Spring Break Daddy

A gay story: Spring Break Daddy Last spring during my junior year in college, as a reward for keeping my grades up, my folks sprung for me go down to Mexico with some friends from school for Spring Break.

I go to a small Christian college in southern Indiana an hour from where I grew up. It’s not the most understanding place. And while is easy to find some fun it’s not a place I can be out. I had a group of friends at schools. I didn’t tell any of them that I loved to get fucked by guys.

When my friends Sarah, Anna and Erica decided to spend Spring Break in Cancun, they asked if I wanted to come. Their friend Aaron was going too.

I had met Aaron the first week of school this year when he started studying at the library with Erica and Sarah. While he was never rude, I didn’t find him that warm or easy to talk to. He was definitely a good looking guy and sometimes I found myself staring at his hairy legs and arms when we would lounge around on the quad. He had a hot scruffy beard and slightly shaggy dirty blond hair that casually fell in his face when he turned his head to say something to you. He was a lean skinny guy, an inch or two taller than me, with a climbers build. I had seen his hairy chest a few times on the quad. His whole torso was covered in thick ringlets of fur that were darker brown than the hair on his head.

Though I generally found myself attracted the middle aged professors that I fairly routinely ran into late at night in the field house sauna…the ones who invited me back to their apartments to lick their hairy, slick throbbing cocks and suck on their furry nipples while they fucked me…

I definitely had a crush on Aaron. Probably precisely because his hairy bod made him seem more a man than the smooth twinky guys my own age on campus.

The day after our last final exam of the Winter Trimester we flew down to Cancun. The warm humid air we took in as we made our way to the hotel from the airport was a welcome change from southern Indiana. Our spring break didn’t match other schools’ which meant we were likely to have the run of resort we were staying at-a place that Sarah’s parent had as a time share and where they had gone every winter since Sarah was in high school.

The “room” was actually a suite it what more or less looked like a resort hotel with three bed rooms- two with two beds each and one with one bed. The bedrooms opened up into a shared living and kitchen and the place had a balcony that overlooked one of the three large curving pools that followed the path of the connected complexes of the resort. From the balcony, looking past a wall of palm trees whose leaves swayed just below eye level, you could see the ocean.

The girls had drawn straws to see who would get the single room to themselves and Anna had won.

Aaron and I were going to share a room.

After we got unpacked and settled in we decided to go down to the pools. We all went back to our rooms to get ready.

I followed Aaron into our room and closed the door. Our beds were as far from each other as they could be.

I watched from across the room where I was standing next to my bed as Aaron pulled off his shirt exposing his hairy chest and torso. His hair slowly fell in his face as he looked down. I tried hard not to stare too obviously as he started to pull off his belt and unbutton his jeans. As I pulled my own shirt off I saw him strip down to his white briefs. The hair on his muscly legs looked even darker next to the white of his briefs. Aaron started to pull his briefs down, but then, as if suddenly again aware of my being in the room, he turned around as he continued undressing exposing his glorious furry round ass. As he half bent to take off his shorts, I could see his hairy balls come into view between his legs.

Feeling my cock harden in the shorts I was wearing, I quickly walked into the bathroom adjacent to our room so that I wouldn’t give my increasingly aroused state away.

I closed the door almost fully but through the slightly open slit, I watch as he stepped into a white with blue paisley design pair of board shorts. He finished tightening the strings on it. My eyes lingered as he turned around exposing his flat, hairy abdomen. He pulled a tank top out of his dresser and raised it over his arms to put it on. As he did I got a view of his hairy, muscular arm pits. Even as his arms came down, I say the dark thick hair sprout uncontrolled framing his biceps; it matched his chest hair. The tank top fit snug against his body with about a hands width of his chest hair curls hanging over the top.

I had no idea how I was going to make it through five days of being so close to him.

I came out of the bathroom after I put my knee length red and white checkered board swimsuit on and grabbed a plain gray t-shirt with a pocket.

After fussing with his stuff, Aaron looked at me and asked, “Are you ready?”

When we went into the living room we saw that they girls had squeezed themselves into their tiniest bikinis and pairs of short shorts. With sunglasses and towels and sunscreen in hand, we headed out the door and down the stairs to the pool area that our balcony overlooked.

We found some chairs together in the shade to spare our fair skin and got the waiter’s attention. The man who took our drink order was a handsome dark skinned man with a beautiful muscular ass. I noticed the coarse black hair on the sides of his arms as he handed me my drink. My eyes followed him as he made his way back to the bar. He never looked back.

As Anna, Sarah, Erica and I relaxed with our drinks, Aaron let us know that he was hot and he was going to head into the pool. I watched as he stripped of his shirt and followed him with my eyes till he jumped in the pool and slowly started swimming away from us to the far end of the pool. He disappeared out of site behind some of the lush, tropical plants and ferns that lined the water.

“He is such a brooder,” remarked Anna.

“He’ s sweet,” added Sarah. And I like having guy friends that I know I’m never going to sleep with.”

“He has a hot bod…but he is way too hairy,” giggled Erica.

“Totally,” said Sarah nonchalantly. And then the three of them burst out laughing in unison.

I knew all three of them only dated guys who were smooth.

What a loss for them.

They had no idea what they were missing.

But I couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious while they talked, about the dark brown thick hair on my own legs and even the patch of chest hair that I had started to sprout.

Most of the porn I found I line only had smooth guys too. And way too many of the online ads I saw spouted bullshit about “smooth only.” What was it about smooth guys that everybody liked so much?

My dad is a hairy guy and his brother Gabe is too. I was pretty sure that I would have a chest full of hair like them when my body thickened out with age. (My grandmother swore we had Greek blood in our family at some point although nobody could remember who.) I already had an almost permanent five o clock shadow like Uncle Gabe. For now, at 5’10” my body was lanky with some light muscle tone…and young and eager to be enjoyed.

I thought about the older Econ TA who I had met online the previous summer who had asked me to unbutton his shirt slowly so that he could feel my fingers brush through his generously dense chest hair. He was so hard and wet after that simple maneuver that I thought he was going to cream in my hands after I had then started licking his hairy nips. I still remember how the sweat dripped off his fur onto me as he fucked me on my back in his cramped studio apart where the air barely moved. I loved that he fucked me with his wedding ring still on.

I found it funny that Sarah, Anna and Erica did not feel self-conscious at all about me being there. It was like they didn’t notice me at all during this conversation.

They went on about the guys they thought were cute on campus and which of their revolving door of boyfriends gave them the best fucking.

Finally, I covered my ears and loudly shouted “La, La, La. I can hear you guys. TOO MUCH INFORMATION!”

They laughed together.

“You are such a prude Isaiah,” smiled Anna.

“And while we have your attention, how come you haven’t gone out with anybody since Eva? Wasn’t that like fall of freshmen year?” Asked Sarah.

“He’s always studying,” offered Erica.” I know your parents are always on you about your grades but it might do you a little good to get laid every once in a while Isaiah.”

Feeling the conversation heading into dangerous territory I got up and took off my shirt and said “How do you expect me to meet a girl I like with you guys always around. You’re an intimidating bunch.”

“Oh poor baby” I heard Sarah joke as I turned to the pool.

I cannon-balled in when I got to the edge.

I heard the girls hollering from the splash I created as I came up for air. I swam a few widths of the pool to cool off.

I looked around but didn’t see Aaron anywhere.

I stayed in the pool and allowed my body to relax in the warm water.

When I got back to the lounge chairs I found the girls resting quietly on their stomachs and soaking in the sun.

I dried off, wrapped a towel around my waist, sat down and put my sunglasses back on as I read from the magazine that Erica had lying on the drink table between us. I grabbed the Dodgers baseball hat she had left on the book next to her drink to keep the sun off my face. Adjusting it on my head, I reclined against the chair.

As I thumbed through the pages I happened to notice a man in a white robe walking along the side the pool. It seemed like he was looking for a lounge chair in the sun. Without being obvious about it I let my eyes behind my sunglasses follow him as he lumbered around the pool. Seeing that all the chairs near him in the sun were occupied, he grabbed one in the shade and dragged it out to the pool’s edge. His eyes were covered by sunglasses so it was hard to get a sense of his face. But as he was getting settled I couldn’t help but notice his square build as his body moved under his robe. It looked like he had a beefy, football player frame. Thick and definitely older. He walked like my uncle Gabe, like he owned the ground he walked on.

I kept looking in his direction hoping he might take off his robe. With Erica, Sarah, and Anna face down I wasn’t that worried about being discovered.

The man was now lying in his lounge chair with his hands behind his head, taking in the sun.

The guy had dark brown or black hair that had some flecks of gray. He had a light beard that looked like a few days’ worth of growth. I could see that his legs were thick and covered with hair. His beefy forearms which extended out of the sleeves of his robe were muscled and covered with a layer of curly hair as well. On his left wrist was a bulky silver watch.

He didn’t stir for a while.

When he finally sat up, his robe opened slightly and I got a quick glimpse of muscular thigh.

My eyes stayed on him.

After he read for a while he looked up and he slowly turned his head from one end of the pool to another as if he were taking in the full scene.

People were slowly starting to leave the pool area. I guessed that most were headed to dinner.

The man continued to look around. As he did so I saw his hand slip inside his robe.

He started to slowly rub his chest. The top of his robe loosened to reveal glimpses of the forest of hair that lay beneath.

I could only image what it would be like for my fingers to run through that fur.

I could feel the blood slowly filling my cock.

Since my dick was awkwardly pressing now against my shorts, I got up to discreetly “re-arrange” myself. As I stood up, the towel around my shoulders fell to the concrete.

I looked to see the man now staring right at me.

Slightly embarrassed I turned around, now standing with my back to him.

Once I moved things around I got seated again, the whole time wondering if the man was looking in my direction.

Once I got settled and picked up my magazine, I looked out again.

The man was still staring right at me.

I felt a charge move through me.

Embarrassed, I looked down at the magazine.

With my eyes still hidden behind my sunglasses, I peered over the top of my magazine and saw him smiling at me.

I was worried that he was being too obvious so I buried my head in my magazine again.

A few minutes later, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him get up.

He stood there for a minute, looked around, and then slowly, nonchalantly he started to undo the tie on his robe.

When the robe came apart I go a glimpse of the most amazing fur covered torso I had ever seen. He was wearing a pair of dark blue speedos that looked liked they barely covered his groin. A moment later he pulled off the robe one side at a time and let it fall to the ground.

He stood there almost naked like a magnificent god.

I got a full glimpse of his body and it was impressive.

His build was like one off the thick football players at school. His chest was covered in dark brown, maybe even black, curls of hair. In the middle of this forest of hair lay a silver cross. Hair covered his whole abdomen. His whole body had a deep, rich tan.

And his cock looked like it might burst out of the trunks he was wearing. Even covered and seen from across the pool, it was clear that it was an impressive piece of meat.

As he stood there once again running his hand through the curls on his chest, I found myself wondering what the bush at the base of that meaty dick looked like. I loved sticking my nose in a man’s musky crotch and inhaling. As he now looked to his left, his hand which I now noticed had a thick silver ring on it slowly and seemingly unconsciously started to move down his torso and settle on his abdomen where it again rubbed his body in a slow circular motion.

Since he wasn’t looking my way I allowed myself to peer over my magazine again.

I saw him raise his arms over his head to stretch as he let out a big, long yawn with his mouth to the sky.

While he was standing there in this position, I could see the thick bush of hair in both his arm pits.

I was in heaven. I could feel my dick continuing to harden in my shorts and begin to strain against the fabric.

When he ended his yawn, his face dropped so I once again found him staring straight at me.

He smiled again. This time a crooked smile that I had seen all too many times in the sauna in the field house at our college in the moments before it closed at 11pm.

With his middle finger he slowly pushed up his sunglasses that had started to slide down his nose as he stretched.

And with that he slowly turned and sauntered over to the pool restroom which was about 25 feet behind his lounge chair, around an embankment of lush palms.

As he turned his back to me, I saw the thick muscles of his bronzed back. On the back of the left shoulder he had a small tattoo that I could not make out.

I watched him disappear into the restroom and saw the door swing shut behind him.

I wanted to follow him in there so badly. I could see drops of precum on the fabric of my swim shorts where the material touched my piss hole. But I didn’t dare get up with my friends around-all three of whom were in various stages of waking up from their naps.

In no mood to talk to them, I got up and took off the ball cap I had on and my sunglasses and made my way the few steps to the edge of pool. As I stood by the water’s edge, I saw the door to the restroom swing open. The man came out and briefly paused to take the sight of me in.

Flustered I jumped in and felt the water envelope my body.

When I surfaced I saw the man by his lounge chair. He took off his watch and hid it under his clothes.

And then he took his sunglasses and dropped them on the lounge chair too.

He had the most intense brown eyes and he was looking at me, smiling once again.

When he saw me looking back at him, he nodded.

I nodded back to acknowledge him.

In a deep, resonant voice with a heavy Spanish accent he asked “How is the water, friend?”

Not sure know what to say, I just nodded.

He smiled to himself as he arranged his things and started to move towards the pool.

My eyes followed the outline of his thick massive cock as he came to the edge of pool. I could see the outline of his man meat.

He sat down on the edge of the pool and slowly slid his torso in. What a beautiful sight.

As he continued to smile at me, I heard the girls call out “Hey Isaiah, we’re heading back to the room to get ready for dinner. You coming?”

I looked back to see them gathering their things.

“No, I think I’ll swim some more. My body is all stiff from the plane ride down,” I said. “I may be here for a while.”

“You want us to wait before we head to dinner” asked Sarah as she came to the edge of the pool.

I swam over to her.

“I don’t know how long I will be. I might head down to the beach.” I answered. “You guys go on ahead. Maybe I’ll catch you before you head out, but don’t worry about it if I don’t.”

She went back to Anna and Erica. I watched as they slipped their shirts back on, packed their stuff and then left. Erica’s Dodgers cap lay under the lounge chair where it had fallen when I had taken it off.

I turned back to where I had left my new friend in the pool.

He had started to do laps the length of the pool.

Not sure what I was going to do next, I just stood there.

After about a lap and a half, he stopped when he came to the middle of the pool where I was standing.

He was only about 8 feet from me now. I could see beautiful curls of brown-black chest hair wet and plastered to his chest.

“Your friends?” he asked.

Still caught up in the moment, I just nodded.

He laughed and he rubbed his chest.

“What’s the matter? You no speak my friend?” He asked.

He extended his hand. I did the same.

As he grasped my hand with a firm grip he said “Paolo.”

“Isaiah,” I replied.

He let go of my hand slowly so it felt like his fingers caressed my hand.

“You come on vacation here?” He asked as he moved his arms through the water.

I nodded again.

“From US?” he asked.

I nodded again.

“I’m from Mexico City.”

I was so nervous that no words were coming out.

“It’s beautiful here, no?” He offered.

“Yes” I replied. “It’s my first time.”

“You no go with your friends Isaiah?” He asked.

“No.” I replied.

He moved closer to me, stopping about two feet away. I could feel heat coming off of his body.

“I tired. I go back to room,” said Paolo.

“Oh, okay” I replied, unsure of what to say.

Paolo swam back to the edge of the pool and hoisted his body slowly out of the pool. I got a glimpse again of the thick muscles that ran down his back. He had an amazing thick and muscly ass as well. An inverted triangle of hair lay just above the line of his briefs at the base of his back.

As I watched him towel himself off, he winked at me. He took a few extra minutes to rub dry his torso while he looked off at the entrance to the lobby. He put his sunglasses back on and put his watch back on his wrist.

Paolo picked up his robe and slipped his arms back into it as he let it hang open. It perfectly framed his hairy chest and torso.

Was it my imagination or did his cock look thicker than before?

“Enjoy,” he said. And with that he tied up his robe, turned away and started to walk towards the lobby.

I felt a sudden surge of un-explicable panic.

Watching him walk away, I quickly swam back over to the side of the pool where my stuff was and hoisted myself out. My cock was a stiff as a board but I wasn’t so worried when I realized that I was the last person in the pool area. I dried off my chest and then my legs quickly as I watched Paolo enter the lobby and put my shirt back on.

I put the ball cap that Erica had left behind and grabbed my magazine, my towel and my sunglasses and headed after him.

I could feel my heart racing.

I got inside the lobby just in time to see Paolo head down the corridor to the right and turn to the right again at the end of it. Trying not to draw too much attention to myself, I walked quickly in the direction I saw him go. As a rounded the corner I saw him at the far end of the corridor slide his key into the door of a room. I slowed down now embarrassed that he might see me.

Without looking to his left or right Paolo entered the room.

I slowly walked down the hallway unsure of what to do.

I figured I would at least find out his room number.

When I came to stand in front of his door, to my surprise, I saw that the door was slightly ajar with a towel propping it open about three inches. There was no light coming from the room.

I put my ear against the door to see if I could hear anything.

I heard no footsteps.

I slowly pushed the door open with my hand.

The room was differently configured than ours and I found myself in a small entry area.

I saw the red and black flip flops that Paolo had been wearing at the pool by the door of what looked like a closet.

I still didn’t hear anything.

My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest.

I slowly made my way into a kitchen area that was next to a living room.

Off of the living room was only one door.

And it was half way open.

I made my way to the door.

As I slowly looked inside, there was Paolo sitting on the edge of the bed. The only light in the room came from the slightly open bathroom door.

As my eyes adjusted, I nearly gasped at what I saw.

His robe was open.

He had pulled his speedo down to his ankles. His sunglasses balanced on the top of his head.

And where his now spread legs met, in the midst of a thick, thick bush of hair, slightly curving back towards his abdomen stood his fat, erect uncut spear of a cock.

He knew I would come.

I slowly stepped into the room and stared at this magnificent hairy man who sat propped up on his elbows with his legs spread wide, with a shit-eating grin on his face.

As he licked his lower lip he motioned me closer with his hand.

“Hola Guapo.” He said in his deep voice.

I just looked at him.

He motioned to me again with his hand.

I step towards him. He held out his hand which I took. He pulled me too him till I was standing a few inches in front of him.

Paolo buried his face in my abdomen and inhaled deeply before looking up at me.

I let my body slowly sink to the floor and rested on my knees in front of him.

I wasn’t sure where to start at first.

As I decided, he removed my ball cap and turned it around so that the bill was now backwards. He gently put it back on my head.

I placed both hands on his hairy inner thighs and gently ran my finger tips from his bush out to his knees.

I heard him sigh.

While I continued to do that I brought my nose to his bush and inhaled his deep wet smell.

I felt him shudder. I started to kiss his inner thighs on both sides of his dick.

Soon, I felt his hand on the back of my head as he brought me to his cock.

Rather than suck it-I wanted to take my time-I let my tongue lick his hairy ball sack.

This time he let out an appreciative moan.

I did this for while till the hair on his balls was wet with my spit. His torso was gently swaying as he continued to prop himself up by his arms.

With my hand I reached up to his chest hair and ran my hands through it and kneaded his pecs.

I moved my fingers to his small taut nipples and ran them gentle across them.

I felt his whole body twitch.

I brought my body closer to his so that my abdomen was resting again his cock.

I could feel it pulsing against me in its sheath. In all my fuck session I have never played with an uncut dick. It was amazingly sexy up close.

I brought my mouth to his left nipple and started to lick it.

He squirmed with pleasure. I ran just my tongue against it as I felt it harden.

He threw his head back and pulled me close with his right hand on the back of my head.

I started to slurp on it hungrily and greedily.

I was treated to his deep guttural moaning. As I continued to lap away on his left nipple I brought my hand up to his right one and started to gently stroke until it too was hard like the one in my mouth.

More urgent moaning.

He grabbed my head and brought his lips to mine to kiss me deeply. I felt him shove his tongue in my mouth and felt it urgently explore.

He pulled me up and had me straddle his lap seated on the edge of the bed.

He gently took off my cap and let it drop to the floor. Then he eased off my tshirt and continued to kiss me long and wet.

I felt him rub the diamond patch of chest hair between my pecs before he started to stroke my nipples. I love having my nipples played with too. I let out an appreciative moan.

He laughed before bringing my mouth back to his. I loved the way that he was manhandling me.

Paolo had me stand while he still sat on the edge of the bed.

While looking up at me he slowly undid the drawstring of my trunks.

He grabbed my ass with his hands and started to knead my cheeks.

Paolo brought my torso to his mouth and slowly started to kiss my body from just below my pecs. My body felt alive as I let him do what he wished.

When he got to my belly button, he started to slowly lick and nibble on the area covered by my happy trail until he came to the top of my undone trunks.

He grabbed them on both sides of my waist and urgently pulled them down till they slid off and ended on the floor.

My cock sprang forward.

He turned me sideways and now got down on the floor in front of me. With his hands back on my waist Paolo slowly began to expertly lick the underside of my shaft.

He kept this up while he started to run his fingers on the underside of my balls. And gentle he began to run his fingers through the fine dark brown hairs on my sack.

I was so turned on.

His tongue began to bathe my entire shaft. He left the head alone at first.

But as he saw me get into it, he started to lick the head of my cock as well, all the while caressing the underside of my balls.

He kept this up for a while until he finally decide to take the head of my dick in his mouth. And slowly he started to take more of me. As he eventually made it to the base, he started to jerk my cock while we sucked me.

I was in heaven.

I could feel the pressure starting to build my balls. I had to make him stop before I shot my wad.

“No,” I said. “Not yet.”

Those were the first words I had uttered since I had come in the room.

I motioned for him to lie on his back with his legs hanging off the bed.

After some confusion he complied.

I climbed on top of him and rested my stomach against his.

I loved the feel of the fur on his hard stomach against me.

I rubbed myself against him. The sweat from our bodies made it easy to slide against each other. I felt his dick rub again my inner thighs and against my own cock.

I brought my body down so that my mouth was aligned with his nipples and started slurping on them, first the right and then the left.

He squirmed below me.

He grabbed my head and urgently brought it to his chest till I felt smashed against him.

Paolo let out the nastiest moans he had made so far as I continued to nurse on him.

I took my mouth off his nipples to start kissing his abdomen. I licked and kissed my way till my face was once again buried in his bush. I felt the coarse black hairs rub against my face.

I ran my fingers gentle along the full length of his cock which must have been a good 11-12 inches of thick meat. I wrapped my hand around his foreskin and felt it slide smoothly in my hand as his dick head came out to play and then disappear again into its wrapping. I gently rubbed it against the side of my face to savor it. He moaned and sighed as he now gently ran his hands through my hair.

I was ready to have him fill my mouth.

I started to lick the length of his shaft as he had done to me. Gently at first. And then more urgently.

Paolo propped himself up again on his elbows.

I love having a man watch me as I slurp his cock. It makes me feel so lewd and sexy having his eyes on me.

Paolo watched me eager to see what I would do. A drop of precum started to slowly slide down the head of his dick.

When I brought my lips to hover over his dick he looked at me lustily and expectantly and slowly wiggled his hips side to side. I slowly brought my mouth down and proceeded to take his meat in my mouth a half an inch at a time.

With such a long fat dick it wasn’t easy but I tried to take it all in my mouth. I took it till the tip hit the back of my throat. There were a couple of inches that just wouldn’t go in. His bush tickled my noise.

Paolo looked at me and smiled.

I sucked on him like this for a good 5 mins. Every time his dick hit the back of my throat he grinned and let out an “ooh.” At some point he grabbed the back of my head by my hair and started bucking him hips at a faster pace.

At some point he pulled me by my hair off his dick and had me get on all fours on the edge of the bed.

I felt his powerful hands spread my ass cheeks.

Moments later, I felt the tip of his tongue again my hole and I flinched.

After the initial charge that ran through my body, I felt my whole body relax as he went to town on my hairy hole. I felt the warmth of his tongue pressed against my entrance and I was in heaven. I loved feeling his hands on the globes of my cheeks as he did it. I loved being eaten out- it was hard to find folks at school who were as into it as I was. I was feeling like a lucky man.

After some time I felt Paolo release his grip. My body felt so relaxed. And my dick was leaking precum.

I looked back to see him start to go to the side table next to the bed and pull out a condom and some lube.

My eyes followed him as came back to the foot of the bed and once again stood behind me.

“I fuck you. I can, no?” He said as he opened the condom wrapper, took it out and began to slide it down his dick. It only made it three fourths of the way down his shaft.

At that point I would have done anything he asked.

“Yes.” I said. “Please fuck me.”

He smiled again.

“Good boy.”

I saw him slather his condom wrapped dick with some lube. He grabbed me by my hips and moved me closer to the edge of the bed.

He bent down once more to tongue my ass. He was a pro. Being eaten out always relaxed me before my ass took a man’s dick, and given how big Paolo’s was, I was going to need to be as relaxed as I possibly could be.

He grabbed my hips again. After a little searching with his finger-tips I felt him line the tip of his dick with my hole.

And then I felt him slowly start to enter me.

I let out a gasp as the head of his cock broke through the ring of my asshole.

My ass was too tight to grant it easy entry.

I let out a muffled “ow!”

Paolo stopped immediately and slowly pulled out the head of his dick.

It left my hole with a quiet “pop.”

He leaned over and rested his hairy chest on my back and kissed the back of my head as he gently caressed my neck with one hand while he braced himself up with the other.

“Shhhh,” he whispered.

He slowly ran his fingers through my hair gently.


I could feel his dick resting against the crack of my ass.


As he got up from resting on my back, he slowly stroked my spine from my neck to my hips.

I looked back as he picked up the lube he had dropped on the floor and he squirted some onto two of his fingers. He used his thumb to spread it.

He gently nudged me with his other hand and motioned for me to turn over. I obediently rolled over on onto my back with my legs now hanging off the bed.

Paolo bent down to lick and nibble first my inner thighs and then the part of my abdomen covered by my happy trail.

He then got on the bed with me and lay down by my side but slightly above me. I shimmied up the bed so that our faces were next to each other.

Paolo scooted his hand under my neck.

And then he leaned in to kiss me.

He gently pushed his tongue into my mouth-slow at first, and then more urgently. I closed my eye lost in the sensations.

As he did this I felt the hand that had some lube in slowly make its way down my torso to my cock. He gently gripped my dick and began to stroke me.

He alternated between long strokes for my whole cock and shorted strokes when he jerked just my cock-head. My cock was rock hard when he let go and removed his tongue from my mouth.

Paolo grabbed the lube that he had left on the other side of me. As he reached across me if felt his chest hair brush my chest.

He squirted some more on his index and middle fingers and stared into my eyes. His chain and crucifix hung off his neck.

He moved his fingers to my ass and I felt them massaging my hole as I slowly lifted my right leg to give him easier access.

As the look on Paolo’s face suddenly changed from one of gentleness to one of almost deadly seriousness he pushed his two fingers into my hole.

I let out a gasp as my ass gripped his fingers. It was the most uncomfortable feeling I could have felt in that moment.

He quickly covered my mouth with his and shoved his tongue back in my mouth.

Paolo steadily slid his fingers in and out of my ass as he swallowed my moans of discomfort.

Sometimes he was gentle. Sometimes his fingers probed my ass insistently. I wasn’t used to someone playing with my ass like this. Guys I let fuck me usually just lubed up their dick and pushed into me. But it had to be said their cocks were no-where near as big as the one Paolo had had in me momentarily.

As his fingers contributed to probe me, I felt them stretch and massage my canal. Every once in a while his middle finger would rub against my prostate sending a shiver through my body.

And slowly the earlier discomfort I had felt gave way to pleasure.

I lifted both my legs up to give him even easier access to my hole as he continued to kiss me.

My new position allowed him to push his fingers deeper into me and his fingers were now insistently massaging my prostrate.

I gripped the blanket as my body felt a surge of pleasure.

My moans were getting louder and louder and they were filling the room even with Paolo’s mouth mashed against mine.

And then suddenly he stopped kissing me and pulled his fingers out of me. Unlike their entry their departure from my ass was smooth and quick.

Paolo got off the bed and I could see that his magnificent, slightly curved cock was still hard as a rock inside the condom that barely contained it.

He rolled me back over on my stomach and lifted me into a position where my arms and head were still on the bed but I was on my knees with my ass in the air.

He found my hole with his index finger and I felt him line his cock head with it.

I felt the tip of it against my hole.

I felt Paolo’s hands on my hips.

And then he slowly started to feed my ass his cock.

And this time it went in without a fight. This time I felt my sensitive canal welcome him in.

With a slow, drawn-out plunge Paolo filled me to the hilt till I felt his bush against my ass cheeks.

“Oooh,” he sighed loudly in pleasure.

I don’t know if I can fully describe how amazing I felt that moment, my ass filled to the limit with this stranger’s cock, with his strong hands moving between holding my hips and massaging my butt cheeks.

But I can at least say that I felt a heady combination of slutty, and fulfilled.

I felt Paolo’s fingers stroke the length on my back as slowly started to pump my ass.

It was now my turn to sigh.

Paolo used long strokes as he held me in place at my hips. I felt his fat, thick cock rub the length of my canal. A couple of times he withdrew most of his cock leaving me thinking that he was going to pull out completely. And at the last second he plunged back in sending a shudder through my body as he hit my prostate.

At some point his rhythm got faster. I lifted my head up to prevent it from being smashed into the bed as his thrusts continued. I moved so that I was now on all fours.

A few moments later I felt Paolo lift his right foot up onto the bed and I felt his hairy thick leg brush up against mine. I felt him once again rest his hairy torso on my back as he kissed my neck and my back. He draped one arm across my chest and played with my right nipple.

He slowed down his thrusts and I felt the full length of him slide inside me at a steady pace. He grabbed my hair and continued to fill me up while I moaned in pleasure. I could feel the excitement in me rise each time his cock head hit my prostate.

Paolo paused for a moment.

I felt his muscular hand reach down and pull my ass gently cheeks apart.

I felt him push his cock deeper into me.

I sighed contented.

He kept at it for a while.

His thrusting started to get more urgent. My asshole felt like it was vibrating at this point.

In one deft move he grabbed my body to his and flipped me around so that he sat on the edge of the bed again with me still speared on him cock with my back to him. He wrapped his arm around my chest and pulled me tight as I felt the wet fur on his chest slick against me.

I had never been fucked in this position.

I loved it.

Paolo rubbed and pulled my nipples while I fucked myself on his dick sitting in his lap like a little kid.

At some point he started really pounding my ass in this position. His increased pace made me feel like a rag doll. There was something about it that felt pure animal. I turned my head to look at him while we were in this position. He smiled and brought his mouth to mine to kiss me. I reached back with my arm and placed my hand on the back of his head to try to bring him closer. I felt his stubble rub against my cheek as he reached down to slowly stroke my dick.

He shoved his tongue in my mouth as I started to feel the pressure in my dick start to build.

As he stroked and fucked me more urgently I started to moan more loudly.

He gently pulled my head back and started kissing my neck.

His hand worked my cock.

My dick was leaking precum and he worked into his stroking.

My whole body felt like it was vibrating.

I started to whimper from the intensity of the sensations.

“Come on baby,” he urged me on.

I felt my cock harden even more.

“Come on baby,” he growled.

My whimpering grew more urgent.

“Come on baby.”

I started to moan loudly. Paolo turned my head and covered my mouth with his to muffle the sound.

I could not hold out any more.

Speared on this hot daddy’s cock, pounded like I had never been pounded before, with my own meat being stroked so expertly, I erupted.

Long thick streams of cum shot across the floor in front of me.

As I continued to shoot, Paolo kissed me deeply and groaned “Mmmmmmm.”

It was a hot, nasty, insistent growl.

He took his mouth off my and let me collapse against his body.

I was shuddering as I sank into him

My whole body tingled.

Paolo wrapped his arms around me and drew me tight to him as I gasped for air.

He kissed my neck.

I sat there on his cock.


“You like?” he whispered.

All I could do was nod yes.

As I slowly started to catch my breath I started to raise myself off his dick.

I felt Paolo grab my hips.

“Not yet Guapo,” he said.

“My turn.”

And with that he gently but firmly grabbed my torso with both hands. Without pulling out of me he rolled me over so that my stomach lay on the bed with my legs hanging off the bottom edge.

I was so tired.

But it was clear that I wasn’t going anywhere.

I felt him gently grab my waist while he stood behind me.

He slowly started to thrust into me again.

I just lay there receiving him.

His thrusting increased in speed as he grabbed my waist more urgently.

I looked at the mirror on the dresser and saw the full view of a beast of a man pounding my ass with a look of intensity on his face.

At some point he reached down and grabbed my wrists and brought my hands behind my back.

I kept taking him as he clamped down on my wrists and held me there.

He kept it up for a few minutes.

At some point I felt his cock start to throb inside me.

And then with a roar, he unloaded into me.

I felt his body tighten at the moment of his release.

He gave two more thrusts as he let loose with a shout.

Paolo let go of my wrists and slowly he collapsed his body on top of me.

I felt the full weight of this fucking sexy stranger as he began to moan in my ear.

I felt every shudder.

I felt his heartbeat against my back.

It was amazing.

He lay on top of me for a few minutes without making a sound other than the sound of his breathing.

When he raised himself off me I felt his chest hair come unstuck from my back.

He was standing behind me again.

Slowly, gently, he started to pull out of me.

Bit by bit he exited my hole.

The cockhead came out with a “plop.”

My body was empty for the first time in an hour. I felt the loss.

I lifted my torso off the bed and watched as Paolo staggered to the bathroom.

I heard his thick stream of piss hit the water in the toilet.

I slowly reached for my shirt on the floor and started to wipe the sweat off my body.

After I heard the flush of the toilet Paolo came out of the bathroom and sat next to me.

He rested his hand on the back of my head and then brought it down to massage my neck.

He kissed my lips gentle.

“Sexy” he whispered.

He kissed me again gently. This time longer.

His tongue danced lightly against mine.

Paolo smiled and got up off the edge of the bed.

He moved to the dresser. He pulled some clothes out and closed the drawer.

“Come back tomorrow, Guapo” he said. “Same time, okay?”

And without waiting to see if I would say yes, he stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

I heard the shower start.

Shocked by his abruptness, I suddenly felt self-conscious being where I was. I looked around for my shorts, cap and shirt finding them under the wound up comforter on the floor. I slid my shirt and swim shorts on slowly and took a look around getting my bearings. I put the ball cap on my head. Alone in the room I felt like an intruder.

I looked at the rumpled bed and could hardly believe that only 5 minutes before I was receiving a stranger’s meaty thick cock sprawled out on my stomach.

I could hear the shower still running as I stepped into the main room of the suite. I looked out the window to see the daylight giving way to evening. I had no doubt that everybody was wondering where I was.

As I exited the suite and pulled the door behind me, I made a note of the number on the door.


After the darkness of Paola’s room, the hallways felt disarmingly bright as I made my way back to our suite.

When I got back I opened the door to silence.

There was a note on the kitchen counter from the girls saying they had gone out to the main drag.

I made my way to the room that Aaron and I were sharing and closed the door behind me.

I went straight to the bathroom and flipped the light on.

I caught my reflection in the mirror as I started to pull my shirt off.

My hair looked like a mess. My body felt spent and sore.

Had it really happened? It felt so completely surreal to be where I was now given where I had been 10mins before.

As I got closer to the mirror, I saw the remnants of cum starting to crust on my torso.

I stripped off my shorts and started the shower.

Looking down at my legs, I saw more spots of cum crusted into the hairs on my right thigh.

I pulled back the curtain and felt the hot steam envelop my body as I stepped in.

My body tingled as the water from the shower head hit me.

As I soaped up, I thought about the weight of Paolo’s body on me as he fucked me.

I thought about the feel of his hairy trunk against me.

And the sensation of his cock withdrawing from my ass leaving me empty.

I soaped my cock and touched my nipples as I thought about the scene. My dick was quickly hardening in my hand. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to cum again, but it felt good to reconnect with my body.

I reached down to wash my ass with my soapy left hand.

As I rinsed out my furry crack my fingers rubbed up against my hole.

At first I felt my body shudder from the sensation of being so raw down there.

And then it started to ease and relax as I continued to massage my hole.

Without really thinking about it I slipped two soapy fingers in.

I felt wonderful to have my ass full again even if it wasn’t nearly as satiated as it had been with Paolo’s cock inside it.

Did he really want me to come back?

Finished with my shower, I stepped out and grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around my waist before heading back out to our room.

As I came out of the bathroom I was startled to see Aaron sitting on his bed putting some things in a knapsack which lay between his feet on the floor.

He looked up.

I felt his heavy stare on me.

For a moment he had a look on his face like he was looking at me for the first time standing there in my towel.


“Heading out?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said before he looked away. “I’m meeting the girls at a place down the street.”

“You coming?” He asked.

“Nah. I’m exhausted.”

Aaron kept at getting his bag together.

I turned away from him toward the dresser on my side of the room.

I pulled out some boxers. I let me towel drop to the floor and eased into them.

I turned back surprised to see Aaron looking at me with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

“Okay. See you later.”

And with that he was out to the door.

It wasn’t that late but I felt exhausted between the plane ride earlier in the day and the incredible pounding I had just received.

I turned off the lights and got into my bed thinking I would take a short nap.

But as I lay down I felt a heavy sleep descend upon me and I was soon out.

At some point I heard Aaron come back but I wasn’t awake enough to talk.

I drifted back to sleep as I heard him go into the bathroom and run the shower.

When I woke up the next morning, his bed was made and he was gone.

I looked at my phone for the time.


I had slept for more than 12 hours.

My body still sore, I got up and put some shorts on and wandered into the living room.

Sarah, Anna and Erica were at the kitchen table with maps out. They were discussing their plans for the day.

“Hey sleepy-head,” said Sarah.

“What happened to you after the pool?” asked Anna.

“Oh, I just went down to the beach.” I said without missing a beat. “The water was so warm and it wasn’t so crowded.”

“How about you guys?” I asked to change the subject.

“We went to the restaurant down the street” replied Erica. “And then we went out to a couple of bars. We weren’t out late. Anna knocked on your door when we got back but you were asleep.”

She started to tell me more about their evening but my mind started to wander back to what happened in the darkness of Paolo’s room.

As she blabbered on I thought about his chest hair wet with sweat. I thought about the crucifix that hung from his neck. I thought about how he had licked my hole to open it up after his first attempt at entering me. I thought about how he had fucked me face down with my hands behind my back. I thought about the weight of his body as he collapsed on me. I thought about how he kissed me…

“Are you even listening to me?” laughed Erica, cutting into my thoughts.

“Umhm” I mumbled as I headed to the refrigerator. Opening it I found it empty.

I was starving.

“Be right back guys. I’m going to go see what they have at the lobby coffee bar to snack on.”

And without waiting for their response I left.

I made it to the lobby and headed down the wing of the hotel I had been the night before.

281, 282, 283, 284, 285…

I found room 290.

Standing outside it now the corridor felt so different than it had the night before.

My heart was racing as I put my hand on the door knob.

I gently tried to turn it.

No luck.

Making sure nobody was looking I put my ear to the door to listen.


I knocked and held me breadth.


I counted to 10 and knocked again more loudly.


What had I expected? For all I knew he had checked out.

But then I remembered that he had said to come back at the same time…

I walked back to our suite and found the girls there ready to head out on the tour they had arranged through the hotel.

“Wanna come? The tour operator said that there are always a few extra open spaces,” said Anna.

“We asked Aaron,” she continued, “But he said he was just going to hang out on the beach and at the pool.”

What the fuck else was I going to do to keep myself busy till evening? I knew if I stayed at the hotel, the anticipation of the evening was going to kill me.

I grabbed my stuff and joined them on the tour.

It was actually a great tour. We toured the nearby Mayan ruins and other ruins a few hours away with a knowledgeable guide. Even though we were in a huge group of chatty American tourists it was easy to break off at each of the stops and find some quiet spots.

Anna noticed me looking at my watch the whole day.

“Hot date?” she asked.

“What!?” I responded.

“You’re looking at your watch every half hour,” she added.

“Nah. I saw a sign at the hotel for some sort of cultural show that they are offering at 7. What time do we get back?”

“I think the tour guide said between 6 and 7,” said Anna.

After a full day of site seeing and visiting some of the local villages, we finally made our way back to the hotel.

We were making good time till we hit a traffic jam outside of Cancun where we sat for an hour.

I was going to be late.

The bus driver honked away, but we just sat there.

“Must be an accident,” offered the tour guide.

It was 7:20 when we got back to the hotel.

I told the girls that I would catch them later and bolted off the bus.

I skipped going to our room and headed straight to the other wing of the hotel.

My heart was racing as I approached Paolo’s room.

I slowed down to not draw attention.

And suddenly there I was, standing in front of his door.

Room 290.

The door was propped slightly open with a towel the way that it was the night before.

I gently pushed it open and stepped into the darkness of the suite.

There was a light coming from the bed room. The door was ajar.

I, quietly as possible, moved to the door and pulled it opened and stood in the doorway.

There on the edge of the bed sat Paolo with the same shit eating grin that he had the previous evening. He was wearing his white cloth robe. I could see his hairy trunk like legs under it spread wide. His chest hair peeked above it.

“Guapo, you came,” he said.

The room was silent and still. The light was coming from the bed side lamp that he had draped a shirt over.

Still seated on the bed, Paolo started to undo the belt of the robe. I watched as it slid slowly through the hoops of the robe. He pulled his robe open slowly.

His beautiful uncut cock was thick and erect.

I came towards him and stood a foot in front of him.

I could see his dick throb.

He put his hands on my hips and looked up me like he was going to consume me.

I had started to unbutton my shirt slowly. I had just undone the last button when I was startled by the sound of the toilet flushing in the bathroom. Someone else was there.

Paolo could see my surprise.

“Shh baby…shhh. It’s all right” he whispered loudly as he gripped my hips to prevent me from moving.

I heard the sink run.

The bathroom door lock clicked undone.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

The door opened.

There in the doorway stood Aaron.

His eyes opened wide when he saw me. I heard him let out a muffled “Oh shit.”

I looked at Aaron and then I looked at Paolo. I felt panic.

Paolo looked at Aaron as he began to massage my abdomen with his right hand while his left still held my waist. My cock was as hard as it had ever been.

“We have fun together, no?” He asked Aaron.

I watched Aaron hesitate for a moment.

Looking straight at me he leisurely pulled off his tank top. His hairy chest was beautiful. He ran his left hand through his thick chest curls. Aaron unbuttoned his shorts and slid them down his legs to the ground to reveal tight red and yellow briefs. His treasure trail was as wide as my wrist as it disappeared into the top of his underwear. I took in his lean hairy legs now slightly embarrassed. He rubbed his abdomen as he stepped out of his shorts that lay at his feet on the floor and scratched leisurely at his right armpit.

And then Aaron slowly walked toward us…

(To be continued.)

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