, Alan, was very generous in lending him to his friends by allowing them and anyone they wanted to use Adam when they wished.

Fridays and Saturdays were open dates unless Alan had specific plans for Adam. That meant that an appointment was not necessary, perhaps a wait in line, but one could show up at any hour and be serviced. Alan wanted Adam to be tough enough to withstand the large parties and that took training so he encouraged his friends to feel free to use Adam. He was in top shape and Alan thought he must have insides made of cast iron to take on as many dicks as he did.

Adam mostly liked the events he was taken to. He liked the ways a dick felt in his ass, liked the feeling of being full and the thought of all those men giving him their cum was such a turn on. He’d been born to like fucking and that combined with the drugs that Alan provided made for a content fuck slave. The only time Adam was unhappy, was when master denied him the ability to come himself. Adam craved the sensation and wanted to feel it all the time, but master was convinced that Adam would perform better if he was denied on most days. Reaching orgasm was strictly limited to large events where motivation helped him to continue after long, arduous hours of continual fucking.

As Adam thought back, he realized how much the events blended together, how similar they were, and the only event he could remember with real clarity had happened when he had just turned 21. Alan had made a wager with another slave owner who thought that his slave could service more dicks than Alan’s slave could. This was a matter of honor so Alan prepped and coddled his slave in preparation. Adam was given extra exercise and weight training time with a special personal trainer. A menu was developed for optimum health benefits with the extra incentive of tasting wonderful. Adam was given motivational talks where the importance of winning the event for his master was emphasized, and a steady stream of dicks was provided to fuck Adam day and night for an entire month before the big day.

The event was held outdoors at the country estate of one of the most influential billionaires in the country. It was offered as neutral territory for the ultimate head to head fuck off between Adam and his twenty year old rival Andre1994. Both slaves were extraordinarily beautiful, and in incredible physical condition, and both had proven themselves at large, prestigious parties. Both slaves were fine pieces of ass and super great fucks.

A large tent was provided to house the slaves,and a staging area was created inside where both would provide service. Each slave would be placed on their backs on cushioned platforms so that their ass was accessible at the right height that men could walk up and put their dicks right in and start fucking the slaves. Their legs were spread wide and pulled up and attached to posts on either side of the platform. The slaves arms and body were strapped to the platform keeping them immobile from the neck down. Large cum buckets were placed at the end of each platform. Finally a partition was built between the platforms so that the slaves could not see each other. An electronic counter was placed on each platform which automatically counted each man who stepped up to be serviced. Monitors were stationed on both sides of the partition to assure that everything went smoothly and fairly.

The event started promptly at six in the evening and would not end until one of the slaves could not go on. Each man would have five minutes and would then have to move on and get back in line if they wanted more. House slaves served drinks and food to those in line. A string of live bands had been scheduled to play for the entire event. Those invited arrived mid-afternoon and socialized and began lining up late in the afternoon. Others who wished to attend were charged an admittance fee which entitled them to get in line after the invitees. There was somewhat of a rock concert atmosphere. Both slaves were well known for their skills and so many wanted to fuck them and have stories to tell their grandchildren.

Promptly at six the contest began as the first man in each line walked to the platform and thrust their dicks in their slave and started fucking them. The next few in line were just behind and cheered each other on. On the first round most of the men fucked hard and came fast. The cum bucket filled rapidly as dick after dick was thrust into their slave of choice. Anonymous men fucked them hard and fast, leaving their cum deep in those pretty holes. Hours passed and hundreds shoved their dicks into the cum filled holes, thrusting in and out, over and over again, many so excited that they were ready to cum in under thirty seconds.

From Adam’s perspective, he was focused and determined and by the time he felt the first dick in his hole, the drugs he’d been given earlier had kicked in and his own dick ached with want and need, and he felt an overwhelming need for more and more dick to poke him. He was very vocal about what he wanted and spoke a steady stream of demands to the men who waited to fuck him. He screamed, “Fuck me,” over and over, and begged them to fuck him harder, and told them he wanted their cum, told them to fill him with their cum.

Adam was frantic and screamed for his own release but was tied down and could not service himself. He begged to come, pleaded for someone to suck him. There was another much shorter line for dick suckers, those just interested in tasting Adam’s dick and hopefully his cum if they were so lucky. They stood at the side of the platform and sucked Adam while dick after dick fucked into his ass. He groaned and writhed and pushed up into the mouth sucking him and tried to get more dick with his ass, and screamed while his body shook every time he came and his cum filled another anonymous mouth.

Breaks were not provided but slaves were allowed to receive water, power drinks and drugs of choice at all times. Adam’s handler’s kept him well hydrated and energized with drinks and lots of drugs. His dick was rock hard and constantly aching for more attention. Mostly though, Adam craved dick, and that he got, one after another, fucking him, using him, filling him with cum until his hole was huge and gaping. Still they lined up to fuck him and many were now on seconds, getting drunk, socializing and having a great time while slowly moving towards the front of the line.

At the 24 hour mark, the time was announced and cheers went up. There were new faces in line, first timers who were in an out fast as well as second, third and even fourth timers. Each slave had been fucked by at least 500 men and both were still eager for more.

The new faces didn’t last long, finally putting their dick in and coming almost immediately. They were called 30 second wonders and the others loved them because the line moved much faster then. The handlers loved it because it made their slave’s numbers better. It wasn’t about numbers though, it was about stamina, about total lack of sleep or rest of any kind, with only power drinks and stimulants to sustain them. In the end it really came down to resolve and at this event, Adam was the most committed, winning after three and a half days of non-stop fucking, still ready to go after somewhere between 1500-2000 dicks had pounded into his ass. At the end, men were using their full five minutes because they’d already fucked him a couple of times. These men dove in, fucking hard, relentlessly, trying to come but usually getting back in line until they succeeded.

Adam’s rival passed out at the three and a half day mark and they couldn’t revive him. He heard men saying he’d lost a lot of blood and the drugs couldn’t help him anymore. Adam was simply more used to being fucked constantly and his constant arousal kept him going. He was at his peak at the age of 21.

Adam had also come countless times, but after three and a half days he still wanted more and when it was over he was given a sedative before they unstrapped him and he was able to sit quietly at his master’s feet, chained to his leash, while his master received the kudos and glory for the win, and a large dildo as part of the awards ceremony. Alan raised the dildo over his head, smiling as the crowd roared it’s approval and started chanting, “Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.”


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