Starcrossed Ch. 003

A gay story: Starcrossed Ch. 003 ((Thank you all for reading and I am sorry this took so long to get out. Also I promise this will be the last information dump. Be warned this story eventually will contain Non con, abuse, BDSM, violence and excessive gore. All characters are 18 and of legal age. This chapter contains what I would consider mild gore and is only a taste of what is to come.))


Rom watched as Julian wandered throughout the room tracing all the book spines.

His eyes dilated and he felt a heated sensation around his neck, as if the silver ring were melting acid, infesting his flesh. His head felt fuzzy as a memory broke through the ring.

…”Stupid dog” A large hairy man spit in the small teens face. “You’re an animal, not even intelligent enough to learn to read.” A book hit the small boy in his chest and he gathered it up like it was a fragile infant. “And your filthy mother tried so hard to teach you.” he laughed closing the cage door behind him.

“My mother was an angel” The kid yelled seemingly startled by his own bark.

“Watch your mouth you flea bitten mutt. Do you forget who it is who owns you?” The Man’s piggish grey eyes raked over the starved frame…

“Babe?” Julian questioned hearing a whimper come from Rom.

Romulus shook his head clearing away the painful memory. The ring around his neck was causing painful little pings to travel through his neck and down to his core. “Sorry, ghosts again.” He walked over to a book shelf and picked out a small book, almost like a pamphlet. Military and government opinion works were still heavily distributed. “This one is about me.”

Julian looked concerned, the book was all black and had the word “enemy” scratched into the front. He was about to say something to sooth the wolf when Rom smirked.

“I have something else to show you, my babies.” Rom held his hand out for Julian.

Julian wondered what in the hell Romulus would consider babies. Did he have some wolf cubs locked up somewhere? He followed Rom through the large house and down the steps. They walked through a concealed garden which Julian marveled at. The only way to see it would be an aerial view and as far as he knew nothing flew anymore. He was then led to another distant cave and a strange smell coated his nostrils. Rom lit another match and the light danced off the steel bodies of four machines.

“I know they are illegal and all but these four have been destroyed. I restored them and put combustion engines in them so the only waste is water and they run off of hydrogen and oxygen.” Rom ran a large hand over the sexy curves of a purple one, the same color as his eyes. The small silver title on the back read viper.

“What are they?” Julian asked amazed by how much Rom knew about engineering. He must have tinkered with the damn steel robots for hours.

Rom’s smile faltered “Cars, you’ve never seen a car before?” He asked. Julian had seen pictures of the time before. He didn’t remember it but everyone had seen pictures. Especially since Rom had such a huge collection of printed works.

Julian shook his head no “What are they for?” He asked mesmerized by his reflection in the paint.

Rom opened the passenger door and Julian inhaled the scent of leather. “Get in”

Julian sat on the seat not sure what would happen. He watched Rom get in the other side of the metal contraption and put a plastic little robot into the big robot. The thing roared to life and the lights flashed on the monster. Julian grabbed the leather his eyes wide.

“Relax babe.” Rom threw the car into reverse and backed it up into the garden. The car roared internally and raced around the track carved into Rom’s garden. It moved faster and faster hitting top speeds of 175 miles per hour.

Julian looked petrified and he clung to the seat. “Out Rom, I want out!”

Rom’s face fell as he pulled the viper into the garage. “We can travel faster…” He offered watching Julian shake. Julian dashed from the car. When he felt his head stop spinning he turned back to look in Rom’s dark eyes. “We can take it sometimes.” He offered. He didn’t have the heart to tell the wolf the ‘cars’ terrified him. Julian could move that fast on his own two legs. His body was used to it. Moving that fast while not moving was strange.

Rom perked up “Really? You like it?” His heart fluttered. “I can find you one for your own if you’d like one. Or you can have one of mine, though I guess they’re all ours anyway.” Rom ran his hand over the silky contour of the hood “I would give you the world if I could Julian.”

Julian walked over to Rom encasing him in his arms, and leaned down to give him a kiss. It wasn’t a big change in height, just noticeable enough to where Rom had to look up. “I have a feeling we are going to have to fix it first. Besides, they can have the world. I have all I need wrapped up in my arms.” Julian felt the wolf’s warmth press into him in agreement. “Ti amo Rom, sei mia per sempre.” Julian whispered in Italian.

“Avete mio Julian del cuore, voi siete il mio amore il mio vampiro” Romance languages sound even better coming from your lips.

Julian smiled “I wondered if you would remember your native tongue. Not many do, they speak this new crude language and have forgotten their ancestors.” Julian Ran his cool fingers through the thick hair on Rom’s head. “We should get a blood bank for our home.” Julian commented “Makes it easier to not have to go out and hunt anytime I want food. I know you can eat people food so we could have romantic dinners at home.”

Rom grinned “You called it home.”

Julian swatted him “Yes, it is our home.”

There was an odd fizzling pop as the collar on his neck cracked.

Rom doubled over. He felt sick and his knees made contact with the ground. Flooded with memories. Being with Julian and being happy seemed to erode the ring on the wolfs neck…


“Hey little bitch. You like the new necklace I gave you?” The large man laughed at the 12 year old wolf. He was 17.65 human years and still looked so innocent, he didn’t even know what he was.

Rom lounged against the chain jerking back. The silver ring glowed blue absorbing the memory. “Fuck you!” The small boy spat.

The hairy man laughed “Soon enough my dear boy just four more months now and you will be of legal age.”


A half starved boy that looked to be about sixteen was huddled in the corner. Rom was 22 now and it wouldn’t be long before his wolf years caught up. The large fat hairy man walked in.

The wolf emptied his bladder in fear as his blue eyes looked at the black bar. He had changed into a wolf during his fight. The large man’s nose wrinkled. “You pathetic little bitch. Did I give you permission to piss?”

Rom could have been used for a study in anatomy he was so thin. Every bone was so clearly outlined. He pushed up against the cinder block wall. “No master, I’m sorry I’m sorry” He started crying scrambling away from the fat man. He knew that stick had one of two uses; pain on the inside of him or pain on the outside. “I didn’t know” He cried covered in the blood of another boy and his own. Rom was used to killing, even at that young age.

“Well now you do.” The large man phased into a grey wolf and lifted its fat leg to mark the boy.

He grabbed him by the back of the neck and pushed him to the ground mounting him.

Cries of terror and shrieks of pain flooded the hall. The guards laughed. So the prisoner knew what he was now.


Rom looked big. There was not an ounce of fat on him. His eyes were a clouded purple as he sat on the floor. The fat wolf came in and this time Rom looked relaxed dazed. “No one will ever love you like I do Romulus.”

He pulled on the chain and the big wolf stood. “Just my bed from now on what do you say to that?”

Rom almost always obeyed, as long as the drug was running through him. The older wolf had been hoping to break him, to slowly wean him off of it. Letting him socialize with other wolves was not helping this. Rom was a natural leader.

He spit in the face of his master a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes started to clear. The master growled and phased.

He crashed into Rom with the intention to rip him apart. Instead Rom fell face first onto the cobble floor. Blood started to pool out from under his lifeless body.

The master phased back, a hairy naked man he suffered no pain like Rom endured when he phased. He pulled him by his hair arching his neck to expose his face. “Now look what you made me do to that pretty face of yours.” He spit on the gushing wound. “No one loves you Romulus and with a face like that no one ever will. Not even your mate, not even your fuck buddy Rodney.”


Rom looked up into worried amber eyes. “I think the ring is breaking.” He smiled and rose shakily to his feet.

“You look terrible, where is our bedroom you need to lay down.” Julian supported the nearly dead weight of Romulus.

“That one” Rom indicated a door at the end of the hall and Julian scooped him up like a baby. He was taller than Rom but Rom was much bigger and so Julian had some issues carrying his bulk, despite the fact that the weight wasn’t a problem.

Rom had loved his scar back then. He remembered that now. It meant that people stopped wanting to have sex with his drugged body. He had many scars on him. They had all made him ugly, and safely unwanted.

“I think that ring is to keep your memories from you.” Julian noted, not just the good memories but all of them. Anything important.” He touched the burn scar on Rom’s thick neck. The door came within reach and Julian was pleased that he had so much strength. He crouched and used one of the arms supporting Rom to open the door. Julian gasped at the interior.

Rom, who was too tired to open his eyes smiled “I bet your face was adorable when you saw our bed.”

Julian felt his meal rising to his cheeks shamefully, causing him to blush. “Yeah, although I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised with any fantastic thing you do.” He rested Rom down on the bed and removed his heavy boots and baggy black pants. Always shirtless Julian was happy he didn’t have to contend with the extra fabric. He tucked his naked lover into the bed.

The room was massive with marble walls and floors. The bed was black iron and twisted into an almost Celtic looking pattern. Julian pulled back the black silk comforter feeling the under feathers of birds move. “The pillows are filled with down too.” Rom informed him with a smile. “It was easier to come by than cotton fillers.”

Julian nodded even though Rom’s eyes were closed. “God you look so sexy against those silk red sheets.” Julian pealed off his own clothing not expecting a response and pulled Rom into his arms.

Rom winced “I doubt I am sexy”

Julian pulled back stunned. “What makes you say that?” He protested in shock.

Romulus opened his eyes “Well, for one I am too big. Too much muscle is unattractive which I definitely have. Two, I am a carving board. I have scars over every inch of my body. I forget I have them sometimes. Even my damn dick has a scar.”

Julian’s mouth was open “I like that you are all man” He protested running a hand up Rom’s chest. Maybe some beings would find so much firm muscle intimidating or unappealing, but he loved it. He traced a finger down Rom’s split face “I also happen to admire your scars. It shows me how strong you are and strength; both mental and physical is beautiful and damn sexy.”

Rom studied Julian’s face he could tell he had meant what he said. “Well if you think strength is beauty then I am a sex god.”

Julian rolled his eyes “And then you open that beautiful mouth of yours.”

Rom pulled Julian into his body.

“Sleep, sexy, then you can hunt and bring me something back.” Julian pressed his cool lips to Rom’s jaw, which elicited a growl from the large male.

“What will you do while I am gone?” Rom yawned eyes already heavy with sleep.

“I’ll find a good book to read to you. Rom, why do you have all those books?” Julian asked smiling down at the innocent looking wolf.

“I collect things. They seemed like they might be important some day.” Rom cuddled deeper into Julian’s embrace.

The vampire just smiled and ran his hands through the thick black hair on Rom’s head. It felt so soft just sliding through his fingers. How anything was soft on the burly wolf was baffling. He was so powerful and rugged.


Some hours later Romulus stretched and opened his eyes to the world. His bed was void of a particular vampire.

Julian laughed “Morning sleeping beauty.”

Rom looked to the corner to see Julian, a book cradled in his lap.

“What time is it?” He asked eyes glowing since the fire in the house had died some time ago.

“It is light hours. You slept through the dark and I didn’t have the heart to wake you. You looked so sweet and innocent.”

Rom snorted before resting his feet on the floor. “I’ll bring something back.” He grumbled angry he had slept so long.

“Take your time. I am enjoying your collection of fairy tails. By the way I am working on organizing the library.”

Rom shook his head “What am I going to do with you. You’ll have moved everything in my home before I come back.” He laughed running a hand through his thick hair.

“Well I hope you keep me. I would also enjoy if you fed and then fucked me but I’ll leave that up to you.” Julian turned the page bordered in gold.

“I plan to do all of those things.” Rom walked over to Julian and kissed his cool head. He frowned. “You are cold.”

“I’m a vampire” Julian looked up at Rom.

“You are colder than you should be. You should have woken me.”

Julian waved his hand as if to dismiss the wolf “I’m not helpless. Now go get food for both of us.”

Rom figured his time would be better spent hunting. “Fine, there is a small supply of blood in the basement if you get too bad off.”

Julian nodded in understanding clearly too addicted to the words on the page to give more of a reply.

Rom walked out of the room closing the door behind him before making his way down the center staircase and to the main door. He opened the wooden barrier and moved the boulder. The light glared into his eyes as he turned to conceal the door in the hill.

Rom sank to his knees naked. The painful sounds of bone splitting and reforming engulfed the air. His muscles twisted and tore before reattaching. Fur sprung up from his sun soaked hide, feeling like tiny fires rolling over him.

The large black wolf shook as if to rid his fur of dust. The feel of the soft grass beneath his calloused paw pads was a welcome sensation. He turned his head toward the forest and chose a meandering path with a destination in mind. He tried hard to never walk the same way twice so as not to wear a path that monsters could follow. Romulus was heading to his village.

He walked into the town that had grown accustom to seeing him and knew that someone was going to die. Rom smiled this was his town as far as they were concerned he was a wolf spirit sent to protect them. He killed only the evil in the city. For some reason Rom felt he needed to protect them. They stayed hidden from most of the world and to him seemed different.

They were all human, reliant on him to be the law. In a town were resources were limited and most pitched in for the greater good there was no room for criminals. It was harsh, but all knew the law. They may not know everyone by name but this town was strong. When new human survivors came in they talked about the horrors of the outside world.

Some of the new ones brought the stench of evil with them. A human disease that needed to be eradicated as swiftly as possible. Some recognized the wanted man and it was these that Rom took aside and threatened with the rules. In time they simply forgot, or committed an atrocity and earned death. Those who forgot about Romulus and the outside world, lived long and had posterity. Those who committed a terrible crime became dinner.

There was an elderly man living in the first house right on the outskirts of the village. “Hey Slash” The old man called. He had been the one to give Rom this name because of the white slash on his face where his human scar was. He was the first one to trust the wolf and welcome him into the town. Though now all the humans knew him by name and were happy to see him.

“Come on ol boy” The man called. The man had been about 33 when Rom had first come to town. He was now about to turn 90. It was strange how fast time had passed. How little had changed. Things were changing now though, Romulus had Julian.

Jackson placed two knotted fingers to his lips and whistled. Rom’s tongue rolled out of his mouth in a smile. His black tail wagged and he padded up to the old man like a well trained Labrador. “Ya know it really aint fair a spirit of the forest still looks so young.” He laughed, scratching Rom behind the ears.

For a werewolf being pet like a dog was a terrible insult. With this group of people Rom just let it go. He loved them and knew it was their way to show affection. Not to mention they still only thought he had a wolf form. Rom never showed them he was human as well. He didn’t want to scare them.

“I got sumfin for ya”. The old man hobbled into his home and came out with a few slivers of raw bacon. Rom accepted it and ate them without really tasting.

The old man shook his head. “Ya look happier ten usual” The old man questioned arching a feather grey eyebrow.

Rom wagged his tail to affirm his friend’s suspicions.

“Ya find yur self a gurly friend?” He laughed.

Rom did a half snort half sneeze to convey his disgust.

“Boyfriend?” Jackson laughed.

Rom wagged his tail his mouth open.

“Well I’ll be damned. He better be good lookin. You bring em by. Anythin that makes ya that happy I wanna see for I die.”

Rom licked the man’s fingers. A silent promise to bring Julian by sometime. The man smiled showing how he now had so many creases in his kind face.

“Cops got sumfin for ya at the jail house. Since ya been gone longer ten usual.”

Rom body bumped the closest thing he had to consider family. Then padded through the town towards the jail as if he owned the place. A few people called out to him and he looked like a playful over grown German Shepherd as he trotted to his dinner.

“Hey boy” the cop smiled. Rom play bowed and wagged his tail as the cop lunged at him. Rom loved this town he often wondered what had drawn him to it but that wasn’t important.

He had been protecting it from the outside world for centuries and when new people came in or tried to disrupt order Rom was the executioner. “Come on boy, I got 3 big males for you to chase he said walking Rom to the familiar holding cell” Rom sensed the fear in these men and decided to have some fun with them.

He sat next to the cop as the cop talked to the men “It’s your lucky day boys he laughed. Your executioners here” the men gulped and the cop unlocked the door.

Rom walked into the cell wanting to make an example of the first so the chase would have a clear meaning to the remaining two. He padded in like he was still a friendly wolf.

“Alright boy they are all yours” with that Rom pulled his lips back in a snarl. He lounged at the group picking the smallest of the three. He tore his throat out and then began eating the tissue he pulled out.

He grabbed the underside of the mans ribcage and shook back and forth until the body split in the seams spraying his kill all over himself the cell and the other two.

For murderers they sure seemed like cowards when confronted with a brutal death.

Rom growled at the other two and looked back at the cop and whined “Alright boy” the cop said as he hit a button. The back wall of the cell opened. Rom turned his attention to the men who took off. He waited a few moments before following. He would take one for himself and drag the other home for Julian.

Hunting the first one was easy. He ran to the trees and Rom followed. He chased him up a hill covered in leaves snarling and growling. Rom climbed the hill faster than the first man could grabbed his ankle and pulled him down.

The man’s name was Ivan and he had murdered an elderly lady that was loved and needed by her family. “Please” the man begged; Rom loved the pleading the begging the screams and the squirming.

He sunk his teeth into the man’s side tearing the muscle and flesh, savoring the taste as blood and drool dripped from his mouth. The man grabbed his side crying in panic now. Rom grabbed his leg and shook him like a rag doll listening to the bones break and the man scream again.

He let him go and watched as the man tried to crawl away combat style before he held him face first in the dirt letting the man choke and die from the lack of air.

When the man stopped moving and his heart was silent Rom stripped him clean. He found a stream and washed himself free of dirt and blood knowing Julian would prefer him the least messy as possible.

He was trying hard to take care of him, to be his provider. He sensed fear and blood and took off in the other direction. He quickly found the third man and had him on the run.

He pounced on the man and his weight snapped his legs. Rom took him by his right shoulder dragging him back to his home. Rom had a way into his home incase he needed to store live food for later and he walked up to it placing his paw on the pad and drug the squirming shrieking man inside leaving bloody paw prints as he went. Once the door was closed, Rom let him go and opened a door bringing him back into the area with Julian. He wined a little hoping Julian would hear him and be pleased with the meal he had brought for him.

Rom was covered still in his own meal and he knew he had left paw prints in his once clean house. He licked his muzzle trying to clean off some of the blood so as not to look like too much of a monster. After all he had warned Julian he was a messy hunter.

Julian walked around the corner chuckling when he saw his furry blood drenched lover. His ears perked at the shriek coming from an unknown place.

“You brought me dinner I assume?” He tapped Rom’s wet nose. During Rom’s absence Julian had longed for the wolf.

He had been worried their intense passion the first night and the time in the hotel might not be easily repeated. He wasn’t the type to whore around. Seeing those eyes quieted his fears. It was still Rom, still his cocky grin. Only now his face was covered in dark fur. His wild wolf tame as a lap cat.

“Sounds like you tortured the poor thing.” He cringed a little.

Rom snorted and body bumped Julian enticing him to follow.

“Good thing you are easy to read” Julian grabbed the tip of his lover’s tail playfully. He was lead to an odd pit like room. His mouth watered and his orange irises seemed to disappear as his pupils dilated.

The floor where the broken man was rolling around told the story of death. Blood soaked into the metal of the grated floor. “Thank you” He growled grabbing the man. His fangs slammed into the man and he drank. He saw this victim’s crimes laid out before him. When the man was dry he dropped it. “Do I just leave it?” Julian asked.

Rom stood on his hind legs his massive paws on Julian’s toned chest. He licked the blood from the corner of his mouth looking into his vampire’s soul. He didn’t want to have to deal with the body now. Rom wanted to go upstairs with Julian, and get into bed with Julian.

The newly drained blood from the murderer crept into Julian’s cheeks. “I have a book picked out for when you get back.”

Rom tilted his head. Had Julian heard his thoughts? That never happened as far as he knew. Rom padded over to a lever and used his front paws to pull it. The floor and the ceiling started to open. The floor revealed sun bleached bones of past meals that Rom had brought home. The ceiling revealed the day time sky. Rom leapt over the opening floor through the tunnel to the main part of the house.

He walked up to his room watching Julian read curled up on his bed. It was such a good sight; Julian in their bed.

Julian didn’t look up from the book. “You plan to get your furry ass up here?”

Rom leapt onto the bed in one smooth motion, his large head resting in Julian’s lap. Julian traced his ears and massaged between Rom’s eyes. He felt his glabella, the plate like bone above his nose, fracture and force down. Fur receded and Julian looked impressed at the naked sweat drenched man that lay in the spot the large black wolf had just been occupying.

“You’re impressive.” Julian breathed as his lover rolled over and Julian traced the creases of his muscle planes and his battle scars.

“I’m phasing back faster. I think this ring is slowing me down though. I can feel it like a prison when I try and phase back.” He scooted around in the blanket enjoying the newly warmed fingers on his body. “Did you pick a good book?” He asked.

Julian nodded “Yes, history of the world before the end. It talks about how Egypt used to be. They had humans enslaving humans and…” Julian glared as Rom mock snored. “Fine, I also picked up a book of fairytales. More of a bed time story type of thing but it is hardly as interesting.”

Rom smiled revealing perfect white teeth against his golden lips. “I’m not that bright remember? I’d rather not learn and just have your sexy voice sooth me as I regain my strength.”

Julian rolled his eyes “You are smart and you know it. There is no way you could have restored those car things and built this plumbing and all if you weren’t smart.”

Rom ran his finger up and down Julian’s thigh suggestively “No, that just means I am strong, hard headed and not afraid to get dirty. That’s common sense.”

“I happen to like the idea of you getting all sweaty doing all that heavy lifting.” Julian’s eyes roamed over his recuperating lover who was starting to stiffen in other areas.

A thought had occurred to him while he was waiting for Rom to bring food home. “Why is it that wolves and vampires are so heavily segregated. I read something about separation between the races. It always seems like one race thinks it’s superior. I think we are both good just different.”

Rom sat up sighing “I don’t know if it is a law. More so my kind thinks your kind is frigid and stuck up and you tend to find us messy. I know some vampire countries in the new pangea form enslave the wolves and in some wolf countries they try to exterminate the vampire race. It just depends. In Rome wolves are in power and there are no vampires. My friends and I were enslaved for entertainment and as soldiers. I didn’t see a vampire unless I was being pimped out to one from another country, and then I saw them when I got out.”

Julian was amused; Rom seemed to be remembering and was talking without realizing he was doing so.

Rom looked a little startled as the ring shocked him. “So I have a new theory about this damn thing.” he laughed.

“Stops you from remembering much? You remembered friends and that would be positive so it zapped you.”

The wolf grinned. Julian had figured out in a matter of minutes what it had taken Rom years. He rested his chin on Julian’s shoulder looking at the words. “I wonder what they were like. I just remember I have them but I feel like I am trying to breath in murky water without gills.”

Julian kissed his cheek. “You’ll remember eventually. So… now that you are feeling better do you still want me to read to you or take care of that big problem you seem to be having?”

Rom looked between his thighs “Can’t help it.” He shrugged patting his thighs.

Julian set the book down on the bed side table He opened the drawer and found some scented massaging lotion. “Found your dirty little secret by the way.” He teased dangling the bottle in front of Romulus’s purple eyes.

The wolf huffed “Sore muscles after the change back.”

Julian arched his eyebrows “Sore muscles… huh?” He stripped out of his clothing and crawled into Rom’s lap. “I can fix that.”

Julian squirted the creamy lotion into his hands. The scent of vanilla and jasmine swooned around his head and he rubbed circles into Rom’s clavicles. He felt the tension in his man’s body relax.

Julian’s skilled fingers traveled across Rom’s chest. “This must be a bitch when you’re on the road.”

The wolf groaned in satisfaction as Julian worked a particularly tender area “It’s getting easier. I don’t normally have a sex god relaxing my muscles for me.”

Julian nipped the tip of Rom’s nose. “Sex god… you’re so full of shit your eyes should be brown.”

Rom moved his hips up so that his cock dueled with Julian’s between them. “Nope, see how hard I am. Sex god.”

Julian huffed, “More like horney bastard.”

“Hey Sparkie you are up too.” Rom wrapped his hands around Julian sucking on the vampire’s neck causing the blood to rush to the surface and leave a bruise. It would fade once the blood was needed elsewhere, but Rom enjoyed the mark while it was there.

Julian slid his hands around their members “I did say I would rub the tension out of you entirely.” He whispered eliciting a low growl from Rom.

His fingers already covered with lotion moved in a twisting pattern up their lengths before plunging back down. He watched his own pale foreskin move over the head of his cock and down to reveal the flushed head. He didn’t understand who would have mutilated Rom’s cock and he pondered it listening to the heated moans and growls between them.

Rom felt the need to talk about it. “They do it to all slaves when they are sold. No one wants to worry about cleaning it.”

Julian’s eyes flew open. “Wha… did you know I was thinking that?” Julian asked stroking slower now.

“Mmmm Just felt like I should tell you..” Rom moaned. He placed his rough hands over Julian’s moving them the way he wanted. He didn’t understand the significance, too wrapped up in his sexual gratification. “Cum” He growled.

Julian obeyed. The control Rom had over his body was a little startling to a being who had been trained in every fighting style imaginable. A vampire comfortable with any weapon he would ever have the chance to get his hands on. Maybe that was why it was so erotic, he thought to himself.

Julian rested his head on Rom’s shoulder arching his back to make a tent over their twin organs. Knowing he could kill Rom, maybe not easily but it was definitely believable. Then handing all his power and strength over to him. So much so that when Rom’s voice dropped in pitch, and commanded his orgasm Julian obeyed.

His cock jerked in time with Rom’s. Their cum shot up like a male fountain blending in the air. Rom’s powerful hand was still wrapped around his own as they milked their cocks dry.

The lap underneath Julian radiated heat. He watched the wolf’s chest as he panted.

Julian’s free hand scooped some cum off of Rom’s head and he sucked his finger. A slight moan escaping his lips as Rom jerked in post orgasm bliss.

“So, how is it you seemed to know what I was thinking?” Julian asked.

Rom shrugged “I don’t know, just seemed like a good thing to answer. I mean I didn’t like hear you or anything.”

Rom kissed Julian and then looked down at the mess. “You wanna try my tub?”

“Yes please” Julian climbed off of Rom and made his way to the bathroom. He opened the glass shower door and turned on only the hot water. It was how he felt heat and he assumed Rom wouldn’t mind.

Rom waited to regain some of his expended strength and energy before going to the bathroom. When he opened the door steam crashed out of the room claiming the bedroom in a dense fog. “Any hot water left?” He teased lightly.

“Mmm” Julian moaned sliding deeper into the heat. The water pelted his cool skin and he felt warmer than a human under the spray.

“Get in, I’m tired.” Vampires didn’t need to sleep like humans did. However they needed time to relax and allow the blood to flow through their body before it died and dried up. So, vampires often slipped into a sleep like state when relaxed.

Rom opened the shower door stepping in behind Julian. “Good, let me wash you and then you can feel how amazing my bed is all over again.”

Julian rolled his head back onto Rom’s shoulder. He felt the skilled hands slide over his body washing away the remains of their lust. The vampire felt so protected and loved in Rom’s embrace.

Julian was startled to feel a warm tongue snake around his hard cock. His eyes flew open and noticed a large Rom sized bulge between his thighs. He gave an involuntary moan and felt teeth abuse his left inner thigh.

“I fell asleep?” He asked feeling an orgasm building deep within his balls. Julian was startled to realize how relaxed Rom made him. It had been close to day time, but even that wouldn’t have made the vampire relax that far without thinking about it.

“Mmmhhhmm” Rom ran his tongue up Julian’s length and swallowed him to the hilt; his throat constricting around the vampire’s organ.

“Fuck… mmm coming” He warned.

Rom felt the warm sperm coat the back of his throat and he swallowed hungrily. When his mate was done jerking he disengaged and moved up to the head of the bed. “Yep fell asleep, standing up, in my arms naked in the shower.” Rom ran his knuckles up Julian’s stomach.

“Sorry. What light is it?” Julian asked sitting up. He wrinkled his nose realizing his thigh was sticky as was his arm. He went to run his fingers through his blonde hair and encountered cum on his nose, and entangle in his hair.

“Jesus what did you do have an orgy with yourself while I slept?”

Rom laughed “Something like that. I’m a vivid dreamer. I’m surprised I haven’t covered you before, now that I think of it.”

Julian closed his eyes and shook his head “Well I was going to try taking care of you, but I doubt there is anything left.”

Rom pulled the vampire into him and Julian gasped feeling a thick hard cock at his back. “Always more where that came from.”

Julian moaned loudly. He didn’t know how he had blood left to get hard but he was up in Rom’s hand on command. He moaned and panted along with Rom. They rocked back and forth.

Julian’s strong ass cheeks clenching Rom’s cock and soon his chest and back were painted with sperm. Quick and hot.

Julian stayed in Rom’s arms. “Alright, now time for a cold shower.” He finally huffed.

Rom bit his ear “I kinda like you covered in me.”

Julian squirmed out of the powerful arms and moved to the bathroom. The wolf couldn’t help but growl longingly at his pert ass dripping with cum and bouncing with movement.

“I want you to meet someone before we leave for Rome.” he called to the vampire.


((Thank you to everyone for reading this. I promise things start to pick up in chapter 4. Thank you to my editor Tap, and Lord Desh for letting me use this. Thank you also to jen8652003 and lonesomedove66, for reading, commenting and voting so often, your comments mean a lot to me. If I didn’t think people were reading I might never post so your words of advice and encouragement mean the world to me. Just to clear a few things up. Thank you pkm194949 for pointing out the impenetrable tent. I had to go back and reread that to see what you were saying and to see what point I was trying to get across. That was a fault on my part for not being clear enough. Impenetrable to light, and rain. A typical camping tent that could easily be found in our time. The material would still be available in the new world and is like a canvas type of material dark and sealed to make it water proof. Bullets, knives, rocks all fair game and will go right through the tent. This is brought up in future chapters and I will clarify in the story that it is not some magic protect against all shield.

Also I know this is an insta-romance story. I normally do not write those sorts of things. I know AU may seem like one but that story is all about how two people that like each other struggle until they get it right. This story is called Starcrossed as an allusion to Romeo and Juliet. Destined to meet destined to love destined for struggles. Developing the relationship would have taken away motivation for the characters. Dating in this time period would be nearly impossible since one is on the run for being a wanted murderer and the other has no idea what he is looking for. Neither character knows which breath will be their last and each is very aware that they are expendable. No point in waiting and slow progression if you might not have time. So yes, this is insta-romance and I thank you all who are still here reading who looked past that. I promise it gets good now that I have most of the ground work out of the way.

Thank you all once again for reading and please let me know what was good and what wasn’t if you have the time. If you would like feedback or a reply to your comments please let me know. I love talking to people who have suggestions and complaints.))

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