A gay sex story: Slave to Love Ch. 02
For those of you who have been so patient in waiting for my computer to become fixed and this part of the story to finish being edited, thank you! I worked hard on this story for you guys.
Welcome to my world! As always, here comes the disclaimer. You just can’t live without those, can you? My stories are almost always fantasy based, (vampires and werewolves and angels, Oh my!) and this one is no different. This story holds strong BDSM themes as well as Slavery, polyamoury and romance. Mind you, my depiction of Slavery is *not* real life based, it is fantasy, my idea of what real slavery might be like in my fantasy world.
If you choose to get into the real world scene, do your research, make sure you have safewords and stay completely safe, sane, and consentual. That said, if none of the above bothers you, enjoy the second installment of “Slave to Love”.
Eko woke slowly, a haze of dazed bemusement clinging to his consciousness as he gently clawed his way into full wakefulness. At first, he didn’t remember where he was, where he’d been, what he’d done. He blinked sleepy eyes, and then realized suddenly that his world was cloaked in blackness. This realization brought him to full alertness at once with a gasped indrawn breath and a shake of his head.
“Sit still, little bird.” The sound of that voice, his voice, Eko recognized his new Master and sudden mixed fear and longing skittered along his spine and coiled in his belly.
Eko didn’t move, he remained perfectly still as his Master had commanded, his heart in his throat. A moment passed with nothing but silence and Eko took that time to assess his situation. He was blindfolded, some soft material covering his face but leaving his mouth and nose free. His hands were up above his head, soft fur-backed shackles encircling each delicate wrist and holding his hands up, though not so tight as to cause discomfort.
He shifted slightly, taking stock of the two shackles curling sinuously around each of his wing bases. As he fluttered them, the soft fur backing those shackles caressed that most sensitive place and he made a soft whimper before quickly stopping that particular movement. It was then that Daman made his presence known once more by the deep rumbling chuckle that sounded as Eko tried to grow accustomed to the bondage.
“You like those special shackles, don’t you, little bird?” he nearly purred his pleasure. “Flutter your wings again.” Daman commanded.
Eko gulped the lump of despair in his throat at the command. He didn’t want to, he didn’t, god no it was all to humiliating. “P-please M-master.” He stammered, begging for mercy as he stayed utterly still, trembling.
The rebuke came wordlessly and brutally swift. Eko had a moment to register that something was happening when he felt a gust of wind and hear the sound of something being flung through the air before the sharp sting of lashes landed strategically on the back of his thighs, just bellow his already sore and abused rump. He cried out, tossing his head and uttering a heart wrenching sob, his little hands curling about the chains that held him up so they didn’t yank on his arms.
“Flutter your wings.” His voice was soft, almost gentle. It was a caress that soothed the stinging of the mark on his thighs despite Eko’s desire to hate the man who had caused them to occur in the first place.
He did as he was bade, his wings moving just enough that those shackles caused electric sparks to slide and glide up and down his spine and out to the very tips of his wings. He gasped, letting out a little bit of a moan, trying to clamp his mouth shut on the traitorous sounds, only to have them bubble up past his lips despite his best efforts.
Daman watched. There was something incredible in the little creature before him doing as he was told, but what was even more stunning was the way that his head tilted back. His mouth opening in abandon as the pleasure coursed through his body. Taking away the young man’s ability to see made him more real, and less restrained despite the fact he thought he was holding back by smothering his sounds.
Stepping forward, Daman held two pieces of jewelry in one large palm. His hand kept the small bells attached to the jewelry from sounding aloud so that Eko had no idea what was coming. Daman leaned down, flicking his tongue out against the flat little nipples adorning the young man’s chest. The first immediate reaction made him smile slowly as he sucked hard and nipped to draw it to full attention. Eko arched and let out a surprised gasp of intense pleasure, and Daman moved to the next nipple to do the same, causing him to squirm against his bonds.
A moment later, Daman was attaching the two nipple clamps to Eko’s tiny nipples, the pain biting and intense, but just on the line where the pleasure still leaked through the discomfort to confuse and keep him off guard. What was really overwhelming was the humiliating chiming of the bells each and every time Eko had the bad sense to move, and soon a deep flush slid along the entire length of his body.
“N-no, please!” Eko gasped, making a tortured little sound deep in his throat, his heart racing, thudding in his chest so hard he was sure that it could be heard down the street.
“Oooh, Come now, it’s not so terrible as all that, little bird.” Daman replied, kneeling in front of the young man so he could begin to trail his lips slowly along his chest. Soft licks, gentle nips and kisses caressed along that soft skin, and soon Eko was trembling with mixed hate and desire coursing through his veins.
“W-why?” Eko stammered helplessly, writhing against the tight restraints, against his Master.
“Does it matter?” Daman whispered, arching an eyebrow, and Eko gave a hoarse sob.
Daman smiled.
Anyone less tender and the vampire would be fucking his brains out on the rough coverlet of his bed, but Eko needed a tender hand, and Daman was giving it to him, though the boy didn’t realize it at this point. Soon, soon he’d realize it.
Large hands slid sensuously along the line of Eko’s legs, over his hips, around to his rear, and then he felt fingertips lightly trailing that tender crease between his two cheeks. He stiffened instantly, and fear permeated the room in roiling waves that made Daman nearly mad with need and hunger.
“So frightened?” He growled, “You already know I won’t rape you, though I should just to sate my hunger for you, despite the fact that I made you such a promise.” His voice was rough, violent, and it made Eko’s blood run cold, chilling him to the very bone.
“Please, please no, M-Master.” Eko began to repeat again and again, trembling in terror.
Daman ignored him.
Fingers went from caressing to parting those cheeks, and soon that gentle touch was brushing maddeningly over his opening. Despite himself, Eko’s head went back and he moaned deep in his throat, and then the simple fact he couldn’t quiet his lust had him sobbing pleadingly. It felt so good, so incredibly good, he wanted more but not like this, not like this.