Sodomy on the Sofa


A gay story: Sodomy on the Sofa I dated Mark’s wife Tiffany before Mark did. But I was married to India now. We had all been friends since high school and the past was the past. In fact, Mark had dated India a few times as well. Our history made us a close knit group so it wasn’t weird. Additionally, time and maturity helped us to be great friends even now that Tiffany’s last name was Richardson and India’s last name was Stevens.

Tiffany was a sweet girl. Still pleasant to look at, even compared to my memories of how cute she was naked back in the day. But she was meek and prudish, and didn’t have an uninhibited bone in her body. We only had sex a few times back then but she felt guilty and acted awkward afterwards every time.

Surely, India was much better suited to me. Wild and without fear, we did everything adventurous both in and out of bed. These days, in contrast, it was me who was the inhibited one. I loved her sucking my cock and I loved eating her pussy, but she tried to push me to do stuff with my butt. I could handle doing stuff to hers with the help of some alcohol, but it was too much when the tables were turned – too gay.

So one day the girls went to a shower leaving us alone for the afternoon. They’d just left within the last hour. I was hanging out with Mark, lifting in his garage, when I noticed the home page of a porn site on his computer. It was just sitting there open on his workbench like he had no shame.

“Does Tiffany know about this? Is that why you hide it out in the garage?”

“In a way.” He answered. I looked at him sideways. “She’s seen what you’ve seen just now. But she pretends not to see it. She’s good to me that way.”

I agreed skeptically, then added conspiratorially, “But she’s not good to you the same way India was.”

He looked instantly hurt. “Sorry Mark. I didn’t mean it like that. You know as well as I do that both girls have fine, great qualities.” I felt like I needed to point out a flaw with my wife to even things up. “You and I both know India can be ambitious when she wants her own way.”

“Ambitious? Or scheming?” I hadn’t thought of it as scheming, but now that he’d used the word it fit.

“Touché.” Surely we were even now.

The question in the back of my mind was: “Which combination of qualities was better? Would I prefer a wife as agreeable as Tiffany but it meant I resorted to keeping a laptop in the garage? Or did I prefer a girl like India who was everything a man could want in bed, but she strived against me constantly?”

In short, the two wives were night and day in terms of looks and temperament.

The quickest way I could think to change the subject was to mention the porn. Mark was doing an easy set and didn’t need any spotting. It seemed like he never needed any spotting: he was naturally strong, cut, and built. I was the smart one. “Mind if I crank up a video? Just for background noise?” He answered with a wave of his hand.

I saw this thumbnail where a bottle blonde slut was looking back over her shoulders as she gesticulated and gyrated, showing off her fine ass. She was so trampy-hot perched atop a huge bean-bag couch.

Her sexy white thong crept down past her sexy asshole barely covering it. The dark edges of her anal ring peaked out seductively as did her outer pussy lips.

Meanwhile the minx rubbed her hand on her perfect butt cheeks, smiling invitingly. My favorite category of porn would be called ‘solo girls’ which always involved one actress displaying what she had, maybe masturbating. And this looked like it was exactly that.

The model was the opposite of India. Blonde rather than raven haired. Tan rather than snow white. And curvy rather than slim. I rarely watch porn. I mean, India keeps me thoroughly drained. I thought about poor Mark, I bet his balls were bursting at the seams.

He finished his set and poured a couple beers, looking at the vid I’d picked. “You like these sodomy videos, Randal? Cause I do.”

“Oh, I thought it was just a babe video. But all porn is exciting as far as it goes.”

“Lesbo porn?”

Our eyes met, “Yea sure.”

“Blowjob porn?”


“Chicks with dicks?”

I looked back to the harlot Thumbnail, “Why not?”

“Chicks with dicks sodomizing their partner?”

Not overthinking it I shrugged in casual affirmation.

He smirked at me, “Huh?”

I suddenly realized that I’d implied that I had a hard-on for trannys. I don’t. I just think cocks are less objectionable attached to a female body as opposed to a hairy dude’s. It felt like he had tricked me so I shot back at him with a sharp barb, “Tiffany would never do it.”

“Oh, Tiffany absolutely does it!” He leered at me smugly. I felt like he’d just sucker punched me. To me it meant that his wife was sweetly amenable AND into anal. He was winning. No, more likely he was lying.

I was incredulous, “No she doesn’t!” He had this playful yet deceptive look on his face as I reiterated my point. “You’re lying. A million dollars says so.”

He dismissed me, turning away, “I could prove it. But you don’t have a million dollars.”

“How could you possibly prove it? Anyway, I won’t accept anything less than video proof.” I knew that the uncorrupted Tiffany, not only would she never let Mark in her back door, but she wouldn’t even let video be taken, not nude video, not ever, not under any circumstances. I was sure of it. I would bet the farm on it.

Mark picked up a couple dumbbells and proceeded to pump up his bulging biceps. I felt a pang of jealousy. I couldn’t let him drop it: get away with making such an outlandish claim. “You prove it and, and, I’ll, I’ll clean your whole garage, mow your grass for a month, anything you want.”

Mark put down his weights, “Oh, I can prove it.” He had a shit eating grin on his arrogant face. Still, I just knew he was jerking my chain. Seemingly as an after thought he added, “And I accept your terms, you have to do whatever I want.”

I shot back, “You prove that Tiffany does it and I’ll do whatever you want.”

He smiled slyly, “just so we’re clear – if I prove that TIFFANY does it, and by “it” I mean Sodomy – then you do whatever I want. Even if it’s ALL my chores or whatever.” It felt incomprehensibly wrong that he’d used the word sodomy in the same sentence as the word Tiffany.

It was my turn to challenge him, “So to be perfectly clear, “You show me a bona fide video. One where the girl being obviously rear ended is Tiffany. No doubts: you can see her face. It’s really Tiffany and there’s like indisputable anal penetration. Then you win.” I figured he would back out now. Slap me on the back and say he was joking.

Pained, he understood how I doubted Tiffany’s sexual liberty and got serious, “You’ll see her face as clear as you’ve seen in the last hour. You’ll see a title on the video declaring her name. You’ll see her naked ass and you’ll see explicit rectal penetration…with a cock,” His gaze seemed to drift past the computer, right to the old sheet-covered couch in his garage, “right there on the sofa.”

He changed his tenor, pointing to his laptop, “Oh, and as penance you’ll dress up like the girl in that video when you cut the grass.” The bottle blonde slut was still shaking her ass on the giant bean bag. He enunciated as he spit out his words, “Can I be any more clear?”

I pictured him retrieving an old CD with a handwritten label on the side declaring something like ‘Tiffany Vacation 2013’. Or maybe a vid right there on his laptop showing Tiffany’s face and naked ass. It had been years since I’d seen her naked and my memories had faded more than the upholstery on his old couch. It would be worth the risk of the humiliation to see her naked again. It would be worth a month of doing his chores to see Mark’s wife, not just nude, but engaged in sex – anal sex no less. All these years and I still kept a flame burning for my old love.

Still I sensed a trick here so I re-clarified the important terms, “OK, one: the video is gonna be clearly labeled. Two: It’ll be Tiffany. Three: it’ll be anal sex.”

He jeered at me, holding up his fingers, “One, two, and three, then you do whatever I want for the rest of the afternoon. I just have to prove exactly what we just specified. No going back. No squirming out of it.”

He made me shake on it. Then he just turned tail and walked into the house. Man, even his butt was muscular. I wasn’t checking him out. That’d be gay. Just noticing that he was defined everywhere, unlike my body that stayed slim no matter how much I worked out.

When he got back he was holding a pair of Tiffany’s granny panties. With an arrogant intensity he grabbed a pair of scissors from his work bench and proceeded to fashion them into a thong, “You might as well get ready to put these on.”

I matched his arrogance, “She doesn’t even own a pair of thong panties and you expect me to believe that Tiffany lets herself be…sodomized?” I almost couldn’t choke out that last word.

He was red-faced and tossed the homemade thong onto the keyboard, “You’re looking at Tiffany’s thong right now, buddy. And you’re gonna eat your smug-ass words.”

I pushed it too far, boasting greatly, “India’s got a whole dresser full of lewd undergarments… and other stuff.” I didn’t feel as confident in my wife’s superiority as I let him think. Her lingerie collection was quite sexy. But the other stuff scared me.

Mark reached over to the keyboard, “My plan WAS to just gloat. But now you’re gonna pay.” He put the video on full screen, “What’s the name of this video we’re watching right now?”

I peered at the upper corner of the screen reading slowly, “Tiffany Rayne Sodomized on the Sofa.”

Mark rejoiced in his victory, “What was that? The name of the actress?”

I hung my head, “Tiffany.” I saw what he was doing and squirmed. “No you don’t. You’re not pulling a technicality on me.”

That’s exactly what I’m doing. I can’t help it if you’re too dense to have seen it coming. One, it’s clearly labeled. Two, it’s Tiffany, and three, she’s doing anal as we speak. I thought about just walking out. But that would be unmanly to run away.

He tapped the screen, “I even pointed to the title on the screen when we were setting the terms of the bet.” Taunting me he picked up the makeshift panties, holding them out for me to see, and then like a bully, he yanked them down on my head, pulling them in place snugly. “I gave you every chance to notice the other Tiffany. I even said her name all drawn out to point out what I was doing. You’re not gonna welch out of it now like a pansy, are you?

I wasn’t quite hearing his words then or now, because at that moment I was realizing that he had taken a pair of the real Tiffany’s used panties from the house and I was smelling the pungent aroma of my ex-girlfriend’s pussy. I’d never had the pleasure before as she and I had never done any oral sex when I dated her. We hadn’t even played stink finger.

My cock was rock hard in my shorts. “Fine! You win. It’s just a dumb bet.”

“A dumb bet that you’re gonna make good on Mr. My-Wife’s-Better-Than-Yours. Now eat humble pie and take off all your clothes and put on the panties.”

His words made me think of eating Tiffany’s pussypie. I’d never even seen it but I imagined licking the sweet girl’s labia as I stripped. It would be naturally unshaved, almost neglected, but all the more alluring for its raw verdant and pastoral charm. I willed my erection to go down but was only half successful.

“Dude! You’re getting hard for my wife’s panties. You’re gonna get it now.” His voice was angry but his grin was teasing.

“Um, you’re not really gonna make me do the lawn like this? I’ll do anything else.”

“Oh, I know you will. A bet is a bet. And you already agreed to anything – with nothing more than trust in our friendship to protect you. But that was before you dissed my wife.”

By now I was wearing only her panties with the tiny almost imperceptibly pussy-stained spot caressing my dick. I couldn’t will my dick to go down but I was able to keep it from going fully hard.

Mark started the video over at the beginning, “Since you’re wearing Tiffany’s panties,” he pointed to the panties, “you might as well act like Tiffany.” Then he moved his pointing finger over to the other more sexual Tiffany.

“Now go get on the sofa – just like her – and shake your booty.” It was a world better than opening the garage door and pushing the mower out into our neighborhood. People would talk. India would surely hear.

Mark continued, “Put on a good show.” He adjusted the computer screen so it was angled to give me a perfect view from the sofa.

Regarding my options, I knew India would only laugh when she heard about me cutting the grass in panties. She’s no prude. But I also thought about Tiffany learning about it too. Unlike India she would be judgemental. It would destroy every manly memory she had of me from way back when, when we had been intimate. Staying in the garage was the only choice.

Mark was laughing right now at that very instant. “Copy TIFFANY exactly! Do everything she does.” The porn whore was acting coy and caressing her bum. I did my best. I would play along for a few minutes and when Mark felt sufficiently justified it would be over.

I heard the guy in the video say, “I need you. How old are you?”

Mark commanded me, “Look over your shoulder and smile seductively.”

Now say, ” ‘I’m only nineteen’. Like she did.”

I said it and Mark gave me more stage direction, “You gotta rub your crack just like she is.”

Mark was watching the bimbo intently with his cock tenting his shorts triumphantly. The other Tiffany was telling her partner, “I’ve only had toys up there.”

Mark was laughing so hard now he was crying, “She put her finger inside. Now you gotta do the same, dude.” I resisted but he just rolled the lawnmower a little closer.

On the vid the guy was saying, “You got a pretty little butthole.”

I watched the pornqueen lick her finger after it had been in her butt and Mark’s stern face told me I had to do the same.

The guy in the video asked Tiffany if it tasted good, then Mark repeated the line, “Does it taste good, Tiffany?” He took a perverse delight in calling me Tiffany.

Tiffany answered saying, “Mmm, it does.”

Mark had mimicked the guy in the video and then it was my turn: “Mmm, it does.”

Slut Tiffany rolled over onto her back and started touching herself. I had no choice, I stroked my panties then pulled them aside just like Tiffany, revealing my fully hard cock to Mark’s gloating eyes. The actor was asking, “What do you think about when you masturbate?”

Forcing myself to smile I answered just like Tiffany: “Dick.” Then I giggled self-consciously, but as required. Secretly I wondered if my dick would stand up in a comparison to Mark’s?

I heard the guy say, “You wanna pull on my cock?” Surely this would degrade me enough to satisfy Mark. His cock felt hot in my hand. It was alive and manly with blood coursing through it. It was every bit as impressive as the male pornstar’s. Furthermore, I heard, “Think about my cock being inside you.” And a jolt of excitement hit me which I chalked up to nerves.

But when the actor was saying, “In your mouth maybe,” I knew what was going to happen – on screen anyway.

I objected, “Surely you don’t want me to do that.” It was a disgusting and dangerous idea. Mark was as straight as an arrow. He would never…

Mark held up fingers like before, “Firstly, we agreed that you would do anything. So IF that’s what I want, you have to do it. Secondly, if you look closely at the screen, you’ll see a tiny window in the upper corner. That’s the video I’ve been recording of you since you started. I don’t think people will understand that you’re only copying Miss Rayne.”

“They’ll just see a video of you in a thong telling the world how you’ve had toys up your butt, how your ass tastes good, and how you like to play with your ‘pussy’ while thinking about dick.”

“I’d love to embarrass you by showing it to a few people. But think of India. That wouldn’t be fair to her to show people how she’s married to a fag.”

The word ‘fag’ was so demeaning. He’d never been mean to me before. Why’d he have to use THAT word? Lesson learned: never put down a guy’s wife – and definitely never prove to him that the aspersions are true. How far was he gonna push it?

He went on, “And you’re right, I don’t really want your guy lips on my dick.” He waited for a pregnant moment, then, “But you’re gonna do it because you deserve a little humiliation.”

He had me dead to rights. I was beaten and I owed him with or without the incriminating evidence. “Ok. I’ll do it. But I have one important condition.” Mark’s eyes asked what it was so I gave him my answer, “Only if you delete the recording.”

He turned, hit the space bar, then spent a few minutes deleting the video, and the trash folder, and his browser history. His buns were much more impressive nude: muscular and taut. I wished I had firm glutes like Mark’s instead of a tiny soft bum that India made fun of when she called it feminine.

I saw how carefully practiced he was as he scrubbed all the evidence. Maybe Tiffany wasn’t so accepting after all. Meanwhile, unknown to Mark I propped my phone up in an inconspicuous place to make my own incriminating recording.

When he returned to me he had his cock in hand expecting payment. “Slide down onto the floor like the slut.” The recording wouldn’t save me, it had to show some ill-begotten behavior first. And so far Mark hadn’t done anything that he could never ever let his wife learn about. It would be a different story after the penetration.

Should I do it? I’d had a guy blow me once in college on a dare. It didn’t look like it had been too horrible. And India did it all the time…

Kneeling on the floor in front of him Mark patted my head condescendingly, “Just for a minute I suppose. Enough for you to learn your lesson. Just long enough that when I call you a dicklicker you’ll KNOW it’s true.

Mark towered over me, “I’m not gonna enjoy it like when my puritanical wife’s head is bobbing up and down. But I guess the point really IS more that YOU won’t enjoy it.”

Without thinking I blurted out, “Tiffany’s no cocksucker! I don’t believe it.”

“She didn’t when we first got married. But she adores me and she’ll do it on special occasions.” If he had said she sucked his cock regularly I wouldn’t have believed him for a second. But she did adore him… I had to alter my perception of Tiffany, if only slightly.

I eyed his dark penis warily then looked back to see what pornstar Tiffany was up to. She was gobbling up a big dick happily and that was to be my fate too, except for the happy part.

As a matter of honor I had to follow through on the bet, but with my own video, when it was done, he wouldn’t be calling me a dicklicker.

Video Tiffany moaned and so did I. Just because I had to – to play my role. She opened wide and so did I.

His cockhead went inside deeply on the very first stroke. And no, it didn’t just taste like skin. There was a strong taste that I now know to be the unique taste of cock. Coppery with an undertone of Earthiness.

Mark suddenly got even more verbal. “Oh yea, yea baby. You’re gonna make it really big. When was the first time you put a dick in your mouth sweetheart?”

Computer Tiffany answered, “When I was 16.” I wanted to clarify that I’d never had a dick in my mouth before. But couldn’t speak for obvious reasons.

Mark echoed, “Was it bigger than this one?”

Meanwhile, the actor asked the actress, “Can I come in your mouth?” Mark moaned from deep in his soul and I felt his dick give a jump. Their words had struck a chord of sexual longing in him and a chord of fear in me.

The actor kept asking screentime Tiffany about her first blowjob, “Did you throw up?” She replied that she had merely not been expecting it.

Mark’s mind drifted off as he revealed, “Tiffany did the first time. Now the little Miss Goody-goody makes a whole thing out of it, with mints and a glass of water and a spit towel.” Then he snapped back suddenly and looked at me with an angry expression, like it was my fault he’d told me.

He butted his cockead against the entrance to my throat a few times. He was rough and unpleasant. There was no way our perfect Tiffany would accept that kind of cruel treatment. Really, I was surprised she didn’t make him promise not to cum in her mouth.

Mark gasped from the sheer ecstasy his cock was experiencing as he shoved it between my lips. Together we heard the dialogue, “Have you learned to like the taste of cum?” Slut Tiffany smiled widely making her answer clear.

Mark hissed in response,”Shiiit!” Then tried to force it down my throat. I gagged and it wouldn’t go. I didn’t see what happened on screen, but I bet it went all the way down.

The video continued, “You’re a good little cocksucker.”

Mark forgot about our contest of wives, “She’s a good girl. Too good. I could never call my Victorian wife a cocksucker like you and the other Tiffany are. I gotta watch my words.” Then he seemed to remember, “Do you call India stuff like ‘cocksucker’?”

He pulled out momentarily so I could answer, “Only when she asks me to.” That only made him madder.

The video continued, “Talk to me baby. Open your mouth really wide.” I stuck out my tongue with my lips spread wide like I really wanted his cock.

I copied the video more convincingly, “I can’t wait to get this dick inside me. Oh, it’s so nice and hard right now. And it tastes so good.”

Mark was immersed in the moment, “That’s right slut. Open wide. Fuck, I can’t wait to get back inside.” He started fucking my mouth again, “Oh it feels so good. Better than ever. Faster! Oh, I like your hands on my cock. That priss doesn’t touch it except to block it from going deeper. Oh you hot cunt.” I hated that he talked about his precious wife Tiffany with such venom. Then I knew I had my incriminating evidence.

Spurned on by my vaguely defined feelings I worked faster, really bobbing and slurping. Mark was breathing hard and drawing in air between clenched teeth like he was gonna deliver gallons of ghastly goo into my neive mouth. I couldn’t let him do that. I worried I would throw up just like saintly Tiffany had her first time.

Just then the action on the movie shifted and I was saved. “I wanna see your ass baby. Turn around and bend over. Let me see that butt stickin’ way out. Kick it out to me girl. Kick it out baby. You like your ass smacked?”

I was happy to be spared the ordeal of getting Mark’s nasty cum in my mouth.

Slutty Tiffany told her partner that she liked being spanked and Mark slapped me hard. She twerked, so I did too.

“Come on baby. Stick that ass out for me. You gonna gimme that ass?” He actually rubbed my pucker with his thumb just like Tiffany’s was getting rubbed. I couldn’t believe he was taking it so far as to touch my starfish. “You gonna gimme this?” I had to nod like Tiffany. “Is that my ass? You gonna give me this little butthole?” All I could do was smile lewdly for him.

“Open your ass up. Look at that pretty asshole.” Inexplicably, I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart. “You got a great ass. I’m gonna stick my cock up there. You want me to fuck your ass?”

Trapped in my role I giggled like her, “Of course I want you to fuck my ass.” What had come over me? It was her words but I was repeating them so enthusiastically.

Mark slapped my cheeks again and I mewled like the slut, “Oh, hmm, oh.” I had to.

“She’s never offered her ass. Never! I suppose India does it all the time?” I affirmed the truth of it. More to boast than for the sake of honesty. I didn’t share that she was trying to take my virginity: the anal cherry that I was withholding from my wife, the one that Mark was thinking about actually taking.

Any second he would change course. A guy’s ass had to be too ugly to fuck. We were friends. He was married.

I thought more about that last excuse. A married guy had no reason to get any on the side – if he were satisfied.

Next, I tried one last ditch effort to dissuade Mark from exacting his due revenge, “What would Tiffany think if she saw you right now? With your cock hard and aimed right at a guy’s hairy ass?”

The thought shocked him back to reality for just a second, “She’d be glad it wasn’t pointed at hers. She’d turn and walk away and pretend it never happened while she baked a cake or something.”

India never baked. She didn’t do any of the devotional things wives do to make their husbands happy. Even the plentiful sex was more for her.

I suddenly had a little twinge of anger at India. She was always touching my sphincter. Trying to get me to like it. Building up associations of nether stimulation with blowjobs. It was her fault I was in this position.

I was angry at Mark too. It was feeling more and more like he was actually going to fuck my ass and wasn’t just performing. He really should just jerk off more.

And Tiffany! Why didn’t she take her wifely duty even more seriously? Baking was insufficient.

And wasn’t spreading her legs enough for them?

All that anger spilled out into my words. I was a fool, “Well I know she doesn’t let you ream her ass like a slut.”

“You think my wife’s not fun? Well maybe she doesn’t. But you just convinced me that we’re going to have a little more fun ourselves. I was gonna stop the video, but now I want to see it through to the end. I wonder what else that whore is gonna do?

I wondered how the video would progress too. What would I have to do?

He rubbed my ring again, resuming his mimicking of the video, “You got a great ass. Your ass is incredible. I’m gonna stick my cock up it. I’m gonna fuck that ass. You want that?” Slap. “Is that it?” Slap. “Hmmm? Yea? Yea?”

I was wrong to have insulted our sweet Tiffany. I deserved it. I copied the actress, “Of course I want you to fuck my ass.”

Mark pressed the blunt end of his cock where his thumb had been. He circled it around thinking it would slide in easily. “Oh baby, that’s right.”

The couple in the video were both moaning in pleasure over and over as he fucked her royaly.

Frustrated, Mark grabbed a jar of vaseline from his workbench. I looked back to see him applying gobs to his angry cock. I saw the blonde ho looking back too. She was smiling so I did too.

Then it was too real. Mark’s cock entered my forbidden hole two sudden inches at a time. It was an assault. It was uncomfortably quick. Yet it was strangely good. India had been right all along. All those times I refused to let her plug me I would’ve liked it.

Slutty Tiffany in the movie moaned. I moaned truthfully along with her. Mark groaned in pleasure as well. Then I heard the sound that froze my heart: I heard India cooing from across the room.

Mark and I jerked our heads back toward the door to the house to see India and Tiffany standing there wide eyed.

Mark was shocked to see Tiffany as he stammered, “It’s not what it looks like.”

My eyes locked with Tiffany’s in horror. She gasped and ran back into the house, lamely saying that she needed to put some packages away.

But India wasn’t at all inclined toward denial, “That’s so hot! Keep going Mark. I’ll smooth it over with Tiffany later. You just keep fucking my husband’s girly ass.”

He grinned under her spell, “If you say so.” He had barely begun before, but his thrusting began in earnest now. Mark buried himself all the way, pushing on my guts. It hurt, not too much, but I still grunted in response.

India sauntered over. She slapped my ass, adding to the red handprint already there, “I told you Randy.” She snapped Tiffany’s panties adding, “Nice thong. Though you should’ve brought the pair I bought you. The pink flowery ones.”

I looked into her eyes, pleading with her not to tell Mark any more. Pleading with her to believe me. “I didn’t plan it. It was a bet. Just a stupid bet that I lost…”

She laughed scornfully, “A bet is when you lose a hundred dollars.”

She walked around behind the back of the couch, taking my face in her hands and piercing my eyes with hers, “But Randy, getting sodomized on the sofa is not just about a bet. There’s more to it than that. For it to go here, somewhere deep inside you had to want it. There had to be a plan.”

India kissed me deeply. Then she looked to Mark who was still reaming my ass rhythmically, “So Mark, how did my plan go? Did he defend the ‘angelic’ Tiffany’s virtue? Did he place her high on a celestial pedestal like always?”

Mark grabbed my hips, pulling me back onto his fucking cock, “It never really got that far. He was more in disbelief. Well, maybe a little. But he took the bait just like you said – he was totally pretending like it was just because he lost a bet, and totally loving every second of it.”

India nibbled my earlobe, “Admit it Randy. You like it. Don’t you? I see how hard your cock is, waving back and forth with every see-saw motion.”

I arched my back, driving my bum back into Mark’s hips, “Yes! You were right. I love it.”

I rested my head against India’s neck while he drilled me, “How? How did you get Mark to go along with it?”

“Oh, that was easy. You see, sweet Tiffany never does anal. She’s never even sucked a dick. And poor Mark here was desperate, not even locking himself in the basement bathroom was enough to provide relief. Too much fear of getting caught.” Her description of his jerk off sessions didn’t match what he’d told me.

India revealed more, more about her and Mark setting this up, “He wasn’t so keen on seeing your face as you sucked his cock. And fucking you was only a little less objectionable.”

I was so confused, I stared into India’s dark eyes, then speaking to Mark I asked, “What about her throwing up the first time, and the mints, and the spit rag?”

He slapped my ass, “It’s an art to mix the truth with the conceivable. And it’s the finishing touches that make a lie believable. I haven’t seen a pretty pair of lips on my cock since India did it all those years ago. A man can only live on memories for so long.”

India kissed me deeply again while Mark continued pleasuring my ass. “So Randy, here’s the deal…Mark here will let you suck his cock and fuck your ass regularly, as long as I blow him once in awhile too. Tiffany will forget about today and she’ll never find out about future trysts.”

She stroked my face with long manicured fingers, “But it’s up to you. I’ve never cheated and will never be with another man unless it’s what you want. It is what you want, isn’t it? To watch?” It was her turn to look into my eyes, waiting.

I could barely get the words out fast enough, “I’ll do it!” Then I played my hand, “On one important condition…” I figured they would agree. And if they resisted, well I had a video of Mark telling me all kinds of unflattering lies about Tiffany. Furthermore, my scheming manipulative wife India would come off as no angel either.

Mark yanked me upright, slamming his balls against my own at an ever increasing rate now. My asshole had loosened up considerably, and my leaky dick was just as ready as Mark’s to deliver its creamy load.

India stared at my primed cock, enthralled for the first time in a long time. Hypnotised, she murmured, absent in mind, “Anything Randy. Whatever condition you want.”

I felt his big cock swell and throb and it pushed me over the edge. I grabbed my own cock, jerking wildly, and came all over the sofa that had never seen sodomy until today.

Author’s note:

If you liked my story please give it a good rating. Add it to your favorites to read later if you want. Follow me and you’ll see all my stuff.

I try but don’t always succeed in creating a good story. Please add comments so I know what I’m doing well and what to improve on. If you want to talk I’ll answer your friendly comments.

I often attempt to create tension in the main character’s motives. In turn, this often means that characters in the story have flaws and might not even be nice to each other all the time.

I really appreciate polite comments! It’s what motivates me to write more.


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