Sophomore Year Pt. 02


A gay story: Sophomore Year Pt. 02 Part 2: Gay Male

Chapter 3: Gay Male – Ian jacks off with Patty’s brother.

Neither Patty nor I had managed to land a job near school after a couple more weeks of looking. Patty decided to go home and see if the offer from her former employer for a weekend job was still open.

When she returned to school on Sunday, she called to fill me in. “I got the job, but he wants me to work Friday night from before dinner prep until close, a full shift on Saturday, and lunch prep through dinner prep every Sunday. I told him making the round trip drive and working that schedule every weekend would make it hard to keep up at school. Then I remembered you used to work for the company, so I suggested we could alternate weekends. He was open to the idea, so you have an interview next Friday. It’s not a lot of hours, about sixteen to eighteen hours every other week, but he pays well, and the tips were always good.”

I told her I was glad for the offer, but I couldn’t commute ninety minutes each way. She told me she had that covered. “My parents said you can stay at our house. You won’t have to commute unless I dump your sorry ass.”

I met her family when they came to visit the one weekend. They seemed really cool, so I thought that arrangement would work out okay.

I laughed and said, “More likely that I’ll dump a high maintenance bitch like you before you dump a prize catch like me.”

Patty laughed, and we said good night.

The next Friday Patty and I drove to her hometown together. We went right to the restaurant, where I met the manager and had my interview. After a half hour, he reached across the desk and said, “Welcome to the crew. You start next Friday.”

I walked out to tell Patty and found her sitting in a booth with a guy who she introduced as her brother, Mark. Patty said, “Congratulations” and tilted her head to give me a kiss.

Then she stood up and said, “Don’t wait up. I work until close, so I won’t be home until late. I’ll probably go right to bed and see you in the morning.” Turning to Mark, she gave him a hug and said, “Thanks for coming to pick Ian up,” then headed behind the counter to start her shift.

Mark and I walked out to the parking lot, grabbed my bag out of Patty’s car, then jumped into his car and headed for their home. We exchanged the usual “get to know you” small talk, and Mark told me that he went to the local college to save money.

Mark told me he also played football in high school, playing tight end and linebacker. When he said that, I looked over at him and saw that, while we’re both about the same height, his chest and shoulder were bigger than mine. Not surprisingly, he also wrestled and played baseball, claiming to be a power hitter. As we talked, I decided we shared enough similar interests to get along okay if I was going to stay at his house on the weekends.

Mark parked in one stall of a four-car garage. Entering the house from the garage, we walked through a short hallway into a large, open area. To the left I could see the front entryway and an archway that I assumed led to a formal living room. To the right I could see a huge family room with a large stone fireplace on the near wall and a home theater set up on the opposite wall. The wall between was floor to ceiling windows. An open plan kitchen was straight ahead of us, separated from the family room by a huge granite topped island. Mrs. O’Brien was in the kitchen, busy cooking. She smiled and said “Hello,” when she saw us.

Mark directed me up a set of stairs to our left. From the top of the stairs, I could see that at the opposite end of the kitchen there was another stairway like the one we’d just climbed. Mark pointed to it saying, “That’s Patty’s room.”

As he we walked into his room he continued, “Patty was too chicken to ask Mom and Dad if you two could sleep together, so she asked if I’d share. Mom and Dad both work from home, so we don’t have a guest room right now.”

Mark’s room was huge, taking up most of the space over the garage. Just inside the door there was a sitting area with a sofa and a couple of chairs, an entertainment center with a 55-inch flat screen TV, and a gas fireplace. At the far end of the room were two full-sized beds facing a dresser with a 42-inch screen above it. Mark saw me looking around and told me that he could play his game system and computer through both screens.

Mark showed me where to put my stuff and then pointed out the ensuite bathroom. It was huge like his bedroom, with a double sink, a walk-in shower and a soaker tub. I realized bunking with Mark wasn’t going to be a hardship.

Before I put my bag away I took out a small case that belonged to Patty. I told Mark that Patty had given me the few things she needed to bring from school and I didn’t know if she’d need them when she got home. Mark said, “We can just drop it off in her room,” and led me down and across the kitchen to Patty’s room. It turned out to be a mirror image of Mark’s, but she only had one modest sized TV across from her bed.

When we came back down, Mr. O’Brien was standing in the kitchen next to his wife. He said hello and told us dinner was ready. As I walked past him, I noticed that, while we’re both the same height, he probably outweighs me by fifteen pounds of muscle. Where I have a lot of long, lean muscle, Mr. O’Brien was big through his chest, shoulders and arms, like Mark. If you saw him, you would think he had been a surfer in his younger days, with unruly blonde hair, blue eyes and a two-day shadow. I found out later that he had played linebacker for a Division 3 school in southern California before he transferred to State for their Marketing program, and he actually did know how to surf.

As we sat down, I said, “Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien, I want to thank you for agreeing to let me stay here when I’m working. This job will be a big help with my school expenses.”

Mr. O’Brien said, “We’re always glad to have Patty and Mark’s friends stay with us. And we told you to call us Drew and Teri.”

I smiled and said, “Okay, Drew.”

As we conversed over dinner, I asked, “Patty said you both work from home. Is it a family business? I know she said you’re an architect, Teri.”

Teri and Drew both started to answer, then looked at each other and Teri spoke, “No, we have two separate businesses. Drew is in marketing.” That led to an interesting conversation about how they’d each decided to strike out on their own with a few months of each other.

Drew told me, “It was a little rough at the start. Mark and Patty have made sacrifices to help us. We’ve sunk all our savings into the businesses, so they’re doing what they can to take care of their own school expenses.”

Teri said, “We didn’t want them to miss out on things, but the timing of these opportunities just seemed right. And it’s turned out to be as rewarding as we’d hoped.”

Mark chimed in, “Yeah, they’ve found some interesting rewards. They both started working out of the house and took over the den and the guest room for their offices. Apparently, the short commute isn’t the only benefit. I’ve learned to call ahead if I’m coming home for lunch.”

Drew laughed while Teri gave a little smile and blushed, but they didn’t offer any comments.

After that, the conversation turned to questions about me, school, my family, and the other things that a girlfriend’s parents ask.

When we finished dinner, Mark and I went to his room to hang out. We played Call of Duty for a while, then watched a comedy movie we both liked. As the movie ended, Mark said he was going to get ready for bed.

Mark used the bathroom, and then I took my turn to get ready for bed. When I came out, I saw that Mark had a porn video site up on the screen across from the beds. As I climbed into bed, Mark said that he likes to watch a little porn before bed, “Helps with good dreams.”

The video he had up was excellent quality. Mark explained that they have really good fiber optic internet and he subscribes to some HD internet porn sites.

“Remember what I said about catching my parents having a nooner? Well, they were having it in here, watching one of my porn sites. That explains why Mom would randomly change the sheets on my bed.”

The video he’d chosen was a typical “MILF wife catches husband banging hot babysitter, three-way ensues,” plot. Aside from the outstanding video quality, the two women were really hot, and the guy had a big enough dick to make me envious.

After about five minutes, I was definitely into the movie. I adjusted my cock as best I could without drawing a lot of attention, but I wasn’t comfortable. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mark doing the same thing.

I spoke up. “Mark, I’m guessing you usually do more than just watch the movies.”

“Yeah,” he admitted.

“I can go downstairs and watch TV for a while if you want some privacy. If you’re not shy and are okay with stroking it while I’m sitting here, that’s fine too. I caught my roommate jacking off so many times last year that after a while it seemed normal to have another guy stroking his cock in front of me.”

Mark breathed a sigh of relief. “If you’re okay with me jerking off we can keep watching. I was starting to think I made a mistake starting this movie just so I can go to sleep with blue balls.”

“So you won’t feel self-conscious about pulling your meat in front of me?”

Mark explained, “When I was twelve, my buddy, Brian, came over and helped me hack the parental controls on my computer. We spent a lot of nights surfing porn sites together and doing what horny twelve-year-olds do.”

Then he asked me, “Are you planning on jerking off too? I would feel self-conscious doing it by myself with you sitting there.”

I said, “If you’re comfortable, so am I. I’ll admit that once I got used to my roommate jerking off in front of me, stroking next to him while we watched porn videos wasn’t a huge leap.”

With that I threw back the covers, stripped off the shorts I was wearing, and started stroking my cock as I settled back in to watch the movie. Mark quickly followed suit.

A little while later, I could feel the tingle starting deep in my balls. The movie was not even half over, so I slowed my pace. I glanced over at Mark and caught him quickly turning away.

I continued to watch Mark out of the corner of my eye for a few seconds. He had his legs spread wide and bent at the knees, and he was slowly stroking his shaft with his one hand. With his other hand, he squeezed his balls, coaxing a bubble of precum out of his slit, and then rubbed it over his cock head. I couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked like he might also have been playing with his ass when he reached down for his balls.

As I focused on the movie and felt my balls tightening once again, I remembered my promise to Patty. Mark had set a box of tissues on the nightstand between our beds, grabbed a few for himself, and said, “Help yourself.”

I thought quickly, trying to decide whether to break my promise to Patty or to risk freaking out Mark. Since Mark was so easy-going about the idea of stroking off in front of each other, I decided to take the middle path by telling him about our agreement and seeing if it weirded him out. Turning to him I said, “This is gonna sound weird, but I usually eat my cum.”

Mark stopped his stroking and looked at me, open-mouthed. “You eat your own cum? That sounds kind of gay. Not that gay is bad. I’ve got gay friends, but I never thought of my sister dating a gay guy. Or bi I suppose. Are you bi?”

I chuckled, “No, I’ve never thought about sex with guys, so I’d say I’m not bi. It’s kind of a fetish of Patty’s, and I’ve learned to like playing along with it.” I explained our arrangement, trying not to give him more information than a brother wants to have about his sister’s love life.

This whole time, I had continued stroking my dick. Mark noticed this and stopped talking. His gaze was locked on my hand and my cock, so I decided to give him a show. I turned so that I was facing him with my legs hanging over the side of the bed, leaning back propped up on one elbow. Mark’s eyes never left my cock, so I was able to look closely at him as I stroked myself.

He had the same sandy blonde hair and brown eyes as Patty. There was a definite facial resemblance, but his features were more chiseled. He was more of a gym rat than me, so he had sculpted abs and pecs that made me envious. Although he had stopped stroking his cock, I could see that the head was dark purple and drooling precum. I caught myself staring as it bobbed in time with his heartbeat. I realized later that he was rock hard because being able to openly watch me stroke was a huge turn on for him.

Being a guy, I naturally found myself comparing his cock to my own. It looked like his was slightly longer and thicker, but where I have a mushroom head, his cock was cigar shaped with the head tapering smoothly into his shaft.

As I felt myself start to let go, I sat up and gently squeezed my balls with my left hand. I had the thumb and index finger of my right hand circled around my shaft and I was stroking the full length of my shaft. As I felt my balls start to clench, I locked my fingers just below the crown and worked my dick with short, fast tugs. The stimulation in that sensitive area put me over the edge.

The first surge shot four inches into the air, then fell back onto my hand and fingers. After two more blasts, the cum threatened to spill onto the bed. I switched hands so I was milking my shaft with my left hand while I raised my right hand to my mouth and started licking the cum off it.

Mark’s eyes were locked on my hand as I brought it to my mouth. I could see him bite his lip as I extended my tongue to catch the drips that were threatening to fall off. In a few seconds, I had all the drips in my mouth and had licked my fingers clean. I looked Mark in the eye, opened my mouth to show him the cum collected on my tongue, and then swallowed. His eyes opened wide in amazement.

As I licked my left hand clean and wiped the last few drops off my cock, Mark began furiously stroking his cock. When he came, he stood up and shot into the cupped palm of his outstretched hand. He cautiously brought his hand up to his face, sniffing at the puddle of jizz.

I said, “You’ve probably already tasted it on your girlfriend’s lips. Go for it.”

Mark looked at me, then stuck his tongue into the puddle of pearly liquid. He held it there for a moment while he considered the taste, and then he tipped the goo into his mouth like it was a raw oyster and swallowed. He said, “You were right. The taste is kinda’ familiar, but the texture will take some getting used to.”

By then the movie was over, so we shut out the lights and went to bed. I hoped that Mark hadn’t noticed my cock getting hard again from watching him.

Chapter 4: Group Sex – Meeting Patty’s friend, Rebecca.

The next day, Patty had the late shift again so she was free until mid-afternoon. After breakfast, we drove around for a while seeing the sights of her hometown before she took me to meet the infamous Rebecca. Rebecca’s parents were leaving just as we arrived. Patty made quick introductions as we passed at the front door, and then they left us to ourselves.

Rebecca started out by telling me how she, Patty and Clarice had become best friends in 4th grade. “I got sick at the start of the school year with a weird virus. I was in and out of the hospital until almost Christmas, and then the doctor said I needed to stay home until sometime in January. I missed so much time they made me repeat fourth grade. A lot of kids made mean comments about it. Patty and Clarice were the only girls who stood up for me and were always nice.”

After that, Rebecca turned the conversation to grilling me, intent on assuring herself I wasn’t going to break her best friend’s heart. Once she was satisfied that my intentions were pure, we talked about school for a while before Patty explained why we were in town. Then Patty asked Rebecca if she was still babysitting to earn money.

“No,” Rebecca answered, “I wasn’t making enough money, even though I was babysitting six nights a week. I was looking for something else when I ran into this guy outside the student union. I’d heard he was a sleaze who was recruiting for a strip club, so I did my best to avoid him, but he was persistent. After dodging him three or four times, I finally agreed to have coffee with him thinking maybe he’d leave me alone afterwards.”

I could see why a recruiter for a strip club would be interested in hiring her. Rebecca is an incredibly beautiful woman. I later learned that her mom is of Italian descent, and Rebecca has her jet-black hair, full lips and a flawless olive complexion. Her dad’s family is Irish and she inherited curly hair and greyish-blue eyes from him.

Rebecca stands about 5′ 1″, but unlike Clarice’s petite build, Rebecca is definitely full figured. She was also on the dance team in high school and still has toned, dancer’s legs, a beautiful heart shaped ass, and full, rounded hips. She has a tiny waist and from the looks of her flat stomach, she works out regularly.

What really stand out though are her D cup tits. She’d been hanging out watching TV when we arrived, so she was wearing leggings and a T-shirt with nothing underneath. I could see that despite their size, they didn’t sag or droop. As she told her story she became aroused, and her medium sized nipples puffed up into cones that had my mouth watering.

I realized I was staring and stole a glance towards Patty to see if she’d noticed. She had an amused look on her face and she gave a little nod towards my half hard cock. I could feel myself blushing and suddenly got really interested in a spot on the floor. Patty leaned over and whispered, “Every guy stares at Rebecca. She loves it. Don’t disappoint her.”

Rebecca continued, “The recruiter’s name was Dean. He gave me a thirty second pitch about what a high-class establishment he runs and how his clientele is all respectable businessmen. I was looking for an out when he said, ‘… and the top earning girls average $200 per night, sometimes making up to $1,000 on busy nights.'”

“I’d blown through my savings and maxed out my financial aid, and I was still short on my tuition bill. Mom and Dad had already given me all they could, so my only option was an expensive private loan. I thought, ‘If I can make even $100 in a night, I’ll be able to work three nights a week and cover all of my expenses.’ So, I asked a few more questions and ended up agreeing to come down and check the place out.”

“I went on a weeknight, and the place was surprisingly busy. “I sat down at the bar, ordered a soda and told the bartender I was there to see Dean. While I sat there sipping my soda and waiting, I watched the crowd.”

“I saw that most of the customers were wearing business clothes, the place was clean, and the customers weren’t pawing the girls or heckling them. Not one loud, horny drunk in sight. There was even a group of women in business suits sitting on one side of the stage. I saw one guy get a little out of line and a bouncer was there in seconds.”

“Dean showed up after about ten minutes and asked what I thought of what I’d seen so far. We talked for a few minutes, and then he invited me to go back to the dressing room and talk to some of the girls.”

“There were ten women in the dressing room, and most of them were happy to talk to me. Several of them were college students, two described themselves as stay-at-home moms, one was a nurse and one, who told me her name was Ella, described herself as a business professional. I found out later that she’s a junior associate at an investment firm.”

“I asked about the pay and Ella explained, ‘It’s better than an hourly job, but you have to work the back rooms to make really good money.'”

“The girl who said she was a nurse eyed me up and down and said, ‘Let’s see what you’ve got,’ indicating that she wanted me to take off my clothes.”

“I stripped down to my bra and panties, and then stood there while they inspected me. Ella told me, ‘The customers will like you. You’ll pull in decent tips.'”

“The nurse leered at me and said, ‘I like her. Did you tell her about break time?'”

“Ella said, ‘Ignore her. She works here because she’s a nympho exhibitionist. She’ll come on to you, but she’s harmless. But if you do go that way, rumor is she’s a lot of fun.'”

“I asked what she meant by the back rooms and Ella explained it to me, ‘In the main room they can serve alcohol, but the girls can only be topless. You have to wear at least a G-string. Patrons can look, but no touching. We go out, dance, talk to the clients and try to get them to buy drinks. We can sit on their laps and give them lap dances. Then they can put their hands on our arms, waist and knees.'”

“She told me that dancers get paid at a lower minimum wage rate, but they get to keep all the tips which usually come one to five dollars at a time. She said if I was smart, I’d pass along a chunk of my tips to the bouncers. She told me that on most nights it’s easy to clear a hundred to a-hundred fifty dollars working up front.”

“She told me that in order to get around the liquor laws, patrons enter the back rooms through a separate door from outside. There’s one locked door that connects the main part of the building to the back rooms. Up to two patrons can be in a room with a dancer. Patrons pay fifty dollars admission each for fifteen minutes. The dancer gets $15, the bouncer gets $15 and the house keeps $20. Most of the patrons are pretty generous about tipping”

“In the back room, dancers and patrons can be totally nude, and patrons can touch the dancers, but there are limits. No penetration of the vagina or anus is permitted. No oral sex. No exchange of bodily fluids is allowed, so French kissing is out. The dancer and the patron may not masturbate each other, but they only consider a hand job masturbation.”

“A bouncer watches every room. They check the patron to see if they are drunk or high before they let them in. They eject any patron who violates any of the rules or if the patron gets too rough with a girl.”

“The nympho chick said, ‘Most of the guys want to rub their cock on you and suck your tits. With that rack of yours and your tight bubble butt, you’d be really popular.”

“Ella told me, ‘The job can be a little demeaning sometimes, but the people at the club are nice and most of the patrons are clean and treat the girls respectfully.'”

“I thought about it for a few days and decided to take the job. I knew my parents would find out sooner or later, so I told them what I was going to do. Mom looked resigned, but Dad said, ‘That’s a nice place. I can think of worse jobs. Just let me know your schedule so I don’t drop in while you’re working.’ Mom smacked him.”

“About a week after I started, a group of women came in and sat down along the stage where I was dancing. I found that women tip very well when they’re looking at another girl’s tits. As I moved from seat to seat, I looked down and recognized Mrs. Leone, a woman in her mid-thirties who used to be one of my babysitting clients. As I squatted to take a tip from her she said, ‘Mr. Leone used to have a thing for you. I’ll have to send him by here.’ She asked when I worked, and I gave her my schedule.”

“The nurse was right about me becoming popular. I usually had one or two backroom clients every shift. So it wasn’t surprising when the manager came to me in the middle of my shift a couple of days later and told me I had a customer in the back room who had asked for me by name and paid for a half hour.”

“What was surprising was finding both Mr. and Mrs. Leone in the back room. They each hugged me when I came in. Mrs. Leone asked, ‘How does this work?'”

Patty was leaning against me on the sofa and I had my arm draped over her shoulder. As we started to see where the story was going, I was definitely feeling my cock stir. Patty must have been feeling it too because she maneuvered us around so my hand was on her breast, then she put her hand over mine and squeezed, causing me to knead her boob. I took the hint and happily began playing with the tit in my hand.

“Mrs. Leone said they had explained the rules and made both of them sign a paper before they let them in, but she wasn’t sure what they had paid for.”

“I explained, ‘You’re in charge. If you want me naked, I can take off my costume. You can undress me yourself if you want to. If you want to take off your clothes or loosen them up, that’s fine. I can dance for you, I can rub your body, you can rub my body. Whatever you want short of actual sex.'”

“I was wearing a vest made of rows of silver beads strung across my tits, with a matching beaded panty. Mr. Leone looked me over and said, ‘I love the costume, but take it off.'”

“I did a slow strip tease, exposing my tits for a second at a time and then covering them up. I had learned how to tell when a patron was just gonna rip it off me and then show them what they want.”

“As I took of my top, I was surprised when Mrs. Leone taking hers of at the same time. When my tits were bare, I stood with shoulders back, putting myself on display. I’d found most guys liked that view. As I ran my hands over my mounds, Mrs. Leone took her bra off and matched my actions. We ended up facing each other, staring at each other’s chests.”

“Mrs. Leone’s tits were long, pear shaped, and bigger than mine. She seemed justifiably proud of them, so I lifted each one in my hands, one at a time, squeezing them and running my hands over her skin. I licked and blew on her nipples to get ’em hard. They were as big as the tip of my pinky, so I couldn’t resist sucked them for a bit before I went back to stripping.”

Patty gave up any pretense at that point. She stood up, stripped off her top and removed her bra. As she sat down she moved my legs so that she was sitting between them with her butt pressed against my cock. As she settled in, I cupped both of her breasts in my hands and began squeezing them and rolling her nipples.

Rebecca continued as she stood up and began slowly removing her clothes. It was like she was stripping to the sound of her own voice, “As I removed my thong, Mr. Leone stood up and stripped. He was about my height, very hairy and very muscular. He pointed to a table covered with massage oils and asked if he could use some. I said, ‘Sure,’ and he selected a bottle.”

Patty whispered to me, “Rebecca has always loved an audience, and she loves telling stories about her sex life.”

Rebecca went on, “He coated his hands with oil and started rubbing it all over my body as I stood there. He started with my tits and then worked his way down until he was squeezing my thighs in his strong hands, kneading the flesh towards my pussy. Although he never touched my pussy, it felt like he was slowly finger fucking me.”

“He turned me around and massaged my back and butt. As he did, Mrs. Leone drizzled more oil on my tits and started rubbing it in. She knew how to work my nipples, and she found all the other sensitive spots as well.”

“While she was doing that, Mr. Leone was rubbing oil over my ass and on my inner thighs. I moved my feet apart and pointed my toes in, which I know gives a great view of both my holes. Guys love it, and Mr. Leone was no different. He ran his oily fingers through my crack, tickling my asshole and pussy lips as he did.”

“I felt Mr. Leone’s hands leave my ass, and then his hairy chest was against my back and his hard cock was between my cheeks. I warned him that the head of his cock had to remain in sight at all times, so he leaned back and held my hips as he slid his cock up and down my crack.”

Patty stood again and impatiently pulled off her pants and panties. Then she started tugging on my belt. I took the hint and stood to quickly remove my own clothes. When I was naked, Patty pushed me back onto the sofa and resumed her former position, but now she was grinding her bare ass against my naked cock. I could tell she was rubbing her clit as I played with her tits.

“I reached for the bottle of oil and Mrs. Leone handed it to me. I oiled up her tits, wrapping my hands around them one at a time. I squeezed and kneading them, as she pinched and pulled my nipples. I whispered to her, ‘You can play with your own pussy.'”

“She took a minute to remove her shorts, then moved close to me so I could reach her soft, gorgeous tits again. As I tweaked her nipples, she pinched her clit, almost instantly starting the first of many soft orgasms. The look of intense ecstasy as each wave broke over her was beautiful.”

“I warned Mr. Leone that their thirty minutes was almost up and said, ‘Your cock feels great against my ass. I wish you could put it in me and fill me up. I bet you’ve always wanted to fuck the babysitter.'”

“That was the trigger that set him off. I felt his cum splatter on my back and run down into my crack. He continued rubbing for another minute, as I reached back to scoop up his cum and made a show of rubbing it onto my tits and ass.”

Patty lifted her ass and slid her pussy onto my cock. She didn’t have any leverage to fuck me, so she just leaned back until she was laying on my chest and frantically frigged her clit.

“Then I gave them some baby wipes to clean themselves with and the got dressed. As they were leaving, Mr. Leone gave me a fifty-dollar tip, and I whispered to Mrs. Leone that she should call me if she and Mr. Leone ever wanted to fuck a naughty babysitter.”

“I got a call the next Sunday telling me that the kids were staying with Grandma and Grandpa for the afternoon. Do you know that naughty babysitters who flash their tits get punished by having their ass fucked and being force to eat out a cum filled pussy?”

Rebecca stood up , and pulled a vibrator out of a drawer as she said, “Why don’t you guys put on a little show for me while I fill you in on the details.”

Within seconds Patty was riding my cock reverse cowgirl style as Rebecca went on with the story.

Chapter 5: Gay Male – Ian learns about Mark and Brian.

Later, after Patty went to work, Mark took me to a party. We were blessed with an unseasonably warm late fall weekend, and one of Mark’s friends had decided to have a final pool party before his dad got the pool ready for winter. When we got there, Mark saw his friend, Brian, and took me over to meet him. As we came near Brian, he reminded me of several popular actors on TV. His hair and facial features looked African American, but he wasn’t much darker than Mark’s tan. He also had green eyes.

I found out that he ran track in high school, so we spent some time talking about that. Brian was built more like a runner than me at about 5’ 11″ and 170 pounds. He said he was thinking about trying out for the team at the local college he and Mark were attending. As we talked, I noticed that Brian was constantly watching Mark, and I’m sure I caught him checking out his ass and admiring his pecs and abs.

At one point, I looked over to see Mark climb out of the pool and sit down straddling the end of a bench. A hot blonde who looked like a five-foot-tall Barbi doll in a tiny bikini walked over and started talking to him. Within seconds, he was sprouting a full erection. His wet shorts clung to the outline of his cock, so anyone who cared to look could easily size him up. From where I was sitting, I got the full profile view.

Brian followed my gaze and when he caught sight of Mark he stopped in mid-sentence. He tried to play it off that he was checking out the girl, but I could see what he was really checking out Mark’s package.

I said, “Seems like Mark is always hard, and he’s not shy about it.”

Brian chuckled and said, “Yeah,” then after a pause, “What else have you seen?”

I told Brian about watching porn with Mark and mentioned that he told me they used to do that together when they were younger. Looking surprised, Brian said, “He did?”

“Yeah, I had a boner from the porno we were watching and Mark said it was okay if I wanted to jack off since he’d seen you do it before.”

Brian looked relieved and said, “Oh. Okay.”

I looked at him suspiciously and asked, “What did you think he told me? Was there more to it than that?”

Suddenly Brian eyes got big, and he was blushing bright red as he stammered out, “What? No. No!”

“Dude, you are a terrible liar, spill it.”

I could see Brian was looking for an escape, so I took a chance and said, “Mark already told me about you two jacking off together. There’s a good chance he’ll tell me about whatever’s got you freaked before too long. He seems to be pretty much an open book.”

The look of panic stayed on Brian’s face for a few more seconds and I could see he was thinking. Then he gave a resigned sigh. Looking around to see if anyone else was within earshot, he said, “Okay. We gave each other hand jobs a few times. But that was all.”

“Hand jobs? How’d that happen?

Brian took another look around before he started talking, “Patty let us tag along to a graduation party her friend was throwing. I think her parents made her do it. We’d just turned 18 and insisted we were old enough for graduation parties.”

“When we got there, Patty ditched us immediately and stayed as far away from us as she could, hanging out with friends of hers who she knew we didn’t know.”

“The only people we really knew were Patty’s friends, so we sat and talked with a group of them. They seemed okay with letting us hang out and they even gave us a few beers. While we were talking, this one girl started acting like she was into Mark. After a bit, she took him by the hand and led him off to a dark corner of the back yard where we could kind of see that they were making out.”

I had to ask, “Who was this girl?”

“Rebecca. She’s known Patty and Mark since they were little kids. She and Patty are best friends.”

I’d suspected that’s who it was. She’s asked about him more than once during our visit.

“A little while later, Patty came to check on us. When she didn’t see Mark with me, she asked where he was. We tried to keep our mouths shut, but Patty caught one of the girls glancing towards the dark corner of the yard where Mark and Rebecca were all over each other. When she looked over and saw them, she started yelling from across the yard as she stomped over.”

“Why was she mad?”

Brian thought for a second, “I think it was the final straw after having to drag us to the party. Whatever the reason, she yelled at them for a good five minutes, then she made Mark and me leave. As he and I were walking to his house, he told me, ‘She let me feel her tits and her pussy through her clothes. Then she rubbed my dick through my shorts. I was going for bare skin and she had her hand in my pants when Patty attacked us.'”

“That must have sucked,” I interjected.

“I guess so. I wasn’t really thinking of that at the time. I was disappointed Mark didn’t have more of a story to tell. ‘Til then, neither of us had ever touched a girl like that or been touched, so I wanted to hear about it.”

“When we got to his room, I asked, ‘So what was it like?’ Mark tried to describe how soft her tits were, and how hot and moist her pussy felt through her jeans. When he started describing how her hand felt on his cock, he stumbled for words, then said, ‘It felt like this’ and he reached for the front of my jeans, pressing and squeezing my rock-hard dick.”

“Wasn’t that kind of weird?”

Without hesitating, Brian answered, “Just for a second, but then it felt like electricity shooting up and down my body. Mark probably only rubbed me for five or ten seconds, but I could feel a big wet spot in my boxers and I knew that if he hadn’t stopped when he did, I would’ve popped.”

Now I was really curious, “You said you jacked each other off several times. There has to be more.”

“There was. As soon as he stopped rubbing me, Mark looked kind of embarrassed. ‘Time for bed’ he said as he rushed into the bathroom.”

“He didn’t stay in there very long, so I knew he hadn’t jacked off. He came out in the loose basketball shorts he usually wore to bed and started booting up the computer like he usually did when we were gonna jack off to some porn. I made a quick trip to the bathroom and then climbed into the other bed.”

“Back to the usual routine?”

“At first,” was Brian’s response. “Mark went to our favorite porn video site, but he spent a lot of time finding a video that showed a couple making out and masturbating each other. The one he found was hot, but after ten minutes he said, ‘This was a bad idea. It just makes me wonder even more what it would be like to get a real hand job.’ I could see that his cock was only half hard.”

Brian paused, like he didn’t really want to tell the rest, then went on, “Mark looked over and watched me stroke my cock for a couple of seconds, then said, ‘I totally understand if you hate this idea, but I’ll give you a hand job if you give me one so we can see what it’d be like.'”

“I’m assuming you agreed to try it.”

Brian turned totally red and mumbled, “Yes” while he looked at the ground.

“So, what happened?”

After taking a deep breath, Brian picked up the story, “I didn’t say anything, but I took my hand off my cock. Mark took that as a sign that I was okay with the idea and moved to sit on the edge of my bed. His shorts were still pulled down, and I could see that he had a full hard-on. I thought that should feel weird, but I found myself studying his dick and comparing it to mine. Up until then, I’d glanced at it, but I never took a close look.”

I couldn’t resist asking, “How did you compare?”

Brian grinned, “Mine was longer, his was fatter.”

I thought of the view I had the night before, “If that’s still true, you should have girls swarming you, based on what I’ve seen of Mark.”

With a sly grin, Brian answered, “I do alright.”

Realizing we had tracked off the story, I tried to steer the conversation back on track, “So, Mark gave you your first hand job that night?”

Smiling now, Brian answered, “Yes. At first, he just wrapped his right fist around my cock and slowly pulled the skin up until my balls were stretched tight, then down until it was taut around the head. After a few minutes of that, I could feel some tingling between my legs. I think he was just getting used to the feel.”

“Then he grabbed the bottle of lotion off his nightstand and lubed the hand he’d been jacking me with. I still remember how the twisting, stroking thing, down my shaft and up over my cock head when he started jerking me again.”

“At first, he had my balls cupped in his other hand, kind of kneading them gently. Then he ran his hand down between my legs until his fingertips were sliding through the crack of my ass. I found myself spreading my legs and drawing my knees up to give him better access.”

“He lubed up his hands some more, and then he really started working me. When he reached between my legs, he dragged his finger down my crack all the way to the bottom. I jumped the first time I felt him touch my asshole. It felt like there was an electric connection from there to my cock. I thought, ‘This is gay,’ but I liked it. Mark was watching me, and when he realized I was okay with that, he began pausing to tickle and poke my hole every time he rubbed my crack.”

“It seemed like I was on edge for an hour, but Mark says it wasn’t more than five minutes. Mark had a perverse ability to know just when to stop. I was begging him to get me off. When he finally let me cum, he was wiggling the tip of his finger into my asshole as he rubbed my crown with the other hand. I shot six blasts that landed from my chin to my stomach.”

“Maybe it’s just because that was my first hand job, but I remember everything he did to me, and I don’t think I’ve had anyone give me a better one since.”

“Mark got a warm washcloth and a towel to clean me up. I was surprised because he wiped the cum off me instead of just giving me the washcloth. As he wiped off my cock and stomach, I asked him what he did to my ass. He’d seen a chick do it to a guy in a porno and had tried it on himself. He said, ‘It felt good to me, so I thought you’d like it.'”

“By then I was clean and Mark said, ‘Okay, my turn now!'”

“I’d like to say I did as good a job as he did, but between leaving the party with blue balls, and being hard as steel the whole time he was stroking my dick, Mark was on a hair trigger. I stroked him for about two minutes before he blew.”

“Afterwards, Mark wanted to talk about whether it was gonna be weird between us. I said, ‘Mark, you’re my friend, and you just did made me feel incredible. Isn’t that a good thing for a friend to do?'”

“Mark agreed, but he thought it would be weird if we did it again. I disagreed, ‘If it isn’t weird the first time, why would it be weird the next time? Besides, I think I owe you a better job than I did that time.'”

“Over the next couple of months, we got together eight or ten times. At some point during that time, we started dating these two girls who ended up hating each other. They made us stop hanging out together, and we were too stupid to tell them to kiss off. It took us months to figure out they were toxic. By the time we got smart about those two, we’d moved into different social circles. We still hung out every once in a while, but it wasn’t the same.”

We talked for a few more minutes until a girl waved at Brian. He excused himself, and I went over to where Mark was sitting by himself. “So,” Mark said. “It looks like you and Brian were having a pretty serious conversation.”

I told him I had mentioned what he said the night before about jerking off together to porn.

“So, I’m guessing he told you about our homosexual affair.”

“I would call it bisexual.”

“So you’re not worried I’ll attack you?”

“Brian said you gave him the best hand job he’s ever had. That’s not the kind of attack I’d try to fight off.”

Mark gave me an appraising look, but didn’t say anything. I just smiled and said, “I need a soda. You want one?” as I walked away.

Not long after that, the sun started to go down, and as it did, the temperature dropped. The party quickly broke up as it became too cold to stand around in shorts and T-shirts. Mark said his goodbyes and we headed back to his house.

Chapter 6: Gay Male – Ian and Mark trade hand jobs and blow jobs.

Like the night before, we watched a movie and played some video games. As it got late and we started getting ready for bed, Mark looked at me and said, “So, you would be okay with me giving you a hand job?”

“Is that what you want to do?”

Mark hesitated for a second, looking like he wanted to retract the question, but then he said, “Yeah, I think I would.”

I asked him why.

“Jacking off Brian was a huge turn-on for me. I think it’s exciting seeing another person really enjoy sex, and I liked being able to give him that enjoyment.”

“It didn’t bother you that people would think you were gay if they found out?”

Mark hesitated before answering, “There were a couple of gay guys at our school and people were okay with them, so I wasn’t too worried. But I was also pretty sure no one would find out.”

“Did you and Brian talk about this?”

“Yeah, we did. We both knew that we liked helping each other get off, and we both thought we might want to do more. One time we made out while we played with each other, and it was pretty intense. That was the last time we got together.”

Brian had mentioned two girls coming between them, but I was wondering how it happened, “Why did you stop?”

“There was a Sadie Hawkins dance at school, and these two girls who were best friends asked Brian and me to go. We had a good time at the dance and started dating them. A few weeks later they had a falling out over a part in the school musical and became worst enemies. I’m sure Brian told you how it went from there.”

I thought about that and said, “So here’s how I see it. You like both guys and girls. You’ve made out with a guy and jacked him off. You wanted to go further, but missed your opportunity. I’ve never done anything with another guy, but I’m intrigued by the idea. I like watching guys jack off and looking at their cocks, and I don’t mind swallowing another guys cum.

Mark interrupted me, “Wait, you’ve eaten another guys spunk? If you’ve never done anything with another guy, how’d that happen?”

For some reason I suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but I explained, “That’s also your sister’s doing.”

Mark interrupted again, “Did she fuck another guy and make you eat it?”

I laughed, “No. It wasn’t her, it was Clarice. We walked in on her one afternoon fucking her relatively new boyfriend, Ryan, on the futon. Ryan was a little thrown off by the intrusion and started yelling for me to get out. He was apparently okay with Patty staying. Clarice just looked at him and said, ‘I want him to stay.'”

“The guy said something like, ‘I’m not putting on a show for some faggot,’ and tried to pull out, but Clarice wrapped her legs around him and made him and keep going. He realized he was trapped and started hammering Clarice’s pussy like he was late for class. In no time at all he dumped his load, leaving Clarice hanging. As soon as he came, he pulled out, threw on his clothes and left.”

“Clarice was pissed. She started yelling and swearing like I’d never heard her before, ‘That useless bastard! What the fuck! What kind of shit leaves a girl hanging like this?'”

“Clarice started to rub her clit while looking pleadingly at Patty. Patty gave a slight shake of her head that I don’t think she wanted me to see. Clarice darted her eyes at me, and Patty got a look like a light bulb had come on. She turned to me and said, ‘Ian, why don’t you help Clarice like you help me.'”

“I tried to say no, but Patty cut me off, ‘One guys jizz is just like another’s. You can do this.'”

“I started to make another objection, but Patty gave me one of those looks. Then I thought Clarice might let me off the hook, but she had this pleading look on her face. I finally said to Patty, ‘Okay, but you’d better make this worth my while.'”

“The first thing I found out was that Patty was lying when she said one guy’s spunk is like another’s. Ryan’s jizz was a lot saltier than mine. I also found out that Clarice is very strong for a tiny girl. As soon as my tongue touched her slit, she wrapped her legs around me and grabbed my head with both hands.”

Brian was sitting on the edge of his bed, hanging on every word, so I decided to play it up with all the details I could remember.

“She was reclining in the corner of the futon, and I was kneeling on the floor. Have you seen her naked? Perfect tits that you want to grab, tight little abs, thighs that you want to run your hands over. I love your sister, but that doesn’t change the fact that Clarice is a stone cold hardon generator.”

“I grabbed her hips and pulled her so that she was flat on her back and then I shoved one of the throw pillows from the futon under her butt. That gave me a great angle to play with her nipples with one hand as I rubbed all of the juices dripping out of her cunt into the crack of her ass.”

“By then she’d loosened her death grip, so I was able to reposition my mouth. I found a glob of cum escaping from her pussy and starting to slide towards her ass. I let it drip down to her asshole, and then I scooped it up with my tongue, making a swirling lick around her hole at the same time.”

“I licked up the trail of cum as I worked my way from her ass to her cunt, and then I jabbed my tongue into her hole. I swirled my tongue around inside her, collecting as much of Clarice and her friend’s cum as I could. When I finished licking up all the easily accessible jizz, I showed the girls my slimy tongue and then swallowed. Clarice looked like she was about to cum just from watching that.”

“I clamped my mouth back onto Clarice’s cunt and changed from licking to sucking. When Clarice felt me trying to suck the cum out of her, she squeezed her cunt muscles to help me empty the cum from her hole. I swallowed a second load, and then I set out to rock Clarice’s world.”

“I nibbled her pussy lips, going up one side, over her little hood, and down the other side. After a couple of minutes, I took both of her cute little pussy lips in my mouth and sucked on them to draw them tight around her clit. I sucked like a baby at his mother’s tit, sucking and releasing. When I did that, I could feel Clarice’s thigh muscles tense and start squeezing my head again.”

“I took that as a sign that she was close. I sucked on her pussy lips and then took long licks from her cunt hole to her clit. After about a dozen swipes, her clit was red and throbbing. I clamped my lips around it and sucked and licked until Clarice went completely stiff and tried to crush my skull between her thighs.”

“I continued licking her cunt and clit through two smaller orgasms before she pushed me away. Clarice’s comment was, ‘You’re a great cunt licker, for a guy.’ Since then, there have been a couple of repeats. It seems Ryan believes quickies are only for his benefit. Patty thinks Clarice keeps dating Ryan because she likes feeding me creampies.”

Mark’s mouth was hanging open as I redirected the conversation back to the original topic saying, “So, you gonna give me that hand job now?”

Mark shook his head and said, “Sure!” with a little grin.

As I stripped down and laid on the bed, I looked at Mark and said, “You get naked too. I like looking at your dick, remember.”

Mark laughed and stripped out of his clothes. He sat next to me on the bed, facing me with one leg up on the bed so I had a good view of his dick. It seemed the prospect of playing with my cock had him excited judging by the hardon he was sporting.

I stopped him as he reached for the bottle of hand lotion on the nightstand saying, “Wait a second.” I retrieved a bottle of flavored lube from my bag and handed it to him. When Mark looked at me with a questioning expression, I explained, “I used to use hand lotion. When Patty made me promise to eat my jizz every time I jacked off, I figured out right away that hand lotion tastes nasty. I started using just spit, but you know that doesn’t always work great. I mentioned it to Patty, and she went out and bought me flavored lube so I could go stroke it in comfort.”

Mark smiled and said, “Got it. My big sister is pretty smart sometimes,” as he squirted the gel into his hand.

I laid back on the bed, propped up on a couple of pillows with my hands behind my head, stretching out my legs and spreading them slightly. As I made myself comfortable, I watched Mark coat both of his hands with the lube.

My cock was rising in anticipation, so Mark began by stroking it hand over hand from base to head, stretching it with each stroke until it was fully erect and coated in lube.

Then he switched his technique. He sandwiched my shaft between the palms of his hands just under the crown, then began sliding his hands back and forth like he was rolling dough. That’s not a technique you can easily use on yourself, so the sensation was definitely new. I felt small tingles each time his knuckles bumped over the veins on my cock.

That felt great, but I could tell it was only going to keep my hard. I wasn’t going to see fireworks. I think Mark knew that too and was just doing it to tease me. Thankfully, after a few minutes he changed it up. On every third of fourth stroke, he slid one hand up to caress my cock head while sliding the other hand down to massage my balls. Each time his hands ran over my crown, my cock gave a definite throb. Each squeeze of my balls sent a pulse through my cock that made me leak precum, which Mark rubbed all over my cock head.

When I started moving my hips to get more friction, he changed again, continually twisting one hand around the head of my cock, making sure to tickle my piss hole and my rim. He wrapped his other hand around my shaft in a loose grip and made long, rapid strokes. It felt great when his fingers bumped my balls and the ridge of my head on every stroke. Pretty soon, my ass was bouncing off the bed.

As my breathing quickened and my hips began jerking, he used one hand to grip my cock tightly and jack with short, rapid strokes. This new technique made my balls gently bouncing with each stroke, adding to the sensations of Mark’s hand.

While I was concentrating on the feeling of Mark’s hand working my cock, he was lubing the fingers of his other hand. When my shaft started to convulse, Mark stroked my ass crack with his lubed-up finger, trying to wedge it between my clenching ass cheeks, but he couldn’t get a good angle to finger my asshole.

Pausing for a moment, he pulled my leg up and out to the side, and then straddled it. That forced my other leg up, and I let it fall to the side. It looked like a wrestling move I’d seen once. I soon realized his ass and balls were resting on the inside of my leg and that contact sent a little thrill through me.

I ended up with my legs spread like a girl about to be power fucked. That gave Mark full access to my hole and to my cock. He resumed stroking my dick, and with my legs spread wide he easily found my ass ring. He fluttered his fingertip there for a few seconds before he thrust a finger into my asshole up to the first knuckle.

When I felt his finger wiggling into my ass, I felt a flush of warmth, my breath caught in my throat, and a second later I launched a fountain of cum that must have shot a foot into the air before it landed on my chest and abs with a splat. All my muscles were rigid except for my cock and balls, which convulsively pumped out sperm, and my ass ring, which was clenching and releasing around Mark’s finger.

When the spurting slowed down, Mark continued with gentler strokes as he pulled his finger out of my ass. Just when I thought he was going to stop, he rammed two fingers into my ass and started rapidly finger fucking me. At the same time, he picked up the pace of his strokes, causing a fresh round of convulsions. Mark directed the renewed spurts onto my chest and abs before he gently released me and pulled his fingers out of my ass.

When I caught my breath, I looked at the gobs of sperm on me and on Mark’s hand. I reached for Mark’s hand, but he put it to his own mouth and began licking it clean.

He looked at me and said, “When you told me about eating that other guy’s jizz, I wondered what it would be like.”

I removed the drips of cum from my cock with my finger and then started cleaning the rest of my body. By then, Mark had finished licking his hand clean, and he began licking sperm off my body as well. The feel of his tongue on my skin sent aftershocks through me that I felt down to the root of my cock. When all traces of my cum were gone, we sat back and looked at each other.

I spoke first, “Wow. That was intense.”

Mark looked at me and pointed to my cock, which had started to stir again from the sensation of Mark licking my body, “It looks like it still wasn’t enough to satisfy you.”

I gave my cock a couple of strokes and said, “I’ll be ready for another round pretty soon, but I think it’s your turn first.”

Mark smiled and started to lie down on the bed. I stopped him and said, “If it’s okay with you, I’d like you to stand up so I can catch your jizz in my mouth when you cum. I want to try it right from the source.”

Mark smirked and said, “You really are a cum slut.” After a brief pause he added, “Yeah, that’s okay.”

Mark stood between the beds. I got on my knees in front of him where I could easily direct his ejaculation into my mouth. I had an image of those videos where a girl is kneeling in front of a guy, waiting for the money shot on her face or in her mouth.

I noticed that Mark was standing with his legs spread a little further apart than he normally would, so I guessed that he wanted me to play with his ass like he had played with mine. I lubed up my hands and took hold of his cock.

Although I had handled my own cock countless times, the feel of Mark’s cock was new and exciting. The first thing I noticed was that it felt a little odd holding a cock from this angle. Without realizing it, I closed my eyes as I concentrated on the softness of his skin over the yielding hardness of his shaft. I ran my thumb over the ridge of veins on the underside and felt the warm pulse of his blood running through his veins. When I opened my eyes, Mark was looking down at me and smiling.

Since Mark was already hard, I started by wrapping both hands around his cock and twisted them in opposite directions. As I twisted, the hand on top moved up over his crown and off, then I moved it to the base of his shaft to repeat. It’s a technique I sometimes use on myself.

I had never been this close to another guy’s cock before, so I took a close look while I jacked his cock. Judging by how much of his cock was exposed when I had one fist wrapped around it, I could tell Mark was just a bit longer than me. But my cock has a fat, mushroom head and the shaft bulges a little in the middle. There was a little rim where Mark’s head joined the shaft, but it was mostly just a smooth widening to the thickest part. The fattest part of Mark’s cock, an inch or two below the head, was only a little fatter than the rest of his shaft. From that point to the base, Marks shaft was all the same width, where mine gets narrower towards the base.

Mark’s balls looked different too. Mine are the size of walnuts and hug tight to my body most of the time. Mark’s balls were a little smaller but hung low and loose in his sack. The kind of balls a girl would have her mouth wrapped around in porn videos.

I caught a whiff of Mark’s sweat as I worked his cock. It was like the familiar smell of a locker room, but cleaner and less pungent. As I breathed it in, I decided I liked it, in the same way I like the smell of a girl’s wet pussy. Leaning a little closer, I inhaled deeply through my nose and actually felt my cock stiffen slightly.

Mark’s cock started drooling precum almost immediately. After twisting and pulling for a while, I changed my grip so that I was jacking his shaft with one hand while I squeezed his balls and massaged his perineum with the other. That made the slow ooze of precum turn into a steady stream.

As a large drop formed at his slit and started to slide down the groove of his crown, I released his balls, caught the drip on my fingertip, and made a big show of licking my finger clean. I repeated this several times, coaxing several large drops from his balls, before I changed to a new stroke.

Kneeling up a little taller, I gripped Mark’s cock with just my thumb and forefinger, making a tight ring around the very tip. Keeping the ring as tight as I could, I forced it down over his cock, all the way to the base. I slid my fingers all the way down until they were at the base of his shaft, with the rest of my fingers tickling his balls. Keeping the same grip, I slid my hand up, pinching the ring tight around his head as I pulled off. It’s one of my favorite ways to stroke myself because it feels initially penetrating a tight pussy.

While I stroked his dick, I let go of his balls and slid my fingers back between his spread legs, tracing the length of his ass crack. Pulling my hand back, I pressed on my middle finger into the bottom of his crack. The lube on my hands let my finger glide smoothly through his channel.

As my finger dragged across his asshole, I paused to circle the tip around his rim. That prompted Mark to spread his legs even wider and groan each time I gave him a tickle there. After the first couple of strokes, he lifted one foot up onto the bed to give me better access.

I looked up at his face as I did this. He had his eyes closed, and he was biting his lower lip. Even though we had only been at this for a few minutes, he was breathing heavily and his pecs and stomach were covered with sweat.

My head was just below his chest, so I leaned forward, extended my tongue, and licked the drops of sweat off his nipple. Mark’s eyes flew open and he groaned softly. I locked eyes with him and slowly moved my mouth to his other nipple. I touched it with my tongue, then lowered my mouth until my lips encircled it. As I sucked it into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, Mark let out a louder groan.

Releasing Mark’s nipple, I sat back down on my heels and focused on his cock again. I could see that the precum was flowing non-stop, and the entire length was bright purple. As I slid my hand between his legs on the next stroke, I stopped with my fingertip at the center of his asshole. I inserted the tip of my finger into his ring, and at the same time, I switched to rapidly stroking his cock, with a twist around the head every few strokes.

Mark began panting, and I could see the muscles in his legs standing out, tense and jacked as if he’d just been doing squats. When I heard him suck in breaths and hold them before exhaling, I started rapidly jacking his cock, and slid my whole middle finger into his ass. I had read about prostate massages in porn stories, so I curled my finger to see if I could find the spot. I must have hit it, because he suddenly clamped his asshole around my finger and went stiff.

I had been expecting him to cum soon, so I had his cock pointed at my mouth with his head hovering just above my extended tongue. As Mark stiffened, he put his hands on my head. His clenching ass caused his hips to thrust forward, pushing his cock over my tongue and into my mouth. At first he just grazed my tongue and lips, but as his orgasm fully overtook him, his hip’s thrusts became stronger and stronger until he was driving half his cock into my mouth.

I was focused on catching his cum, so it didn’t occur to me to back off. Instead, I reacted instinctively to having something forced into my mouth, closing my lips and tongue around his shaft. When I realized what had happened, something made me swirl my tongue around his head and allow his thrusts to force his length deeper into my mouth.

That was all Mark needed to go over the edge. As I instinctively applied suction to his cock and fluttered my tongue, he fired his cum directly into my mouth. I instantly knew that I loved the sensation of his strong throbbing and the warm gush splashing in my mouth. I began bobbing up and down on his shaft with a purpose, ultimately getting all but the last two inches into my mouth before Mark begged, “No more!”

I slowly let his cock out of my mouth with a pop, and looked up at him.

Mark looked at once shocked and apologetic. He started to say he was sorry, but I cut him off, saying, “Dude, did it seem like I was trying to spit it out?”

Mark started to apologize again before what I said registered. Once it sank in he said, “No, it actually felt like you were giving me a pretty good blowjob.”

“Remember when I said I was curious about sucking a dick a little while ago?” I asked. “Well, I’m not curious anymore. I’m a confirmed cocksucker.”

Mark looked skeptical, “Really?”

I grinned and said, “Damned right. That was amazing. You know I like the taste of cum. The taste and smell of your cock is just as good. I also like the way your cock feels in my mouth: hard, but soft at the same time, and warm. Your cock throbs too, and the feeling of strength when you cum is amazing. I certainly want to do that again.”

Mark asked, “How did you know I wanted you to play with my asshole?

I explained that I had seen him play with his own ass before, and I figured if he thought I would like him fingering my ass, it must mean he liked it himself. I also told him what I had noticed about how he was standing.

Mark admitted that he had experimented with ass play since he saw a video of a girl using a curved toy up a guy’s butt.

We talked for a while about what had happened. After a while we both realized that we weren’t freaked out about messing around with another guy, the way it had happened so suddenly caught us off guard. Once we reached that conclusion, Mark asked if he could give me a blowjob and I said, “Sure.” Later, I went down on him. We both admitted that, while we each enjoyed giving and receiving, we both needed to practice our technique.

That’s when Mark asked me if I was going to tell Patty what we had done. I asked him what he wanted me to do.

“I’m not sure how she’ll take it. I don’t want her to get mad at us.”

“I don’t want to sneak around on Patty. I’m pretty sure she won’t mind if I hook up with someone else, but I’m sure she’ll be pissed if I lie about it. If this is a one-time thing, I can probably keep it to myself. If we want to do this again, I have to tell her.”

Mark understood, “I see what you’re saying. If you’re gonna be staying here on a regular basis, I definitely want to do this again. I guess you should tell her and I’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

We went to bed then. In the morning I gave Mark a blowjob before we went down to breakfast. “I need to practice when I can,” I said. He wanted to return the favor, but I told him that Patty was probably going to want to be horny when we got back to school, so I thought I should save my strength.


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