Soccer Bitch Boys Pt. 05

A gay story: Soccer Bitch Boys Pt. 05 “Bruno, dear! Julio is here.” My mother yelled from downstairs.

My boyfriend. I tasted the thought. It tasted good.

I gave a last quick glance at the mirror. My shirt and pants were tight like Julio liked. Most importantly they were blue. I hurried downstairs and saw my mom in the kitchen, laying down the breakfast. She had her hair tightened up in a bun, which made her look younger. She raised her eyes at me. “Don’t forget to ask him if he wants to join us for breakfast.”

“You know he does, mom,” I said. She smiled. She liked Julio and thought he was sweet and charming and a great company for her son.

I opened the front door and Julio gave me a big smile, already removing his jacket as he entered. “I can smell Marta’s food from down the street,” he said. He looked genuinely eager. And he also was on first name basis with my mother.

His bike was parked on the front of the house. Now that he was my official transport to college, he had every reason to come by every day. Julio had left his helmet on the clutch. I went to fetch it, shaking my head. Julio waited for me.

“Thank you, baby,” he whispered. “I forgot.”

“Anytime.” I put the helmet next to mine on a side table.

His hair was a bit messy from the helmet. He was letting it grow. He had curly hair like me. We looked alike a lot, except he was taller and more hairy, and much more handsome.

My handsome boyfriend. The thought slid through my mind like a nice soft breeze.

His beard was unkempt, like he had forgotten to trim it for a few days, but I knew that was the way he liked it. It made him look rough. He wore a long-sleeve red shirt and navy jeans. The tight jeans had been specifically chosen to make his volume shine. “Come on, let’s eat,” I said.

“Is Jack home?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said curtly. No more Mr. Santos. It was Jack now. Marta and Jack. I wasn’t mad that he was more intimate with my parents…it was almost sweet. But he was very interested in my father lately.

Ever since he put on his head the idea he wanted to make dad watch us. But…I had agreed. That was that.

I was relieved that mom was home today, though. Things couldn’t go forward while she was here. We all agreed on that.

Mother greeted Julio with a hug. There was already orange juice on a cup for him because she knew it was his favorite. We sat down side by side, while she went to call dad. He joined us shortly after, saying that grandpa wouldn’t come because he wasn’t feeling well. So we ate without him.

“Jack, what about that thing we talked about?” Julio said.

Both my mother and I looked up at that. For different reasons, I was sure.

She was just curious. I was a little jealous…behind my back?

I had not looked at my dad at all during that breakfast, but now I was forced to. Lately, I pretended he didn’t exist. Balding, big round glasses, buttoned-up shirt, he had the weakling look. Yesterday, I even had a mini-fight with Julio because he said I looked like my dad a little. He said we had the same eyes and smile. I didn’t see it.

“You two have been talking?” I said.

Dad chuckled. He chose to look at mom, cleaning his glasses, a fixed smile upon his face.

“Well, Julio thought I should join them in their morning runs. I do need to pump up my health.”

Julio looked at me expectantly. I knew I had to say what I didn’t want to say.

“That’s a great idea, dad.”

“I think so too,” mom said. “Gotta get back that physique from when we starting dating.”

“Honey, that’s impossible,” dad said.

“Awesome, that’s settled, then,” Julio said. “And I think Jack will definitely get his physique back. Let’s be honest, Marta, there’s not a big way to go. Your man looks great!”

“Absolutely!” Mother said. She was chuckling, holding a napkin to her lips. “Jack, darling, I didn’t mean to say you look bad.”

“Who knows, maybe we can play some soccer too,” Julio said. “Let’s play a match some time, Jack. You, me, your son.”

“Three players? How would that work?” I said, scoffing.

When breakfast was over, Julio and I left the house. Once we were mounted on his motorcycle, I let out some of my frustration.

“You talked to my dad behind my back?”

Julio had his leg raised to start up the engine, but stopped.

“Behind your back? What does that mean?” He removed his helmet just to face me. “Uh? Cat ate your tongue? Do I have to ask permission to talk to your dad?”

“No, sir.”

“I didn’t hear that, can you please speak a little louder?”

“No, sir.”

“No, sir, what?”

“You don’t have to ask permission.”


“I love you.”

“That’s right.” He finally started the engine. It rumbled and shook. I grabbed his waist below the jacket. “And to answer your question, I grew tired of waiting.”

I vent off to my captain during training.

Not really training because there weren’t any matches happening anytime soon, and there was only me and Lucas on the field, making passes and kicking the ball to each other. The sun was scorching, but I missed the feel of it. He listened to my complaints in silence, with that air of captain, even when there wasn’t any team.

“Do you want me to talk to Ricardo?” Lucas said. “Maybe he could put some sense into Julio. He is the captain of the reds after all.”

“No,” I said quickly. I kicked the ball to him. “No, he wouldn’t like that. He would think it’s a breaking of trust. We kind of decided to do things our way.”

“Well, isn’t that what he’s doing by going behind your back with your dad? Breaking your trust?” Lucas kicked the ball to me. I missed and ran a few steps to catch it.

“No, captain. Because he thinks I want this…”

“Do you?” he asked. I kicked the ball.

“I… don’t think so. Involving my dad. I…I don’t know how to explain. It’s a whole new level of fucked up. There’s no way to fix things. I can’t even pretend to have any respect left for him. I guess I expected him to care more. It’s like he gave up on me.”

“You could try to explain to Julio.”

Lucas grabbed the ball and held it against his waist. He looked at me solemnly.

“He’ll think I’m being stupid, which I am. He’ll be mad. I don’t want him to…”

As if reading my thoughts, Lucas came closer and asked in a low voice. “Are you jealous of your dad?” he said. “Cause if you are, buddy, I can assure you, that dude loves you.”

My face burned hot and it wasn’t because of the sun. I shook my head.

“This is all your fault, captain,” I said, evading the topic. We walked to the benches. He splashed some water on his face and sat next to me. I felt his warmth as our thighs touched.

“Who would’ve thought. You and me. Madly in love with two assholes,” Lucas said.

“Cocky assholes.”

“Big-cocked cocky assholes.”

I looked at him. He looked back. “I still don’t know how it happened.”

“It was meant to be.”

I looked around the field. “I miss playing. Fuck, soccer was the one thing that we had on them. It’s okay to take cock up my holes, but to lose on purpose…that was our worst mistake, captain.”

“Too late now. At least, we sort of did that collectively without planning.”

“We are all guilty.”

Lucas lay back on the bench. He looked up at the sky. “The others are probably feeling the same way. Maybe there’s something we can do to revert the situation. I wanna be captain again. I want to make Ricardo rage.” He smirked sideways in a vicious way. “You don’t know how he fucks when he’s mad…Hmmmm.”

“Slut,” I said. Lucas laughed. “But I get it. Julio is like that too.”

“We gotta get back some of our…not dignity, that’s long gone. But maybe some of our control.”

Just as we finished talking, Felipe showed up in his uniform. The stud walked proudly like a stallion, chest forward, shoulders back. He was smirking.

“Training without me, pussies?” He said.

Lucas and I looked at each other and smiled.

An hour and a few phone calls later, the team was playing together again. The captain tailed Felipe, smiling, taunting. The twins, Juarez, Kaique and Hugo, they were all there. I played with my friends, thinking about nothing else, except that I didn’t want this to go away.

After a day of running, kicking and sweating, we retired to the benches. I grabbed my phone, noticed the dozens of messages and called Julio. I looked around and moved away from everybody for privacy.

“Hey, baby,” I said. “Guess where I am.”

“You could’ve warned me,” he said. His voice made me wary.

“It wasn’t planned, I swear.”

“You didn’t talk to me the whole day. Are you coming home?” he said.

“I’m about to head to the showers. I could arrive there in maybe twenty minutes, give or take.”

“I want you smelly and sweaty,” Julio said. “Do you have any idea how good you smell after a soccer day? Come now. Forget about showers. Leave those losers and come now.”

Lucas watched me approach.

“Gotta go,” I said. “No showers for me.”

Lucas nodded. He understood. He guided the rest of the team to the showers, while I watched longingly. But then I remembered my husky hunk and quickly headed to my bike and biked away to his house.

Julio grabbed me the moment he opened the front door. Anyone could see us! Insane stupid ass. I was worse for letting him, grab my butt, kiss my neck, rub our cocks. I pushed him inside.

“I’m so dirty,” I confessed. “Maybe a shower together?”

“No way, you know I like eating your pretty ass when you’re dirty.”


He showed his tongue like a dog, crazed, possessed by lust.

“Yeah baby let’s be disgustin’ together.”

“But it’s not just sweat, I’m covered in dirt,” I said.

Julio pulled me to the bedroom. My shorts were halfway to my thighs, underwear covering only half my ass, and his hands spreading my cheeks.

“Let’s make a mess on my sheets,” he said against my ear. He threw me down, jumped on me.

Julio, kissing me, smiling against my face. His hard dick against my crotch. It was leaking, drooling. Nine inches of thick veins pulsing. Soon they were pulsing inside me, so deep I could feel his balls up against my butt. With strong thrusts, he made both me and the bed squeak. After filling me up, he ate his own semen out of my butthole. “Squirt it out for daddy,” he said. And I forced it all out. His tongue entered me. He ate everything. “My jizz taste good when it’s mixed with you,” he said. “I love your man pussy so much, baby.”

He got out of bed, triumphant in his walk. There was no other way to see it. His limp cock dripped juice. My eyes followed him, while my body recovered. He cleaned the leftover juice with a thumb and licked it. It was such a simple act but it made me want to get fucked again.

He turned his back, showing his nice round buttocks covered in hair. I wished he would sit on my face, suffocated me with that cake. He looked so relaxed, so self-assured.

“What are you searching for?”

“This,” he said. He turned, holding what seemed to be a collar. It was made of black leather, shining in the bedroom light. Julio was watching my reaction. “Don’t worry, I won’t make you wear in front of people. What do you say? Wanna put this on for me?”

Did I? I was lying comfortably in his bed, exhausted from so much physical activity. First soccer, then relentless sex, my muscles were beginning to complain. I stretched my legs on his sheets, groaning, smiling. Julio chuckled.

“Come here, right now,” he said calmly. I moved slowly, kneeling on the bed. The hair on his chest was sticking to the sweaty skin. He was so fit and lean I could place a finger in the cracks in between his abs. The smell of his cock reached me even from a distance, and I had to reach out and hold his swelling meat and hairy balls. “I wanna hear you. Would you put this on for me?”

“You know I would,” I said truthfully.

“But do you want to?” he asked.

I looked at the collar and considered. What did it really mean?

I looked at his face next, his beautiful eyes and hooked nose. His tanned skin and curly dark hair.

He said he wanted to put me on a leash and display me around. When he said that, I hadn’t been angry that he was treating me so disrespectfully. I was pleased. Happy. It made me horny. If that doesn’t make me his, I don’t know what does.

“I do.”

Julio smiled. “Like we’re getting married,” he said. He said jokingly, but I felt my body shiver. He noticed this and laughed. “One thing at a time, baby.”

I stayed put, on my knees, as his hands wrapped the collar on my neck. He kissed me slowly before pulling himself away to look at me from a distance. He looked so pleased with me, but even more with himself.

“You look so good, Bruno. Love you.” His voice was shaky. He had never looked so attractive. And his cock was bouncing, fully erect. “I’m going to show your father how I took his baby boy from him. His pride and joy, his only son. I took you and put a collar on you.”

So the plan was to tell my mom that we were going to run in the park early in the morning. In fact, we were going to go straight to Julio’s house, locking ourselves in the bedroom.

My father came to my room one night, when the house was asleep. He wanted to talk. He sat on the bed next to where I lay.

“I think it would be best if we stop this right now. My soccer days are over, son. It’s your time to enjoy this. I would only make things weird. I can see you are uncomfortable with me, maybe disappointed. I hope we can make amends one day.” Dad patted my hand. I was covered in my sheets. He moved as if to leave so I grabbed his arm.

“Sorry, dad. I can tell you this, though. Julio will be sad. He was looking forward.”

“Well, I care more about how you feel, Bruno.”


“No need to explain. I believed it was just…how it was for me. A momentary fever dream. Years and years of kicking balls into the enemy’s net in the field and then sucking their balls in the lockerooms.”

I was shocked, but dad chuckled.

“But it’s more, isn’t it? You love Julio? That boy is a good one. A jock. But also chivalrous when he needs to be. He is both vile and gentle when he talks about you. He loves you, son. Our talks have been about nothing but you. Me, however. I have your mother now. My time is over and I have no desire to be a nuisance to you.”

“Dad,” I said. He turned to me, glasses slipping towards the tip of his long nose. He pushed it back. His humble face smiled at me. He waited. “Your time is not over. Fuck that.”

“But you…”

“I love you. I know you love me. I’ve been acting kind of stupid, but it was selfish of me. I’ve done so much stuff you wouldn’t believe. If you want me to share it with you…I’ll do it. Many boys out there would love to have that kind of connection with their dads.”

“Then what, son?”

“Let’s move forward. No looking back, alright?”

Mother woke up early to prepare a breakfast for father and son. We had both decided without planning to wear Blue uniform, his was old and more vivid, while mine was the current official uniform.

Julio would like that. I told him that when we got into the car.

“Things haven’t changed much, then,” he said.

“Dad, I think I better say some things before we get there.” I took a deep breath. “Julio is nasty. Very kinky. Very naughty. Everything I said to you about what he did to me…he pretty much does what he wants to me, and I love it…I love every little bit of it, and I love him to death.”

Dad grabbed his volume. It was growing in his shorts.

“Thank you for sharing with me, son. No need to be ashamed of those things. I was a pretty wild slut in my time. Believe me, I’ve done many guys around town.”

Now I was getting excited.

“Well, me too. I did the whole team. I’m the biggest slut you can think of.”


“Oh, yeah. I’ve taken two at once,” I said proudly. Dad didn’t bat an eye.

“Have you tried fisting?” he asked. I stared wide eyed at him, unbelieving. “Well, there you go. I’m a bigger slut than you.”

“Jesus, how do you still have an asshole?”

He shrugged. But a part of me was proud of my old man. Fisting? Damn.

Half-an hour later, in Julio’s house, in a small bedroom which I had spent many recent hours, my dad was made to smell a used-up briefs while Julio, from behind, against the bed, pounded me.

He wasn’t going to risk any sudden delays. He had barely used lube as he ordered me to go on fours, and so my poor insides were burning up with the friction.

He grabbed my head and forced me to look at my father, who was hard as rock, like a perverted old man. “Look at him. I want you to lock eyes until I tell you to stop.”

My father had not said a word since Julio told him to shut up. It was as if he thought of Julio the same way I did. Julio was the one who called the shots.

Our eyes were fixed together, sharing feelings. He was smelling Julio’s underwear, definitely understanding how worthy it was of being worshipped, and there was nothing he could do but watch.

Julio slapped my bum with a sharpness that made my eyes water, then he pulled his cock and let his cum gush out of me. “Hole properly filled. Bitch boy properly bred. A job well done,” Julio said, beaming with self-congratulation. “Look at your son. Look at his pussy! Come closer. Come look. It’s so beautiful.”

Of course he told my dad to come closer and see. For a moment, I panicked, wondering if he would tell my dad to suck it. But Julio sucked it himself, and I moaned, pleasure and relief mingled together.

“Stop jerking off, you old fuck,” Julio’s voice brought me back. My father slowly obeyed, face growing red, noticing the tone too. “I’m just fucking with you, Jack. Go ahead. He’s not your son anymore.”

He went back to my ass. My buttcheeks were spread apart. After much moaning, my abused hole was a clean, pulsing rawness. Saliva was running down my balls.

Dad had cum all over himself. His cock was half-hard against his belly. He smiled.

“Jack, I’m serious. When he accepted my collar around his neck, he accepted what that meant. He’s mine. I’m his daddy now. You’re just Jack. From now on, you’ll never call him son again, and he will never think of you as his father. You’re gonna be Jack. Understood?”

Dad wasn’t taking him seriously yet…But I recognized his voice. Julio was serious. He had been smart too, choosing to drop that bomb after Jack had shot his load, the evidence of his shame staining his body. He had ejaculated all over himself while watching his son get fucked. His mind must have been a wreck.

I lay back on Julio’s arm as he kissed my face. He pulled me closer to the side of the bed, hugging me. We left a big space on the bed, where upon Julio patted a few times, calling my dad-Jack- as if he was an obedient dog.

And as an obedient dog, Jack came. Julio wasn’t done, of course. His cock was hard again, and he fucked my ass with Jack, the man who raised me, right beside us. Julio was rough, thumping his body with the eagerness of a bull.

“Hold his cock,” Julio told Jack. I felt my cock be grabbed. I closed my eyes. “Come on, baby, open your eyes, look at Jack.”

Jack and I were forced to stare at each other. During this time, a realization dawned on me. It happened quickly.

For a moment, while Jack and I had been looking into each other’s eyes, he had diverted his gaze towards Julio for a split second, and I saw such admiration there that the older man had appeared young again, an eager cocksucker teen, ready to please.

The realization was, it was almost like I was looking in a mirror. I finally saw what Julio had seen. My dad and I looked alike. But when he looked at Julio with desire pouring through, I could truly see myself in him.

Jack was rubbing my leg and his fingers brushed my balls, but even when he kept touching it, it felt paternal, like he was appreciating his big boy for having such big balls. Julio was watching. I had a feeling he was okay with it. I went over to Jack and lay my head on his shoulder. He inclined his head towards me, putting his chin on my hair.

“Two little bitches,” Julio said, getting up. But his tone was not without kindness, and he was growing hard again.

“Are you a machine?” Jack asked, voice filled with wonder.

Julio knelt on the bed and put his crotch in my face. “Open your mouth and suck my cock,” he said. “Watch closely, Jack. Watch my pussy boy bobbing on my cock. He loves pleasing me. I’m his man. I made him my bitch.”

Julio rubbed the shaft all over my face. “Keep licking the head slowly. Make me ready, baby,” he said gruffly.

I felt my father’s presence so close to my face. He must be shocked at how deep I can take a dick in my throat. And Julio didn’t let him rest easy, always provoking him with emasculating remarks, demeaning myself and my father both.

“See how he loves my meat? I’ll make him gag with cum soon enough. Your little boy grew up to be a slut, how proud are you?”

“I’m so proud of him. Even though he’s not my son anymore.”

I gasped, and turned to look at my dad. At Jack. But Julio quickly wrapped his fingers on my head and wrenched it around to keep sucking. Deep inside, he still punished me with a slap which left my cheek burning. He chuckled loudly. “Are you surprised, baby?”

I took a deep breath to answer. “A little.”

“Sorry, Bruno. But I can see you want this too.” My dad…Jack sounded genuine.

I looked up at Julio. “I’m a little hurt, though,” I said.

Julio looked confused. He quirked an eyebrow. “Really, baby?” He lowered himself and placed a kiss on my lips.

“I thought this man was my father, but he’s just another bitch boy. Maybe you can punish him for hurting me?”

His eyes widened; so did Jack’s.

Julio wasn’t convinced. “Are you serious?” he kept asking. “You mean it? For real, for real? Deadass?”

It took a while for me to convince both men, but when I did, I could tell both of them were happy, even though they tried to hide it. My dad was almost a little happy bunny wriggling his ass. A fucking shame. It made me horny though. The more I thought dirty things about dad, the more used I got, and hotter it felt.

“Fuck this old man’s hole, baby,” I said. “Destroy him. Rip him apart.” I was like a cheerleader, and it reminded me of that fateful night on Lucas’s bedroom, when Ricardo turned me into a bitch boy.

“You’re right,” Julio said, slapping my father’s upturned buttcheek roughly. It was so strange, watching that scene. No amount of playfullness or roleplay could change the fact this man was my dad, and he was eager to get fucked by my boyfriend.

Before we could turn to action, Julio ordered my dad to take a shower and relax. My mother called me to ask why we were taking so long, so I had to come up with an excuse, while dad was showering, unable to answer his phone. But when he got out of the shower, he went straight to the bed, doggy-style ready to be pounded from behind.

Strange that Jack seemed to completely forget he had a wife home. There he lay, comfortable in my boyfriend’s bed, acting so natural. I could almost get jealous, if I wasn’t happy for him. He looked so so glad.

Julio noticed too. He chuckled under his breath. “Fucking slut,” he said. And Jack blushed.

There, in Julio’s small untidy bedroom which had not seen a proper cleaning for a few weeks, amidst the mess of sheets, under the soft light of morning slanting through the closed blinds of a window, my view of the man who I used to call father changed forever.

Julio took that view with his seven-inches and left it gaping open and raw. The cries that came out of Jack could just as easily have been coming from a bitch in heat. His cheeks got clapped so hard by Julio’s crotch, I wondered how he would hide them from mother. At one point he started to drool all over Julio’s pillows, biting them. From time to time, Julio looked over at me by the bed, jerking myself off in a sort of trance. Whatever he saw in my face didn’t make him want to stop. Soon enough, the breeding was over. Jack was left gaping, blinking his anus as if trying to shut it but unable too. It looked like a bottomless dark pit from the way it was ajar.

“Did my ass ever look like that?”

“Yours is not sagged yet, baby,” Julio said. “You’re much tighter.”

Julio spent a few minutes kissing me, while Jack moaned beside us. He was murmuring unintelligible things. We ignored him and kissed.

“Are you feeling guilty?” I said, because Julio didn’t want to let me go.

“No. Of course not. No reason to.”

“That’s right,” I said. “This old bitch deserved it.”

“I sure did.”

We took a moment to rest, but eventually Jack rose up. “We need to go, Bruno.”

We dressed but before we left, Julio flashed us his cocky smirk. “Remember, no more calling each other son and dad.”

The ride home started as a silent one, but the silence was loud. Jack didn’t want to look at me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to say anything. So I just grabbed his hand and held it firmly. Like I was his little boy again, the one he used to take to watch soccer games. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

“Did you have fun?” I asked.

“Uh…yeah. I hadn’t had that much fun in years.”

Our hands were locked tight now.

“As long as we have fun. That’s all that matters, dad.”

He looked at me.

“You’re right, son.”

He would always be my dad, no matter what crazy sex game Julio wanted us to play.

What Julio didn’t see, Julio didn’t know.

So guys, I wanna apologise. I’ve been really insecure about my writing lately. I usually write stuff, but it turns out too much story and not a lot of sex, which is kind of what I feel is expected of me here. So I try to write sex into it but it feels robotic and I give up. That’s why I take so long to post it. But I wanna thank the guys who are always commenting on my stories. It’s so nice and warms my heart. You know who you are.

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