Sleepless On A Pullout Couch


A gay story: Sleepless On A Pullout Couch When l started to get ahead with money, l started to make our home to our liking and not the owners before us. It started with small things, and when l took on my first project in size, l sadly learned about the underway termite damage. This placed a big problem on my finances, not only the project itself but now having the bugs dealt with.

As a cost-saving move, my parents offered to take in my wife and kids while the pest control tented the house. As for myself, l had to figure out something else as l couldn’t miss work, and my parents lived too far away to travel daily. It was my wife who came up with the idea of asking Joe and Dean, a gay couple she knew going back to high school. She asked, “If I’m willing.”

I, back then, put up a wall to everything “Gay,” not that l was against it. The fact is that l had a deep interest in the subject, but l kept such to myself, wrongly thinking of a need to show a macho appearance to my wife. The truth was when l needed something extra and perusing porn sites, it was common that l ended up in the Gay category, l chaulked it down to the kink of it all as l love women, especially my wife, but every time we were at a party or function of some sort with Joe and Dean, it only inflamed my interest. They were not overboard with their sexuality, but they did nothing to hide it; take or leave them as you will. But l could see their bond, and in a way, l envied it, no games or hassles.

l caught myself watching even more Gay porn, two on one my absolute favorite. l longed to be taken by a couple, where my fear was the only one in the room. That said, nothing sexual was on my mind when l agreed it would work if they were willing; l would stay with my wife’s old friends. The following day, my wife had everything worked out, and Joe and Dean were expecting at the end of the day.

This was my first time at their place; l can not speak if my wife had ever been there. It was a nice place, small, but they had no plans for a family, so it was perfect for just them. The drawback was the only thing they had to offer was their pullout couch. I thought nothing of it, but l guess in a way that was because l didn’t know what to expect. After a wonderful dinner and some catching up, they excused themselves for bed, and l found myself looking at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Hearing them go at it wasn’t helping either, leaving my imagination running rampant.

Light flashed around me when Dean came out of their bedroom, having turned in the kitchen light. l watched as he made his way to the refrigerator for what l can only assume he was up for an after-sex snack. After he retreated to the bedroom, his image still burned in memory, long and lean, basically hairless, and his limp dong swaying side to side as he glided across the carpet.

This caused me to start guessing what they were up to in the privacy of their bedroom again, and It wasn’t a long leap to imagine me a third in their play. I stroked my cock to such thoughts until a large amount of cum dripped from my hand, and only after that l was finally able to find sleep.

l woke the following day to their tooling around in the kitchen; both were clad in only their underwear, Joe in boxers, and Dean was some speedo thing. This was the first time l had seen them in, say, such undress other than the snack dash Dean made earlier, but l wasn’t bothered by it. And l couldn’t take my eyes off Dean, his sizable cock wrapped sideways within his tiny shorts. As for myself, l always sleep nude, but last night l wore sweatpants, most likely another reason l found it hard to sleep.

l got up from the squeaky bed, stretching. l wished both a good morning. Laughingly, Dean said, “To you both too.” It wasn’t until then that l noticed l was sporting morning wood. (Redfaced) l responded, “Oh, sorry.”

Joe: “No need; we’re Pro-Wood around here if you didn’t notice.”

The shared laugh was just what l needed to get past my embarrassment. They brought my wife up, better said, our sex life. l didn’t mind talking about the subject for some reason, and l didn’t hold back. Both agreed if they were Straight, she would be a catch, and l couldn’t agree more. Then l was taken a bit by surprise when Dean hinted at knowing personal things about my sex life, but l guess l shouldn’t be surprised by it as they are close friends to her. Although l was curious, l didn’t press to find out exactly what they knew or didn’t know. Maybe if there was more time, but l was already running late, with no time even to take care of the ragger in my pants.

I beat them home that evening, and like standard, l made a beeline to the shower to wash away the day’s dirt. When l finished, l found my two hosts on the couch making out. I watched from a distance, only seeing two people in love with each other. When l was seen standing there, Joe asked if l had that all day. Seeing the confused look on my face, Dean pointed to my boner, causing my towel to stick straight out.

In my hurry to fix it, l lost control of the towel, and now l stood there stark naked. As l fumbled for my towel, which fell on the floor, Joe cried, “It’s okay, we know and understand.”

Now, l was more lost than ever, and l wasn’t going to get any answers as Joe and Dean left to shower themselves. I finished drying and tossed on some shorts and a T-shirt, with no plans of going out. The boys came out moments later, also dressed for a casual evening. We cooked and then ate together, weaving stories along the way. l then sat through a TV show they both liked, even if l had zero interest in it myself. Then Joe clicked off the TV, stating it was time for bed.

The two started for their bedroom while l moved the cushions off the couch to pull it out for me. When they got to their door, Dean cried out, “Are you coming?” I pointed to my chest and got Dean’s nod confirming what l thought l heard. I knew this was my one chance in a lifetime, so l brushed away the fear and followed their steps to the bedroom.

Joe wasted no time, grabbing my crotch, and Dean went straight for my earlobe; he bit it and then whispered how my wife told them my secret. l wasted no time; instead, l grabbed Joe’s cock in return. It was warm and throbbing to my touch, and l wanted it badly. Just when l built up the courage to make my move, Dean fell before me and took my cock in his warm mouth. His skills were unmatched, and it took everything l had not to blow my wad right then and there.

He must have sensed l was losing the battle as he stopped abruptly; he climbed up on the bed and turned his head to tell me, “Come and get it.”

Truth be told, if l had my choice, l would have bottomed instead of no novice to anal, but Dean’s hairless smooth ass was looking good, and who am l to dictate rules. I climbed up behind him, but so as not to be robbed, l took his cock and brought it backward so l could get my first taste of man. Dean requested that l fucked him, stopping me short of adding the first taste of another man’s semen.

l was now in position but stopped again, Dean claiming l must lick it first. At that point, l would have walked across lava; l was ready. l targeted the tip of my tongue and went to work. This was not my first time with such, so l had him moaning quickly. Joe, who had been taking it all in, handed me an open jar of anal lube; l coated my cock and then ran my fingers up his crack before pressing myself into him.

His ass was tighter than l imagined, but l have to reason to my belief. All l knew was how good it felt, and the fact that we were both men disappeared from my mind. He and l were enjoying each other’s body, and nothing else mattered. It was about then when Joe joined the fray, he took my hips in his hands and pressed me forward and back, but cock was entirely under his control as l continued to fuck his partner.

When he did free me, it didn’t take long before l felt his warm tongue running up the crack of my ass, balls to the top of my crack over and over again. I reached over and grabbed the jar once again, handing it to Joe. “Please.”

His cock was more significant than any strap-on my wife used on me, and it hurt at first, but soon enough, any pain turned into pure pleasure. l made that fact known, asking Joe to fuck me harder and faster more than once.

I drained my balls deep in Dean’s ass, then l fell upon him without Joe missing a stroke. He fucked me for another good five minutes, but he pulled out and maneuvered around to blast his cum into my waiting mouth.

The truth then fell on me like a load of bricks; l wasn’t upset for what l did but for my unfaithfulness. I grabbed my things and headed for the door without saying boo to my generous hosts. l drove around the block and called my wife, who was still at my parents.

Me: “Honey, l have bad news.”

Her: “Are you okay? Is the house all right?”

Me: “Yes, l mean no, l mean l don’t know.”

Her: “Slow down, what happened?”

Me: “Well, l was staying with the guys, and l, ah l, ah…”

Her: (excited) “Did they do it?”

Me: “Do what?”

Her: “Have sex with you.”

Me: “What, you knew.”

Her: “Well, no, but we talked about it.”

Me: “What do you mean you talked about it?”

Her: “Well, both of them are attracted to you, and you, ah, you know. What l mean.”

Me: “What does that mean?”

Her: “You know, you like me to fuck you, and you’re constantly licking my juices off my toys. So l thought that maybe you wanted more. And Honey, you should delete your porn history as l go there too.

Me: “So you’re not mad?”

Her: “I wouldn’t say that, but you can make it up to me.”

Me: ” How, Baby, I’ll do anything.”

Her: ” Let me think about it, call me back in five minutes.”

As requested, l waited and rang her again a few minutes later.

Me: “Hi, Sweetheart. Did you figure it out yet?”

Her: “Yes, l did. Joe and Dean will be at our house this Saturday, so you three can give me a command performance. Fair enough?”

Me: “My pleasure. l can’t wait.”

Saturday came, and l didn’t work as l wanted to get the house put back together, the tent having been removed the day before. Plus, not to mention the excitement of what was in store for that evening, my wife pulled up around noon without the kids, and she told me they would spend an extra night at grandma’s to ensure it was safe to return. Oddly, it had more to do with our plans and my wife’s quick thinking. Either way, we seemed set, and l was more than ready.

She must have also contacted Dean and Joe, stating how they would grab some dinner for all on the way here. My wife was silent about her thoughts, but when she made the bed and used the satin sheets, l knew we were still on. The boys showed up at about six with dinner in hand; as no talk of sex happened, l began to think maybe they had changed their minds. I remained excited as sex with my wife wasn’t a bad option; l just hoped she was in the mood to peg me as l wanted my ass fucked.

After dinner, we shared some small talk, sex still not a topic of discussion. My wife excused herself; l didn’t ask why. She returned a few minutes clad in a black bra, panties, and nylons. My cock jumped to attention, and even her Gay friends had to commit how good she looked. She slapped her thigh, saying, “Chop-chop, let’s go, boys.”

She knew better, and when we got to the master quarters, the shower was already running, and three towels were laid out. We taxed the available space in the shower, but we got it done in record time with busy hands helping out. My wife was waiting, sitting in the chair in the corner of the bedroom. Her first remark was to laugh, which confused all of us. She cleared it up, saying how she enjoyed all our cocks but never at the same time. Dean was quick and said, “What makes you think you’re getting any cock tonight, less all three of ours?” My wife laughed again, this time being joined by all of us.

l climbed up on top of the bed, legs spread. l said, “Come and get it.” The boys didn’t waste any time, and their warm tongues racing up and down my cock felt incredible. Joe left Dean at it, and he moved over me; the tip of his cock glistened with pre-cum which l swiped away with the tip of my tongue. Then l locked my lips around the head of his cock to my wife’s full approval.

Wife: “That’s it, Baby, suck that cock.”

I found being egged on by her a big turn-on, and l did my level best to get his big dick balls deep. It all became too much, and l unloaded my seed in Dean’s hungry mouth. l apologized, not for cumming but for doing it so quickly. Joe told me it was fine and that my mouth and ass were still good to go. And yes, they were. Before l knew it, Joe was deep in my ass as l sucked on Dean’s cock. All while my wife cheered us on.

l felt the bed shake, then in the corner of my eye, l spotted my wife joining us, strapped up and ready for action. We fucked for the next two hours, no holds barred nor holes unattended. Dean and Joe popped back into the shower before bidding us ado, and as for my wife and l, we remained in our bed, a sticky mess in each other’s arms. Such things could ruin others, but they only served to bring us even closer, as was our relationship with Joe and Dean.


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